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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Second home tourism : The root to displacement in Sweden?

Marjavaara, Roger January 2008 (has links)
During certain seasons, rural and peripheral locations with significant numbers of second homes become the destination for major traffic and commodity flows. The outcome of this seasonal flow can be somewhat problematic and cause conflicts. One of the most controversial issues of conflict is whether the demand for second homes has a displacement effect on permanent residents. It has been argued that, especially in attractive destinations, the demand for second homes has caused an involuntary out-migration of permanent residents. More affluent second home buyers can outbid the competition from permanent residents. Hence, permanent residents must buy dwellings elsewhere, or must leave due to rising living costs through increased property taxes in the area. This thesis aims to study the issue of second home induced displacement in attractive second home locations in Sweden. This is justified because it is unknown to what extent second homes have contributed to the problems in these areas. The thesis consists of four empirical studies presented in four separate papers. The studies derive from two different data sources. The first three papers are based on official register data, whereas the fourth paper is based on data collected from a questionnaire survey. The first paper is aimed at finding possible locations of second home induced displacement in Sweden. Results show that areas with a positive population development, proximity to the sea and with long traditions of tourism seem to attract second home owners. The Stockholm archipelago has been deemed to be the most attractive second home region in Sweden and a place that may possibly harbour second home induced displacement. The second paper tests the displacement theory in a regional context in the Stockholm archipelago. Results show that the number of second homes has decreased in favour of permanent homes. Further, the permanent homes’ share of the total property values in the area is increasing. Hence, permanent homes have strengthened their position, implying that dwellings used for permanent purposes have a higher impact on price inflation for dwellings than second homes do. The Stockholm archipelago is in a state of repopulation rather than second home induced displacement. Paper three examines in- and out-migration and dwelling development in three case study islands in the Stockholm archipelago. Results show that these islands have the preconditions for displacement. However, results also show that individuals leave the islands for reasons associated with major events in life such as studies and job opportunities, not displacement. The final paper deals with second home related out-migration from the island of Sandö, one of the single most attractive destinations in Sweden. Results show that the out-migrants left the island on a voluntary basis and did not perceive themselves as being displaced. They state that their life improved after they left Sandö and they are, in general, not willing to return. The paper concludes that people move from the rural periphery to urban areas in order to find a better future and this move is not associated with a forced displacement. In conclusion, this thesis has shown that second home tourism is not a widespread problem or the main cause of depopulation in attractive second home destinations in Sweden. As for many other countries throughout the world, the preconditions for a displacement situation are present in many locations. However, other causes such as job opportunities and educational possibilities are more important in explaining the negative population development. Second home owners are described as an external threat to the traditional way of life and serve as convenient scapegoats, compared to less tangible and underlying causes, which are far more difficult to address.

Långtida markanvändningsförändringar i jordbruket på Ingmarsö

Erlandsson, Rasmus January 2010 (has links)
Traditionellt skötta jordbrukslandskap hyser några av Sveriges mest artrika naturtyper, i huvudsak öppna gräsmarker till vilka en stor del av Sveriges hotade kärlväxter är knutna. Jordbrukets utveckling sedan 1800-talets slut har lett till kraftig minskning av gräsmarker och sämre kvalitet hos de kvarvarande. Skärgårdsjordbruket har små möjligheter till storskalighet och har inte haft samma effektiviseringstryck på sig som jordbruk på fastlandet. Det kan alltså tänkas ha behållit äldre tiders småskalighet – i de fall det fortfarande bedrivs – och därmed stora naturvärden. Studien är en jämförelse mellan jordbrukets utveckling i skärgården och på fastlandet, baserat på GIS-analys av historiska kartdata kompletterat med fältstudier och intervjuer. Undersökningsområdena omfattar Ingmarsö i Stockholms skärgård och Myra, norr om Norrtälje. Arbetet omfattar också en GIS-baserad hävdanalys där gräsmarker klassats utifrån historisk markanvändning. Resultatet är tänkt att vara ett hjälpmedel i restaureringsprojekt genom att ringa in marker med potentiellt höga naturvärden. Reslutatet visar att skärgårdsjordbruket gått tillbaka men behållit sin småskalighet och förblivit aktivt. Till skillnad från det undersökta fastlandsjordbruket som så gott som upphörde innan 1950-talet. Hypotesen att skärgårdsjordbruket skulle vara mindre påverkat av jordbrukets allmäna utveckling bekräftas alltså, men då studien inte bygger på replikat går det inte att dra några generella slutsater. Ett flertal tänkbara förklaringar finns, bland annat skärgårdsbondens bredare försörjningsbas med möjlighet till fiske och intäkter från sommargäster. Hävdanalysen ringar in ett flertal områden som kan vara intressanta föremål för restaurering, men inventeringar krävs för att utvärdera analysmetoden.

