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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The announcement effect of cross-border acquisitions by UK-firms in developed vs. developing countries: the moderating effect of cultural distance.

Ekelenkamp, Sander January 2020 (has links)
This study examines the influence of host country economic development and cultural distance on the creation of firm value by UK-based firms through cross-border acquisitions, analyzing the announcement effect. To assess the announcement effect, the cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) of a seven-day trading window around the announcement date are used. The sample consists of 839 acquisitions by 280 firms in 41 countries from 1997-2019. The results show that more value is created when acquiring a target firm from a developing country and cultural distance negatively influences value creation. Further research is required to investigate if cultural distance has a moderating effect on the relationship between host country economic development and value creation.

台灣上市櫃公司私募市場之研究 / A study on the private placement in Taiwan listed and OTC companies

施欣萍, Shih,Hsin-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以自民國九十二年一月一日至民國九十九年十一月三十日止辦理私募增資之上市櫃公司為研究對象,把應募人分為內部人與非內部人,透過事件研究法與迴歸分析法分別探討私募宣告效果與影響折溢價幅度之因子。 首先,採事件研究法,討論內部人與非內部人在私募宣告時是否有異常報酬,並從內部人之累積異常報酬評估是否有內線消息產生,結果顯示,在宣告日前,不論內部人或非內部人之累積異常報酬皆呈現不顯著負值,因結果不顯著,故沒有證據顯示有內線消息。本研究之內部人私募宣告當天效果為負,且宣告日當天並沒有顯著之累積異常報酬,探究其原因,可能是在股東會決議日當天訊息尚未完全散佈,把時間拉長到宣告日後第二十一天,標準化累積異常報酬轉為顯著正值,整體來說,宣告效果是正的,只是反映的時間較長,此可能跟投資人接收訊息的快慢有關,也表示在宣告日後,看好公司未來發展,因此,累積異常報酬為正。 實證結果顯示,內部人之折溢價幅度與每股盈餘、私募金額取對數、負債對權益比有高度相關;此外,從非內部人折溢價樣本之迴歸結果,可看出每股盈餘、總資產報酬成長率、私募金額取對數對於折溢價幅度有顯著影響。綜上所述,影響內部人與非內部人折溢價因子之不同點在於總資產報酬成長率與負債對股東權益比,而共同點影響因子為每股盈餘與私募金額取對數。 / Collected from the Market Observation Post System in Taiwan Stock Exchange, the sample includes private placements of all listed and OTC firms in Taiwan stock market during January of 2002 to November of 2010. This study classifies investors into insider and non-insider, and then examines the announcement impact and the factors of price discount (premium) in private placement through the event study and the regression analysis. By employing event study, we find that insider and non-insider have insignificant negative accumulative abnormal return before the announcement date. Therefore, there is no evidence for early information leakage. The announcement stock price effect on the shareholders’ meeting is insignificantly negative. As a result, we can’t expect the investors would instantly, correctly respond to this information on the announcement date. However, the announcement stock effect, represented by the calculated accumulative abnormal return, for the long time is positive, and it implies the investors expect the firms to have good performance after the event. Empirical evidence in regression analysis shows that the private placements for Taiwan’s companies are selling at discounts (premiums) and it has high correlation with the company’s earning per share, the proceeds of private placement and the return on total assets growth rate for insiders. In addition, these three variables of the company are the significant explanatory variables for the magnitude of the discounts (premiums) of non-insiders.

The Announcement Effect of M&As and the Impact on Short-Term Performance : An event study on acquiring firms listed on the Swedish stock market

Kilit, Kevin, Bergman, Jonatan January 2018 (has links)
M&A has for decades been an important topic within the corporate world as well as financial research, due to its performance and the impact it generates. The main objective of this study is to explore the effect of M&A announcements on the short-term performance of acquiring firms on the Swedish stock market. By conducting an event study with a sample of 194 M&As in various industries from 2007-01-01 to 2018-02-07, we are able to retrieve abnormal returns, analysing cumulative abnormal returns in order to measure the effect the announcements have on the stock price. Three performance factors are included in order to get an understanding of the potential impact they have, and if so, how strong that impact is. The performance factors are (1) payment method, (2) diversified versus focused M&As, and (3) cross-border versus domestic M&As. The empirical findings tell us that the abnormal returns are significant for most industries, and to a great extent positive. The performance variables only show significance for cash as a payment method where it generates a negative effect on the main event window (-1, +1). With these findings we hope to contribute to existing research by creating higher awareness to society and organisations about the performance M&As bring.

