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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predictive Modelling of Aquatic Ecosystems at Different Scales using Mass Balances and GIS

Gyllenhammar, Andreas January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents models applicable for aquatic ecosystems. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) form an important part of the thesis. The dynamic mass balance models focus on nutrient fluxes, biotic/abiotic interactions and operate on different temporal and spatial scales (site, local, regional and international). The relevance and role of scale in mass balance modelling is a focal point of the thesis.</p><p>A mesocosm experiment was used to construct a model to estimate the nutrient load of phosphorus and nitrogen from net cage fish farming (i.e., the site scale). The model was used to estimate what feeding conditions that are required for a sustainable aquaculture scenario, i.e., a zero nutrient load situation (a linkage between the site scale and the regional scale). </p><p>A dynamic model was constructed for suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sedimentation in coastal areas (i.e., the local scale) with different morphometric characteristics and distances to the Sea. The results demonstrate that the conditions in the Sea (the regional and international scale) are of fundamental importance, also for the most enclosed coastal areas.</p><p>A foodweb model for lakes was transformed and recalibrated for Baltic Sea conditions (i.e., the international scale). The model also includes a mass balance model for phosphorus and accounts for key environmental factors that regulate the presuppositions for production and biomasses of key functional groups of organisms. The potential use of the new model for setting fish quotas of cod was examined.</p><p>For the intermittent (i.e., regional) scale, topographically complex areas can be difficult to define and model. Therefore, an attempt was made to construct a waterscape subbasin identification program (WASUBI). The method was tested for the Finnish Archipelago Sea and the Okavango Delta in Botswana. A comparison to results from a semi-random delineation method showed that more enclosed basins was created with the WASUBI method.</p>

Predictive Modelling of Aquatic Ecosystems at Different Scales using Mass Balances and GIS

Gyllenhammar, Andreas January 2004 (has links)
This thesis presents models applicable for aquatic ecosystems. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) form an important part of the thesis. The dynamic mass balance models focus on nutrient fluxes, biotic/abiotic interactions and operate on different temporal and spatial scales (site, local, regional and international). The relevance and role of scale in mass balance modelling is a focal point of the thesis. A mesocosm experiment was used to construct a model to estimate the nutrient load of phosphorus and nitrogen from net cage fish farming (i.e., the site scale). The model was used to estimate what feeding conditions that are required for a sustainable aquaculture scenario, i.e., a zero nutrient load situation (a linkage between the site scale and the regional scale). A dynamic model was constructed for suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sedimentation in coastal areas (i.e., the local scale) with different morphometric characteristics and distances to the Sea. The results demonstrate that the conditions in the Sea (the regional and international scale) are of fundamental importance, also for the most enclosed coastal areas. A foodweb model for lakes was transformed and recalibrated for Baltic Sea conditions (i.e., the international scale). The model also includes a mass balance model for phosphorus and accounts for key environmental factors that regulate the presuppositions for production and biomasses of key functional groups of organisms. The potential use of the new model for setting fish quotas of cod was examined. For the intermittent (i.e., regional) scale, topographically complex areas can be difficult to define and model. Therefore, an attempt was made to construct a waterscape subbasin identification program (WASUBI). The method was tested for the Finnish Archipelago Sea and the Okavango Delta in Botswana. A comparison to results from a semi-random delineation method showed that more enclosed basins was created with the WASUBI method.