Canadian sovereignty over the Arctic Archipelago

McConnell, William Howard 14 September 2007
The central problem of the thesis is to investigate the international legal validity of the Canadian claim to the Arctic Archipelago. In order to consider the bearing on the problem of the "sector principl" the area investigated comprised the islands, waters and permanent ice lying between the the 60th and 141st meridians of west longitude extended to the North Pole, which meridians are northerly projections of Canada's easternmost and westernmost boundaries.<p> After a brief review of the facts and law surrounding the transfer of British Arctic possessions to Canada in 1870 and 1800, the international law applicable to archipelagic formations and to the acquisition of title to terrae nullius was examined. There followed, in the perspective of international law and the historical precedents, an examination of the Canadian claims to (a) the islands of the Arctic Archipelago, and (b) the adjacent waters, especially the aftermath of the two voyages of the Manhattan and the Canadian legislation of June, 1970, extending territorial waters to a breadth of twelve miles and creating a large anti-pollution zone.<p> It was concluded that Canada's claim to the islands was very strong, either under the "prescription" or the "consolidation" doctrines, especially in the absence of serious adverse claims, and in the light of a vigorous Canadian manifestation of animus occupandi for several decades, at least.<p> Although the validity of the recent Canadian Maritime claims had been questioned by the United States, it was suggested either on the basis of the "consolidation" doctrine or in view of the evolving, norms of the international law of the sea that here also Canada could make out a strong case in support of the legislation of June, 1970.

Kvicksilversituationen i Stockholms skärgård / The mercury situation in the Stockholm archipelago

Elving, Hannes January 2010 (has links)
Kvicksilverutsläppen har på senare år minskat i omfattning men utsläpp sker fortfarande och det finns ett stort lager i naturen. Oorganiskt kvicksilver är relativt ofarligt för levande organismer, men i akvatiska miljöer kan sulfatreducerande bakterier under syrefria förhållanden omvandla oorganiskt kvicksilver till den betydligt mer skadliga formen metylkvicksilver, meHg, som även är mer biotillgängligt än oorganiskt kvicksilver. Kvicksilver biomagnifieras uppåt i trofinivåerna, från att vara lägst halter i plankton och bottenfauna till att vara högst halter i rovfiskar. Kvicksilver ackumuleras även i fiskars muskelvävnad vilket innebär att yngre fiskar har lägre Hg-halter än gamla och stora individer. På grund av detta finns kostråd framtagna av Livsmedelsverket. Saluförd abborre, liksom ett flertal andra fiskarter, får inneha maximalt 0,5 mg Hg/kg fiskmuskel (färskvikt) och för gädda är gränsen satt till 1 mg Hg/kg fiskmuskel (färskvikt). Organiskt kvicksilver kan påverka foster negativt, och därför bör kvinnor i fertil ålder i största möjliga mån undvika kvicksilverrik fisk.   Examensarbetet syftar till att belysa kvicksilversituationen i Stockholms skärgård för stationär kustfisk. Information har samlats in dels genom en litteraturstudie och dels genom fältundersökningar utförda av IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet. Genom statistisk analys och stegvis multipel regression visades att kvicksilverhalten i sediment, vattnets klorofyllhalt och områdets vattenvolym bidrog med förklaringsgrad till halten Hg i fisk. Utifrån de mest signifikanta förklarande variablerna togs en statistisk modell fram i syfte att kunna prediktera teoretiska kvicksilverhalter i fisk. Olika modellkombinationer testades och utgående från en modellvalidering valdes den bästa modellen ut. Dess förklaringsgrad är 81 % där kvicksilverhalten i sediment är modellens enda variabel.   Kvicksilversituationen i Stockholms skärgårds kustområden visades grafiskt med hjälp av interpolerade GIS-kartor. Samma områdesavgränsningar användes som i SMHI:s havsområderegister. Det visades att situationen över lag är relativt god, med undantag för de centrala delarna av Stockholm och på så vis kan Stockholm ses som en förorenande punktkälla. / Mercury emissions have been reduced in recent years but the discharges still exist and there exist a great mercury stock out in the nature. Inorganic mercury is relatively harmless for living organisms but during shortage of oxygen, sulphur reducing bacteria can transform inorganic mercury into the considerable more toxic substance methyl mercury, meHg, that are more bio available than inorganic mercury. Mercury biomagnify upwards the trophic levels, where the lowest content exists in algae and sediment living fauna and the highest content exist in predator fishes. Mercury also accumulates in fishes muscle tissue, meaning that young fishes have lower mercury content than old and big individuals. Food advices from the Swedish food agency exist because of this. Perch offered for sale are allowed to have a content of maximum 0.5 mg Hg/kg fish muscle (wet weight) and for pike the upper boundary content is 1 mg Hg/kg fish muscle (wet weight). Inorganic mercury can affect foetus negatively, and therefore women in fertile age should avoid fish with high mercury content for as long as possible.   The aim of this exam work is to illustrate the mercury situation in the archipelago of Stockholm regarding stationary coast fish. Information was collected through a literature study and by field examines done by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd. Through statistical analyses and stepwise multiple regression it was shown that the mercury content in sediment, chlorophyll and the water volume of the area contributed by statistical explanation to the mercury concentration in fish. On the basis of the most significant variables a statistical model was created, with the purpose of predicting theoretical mercury contents in fish. Different model combinations were tested and by a model validation the best model were chosen. Its statistical explanation is 81 % were the mercury content in the sediment is the only input variable to the model.   The mercury situation in the Stockholm archipelago was presented graphically by interpolated maps created with GIS. The same area boundary as SMHI’s maritime registry was used. It was shown that the situation in general is relatively good, with the exception of the central parts of Stockholm. Because of this Stockholm can be seen as a polluting point source.

