Spelling suggestions: "subject:"archipelago"" "subject:"archipelagos""
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Het vraagstuk van de Hindoe-kolonisatie van den archipelBosch, F. D. K. January 1946 (has links)
Rede--Leyden (Aanvaarding van het hoogleeraars-ambt in de oude geschiedenis en archaeologie van Nederlandsch-Indië) 1946. / Bibliography included in Aanteekeningen (p. 36).
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Het vraagstuk van de Hindoe-kolonisatie van den archipelBosch, F. D. K. January 1946 (has links)
Rede--Leyden (Aanvaarding van het hoogleeraars-ambt in de oude geschiedenis en archaeologie van Nederlandsch-Indië) 1946. / Bibliography included in Aanteekeningen (p. 36).
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A predictive model for Early Holocene archaeological sites in southeast Alaska based on elevated palaeobeachesCarlson, Risa J. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Estudo petrográfico e químico de diques ultramáficos e máficos do arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, PE / Petrography and chemistry of ultramafic and mafic dikes from the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, PE, BrazilVagner Maríngolo 07 December 1995 (has links)
No Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha são reconhecidos dois episódios eruptivos principais. O mais antigo consiste de depósitos piroclásticos, atravessados por domos de fonólitos e traquitos e numerosos diques ultrabásicos a intermediários. O episódio mais novo é representado principalmente por extensos derrames e depósitos piroclásticos de ankaratritos da Formação Quixaba. Trinta e seis dos diques que cortam as rochas da Formação Remédios foram selecionados para investigação petrográfica e geoquímica, tendo sido reconhecidos: 1) ankaratritos, álcali basalto, basanitos e tefritos, cuja associação de fenocristais inclui principalmente olivina e clinopiroxênio, e 2) monchiquitos, camptonitos e tefrifonólitos, rochas sem olivina, onde a associação de fenocristais é composta de clinopiroxênio e anfibólio. As feições petrográficas e químicas dos diques de ankaratritos (15-25% de olivina, valores de mg# de 67 a 72) indicam que eles pertencem à Formação Quixaba. Os elevados teores de Ni (\'+ ou -\'360 a \'+ ou -\'500ppm) e Cr (\'+ ou -\'500 a \'+ ou -\'700ppm) sugerem que houve acumulação de minerais máficos nesses corpos intrusivos. O único dique de álcali basalto encontrado é tipicamente empobrecido em elementos traços incompatíveis quando comparado com as outras rochas ultrabásicas básicas da Formação Remédios. O álcali basalto representa um possível magma parental para a série potássica fracamente subsaturada que culmina em traquiandesitos e traquitos. As observações petrográficas e os dados químicos sugerem que basanitos, tefritos, camptonitos e tefrifonólitos representam os membros de diferenciação de tendência sódica resultante de processos de cristalização fracionada. A modelagem geoquímica, entretanto, mostrou apenas a possível derivação de tefritos a partir de basanitos, rochas de composição muito próxima, através da remoção de olivina e, em proporções menores, de clinopiroxênio e magnetita. Encontram-se comumente nos fenocristais de clinopiroxênio \"núcleos ou áreas verdes\" de salitas ricas em Na e Al, semelhantes às salitas dos tefrifonólitos, mostrando transporte de materiais estranhos durante possível diferenciação. O exemplo mais característico da presença de xenólitos em rochas de matriz básica é a amostra WFN38 na qual foram reconhecidos fenocristais de origens diversas (de mantélicos até provenientes de rochas fonolíticas). Em termos gerais, pode-se dizer que a evolução de suítes vulcânicas em ilhas oceânicas certamente envolve cristalização fracionada a baixas pressões em sistemas de câmaras magmáticas interconectadas. Durante sua ascenção, magmas mais primitivos podem carregar fragmentos de minerais das paredes dos condutos bem como de partes inferiores de câmaras magmáticas profundas. Este mecanismo e também concentração de voláteis e mistura de líquidos complicam ou dificultam a identificação de processos de fracionamento. Os monchiquitos são considerados como um grupo independente dentro do conjunto que constitui a série sódica do arquipélago. Os fenocristais de clinopiroxênio e anfibólio possuem baixos teores de Ca e altos teores de \'Al POT. VI\' e Na, indicando cristalização a pressões elevadas; e os dados químicos de elementos compatíveis das rochas aparecem deslocados da tendência geral. As feições petrográficas (textura dos anfibólios, presença de estruturas globulares contendo acículas de anfibólio opticamente semelhantes aos fenocristais em alguns diques) apontam para a atuação de mecanismos diversos durante os processos de formação das rochas. / Two main periods of volcanic activity are distinguished in the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha: the older Remedios Formation comprising pyroclastic tuffs cut by plugs and domes of phonolite, trachyte and numerous ultrabasic to intermediate dykes, and a younger Quixaba Formation dominated by ankaratrite lows and pyroclastic tuffs. A total of thirty six samples of the dykes intruding the tuffs of the Remedios Formation were selected for pethographic and geochemical investigation. The following lithologies have been recognised: 1) ankaratrites, alkali basalts, basanites e tephrites, bearing olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts; and 2) monchiquites, camptonites and tephriphonolites, without olivine, carrying clinopyroxene phenocrysts associated to amphibole phenocrysts. The ankaratrite