Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aquakultur"" "subject:"aquakultura""
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Zahlen zur Binnenfischerei: Freistaat Sachsen – Jahresbericht ...10 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Zahlen zur Binnenfischerei: Jahresbericht ...10 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Prophylaktischer und therapeutischer Einsatz von Braunkohle-Huminstoffen in der Nutz- und ZierfischzuchtHeidrich, Stefan 04 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
F�r die Therapie und Prophylaxe von Fischkrankheiten stehen nur wenige geeignete und zugelassene Medikamente zur Verf�gung. Daher kommt der Suche nach wirksamen und f�r Tier, Verbraucher und Umwelt sicheren Alternativen in der Fischhaltung eine besondere Bedeutung zu. �ber positive Effekte beim oralen Einsatz von Huminstoffen an landwirtschaftlichen Nutztieren, Zootieren und Heimtieren liegen eine Vielzahl von Berichten vor. Deshalb sollten in der vorliegenden Studie Huminstoffe (HS) in der �u�erlichen Anwendung bei Zierfischen und in der oralen Verabreichung �ber das Futter bei Nutzfischen n�her untersucht werden. Dazu wurden zwei Versuche (B I: Dauer 4 Tage; B II: Dauer 12 Tage) an Goldfischen (Carassius auratus) unter teichwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen, zwei Aufzuchtversuche (F I: Kv bis K3, Dauer: 1.000 Tage: F II: K0 bis K1, Dauer: 150 Tage) an Karpfen (Cyprinus carpio) in der Teichwirtschaft und ein Aufzuchtversuch (F III: vorgestreckte Brut bis 30 g Lebendmasse, 166 Tage) an Regenbogenforellen (Oncorhynchus mykiss) unter Laborbedingungen durchgef�hrt. Als Versuchsparameter dienten Mortalit�t und Morbidit�t, Wachstum und Futteraufwand in den Aufzuchtversuchen, pathologisch anatomische (einschlie�lich histologischer Befunde in B I und F II), parasitologische, bakteriologische und virologische Kriterien. Die Wasserqualit�t wurde regelm��ig ermittelt. In den Versuchen B I und B II wurde eine 10%ige Na-Humat-L�sung (HS vom Typ WH 67 SNa der Fa. Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) dem H�lterungswasser so zugesetzt, dass eine Na-Humat-Konzentration von 10 mg L-1 entstand. Zweij�hrige, multifaktoriell erkrankte Goldfische (B I: N=2 x 322, B II: N=2 x 100) wurden dem Na-Humat-Bad t�glich f�r die Dauer einer Stunde (B I) bzw. von 1,5 bis 2 Stunden (B II) ausgesetzt. Die HS-Badehandlungen f�hrten in beiden Versuchen zu einer Senkung der Verluste (Mortalit�tsrate in B I: 0,6 versus 4,7 %, p<0,0005; B II: 8 versus 16 %, p<0,05). Bei Versuchsende war in den Versuchsgruppen (Na-Humat-Bad) der Gesundheitszustand, beurteilt nach �u�erlich sichtbaren Ver�nderungen an Haut, Flossen und Kiemen, deutlich verbessert (B I: p<1�10-16; B II: p<0,001). So waren (Signifikanzangaben nur f�r B II) vor allem H�morrhagien der Haut und der Flossen (p<0,05), Flossenrand- und Kiemennekrosen (p<0,05) sowie akute Kiemenentz�ndungen (p<0,02) verringert. Die Badebehandlungen bewirkten weiter eine geringere Auspr�gung integument�rer Mykosen der Haut, Flossen und Kiemen durch Pilze der Gattung Saprolegnia (p<0,05). Der Befall von Haut und Kiemen mit vorrangig protozo�ren Ektoparasiten konnte insgesamt ebenso vermindert werden (p<0,01) wie der Befall der Kiemen mit Ichthyophthirius sp. (p<0,05). Aus der beobachteten Milderung von Krankheitssymptomen umweltbedingter, bakterieller, ektoparasit�rer und mykotischer Genese nach Na-Humat-B�dern bei Goldfischen kann auf einen gewebeprotektiven, antiphlogistischen, antimykotischen und antiparasit�ren Effekt der Na-Humat-Behandlung geschlossen werden. In der Aufzucht von Karpfen (F I) und Regenbogenforellen (F III) wurden dem Futter 5 % Humocarb, formuliert� (HS vom Typ WH 67 A), im Karpfenversuch F II 5 % Cellu-Ligno-Karbon-Isolat (HS vom Typ WH 67 G, beide Produkte: Fa. Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) zugesetzt. In F I und F III wurde ein gleiches pelletiertes Alleinfutter f�r Forellen, in F II ein pelletiertes Alleinfutter f�r Karpfen eingesetzt. In Versuch F I (Besatzdichte der beiden Teiche (0,2 ha) jeweils 35.000 Kv ha-1) wiesen die Karpfen der Versuchs- gegen�ber der Kontrollgruppe h�here mittlere K�rpermassen auf. Der Unterschied zwischen den Gruppen bewegte sich mit einer Ausnahme (zu geringer Stichprobenumfang) zwischen p<0,05 (65 versus 45 g, 114. Tag) und p<0,0001 (1.146 versus 855 g, Versuchsende 1000. Tag). Der um die HS-Aufnahme bereinigte Futteraufwand des ersten Versuchsjahres war durch HS um 34 % verbessert. Die Futterquotienten in der zweiten und dritten Aufzuchtperiode waren durch die subjektive Futterzumessung (Nichtber�cksichtigung zwischenzeitlicher Verluste) verf�lscht. In Versuch F II (Besatzdichten der 2 x 3 Teiche (0,25 ha) 20.000, 30.000 bzw. 40.000 K0 ha-1) erhielten die Br�tlinge �ber die ersten zwei Wochen kein zus�tzliches Futter (nur Naturnahrung), anschlie�end wurde Weizenschrot zugef�ttert, erst ab dem 63. Tag das Versuchs- bzw. Kontrollfutter f�r 87 Tage. Bei Versuchsende war in den Gruppen der h�chsten Besatzdichte die Mortalit�t durch HS um ca. 20 % verringert (p<0,0001). Die Abfischungsmassen waren bei geringer Besatzdichte ann�hernd gleich, bei mittlerer Besatzdichte war die Kontrollgruppe, bei h�chster Besatzdichte die Versuchsgruppe favorisiert (statistische Pr�fung wegen des Fehlens von Einzeldaten nicht m�glich). Der um die HS-Aufnahme bereinigte Futteraufwand war in den HS-Gruppen bei geringer bzw. h�chster Besatzdichte um 5 bzw. 17 % verringert. In beiden Versuchen, F I und F II, wurde eine deutliche Verringerung des Gehaltes der inneren Organe Leber, Niere und Milz an fakultativ pathogenen Aeromonas- und Pseudomonas spp. nachgewiesen (p<0,05). Bei der Aufzucht von Regenbogenforellen (F III; N=2 x 25) trugen die durch den HS-Zusatz bedingten Ver�nderungen der Konsistenz von Futter und Kot zur Verminderung einer starken Belagbildung (Bewuchs aus Algen und anderen Mikroorganismen) sowie zur Vermeidung von Wassertr�bungen in den Aquarien, insbesondere bei h�heren Temperaturen, bei. Signifikante Unterschiede in den Kenndaten von Wachstum und Futteraufwand wurden nicht beobachtet. Insgesamt gesehen erscheint aber der Zusatz von 5 % HS zum Futter als zu hoch gew�hlt, da sich der Futteraufwand in den HS-Gruppen bei Ber�cksichtigung der Gesamtfuttermenge (einschlie�lich des 5%igen HS-Zusatzes) �berwiegend ung�nstiger gestaltete. Die Effekte der oralen Applikation von 5 % HS im Futter sind damit weit weniger augenf�llig als nach �u�erlicher Anwendung. Die zootechnischen Parameter waren �berwiegend mehr oder weniger unver�ndert; allein in Versuch F I war die K�rpermasse in der HS-Gruppen im Versuchsverlauf (Stichproben und Abfischung) in der Regel signifikant h�her als in der Kontrollgruppe. Von k�nftiger Bedeutung f�r die