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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tracing Copper from society to the aquatic environment : Model development and case studies in Stockholm

Cui, Qing January 2010 (has links)
Copper remains at elevated levels in the aquatic environment of Stockholm due to diffuse urban sources. Management of these diffuse sources requires their quantification but they cannot be measured directly by field observations. The working hypothesis of this thesis was that Copper levels in the sediments of urban lakes would reflect diffuse emissions within their catchment areas. In order to test this hypothesis, a source – transport – storage conceptual model was developed for tracing the urban diffuse sources of Copper to the sediment in the urbanised catchment. A substance flow analysis (SFA) approach was taken in the source module and a fate, mass-balance model was applied in the lake module. Five separate urban lakes (Judarn, Laduviken, Långsjön, Råcksta Träsk and Trekanten) within the Stockholm area and a main water flow pathway from Lake Mälaren to the inner archipelago of the Baltic Sea, through Stockholm, were selected as case studies.  In comparison to actual source strength data in the literature for the five case study lakes, the SFA approach gave similar results to previous models, but with reduced uncertainty. The SFA approach was also able to indicate the actual sources of urban copper, which was not accomplished by the other approaches and which is a great advantage in managing the sources. For the five lakes in Stockholm, traffic and copper roofs were found to be major contributors of Copper. For the three more polluted lakes, good agreement was obtained between simulated sediment copper contents and independent field observations, thereby supporting the applicability of the model in such cases. Furthermore, simulation results showed sediment copper content to be linearly dependent on the urban load. While this suggests that the urban copper sediment level reflects the urban load, considerable integration of this load over time (decade(s)) was suggested by the simulation results, so time must be allowed in order to detect a change in the urban load by field monitoring of the sediments.  Published data on the main water flow pathway from Lake Mälaren to the archipelago showed a peak in sediment copper content close to the city centre, confirming a considerable urban influence. An approach to quantitatively follow Cu from its urban source through such a complex, aquatic system was developed and applied to Stockholm. The compliance of future quantitative model results with monitoring data may help test the choices made in this conceptual model and the applicability of the model. Data availability proved to be a major obstacle to achieving a quantitative model, particularly as several municipalities with different levels of data availability surround the main water flow pathway studied.  Finally, the applicability of the quantitative, coupled source – transport – storage was demonstrated in a simplified scenario analysis. The ability of the model to estimate the copper load to air and soil and to the urban aquatic environment was also demonstrated. / QC 20110324

Framtida vattenförsörjning i Stockholms skärgård och dess påverkan av klimatförändringar