Metapopulations dynamics and sex-specific resource allocation in Silene dioica

Peedu, Elisabet January 2018 (has links)
Rising archipelagos provide unique settings for the study of the temporal and spatial dynamics of their biota. This offers the possibility to study the ecology and genetics of early successional processes; both between islands that differ in age and within islands when already established organisms have to keep pace with the changing environment. I have worked in the Skeppsvik Archipelago housing about 100 islands that due to land uplift vary in age, thus representing various stages of primary succession. I have utilized a naturally created metapopulation of Silene dioica, which in this archipelago is a dominant plant of the deciduous border, offering the possibility to study subpopulations on islands of different ages and in different phases of primary succession. Many plant species exist as metapopulations, which consists of many local populations which may differ in size and degree of connectivity. Metapopulations are further characterized by recurrent colorizations and extinctions of local populations, meaning that a species continually must disperse and relocate to allow for persistence in this system. For a dioecious plant species, gene flow is in the shape of seeds and pollen and to allow for the persistence of populations, it is necessary that levels of seed dispersal and pollen gene flow are enough to ensure both colonisation, establishment and subsequent population growth. Levels of seed dispersal and pollen gene flow is in turn influenced by how the two sexes partition resources between reproduction, growth and survival. In paper I, I combined a field survey, a common garden experiment and a nine-year demographic study to assess the demographic consequences of sex-specific resource allocation and to investigate if differential costs of reproduction may be a driver in the evolution of sexual dimorphism in dioecious Silene dioica. Significant somatic intersexual dimorphism was found with females being the larger sex, both in terms of above – and belowground biomass. Furthermore, the reproductive effort of females exceeds that of males across a growing season which largely confirms what has been observed earlier in dioecious, herbaceous plant species. According to the cost of reproduction hypothesis, high reproductive investment should result in trade-offs with somatic and/or life-history traits. Somatic trade-offs were not observed, and instead I found strong, positive associations between reproductive investment and vegetative growth in both males and females. Compensation mechanisms were found in both sexes although females are generally more efficient at compensating their reproductive costs. At the end of a flowering season, after having paid the current costs of reproduction, females are better than males at provisioning perennial roots and rosettes potentially influencing the ability to set future flower buds and winter survival. Trade-offs were found between current and future reproduction and survival, but this is condition dependent and compensation through frequency of flowering plays an important role. The cost of reproduction hypothesis appears to play some role in driving the somatic and demographic sexual dimorphisms observed in this system but sexual selection acting on males will be a fruitful avenue for future research. In paper II, I investigated the population genetic consequences of metapopulation dynamics in Silene dioica. The occurrence of islands in different phases of primary succession together with successional gradients across islands, makes it possible to investigate the genetic dynamics occurring in an age-structured metapopulation across several hierarchical levels. Genetic diversity and differentiation were estimated in eight young, recently colonised populations and in ten populations of an intermediate successional stage. Young populations were less genetically diverse compared to older populations, indicating that bottlenecks, created by small founding groups derived from a limited number of source populations, reduce the genetic diversity within newly founded populations. The observation of strong genetic structure both between islands and between patches with islands, indicates that gene flow is restricted across several spatial levels in this system. However, the lack of statistically significant differences in genetic differentiation between young and intermediate populations, indicates that levels of gene flow may not be high enough to reduce the genetic differentiation that arise from the initial founder event. The patterns of sexual dimorphism and the roles of males and females in Silene dioica have evolved to allow persistence in an ecological and population context of this species. The nature of this habitat, where islands rise up from the sea creating new environments for colonisation while at the same time, autogenic primary succession processes eventually leads to extinction, means that S. dioica continuously must relocate within successional phases for its persistence. The obvious success of this dioecious plant is apparent as it is one of the few dominant species in the deciduous border. This suggests that levels of seed dispersal and gene flow are sufficient enough to allow for establishment and persistence of island populations and that the sexual dimorphisms that have evolved in this metapopulation system act to increase levels of gene flow. The "live hard – die young" strategy, with extensive flowering bouts, which we find in the males may have evolved as a way of maintaining sufficient levels of genetic diversity in the metapopulation but will only be a possible strategy if there are continuous opportunities for re-establishments. Thus, the continuous land uplift that is occurring in the northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia may very well be a prerequisite for the long-term persistence of this dioecious, perennial plant