Aquarienhaltung von Fischen (und m�glicherweise in Klein- und Zierteichen) k�nnte die beobachtete Wasserkl�rung und die Verminderung einer Belagbildung aus Algen und anderen Mikroorganismen sein. Eine intestinale Wirkung der HS wird insoweit unterstellt, als in beiden Karpfenversuchen die inneren Organe einen verminderten Befall an beweglichen Aeromonaden und Pseudomonaden aufwiesen. / Prophylactic and therapeutic use of brown coal-derived humic substances of the type WH 67 in finfish and ornamental fish farming On the market, there is a limited number of suitable and approved drugs available for therapy and prophylaxis of fish diseases. The search for alternatives which are both effective and safe for animals, consumers and environment is therefore of special importance. There are numerous reports on positive effects of orally administered humic substances (HS) on agricultural livestock, zoo animals and pets. Therefore, the present study aimed on effects of HS for both external treatment of ornamental fish and oral application on culture fish via feed. Two experiments on goldfish (Carassius auratus) (exp. B I: 4 days; exp. B II: 12 days), and on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (exp. F I: 1,000 days, fry to 3-year-old fish ; exp. F II: 150 days, fry to young-of-the-year size) were carried out under pond culture conditions. Additionally, one experiment on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was carried out in the laboratory (exp. F III: 166 days, fingerlings up to 30 g body weight). The following parameters were examined: mortality, morbidity, growth, feed conversion ratio (exp. F I, F II, F III only), pathologic anatomical criteria (including histological examination of fish from B I and F II), parasitological investigation, bacteriological and virological state. Water quality was regularly examined as well. In the experiments B I and B II, a 10% sodium-humate solution (type WH 67 SNa, Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) was mixed into the water until a sodium-humate concentration of 10 mg L-1 was reached. Two-year old, multifactorially diseased goldfish (B I: N= 2 x 322; B II: N= 2 x 100) were daily exposed to this water for a period of one (B I) and 1.5-2 (B II) hours, respectively. In both experiments the treatment of fish reduced in mortality (B I: 0.6 vs. 4.7 %, p<0.0005; B II: 8 vs. 16 %, p<0.05). Moreover, at the end of the experiments the sodium-humate treated fish showed a significantly improved health state (B I: p<10-16; B II: p<0.001) as indicated by externally visible changes of the skin, fins and gills. Specifically, reductions in haemorrhage of skin and fins (B II: p <0.05), and fin and gill necroses (B II: p<0.05), and gill inflammations (B II: p<0.02) were noted. Additionally, the sodium-humate treatment reduced integumental mucoses of skin, fins and gills (p<0.05) caused by Saprolegnia sp. The infection of skin and gills with protozoan parasites was reduced (p<0.01) as well. Ichthyophthirius sp. infections of the gills dropped significantly (p<0.05) in the treated fish groups as compared to the controls. Due to the observed mitigation of disease symptoms of environmental, bacterial, parasitic and fungal origin after a sodium-humate bath treatment of goldfish, a tissue protective, antiphlogistic, antimycotic and antiparasitic effect of sodium-humate can be concluded. For rearing of carp (F I) and rainbow trout (F III), 5 % Humocarb, formuliert� (type WH 67 A, Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) was mixed among the feed, while for the experiment F II 5 % Cellu-Ligno-Carbon-Isolat (type WH 67 G, Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) was added. In F I and F III a complete feed for trout was applied whereas for F II a complete feed for carp was used. In experiment F I (stocking density of both ponds 35,000 carp fry per ha) test fish revealed a higher mean body weight compared to the controls. With one exception (sample size to small), the difference between the groups was either significant (day 114: 65 vs. 45 g, p<0.05) or highly significant (day 1000: 1,146 versus 855 g, p<0.0001). The feed conversion ratio of the first experimental year (expurgated by HS-uptake) improved by 34 % due to HS application. Feed conversion ratio of the second and third year were falsified because of subjective feeding (which does not consider occurring losses). In experiment F II (stocking density of the 2 x 3 ponds (0,25 ha) were 20,000, 30,000 and 40,000 individuals per ha, respectively) no additional feed was given to the hatched fry during the first two weeks so that all the fish lived on natural feed items. Afterwards, bruised wheat grain was given until from day 63 either test or control feed was applied for a total of 87 days. At the end of the experiment, at the highest stocking density the mortality was significantly (p<0.0001) decreased by 20% in the test group supplied with HS. At low stocking density the total weight of fish at harvest was not different between the test and control group. However, at medium stocking density the average body weight was higher in the control whereas reverse conditions were observed at the highest stocking density (due to a loss of data no statistical analysis was possible). The feed conversion ratio (expurgated by the uptake of humic substances) was decreased in the test groups of low (5 %) and high (17 %) density. In both experiments (F I and F II) significantly reduced infections of the internal organs liver, kidney and spleen with potentially pathogenic Aeromonas and Pseudomonas spp. were detected. In the rainbow trout rearing (F III; N = 2 x 25), the HS-caused changes in consistency of feed and faeces impaired the formation of heavy algal films and large microorganism populations, and contributed to less turbid water turbidity in the aquaria, particularly at high temperatures. Significant differences in growth and feed conversion ratio could not be observed. In general, the addition of 5 % HS to the feed is regarded as being too high because the total amount of feed given (inclusive 5 % HS) is considered. The feed conversion ratio was higher in most of the HS-groups. Effects of oral application of 5 % HS in feed were thus less obvious than the bath treatment. Zootechnical parameters, in general, did not change. Merely in experiment F I the body weight of the HS-groups was significantly higher than that of the controls. In aquaria and small ponds used for ornamental fish breeding the observed cleaning of water and reduced formation of algal films and microorganism populations caused by HS could be of future importance. Intestinal effects of HS are assumed as internal organs revealed a reduced infection with both motile aeromonads and pseudomonads.