國家特性對銀行跨國併購之績效影響 / The impact of country characteristics on the performance of commercial banking cross-border M&As

陳瑋伶 Unknown Date (has links)
由於科技進步、國與國之間的監管制度放寬,使得產業邁向全球化,進而帶動金融業的跨國併購浪潮,並開啟了併購領域之實證研究。過去學者對於銀行併購動機與併購績效之研究,所探討的因子層面有所不同,因此,本研究欲探討影響銀行進行跨國併購動機的國家特性差異,對主併銀行的併購績效有何影響。 由SDC併購資料庫選取2002年至2014年,已開發和新興市場國家之商業銀行跨國併購案件作為研究樣本,以事件研究法探討主併國與被併國之國家特性因子,如:經濟規模、經濟成長率、金融產業發展程度,以及兩國間心理距離等,對主併銀行宣告效果之影響。 結果發現僅目標國之金融產業發展程度與主併銀行宣告效果呈顯著負相關,即併購金融發展程度較低的國家銀行,能為主併銀行獲得更多成長機會,故市場對於主併銀行短期的績效反應較為正面,主併銀行擁有正的異常報酬。 此實證結果符合「獲利機會理論 (Focarelli and Pozzolo, 2001b) 」故當銀行選擇併購策略時,建議可考慮往金融產業發展程度較低的新興市場國家,以獲取更多的成長機會與獲利空間。 / With the advancement of technology and deregulation between countries, industries around the world have entered into a globalized era. Therefore, waves of cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) among financial institutions have opened new area in M&A empirical research. Different factors were used in previous literatures on M&A motives and performance. As a result, this study examines whether country characteristic factors, which influence acquirer’s M&A motives, have impact on acquirer’s announcement effect. We use event study methodology with 105 final samples, which made of listed commercial banks in developed and emerging market countries (EMC) between 2002 and 2014, to analyze the effects of country characteristic factors (like GDP, GDP growth, financial development, and psychic distance) on the acquirer’s short-term performance. According to our results, we find that: First, on average, the acquirer’s announcement effect of EMC is higher than developed countries, but it is not statistically significant. Second, only the degree of financial development in target countries has significant impact on acquirer’s announcement effect, which is consistent with profit opportunity theory. Therefore, we suggest that acquirers can target commercial banks in financially underdeveloped countries to obtain more growth and profit opportunity.

台灣上市公司總經理更換的宣告效果 / The Announcement Effect of CEO Turnover of Listed Companies in Taiwan