dykes have petrographic and chemical features (15-25% olivine, high mg# values, high Ni and Cr contents) similar to the rocks of Quixaba Formation. High Ni and Cr values point to crystal accumumulation processes. Only one dyke of alkali basalt, typically depleted in incompatible trace elements, has been found. The alkali basalt may represent a possible parental magma to a weakly undersaturated potassic series in the Archipelago, evolving to trachyandesites and trachytes. The other Remedios Formation rocks represent a sodic differentiation series evolving through continuous fractional crystallization. Least-squares calculation has shown the descent from basanite to tephrite by means of removal of olivine and lesser amounts of clinopyroxene and magnetite. Particular petrographic features must be taken into account when assuming petrogenetic hypotheses such as fractional crystallization. For instance, clinopyroxene phenocrysts in basanites and tephrites commonly present green Na- Al-rich salite cores similar in composition to tephriphonolite clinopyroxenes, indicating foreign material in these rocks. The best example is given by sample WFN38 which has shown a phenocryst association including xenocrysts of deep origin together with a typically phonolite mineral association. Evolution of volcanic suites in oceanic islands certainly involve fractional crystallization under low pressures in interconnected magmatic chambers. Assimilation of mineral fragments from the walls as well as from lower parts of deep magmatic chambers, concentration of volatiles, mixing processes are certainly also likely to be involved in the history of the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha. The monchiquites although belonging to the sodic series are here considered an independent group. Amphibole and clinopyroxene phenocrysts bear low Ca and high \'AI POT.VI\' and Na indicating crystallization under high pressures. Compatible element contents in the rocks do not follow the general trend. Petrographic features (textures of amphibole, globules containing abundant amphibole needles optically similar to the phenocrysts in some dykes) point to the involvement of different mechanisms during the rocks formation.
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Estudo petrográfico e químico de diques ultramáficos e máficos do arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, PE / Petrography and chemistry of ultramafic and mafic dikes from the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, PE, BrazilMaríngolo, Vagner 07 December 1995 (has links)
No Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha são reconhecidos dois episódios eruptivos principais. O mais antigo consiste de depósitos piroclásticos, atravessados por domos de fonólitos e traquitos e numerosos diques ultrabásicos a intermediários. O episódio mais novo é representado principalmente por extensos derrames e depósitos piroclásticos de ankaratritos da Formação Quixaba. Trinta e seis dos diques que cortam as rochas da Formação Remédios foram selecionados para investigação petrográfica e geoquímica, tendo sido reconhecidos: 1) ankaratritos, álcali basalto, basanitos e tefritos, cuja associação de fenocristais inclui principalmente olivina e clinopiroxênio, e 2) monchiquitos, camptonitos e tefrifonólitos, rochas sem olivina, onde a associação de fenocristais é composta de clinopiroxênio e anfibólio. As feições petrográficas e químicas dos diques de ankaratritos (15-25% de olivina, valores de mg# de 67 a 72) indicam que eles pertencem à Formação Quixaba. Os elevados teores de Ni (\'+ ou -\'360 a \'+ ou -\'500ppm) e Cr (\'+ ou -\'500 a \'+ ou -\'700ppm) sugerem que houve acumulação de minerais máficos nesses corpos intrusivos. O único dique de álcali basalto encontrado é tipicamente empobrecido em elementos traços incompatíveis quando comparado com as outras rochas ultrabásicas básicas da Formação Remédios. O álcali basalto representa um possível magma parental para a série potássica fracamente subsaturada que culmina em traquiandesitos e traquitos. As observações petrográficas e os dados químicos sugerem que basanitos, tefritos, camptonitos e tefrifonólitos representam os membros de diferenciação de tendência sódica resultante de processos de cristalização fracionada. A modelagem geoquímica, entretanto, mostrou apenas a possível derivação de tefritos a partir de basanitos, rochas de composição muito próxima, através da remoção de olivina e, em proporções menores, de clinopiroxênio e magnetita. Encontram-se comumente nos fenocristais de clinopiroxênio \"núcleos ou áreas verdes\" de salitas ricas em Na e Al, semelhantes às salitas dos tefrifonólitos, mostrando transporte de materiais estranhos durante possível diferenciação. O exemplo mais característico da presença de xenólitos em rochas de matriz básica é a amostra WFN38 na qual foram reconhecidos fenocristais de origens diversas (de mantélicos até provenientes de rochas fonolíticas). Em termos gerais, pode-se dizer que a evolução de suítes vulcânicas em ilhas oceânicas certamente envolve cristalização fracionada a baixas pressões em sistemas de câmaras magmáticas interconectadas. Durante sua ascenção, magmas mais primitivos podem carregar fragmentos de minerais das paredes dos condutos bem como de partes inferiores de câmaras magmáticas profundas. Este mecanismo e também concentração de voláteis e mistura de líquidos complicam ou dificultam a identificação de processos de fracionamento. Os monchiquitos são considerados como um grupo independente dentro do conjunto que constitui a série sódica do arquipélago. Os fenocristais de