Canadian sovereignty over the Arctic Archipelago

McConnell, William Howard 14 September 2007 (has links)
The central problem of the thesis is to investigate the international legal validity of the Canadian claim to the Arctic Archipelago. In order to consider the bearing on the problem of the "sector principl" the area investigated comprised the islands, waters and permanent ice lying between the the 60th and 141st meridians of west longitude extended to the North Pole, which meridians are northerly projections of Canada's easternmost and westernmost boundaries.<p> After a brief review of the facts and law surrounding the transfer of British Arctic possessions to Canada in 1870 and 1800, the international law applicable to archipelagic formations and to the acquisition of title to terrae nullius was examined. There followed, in the perspective of international law and the historical precedents, an examination of the Canadian claims to (a) the islands of the Arctic Archipelago, and (b) the adjacent waters, especially the aftermath of the two voyages of the Manhattan and the Canadian legislation of June, 1970, extending territorial waters to a breadth of twelve miles and creating a large anti-pollution zone.<p> It was concluded that Canada's claim to the islands was very strong, either under the "prescription" or the "consolidation" doctrines, especially in the absence of serious adverse claims, and in the light of a vigorous Canadian manifestation of animus occupandi for several decades, at least.<p> Although the validity of the recent Canadian Maritime claims had been questioned by the United States, it was suggested either on the basis of the "consolidation" doctrine or in view of the evolving, norms of the international law of the sea that here also Canada could make out a strong case in support of the legislation of June, 1970.