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Determination of Biomass in Shrimp-Farm using Computer VisionTammineni, Gowtham Chowdary 30 October 2023 (has links)
The automation in the aquaculture is proving to be more and more effective these days.
The economic drain on the aquaculture farmers due to the high mortality of the shrimps can be reduced by ensuring the welfare of the animals. The health of shrimps can decline with even barest of changes in the conditions in the farm. This is the result of increase in stress. As shrimps are quite sensitive to the changes, even small changes can increase the stress in the animals which results in the decline of health. This severely dampens the mortality rate in the animals.
Also, human interference while feeding the shrimps severely induces the stress on the shrimps and thereby affecting the shrimp’s mortality. So, to ensure the optimum
efficiency of the farm, the feeding of the shrimps is made automated. The underfeeding and overfeeding also affects the growth of shrimps. To determine the right amount of food to provide for shrimps, Biomass is a very helpful parameter.
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to calculate the farm's biomass is the project's primary area of interest. This model uses the cameras mounted on top of the tank at densely populated areas. These cameras monitor the farm, and our model detects the biomass. By doing so, it is possible to estimate how much food should be distributed at that particular area. Biomass of the shrimps can be calculated with the help of the number of shrimps and the average lengths of the shrimps detected. With the reduced human interference in calculating the biomass, the health of the animals improves and thereby making the process sustainable and economical.
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Isolation and selection of nitrifying bacteria with high biofilm formation for treatment of ammonium polluted aquaculture water: Research articleHoang, Phuong Ha, Nguyen,, Hong Thu, Trung, Trung Thanh, Tran, Thanh Tung, Do, Lan Phuong, Le, Thi Nhi Cong 24 August 2017 (has links)
A biofilm is any group of microorganisms in which cells stick to each other and adhere to a surface by excreting a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). The chemoautotrophic nitrifying bacteria hardly form biofilms due to their extremely low growth rate; however, biofilm formation of nitrifying bacteria trends to attach in carrier by extracellular polysaccharides that facilitate mutual adhesion, the forming biofilm is also beneficial in nitrogen removal in biological filter systems, especially in aquaculture water treatment systems. The microbial activity within bio-carrier is a key factor in the performance of biofilm reactor. Selection the nitrifier bacteria that biofilm formation and immobilization on the carrier for application in ammonium polluted water treatment technologies, especially in aquaculture is our research objective. Therefore, in this study, ten and six strains of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) respectively were isolated from six different aquaculture water samples collected from Quang Ninh and Soc Trang. Basing on their high nitrification activity and biofilm forming capacity, six bacterial strains have been selected to take photo by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and carry out in 2 – liter tanks with and without carriers. As the results, the system with carriers (30% of total volume) increased nitrogen compounds elimination efficiency from 1.2 times to 2 times in comparison with the system without carrier. Two representatives of ammonia oxidizing bacterial group (B1.1; G2-1.2) were classification based on characteristics and they were classified as Nitrosomonas sp. and Nitrosococcus sp. / Màng sinh học được hình thành từ vi sinh vật nhờ các tế bào tiết ra các chất cao phân tử ngoại bào (EPS) và dính vào nhau đồng thời được gắn lên một bề mặt vật thể lỏng hoặc rắn. Vi khuẩn nitrate hóa tự dưỡng có thể tạo ra màng sinh học nhưng khá khó khăn do tỷ lệ sinh trưởng rất chậm của chúng. Tuy nhiên vi khuẩn nitrate hóa tạo màng sinh học thường có xu thế bám lên giá thể nhờ sự gắn kết của các polisaccarit ngoại bào. Sự hình thành màng sinh học cũng là lợi thế để loại bỏ các hợp chất nitơ trong các hệ thống lọc sinh học, đặc biệt là trong các hệ thống xử lý nước nuôi trồng thủy sản. Hoạt tính vi sinh vật cùng với giá thể sinh học là một yếu tố quan trọng để thực hiện trong các bể phản ứng màng sinh học. Trong nghiên cứu này, mục tiêu của chúng tôi là lựa chọn được các vi khuẩn nitrate hóa có khả năng tạo màng sinh học và cố định chúng lên giá thể để ứng dụng trong các công nghệ xử lý nước bị ô nhiễm ammonia đặc biệt là trong nuôi trồng thủy sản. Kết quả cho thấy, từ sáu mẫu nước nuôi trồng thủy sản khác nhau từ Quảng Ninh và Sóc Trăng, 10 chủng vi khuẩn oxy hóa ammonia (AOB) và 6 chủng vi khuẩn oxy hóa nitrite (NOB) đã được phân lập. Dựa vào hoạt tính nitrate hóa và khả năng tạo màng sinh học của các chủng vi khuẩn phân lập được 6 chủng điển hình đã được lựa chọn để chụp ảnh kính hiển vi điện tử quét và được ứng dụng trong hai bể sinh học với dung tích 2 lít có chứa và không chứa chất mang (giá thể). Sau 7 ngày, hệ thống sinh học chứa giá thể (chiếm 30% thể tích) có hiệu suất loại bỏ các hợp chất nitơ tăng hơn từ 1,2 đến 2 lần so với bể sinh học không chứa chất mang. Hai đại diện của nhóm vi khuẩn oxy hóa ammonia (B-1.1 và G2-1.2) đã được phân loại sơ bộ dựa vào một số đặc điểm sinh học và chúng đã được xác định thuộc chi Nitrosomonas và chi Nitrosococcus.