Aleljung, Malin, Wistfors, Frida January 2022 (has links)
Denna rapport undersöker grundvattenmagasin på öar i Stockholms skärgård och hur de förväntas påverkas av klimatförändringarna. Främst granskas grundvattnets kvantitet och kvalitet fram till år 2100 utifrån två olika klimatscenarion framtagna av FN:s klimatpanel. Detta kopplas sedan till hur boende på ön kan komma att påverkas av dessa förändringar samt hur de kan hantera de problem som förväntas uppstå. Vidare undersöks kommuners roll samt lösningar de kan bidra med. Ämnet kopplar till det svenska miljömålet ”Grundvatten av god kvalitet” som betonar vikten av kunskap om dagens grundvattenstånd i utsatta områden, till vilka kustnära regioner tillhör.  För att besvara frågorna som ställts i rapporten har bland annat litteraturstudie, fältstudie, intervjuer, modelleringar av månadsvisa grundvattenstånd samt beräkningar av risk för saltvatteninträngning i brunnar tillämpats. Fältstudien gjordes på Aspö, en typisk skärgårdsö i Stockholm, för vilken sedan all modellering och beräkningar utförts på. Aspö fungerar därför i denna rapport som modell för Stockholms skärgårdsöar.  I modelleringar och beräkningar har aspekter som vattenanvändning, geologi, nederbörd, evapotranspiration och växtperiodens längd beaktats. Resultatet från modelleringarna tyder på stora risker för sinande grundvattenmagasin på skärgårdsöar under sommarmånaderna, både i dagsläget och i framtiden. Under sommaren är grundvattenbildningen liten till obefintlig och vattenanvändningen som störst, på grund av den stora mängd sommarboende i skärgården, vilket kan leda till vattenbrist och vattenkvalitetsproblem. På grund av en förlängd växtperiod som hämmar grundvattenbildningen förväntas dessa problem bli värre i framtiden. Vad gäller beräkningarna av saltvatteninträngning är det brunnar i strandnära lägen som löper störst risk. Eftersom en höjning av havsnivån förväntas till följd av ökad medeltemperatur, förväntas risken för saltvatteninträngning öka än mer i framtiden.  Både modelleringarna och beräkningarna tyder på att en sparsam vattenanvändning gör situationen mindre ansträngd. Utöver detta föreslås att kommunen utvidgar kartläggningen av riskområden med hjälp av lagstöd för att ta över delar av ansvaret som idag främst vilar på fastighetsägaren för den enskilda vattentäkten. / This thesis examines groundwater reservoirs of islands in the Stockholm archipelago and  how they will be affected by climate change. Mainly the quality and quantity of reservoirs in the year 2100 are looked at based on two different climate scenarios developed by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). That gets connected to how the inhabitants on the islands will be affected by the changes and how they can deal with the potential problems that arises. Furthermore, the municipalities’ roles will be examined along with the solutions they can contribute with regarding water shortage. The subject of the thesis also connects to the Swedish environmental goal “Good-Quality Groundwater” which puts an emphasis on the importance of knowledge regarding groundwater levels in exposed areas such as coastal regions.  To answer the questions posed in the thesis, methods such as literature review, field study, interviews, modeling of monthly groundwater level and calculations of the risk of saltwater intrusions in wells have been applied. The field study was done on the island Aspö, a typical archipelago island in Stockholm, for which all the modelling and calculations later have been made. Thus, Aspö acts as a model of Stockholm’s archipelago islands in this thesis.  In the modelling and calculations factors like water usage, geology, precipitation, evapotranspiration, and the length of the growing season have been considered. The results of the groundwater modelling indicate a great risk of diminishing groundwater reservoirs on archipelago islands during the summer months, both now and in the future. In the summer the groundwater recharge is little to nonexistent and the water usage at its peak, due to the large quantity of summer occupants in the archipelago, which can lead to a water shortage and problems with the water quality. Because of a prolonged growing season that disturbs the groundwater recharge, these issues are expected to become worse in the future. When it comes to the calculations of the saltwater intrusions in wells, the wells closest to the coasts are at a greater risk. Since an increase in the sea level are to be expected due to a rise in global temperature the risk for saltwater intrusion also increases.  Both the modelling and the calculations indicates that a sparing water usage will make the situation less strained. In addition, it’s suggested that the municipalities should expand their mapping of sensitive areas through legal support to shoulder some of the responsibility that today rests on property owners of the individual water supply.

Evolutionary ecology and discovery of new bioactive compounds from Lumnitzera mangroves across the Indonesian Archipelago

