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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vägen till en förlängd säsong : En studie om samarbete i Stockholms skärgård / The road to a longer season : A study about cooperation in Stockholm archipelago

Gölcük, Kaan, Willebrand Vinnberg, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur företag inom besöksnäringen i Stockholms skärgård samarbetar och om samarbete kan leda till längre säsonger. Samt huruvida de statligt finansierade utvecklingsprojekten i skärgården bidragit till längre säsonger enligt de undersökta företagen. Metod: I denna studie har en kvalitativ metod i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer används för insamling av empiri. Sex företag på två skärgårdsöar har intervjuats och används som empiriskt huvudmaterial men även en intervju som gjorts med Värmdö kommun har fått ligga till grund för en del av det empiriska materialet. Slutsatser: Det har under studien framkommit att samarbete mellan lokala aktörer är en viktig del i utvecklingen av destinationen. Samarbetet är inte bara en del i utvecklingen utan kan också vara en hjälp till att förlänga säsongerna. Utvecklingsprojekten har enligt företagarna som intervjuats ej gynnat dem. Det framgår att företagarna anser att det är de själva som måste jobba hårt om de ska se någon förändring. / Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how companies in the tourism industry in the Stockholm archipelago cooperate and whether cooperation can lead to longer seasons. As well as if the state-funded development projects in the archipelago have contributed to longer seasons according to the investigated companies. Methodology: In this study, a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews has been used for the gathering of empirical data. Six companies on two archipelago islands have been interviewed and used as main empirical material, but an interview with Värmdö municipality has also formed the basis for some of the empirical material. Conclusions: During this study, it has been found that cooperation between local actors is an important part of the development of the destination. Not only is the cooperation a part of the destination development, it can also help extend the season. According to the interviewees, the development projects have not benefited them. It is apparent that the entrepreneurs believe that they themselves that must work hard for any change to happen.

An archipelagic environment : rewriting the British and Irish landscape, 1972-2012

Smith, Jos James Owen January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores a contemporary literary movement that has been called ‘the new nature writing’, framing it in its wider historical and cultural context of the last forty years. Drawing on recent developments in cultural geography, it explores the way such terms as ‘landscape’ and ‘place’ have been engaged with and reinterpreted in a diverse project of literary re-mapping in the British and Irish archipelago. It argues that the rise of environmentalism since the late 1960s has changed and destabilised the way the British and Irish relate to the world around them. It is, however, concerned with challenging the term ‘nature writing’ and argues that the literature of landscape and place of the last forty years is not solely concerned with ‘nature’, a term that has come under some degree of scrutiny recently. It sets out an argument for reframing this movement as an ‘archipelagic literature’ in order to incorporate the question of community. In understanding the present uncertainties that pervade the questions around landscape and place today it also considers the effects of such political changes as the partial devolution of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on the British and Irish relationship to the land. The literature that it takes as its subject often explores the way personal and communal senses of identity have found a renewed focus in a critical localism in opposition to more footloose forms of globalisation. Through a careful negotiation of Marxist and phenomenological readings of landscape, it offers an overview of what is a considerable body of literature now and what is developing into one of the most consistent and defined literary movements of the twenty-first century.

Fire Severity and Regeneration Strategy Influence Shrub Patch Size and Structure Following Disturbance

Minor, Jesse, Falk, Donald, Barron-Gafford, Greg 22 June 2017 (has links)
Climate change is increasing the frequency and extent of high-severity disturbance, with potential to alter vegetation community composition and structure in environments sensitive to tipping points between alternative states. Shrub species display a range of characteristics that promote resistance and resilience to disturbance, and which yield differential post-disturbance outcomes. We investigated differences in shrub patch size and stem density in response to variations in fire severity, vegetation community, and post-disturbance reproductive strategies in Sky Island forested ecosystems in the southwestern United States. Patterns in shrub structure reflect the effects of fire severity as well as differences among species with alternate post-fire reproductive strategies. Increased fire severity correlates with larger patch sizes and greater stem densities; these patterns are observed across multiple fire events, indicating that disturbance legacies can persist for decades. High severity fire produces the largest shrub patches, and variance in shrub patch size increases with severity. High severity fire is likely to promote expansion of shrub species on the landscape, with implications for future community structure. Resprouting species have the greatest variability in patch structure, while seeding species show a strong response to disturbance: resprouting species dominateatlowdisturbanceseverities,andobligateseedersdominatehighseverityareas. Differential post-fire reproductive strategies are likely to generate distinct patterns of vegetation distribution following disturbance, with implications for community composition at various scales. Shrub species demonstrate flexible responses to wildfire disturbance severity that are reflected in shrub patch dynamics at small and intermediate scales.

