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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os caminhos do projeto na plataforma digital : uma investigação pedagógica do processo projetual no ambiente paramétrico

Souza, Leonardo Prazeres Veloso de January 2018 (has links)
O ensino de projeto arquitetônico é, via de regra, o tronco da estrutura curricular dos cursos de Arquitetura no Brasil. Não obstante, com o passar do tempo, o ensino de projeto se mostra à prova de definições estáticas a respeito de metodologias de ensino para sua prática e aprendizado. São inúmeras as metodologias propostas e em desenvolvimento para o ensino de projeto, pois a elaboração de um projeto envolve a inter-relação entre diversas categorias de conhecimentos e habilidades, que interagem de modo não-linear entre si. Com a revolução digital do exercício profissional de arquitetura, um novo paradigma se apresenta como um particular desafio para as universidades brasileiras: introduzir no currículo do curso metodologias de ensino de projeto arquitetônico estruturadas, de modo articulado com meios e plataformas digitais que exploram as ferramentas computacionais para além do limiar da simples representação gráfica. Analisando o panorama geral, é possível notar que esta prática ainda está em estágio inicial no País (ROMCY, 2017). Segundo Orciuoli, (2009) a arquitetura digital ainda é vista com certa resistência pelas próprias faculdades de arquitetura. Neste sentido, esta dissertação se propõe a pesquisar a implantação de estratégias para o desenvolvimento de projeto utilizando o ambiente digital algorítmico e paramétrico em uma disciplina de projeto arquitetônico, assim como a instrumentalização necessária para a utilização destas ferramentas computacionais Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa-ação em disciplinas do 4ª semestre da faculdade de arquitetura onde se propuseram exercícios relacionando conteúdos instrumentais às disciplinas de projeto para conectar o conhecimento computacional às estratégias projetuais. Na sequência, foi realizada uma análise sobre a integração entre softwares de desenho em plataforma BIM (Building Information Modelling) e softwares de modelagem algorítmica/paramétrica. Com isso, pretendeu-se fornecer subsídios instrumentais para que os alunos possam explorar estratégias projetuais digitais que utilizassem formas complexas, diminuindo assim os percalços habituais relativos à falta de destreza técnica na ferramenta digital tanto para o raciocínio projetual quanto para a posterior representação gráfica de suas propostas. Ademais foram analisados comparativamente os dados fornecidos pelos alunos antes e depois da implementação da abordagem de projeto digital, a fim de detectar problemas, potencialidades e efetividade da estratégia de ensino proposta. / The teaching of architectural design is commonly the main curricula structure in architectural graduation in Brazil. Even though, over time, project teaching has been difficult to define by static methodologies to teach its practice and learning. In fact, there are lots of methodologies proposed and in development to teach the activity of design. That´s because the design activity involves inter relationships between several knowledge domains and skills that´s interact in a nonlinear way. With the digital revolution of architectural practice, a new paradigm reveals itself as a particular challenge to Brazilians architecture schools: how to introduce, in the course curricula, structured methodologies to architectural design teaching in an articulated manner with digital media that explores computational tools beyond graphic representations boundary. Analyzing the general panorama, it is possible to note that this practice is still in its initial stages in Brazil (ROMCY, 2017). According to Orciuoli, (2009) digital architecture is still seen with some resistance by the architecture faculties themselves. In this sense, this work proposes to study strategies to develop projects using digital algorithmic and parametric media in a discipline of architectural design as well as the knowledge necessary to carry on these computational tools An action research was developed in disciplines of the 4th semester of the architecture faculty where they were proposed exercises relating instrumental disciplines with design disciplines to connect computational knowledge to design strategies. Next was analyzed the integration between a BIM software with a algorithmic/parametric modeling software. To this end, instrumental grants were able to assist people in the development of digital capacities, using the complex forms reducing in this way the usual gaps related to a lack of technical skills on reasoning or drawing with digital tool. Data developed by the students before and after the implementation of the digital design approach was analyzed comparatively in order to detect problems, potentialities and effectiveness of the proposed teaching strategy.

