Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ansys"" "subject:"hysys""
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Výpočet chlazení asynchronního stroje pomocí programu Ansys CFX / Calculation of the cooling of the asynchronous machine ANSYS CFXHorálek, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
The issue this master’s thesis discusses the cooling synchronous machines. Specifically, the calculation of cooling induction motor using the finite volume method. Using Autodesk Inventor will create a 3D model of a real electric machine, ie asynchronous motor and then ANSYS WORKBENCH perform system analysis CFX, based on the finite volume method. Furthermore, we realize the air speed measurements on a particular machine and the individual results obtained by measuring and calculating the actual compared with each other. The master’s thesis also deals marginally with closely related to it. For the same machine model, we apply the calculation of the temperature fields using the finite volume method and them perform a thermal analysis. Next, we can carry out the measurement of the temperature on the motor itself and calculate the measured values and the measured compare each other.
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Alternativní zdroj elektrické energie na železniční trati / Energy harvesting generator for train track sidePribulla, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Cieľom tejto práce bolo navrhnúť alternatívny zdroj energie pre riadiacu jednotku, ktorú obsahujú komponenty traťového zabezpečovacieho zariadenia v rámci európskeho systému riadenia železničnej dopravy. V porovnaní s predchádzajúcimi harvestormi bola vďaka použitiu lineárneho elektrického generátora eliminovaná mechanická väzba, ako napr. prevodovka. To by malo zvýšiť životnosť a spoľahlivosť zariadenia. S pomocou analógie magnetických obvodov a softvéru využívajúceho metódu konečných prvkov FEMM a Ansys Maxwell, boli navrhnuté tri rôzne synchrónne generátory s permanentnými magnetmi. Simulácia v prostredí Matlab Simulink dokázala, že výsledný návrh generátora je schopný dodávať priemerný výkon 5 W počas prechodu vlaku zo stlačenia pražca väčšieho ako 2 mm.
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Analýza drážního soustrojí motor - generator / Analysis of railway motor-generator setMánek, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This work is focused on using of modal analysis in power electrical engineering. The first part of the work explains the term of CAD systems and provides their basic classification. The next section of this thesis describes procedure for creating models in Autodesk Inventor 2012. There is shown creation sketching, 3D components, assemblies and possibility of presenting the models. Next part of this thesis describes the finite element method and the program ANSYS Workbench. In the next part of this thesis is shown sample of calculation of modal analysis in the program ANSYS Workbench. There is a description of modal analysis, synchronous machines, the process of calculating of modal analysis and evaluation of the results. The last section of this thesis describes creation of animation of the railway generator set in the program Inventor Studio.
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Vliv excentricity na radiální síly v asynchronním motoru / The influence of eccentricity upon the radial forces in an induction motorFormánek, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to get familiar with the influence of radial forces in the induction machine. Induction motor is one of the most commonly used and most extended type of machine, therefore it is useful to detect the intensity of theese forces and their influence at operation of the machine. In this work ,radial forces are computed by the software simulation in ANSYS Maxwell. Models are created with help of module Rmxprt and finite elements method.These models are based on real induction motors with predefined size of eccentricity. In the final part we perform a measurement of deviations on the real machine using vibrometer.
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Řešení montážních deformací bloku motoru / Solution of Engine Block Deformations during AssemblingFoltis, Aleš January 2012 (has links)
Size and distribution of mount deformation are the main topics discussed in this thesis, using different static loading. The thesis’ primary focus is to show how deformation and stress of the engine block with cylinder liner are affected in the assembly order of the cylinder head. The calculation and evaluation of the solution are calculated by using method finite element, software Ansys. In addition other methods are discussed which can also measure the deformation of the engine block.
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Návrh řadicího mechanismu bezprodlevové převodovky / Zeroshifting Transmission Mechanism DesignMičola, Ivo January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with no delay gear shifting. The first part is devoted to theoretical introduction. The next part describes comprehensive approach to vehicle dynamics, the choice of gear ratios, the use of reverse engineering to model the interior of the gear housing and the actual structural design of the internal components and strength analysis. Moreover, this work should fill the gap in the available literature which is publicly accessible.
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Spolehlivost bezolovnatých pájek a vybrané způsoby odhadu jejich životnosti / Reliability of Lead-free Solders and the Selected Methods to Estimate its LifetimeŠvecová, Olga January 2012 (has links)
The doctoral thesis is focused on reliability of lead-free solder SAC 305. Knowledge in the field of fatigue models used in determining the lifetime of solder joints are observed in this thesis. Also such methods of predicting reliability as numerically-analytical methods or reliability experimental tests are mentioned. Practical results of reliability measurement are presented. Experimental data served as the foundation for determining empirical coefficients for the fatigue model based on deformation induced by creep of the solder, which was implemented in the ANSYS environment. Results from different methods were compared and conclusions discussing the suitability of the presented prediction methods are formulated.