The origins, maintenance, and conservation of biodiversity in spatial networks

Economo, Evan Philip 16 February 2012 (has links)
Biodiversity is distributed unevenly across geographic space and the tree of life. A key task of biology is to understand the ecological and evolutionary processes that generate these patterns. I investigate how the structure and geometry of a landscape, for example the sizes and arrangements of islands in an archipelago, affects processes contributing to the generation and conservation of biodiversity patterns. In the first chapter, I integrate two disparate bodies of theory, ecological neutral theory and network theory into a powerful new framework for investigating patterns of biodiversity in a complex landscape. I examine the consequences of network structure, such as size, topology, and connectivity, for diversity patterning across the metacommunity. The second chapter focuses on how the position of a node within a network controls local community (node) diversity. Network statistics, such as node centrality, are found to predict diversity patterns with more central nodes accumulating the most diversity. In the third chapter, I use the theory to evaluate how well fundamental concepts in conservation biology perform when neutral metacommunity processes generate diversity patterns. I find that contemporary diversity patterns are poor predictors of the long-term capacity of a network to support diversity, challenging a host of conservation concepts and applications. In the fourth chapter, I consider biodiversity dynamics in a network with a different model of speciation, where spatial structure is needed for divergence. In this case, speciation hotspots form where the dispersal properties of an organism and the spatial structure of the landscape coincide. In the final chapter I study the biodiversity of a natural structured metacommunity, the ants of the Fijian archipelago. I used a variety of collecting techniques to inventory the ant species occurring across a system of islands in the southwest Pacific. Approximately 50 new species were discovered, and the distributions of the ant species across the islands are firmly established. Radiations are observed in the genera Pheidole, Camponotus, Lordomyrma, Leptogenys, Cerapachys, Strumigenys, Poecilomyrma, and Hypoponera. / text

Stratigraphy and paleontology of the lower Devonian sequence, southwest Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago

Smith, Gary Parker. January 1984 (has links)
The Lower Devonian carbonate-clastic sequence of southwest Ellesmere Island accumulated in the Franklinian Basin at approximately 15(DEGREES)N latitude. A variety of depositional settings are represented, ranging from tidal flat to basinal environments. These environments can be recognized in Lower Devonian rocks across the Arctic Islands. / Progradation of the carbonate sequence of southwest Ellesmere Island occurred in the Early Devonian, but was periodically interrupted in the Zlichovian/Dalejan by transgressive events. Upward movement in the newly named Inglefield Uplift occurred throughout the Devonian, and shed clastic sediments westward that, in Middle to Late Devonian time, finally overwhelmed the marine carbonates and resulted in fluvial deposition on southern Ellesmere Island. / Certain formations in the Lower Devonian sequence are profusely fossiliferous, in particular the Blue Fiord Formation, which contains an abundant fauna including numerous species of coral and brachiopods. Both of these groups belong to the Old World Biogeographic Realm, and indicate a Zlichovian age for the lower Blue Fiord Formation of southern Ellesmere Island.

Strandskyddet inifrån : Individ, egendom och plats

Lindmarker, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This thesis asks how Swedish shore protection and its effect on usage and ownership of property can be understood from the perspective of individuals’ attachment to place. The theoretical run-down indicates the relevance of a geographical perspective when discussing property. This leads to the use of different categories of place attachments that describe in what ways an individual can connect to a place. Two different methods are used to obtain a relevant material: firstly, interviews are used, allowing a closing in on the individual’s perspective. Then, two different observations are used to partly observe interaction between individuals and partly observe the physical landscape. Through the combination of these methods the thesis identifies some insights on how the Swedish shore protection can be apprehended from an individual standpoint. Interpretation of the result leads to a discussion that is centered around how borders and distances, creation of identity and a time perspective are relevant themes in the thesis. These fields are identified as valuable to both the current and forthcoming discussion of Swedish shore protection in particular, and questions about property and geography in general. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur det svenska strandskyddet och dess effekter på användning och ägande av egendom kan förstås genom det perspektiv som ges av individers anknytning till plats. Genomgången av teori visar på relevansen av ett geografiskt perspektiv när egendom diskuteras. Detta leder till användningen av olika kategorier av platsanknytningar som beskriver på vilka vis som en individ kan knyta an till en plats. Två olika metoder används för att få fram ett relevant material: först används intervjuer, vilket möjliggör ett närmande av det individuella perspektivet. Sedan används även två olika observationer, dels för att observera interaktionen mellan individer och dels för att observera det fysiska landskapet. Genom en kombination av de valda metoderna så identifierar uppsatsen en del insikter till hur det svenska strandskyddet kan förstås från en individuell ståndpunkt. Tolkningen av resultatet leder till en diskussion som centreras kring hur gränser och avstånd, skapande av identitet och användandet av ett tidsperspektiv utgör relevanta teman i uppsatsen. De här fälten identifieras som värdefulla både för den nuvarande och förestående diskussionen av svenskt strandskydd i synnerhet, och frågor om egendom och geografi i allmänhet.