Manurung, Jeprianto 02 August 2023 (has links)
Mangrove ecosystems are found in tropical coastal areas and play vital roles in shoreline protection, habitat support, and medicinal value. These ecosystems are under threat from human activities and climate change. This thesis explored the biodiversity and evolutionary ecology of mangroves in the Indonesian Archipelago, home to the world’s richest composition of mangrove species. Indonesia's geography, including over 17,500 islands and the intersection of Laurasian and Gondwanan flora, makes it an ideal location for studying mangrove evolution. Sea level changes and the presence of land and oceanic barriers have shaped the distribution and evolution of mangroves, with the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) playing an essential role in genetic exchange. The study analyzed 14 populations of Lumnitzera littorea and 21 populations of L. racemosa, utilizing DNA sequencing to assess genetic diversity, structure, and dispersal in relation to geographical distance and sea surface currents. Both species showed low genetic variation, and significant effects of distance and sea current connectivity were observed. Sulawesi acted as a barrier in genetic differentiation, while other barriers were discovered affecting population structure. Divergent evolutionary trajectories were noted between L. littorea and L. racemosa. The study also investigated the relationship between phylogeny and the chemophenetic patterns of their natural products, given their anti-microbial, antioxidant, and other properties. Techniques such as chromatographic separation and high-resolution ESI-MS were used to link molecular phylogeny with phytochemical characterizations. Root samples were collected for chemical analysis, revealing an unusual diversity in sulfated constituents, with some compounds found for the first time in mangroves. Specific geographical areas showed antibacterial potential, and a previously unknown compound, Lumnitzeralactone, was identified. The conclusion highlights this study as the first to reveal molecular evidence of intraspecific phylogroups in Lumnitzera mangroves, with distinctions defined by geographical lines such as Wallace's line. Additionally, the study found promising sources for anti-bacterial agents and potential therapeutic benefits to human health. The observed genetic differentiation emphasizes the need for conservation strategies at the population level, and the potential for new medicines underscores the importance of mangrove conservation in their natural habitats across Indonesia.:Preface 4 Summary 5 Zusammenfassung 10 1. Introduction 15 1.1. Characteristics, significance, and threat of mangroves 15 1.1.1. Characteristics of mangroves 15 1.1.2. Significance of Indonesian mangroves 16 1.1.3. Threats to mangroves 18 1.2. Evolutionary processes and diversity of mangroves 19 1.2.1. Evolution of mangroves 19 1.2.2. Sea surface currents in Indonesia shape genetic structure 20 1.2.3. The relevance of Wallace’s line to mangrove evolution 22 1.2.4. Isolation by geographical distance 24 1.2.5. Genetic diversity and population structure 25 1.3. Diversity of bioactive compounds of mangrove genus Lumnitzera 27 1.3.1. Sulfur-containing metabolites 27 1.3.2. Phylogenetics 28 1.3.3. Anti-infective potential 29 1.4. Study species 30 1.5. Aim of the thesis 33 2. Material and Methods 37 2.1. Sampling and sample design 37 2.2. Laboratory procedures and genetic analysis 38 2.2.1. DNA isolation 38 2.2.2. ddRADseq sequencing, and bioinformatics 38 2.2.3. Genetic diversity, population structure and differentiation 40 2.2.4. Identifying barriers and areas of connectivity 41 2.2.5. Isolation by distance and sea surface current connectivity 42 2.2.6. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), and phylogenetic analyses 43 2.3. Laboratory procedures and phytochemical analysis 44 2.3.1. Root sample extraction 44 2.3.2. TLC, Low-resolution ESI-MS spectra, HPLC, and NMR 45 2.3.3. UHPLC-ESI-QqTOF-MS and MS/MS 46 2.3.4. RP-UHPLC-ESI-LIT-Orbitrap-MS 47 2.3.5. Extraction and isolation of compounds 47 2.3.6. Anti-infective bioassays 51 3. Results 52 3.1. Genetic diversity and population structure 52 3.1.1. Genetic diversity 52 3.1.2. Population structure and genetic differentiation 54 3.1.3. Effective migration 58 3.1.4. Isolation by distance and sea surface current connectivity 59 3.2. Unusual-sulfated constituent and anti-infective properties 61 3.2.1. Phytochemical screening 61 3.2.2. Phylogenetic tree of Lumnitzera 69 3.2.3. Evaluation of anti-infective properties 70 4. Discussion 74 4.1. Population genomics of Lumnitzera mangroves in Indonesia 74 4.1.1. The genetic diversity paradox in mangroves 74 4.1.2. Phylogroups and the Sunda-Wallacea biogeographical pattern 76 4.1.3. Limited mixture among phylogroups and populations by sea surface currents 78 4.1.4. Restricted gene flow by geographical distance 80 4.1.5. Evolutionary ecology of Lumnitzera inferred by genetics and chemodiversity 81 4.2. Bioactive compounds and anti-infective potential of Lumnitzera 82 4.2.1. Diversity of bioactive compounds 82 4.2.2. Sulfated and nonsulfated ellagic acid supported by phylogenetic pattern 83 4.2.3. Anti-infective properties and their restriction to particular locations 86 5. Conclusion and future perspective 89 6. References 94 7. Appendix 111 Curriculum vitae 119 Declaration of independent work 122 Acknowledgments 123 Author contributions statement 125 / Viele Mangrovenarten haben neben Holz- und Nichtholzprodukten auch einen medizinischen Wert und werden traditionell genutzt. Doch durch menschliche Aktivitäten und den Anstieg des Meeresspiegels durch den Klimawandel verschwinden sie rasch. Diese Arbeit erforscht die biologische Vielfalt der Mangroven im indonesischen Archipel, insbesondere die Arten Lumnitzera littorea und Lumnitzera racemosa. Der indonesische Archipel hat die weltweit reichste Mangrovenzusammensetzung und dient als Übergangsregion für verschiedene Pflanzenlinien. Der Meeresspiegelanstieg und dessen mögliche Auswirkungen auf Mangroven wurden genau untersucht. Mangroven besitzen schwimmfähige Fortpflanzungsorgane, und die Meeresströmungen des Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) könnten den genetischen Austausch zwischen verschiedenen Populationen ermöglichen. In der Studie wurden 14 Populationen von L. littorea und 21 von L. racemosa genotypisiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine geringe genetische Variation auf Populationsebene und eine signifikante genetische Differenzierung, beeinflusst von Entfernung und Meeresströmung. Es wurden auch divergierende Entwicklungsverläufe und zwei Phylogruppen bei beiden Arten beobachtet. Die Studie untersuchte auch die phylogenetischen Beziehungen und die Chemophenetik der beiden Arten. Mangrovenböden weisen einen hohen Sulfatgehalt auf, und medizinisch wirksame Verbindungen werden oft von Mikroorganismen wie endophytischen Pilzen produziert. Schwefelverbindungen in Mangroven wurden bisher vernachlässigt. Durch Kombination von phylogenetischen Daten mit chemischen Analysen wurde die Entwicklung der Mangrovenarten und die Vielfalt der Wurzelmetaboliten untersucht. Es wurden chromatographische und tandemmassenspektrometrische Techniken eingesetzt, um eine molekulare Phylogenie mit phytochemischen