Spelling suggestions: "subject:"angsterkrankung"" "subject:"ngserkrankung""
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Workplace-related anxieties and workplace phobia : a concept of domain-specific mental disordersMuschalla, Beate January 2008 (has links)
Anxiety in the workplace is a special problem as workplaces are especially prone to provoke anxiety: There are social hierarchies, rivalries between colleagues, sanctioning through superiors, danger of accidents, failure, and worries of job security. Workplace phobia is a phobic anxiety reaction with symptoms of panic occurring when thinking of or approaching the workplace, and with clear tendency of avoidance.
What characterizes workplace-related anxieties and workplace phobia as domain-specific mental disorders in contrast to conventional anxiety disorders?
230 patients from an inpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation center were interviewed with the (semi-)structured Mini-Work-Anxiety-Interview and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, concerning workplace-related anxieties and conventional mental disorders. Additionally, the patients filled in the self-rating questionnaires Job-Anxiety-Scale (JAS) and the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R)measuring job-related and general psychosomatic symptom load.
Workplace-related anxieties occurred together with conventional anxiety disorders in 35% of the patients, but also alone in others (23%).
Workplace phobia could be found in 17% of the interviewed, any diagnosis of workplace-related anxiety was stated in 58%. Workplace phobic patients had significantly higher scores in job-anxiety than patients without workplace phobia. Patients with workplace phobia were significantly longer on sick leave in the past 12 months (23,5 weeks) than patients without workplace phobia (13,4 weeks).
Different qualities of workplace-related anxieties lead with different frequencies to work participation disorders.
Workplace phobia cannot be described by only assessing the general level of psychosomatic symptom load and conventional mental disorders. Workplace-related anxieties and workplace phobia have an own clinical value which is mainly defined by specific workplace-related symptom load and work-participation disorders. They require special therapeutic attention and treatment instead of a “sick leave” certification by the general health physician. Workplace phobia should be named with a proper diagnosis according to ICD-10 chapter V, F 40.8: “workplace phobia”. / Hintergrund:
Angst am Arbeitsplatz ist ein spezielles Phänomen, da Arbeitsplätze ihrer Natur nach angstauslösende Charakteristika aufweisen: Vorgesetzte die sanktionieren, Rangkämpfe mit Kollegen, reale Unfallgefahren, Scheitern und Leistungsversagen, Unklarheit um plötzliche Veränderungen, Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit. Arbeitsplatzphobie ist eine phobische Angstreaktion mit Panikerleben beim Gedanken an oder bei Annäherung an den Arbeitsplatz.
Was charakterisiert arbeitsplatzbezogene Ängste und Arbeitsplatzphobie als lebensbereichsspezifische Angsterkrankungen in Abgrenzung zu klassischen Angsterkrankungen?
230 Patienten einer stationären psychosomatischen Rehabilitation wurden im halbstrukturierten Interview (Mini-Arbeits-Angst-Interview, Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview) hinsichtlich arbeitsplatzbezogener Ängste und klassischer psychischer Erkrankungen befragt. Selbsteinschätzungsurteile wurden hinsichtlich des Schweregrads der arbeitsbezogenen (Job-Angst-Skala, JAS) und allgemeinen psychosomatischen (Symptom-Checkliste, SCL-90-R) Symptombelastung erhoben.
58% der befragten Patienten litten an mindestens einer arbeitsplatzbezogenen Angstvariante. Arbeitsplatzbezogene Ängste kamen bei 35% der Befragten zusammen mit einer klassischen Angsterkrankung vor, bei 23% jedoch als allein stehende Angsterkrankung. 17% der Befragten erfüllten die Kriterien einer Arbeitsplatzphobie.
Arbeitsplatzphobie-Patienten hatten signifikant höhere Job-Angst-Werte als Patienten ohne Arbeitsplatzphobie, und sie waren signifikant länger arbeitsunfähig in den letzten 12 Monaten (23,5 Wochen versus 13,4 Wochen).