species. / Landhöjningsprocesser i skärgårdsmiljöer skapar nya habitat som gör det möjligt att studera naturliga populationer i ett rumsligt och tidsmässigt sammanhang. Detta möjliggör studier av ekologi och genetik i tidiga successionsprocesser, både mellan öar som skiljer sig åt åldersmässigt och inom öar, där redan etablerade organismer måste anpassa sig till en föränderlig miljö. Jag har utfört studier i Skeppsviks skärgård som rymmer cirka 100 öar. På grund av landhöjningen så varierar dessa öar i ålder och de representerar således olika stadier i primärsuccession. Jag har använt mig av en naturlig Silene dioica metapopulation lokaliserad i Skeppsviks skärgård. Många växtarter existerar i metapopulationer, vilket består av ett antal lokala populationer som kan skilja sig åt i storlek och grad av anknytning. Metapopulationer kännetecknas även av återkommande koloniseringar och utrotningar av lokala populationer, vilket innebär att en art kontinuerligt måste sprida sig för att garantera sin fortlevnad i detta system. Genflöde inom dioika växtarter är i form av pollen och frön, och för att populationer skall kunna överleva så är det nödvändigt att nivåerna av fröspridning och pollen-genflöde är tillräckliga för att säkerhetsställa både kolonisering, etablering och efterföljande populationstillväxt. Nivåer av fröspridning och pollen-genflöde påverkas i sin tur av hur de två könen partitionerar resurser mellan reproduktion, tillväxt och överlevnad. I den första studien har jag kombinerat en fältundersökning, ett frilandsexperiment och en nioårig demografisk studie för att undersöka de demografiska konsekvenserna av könsspecifik resursallokering och för att utreda om könsspecifika skillnader i reproduktiv kostnad kan vara en drivkraft för evolutionen av sexuell dimorfism hos den dioika växten Silene dioica. Jag upptäckte signifikant somatisk intersexuell dimorfism där honor hade betydligt mer ovanjordisk och underjordisk biomassa jämfört med hanar. Över en växtsäsong så investerar honorna mer resurser i reproduktion, vilket i stor utsträckning bekräftar vad som tidigare har observerats i örtartade, dioika växter. Enligt hypotesen för reproduktiv kostnad så bör en hög investering i reproduktion leda till trade-offs med somatiska egenskaper, t.ex. tillväxt. Jag observerade inga somatiska trade-offs och istället fann jag positiva associationer mellan reproduktion och tillväxt hos både honor och hanar. Båda könen verkar ha utvecklat kompensationsmekanismer, även om honorna generellt är mer effektiva i hur de kompenserar för sina reproduktiva kostnader. Vid slutet av en växtsäsong, efter att ha betalat för de nuvarande reproduktiva investeringarna, så är honor bättre än hanar på att allokera resurser till fleråriga strukturer, såsom bladrosetter och rötter. Detta kan potentiellt påverka hur de anlägger sina knoppanlag för nästkommande år och hur väl de överlever vintern. Trade-offs hittades mellan nuvarande reproduktion och framtida reproduktionsmöjligheter och överlevnad men detta var habitat-specifikt och kompensation med hjälp av hur ofta en växt blommar under sin livstid spelar en viktig roll. Hypotesen för reproduktiv kostnad verkar vara en del av förklaringen till den somatiska och demografiska könsdimorfism som observerats i detta system men sexuell selektion, som verkar på hanar, kan vara ett möjligt område för framtida studier. I den andra studien undersökte jag populationsgenetiska konsekvenser av metapopulationsdynamik i Silene dioica. Förekomsten av öar i olika faser av primär succession tillsammans med olika grader av succession inom öar gör det möjligt att undersöka den genetiska dynamiken som uppträder i en åldersstrukturerad metapopulation över flera hierarkiska nivåer. Genetisk mångfald och differentiering uppskattades i åtta unga, nyligen koloniserade populationer och i tio populationer av ett intermediärt successionsstadium. Unga populationer hade lägre genetisk diversitet jämfört med äldre populationer, vilket indikerar att genetiska flaskhalsar, skapade av fåtal antal koloniserande individer, s.k. founders, som härrör från ett begränsat antal källpopulationer, minskar den genetiska diversiteten inom nybildade populationer. Observationen av stark genetisk strukturering, mellan och inom öar, indikerar att genflödet är begränsat över flera rumsliga nivåer i detta system. Bristen på statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i genetisk differentiering mellan unga och intermediära populationer indikerar emellertid att nivåer av genflöde kanske inte är tillräckligt höga för att minska den genetiska differentieringen som uppstår från den ursprungliga founder-händelsen. Mönstren av sexuell dimorfism och hanarnas och honornas roll har utvecklats för att möjliggöra fortlevnad i ett ekologisk och populationsmässigt sammanhang hos Silene dioica. I denna livsmiljö, där öar stiger upp ur havet och skapar nya miljöer för kolonisering samtidigt som autogena primära successionsprocesser leder till utrotning, måste S. dioica kontinuerligt sprida sig mellan olika successionsfaser för att överleva. Den uppenbara framgången för den här dioika växten är uppenbar eftersom den är en av de få dominerande arterna i lövkanten. Detta tyder på att nivåer av fröspridning och genflöde är tillräckliga för att möjliggöra etablering och beständighet av ö-populationer och att de sexuella dimorfismer som har utvecklats i detta metapopulationssystem verkar för att öka nivåerna av genflöde. "Lev hårt – dö ung" -strategin med omfattande blomningar som vi finner hos hanarna kan ha utvecklats som ett sätt att upprätthålla tillräckliga nivåer av genetisk diversitet i metapopulationen men den kommer endast att vara en möjlig strategi om det finns kontinuerliga möjligheter för re-etableringar. Således kan den kontinuerliga landupphöjningen som förekommer i norra delen av Bottniska viken mycket väl vara en förutsättning för den långsiktiga beständigheten av denna dioika, fleråriga växtart. / <p>Felaktigt angivet "Dissertation for PhD" i kolofon.</p>