Charakterisierungen zu verbinden. Die Untersuchung ergab eine ungewöhnliche Vielfalt an sulfatierten Bestandteilen und antibakterielles Potenzial. Zusammenfassend liefert die Studie molekulare Beweise für intraspezifische Phylogruppen in Lumnitzera-Mangroven, definiert durch die biogeografische Trennung von Sunda und Wallacea. Beide Arten stellen eine vielversprechende Quelle für antibakterielle Wirkstoffe dar, einschließlich sulfatierter Ellagsäurederivate. Die populationsgenomischen Ergebnisse liefern Informationen über die Erhaltungsstrategie von Lumnitzera-Arten, und die metabolomischen Ergebnisse berichten über potenzielle neue Arzneimittel, was die Bedeutung der Erhaltung von Mangroven in ihren natürlichen Lebensräumen im gesamten indonesischen Archipel unterstreicht.:Preface 4 Summary 5 Zusammenfassung 10 1. Introduction 15 1.1. Characteristics, significance, and threat of mangroves 15 1.1.1. Characteristics of mangroves 15 1.1.2. Significance of Indonesian mangroves 16 1.1.3. Threats to mangroves 18 1.2. Evolutionary processes and diversity of mangroves 19 1.2.1. Evolution of mangroves 19 1.2.2. Sea surface currents in Indonesia shape genetic structure 20 1.2.3. The relevance of Wallace’s line to mangrove evolution 22 1.2.4. Isolation by geographical distance 24 1.2.5. Genetic diversity and population structure 25 1.3. Diversity of bioactive compounds of mangrove genus Lumnitzera 27 1.3.1. Sulfur-containing metabolites 27 1.3.2. Phylogenetics 28 1.3.3. Anti-infective potential 29 1.4. Study species 30 1.5. Aim of the thesis 33 2. Material and Methods 37 2.1. Sampling and sample design 37 2.2. Laboratory procedures and genetic analysis 38 2.2.1. DNA isolation 38 2.2.2. ddRADseq sequencing, and bioinformatics 38 2.2.3. Genetic diversity, population structure and differentiation 40 2.2.4. Identifying barriers and areas of connectivity 41 2.2.5. Isolation by distance and sea surface current connectivity 42 2.2.6. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), and phylogenetic analyses 43 2.3. Laboratory procedures and phytochemical analysis 44 2.3.1. Root sample extraction 44 2.3.2. TLC, Low-resolution ESI-MS spectra, HPLC, and NMR 45 2.3.3. UHPLC-ESI-QqTOF-MS and MS/MS 46 2.3.4. RP-UHPLC-ESI-LIT-Orbitrap-MS 47 2.3.5. Extraction and isolation of compounds 47 2.3.6. Anti-infective bioassays 51 3. Results 52 3.1. Genetic diversity and population structure 52 3.1.1. Genetic diversity 52 3.1.2. Population structure and genetic differentiation 54 3.1.3. Effective migration 58 3.1.4. Isolation by distance and sea surface current connectivity 59 3.2. Unusual-sulfated constituent and anti-infective properties 61 3.2.1. Phytochemical screening 61 3.2.2. Phylogenetic tree of Lumnitzera 69 3.2.3. Evaluation of anti-infective properties 70 4. Discussion 74 4.1. Population genomics of Lumnitzera mangroves in Indonesia 74 4.1.1. The genetic diversity paradox in mangroves 74 4.1.2. Phylogroups and the Sunda-Wallacea biogeographical pattern 76 4.1.3. Limited mixture among phylogroups and populations by sea surface currents 78 4.1.4. Restricted gene flow by geographical distance 80 4.1.5. Evolutionary ecology of Lumnitzera inferred by genetics and chemodiversity 81 4.2. Bioactive compounds and anti-infective potential of Lumnitzera 82 4.2.1. Diversity of bioactive compounds 82 4.2.2. Sulfated and nonsulfated ellagic acid supported by phylogenetic pattern 83 4.2.3. Anti-infective properties and their restriction to particular locations 86 5. Conclusion and future perspective 89 6. References 94 7. Appendix 111 Curriculum vitae 119 Declaration of independent work 122 Acknowledgments 123 Author contributions statement 125