clinopiroxênio e anfibólio possuem baixos teores de Ca e altos teores de \'Al POT. VI\' e Na, indicando cristalização a pressões elevadas; e os dados químicos de elementos compatíveis das rochas aparecem deslocados da tendência geral. As feições petrográficas (textura dos anfibólios, presença de estruturas globulares contendo acículas de anfibólio opticamente semelhantes aos fenocristais em alguns diques) apontam para a atuação de mecanismos diversos durante os processos de formação das rochas. / Two main periods of volcanic activity are distinguished in the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha: the older Remedios Formation comprising pyroclastic tuffs cut by plugs and domes of phonolite, trachyte and numerous ultrabasic to intermediate dykes, and a younger Quixaba Formation dominated by ankaratrite lows and pyroclastic tuffs. A total of thirty six samples of the dykes intruding the tuffs of the Remedios Formation were selected for pethographic and geochemical investigation. The following lithologies have been recognised: 1) ankaratrites, alkali basalts, basanites e tephrites, bearing olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts; and 2) monchiquites, camptonites and tephriphonolites, without olivine, carrying clinopyroxene phenocrysts associated to amphibole phenocrysts. The ankaratrite dykes have petrographic and chemical features (15-25% olivine, high mg# values, high Ni and Cr contents) similar to the rocks of Quixaba Formation. High Ni and Cr values point to crystal accumumulation processes. Only one dyke of alkali basalt, typically depleted in incompatible trace elements, has been found. The alkali basalt may represent a possible parental magma to a weakly undersaturated potassic series in the Archipelago, evolving to trachyandesites and trachytes. The other Remedios Formation rocks represent a sodic differentiation series evolving through continuous fractional crystallization. Least-squares calculation has shown the descent from basanite to tephrite by means of removal of olivine and lesser amounts of clinopyroxene and magnetite. Particular petrographic features must be taken into account when assuming petrogenetic hypotheses such as fractional crystallization. For instance, clinopyroxene phenocrysts in basanites and tephrites commonly present green Na- Al-rich salite cores similar in composition to tephriphonolite clinopyroxenes, indicating foreign material in these rocks. The best example is given by sample WFN38 which has shown a phenocryst association including xenocrysts of deep origin together with a typically phonolite mineral association. Evolution of volcanic suites in oceanic islands certainly involve fractional crystallization under low pressures in interconnected magmatic chambers. Assimilation of mineral fragments from the walls as well as from lower parts of deep magmatic chambers, concentration of volatiles, mixing processes are certainly also likely to be involved in the history of the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha. The monchiquites although belonging to the sodic series are here considered an independent group. Amphibole and clinopyroxene phenocrysts bear low Ca and high \'AI POT.VI\' and Na indicating crystallization under high pressures. Compatible element contents in the rocks do not follow the general trend. Petrographic features (textures of amphibole, globules containing abundant amphibole needles optically similar to the phenocrysts in some dykes) point to the involvement of different mechanisms during the rocks formation.
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Conservation Easements in the Madrean Archipelago: Landscape-Scale Strategy or Random Acts of Conservation?Rawoot, Damian Nabil, Rawoot, Damian Nabil January 2017 (has links)
In mixed-jurisdiction landscapes of the Intermountain West, unprotected wildlands in private and State Trust ownership buffer protected areas, support ecosystem and watershed processes, and maintain landscape connectivity, while their subdivision and development, results in losses of habitat and biodiversity, fragmentation, and isolation of neighboring protected areas. In recent decades, conservation easements (CEs) have emerged as the primary tool for protecting private lands, but as private agreements, there is no explicit expectation that land protected provides these conservation values. With this dependence on CEs, identifying their conservation outcomes is critical to understanding their role in landscape-scale conservation efforts. Focusing on the Madrean Archipelago in Arizona and New Mexico, I conducted a mixed methods study assessing the spatial pattern of existing CEs relative to grasslands, riparian areas, and distance from protected areas, and completed stakeholder interviews to identify any process underlying these spatial patterns. Results show that more than 10% of private wildlands in the region are in CEs. They exhibited a strong affinity towards grasslands (almost 20% of private grassland area is in CEs) and protected areas (more than 80% of CEs lie within 1 km of a protected area) but tend to avoid riparian areas. Interviews revealed a moderate level of consistency between the spatial patterns identified and stakeholder objectives. These results suggest that CEs in the Madrean Archipelago do support landscape-scale conservation outcomes, in part because stakeholders engaged in establishing them are prioritizing resources and values with landscape-scale significance. They also affirm the need for more access to spatial data on CEs to better integrate them into regional conservation planning efforts.