Krevní paraziti ryb na Svalbardu / Blood parasites of fish from Svalbard

POSPÍŠILOVÁ, Iva January 2014 (has links)
This thesis reviews knowledge about diversity of blood parasites of fish. Blood smears of fish used in this study were obtained in Billefjorden (Svalbard archipelago, Arctic). Desseria myoxocephali, the type species of Desseria, is the only one parasite that was found in the smears. A partial 18S rDNA sequence of D. myoxocephali was prepared and phylogenetic analyses were computed. D. myoxocephali forms a lineage together with Dactylosoma ranarum and Babesiosoma stableri within adeleorinid clade.

Comparação da contaminação por metais no setor interno e externo da Baía de Guanabara utilizando Bunodosoma caissarum e Perna perna como espécies bioindicadoras.

Ansari, Nafisa Rizzini 27 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-03-27T18:13:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Nafisa Rizzini Ansari (Versão Final).pdf: 3996795 bytes, checksum: 362897c04f124486a284e640b7b05101 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-27T18:13:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Nafisa Rizzini Ansari (Versão Final).pdf: 3996795 bytes, checksum: 362897c04f124486a284e640b7b05101 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências- Geoquímica Ambiental. Niterói, RJ / Organismos bioindicadores são capazes de indicar a qualidade ambiental dos ecossistemas em que vivem e de fornecer informações sobre a biodisponibilidade de contaminantes. Organismos biomonitores podem ser usados para se conhecer as variações geográficas e temporais da biodisponibilidade de contaminantes no ambiente. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a anêmona Bunodosoma caissarum como espécie bioindicadora para a Baía de Guanabara, analisando se esta apresenta uma boa resposta em relação à concentração de metais em seus tecidos e também comparar as características da anêmona Bunodosoma caissarum como organismo bioindicador com as do mexilhão Perna perna. Comparou-se as concentrações encontradas na área potencialmente contaminada por metais com uma área controle, a região insular adjacente à baía. Desta forma, a área de estudo foi a Baía de Guanabara, o Arquipélago das Cagarras e as ilhas Redonda e Rasa. Foram amostrados espécimes em sete pontos de amostragem, porém não foi possível encontrar indivíduos da espécie Perna perna nos locais definidos no setor interno da Baía de Guanabara. Os organismos foram liofilizados e após este procedimento foram macerados. A digestão destes foi realizada em forno de microondas CEM-Mars, em sistema fechado com ácido nítrico concentrado e peróxido de hidrogênio. Para a determinação dos metais no extrato, foi utilizado o Espectrômetro de emissão ótica com fonte de plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES). Os metais determinados em seus tecidos foram Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Ti, V e Zn. Foram também determinadas as concentrações de metais no material particulado em suspensão coletado durante a amostragem. As concentrações de metais encontradas mostraram-se, em geral, maiores em Perna perna do que em Bunodosoma caissarum, exceto para o bário. As concentrações nestas espécies estudadas em geral não foram similares, refletindo as diferentes fisiologias e hábitos alimentares que estas possuem. Entretanto, as concentrações de ferro e manganês em Bunodosoma caissarum apresentaram correlação positiva significativa com as de Perna perna. Para estes mesmos metais, ambas as espécies apresentaram correlações significativas com as concentrações encontradas no material particulado. Como foi observado neste estudo, Bunodosoma caissarum pode ser considerada uma boa espécie bioindicadora, pois foi encontrada em todas as estações de amostragem e apresentou uma distribuição mais abrangente do que Perna perna na área de estudo. Possivelmente, Bunodosoma caissarum pode ser uma espécie biomonitora para alguns metais, já que foi capaz de acumular todos os metais estudados em seus tecidos. Entretanto, para que se confirme esta suposição serão necessários outros estudos complementares sobre suas características de bioacumulação para os diferentes metais. / Bioindicators are able to indicate the environmental quality of the ecosystems in which they live as well as provide information on the bioavailability of contaminants. Biomonitor organisms can be used to understand the temporal and geographical variations in the bioavailability of contaminants. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the sea anemone Bunodosoma caissarum as a bioindicator species for Guanabara Bay, examining whether it presents a good response in relation to metal concentration in their tissues and also to compare the characteristics of the sea anemone Bunodosoma caissarum as a bioindicator organism with those of the mussel Perna perna. Metal concentrations measured in the organisms from the area potentially contaminated were compared to those found at a control area, the island region adjacent to the bay. Thus, the study area was the Guanabara Bay, the Cagarras Archipelago and also Redonda and Rasa islands. Specimens were sampled in seven sampling points, but it was not possible to find individuals of the species Perna perna at the established places in the inner sector of Guanabara Bay. The organisms were freeze dried and after this procedure were macerated. They were digested in a microwave oven CEM Mars, in a closed system with nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide. An optical emission spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma source (ICP OES) was used for the determination of metals in the extract. The metals determined in their tissues were Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Ti, V e Zn. Metal concentrations in suspended particulate matter collected during sampling were also measured. Metal concentrations were, in general, larger in Perna perna than in Bunodosoma caissarum, except for barium. The concentrations in both species studied were not similar in general, reflecting the different physiologies and eating habits they have. However, Bunodosoma caissarum and Perna perna presented a significant positive correlation for iron and manganese uptake. The concentrations of these metals in the studied organisms were also positively correlated with those in particulate matter. As observed in this study, Bunodosoma caissarum can be considered a good bioindicator species, as it was found at all sampling stations, and showed a wider distribution in the studied area than Perna perna. Possibly, Bunodosoma caissarum can be considered a biomonitor species for some metals, since it was able to accumulate all the studied metals in their tissues. However, to confirm this supposition further complimentary research about its bioaccumulation characteristics for the different metals will be necessary