Coastal Enviroments And Processes In The Canadian Artic Archipelago

Taylor, Robert 05 1900 (has links)
<p> The prime objective is to define and characterize the various coastal environments in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The research, Hhich utilizes both secondary source information and actual field observations, takes into account coastal morphology, beach profile, sediment types, sea ice conditions, tidal range, depth of the frost table and wave energy. From a total of twelve coastal divisions based on the criteria of coastal morphology, tidal conditions and length of open water season, five have been chosen as t he basic coastal environ ments of the Arctic Archipelago. They are as follows: the Arctic Coastal Plain, the Ice Shelf, the Fiord environment, the High Straight coastal environment, and the Ridge and Valley coastal environment. Field observations within the last three environments provided additional evidence for the divisions and observations on the beach and nearshore characteristics at five selected locations. </p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Naturliga vattenreservoarer i vattenbristområden i Stockholms skärgård : En studie på öarna Ornö, Svartsö och Vindö / Natural water reservoirs in water shortage areas in the Stockholm archipelago : A study on the islands Ornö, Svartsö and Vindö

Hafstad, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Vattenförsörjningsproblemen är stora i Stockholms läns kustområden. Enskilda brunnar försörjer invånarna med grundvatten, dock är förutsättningarna dåliga för större uttag. I takt med ett ökat permanentboende i den peri-urbana skärgården ökar även behovet av vatten, som är människans absolut viktigaste resurs. Ett ökat uttag hotar med högre risk för saltvatteninträngning och sinade brunnar. Vattenbrist lär kunna bli allt vanligare även i takt med klimatförändringarna. För att säkra en framtida hållbar utveckling för skärgården måste därför alternativa lösningar på vattenförsörjningsfrågan hittas.  Många av de större öarna i skärgården har naturliga vattenreservoarer också ovan mark i form av sötvattensjöar. Arbetets huvudsyfte har därför varit att undersöka möjligheten till att kunna nyttja dessa vattenlager som en del i öarnas vattenförsörjning. Fokus för arbetet har legat på att kartlägga vattenbehovet idag och i framtiden, vilka vattentillgångar som finns samt hur dessa kan användas och implementeras utifrån dagens vattenproduktion på tre valda öar, Ornö, Svartsö och Vindö.  Genom intervjuer och kontakter med öbor samt litteratur- och fältstudier har resultaten kunnat visa att vattenförsörjningen från sjöarna idag som mest endast ligger på cirka 10 procent av den totala förbrukningen. Vidare bedöms möjligheten vara god till att kunna utöka användningen av sjöar på öarna i vattenförsörjningssyfte. Särskilt gäller detta oligotrofa sjöar i närheten av bebyggelse. Samtidigt kan det finnas många olika intressen för en sjö i skärgården och vattenförsörjningen är en stor kostnadsfråga. Upprättande av gemensamma, kombinerade vattenlösningar anses vara gynnsamt, med ett renat sjövatten sommartid som kan avlasta grundvattenreservoarerna. / The water supply problems are large in Stockholm County's coastal areas. Individual wells supply the inhabitants with groundwater, however, the conditions are poor for larger outlets. In step with an increase in permanent housing in the peri-urban archipelago, the need for water, which is man's most important resource, is also increasing. An increased outlet threatens with a higher risk of saltwater penetration and drained wells. Water shortage is likely to become more common even in step with climate change. In order to secure a future sustainable development for the archipelago, alternative solutions to the water supply issue must therefore be found.  Many of the larger islands in the archipelago also have natural water reservoirs above ground in the form of freshwater lakes. The main purpose of this study has therefore been to investigate the possibility of being able to use these water reservoirs as part of the islands' water supply. The focus of the study has been on mapping the water demand today and in the future, what water resources are available and how these can be used and implemented based on current water production on three selected islands, Ornö, Svartsö and Vindö.  Through interviews and contacts with islanders as well as literature and field studies, the results have been able to show that the water supply from the lakes today constitutes at most only about 10 percent of the total consumption. Furthermore, the opportunity to be able to increase the use of lakes on the islands for water supply purposes is considered to be good. This mainly applies to oligotrophic lakes in the vicinity of built-up areas. However, there can be many different interests for a lake in the archipelago and the water supply is a major cost issue. Establishment of joint, combined water solutions is considered beneficial, with purified water from lakes in the summertime that can relieve the groundwater reservoirs.


Paul, Louise A 05 1900 (has links)
Remote sensing imagery has proven useful in studying the coastal geomorphology of les Iles de la Madeleine. Standard panchromatic photography provided the basis for mapping of the island and aided in the interpretation of the evolution of this tombolo system. This study presents a systematic evaluation of five types of remotely sensed data: (1) colour infrared photography, (2) conventional colour photography, (3) panchromatic photography (red and green bands), (4) black and white infrared photography and (5) thermal line scan imagery as applied to the southern portion of les Iles de la Madeleine. The results of this study have shown that beach investigations are enhanced through the use of multisensor imagery, and that colour infrared provides the best single source for data aquisition. / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Acoustic survey of sea floor features in Asköfjärden

Lundmark, Kim January 2017 (has links)
Marine geological surveys in Asköfjärden in the southern Stockholm Archipelago hasrevealed step like features in the sediments on the Baltic sea floor. The aim of this project is toanalyse the steps and possible formation processes from the survey data. The data used aretaken from the acoustic instruments multibeam echosunder and Chirp sonar sediment profiler.The multibeam reveal the seafloor topography and can detect water column features. TheChirp sonar produce sub-bottom profiles showing the sediments down to some tens of metersunderneath the sea floor. The multibeam data show multiple crescent shaped steps as well aselliptically shaped “pockmarks”. Water column data show what could be interpreted as seepsfrom the sea floor under these features. The sub bottom profile show deformation and fluidsignatures under the steps. Gas signatures and what could be other fluids are present. Theinterpretation concludes that the formation could be from either gas or groundwater seeps. Nodefinitive conclusions can be made from the data available for the present study, andapetrophysical or geochemical study of the study area cold provide further understanding ofthe formation of the steps.