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Strukturella förbättringar av en markstabiliseringsmastSkog, Axel January 2021 (has links)
This report has examined the possibilities of stiffening and strengthening a ground stabilization mast, in a way that a small production company can manufacture. The soil stabilization technique in question is Jet-Grouting also called injection drilling, which involves drilling to the desired depth and then letting high-pressure water jets mixed with filling mass to erode the surrounding soil mass and form pillars below the ground surface. The study intends to explore the possibility of placing a simplified model in the simulation program ANSYS that uses the finite element method (FEM) to obtain its results. The product development method described by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger in the book "Product Design and Development" is then used to produce improvement proposals that will strengthen the mast. The purpose of this study was to identify the strength of a ground stabilization mast and then produce and present an improvement proposal, based on the rotation head that is now mounted on the ground stabilization mast. This rotary head is named "RH24X HP 67 TS" and is produced by Eurodrill, and it generates a maximum torque of 24 kNm. The simulations on the mast with the given torque resulted in the highest stress of 158 MPa to which the mast body was exposed to. With the design that the mast current design, it entails a 2.3 factor of safety, which is considered acceptable since the recommended factor of safety for this type of heavy machine is about 2 (Khan, et al., 2016). When the torque was increased to the limit of the mast, i.e., when the factor of safety is close to 1, it resulted in a maximum torque of 54 kNm. Mounting a rotary head with a torque of 54 kNm is therefore not recommended due to the low safety margin that it would entail. Market research has been done and the proposals presented in this study presents similar manufactures and series as of the current rotary head. The recommended rotary heads come from the Eurodrill X-series and are called "RH32X HP 67 TS" and it produces a maximum torque of 32 kNm, alternatively "RH 4300 HP 48 TSS" which produces a torque of 34 kNm. The improvement proposals presented in this report are developed by evaluating the results of the simulations performed and then identifying the weakest areas. Then, based on the product development method, generate a proposal that can stiffen and strengthen the ground stabilization mast. The improvement proposal on the cradle showed with the rotary head "RH24X HP 67 TS" a 4.8 factor of safety, compared to the current cradle which has a 2.6 factor of safety, it is almost a doubling in strength. A new design of trusses was presented and resulted in a 35% increase in rigidity without the need to add any new material. This means that by re-examining the structure of the truss you can strengthen and possibly check the rigidity of the mast, which among other things leads to better manoeuvrability without any real extra costs being needed. / Denna rapport har undersökt möjligheterna att styva och styrka upp en markstabiliseringsmast på ett sätt som ett mindre produktionsföretag klarar av att tillverka. Markstabiliseringstekniken i fråga är Jet-Grouting även kallad injiceringsborrning, som går ut på att man borrar till önskat djup för att sedan låta högtrycksvattenjetstrålar blandat med fyllnadsmassa erodera den kringliggande jordmassan och bilda pelare under markytan. Studien ämnar utforska möjligheten med att placera en förenklad modell i simuleringsprogrammet ANSYS som använder finit elementmetod (FEM) för att få fram sina resultat. Därefter används produktutvecklingsmetoden som beskrivs av Karl T. Ulrich och Steven D. Eppinger i boken ”Product Design and Development”, för att ta fram förbättringsförslag som ska styrka upp masten. Studien har haft som syfte att ta reda på hållfastheten hos en markstabiliseringsmast och sedan ta fram och presentera ett förbättringsförslag, utifrån det rotationshuvud som nu är monterat på markstabiliseringsmasten. Detta rotationshuvud har benämningen ”RH24X HP 67 TS” och är producerad av Eurodrill och genererar ett maximalt vridmoment på 24 kNm. Simuleringarna på masten med det givna vridmomentet resulterade i den högsta spänningen på 158 MPa som mastkroppen utsattes för. Med det utförande som masten är idag medför det en 2,3 säkerhetsfaktor, vilket är anses vara acceptabelt eftersom den rekommenderade säkerhetsfaktorn för denna typ av tungmaskin ligger på cirka 2 (Khan, et al., 2016). När man sedan ökade vridmomentet till mastens bristgräns, det vill säga när säkerhetsfaktorn tangerar 1, resulterade det i ett maximalt vridmoment på 54 kNm. Att montera ett rotationshuvud med ett vridmoment på 54 kNm är därför inte att rekommendera på grund av den låga säkerhetsmarginalen som det skulle innebära. Därför presenteras förslag på rotationshuvuden som masten kan klara av, genom en marknadsundersökning gjord på liknade tillverkare och serier som dagens rotationshuvud. De rotationshuvud som rekommenderas kommer från Eurodrill X-serie och heter ”RH32X HP 67 TS” och den producerar ett maximalt vridmoment på 32 kNm, alternativt ”RH 4300 HP 48 TSS” som producerar ett vridmoment på 34 kNm. Förbättringsförslagen som presenteras i denna rapport är framtagna genom att utvärdera resultaten av de utförda simuleringarna och sedan identifiera de svagaste områdena. Därefter genereras förslag utifrån produktutvecklingsmetoden som kan styva och stärka upp markstabiliseringsmasten. Förbättringsförslaget på släden visade med rotationshuvudet ”RH24X HP 67 TS” en 4,8 säkerhetsfaktor, jämfört med den nuvarande släden som har en 2,6 säkerhetsfaktor vilket är nästan en fördubbling i hållfasthet. En ny design av fackverk presenterades och resulterade i 35 % ökad styvhet utan att behöva addera något nytt material. Det innebär att man genom att ompröva fackverkets struktur kan stärka och eventuellt kontrollera mastens styvhet, vilket bland annat leder till bättre manövrerbarhet utan några egentliga extra kostnader behövs.