Hotell- Stockholms skärgård / Hotel- The archipelago of Stockholm

Nettelbladt, Gustaf January 2014 (has links)
The hotel is located on Skatholmen in the archipelago of Stockholm, Värmdö county. The hotel building has an open structure characterized by hospitality and the nature outside. The rooms have stunning views of the island landscape and lush forest. With biodiversity and valuable nature in mind, the building has been designed with a structure that should not be too intrusive in the surrounding landscape. The building is meant to blend into the dark silhouette of the island and to give a light footprint on the topography of the landscape. The use of well-chosen materials and similar design, both in plan and facade, creates a consistent building despite the building's somewhat playful expression. The hotel rooms are arranged linearly along three shafts, which aim to maximize the exposure of sunlight throughout the day, as well as to create large open spaces. The design makes it possible for the hotel guests to choose what type of sunlight they prefer. The large glass area also functions as large mirrors and will make the building reflect the surrounding environment, which gives a less prominent appearance in the surrounding. / Hotellet ligger på Skatholmen i Stockholms mellanskärgård, Värmdö kommun. Hotell-byggnaden har en öppen struktur präglad av gästfrihet och naturen utanför. Hotellrummen har slående utsikt över ölandskapet och lummiga skogar. Med tanke på den biologiska mångfalden och värdefull natur har byggnaden utformats med en struktur som inte ska vara för påträngande på omgivande landskap. Byggnaden är tänkt att smälta in i den mörka siluetten av ön och ge ett lätt fotavtryck på topografin i landskapet. Den slutliga strukturen, främst mot vattnet, för tanken till en båt med en kommandobrygga. Trots byggnadens något lekfulla utformning skapas en helhet med hjälp av materialval och liknande formspråk, både i plan och fasad. Hotellrummen är ordnade och placerade linjärt längs med tre axlar, som syftar till att maximera exponeringen av solljus under hela dagen, samt att skapa stora öppna ytor. Utformningen gör att hotellgästen kan välja vilken typ av solljus hen föredrar. Stora glaspartier ramar in skärgården utanför. De stora glaspartierna fungerar även som stora speglar och gör att byggnaden reflekterar den omgivande miljön, vilket resulterar i att byggnaden, till synes, ger ett mindre markant avtryck på platsen.

Obemannade system, ett hot mot marinen?