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Monitoring and Assessment of Coral Reef in Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi, IndonesiaJompa, Jamaluddin 04 1900 (has links)
<p> Four coral reef sites were observed in Spermonde Archipelago, off Southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia The sites were located at different distances from the mainland: Kayangan reef ('affected' site) is the closest and Samalona, Barang Lompo, and Kapoposan ('comparison' sites) are successively farther from the mainland and Ujung Pandang city. </p> <p> Coral cover, number of species at 3m and 1Om depths, and coral growth rates (Porites lobata) were observed to describe coral conditions. Environmental parameters suspended particulate matter (SPM), resuspended sediment, salinity, clarity, chlorophyll a, phosphate, nitrate, ammonium and o15N values ofcoral tissue (P. lobata) were also investigated to assess possible 'stress' factors on the reefs. </p> <p> Average coral cover at the 'affected' site was very low (14 %), compared to the other sites: Samalona (44.3 %), B. Lompo {47.2 %) and Kapoposan {66.6 %). Also, the lowest total number ofspecies occurred at Kayangan (42 spp.), compared to the other sites: Samalona {62 spp.), B. Lompo {71·spp.) and Kapoposan (80 spp.) </p> <p> Environmental parameters indicated that sedimentation and eutrophication (sewage) were the main 'stress' factors at Kayangan reef: while human disturbances such as fish bombing. anchoring. coral collection, and other activities affected Samalona and B. Lompo more. High coral cover and number of species at Kapoposan reef indicated fewer 'stress' factors. </p> <p> Coral growth rates showed a different trend from coral cover and total number of species. The highest coral growth rates occurred at B. Lompo (15.9 ± 0.8 mm yr-1) followed by Kayangan, Samalona and Kapoposan. Based on environmental parameters, it seemed that coral growth rates were higher at more eutrophic reefs, but slower at certain maximum critical nutrient values. </p> <p> δ^15 values of coral tissue found in this study are positively correlated with chlorophyll a, dissolved nutrients, and sedimentation rates. The high δ^(15)N values at Kayangan (8.03 ± 0.62 %) support the idea that this site was affected by human
waste and sewage. </p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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DE-CENTERKizy, Sean 06 September 2012 (has links)
Detroit continues to stand out as emblematic of failing urban economies, infrastructure, density, and form. But its spatially dominant urban relationships also provide the opportunity required to transform unsustainable, expanding megalopolises. Taking lead from the recently established Detroit Works Project, De-Center transforms existing urban conditions to propose a network of urban islands that respond to the extreme conditions created through modern planning. It demands that architecture and urbanism act as a single project.
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The circulation and fluxes from the Arctic into the North Atlantic Ocean 1979-2002 model resultsWilliams, Catherine E. 09 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / The recent decreasing trend of sea ice cover in the Arctic region and its projected future reduction has direct implications for the global thermohaline circulation and the U.S. Navy. This thesis provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the freshwater export from the Arctic Ocean through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA) and the Fram Strait into the deep-water formation region of the Labrador Sea, using model data from 1979 to 2002. The results of this thesis directly aid the Navy in preparing personnel, ships, and weapons systems to operate efficiently in a possible ice-free Arctic. A coupled ice-ocean model of the pan-Arctic region at a 1/12-degree and 45-level grid resolution was used to produce data over a 24-year time period. The 24-year averaged annual velocity, temperature, and salinity profiles were compared for each of the analyzed stations. Additionally, 24-year mean monthly volume and freshwater flux time series plots and annual cycle plots were also produced to analyze the region's interannual variability from 1979 to 2002. The results show that the Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the major contributor of freshwater to the Labrador Sea. The CAA is a direct pathway for increased freshwater export from the Arctic into the sub-arctic seas where North Atlantic Deep Water(NADW)forms. The increased freshwater flux through the CAA, found in this study, supports the earlier reports on the freshening of NADW and a possibility of reduction in the meridional overturning rate in the North Atlantic. An increase in freshwater export from the Arctic is a good indicator of increasing sea ice reduction. The predicted opening of the Arctic to commercial and military vessels poses a direct threat to U.S. economical and strategic interests in the Arctic region. This thesis supports the U.S. Navy's ability to operate in a possibly ice-free Arctic. / Ensign, United States Navy
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Numerical modelling of the ocean circulation in the Canadian Arctic ArchipelagoWang, Qiang Unknown Date
No description available.
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