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Mechanisches Maschinenverhalten in der PunktschweißsimulationLudwig, Tillmann, Mayr, Peter 05 July 2019 (has links)
Widerstandspunktschweißen ist das dominante Fügeverfahren in der Karosserieherstellung. Der
steigende Wunsch nach mehr Sicherheit und gleichzeitig nach einem möglichst leichten Fahrzeug,
führt zur Verwendung hochfester Stähle. Mit der Festigkeit steigen die Anforderungen an die
Prozesssteuerung und die Punktschweißzangen.
Die Simulation des Punktschweißprozesses wird verwendet, um einen materialgerechten
Schweißprozess zu entwickeln, sowie Zeit und Material für entsprechende Versuche einzusparen. In
der Simulation können physikalische Größen ermittelt werden, welche am Schweißpunkt nicht
messbar sind.
Im Vortrag wird ein FEM-Modell vorgestellt, welches den Widerstandspunktschweißvorgang
simuliert. Die erste Ausbaustufe des Modells umfasst die zu fügenden Bleche und das
Elektrodenpaar der Punktschweißzange. Die Elektrodenkraft wird zu Beginn der
Schweißsimulation auf die Elektrode aufgebracht und über den Prozesszyklus als konstant
angenommen. Diese Annahme steht im Widerspruch zu in der Praxis gemessenen
Elektrodenkraftverläufen. Diese weisen eine dynamische Änderung über der Schweißzeit auf. Der
Unterschied zwischen gemessener und in der Simulation vorgegebener konstanter Elektrodenkraft
war die Motivation zur Erstellung eines mechanischen Maschinenmodells, welches im Vortrag
präsentiert wird. Das Modell ist mit der Schweißprozesssimulation gekoppelt und errnöglicht die
numerische Untersuchung der Wirkung mechanischer Maschinenparameter auf ein
Punktschweißergebnis. Erste Ergebnisse der Schweißprozesssimulation unter Berücksichtigung des
mechanischen Maschinenverhaltens werden vorgestellt und diskutiert.
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Optimering av Savoniusturbinens effektivitet i marina strömmar med hjälp av CFD-analys av flödesriktare / Optimization of Savonius turbine efficiency in marine currents using CFD-analysis of flow directorsHammar, Leonard, Kovaleff Malmenstedt, Jacob January 2022 (has links)
The Savonius turbine is a self-starting vertical axis turbine that has a few advantages compared to other vertical axis turbines such as lower cost, lower noise and is relatively easy to manufacture. This turbine does however have a lower efficiency and is therefore less used in the electricity production than other turbines. This thesis is trying to tackle this problem with the use of 2D CFD-simulations of flow directors to modify the flow through the turbine to increase the efficiency. The focus during this project is to use this turbine as a Marine Current Turbine (MCT) in unidirectional flows. The turbine was based on a turbine design from a previous study at Uppsala University. The design of the flow directors was modeled with the intention to increase the available pressure drop from the front to the back of the turbine and therefore increase the velocity through the turbine. The flow directors comprised of two arcs on each side of the turbine so that they resembled a Venturi-tunnel, with a funnel in the front and a diffuser at the back. A validation of the domain dimensions and mesh-size was conducted and after this the different parameters of the flow directors were varied one at a time with the best value of a given parameter being kept for the latter simulations. At the end, the rotational velocity of the turbine was varied to find how sensitive the power output was based on this factor. This study concluded that an increase in the power coefficient of about 3,2 times was achievable compared to the same turbine in free flow. However, this needs to be further investigated and validated in real world tests as this study was conducted using 2D-simulations and other effects may influence the results in the real world. / <p>This project was conducted within Stand up for wind and Stand up for energy.</p>
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