100 år av miljöförändringar som de registrerats i Hallsfjärden, västra Östersjön : En biostratigrafisk studie om vad bevarade kiselalger i sediment kan berätta om tidigare miljöförhållande i Hallsfjärden.

Nilsson, Elinor, Nordin, Therese January 2016 (has links)
Diatoms are microscopic, photosynthetic, single-celled organisms that are useful in studies of water qualities (eg pH, nutrients, salinity). By analyzing changes in the species composition of diatoms back in time, gives an opportunity to interpret the marine environment affected by various factors (Andren et al, 1999). The aim of the study was to study changes in diatom abundance and composition in Hallsfjärden, a bay in the Baltic Sea located north of Himmerfjärden in Södertälje. The site was chosen because it is a bay that is assumed to have a large environmental impact due to external factors such as increased population growth, water treatment plants, industrial areas, dredging and a link to Lake Mälaren. The purpose of the study therefore to investigate whether there was an environmental impact in Hallsfjärden, in order to draw conclusions about what happened in the area and what has affected the water the last 100 years.      The survey is conducted by sampling sediment cores, studied by biostratigraphy of fossil diatoms to reconstruct past environmental conditions. The results of the analysis showed that oxygen deficiency was a particular problem, which is related to the eutrophication that are threatening some diatoms and thereby changes the species composition of ecosystems in Hallsfjärden. A plausible interpretation of the analyze results is that Hallsfjärden was adversely affected by the Södertalje area's population growth and Himmerfjärdsverkets startup by high emissions of nutrients. It has on the other hand appeared a positive impact for Himmerfjärdsverkets gradually improved purification with clearer water conditions. Hallsfjärden have proved to be a particularly sensitive ecosystem in this study, with low salinity and strong thermocline, which means that it is more affected by eutrophication and pollution in its drainage area. This causes a problem of eutrophication in Hallsfjärden due to the bay showing the influence of the surrounding areas and its emissions, which later exports further to the Baltic Sea via Himmerfjärden with the southbound flow. / Kiselalger är mikroskopiska, fotosyntetiserande, encelliga organismer som är användbara vid studier om vattenkvalitéer (till exempel pH, näringsämnen, salthalt). Genom att analysera förändringar i artsammansättningen av kiselalger bakåt i tiden kan tolkningar göras om hur havsmiljön påverkats av olika faktorer (Andrén m.fl., 1999). Målet med studien var att studera förändringar i kiselalgernas förekomst i Hallsfjärden, en havsvik i Östersjön belägen norr om Himmerfjärden i Södertälje. Platsen valdes för att det är en havsvik som antas ha stor miljöpåverkan på grund av yttre faktorer såsom en ökad befolkningstillväxt, reningsverk, industriområden, muddring och en kontakt med sjön Mälaren. Syftet med studien var därmed att undersöka om en miljöpåverkan fanns i fjärden, detta för att kunna dra slutsatser om vad som hänt samt vad som påverkat vattenområdet de senaste 100 åren.      Undersökningen är utförd genom provtagning av sedimentkärnor som undersökts avseende biostratigrafin av fossila kiselalger för att rekonstruera tidigare miljöförhållanden. Analysresultatet visade att syrebrist var ett utmärkande problem, vilket i samband med eutrofiering hotar vissa kiselalgsarter och förändrar därmed artsammansättningen i ekosystemen i Hallsfjärden. En sannolik tolkning av analysresultatet är att Hallsfjärden påverkats negativt av Södertäljeområdets befolkningstillväxt och Himmerfjärdsverkets uppstart genom höga utsläpp av näringsämnen. Det har å andra sidan synts en positiv inverkan efter Himmerfjärdsverkets successivt förbättrade rening med klarare vattenförhållanden. Hallsfjärden har i studien visat sig vara ett särskilt känsligt ekosystem med låg salthalt och starka språngskikt, vilket gör att det påverkas mer av eutrofiering och föroreningarna i området. Detta medför en övergödningsproblematik i Hallsfjärden, då fjärden visar en påverkan av omkringliggande områden och dess utsläpp av föroreningar, vilka även sedan exporteras ut i Östersjön via Himmerfjärden med den sydgående strömmen.