許可姍 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著公司治理議題逐漸受到注意,我國政府制定了許多相關規範以使董事會對於公司管理者的監督功能健全。故本研究希望能藉由股票市場對於公司宣告總經理更換之反應,了解董事會是否發揮監督功能,撤換管理表現不佳的總經理。 本研究以2007年至2011年於證交所公開資訊觀測站之重大訊息公告專區宣告更換總經理之台灣上市公司為研究樣本,透過事件研究法計算個別公司更換總經理的宣告效果。 本研究首先探討市場對公司更換總經理之整體看法為何,再透過複迴歸分析進一步探討更換總經理前公司經營績效的好壞、卸任總經理之在位期間長短、卸任總經理是否離開公司、卸任總經理之持股百分比、董監事持股百分比、獨立董事人數占董事總人數之百分比等因素對宣告效果的影響。 實證結果有以下發現:(一) 更換前公司營運績效好壞對宣告效果有顯著的影響。更換前營運績效佳之公司有負面的宣告效果,更換前營運績效差之公司有正面的宣告效果。(二)更換前營運績效佳的公司,若卸任的總經理在位期間越長,則宣告效果越負面。(三)更換前營運績效差的公司,若卸任的總經理離開公司,則宣告效果比卸任的總經理沒有離開公司還要正面。(四)更換前營運績效差的公司,若原總經理持股百分比越高,則宣告效果越正面。表示對於這些總經理持股百分比高的公司而言,造成公司績效不佳的原因是總經理能力不足,而不是因為存在代理問題。(五)董監事持股百分比對更換總經理的宣告效果沒有顯著的影響。(六)獨立董事占公司董事總人數之百分比越高卻使更換總經理之宣告效果越負面,表示本研究之實證結果不支持獨立董事對更換總經理有正面的影響。 / This research studies the announcement effects of CEO turnovers with a view to understanding the reactions of stocks market toward CEO turnovers, and whether the boards play their role to oversee managers and replace those managers who perform poorly. This research collected samples from Taiwan listed companies who announced CEO turnovers during year 2007 through year 2011 and then calculated announcement effects by event study method. This research first studied the overall viewpoint of the stock market to CEO turnovers and then tried to figure out whether and how corporate operating performance before CEO turnovers, tenure of ex-CEO, whether the ex-CEO leaves the corporate, stock holding percentage of ex-CEO, stock holding percentage of directors and the percentage of number of independent directors accounts for total number of directors influence the announcement effects of CEO turnovers. This research finds that: (1) Companies’ performances before CEO turnover significantly influence the announcement effects. Sub-sample of well-performed companies has negative announcement effects and the sub-sample of poorly-performed companies has positive announcement effects. (2) For well-performed companies, the longer the tenure of ex-CEO, the more negative the announcement effect is. (3) For poor-performed companies, the announcement effect of companies whose ex-CEO leaves the company is more positive than those whose ex-CEO does not leave the companies. (4) For poorly-performed companies, the higher the ex-CEO stock holding percentage, the more positive the announcement effect is. It means that for those companies whose ex-CEO stock holding percentage is high, it is not agency problem that causes CEO to perform poorly but the lack of the CEO’s ability does. (5) The stock holding percentage of directors does not significantly influence the announcement effect. (6) The higher the percentage of number of independent directors accounts for the total number of directors, the more negative the CEO turnover announcement effect is. This means that the result of this research does not support that independent directors have a positive impact on CEO turnover.

上市公司融資選擇與股價關聯性之研究 / A Study on the Relations between Securities Choices and Stock Price Responses