Entendimento técnico-construtivo e desenho arquitetônico: uma possibilidade de inovação didática / Technical-constructive knowledge and architectural drawing: possibilities for didactic innovation

Heverson Akira Tamashiro 29 April 2010 (has links)
O trabalho analisa a forma pela qual estudantes de arquitetura e arquitetos recém-formados têm se apropriado do desenho técnico para a realização de seus trabalhos de projeto arquitetônicos. Constata que a ocorrência de desenhos pouco expressivos ou comunicativos se deve a deficiências no ensino básico de geometria projetiva, das convenções e particularidades do desenho técnico arquitetônico. Detecta também a ocorrência de falta de conhecimento técnico-construtivo de construção civil. Verifica que o pouco domínio desses conhecimentos, necessários ao exercício da profissão de arquiteto, compromete seu bom desempenho. Propõe a reflexão e a revisão de algumas posturas e a possibilidade de novas abordagens didáticas, a fim de contribuir para a qualidade do ensino de desenho nos cursos de arquitetura e urbanismo e, consequentemente, para uma maior capacitação profissional do arquiteto. / The present work analyses how architecture students and former graduates have appropriated technical drawing techniques in order to carry out architectural projects. Inexpressive and poorly communicative drawings are shown as a result of deficiencies in teaching some disciplines, such as basic projective geometry, conventions and particularities of technical and architectonical drawing. This study reveals a lack of technical-constructive knowledge in civil construction. It also proves that poor mastery of this type of knowledge, so fundamental for the exercise of the architect\'s profession, compromises proper performance. We propose reflection and revision of existing paradigms, as well as some new didactic approaches to enhance the quality of the drawing teaching process in architecture and urbanism programs and, in consequence, offer better professional training to architects.

De la planche à la page. Pierre Bullet et l’architecture en France sous Louis XIV / From the drawing board to the page. Pierre Bullet and architecture in France under Louis XIV

Hernu-Bélaud, Juliette 05 December 2015 (has links)
Le sort qui touche tous les architectes qui ont vécu et travaillé dans l’ombre de Jules Hardouin-Mansart semble ne devoir cesser qu’avec les monographies qui leur sont peu à peu consacrées. C’est le premier objectif de cette thèse. Pierre Bullet est en effet l’un de ces oubliés dont le rôle est difficilement saisissable à première vue. Il témoigne pourtant, par ses réalisations, par ses activités, et à travers son Architecture pratique, d’une évolution tant dans la manière de voir et de faire l’architecture, que dans les habitudes constructives. Cette étude s’attache à définir et à expliquer cette évolution, tout en mesurant la place qu’a pu y tenir Bullet. Elle s’organise en trois axes. L’œuvre bâti est étudié d’abord, puis les modes et particularités du processus d’invention de l’architecte sont exposés à travers l’étude des nombreux dessins conservés au Musée national de Stockholm. L’ouvrage majeur de Bullet, l’Architecture pratique, est ensuite analysé en tant qu’objet d’abord, puis comme témoin de la normalisation à l’oeuvre dans l’architecture à la fin du XVIIe siècle. Cette synthèse est complétée par plusieurs outils et documents : un volume d’annexes contenant les transcriptions d’écrits inédits de Pierre Bullet ; un catalogue des œuvres ; un catalogue des dessins rassemblant l’ensemble des feuilles conservées au Musée national de Stockholm attribuées à Bullet ; une édition critique et cumulative de l’Architecture pratique. / The fortune of every architect who lived and worked in Jules Hardouin-Mansart’s shadow seems to be reversed only by the gradual rise of monographs devoted to them. Here is the prior aim of this essay. Pierre Bullet appears to be one of those oversights whose role seems hard to capture. However, through his constructive work, other activities and his Architecture pratique does he testifies to an evolution in the ways of both seeing and doing architecture, as in the constructive habits. This study is directed at defining and explaining this evolution while seizing Bullet’s place in it. It splits in three parts. First we review the constructed work, then outline the categories and specifications of the inventing process by the study of the many drawings preserved at the National Museum of Stockholm. At last Bullet’s major writing, the Architecture pratique, is explored both as itself and as a testament of the normalization process in progress at the end of 17th century. This essay is complemented by several tools and documents: one volume of appendix containing transcripts of unpublished writings of Bullet; a catalogue of works; a catalogue of drawings gathering all papers attributed to Bullet kept at the National Museum of Stockholm; a cumulative and critical edition of the Architecture pratique.