Tidal flows, sill dynamics, and mixing in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago

Hughes, Kenneth 26 November 2018 (has links)
The transport of low-salinity waters through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago links the North Pacific, Arctic, and North Atlantic Oceans. This transport is influenced by many related small-scale processes including mixing, internal hydraulics, and internal tide generation. In this thesis, I quantify and elucidate the physics of such processes with aims of addressing discrepancies between observed and simulated fluxes through the Archipelago and advancing the skill of numerical models by identifying shortcomings and informing where and how progress can be achieved. To address the dearth of mixing rates across the network of channels, I first use a large-scale model to obtain baseline estimates of the spatial and seasonal variability of the vertical buoyancy flux. Much of the mixing occurs in the eastern half of the Archipelago and is attributed to the abundance of sills and narrow channels. Indeed, the so-called 'central sills area' is shown to be a mixing hot spot. I investigate this region further using high-spatial-resolution observational transects to examine the role of tides, which are excluded from the large-scale model. The many shallow channels here accelerate tidal currents and thereby induce strong bottom boundary layer dissipation. This is the largest energy sink within an observationally constrained energy budget. The generation of internal tides is another primary sink of barotropic tidal energy. Because the study site lies poleward of the critical latitudes of the dominant tidal constituents, internal tides propagate as internal Kelvin waves. Idealized, process-oriented modelling demonstrates that the amplitudes of such waves, or similarly the energy extracted from the barotropic tide, is sensitive to channel width because waves generated at each side of the channel interfere. Given the multiple connecting channels of the Archipelago, it is difficult to make a priori estimates of internal tide generation for a given channel. Nevertheless, the phenomenology I describe will be detectable in, and a requisite to understanding, pan-Arctic or global three-dimensional tidal models, which are becoming more prevalent. / Graduate

L'archipel des Comores : milieu insulaire et géopolitique / Comoros archipelago : insular and geopolitical environment

Said Ahmed, Said Ali 23 September 2015 (has links)
L’insularité a toujours fasciné et fait l’objet de nombreux champs d’étude scientifiques. Cette thèse traite l’insularité comorienne sous l’angle de la géographie politique en tenant compte des apports théoriques et empiriques des autres disciplines. De l’époque précoloniale à la colonisation à l’indépendance et jusqu’à nos jours, les rivalités de pouvoir sur l’espace comorien rythment et ont toujours rythmé la vie politique de la nation comorienne pourtant cimentée par une seule et unique identité culturelle. Pour tenter de comprendre les ressorts de la conflictualité comorienne et appréhender les équilibres territoriaux ce travail vise à étudier la complexité géographique et le creuset identitaire et historique. Centrée sur les causes endogènes et exogènes de cet écartèlement politique, notre étude tend également à dévoiler les réalités géopolitiques de l’archipel des Comores. L’insularité serait-elle un milieu à forte propension à l’instabilité et à la fragmentation politique ? Comment maintenir l’ensemble comorien dans une cohésion politique tout en reconnaissant à chaque entité composite une autonomie réelle ? Les Comores n’ont jamais cessé de vaciller entre division et unité politique. Quel système politique serait-il adéquat à la configuration géographique des Comores, capable de contenir les forces centrifuges ? Ces interrogations essentielles constituent la trame de notre travail de recherche. / Many scientific studies have dealt with the fascinating subject of insularity. This thesis deals with Comorian insularity in terms of political geography, taking into account the empirical and theoretical contributions of other fields. From the pre-colonial era of colonization to independence until today, the Comorian nation, despite its single cultural identity, has always encountered political power rivalries. To try to understand the reasons behind the Comorian conflict and the territorial stability of the nation, this work studies the complexity, the geographical identity and the history of the Comoros islands. Centered on the endogenous and exogenous causes of this political dismemberment, our study also aims to reveal the geopolitical realities of the Comoros archipelago. Are the Comoros moderately to highly prone to political instability and fragmentation? How to maintain the country's political cohesion while recognizing each composite entity's genuine autonomy? The archipelago has never stopped oscillating between unity and political division. Which type of political system would be suitable for the geographical context of the Comoros, to contain the centrifugal forces? These are the essential questions of our research work.

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