Rönnqvist, Kim January 2023 (has links)
I en komplex miljö som skärgårdar väntar en del utmaningar. Detta tillsammans med den teknik som finns idag inom UAV området skapar nya hotbilder. Ett av fartygen som den svenska flottan använder är Visbykorvetten, som är ett komplext system med kompetent förmåga som ska kunna lösa många uppgifter. Rapporten avser att analysera vilket hot som drönare kan utgöra mot Visbykorvetten.   Några UAV som används i kriget i Ukraina är Switchblade 300, 600 och Shahed-136. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka dessa UAV och vilket hot de kan utgöra mot en Visbykorvett, i syfte för att se om korvettens skydd är tillräckligt.  Fartyget har ett bra egenskydd mot ankommande hot från luften, dock på grund av vapensystemens placering på fartyget uppstår en begränsning i möjligheterna att erhålla ett eget skydd runt hela fartyget. Detta kan även försvåras av den komplexa miljö som skärgården medför. Begränsningen i egenskyddet bedöms en UAV kunna nyttja och på så sätt få möjligheten att skada fartygets sensorer som sitter relativt oskyddade. Vilket medför att fartyget inte fullt ut kan lösa tilldelade uppgifter utan är behov av att repareras. För att undvika detta kan fyra olika åtgärder vidtas. Undvika trånga sund om det är möjligt, fråga externa marina förband om eskortmöjligheter, eller installera vapenstation på akterdäck för att öka egenskyddet, och ge fartyget signalstörningsförmåga. / The complex environments that the archipelago provides, alongside the technical developments of drones, create a new form of threat. The Visby class corvette is a complex platform that can fulfil many different tasks both above and below the surface. This thesis will look closer at its surface-to-air defense system, and capability to defend against drones. Some of the drones that are used in the Russo-Ukrainian war, are Switchblade 300, 600 and Shahed-136. The thesis aims to investigate these drones and what threat they may pose against a Visby Corvette, to see if the ship’s protection is sufficient.  The ship has good self-protection against incoming threats from the air, but due to the location of the weapon systems on the ship, there is a limitation in obtaining full protection. The protection can also be hampered by the complex environment that the archipelago entails. A drone can exploit this limitation of self-protection and obtain the possibility of damaging the sensors of the ship that are relatively unprotected. This means that the ship cannot fully solve the assigned tasks due to its need for repairs.  In conclusion, to prevent this, four different actions can be taken. Avoid narrow straits, if possible. Ask external units for escort. Install a weapon station in the stern to increase self-protection and provide the vessel with signal interference technology.

Holmöarna archipelago and its forgotten Iron Age period : Uncovering the past through morphology and GIS-analysis / Holmöarna skärgård och dess bortglömda järnålder : Avslöjning av forntiden genom morfologi och GIS-analys

Bodén, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
The geographical focus area of this essay is Holmöarna archipelago, which is a very large group of islands that are located a short distance to the east of the city Umeå, in northern Sweden, Västerbotten county. This essay is an attempt to uncover and provide knowledge regarding Holmöarna archipelago’s forgotten Iron Age period through the means of GIS-analysis, literary studies, a field visit, as well as morphological comparisons of ancient artefacts and monuments from the area. / Det geografiska fokusområdet i denna uppsats är Holmöarna skärgård, vilket är en mycket stor ögrupp som är lokaliserad ett kort avstånd öster om staden Umeå, i norra Sverige, Västerbottens län. Denna uppsats är ett försök att avslöja och förse information som har med Holmöarna skärgårds bortglömda järnålder att göra. Detta sker med hjälp av GIS-analyser, litterära studier, ett fältbesök, samt morfologiska jämförelser av artefakter och fornlämningar från området

Poluentes Orgânicos Persistentes em sangue de aves marinhas no Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo e na Ilha da Trindade / Persistent Organic Pollutants in blood of seabirds in the São Pedro and São Paulo Archipelago and Trindade Island

