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Reliability and procedural validity of University of Michigan-CIDI DSM-III-R phobic disordersWittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Zhao, Shanyang, Abelson, Jamie M., Abelson, James L., Kessler, Ronald C. 29 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
We evaluate the long-term test–retest reliability and procedural validity of phobia diagnoses in the UM-CIDI, the version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, used in the US National Co-morbidity Survey (NCS) and a number of other ongoing large-scale epidemiological surveys. Test–retest reliabilities of lifetime diagnoses of simple phobia, social phobia, and agoraphobia over a period between 16 and 34 months were K = 0·46, 0·47, and 0·63, respectively. Concordances with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID) were K = 0·45, 0·62, and 0·63, respectively. Diagnostic discrepancies with the SCID were due to the UM-CIDI under-diagnosing. Post hoc analysis demonstrated that modification of UM-CIDI coding rules could dramatically improve cross-sectional procedural validity for both simple phobia (K = 0·57) and social phobia (K = 0·95). Based on these results, it seems likely that future modification of CIDI questions and coding rules could lead to substantial improvements in diagnostic validity.
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Social fears and social phobia in a community sample of adolescents and young adults: prevalence, risk factors and comorbidityWittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Stein, Murray B., Kessler, Ronald C. 29 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background. The paper describes prevalence, impairments, patterns of co-morbidity and other correlates of DSM-IV social phobia in adolescents and young adults, separating generalized and non-generalized social phobics.
Methods. Data are derived from the baseline investigation of the Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology Study (EDSP), a prospective longitudinal community study of 3021 subjects, aged 14–24. Diagnoses were based on the DSM-IV algorithms of an expanded version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview.
Results. Lifetime prevalence of DSM-IV/CIDI social phobia was 9·5% in females and 4·9% in males, with about one-third being classified as generalized social phobics. Twelve-month prevalence was only slightly lower, indicating considerable persistence. Respondents with generalized social phobia reported an earlier age of onset, higher symptom persistence, more co-morbidity, more severe impairments, higher treatment rates and indicated more frequently a parental history of mental disorders than respondents with non-generalized social phobia.
Conclusions. History of DSM-IV social phobia was found to be quite prevalent in 14–24 year-olds. The generalized subtype of social phobia was found to have different correlates and to be considerably more persistent, impairing and co-morbid than non-generalized social phobia. Although generalized social phobics are more likely than non-generalized social phobics to receive mental health treatments, the treatment rate in this sample was low despite the fact that mental health services are free in Germany.
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Primary anxiety disorders and the development of subsequent alcohol use disorder: a 4-year community study of adolescents and young adultsZimmermann, Petra, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Höfler, Michael, Pfister, Hildegard, Kessler, Ronald C., Lieb, Roselind 29 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background. Cross-sectional findings in community surveys of adults suggest that adolescent anxiety disorders are strong predictors of the subsequent onset of alcohol use, abuse and dependence. However, prospective data that follow a sample of adolescents into adulthood are needed to confirm these associations.
Method. Baseline and 4-year follow-up data from the EDSP-Study, a prospective community survey of 3021 (2548 at follow-up) adolescents and young adults aged 14 to 24 years at baseline carried out in Munich, were used. DSM-IV anxiety disorders, alcohol use and alcohol use disorders were assessed with the Munich-Composite-International-Diagnostic-Interview (M-CIDI). Multiple logistic regression analysis, controlling for age, gender, other mental disorders, substance use disorders and antisocial behaviour was used to study the associations of baseline anxiety disorders with the subsequent onset and course of alcohol use and alcohol disorders.
Results. Baseline social phobia significantly predicts the onsets of regular use and hazardous use and the persistence of dependence. Panic attacks significantly predict the onsets of hazardous use and abuse as well as the persistence of combined abuse/dependence. Panic disorder significantly predicts the persistence of combined abuse/dependence. Other anxiety disorders do not significantly predict any of the outcomes.
Conclusions. Panic and social phobia are predictors of subsequent alcohol problems among adolescents and young adults. Further studies are needed to investigate the underlying mechanisms and the potential value of targeted early treatment of primary panic and social phobia to prevent secondary alcohol use disorders.