Political and judicial strategies for the care of marine and coastal ecosystems. The case of Creole People in San Andrés Island, Colombia.

Núñez Riaño, Miguel Ángel January 2016 (has links)
This thesis illustrates how native populations exert a crucial ecological role through deliberate strategies in order to conserve and preserve marine and coastal ecosystems. The investigation identifies political and judicial practices of the Creole people that have contributed to care of ecosystems placed in the Caribbean Archipelago of San Andrés. To this regard, this study considers how the agency of Creole people has influenced the environmental structuring of islands and seas during 20th and 21st centuries. The result is an improved comprehension, through critical analysis of cultural and judicial discourses, of the current ecological state of the Archipelago.

Latrin från fritidsbåtar i Stockholms skärgård - innehåll, volym och påverkan på avloppsreningsverk och ekosystem

Klingberg, Josefine January 2017 (has links)
Den första april 2015 trädde en författning i kraft som innefattar ett förbud mot utsläpp av toalettavfall från fritidsbåtar inom Sveriges sjöterritorium. Redan före denna författning var det obligatoriskt för fritidsbåtshamnar att ha mottagningsanordningar för avfall, inklusive latrin, från fritidsbåtar. Många hamnar och båtklubbar har därför sugtömningsstationer för att kunna ta emot latrin. Detta avfall förs sedan till avloppsreningsverk för behandling på samma sätt som hushållsavlopp. Hur båtlatrinet hanteras vid insamlingen skiljer sig dock mycket åt inom Sverige. Vissa sugtömningsstationer är kopplade direkt till det kommunala avloppsnätet, om placeringen tillåter det, medan andra har blivit nekade detta. En anledning till detta är osäkerheten beträffande latrinets volym och innehåll och därmed osäkerhet i dess påverkan på avloppsreningsprocessen. För att fylla dessa kunskapsluckor och undersöka latrinets påverkan på ekosystemet vid direktutsläpp utfördes denna studie som den första av sitt slag i Sverige. Studien innefattar provtagningar och volymsberäkningar och är en del av ett LOVA-projekt som ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Norrtälje kommun, Vaxholms stad, Värmdö kommun, Transportstyrelsen och Ecoloop AB. Inom studien utfördes under hösten 2016 provtagningar på latrin från fyra sugtömningsstationer i de deltagande kommunerna. Provtagningen visade på höga koncentrationer av näringsämnen, syreförbrukande ämnen och metaller jämfört med hushållsavlopp. Analys av ett urval kemikalier samt bakterier utfördes för att påvisa eventuell användning av sanitetsvätskor vilka används i båttoaletter för att förhindra dålig lukt ombord. På grund av motstridiga resultat och osäkerhet i använd analysmetod kan användning av sanitetsvätskor inte påvisas och vidare analys bör utföras. Hos de flesta avloppsreningsverk finns det möjlighet att tillföra båtlatrinet successivt och därmed späda ut det. Utspädningen förhindrar att det koncentrerade båtlatrinet hämmar de biologiska processerna utförda av mikroorganismer på avloppsreningsverken. Då båtlatrinet har en sammansättning som avviker från hushållsvatten kan det även hota ett avloppsreningsverks eventuella Revaq-certifiering som garanterar att slammet har en kvalitet som möjliggör återföring till skogs- och jordbruk. Att samla in latrin kan alltså ge upphov till att avloppsreningsverken inte klarar av sina åtaganden med avseende på reningskrav, men problemen om avloppet släpps ut till naturen kan vara ännu allvarligare. Stockholms skärgård ligger i Östersjön vilket är ett av världens mest påverkade hav med eutrofiering som ett av de största hoten. Utsläpp av båtlatrin bidrar till ökad eutrofiering då det är väldigt näringsrikt. Enligt en enkätundersökning utförd inom studien innehåller en medelstor septiktank 34 l båtlatrin. Detta motsvarar exempelvis ungefär 2,5 g fosfor och 50 g kväve. Beräkningar utgående från enkätundersökningen visade även att det idag samlas in ungefär 350 m3 latrin per år in i de deltagande kommunerna. Införandet av utsläppsförbudet motiverades från miljö- och hälsosynpunkt då det skulle minska tillförseln