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Effect of peracetic acid at low concentrations on fish health and water qualityLiu, Dibo 02 November 2017 (has links)
DE: Nachhaltige und fisch-freundliche Hygienisierungsmaßnahme für Aquakultur
EN: Sustainable and fish-freundly hygienisation solution for aquaculture / Peressigsäure (PES) hat seit kurzem als Desinfektionsmittel in der Aquakultur Einzug gehalten. Gegenüber anderen konventionellen Desinfektionsmitteln besitzt es in niedrigsten Konzentrationen (ca. 1 mg l-1) eine hohe Effektivität. Des Weiteren hat die Anwendung von PES kaum einen negativen Einfluss auf die Umwelt. Die Applikation von PES in Aquakulturanlagen erfolgt direkt über das umgebende Haltungswasser. Dies geht mit einem direkten Kontakt der Mikroorganismen und der Fische mit dem Wirkstoff einher. Aus diesem Grund ist generell ein Einfluss auf die Fischgesundheit und die Wasserqualität zu erwarten. Dieser hypothetische Einfluss ist bislang jedoch unzureichend untersucht worden. In der Praxis werden zumeist zwei Applikationsstrategien verfolgt: 1. Wiederholende Kurzzeitpulsapplikationen mit relative hohen PES-Konzentrationen (1-2 mg l-1) und 2. Die kontinuierliche Applikation mit relative geringen PES-Konzentrationen (≤ 0,2 mg l-1) in der Wasserzufuhr. Die potentiellen Unterschiede dieser zwei Strategien speziell auf die Fischgesundheit und die Wasserqualität sind bislang unklar.
In der vorliegenden Studie wurden Effekte einer PES-Applikation auf die Fischgesundheit und die mikrobielle Aktivität in identischen Durchflussystemen untersucht. Diese Systeme garantieren eine optimale Wasserqualität. Regenbogenforellen wurde als Testorganismen gewählt. Verschiedene Stressparameter, Parameter des oxidativen Stresses, Wachstum, Kiemenhistologie und Parameter der angeborenen Immunantwort wurden zur Bewertung der Fischgesundheit herangezogen. Sauerstoff, pH und die visuelle Biofilmformation wurden kontinuierlich kontrolliert um die mikrobielle Aktivität zu interpretieren. Dazu wurde zweimal wöchentlich mit 1 mg l-1 PES (Pulsbehandlungen) im Haltungswasser und kontinuierlich mit 0,2 mg l-1 PES am Zulauf exponiert und verglichen.
Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass die Pulsapplikationen mit 1 mg l-1 PES, im Gegensatz zur kontinuierlichen Applikation mit 0,2 mg l-1 PES die Fische stressten. Die Fische adaptierten sich jedoch an die PES-Pulsapplikationen. Dies wurde durch nachfolgend weniger heftige Reaktionen der Fische post applicationem, reduzierte Kortisolausschüttungen und unveränderte Reaktionen auf andere Stressoren deutlich. Obwohl die PES-Applikation leichte Hyperplasien in den Kiemen induzierte, war kein Einfluss auf das Wachstum und die angeborene Immunantwort feststellbar. Dies kann als ein Beleg für den fehlenden Einfluss der PES-Exposition auf die Fischgesundheit bewertet werden. PES induzierte unabhängig von den Applikationsstrategien oxidativen Stress in den Fischen. Als Antwort auf die PES-Applikation steigerten die Fische ihre antioxidative Antwort gegen die freien Sauerstoffradikale speziell in den Kiemen und im Serum. Unabhängig von den extrem geringen PES-Konzentrationen in der kontinuierlichen Applikation wiesen die Fische einen geringen oxidativen Stress auf. Der oxidative Stress der Fische in der Pulsexposition war hingegen periodisch nachweisbar. Daraus ist zu schlussfolgern, dass die Fische zwischen den Pulsexpositionen, wenn keine PES vorhanden war, Phasen der Erholung hatten. Das Fehlen dieser Erholungsphase in der kontinuierlichen Expositionsgruppe führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Antiprotease-Aktivität im Serum. Dies impliziert das Risiko einer chronischen Entzündung.
Die antimikrobiellen Effekte sind stark von der PES-Konzentration abhängig. Die Pulsapplikation mit 1 mg l-1 PES hemmte die mikrobielle Aktivität stärker als die kontinuierliche Exposition durch einen stärkeren oxidativen Stress. Dadurch wurde der Biofilm fast vollständig erodiert, und die mikrobielle Sauerstoffsverbrauch und nitrifikation inhibiert. Die PES-Konzentrationen in der kontinuierlichen Exposition waren zu gering um signifikante Effekte auf den Mikroorganismen auszuüben. Des Weiteren kann das PES-Zerfallsprodukte, die Essigsäure und Acetate, eine potentielle Kohlenstoffquelle für die Mikrobiota darstellen. Der daraus resultierende stärkere Biofilm kann durch die Besiedelung mit fakultativen Fischpathogenen eine Gefahr für die Fischgesundheit darstellen. Auf Grund des starken antimikrobiellen Effekts und des geringen Risikos die Fischgesundheit zu beeinträchtigen, werden periodisch regelmäßige PES-Applikationen in Konzentrationen von 1-2 mg l-1 empfohlen.
Effekte einer PES-Applikation auf Spiegelkarpfen und die Wasserqualität in stark belastetem Wasser einer geschlossenen Aquakulturkreislaufanlage (RAS) wurde ebenso untersucht. Die Induktion einer schlechten Wasserqualität erfolge durch den Stopp der Wasserzufuhr zu den Tanks. Simultan zu den Wasserstopps erfolgte eine Applikation mit 1 mg l -1 PES. Die Stressantwort, Kiemenhistologie und die angeborene Immunantwort wurde mit nicht mit PES exponierten Kontrollfischen verglichen. Der Stopp der Wasserzufuhr steigerte die gesamte heterotrophen Bakteriendichte (GHBD) auf das Sechsfache. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde in den Expositionsgruppen die GHBD um 90% gesenkt. Der stark mikrobiozide Effekt der PES-Exposition verbesserte die Gesundheit der Kiemen, verhinderte bakterielle Infektionen welche in den Kontrollgruppen kurzzeitig festgestellt wurden.
Zusammenfassend erhält PES appliziert periodisch in Konzentrationen von 1-2 mg l-1, im Fall der optimalen Wasserqualität, die gute Wasserqualität mit geringfügiger Beeinträchtigung der Fischgesundheit. In der Aquakulturproduktion, in welcher die Wasserqualität meistens durch die hoher Besatzdichte und organischer Belastung verschlechtert wird, verhindern regelmäßige prophylaktische PES-Applikationen Infektionen und begünstigen die Fischgesundheit. / Peracetic acid (PAA) has been recently introduced to aquaculture as a sustainable disinfectant. It has great advantages over conventional disinfectants by having high effectiveness and low environmental impact at very low concentrations (around 1 mg L-1). The application of PAA in aquaculture facilities is realized by adding PAA products to the rearing water. This leads to unavoidable exposure of fish and microorganisms (surface-attached and waterborne) to PAA. Consequently, a potential impact of PAA on fish health and microbial activities is expected. This potential impact, however, has been poorly studied. In aquaculture practice, two strategies are broadly used to apply PAA: short term high dose (1-2 mg L-1 PAA) periodic/pulse applications or continuous low dose (≤ 0.2 mg L-1 PAA) application related to the makeup water flow. The potential difference between these two strategies remains unclear, especially concerning their impacts on fish health and water quality.