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Developments in the treatment and diagnosis of anxiety disordersWittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Gloster, Andrew T. 29 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Aus der Einleitung:
A wide range of epidemiological community studies worldwide converge on several incontrovertible facts regarding anxiety disorders: they occur frequently, begin at an early age, significantly impair multiple areas of development and life, and are associated with numerous adverse correlates and consequences. Furthermore, evidence clearly points to the fact that the majority of patients who have anxiety disorders still go undetected and undertreated, despite considerable efforts over the last two decades to improve this situation. Less than half receive any treatment at all and only a fraction of those receive what can be considered even "minimally adequate treatment."
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Epidemiologie der Sozialen PhobieWittchen, Hans-Ulrich 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Aus der Einleitung:
"In den vergangenen 15 Jahren sind in verschiedenen Ländern der Welt größere epidemiologische Studien zur Häufigkeit psychischer Störungen in der Allgemeinbevölkerung durchgeführt worden, die auch eine grobe Abschätzung der Häufigkeit Sozialer Phobien erlauben. Ein Überblick über diese Studien ergibt allerdings auf den ersten Blick ein recht verwirrendes Bild, da die Prävalenzabschätzungen der verschiedenen Studien eine scheinbar widersprüchliche Befundlage erkennen lassen. Ältere - vor Einführung expliziter diagnostischer Kriterien für Soziale Phobi durchgeführte Studien aus den 60er und frühen 70er Jahren - schätzten die Prävalenz dieses Krankheitsbildes auf lediglich 1% (1). [...]"
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Size and burden of social phobia in EuropeFehm, Lydia, Pelissolo, Antoine, Furmark, Thomas, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 25 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This paper provides a critical review of the prevalence of social phobia in European countries, a description of associated disability and burden and of clinical correlates and risk factors associated with social phobia. On the basis of a comprehensive literature search we identified 21 community studies and two primary care studies. The median lifetime and 12-month prevalence rates of social phobia in community samples referring to DSM-III-R and DSM-IV criteria were 6.65% and 2.0%, respectively. Younger individuals showed the highest rates, and women were more frequently affected than men. Social phobia was shown to be a persistent condition with a remarkably high degree of comorbid conditions, associated impairment and disability. Research deficits lie in a lack of data for most EU countries and in a lack of studies in children and the elderly. No data are available addressing met and unmet needs for intervention and costs, and data for vulnerability and risk factors of malignant course are scarce.
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Disability and quality of life in pure and comorbid social phobia. Findings from a controlled studyWittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Fuetsch, M., Sonntag, Holger, Müller, Nina, Liebowitz, M. 05 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Social phobia is increasingly recognized as a prevalent and socially impairing mental disorder. However, little data is available regarding the general and disease-specific impairments and disabilities associated with social phobia. Furthermore, most studies have not controlled for the confounding effects of comorbid conditions. This study investigates: (a) the generic quality of life; (b) work productivity; and, (c) various other disorder-specific social impairments in current cases with pure (n = 65), comorbid (n = 51) and subthreshold (n = 34) DSM-IV social phobia as compared to controls with no social phobia (subjects with a history of herpes infections). Social phobia cases reported a mean illness duration of 22.9 years with onset in childhood or adolescence. Current quality of life, as assessed by the SF-36, was significantly reduced in all social phobia groups, particularly in the scales measuring vitality, general health, mental health, role limitations due to emotional health, and social functioning. Comorbid cases revealed more severe reductions than pure and subthreshold social phobics. Findings from the Liebowitz self-rated disability scale indicated that: (a) social phobia affects most areas of life, but in particular education, career, and romantic relationship; (b) the presence of past and current comorbid conditions increases the frequency and severity of disease-specific impairments; and, (c) subthreshold social phobia revealed slightly lower overall impairments than comorbid social phobics. Past-week work productivity of social phobics was significantly diminished as indicated by: (a) a three-fold higher rate of unemployed cases; (b) elevated rates of work hours missed due to social phobia problems; and (c) a reduced work performance. Overall, these findings underline that social phobia in our sample of adults, whether comorbid, subthreshold, or pure was a persisting and impairing condition, resulting in considerable subjective suffering and negative impact on work performance and social relationships. The current disabilities and impairments were usually less pronounced than in the past, presumably due to adaptive behaviors in life style of the respondents. Data also confirmed that social phobia is poorly recognized and rarely treated by the mental health system.