Silva, Daniela Alves Maia da 08 March 2019 (has links)
As aves marinhas são sensíveis às alterações em todos os níveis tróficos, decorrentes de variações na disponibilidade de presas e contaminação por alguns compostos, capazes de se acumular nos tecidos dos organismos e magnificar-se através da cadeia trófica. As ilhas oceânicas brasileiras abrigam importantes colônias reprodutivas de aves marinhas e, apesar de serem consideradas locais remotos, estão sujeitas à contaminação decorrente de atividades humanas. Este trabalho avaliou a presença de poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs) em sangue, uma matriz não-destrutiva, de seis espécies de aves marinhas no Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo e na Ilha da Trindade, que possibilita o monitoramento destes indivíduos ao longo dos anos. Os resultados indicaram que os principais POPs detectados no sangue (em ng g-1 de massa úmida) foram PCBs (0,05 a 55,09), DDTs (0,01 a 17,36) e Mirex (0,01 a 5,53). A migração influenciou nos altos níveis de POPs encontrados em Pterodroma arminjoniana e a massa (g) média dos indivíduos apresentou uma forte correlação negativa com as concentrações dos compostos predominantes no sangue. O sexo das aves não contribuiu significativamente nas concentrações de POPs em espécies monotípicas, exceto para a espécie Sula leucogaster que apresenta dimorfismo sexual acentuado. O comportamento alimentar, avaliado através da análise de isótopos estáveis de carbono e de nitrogênio (&delta;13C e &delta;15N), bem como as condições biológicas de cada animal contribuíram para explicar as variações nos perfis de contaminação entre as diferentes espécies. No geral, observou-se que as concentrações de POPS nos dois locais apresentaram valores baixos e similares sugerindo a via atmosférica como principal mecanismo de entrada desses contaminantes para estas regiões. Os resultados inéditos de POPs em sangue das aves marinhas nas duas mais recentes unidades de conservação marinhas criadas no Brasil, podem contribuir como referência para o monitoramento desses compostos em longo-prazo nessas regiões. / Seabirds are sensitive to changes at all trophic levels, due to variations in prey availability and contamination by some compounds, which can be accumulated in the tissues of organisms and to be magnified through the trophic chain. The Brazilian oceanic islands harbor important seabird breeding colonies and, although they are considered remote sites, they are subject to contamination from human activities. This work evaluated the presence of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in blood, a non-destructive matrix, of six species of seabirds in the São Pedro and São Paulo Archipelago (SPSPA) and Trindade Island (TI), that allows the monitoring of these individuals over the years. The results indicated that the major POPs detected in blood (ng g-1 in wet weight) were PCBs (0.05 to 55.09), DDTs (0.01 to 17.36) and Mirex (0.01 to 5,53). Migration influenced the high levels of POPs found in Pterodroma arminjoniana and the mean mass (g) of the individuals drove a strong negative correlation with the concentrations of the predominant compounds in the blood. The gender of the individuals did not contribute significantly to the concentrations of POPs in monotypic species, except for the species Sula leucogaster that presents marked sexual dimorphism. The feeding behavior was evaluated through the analysis of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen (&delta;13C and &delta;15N) as well as the biological conditions of each animal contributed to explain the variations in the contamination profiles between the different species. In general, we observed that POPS concentrations at both sites presented low and similar values suggesting the atmospheric transport as the main input mechanism of these compounds for these regions. The unpublished results of POPs, in blood of seabirds from the two most recent marine conservation units created in Brazil, can contribute as reference values for their long-term monitoring in those regions.

Skärgårdsdestinationer : en studie om hur offentliga och privata aktörer är organiserade och samverkar på skärgårdsdestinationer

Gunvaldsson, Maria, Jaccopucci, Alexandra January 2013 (has links)
Turismen organiseras av offentlig sektor, privata aktörer eller dessa två i samverkan och kan avgränsas på olika sätt, geografiskt eller politiskt. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka och jämföra destinationer i Sverige på lokal och regional nivå för att se hur de är organiserade, med fokus på hur offentliga och privata aktörer arbetar för destinationens utveckling. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med privata och offentliga aktörer på destinationerna Bohuslän och Stockholms skärgård har vi genomfört en komparativ studie. Studien diskuterar olika former av turismorganisationer och visar att Bohuslän och Stockholms skärgård liknar varandra i hur de är organiserade på lokal och regional nivå och att det på båda destinationerna finns samarbeten mellan offentliga och privata aktörer för att utveckla destinationerna. / The tourism in Sweden is organised by the public sector, the business world or these two in collaboration. The boundaries can be either geographical or political. This study aims at study and compare Swedish tourist destinations at local regional level to find how they are organized with focus at how public sector and the business world manage destination development. Through qualitative interviews with public sector and the business world at the destinations Bohuslän and Stockholms skärgård we have a comparative study. The study discusses different types of tourist organizations and shows that Bohuslän and Stockholms skärgård are similar in the way their tourism is organized at local and regional level. At both destinations there is collaboration between the public sector and the business world to develop the destination.

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