In the present study, the impact of PAA on fish health and microbial activities was tested in identical flow-through systems controlled with optimal water quality. Rainbow trout was selected as the model fish. Various parameters of stress, oxidative stress, growth, gill histology and innate cellular/humoral immunity were measured to indicate fish health. Oxygen, pH and visible biofilm formation were continuously monitored to interpret changes of microbial activities. In addition, the application strategies, biweekly pulse applications of 1 mg L-1 PAA in the rearing water and the continuous application of 0.2 mg L-1 PAA in the inflow, were compared.
The results indicate that pulse applications of 1 mg L-1 PAA stressed the naïve fish during the first exposure, while the continuous application not. Fish could progressively adapt to PAA-induced stress, as indicated by less intensive behavioral reaction, reduced cortisol release and unaffected response to another stressor. Although the exposure to PAA induced slight hyperplasia in fish gill, the growth and innate immunity were affected, indicating unaffected overall health. PAA induced oxidative stress in fish, regardless of the application strategies. In response, fish enhanced their antioxidative defense, especially in gill and serum, to scavenge excessive free radicals induced by exposure to PAA. Despite of extremely low PAA concentration measured during the continuous application, the constant input of PAA induced a constant mild oxidative stress to fish. In contrast, the oxidative stress induced by pulse 1 mg L-1 PAA applications was periodic present. Consequently, fish had periodic recovery phases when the pulse PAA applications were absent. The lack of recovery phases in fish exposed to the continuous PAA application resulted in a significant reduction of antiprotease activity in serum. This implies a potential risk of chronic inflammation.
The antimicrobial effect of PAA depended on applied concentration. The pulse applications of 1 mg L-1 PAA strongly inhibit microbial activities by inducing a strong oxidative stress. As a result, the biofilm in fish tanks was nearly erased, and the microbial oxygen consumption and nitrification were inhibited. In contrast, the PAA concentration during the continuous application was so low that only a minor antimicrobial effect was observed. In addition, the degradation products, acetic acid and acetate, were beneficial for the biofilm formation by providing organic carbon. The enhanced biofilm may become a potential risk by providing protective shed for opportunistic pathogens. Due to the strong antimicrobial effect and low risk to affect fish health, it’s recommended to apply PAA periodic at high concentrations (1-2 mg L-1) with sufficient intervals.
The impact of PAA on fish health and water quality was also tested in a mirror carp recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) challenged with bad water quality. The challenge of bad water quality was realized by transient water stops in fish tanks. Simultaneous to the transient water stops, PAA at 1 mg L-1 was applied. The stress, gill histology and innate cellular immunity were compared in fish with or without simultaneous PAA treatments. The transient water stops caused a 6-fold increase of heterotrophic bacterial density in water, while the simultaneous PAA treatments caused a 90% decrease of heterotrophic bacterial density. The strong antibacterial effect of PAA significantly improved the gill health of fish, and effectively prevented bacterial infections, which were short-term present in fish exposed to transient water stops alone.
To sum up, PAA applied periodically at 1-2 mg L-1 in optimal water quality is effective to maintain the water quality at a low cost of scarifying fish health. In production-scale aquaculture facilities, where the water quality is often deteriorated by high stocking density and organic load, regular applications of PAA are especially beneficial to enhance fish health and prevent potential infections.
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Fulvic acid as water additive in aquaculture / A new way to deliver an immunostimulant to juvenile fish and fish larvaeLieke, Thora 27 April 2022 (has links)
Aquakultur ist essentiell um den heutigen Bedarf an Fisch als Nahrungsmittel zu decken. Einsatz von Antibiotika und Kontaminationen mit Schadstoffen in der Vergangenheit haben das Vertrauen von Verbrauchern in Fischprodukte aus Aquakulturproduktion massiv geschwächt. Zeitgleich sind die Ansprüche der Verbraucher an Qualität, Frische und Sicherheit von Lebensmitteln, aber auch das Bewusstsein, negative Auswirkungen der Lebensmittelproduktion auf die Umwelt zu minimieren, erheblich gestiegen.
In der Dissertation wurde der Einsatz einer natürlichen organischen Substanz (Fulvosäure) auf die Fischgesundheit und das Immunsystem untersucht. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass die Zugabe zum Haltungswasser bei Salmoniden und Cypriniden zu verbesserter Stressresistenz und einer Anregung des Immunsystems führte. Dies hilft den Tieren sich auf natürliche Weise gegen Krankheitserreger zu verteidigen, reduziert den Einsatz umweltschädlicher Therapeutika und steigert gleichzeitig das Tierwohl. Weiterhin führte der Zusatz der Fulvosäure zu einer signifikanten Verbesserung der Futterumsatzrate, was sich ebenfalls in gesteigertem Wachstum der Tiere widerspiegelte.
Huminstoffe, zu denen die Fulvosäure zählt, sind natürlicher Bestandteil aller aquatischen Ökosysteme. Die Zugabe zum Haltungswasser stellt daher nicht nur eine umweltfreundliche, sondern auch die ursprüngliche Expositionsroute mit diesen Immunstimulanzien für aquatischen Lebewesen dar. Weiterhin besteht mit diesem innovativen Ansatz erstmals die Option die extrem empfindlichen Embryo- und Larvenstadien ohne Zusatz von Antibiotika vor Krankheiten zu schützen. Zeitgleich wird der Metabolismus stimuliert und die Larven im Schlupf und Wachstum unterstützt. Da die Sterblichkeit in diesen Stadien bei über 80 % liegen kann, eröffnen die Ergebnisse der Dissertation ein immenses Potenzial den Tierschutz zu verbessern, und sowohl die Nachhaltigkeit als auch gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz und Konkurrenzfähigkeit der Aquakultur zu steigern. / Aquaculture has become imperative to cover the dietary demand for fish as food. The use of antibiotics and contaminations with harmful substances in the past have caused a lot of prejudices for fish products from aquaculture production. At the same time, consumer standards for quality, freshness and safety of food, as well as the awareness to minimize negative impacts of food production on the environment, have increased significantly.
In the dissertation, the use of a natural organic substance (fulvic acid) on the health and immune system of fish was determined. Supplementing the water resulted in improved stress resistance and a stimulation of the immune system in salmonids and cyprinids. This helps the animals to defend themselves against pathogens in a natural way, thereby reduces the use of environmentally harmful therapeutics and at the same time increases animal welfare. Furthermore, the addition of fulvic acid led to a significant improvement in feed conversion rate, which was also reflected in increased growth of the animals.
