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Cruel razão poética : um estudo sobre a escrita do neutro em Maurice Blanchot / The cruel poetic reason : a study of the writing of the neutral in Maurice BlanchotSmanioto Macedo, Sheyla Cristina, 1990- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Antonio Siscar / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T13:27:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: A presente dissertação propõe-se a um estudo sobre a escrita do neutro em Maurice Blanchot. Começamos com a proposição do que seria uma possível poética do neutro, na introdução. No capítulo um, abordamos o neutro em sua relação com o dehors, a partir da História da loucura (1961) de Foucault e da leitura desta obra feita por Pélbart (1989). A preocupação é contextualizar o neutro para, no capítulo seguinte, trazê-lo em relação com as exigências da "cruel razão poética", abordada por Blanchot (1969) a partir da leitura de Artaud, aproximando as poéticas desses dois autores. Em seguida, no capítulo três, com o apoio de Dubreuil (2003), partiremos da análise de dois textos ¿ Thomas L'Obscur de Blanchot e "Carta à vidente" de Artaud ¿ a propósito da ideia de possessão, tal como esta encontra espaço em suas concepções sobre a criação poética. O objetivo é, depois de aproximar Artaud e Blanchot, situar onde a escrita deles é diferente, muito embora partam de questões semelhantes. Isto feito, tornamo-nos capazes de afirmar, com o auxílio do mito das sereias, a escrita do neutro como a articulação de uma "metalinguagem dramática" que permite a Blanchot, ao aproveitar-se das estruturas do pensamento mítico, realizar seu pensamento em um terreno provisório / Abstract: This dissertation proposes a study on the writing of the neutral in Maurice Blanchot. We start with the proposition of a possible poetic of the neutral. In chapter one, we approach the neutral by its relationship with the dehors from Madness and Civilization (Foucault, 1961) and the reading of this work done by Pelbart (1989). The concern is to contextualize the neutral and bring it in relation to the demands of the "cruel poetic reason", addressed by Blanchot (1969) from reading Artaud. Then, in chapter three, with the support of Dubreuil (2003), we will base the analysis of two texts - Thomas L'Obscur (Blanchot, 1950) and "Letter to the clairvoyant" (Artaud, 1929) - in connection with the idea of possession, as this finds room in their conceptions of poetic creation. The objective is, after approaching Artaud and Blanchot, place them where their writing is different, even though departing from similar issues. This done, we become able to claim, with the aid of the myth of mermaids, the writing of the neutral as the articulation of a "dramatic meta-language" that allows Blanchot to perform his own thinking on a temporary ground by availing the mythical thought structures / Mestrado / Teoria e Critica Literaria / Mestra em Teoria e História Literária
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Conservative Jurisprudence and Liberal ConstitutionalismPerkins, Jordan Lee January 2023 (has links)
For the last half-century, American politics has been ravaged by a war for control of the courts. While conflict between the courts of law and the elected branches of government has been a recurrent theme in American history, this conflict has taken on a heightened importance beginning with the rights revolution ushered in by the Warren Court. Judicial originalism was born as part of a backlash against Warren and Burger Court expansions of constitutional rights in areas as disparate as First Amendment protections for individual speech and the expansion of substantive due process to cover contraception and abortion.
By the end of the Trump Administration, the judicial backlash against this expansion of constitutionalized rights appears to have gained the upper hand as the Supreme Court and lower courts of appeals, especially the Fifth Circuit, have begun a substantial counteroffensive. Roe v. Wade has been overturned, a longstanding goal of legal conservatives, and the groundwork has been set for a rollback of the federal administrative state, which has often seen by legal conservatives as a political foe.
This dissertation discusses the theoretical underpinnings of contemporary conservative jurisprudence, with a particular focus on the formalistic interpretive methodologies of originalism and textualism. It argues that textualism, at least as advanced by Justices Scalia and Gorsuch, is philosophically confused, and it argues that originalism is insufficient to its purported task of weakening the judiciary through a limitation of judicial discretion. Because legal conservatives often defend their views as a natural outgrowth of a commonsense picture of political morality, grounded in the concepts of the rule of law, democracy, and the separation of powers, I also discuss the interplay between those concepts within legal conservative discourse.
Contemporary legal conservative conceptions of these ideological constructs are compared to historical predecessors in the works of John Locke, Jeremy Bentham, Hans Kelsen, and others. I argue that the legal conservative versions of these constructs are defective and seriously imperiled by the threat of legal indeterminacy. I conclude that they should be reconfigured to meet this challenge.