av näringsämnen och smittsamma bakterier till miljön. Båtlatrinets höga innehåll av näringsämnen och metaller kan bidra till miljöproblem vid utsläpp. Dess påverkan på miljön i relation till andra källor kan dock inte påvisas i denna studie. Hälsoaspekten är desto påtagligare då båtlatrinet innehåller en hög mängd bakterier. / The first of April 2015 a constitution came into force which comprises a prohibition of discharge of sewage from leisure boats in Swedish territorial waters. It was mandatory for leisure boat marinas already before this constitution to have waste reception facilities for waste, including sewage, from leisure boats. As a result of this many marinas and leisure boat clubs have pump out stations in order to receive sewage. This waste is then transferred to sewage treatment plants for treatment as household sewage. How the boat sewage is handled at the collection differs within Sweden. Some pump out stations are connected directly to the municipal sewer system, if the placing permits, while some have been denied to connect. One of the reasons for this difference is uncertainty about volume and content of the boat sewage and hence uncertainty in the effects it has on the sewage treatment process. This study was performed in order to fill these knowledge gaps and to investigate the impact of discharge on the ecosystem, as the first of its kind in Sweden. The study includes sampling and volume calculations and is part of a LOVA-project as a cooperation project between Norrtälje, Vaxholm and Värmdö municipalities, the Swedish Transportation Agency and Ecoloop AB. During the autumn 2016 four pump out stations within the participating municipalities were sampled as a part of the study. The analysis of boat sewage showed high concentrations of nutrients, oxygen consuming substances, and metals in comparison with household sewage. Analyzes of a selection of chemicals and bacteria were performed in order to demonstrate the possible use of sanitary fluids, which are used in toilets to prevent odors. Because of conflicting results and uncertainty in the analysis method used no detection of the use of sanitary liquids could be done and further analysis should be carried out. It is possible in most sewage treatment plants to add the boat sewage gradually and in that way dilute it. The dilution prevents the concentrated boat sewage to inhibit the biological processes performed by microorganisms in sewage treatment plants. The boat sewage can be a threat to the Revaq-certification of some sewage treatment plants. Revaq-certification guarantees that the sludge is of a quality that allows recycling to forestry and agriculture. Collection of boat sewage can cause sewage treatment plants to not meet their commitments in terms of treatment requirements, but the problems with discharge can be even more serious. Stockholm archipelago is located in the Baltic Sea which is one of the most affected seas with eutrophication as one of the greatest threats. Discharge of boat sewage contributes to eutrophication since it is very nutritious. According to a survey conducted within this study an average boat septic tank contains 34 l sewage. This is equivalent to for example 2.5 g phosphorus and 50 g nitrogen. Calculations based on the survey also shows that the total volume of boat sewage collected in pump out stations in the participating municipalities is 350 m3 per year. The introduction of the prohibition of discharge was motivated from an environmental and health point of view since it would reduce the supply of nutrients and infectious bacteria to the environment. The high content of nutrients and metals in the boat sewage would contribute to environmental problems when discharged. The impact on the environment in relation to other sources could not be shown in this study. The health aspect, on the other hand, is unmistakable since the boat sewage contains a high amount of bacteria.

L'île aux tourtes (1703-1727) et les perles de traite dans l'archipel montréalais

Murray, Annie-Claude January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

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