吳君誠, Chun-Chen Wu Unknown Date (has links)
由於經濟發展以致公司壯大,科技發展以致資訊流通,國際化及財務學術的發展以致公司財務操作技術提昇,自由化的發展以致金融工具多樣化及商業銀行競爭加劇。因此,以往公司資金融通主要透過商業銀行等中介機構的間接金融之情況逐漸改變;而由公司直接向投資人取得資金的直接融資則日益重要。 而公司發行證券來進行直接融資時,是否能在現金增資、純粹債券或轉換公司債等證券中作適當的選擇,對於公司的存續與發展,以及投資人的財富都有十分重要的影響。 但國內融資工具選擇模型的相關研究多只侷限於現金增資與債券的比較,並未將債券區分為純粹債券及轉換公司債。此外,對於台灣地區宣告發行現金增資時股價反應較純粹債券為佳,迴異於美國純粹債券宣告效果較現金增資為佳的情形,以往國內研究亦一直缺乏理論性的解釋。 有鑑於上述原因,本研究擬利用成長價值與營運風險的觀點所建立的融資工具選擇理論模型,來探討台灣現金增資宣告股市反應較佳的可能原因。並以此一選擇模型為基礎,利用一致性的分析方法進一步對現金增資及轉換公司債這兩種融資工具的適用情況加以分析。藉由理論模式的設定與推導,提出以下三項命題:(一)當具成長價值且營運風險較低的公司,宣告發行債券時,股價會有正面的反應;(二)當具成長價值且營運風險較高的公司,宣告發行權益證券時,股價會有正面的反應;(三)具有成長價值的公司,若宣告發行轉換公司債來融資,會放射出其未來成長價值較高及營運風險較小的訊息,所以股價會有正面的反應。 本研究在實證研究方面,對由三項命題所發展出來的三項研究假說加以驗證。以民國82年至民國89年間上市公司首次發行現金增資、純粹債券或轉換公司債的融資宣告事件為研究對象。實證結果多與三項假說的預期相符合,只是有些結果未達統計的顯著水準;顯示營運風險與成長價值應是上市公司融資選擇決策時所需考量的重要因素,而且,這兩個因素也會影響到投資人對融資宣告的反應。 根據本研究的研究結論與研究限制,除對證券主管機關提出加強查核內線交易與資金用途,以及應要求上市公司提供及時且正確的重大資訊等建議外,亦提出對上市公司及後續研究的建議。 第壹章 緒論…………………………………………….. 1 第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………… 3 第二節 研究範圍與限制………………………………… 6 第三節 論文架構………………………………………… 9 第貳章 文獻探討與個案訪談………………….....… 13 第一節 融資選擇與股價關聯性的理論文獻………..… 14 第二節 融資選擇與股價關聯性的實證文獻………..… 24 第三節 成長機會與營運風險的相關文獻…………….. 31 第四節 個案公司探討及對本研究的涵義…………..… 41 第參章 理論模式…………………………………….... 47 第一節 模式背景說明……………………………….… 49 第二節 負債融資或權益融資的選擇……………….… 54 第三節 現金增資或轉換公司債的選擇…………….… 63 第四節 台灣股市特徵與融資選擇………………….… 70 第肆章 研究設計…………………………………...… 75 第一節 實證架構與研究假說……………………….… 76 第二節 資料來源與樣本選擇……………………….… 82 第三節 研究變數操作性定義……………………….… 95 第四節 實證研究分析方法………………………….… 101 第伍章 實證結果分析……………………………..... 113 第一節 單變量分析……………………………………. 114 第二節 迴歸分析…………………………………….… 136 第三節 實證結果彙總與分析……………………….… 155 第陸章 結論與建議………………………………...… 161 第一節 結論………………………………………..…… 162 第二節 建議………………………………………….… 164 參考文獻……………………………………………..… 169 附錄一 個案訪談內容………………...…………….. 179 附錄二 繪圖表示的累積異常報酬率.……......…… 205 / Because of the developments in economics, technologies, internationalization, liberalization and financial academies, many listing firms change their way of raising capitals from indirect financing into direct financing. The popular securities the listing firms used in direct financing includes stocks, straight bonds, and convertible bonds. Which security should be the most appropriate one is a very important decision affected the future of the firm and the wealth of the investors deeply. The related domestic studies on the security choices issue have two holes. One is treating the straight bonds and convertible bonds as same securities, the other is lacking in providing theoretical explanations of the different stock price responses in Taiwan and in American on the financing announcement. In this study, we built up a theoretical model to analyze the relations between securities choices and stock price responses from the perspectives of growth values and operation risks. Three propositions were derived from the theoretical model, and in return three hypotheses were developed. After that, we use event study and regression analysis to test the hypotheses. The empirical results are same as the hypotheses anticipated, though some of them are insignificant statistically.

已開發國家食品產業跨國購併宣告效果之研究 / Announcement Effect of Food Industry Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions - Evidence from Developed Countries