Humic substances, which include fulvic acid, are a natural component of all aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, the addition to the holding water represents not only an environmentally friendly but also the original route of exposure to these immunostimulants for aquatic organisms. Furthermore, this innovative approach provides for the first time the option to protect the extremely sensitive embryo and larval stages from disease without the need of antibiotics. At the same time, the metabolism is stimulated and larvae are supported in hatching and growth. Since the mortality in these stages can be more than 80 %, the results of the dissertation show an immense potential to improve animal welfare and to increase sustainability as well as social acceptance and competitive
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Prophylaktischer und therapeutischer Einsatz von Braunkohle-Huminstoffen in der Nutz- und ZierfischzuchtHeidrich, Stefan 06 December 2004 (has links)
F�r die Therapie und Prophylaxe von Fischkrankheiten stehen nur wenige geeignete und zugelassene Medikamente zur Verf�gung. Daher kommt der Suche nach wirksamen und f�r Tier, Verbraucher und Umwelt sicheren Alternativen in der Fischhaltung eine besondere Bedeutung zu. �ber positive Effekte beim oralen Einsatz von Huminstoffen an landwirtschaftlichen Nutztieren, Zootieren und Heimtieren liegen eine Vielzahl von Berichten vor. Deshalb sollten in der vorliegenden Studie Huminstoffe (HS) in der �u�erlichen Anwendung bei Zierfischen und in der oralen Verabreichung �ber das Futter bei Nutzfischen n�her untersucht werden. Dazu wurden zwei Versuche (B I: Dauer 4 Tage; B II: Dauer 12 Tage) an Goldfischen (Carassius auratus) unter teichwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen, zwei Aufzuchtversuche (F I: Kv bis K3, Dauer: 1.000 Tage: F II: K0 bis K1, Dauer: 150 Tage) an Karpfen (Cyprinus carpio) in der Teichwirtschaft und ein Aufzuchtversuch (F III: vorgestreckte Brut bis 30 g Lebendmasse, 166 Tage) an Regenbogenforellen (Oncorhynchus mykiss) unter Laborbedingungen durchgef�hrt. Als Versuchsparameter dienten Mortalit�t und Morbidit�t, Wachstum und Futteraufwand in den Aufzuchtversuchen, pathologisch anatomische (einschlie�lich histologischer Befunde in B I und F II), parasitologische, bakteriologische und virologische Kriterien. Die Wasserqualit�t wurde regelm��ig ermittelt. In den Versuchen B I und B II wurde eine 10%ige Na-Humat-L�sung (HS vom Typ WH 67 SNa der Fa. Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) dem H�lterungswasser so zugesetzt, dass eine Na-Humat-Konzentration von 10 mg L-1 entstand. Zweij�hrige, multifaktoriell erkrankte Goldfische (B I: N=2 x 322, B II: N=2 x 100) wurden dem Na-Humat-Bad t�glich f�r die Dauer einer Stunde (B I) bzw. von 1,5 bis 2 Stunden (B II) ausgesetzt. Die HS-Badehandlungen f�hrten in beiden Versuchen zu einer Senkung der Verluste (Mortalit�tsrate in B I: 0,6 versus 4,7 %, p<0,0005; B II: 8 versus 16 %, p<0,05). Bei Versuchsende war in den Versuchsgruppen (Na-Humat-Bad) der Gesundheitszustand, beurteilt nach �u�erlich sichtbaren Ver�nderungen an Haut, Flossen und Kiemen, deutlich verbessert (B I: p<1�10-16; B II: p<0,001). So waren (Signifikanzangaben nur f�r B II) vor allem H�morrhagien der Haut und der Flossen (p<0,05), Flossenrand- und Kiemennekrosen (p<0,05) sowie akute Kiemenentz�ndungen (p<0,02) verringert. Die Badebehandlungen bewirkten weiter eine geringere Auspr�gung integument�rer Mykosen der Haut, Flossen und Kiemen durch Pilze der Gattung Saprolegnia (p<0,05). Der Befall von Haut und Kiemen mit vorrangig protozo�ren Ektoparasiten konnte insgesamt ebenso vermindert werden (p<0,01) wie der Befall der Kiemen mit Ichthyophthirius sp. (p<0,05). Aus der beobachteten Milderung von Krankheitssymptomen umweltbedingter, bakterieller, ektoparasit�rer und mykotischer Genese nach Na-Humat-B�dern bei Goldfischen kann auf einen gewebeprotektiven, antiphlogistischen, antimykotischen und antiparasit�ren Effekt der Na-Humat-Behandlung geschlossen werden. In der Aufzucht von Karpfen (F I) und Regenbogenforellen (F III) wurden dem Futter 5 % Humocarb, formuliert� (HS vom Typ WH 67 A), im Karpfenversuch F II 5 % Cellu-Ligno-Karbon-Isolat (HS vom Typ WH 67 G, beide Produkte: Fa. Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) zugesetzt. In F I und F III wurde ein gleiches pelletiertes Alleinfutter f�r Forellen, in F II ein pelletiertes Alleinfutter f�r Karpfen eingesetzt. In Versuch F I (Besatzdichte der beiden Teiche (0,2 ha) jeweils 35.000 Kv ha-1) wiesen die Karpfen der Versuchs- gegen�ber der Kontrollgruppe h�here mittlere K�rpermassen auf. Der Unterschied zwischen den Gruppen bewegte sich mit einer Ausnahme (zu geringer Stichprobenumfang) zwischen p<0,05 (65 versus 45 g, 114. Tag) und p<0,0001 (1.146 versus 855 g, Versuchsende 1000. Tag). Der um die HS-Aufnahme bereinigte Futteraufwand des ersten Versuchsjahres war durch HS um 34 % verbessert. Die Futterquotienten in der zweiten und dritten Aufzuchtperiode waren durch die subjektive Futterzumessung (Nichtber�cksichtigung zwischenzeitlicher Verluste) verf�lscht. In Versuch F II (Besatzdichten der 2 x 3 Teiche (0,25 ha) 20.000, 30.000 bzw. 40.000 K0 ha-1) erhielten die Br�tlinge �ber die ersten zwei Wochen kein zus�tzliches Futter (nur Naturnahrung), anschlie�end wurde Weizenschrot zugef�ttert, erst ab dem 63. Tag das Versuchs- bzw. Kontrollfutter f�r 87 Tage. Bei Versuchsende war in den Gruppen der h�chsten Besatzdichte die Mortalit�t durch HS um ca. 20 % verringert (p<0,0001). Die Abfischungsmassen waren bei geringer Besatzdichte ann�hernd gleich, bei mittlerer Besatzdichte war die Kontrollgruppe, bei h�chster Besatzdichte die Versuchsgruppe favorisiert (statistische Pr�fung wegen des Fehlens von Einzeldaten nicht m�glich). Der um die HS-Aufnahme bereinigte Futteraufwand war in den HS-Gruppen bei geringer bzw. h�chster Besatzdichte um 5 bzw. 17 % verringert. In beiden Versuchen, F I und F II, wurde eine deutliche Verringerung des Gehaltes der inneren Organe Leber, Niere und Milz an fakultativ pathogenen Aeromonas- und Pseudomonas spp. nachgewiesen (p<0,05). Bei der Aufzucht von Regenbogenforellen (F III; N=2 x 25) trugen die durch den HS-Zusatz bedingten Ver�nderungen der Konsistenz von Futter und Kot zur Verminderung einer starken Belagbildung (Bewuchs aus Algen und anderen Mikroorganismen) sowie zur Vermeidung von Wassertr�bungen in den Aquarien, insbesondere bei h�heren Temperaturen, bei. Signifikante Unterschiede in den Kenndaten von Wachstum und Futteraufwand wurden nicht beobachtet. Insgesamt gesehen erscheint aber der Zusatz von 5 % HS zum Futter als zu hoch gew�hlt, da sich der Futteraufwand in den HS-Gruppen bei Ber�cksichtigung der Gesamtfuttermenge (einschlie�lich des 5%igen HS-Zusatzes) �berwiegend ung�nstiger gestaltete. Die Effekte der oralen Applikation von 5 % HS im Futter sind damit weit weniger augenf�llig als nach �u�erlicher Anwendung. Die zootechnischen Parameter waren �berwiegend mehr oder weniger unver�ndert; allein in Versuch F I war die K�rpermasse in der HS-Gruppen im Versuchsverlauf (Stichproben und Abfischung) in der Regel signifikant h�her als in der Kontrollgruppe. Von k�nftiger Bedeutung f�r die Aquarienhaltung von Fischen (und m�glicherweise in Klein- und Zierteichen) k�nnte die beobachtete Wasserkl�rung und die Verminderung einer Belagbildung aus Algen und anderen Mikroorganismen sein. Eine intestinale Wirkung der HS wird insoweit unterstellt, als in beiden Karpfenversuchen die inneren Organe einen verminderten Befall an beweglichen Aeromonaden und Pseudomonaden aufwiesen. / Prophylactic and therapeutic use of brown coal-derived humic substances of the type WH 67 in finfish and ornamental fish farming On the market, there is a limited number of suitable and approved drugs available for therapy and prophylaxis of fish diseases. The search for alternatives which are both effective and safe for animals, consumers and environment is therefore of special importance. There are numerous reports on positive effects of orally administered humic substances (HS) on agricultural livestock, zoo animals and pets. Therefore, the present study aimed on effects of HS for both external treatment of ornamental fish and oral application on culture fish via feed. Two experiments on goldfish (Carassius auratus) (exp. B I: 4 days; exp. B II: 12 days), and on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (exp. F I: 1,000 days, fry to 3-year-old fish ; exp. F II: 150 days, fry to young-of-the-year size) were carried out under pond culture conditions. Additionally, one experiment on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was carried out in the laboratory (exp. F III: 166 days, fingerlings up to 30 g body weight). The following parameters were examined: mortality, morbidity, growth, feed conversion ratio (exp. F I, F II, F III only), pathologic anatomical criteria (including histological examination of fish from B I and F II), parasitological investigation, bacteriological and virological state. Water quality was regularly examined as well. In the experiments B I and B II, a 10% sodium-humate solution (type WH 67 SNa, Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) was mixed into the water until a sodium-humate concentration of 10 mg L-1 was reached. Two-year old, multifactorially diseased goldfish (B I: N= 2 x 322; B II: N= 2 x 100) were daily exposed to this water for a period of one (B I) and 1.5-2 (B II) hours, respectively. In both experiments the treatment of fish reduced in mortality (B I: 0.6 vs. 4.7 %, p<0.0005; B II: 8 vs. 16 %, p<0.05). Moreover, at the end of the experiments the sodium-humate treated fish showed a significantly improved health state (B I: p<10-16; B II: p<0.001) as indicated by externally visible changes of the skin, fins and gills. Specifically, reductions in haemorrhage of skin and fins (B II: p <0.05), and fin and gill necroses (B II: p<0.05), and gill inflammations (B II: p<0.02) were noted. Additionally, the sodium-humate treatment reduced integumental mucoses of skin, fins and gills (p<0.05) caused by Saprolegnia sp. The infection of skin and gills with protozoan parasites was reduced (p<0.01) as well. Ichthyophthirius sp. infections of the gills dropped significantly (p<0.05) in the treated fish groups as compared to the controls. Due to the observed mitigation of disease symptoms of environmental, bacterial, parasitic and fungal origin after a sodium-humate bath treatment of goldfish, a tissue protective, antiphlogistic, antimycotic and antiparasitic effect of sodium-humate can be concluded. For rearing of carp (F I) and rainbow trout (F III), 5 % Humocarb, formuliert� (type WH 67 A, Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) was mixed among the feed, while for the experiment F II 5 % Cellu-Ligno-Carbon-Isolat (type WH 67 G, Pharmawerk Weinb�hla) was added. In F I and F III a complete feed for trout was applied whereas for F II a complete feed for carp was used. In experiment F I (stocking density of both ponds 35,000 carp fry per ha) test fish revealed a higher mean body weight compared to the controls. With one exception (sample size to small), the difference between the groups was either significant (day 114: 65 vs. 45 g, p<0.05) or highly significant (day 1000: 1,146 versus 855 g, p<0.0001). The feed conversion ratio of the first experimental year (expurgated by HS-uptake) improved by 34 % due to HS application. Feed conversion ratio of the second and third year were falsified because of subjective feeding (which does not consider occurring losses). In experiment F II (stocking density of the 2 x 3 ponds (0,25 ha) were 20,000, 30,000 and 40,000 individuals per ha, respectively) no additional feed was given to the hatched fry during the first two weeks so that all the fish lived on natural feed items. Afterwards, bruised wheat grain was given until from day 63 either test or control feed was applied for a total of 87 days. At the end of the experiment, at the highest stocking density the mortality was significantly (p<0.0001) decreased by 20% in the test group supplied with HS. At low stocking density the total weight of fish at harvest was not different between the test and control group. However, at medium stocking density the average body weight was higher in the control whereas reverse conditions were observed at the highest stocking density (due to a loss of data no statistical analysis was possible). The feed conversion ratio (expurgated by the uptake of humic substances) was decreased in the test groups of low (5 %) and high (17 %) density. In both experiments (F I and F II) significantly reduced infections of the internal organs liver, kidney and spleen with potentially pathogenic Aeromonas and Pseudomonas spp. were detected. In the rainbow trout rearing (F III; N = 2 x 25), the HS-caused changes in consistency of feed and faeces impaired the formation of heavy algal films and large microorganism populations, and contributed to less turbid water turbidity in the aquaria, particularly at high temperatures. Significant differences in growth and feed conversion ratio could not be observed. In general, the addition of 5 % HS to the feed is regarded as being too high because the total amount of feed given (inclusive 5 % HS) is considered. The feed conversion ratio was higher in most of the HS-groups. Effects of oral application of 5 % HS in feed were thus less obvious than the bath treatment. Zootechnical parameters, in general, did not change. Merely in experiment F I the body weight of the HS-groups was significantly higher than that of the controls. In aquaria and small ponds used for ornamental fish breeding the observed cleaning of water and reduced formation of algal films and microorganism populations caused by HS could be of future importance. Intestinal effects of HS are assumed as internal organs revealed a reduced infection with both motile aeromonads and pseudomonads.
