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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of water quality of some aquaculture ponds in Ho Chi Minh City

Duong, Thi Giang Huong, Nguyen, Thuan Minh, Tran, Ngoc Han 27 February 2019 (has links)
Eutrophication in aquaculture ponds is one of the major issues related to both the environment and the health of consumers. This study has selected and conducted a water-quality survey of nine freshwater aquaculture ponds in Ho Chi Minh City. The empirical results showed that these ponds were seriously polluted with COD and BOD5 whose values did not meet the B2 column of the Vietnamese National Technical Regulation on Surface Water Quality (QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT). On the other hand, most N-NH4+ and N-NO2- concentrations in the ponds met the threshold value of B2 column. The values of the chlorophyll-a are greater than 10 μg/L, indicating that investigated ponds are in a state of eutrophication. In addition, the results of the TSI calculations showed that most of the sites that are in hypereutrophication state and phosphorus is identified as the eutrophication limit factor in these sites. / Phú dưỡng hóa nguồn nước nuôi trồng thủy sản là một trong các vấn đề lớn liên quan đến cả môi trường và sức khỏe người tiêu dùng. Nghiên cứu này đã lựa chọn và tiến hành khảo sát chất lượng nước của chín ao hồ nuôi thủy sản trên địa bàn thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Kết quả phân tích cho thấy các ao hồ trên bị ô nhiễm hữu cơ nặng với thông số COD và BOD5 đều không đạt chuẩn B2 theo quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về chất lượng nước mặt (QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT). Về mặt ô nhiễm các chất dinh dưỡng, nồng độ N-NH4+ và N-NO2- đa số chỉ thỏa mãn loại B2, thậm chí vượt ngưỡng quy định của cột B2. Các giá trị của thông số chlorophyll-a đều lớn hơn 10 μg/L, chứng tỏ các ao hồ khảo sát đều đang trong tình trạng phú dưỡng. Thêm vào đó, kết quả tính toán chỉ số TSI cho thấy hầu hết các vị trí nghiên cứu đang ở trạng thái siêu phú dưỡng và photpho được xác định là yếu tố giới hạn sự phú dưỡng của các vị trí khảo sát nêu trên.

Potential of purpose-specific fish feeds for aquaponics and circular multitrophic food production systems

Shaw, Christopher 27 May 2024 (has links)
Durch die Nutzung des fischfutterbedingten Nährstoffeintrags für die kombinierte Produktion von Fischen und Pflanzen können Aquaponiksysteme eine nachhaltige Erweiterung von Kreislaufanlagen der Aquakultur (RAS) darstellen. Herkömmliche Aquakulturfutter zielen jedoch auf Fischproduktion mit geringer Umweltbelastung ab und sind somit nicht für die Aquaponik optimiert. Daher weist RAS-Wasser häufig Mängel im Profil gelöster anorganischer Pflanzennährstoffe auf. So war es Ziel dieser Arbeit, die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Proteinquellen auf die Nährstoffdynamik in RAS durch Fütterungsversuche mit Afrikanischem Raubwels und Nil-Tilapia zu untersuchen, bei denen Wachstum, gelöste anorganische Nährstoffkonzentrationen im RAS-Wasser und die Ausscheidung von Nährstoffen über den Kot verfolgt wurden. Der Fokus lag auf nachhaltigen alternativen Proteinquellen zu marinem Fischmehl und terrestrischen Pflanzenproteinen: Larvenmehl der Schwarzen Soldatenfliege (BSFM), Welsschlachtabfallmehl (CM), Geflügelschlachtabfallmehl (PM) und Geflügelblutmehl (PBM). Experimentalfutter, die phosphorreiches PM und CM enthielten, förderten erhöhte Ausscheidung von löslichem reaktivem Phosphor, erzeugten die besten gelösten N:P-Verhältnisse im RAS-Wasser verglichen mit einer Hydroponik-Nährlösung und ermöglichten in Kombination mit PBM besseres Wachstum beim Wels als ein vergleichbares kommerzielles Futter. In Futtern basierend auf einer einzigen Proteinquelle führte PM bei Wels und insbesondere bei Tilapia zu ähnlichem Wachstum verglichen mit marinem Fischmehl, wohingegen BSFM und PBM bei beiden Arten Wachstumsleistung beeinträchtigte. Meta-Analysen aller Versuche legen nahe, dass höherer Phosphor-, Kalium- und Magnesiumgehalt im Futter erhöhte Ausscheidung dieser Elemente in gelöster Form bedingt, was sie zu Zielnährstoffen in Aquaponikfuttern macht, während die Optimierung des Protein zu Energie-Verhältnisses im Futter die gelösten N:P- und N:K-Verhältnisse im RAS-Wasser verbessern kann. / By using the nutrient input from fish feeds for the combined production of fish and plants, aquaponic systems can be a sustainable extension of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). However, conventional aquaculture feeds are optimized for fish production and reduced environmental impact rather than aquaponics. Hence, RAS water is often characterized by deficiencies regarding its dissolved inorganic plant nutrient profile. Therefore, this thesis aimed to explore the effect of purposeful dietary protein choice on nutrient dynamics in RAS through four systematic feeding trials involving African catfish and Nile tilapia in which growth performance, dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations in RAS water and solid fecal nutrient excretion were tracked. Focus was on sustainable alternative protein sources to marine fish meal and terrestrial plant proteins: black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFM), catfish by-product meal (CM), poultry by-product meal (PM) and poultry blood meal (PBM). Experimental diets including phosphorus-rich PM and CM supported increased excretion of soluble reactive phosphorus, produced the most favorable dissolved N:P ratios in RAS water when compared to a renowned hydroponic nutrient solution, and, combined with PBM, enabled better growth performance in African catfish than a comparable commercial diet. In single protein source diets, PM produced similar growth performance in African catfish and particularly Nile tilapia versus marine fish meal, whereas BSFM and PBM impaired growth performance in both species. Meta-analyses covering all trials suggest that higher dietary phosphorus, potassium and magnesium content leads to their increased excretion in dissolved form, making them target nutrients for aquaponic feed formulation, while the optimization of the dietary protein to energy ratio can further improve dissolved N:P and N:K ratios in RAS water.

Untersuchungen zum leistungsabhängigen Bedarf an Lysin, Methionin/Cystin und Threonin von Nil-Tilapien auf Grundlage der Aminosäure-Wirksamkeit in ausgewählten Proteinträgermischungen / Investigation into the performance dependent requirement of lysine, methionine/cystine and threonine of Nile tilapia on the basis of the amino acid efficiency in selected mixtures of protein carriers

Benkendorff, Kay 12 November 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Strategie Fischwirtschaft: Konzept zur Sicherung der nachhaltigen Teichwirtschaft, Aquakultur und Angelfischerei im Freistaat Sachsen

05 August 2024 (has links)
Die Angelfischerei ist ein beliebtes Hobby, und die Karpfenteichwirtschaft erhält wertvolle artenreiche Teich-Kulturlandschaften im Freistaat Sachen. In einer Strategie für die Fischwirtschaft werden die vielfältigen Herausforderungen des Fischerei- und Aquakultursektors dargestellt und Vorschläge für deren Lösung aufgezeigt. Redaktionsschluss: 21.05.2024

Erfassung und Risikoanalyse von niedersächsischen Aquakulturbetrieben vor dem Hintergrund der Fischseuchengesetzgebung / Census and risk analysis of Lower Saxony aquaculture production business against the background of fish epizootics legislation

Kleingeld, Dirk Willem 06 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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