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Vliv Tomáše a Jana Antonína Bati na rozvoj města Otrokovice / Influence of Thomas and Jan Atonín Bata on the town Otrokovice developmentMalotová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
Theme that I dealt in my dissertation with, concerns of my hometown Otrokovice and also to the region in which the city is located. Describes the development and building of this place,and especially of city districtsBaťov,which took place here in the 20th and 30 the last century. Under the leadership of brothers Tomas and Jan Antonín Bata here arose ideal industrial town, the only of its kind in the country. This is not qustion just about new town plan, but also a new type of labor and social relations. In my work I deal with not only the sociological impact of this process on indigenous peoples but also a new way of educating young people, the concept of discipline and the phenomenon of collective consciousness. I also asked myself about the sustainable development of Down Otrokovice to the environmental and economic, and their possible future. There is also a comparison with the nearby Zlin, where Bata began the process of transforming. Mentioned town is still the center of the region and tradition bearers of this system.
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L'influence du black metal sur la composition de quatre œuvres musicales originalesDumont, Mathieu 17 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite globalement de l'influence de la musique populaire sur la création de nouvelles musiques d'art, et plus spécifiquement de l'influence du true norwegian black metal (TNBM) sur quatre de mes compositions récentes. Dans la première partie du chapitre I, nous exposons les aspects musicaux et extramusicaux des principales périodes du black metal afin de bien comprendre la genèse du TNBM. Dans la seconde partie du chapitre I, nous abordons spécifiquement le TNBM de la même façon. Dans le chapitre II, nous démontrons concrètement, à l'aide de plusieurs exemples, les modes d'influence des musiques du TNBM sur les quatre musiques à l'étude. Ces types d'influence sont au nombre de cinq : les caractères propres au TNBM, ses caractéristiques structurelles, les techniques d'écriture employées, la gestion des hauteurs et les techniques instrumentales typiques. Je dresse un portrait sommaire en conclusion des enjeux importants de ma musique à venir : la musique de timbre et l'accessibilité de la musique d'art à un large public.
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Pantomima Alfreda Jarryho / The Alfred Jarry PantomimePlicková, Karolina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to employ a theatrological approach to the work of one of the most original and influential Czech pantomime troupes of all time, entitled Pantomima Alfreda Jarryho (the Alfred Jarry Pantomime, AJP). The company was established in 1966 in Prague by two young mime artists Boris Hybner and Ctibor Turba and existed as late as the political liquidation of the troupe in 1972 that came due to the process of the so-called normalization period in the former Czechoslovakia. The thesis consists of four major parts that are divided into several subsections. The first part deals with the historical contexts of the art of mime, both international and domestic. The AJP troupe represents the second generation of Czech pantomime that refused the style of the so-called modern pantomime expressed in the international context by Marcel Marceau and in the Czech context by Ladislav Fialka at the Theatre Na zábradlí (Theatre on the Balustrade). Since there is no monograph strictly based on this theatre, although it played a major role among the newly established small theatres in the sixties (and had an important influence on the poetics of the AJP troupe), we briefly introduce the poetics of both the pantomime company led by Fialka and the drama company led by the director Jan Grossman,...
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Gustáv Husák. Politická biografie se zvláštním zřetelem k česko-slovenským vztahům ve 20. století / Gustav Husák. A Political Biography with Special Emphasis on Czech-Slovak Relations in 20th CenturyMacháček, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Bibliographic record: Michal MACHÁČEK: Gustáv Husák. A Political Biography with Special Emphasis on Czech-Slovak Relations in 20th Century, PhD. thesis, The Faculty of Arts at Charles University 2017, 476pp. [784 standard pages]. Abstract The dissertation thesis discusses public activities, thoughts and the political life of JUDr. Gustáv Husák, CSc. (1913-1991), who was involved in the Czech-Slovak public space for sixty years with a significant footprint even today. The text is based on a thorough research and is chronologically structured, intertwined with thematic areas, however an analytical approach prevails. The first chapter focuses on Husák's youth, the factors that led him to the communist movement, and his early activism. This is followed by a portrayal of the Husák's activities during the Second World War, his role in the resistance, participation in a propaganda trip to the Nazi conquered Ukraine, and his vision of Slovakia as a republic of the Soviet Union. His later involvement in the Slovak National Uprising provided the legitimacy of his later political career in the post-war era, when he successfully led the struggle for the communist monopoly of political power in Czechoslovakia and attempts to present the Communist Party of Slovakia as a national party. Next two chapters show the origins...
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