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Preliminary investigation of nutrient contents in wastewater at some coastal communes of Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh provinceLe, Nhu Da, Le, Thi Phuong Quynh, Duong, Thi Thuy 07 February 2019 (has links)
Wastewater, especially non-treated wastewater from different sources is one of causes for surface and ground water pollution. However, the monitoring of wastewater quality has not been regularly implemented. This paper presents the preliminary observation results of the wastewater quality of different sources such as domestic, fishery processing, husbandry, agricultural runoff and irrigation canals in some coastal communes of Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province in 2017 - 2018. The results showed variation values of some variables as following: pH: 3.4 to 8.7; DO: 1.1 – 7.6 mg/l; conductivity: 0.01 – > 99.9 S/m; Suspended solids: 7 – 599 mg.L-1; nitrate (NO3-): 0.01-1.74 mgL-1; ammonium (NH4+): 0.01 - 3.99 mgNL-1, phosphate (PO43-): < 0.01– 3.05 mgPL-1, total phosphorus: 0.01 – 5.03 mgPL-1. The values of some variables such as DO, pH, nitrite, ammonium, suspended solids and phosphate at some observation time exceeded the allowed values of the Vietnamese standards for domestic wastewater quality, for industrial wastewater quality and for surface water
quality. Among these different wastewaters observed, the higher contents of nutrients were found for domestic wastewater. The results provide a dataset for environmental managers in order to control of wastewater quality, especially for the coastal communes where coastal aquacultural areas are large like Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province. / Nước thải, đặc biệt là nước thải chưa qua xử lý từ nhiều nguồn thải khác nhau là một trong những nguyên nhân gây ô nhiễm nguồn nước mặt và nước ngầm. Tuy nhiên việc giám sát chất lượng nước, lại chưa được thường xuyên thực hiện. Bài báo trình bày kết quả khảo sát bước đầu về chất lượng nước thải sinh hoạt, chế biến thủy sản, chăn nuôi, nông nghiệp, kênh dẫn tưới tiêu tại một số xã ven biển thuộc huyện Giao Thủy, tỉnh Nam Định trong năm 2017 - 2018. Kết quả khảo sát cho thấy khoảng giá trị của một số thông số như sau: pH 3,4 – 8,7; DO: 1,1 – 7,6 mgL-1; độ dẫn điện: 0,01 – 99,9 S/m; chất rắn lơ lửng: 7 – 599 mg.L-1; nitrat (NO3-): 0.01-1.74 mgL-1; amoni (NH4+): 0.01 - 3.99 mgNL-1; phốtphat (PO43-): <0,01 - 3,05 mgPL-1 và phốtpho tổng số: 0,01 – 5,03 mgL-1. Hàm lượng một số chỉ tiêu như NO2, NH4 +, PO43-, SS tại một số thời điểm đã vượt quá giá trị cho phép theo các quy chuẩn nước thải sinh hoạt, nước thải công nghiệp và nước tưới tiêu. Trong các loại nước thải đã quan trắc, nước thải sinh hoạt có hàm lượng các chỉ tiêu dinh dưỡng cao hơn. Các kết quả nghiên cứu nhằm cung cấp cơ sở dữ liệu cho các nhà quản lý về việc kiểm soát chất lượng nước thải, đặc biệt là các xã ven biển có diện tích nuôi trồng thủy sản khá lớn như huyện Giao Thủy, tỉnh Nam Định.
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Assessment of water quality of some aquaculture ponds in Ho Chi Minh CityDuong, Thi Giang Huong, Nguyen, Thuan Minh, Tran, Ngoc Han 27 February 2019 (has links)
Eutrophication in aquaculture ponds is one of the major issues related to both the environment and the health of consumers. This study has selected and conducted a water-quality survey of nine freshwater aquaculture ponds in Ho Chi Minh City. The empirical results showed that these ponds were seriously polluted with COD and BOD5 whose values did not meet the B2 column of the Vietnamese National Technical Regulation on Surface Water Quality (QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT). On the other hand, most N-NH4+ and N-NO2- concentrations in the ponds met the threshold value of B2 column. The values of the chlorophyll-a are greater than 10 μg/L, indicating that investigated ponds are in a state of eutrophication. In addition, the results of the TSI calculations showed that most of the sites that are in hypereutrophication state and phosphorus is identified as the eutrophication limit factor in these sites. / Phú dưỡng hóa nguồn nước nuôi trồng thủy sản là một trong các vấn đề lớn liên quan đến cả môi trường và sức khỏe người tiêu dùng. Nghiên cứu này đã lựa chọn và tiến hành khảo sát chất lượng nước của chín ao hồ nuôi thủy sản trên địa bàn thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Kết quả phân tích cho thấy các ao hồ trên bị ô nhiễm hữu cơ nặng với thông số COD và BOD5 đều không đạt chuẩn B2 theo quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về chất lượng nước mặt (QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT). Về mặt ô nhiễm các chất dinh dưỡng, nồng độ N-NH4+ và N-NO2- đa số chỉ thỏa mãn loại B2, thậm chí vượt ngưỡng quy định của cột B2. Các giá trị của thông số chlorophyll-a đều lớn hơn 10 μg/L, chứng tỏ các ao hồ khảo sát đều đang trong tình trạng phú dưỡng. Thêm vào đó, kết quả tính toán chỉ số TSI cho thấy hầu hết các vị trí nghiên cứu đang ở trạng thái siêu phú dưỡng và photpho được xác định là yếu tố giới hạn sự phú dưỡng của các vị trí khảo sát nêu trên.
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