Arbeitsplatzbezogene Ängste und Arbeitsplatzphobie haben eine spezielle klinische Wertigkeit, die sich anhand arbeitsbezogener Partizipationsstörungen und spezifischer arbeitsbezogener Symptombelastung beschreiben lässt. Arbeitsplatzphobie erfordert besondere therapeutische Herangehensweisen anstelle von angsterhaltender da Vermeidungsverhalten fördernder „Krankschreibung“. Arbeitsplatzphobie sollte als Diagnose benannt werden entsprechend ICD-10 Kapitel V, F 40.8: “Arbeitsplatzphobie”.
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Patterns of healthcare utilization in patients with generalized anxiety disorder in general practice in GermanyBerger, Ariel, Dukes, Ellen, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Morlock, Robert, Edelsberg, John, Oster, Gerry 03 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Background and Objectives: To describe patterns of healthcare utilization among patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in general practitioner (GP) settings in Germany.
Methods: Using a large computerized database with information from GP practices across Germany, we identified all patients, aged > 18 years, with diagnoses of, or prescriptions for, GAD (ICD-10 diagnosis code F41.1) between October 1, 2003 and September 30, 2004 ("GAD patients"). We also constituted an age- and sex-matched comparison group, consisting of randomly selected patients without any GP encounters or prescriptions for anxiety or depression (a common comorbidity in GAD) during the same period. GAD patients were then compared to those in the matched comparison group over the one-year study period.
Results: The study sample consisted of 3340 GAD patients and an equal number of matched comparators. Mean age was 53.2 years; 66.3% were women. Over the 12-month study period, GAD patients were more likely than matched comparators to have encounters for various comorbidities, including sleep disorders (odds ratio [OR] = 6.75 [95% CI = 5.31, 8.57]), substance abuse disorders (3.91 [2.89, 5.28]), and digestive system disorders (2.62 [2.36, 2.91]) (all p < 0.01). GAD patients averaged 5.6 more GP encounters (10.5 [SD = 8.8] vs 4.9 [5.7] for comparison group) and 1.4 more specialist referrals (2.3 [2.9] vs 0.9 [1.7]) (both p < 0.01). Only 58.3% of GAD patients received some type of psychotropic medication (i.e., benzodiazepines, antidepressants, and/or sedatives/hypnotics).
Conclusions: Patients with GAD in GP practices in Germany have more clinically recognized comorbidities and higher levels of healthcare utilization than patients without anxiety or depression.
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Generalisierte Angststörungen in der primärärztlichen Versorgung / Generalised anxiety disorder in primary careHoyer, Jürgen, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 03 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Der Beitrag untersucht auf der Grundlage neuer primärärztlicher Befunde die Versorgungsqualität bei der hinsichtlich Chronizität und Arbeitsausfall schwerwiegendsten Angsterkrankung, der Generalisierten Angststörung. Neben einer knappen Einführung in das Störungsbild werden die an über 20 000 Patienten in 558 Hausarztpraxen gewonnenen Kernbefunde der GAD-P-Studie (Generalisierte Angst und Depression in der Primärärztlichen Versorgung) zusammengefasst und Ansatzpunkte zur Verbesserung der Versorgungsqualität dieses selten adäquat behandelten Störungsbildes diskutiert. Insbesondere wird auf die zentrale Bedeutung einer sichereren diagnostischen Erkennung als Voraussetzung für therapeutische Verbesserungen hingewiesen.
In Ergänzung zur Verbesserung bestehender Weiterbildungsangebote wird auf Arzt- und Patientenebene der breitere Einsatz bestehender Screeningverfahren, die Nutzung krankheitsspezifischer Patientenratgeber, sowie eine breitere Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zur Information über dieses bislang vernachlässigte, häufig chronisch verlaufende Krankheitsbild empfohlen. / Based on new empirical findings in a large-scale primary care study, the quality of care for the most chronic and debilitating anxiety problem, generalised anxiety disorder, is examined. Following a brief introduction of this disorder, the core findings of the GAD-P study (generalised anxiety and depression in primary care) with more than 20,000 patients of 558 family doctor practices are summarised and measures to improve the quality of care of patients with generalised anxiety disorder, a disorder which is rarely adequately treated, are discussed. This paper particularly emphasises the standard use of time-efficient diagnostic screening instruments, because improved recognition and diagnosis is the prerequisite for appropriate treatment.