吳宜頻, Wu, I Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2002年至2012年已開發國家食品產業跨國購併案為樣本,以事件研究法,比較已開發國家食品產業跨國購併已開發國家及開發中國家企業的購併宣告效果,去看在跨國購併的文獻議題上和實證結果是否相符。並以雀巢集團為收購公司之案例,比較其進軍已開發國家(美國惠氏營養品)及開發中國家(中國徐福記)的策略及收購後營運與財務績效,可否套用於產業研究結果,希望為後續食品產業購併提供研究參考。 本研究有以下三點發現:1.食品產業自已開發國家購併已開發國家對收購公司的股價宣告效果,較購併開發中國家對收購公司的股價宣告效果佳。2.已開發國家之食品產業收購與該產業相關性越高的企業,對其收購公司的股價宣告效果並無重大顯著之影響。3.無法將雀巢集團收購惠氏營養品之個案套用於產業研究結果,收購徐福記之個案則與實證結果相似,無正向顯著的宣告效果。此二個案皆著重搶攻新興國家市場,並以水平整合及策略互補方式,擴大市佔率及強化產品線,近五年之財務狀況,與同業相比有較佳之獲利表現,且繼續經營之價值。 已開發國家食品產業在選擇跨國購併對象時,可以已開發國家企業為主要收購對象,降低文化及地理距離帶來的資訊不對稱問題及取得策略性資產,投資人對其有較佳的預期,在選擇向前垂直整合策略時需留意,因零售通路需較大規模之經營整合,對於該市場需有更深入之了解,才適合投入至通路端。 / This paper treated cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) cases of developed countries’ food industry over the period of 2002 to 2012 with event study. We compared the announcement effects of acquired companies following developed or developing countries M&A and to confirm that whether the empirical results are consistent with the literature. We used Nestle S.A. as acquiring company to compare its M&A’s strategies and performance when acquiring Wyeth Nutrition and Hsu Fu Chi. Hope to be the reference for the following food industry M&A research. The major research finding as follows. First, the announcement effects of developed countries’ food industry following developed countries M&A are better than developing countries M&A. Second, the results demonstrated that the announcement effect had no significant difference among different industrial relevance of target companies. Third, the case of Hsu Fu Chi acquisition is similar with the empirical results but Wyeth Nutrition acquisition cannot. Furthermore, both cases were focused on the emerging markets and complementary strategies. Developed countries’ food industry can chooses the developed countries’ firms as target companies to decrease asymmetric information which caused by cultural, economic and geographic distance and to acquire strategic assets. They also should have enough acquaintance of the markets before they invest in the channel.

台灣新上市櫃公司特徵對其首次現金增資時程及績效影響之探討 / Timing and Performance of First SEOs after IPOs

張飴芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討台灣上市櫃公司從事首次現金增資之決策受何種公司特徵所影響,並進一步探討進行其首次現金增資的宣告效果影響因素。 本研究針對1981年至2010年共30年期間於台灣上市上櫃之公司其首次現金增資之情形做為探討對象,採用Cox-proportional Hazard Regression檢定影響上市櫃公司進行首次現金增資時程之公司特徵。實證結果顯示,營收成長率越高、規模越大且獲利能力較差的公司會傾向越快進行首次現金增資。同時也針對上市櫃年度其市場情形加以探討,發現於市場處於熱市時上市櫃的公司傾向越快進行首次現金增資,顯示市場時機也會影響公司進行首次現金增資的決策。此外,對其首次現金增資之宣告效果進行迴歸分析同時以Heckman Two-Stage Model方法考慮樣本選擇偏誤之修正,結果發現規模越大的公司宣告效果越差而負債比率較大的公司宣告效果越佳。然而上市櫃後進行首次現金增資之時程與其增資宣告效果間則無顯著關係。 / This study examines how fast companies have their first seasonal equity offerings after their IPOs and further analyses the announcement effects of first SEOs. First, we adopt Cox-proportional Hazard Regression Model to see what firm characteristics make IPO firms decide to conduct first SEOs shortly after their IPOs. Using a sample of IPO firms in Taiwan from 1981 to 2010, we find firms that are larger, less profitable and higher growth potential would conduct their first SEOs faster. Also, market timing plays an important role for SEO decisions. Moreover, the announcement effect of their first SEOs shows that elapsed time to conduct first SEOs after IPOs has no influence on the cumulated abnormal returns. By correcting sampling bias, Heckman Two-Stage Model is adopted to reveal better explanation of the results.

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