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Depressive episodes - evidence for a causal role of primary anxiety disorders?Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Beesdo, Katja, Bittner, Antje, Goodwin, Renee D. 08 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Anxiety and depressive disorders are common mental disorders in general population, imposing tremendous burden on both affected persons and society. Moreover, comorbidity between anxiety and depressive conditions is high, leading to substantial disability and functional impairment. Findings consistently suggest that anxiety disorders are primary to depression in the majority of comorbid cases. Yet, the question of whether anxiety disorders are risk factors for depression, and potentially even causal risk factors for the first onset of depression, remains unresolved. Recent results have shown that anxiety disorders increase the risk for subsequent depression, and also affect the course of depression, resulting in a poorer prognosis. Further, some results suggest a dose–response-relationship in revealing that a higher number of anxiety disorders and more severe impairment associated with anxiety disorders additionally increase the risk for subsequent depression. The goal of this paper is to review recent literature, summarize implications of previous findings, and suggest directions for future research regarding preventive and intervention strategies.
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The epidemiology of panic disorder and agoraphobia in EuropeGoodwin, Renee D., Faravelli, Carlo, Rosi, S., Cosci, F., Truglia, E., Graaf, Ron de, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 10 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
A literature search, in addition to expert survey, was performed to estimate the size and burden of panic disorder in the European Union (EU). Epidemiologic data from EU countries were critically reviewed to determine the consistency of prevalence estimates across studies and to identify the most pressing questions for future research. A comprehensive literature search focusing on epidemiological studies in community and clinical settings in European countries since 1980 was conducted (Medline, Web of Science, Psychinfo). Only studies using established diagnostic instruments on the basis of DSM-III-R or DSM-IV, or ICD-10 were considered. Thirteen studies from a total of 14 countries were identified. Epidemiological findings are relatively consistent across the EU. The 12-month prevalence of panic disorder and agoraphobia without history of panic were estimated to be 1.8% (0.7–2.2) and 1.3% (0.7–2.0) respectively across studies. Rates are twice as high in females and age of first onset for both disorders is in adolescence or early adulthood. In addition to comorbidity with agoraphobia, panic disorder is strongly associated with other anxiety disorders, and a wide range of somatoform, affective and substance use disorders. Even subclinical forms of panic disorder (i.e., panic attacks) are associated with substantial distress, psychiatric comorbidity and functional impairment. In general health primary care settings, there appears to be substantial underdiagnosis and undertreatment of panic disorder. Moreover, panic disorder and agoraphobia are poorly recognized and rarely treated in mental health settings, despite high health care utilization rates and substantial long-term disability.
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Rethinking the duration requirement for generalized anxiety disorder: evidence from the National Comorbidity Survey ReplicationKessler, Ronald C., Brandenburg, Nancy, Lane, Michael, Roy-Byrne, Peter, Stang, Paul D., Stein, Dan J., Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 29 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background. The proposed revisions of the ICD and DSM diagnostic systems have led to increased interest in evaluation of diagnostic criteria. This report focuses on the DSM-IV requirement that episodes of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) must persist for at least 6 months. Community epidemiological data are used to study the implications of changing this requirement in the range 1–12 months for estimates of prevalence, onset, course, impairment, co-morbidity, associations with parental GAD, and sociodemographic correlates.
Method. Data come from the US National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R), a US household survey carried out during 2001–2003. Version 3.0 of the WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WMH-CIDI) was used to assess DSM-IV anxiety disorders, mood disorders, substance disorders, and impulse-control disorders.
Results. Lifetime, 12-month, and 30-day prevalence estimates of DSM-IV GAD changed from 6·1%, 2·9%, and 1·8% to 4·2–12·7%, 2·2–5·5%, and 1·6–2·6% when the duration requirement was changed from 6 months to 1–12 months. Cases with episodes of 1–5 months did not differ greatly from those with episodes of [gt-or-equal, slanted]6 months in onset, persistence, impairment, co-morbidity, parental GAD, or sociodemographic correlates.
Conclusions. A large number of people suffer from a GAD-like syndrome with episodes of <6 months duration. Little basis for excluding these people from a diagnosis is found in the associations examined here.
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