Further the role of the media to increase awareness of this disorder as well as patient education materials to improve compliance and to enhance treatment outcome effects are highlighted.
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Generalisierte Angststörungen in der primärärztlichen VersorgungHoyer, Jürgen, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2003 (has links)
Der Beitrag untersucht auf der Grundlage neuer primärärztlicher Befunde die Versorgungsqualität bei der hinsichtlich Chronizität und Arbeitsausfall schwerwiegendsten Angsterkrankung, der Generalisierten Angststörung. Neben einer knappen Einführung in das Störungsbild werden die an über 20 000 Patienten in 558 Hausarztpraxen gewonnenen Kernbefunde der GAD-P-Studie (Generalisierte Angst und Depression in der Primärärztlichen Versorgung) zusammengefasst und Ansatzpunkte zur Verbesserung der Versorgungsqualität dieses selten adäquat behandelten Störungsbildes diskutiert. Insbesondere wird auf die zentrale Bedeutung einer sichereren diagnostischen Erkennung als Voraussetzung für therapeutische Verbesserungen hingewiesen.
In Ergänzung zur Verbesserung bestehender Weiterbildungsangebote wird auf Arzt- und Patientenebene der breitere Einsatz bestehender Screeningverfahren, die Nutzung krankheitsspezifischer Patientenratgeber, sowie eine breitere Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zur Information über dieses bislang vernachlässigte, häufig chronisch verlaufende Krankheitsbild empfohlen. / Based on new empirical findings in a large-scale primary care study, the quality of care for the most chronic and debilitating anxiety problem, generalised anxiety disorder, is examined. Following a brief introduction of this disorder, the core findings of the GAD-P study (generalised anxiety and depression in primary care) with more than 20,000 patients of 558 family doctor practices are summarised and measures to improve the quality of care of patients with generalised anxiety disorder, a disorder which is rarely adequately treated, are discussed. This paper particularly emphasises the standard use of time-efficient diagnostic screening instruments, because improved recognition and diagnosis is the prerequisite for appropriate treatment.
Further the role of the media to increase awareness of this disorder as well as patient education materials to improve compliance and to enhance treatment outcome effects are highlighted.
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Patterns of healthcare utilization in patients with generalized anxiety disorder in general practice in GermanyBerger, Ariel, Dukes, Ellen, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Morlock, Robert, Edelsberg, John, Oster, Gerry January 2009 (has links)
Background and Objectives: To describe patterns of healthcare utilization among patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in general practitioner (GP) settings in Germany.
Methods: Using a large computerized database with information from GP practices across Germany, we identified all patients, aged > 18 years, with diagnoses of, or prescriptions for, GAD (ICD-10 diagnosis code F41.1) between October 1, 2003 and September 30, 2004 ("GAD patients"). We also constituted an age- and sex-matched comparison group, consisting of randomly selected patients without any GP encounters or prescriptions for anxiety or depression (a common comorbidity in GAD) during the same period. GAD patients were then compared to those in the matched comparison group over the one-year study period.
Results: The study sample consisted of 3340 GAD patients and an equal number of matched comparators. Mean age was 53.2 years; 66.3% were women. Over the 12-month study period, GAD patients were more likely than matched comparators to have encounters for various comorbidities, including sleep disorders (odds ratio [OR] = 6.75 [95% CI = 5.31, 8.57]), substance abuse disorders (3.91 [2.89, 5.28]), and digestive system disorders (2.62 [2.36, 2.91]) (all p < 0.01). GAD patients averaged 5.6 more GP encounters (10.5 [SD = 8.8] vs 4.9 [5.7] for comparison group) and 1.4 more specialist referrals (2.3 [2.9] vs 0.9 [1.7]) (both p < 0.01). Only 58.3% of GAD patients received some type of psychotropic medication (i.e., benzodiazepines, antidepressants, and/or sedatives/hypnotics).
Conclusions: Patients with GAD in GP practices in Germany have more clinically recognized comorbidities and higher levels of healthcare utilization than patients without anxiety or depression.
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