Ingen vill ha turister som åker hit, förstör och eldar upp ön : En studie om turismens hållbara utveckling i Stockholms skärgård

Johander, Sandra, Zakrisson, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få en djupare förståelse för hur turismens utveckling på en destination i Stockholms skärgård påverkar destinationens hållbarhet. För att undersöka detta har studien avgränsats till Sandhamn då det är en av de populäraste destinationerna i Stockholms skärgård. I studien har både kvantitativ- och kvalitativ metod i form av en triangulering tillämpats. Den kvantitativa delen består av statistik från olika aktörer för att påvisa turismens utveckling i skärgården. Den kvalitativa delen utgörs av intervjuer och en observation som använts för att undersöka vad utvecklingen beror på, samt vad den lett till. Statistiken påvisar en stagnering av besökare i skärgården medan respondenterna motsäger sig detta och istället menar att det kommer mer besökare, dock under en kortare period. Utvecklingen är således inte hållbar då mängden turister som kommer under denna korta period tär på öns infrastruktur och överskrider öns bärkraft. Under den långa lågsäsongen, när turisterna inte kommer, uppstår istället lönsamhetsproblem för destinationens aktörer. Avslutningsvis kan det konstateras att det bristande samarbetet är en bidragande orsak till den förkortade säsongen och skulle behöva förbättras för att fördela besökarna jämnare över året. / This study is intended to gain a comprehensive understanding of how the advancement of tourism in Stockholm’s archipelago affects the destination’s sustainability. To examine the multitude of variables that affect sustainability, the paper is centered on Sandhamn, as it is one of the most popular destinations within Stockholm’s archipelago. Throughout the study, both the quantitative and qualitative methods were implemented in the form of a triangulation. In order to demonstrate the development of tourism within the archipelago, the study utilized statistics from various actors as the quantitative portion of this paper. The qualitative part consists of interviews as well as an observation that has been applied to investigate the integral components of development and its outcomes. The statistics show a stagnation of tourists in the archipelago; however, the respondents disagree and conversely argue that there has been an influx of tourists, but that they are staying for a shorter period of time. Thus, proving that the development is not sustainable; as the number of tourists who come during this shorter period have a significant impact on the island's infrastructure and exacerbates the island's sustainability. During the extended low season, when tourists are at their minimum, profitability problems arise; thereby, leading to an entirely new issue for the destination's actors. In conclusion, it can be inferred that the lack of cooperation is a contributing factor to the shortened season and would need to be improved to redistribute the visitors more evenly throughout the year.

Cabo Verde em perspectiva feminina: a produção literária em língua portuguesa de Ivone Aida e Orlanda Amarílis / Cape-Verde in a female perspective: the literary production in Portuguese of Ivone Aída and Orlanda Amarílis

Rodrigues, Jussara de Oliveira 22 March 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa comparativamente as personagens femininas dos contos de Ivone Aída e Orlanda Amarílis. Ambas as autoras revelam particularidades do cotidiano feminino cabo-verdiano na ilha e na diáspora. Em consonância com o propósito da hermenêutica do cotidiano que procura registrar aspectos concretos da vida de todos os dias, de homens e mulheres, o caráter dinâmico do conto ilumina nas obras de Orlanda Amarílis e Ivone Aída a história cultural caboverdiana e as identidades sociais nela inseridas pelo viés do estudo das relações de gênero. Analisando a situação social feminina vigente em Cabo Verde, durante longo tempo sob o signo da resignação e da obediência, concluímos que as escritoras propõem que o futuro aguardado deve levar em conta o presente das experiências, movido pela esperança concreta que não se esgota em uma realização particular, mas estimula constantemente a ação das mulheres que constroem o seu porvir e o do país. Consideramos a esperança concreta, patente nos textos literários analisados, como um sentimento mobilizador de práticas transformadoras das condições opressoras da sociedade frente aos discursos fatalistas, ampliando a compreensão do real e permitindo visualizar-se de maneira antecipatória uma nova realidade, em prol da construção de novas identidades. / This research analyzes comparatively the feminine characters of Ivone Aída and Orlanda Amarílis stories. Both authors expose particularities of daily Cape- Verdean women on the island and abroad. In harmony with the intention of the hermeneutics of daily activities intents to register concrete aspects of men and women´s life, the storys dynamism illuminates the work of Orlanda Amarílis and Ivone Aída cultural cape-Verdean history and inserted the social identities for the bias of the gender relations study. The current female social situation in Cape- Verde, in the name of the resignation and obedience, we conclude that the writers proposal about waited future, must consider current experiences, moved by concrete hope that does not expire in a private achievement, but constantly stimulates the womens actions to build their future. We consider the concrete hope, in the analyzed literary texts, as an inspired feeling of transforming practices of the oppressors conditions of society against the fatalistic speeches, to expand understanding of reality and allowing to see itself in a new reality, in order to build new identities.

Besöksnäringens arbete med upplevelsedesign och sociala medier i Stockholms skärgård : En studie kring den digitala besökarens inverkan på besöksnäringen i Stockholms skärgård

Löthén, Iris, Runebrand, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Today, visitors use social media before, during and after travels to share, create and discuss content with others. This means that the visitor industry needs to profile themselves on social media to communicate their services toward their visitors. Parallel to this development, a creative tourist class has been emerging. This group demands new experiences that differs from a previous more conventional tourism, which is spreading among the public and is marketed more often on social media. This study analyze how the visitor industry experience the digital visitor and the new creative tourist class in Stockholm Archipelago. The result of the study shows that social media is a tool, which allows the people working in the visitor industry to multitask because they can bring it anywhere. Due to the digital visitors high interactivity online, the visitor industry are being challenged on both resources and knowledge. It is also shows that it makes it possible for smaller businesses to market themselves globally and easily reach their target group in a profitable way.

Mythes bibliques et mythes polynésiens : flexibilité des imaginaires de la conquête et du rêve : images littéraires de la Polynésie du XVIIe au XXIe siècle / Biblical myths and Polynesian myths : the flexibility of the imaginary of conquest and dream : literary images of Polynesia from the XVIIth to the XXIst century

Angué, Chloé 28 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit au carrefour de la mythocritique, de l’imagologie et des études postcoloniales. Elle a pour ambition d’identifier et d’analyser les images littéraires de la Polynésie du seizième au vingt-et-unième siècles grâce aux mythes bibliques et aux mythes polynésiens qui sont à leurs fondements. L’image la plus connue est celle de l’Éden polynésien qu’ont construit les voyageurs occidentaux et que déconstruisent les auteurs insulaires. Les littératures du Triangle sont en outre habitées par un imaginaire vétérotestamentaire réinterprété mais aussi par les réécritures de mythes traditionnels polynésiens. Se mêlent alors culture biblique d’une région très évangélisée et mise en valeur de la Polynésie pré-contact trop souvent niée ou dépréciée par les missionnaires, colons et écrivains occidentaux. Ainsi, le croisement des disciplines et le recours aux concepts polynésiens ont favorisé l’émergence d’une vision globale du rôle des mythes dans les œuvres littéraires qui participent de la représentation de ce territoire archipélique. / This study comes within the scope of mythocritics, image and postcolonial studies. It seeks to identify and analyse literary images from the sixteenth to twenty-first century Polynesia through biblical and Polynesian myths which are at the basis of these representations. The most famous image is obviously the Polynesian Eden, a cliché constructed by Western travellers and deconstructed by Insular writers. Literatures of the Triangle are also tinged with a reinterpreted Old Testament imaginary and with re-written traditional Polynesian myths. The biblical culture of a deeply evangelised region then mingles with the highlighted representation of pre-contact Polynesia which was so often denied or disparaged by missionaries, settlers and Western writers. Crossing disciplines and using Polynesian concepts have favoured a global vision of how myths (inter)act within literary works that take part in this territory of archipelago’s representation.

Ecology and Trophic Relationships Among Fishes and Invertebrates in the Hawaiian Archipelago: Insights from Fatty Acid Signatures Analysis

Piché, Jacinthe 06 May 2011 (has links)
Healthy coral reefs have become increasingly rare, and their continuous degradation has serious implications for loss of marine biodiversity. There is an urgent need to assess the strength of top-down versus bottom-up effects on reef communities, to better understand how food web alterations can change the structure and function of these vulnerable marine systems. In this study, I used fatty acid (FA) analysis to investigate the trophic and ecological relationships among potential key forage species of the critically endangered monk seal in the Hawaiian archipelago. A series of multivariate tests performed on groups of closely related and ecologically equivalent species of fishes and invertebrates using a restricted number of FAs revealed that FA differences among groups primarily reflected diet, but could also be related to habitat and ecology. The same groups were subsequently analysed using an alternate method in quantitative FA signature analysis (QFASA) simulations, which allowed for the effects of using various subsets of FAs to be evaluated. Overall, species groups were relatively well characterized using both methods. When present, overlap in FA composition principally occurred among groups with similar diet/ecology, and were more prominent at higher trophic levels. A last set of analyses which combined the multivariate and QFASA simulation methods revealed that despite taxonomical relatedness and similarities in trophic ecology, individual species of carnivorous fish could be reliably distinguished using FAs. Therefore, while increasing the number of FAs used in the analyses might be useful to refine the resolution of distinctions, using a restricted number of FAs can also result in reliable differentiation among species. My results suggested that despite tremendous diversity, finer scale variations in FA composition could be detected among groups, and among species which shared the same diet and trophic ecology. These findings have important implications for the study of food web interactions in the Hawaiian archipelago, as they provide the foundation for using the same species groups in diets estimations of monk seal, as well as other top predators in this ecosystem. Moreover, they provide a framework for using multiple approaches to link FA patterns to the foraging ecology of individual species.

Thin-Film Pyrolysis of Asphaltenes and Catalytic Gasification of Bitumen Coke

Karimi, Arash Unknown Date
No description available.

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