A middle school 6-8 drafting curriculum

Abdalla, David Charles 01 January 2000 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to develop a drafting core curriculum that could be successfully implemented at any middle school in any state.

Analyzing symbols in architectural floor plans via traditional computer vision and deep learning approaches

Rezvanifar, Alireza 13 December 2021 (has links)
Architectural floor plans are scale-accurate 2D drawings of one level of a building, seen from above, which convey structural and semantic information related to rooms, walls, symbols, textual data, etc. They consist of lines, curves, symbols, and textual markings, showing the relationships between rooms and all physical features, required for the proper construction or renovation of the building. First, this thesis provides a thorough study of state-of-the-art on symbol spotting methods for architectural drawings, an application domain providing the document image analysis and graphic recognition communities with an interesting set of challenges linked to the sheer complexity and density of embedded information, that have yet to be resolved. Second, we propose a hybrid method that capitalizes on strengths of both vector-based and pixel-based symbol spotting techniques. In the description phase, the salient geometric constituents of a symbol are extracted by a variety of vectorization techniques, including a proposed voting-based algorithm for finding partial ellipses. This enables us to better handle local shape irregularities and boundary discontinuities, as well as partial occlusion and overlap. In the matching phase, the spatial relationship between the geometric primitives is encoded via a primitive-aware proximity graph. A statistical approach is then used to rapidly yield a coarse localization of symbols within the plan. Localization is further refined with a pixel-based step implementing a modified cross-correlation function. Experimental results on the public SESYD synthetic dataset and real-world images demonstrate that our approach clearly outperforms other popular symbol spotting approaches. Traditional on-the-fly symbol spotting methods are unable to address the semantic challenge of graphical notation variability, i.e. low intra-class symbol similarity, an issue that is particularly important in architectural floor plan analysis. The presence of occlusion and clutter, characteristic of real-world plans, along with a varying graphical symbol complexity from almost trivial to highly complex, also pose challenges to existing spotting methods. Third, we address all the above issues by leveraging recent advances in deep learning-based neural networks and adapting an object detection framework based on the YOLO (You Only Look Once) architecture. We propose a training strategy based on tiles, avoiding many issues particular to deep learning-based object detection networks related to the relatively small size of symbols compared to entire floor plans, aspect ratios, and data augmentation. Experimental results demonstrate that our method successfully detects architectural symbols with low intra-class similarity and of variable graphical complexity, even in the presence of heavy occlusion and clutter. / Graduate

Architecture under the knife : Viollet-le-Duc's illustrations for the Dictionnaire Raisonné and the anatomical representation of architectural knowledge

Vinegar, Aron January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

The Effectiveness of Interior Design Students' Study Drawings in the Design Process

Prillaman, Susan Carol 10 June 2002 (has links)
Visualization is an important part of the design process. The sketches that are created during the design process are the visible evidence of the visualization that occurs in the brain. The process of designing involves a conversation that occurs between the student and the sketches created during problem finding and problem solving in the design process. This conversation allows the student to progress through the design process manipulating both the drawn image on paper and the visualization that occurs in their mind until a fitting solution to the problem is found. This study sought a better understanding of this communication style and it's effect on designed final products. Two methods of analysis were utilized in this research. Quantitative analysis was used to measure the correlation between quality of sketching process and the quality of the final designed product. Then multiple case studies were examined to describe in detail the design process styles of three students. First the sketches that were created during the designing of a student project were counted and then evaluated for sketch creativity and sketch efficacy. The final design products were evaluated for project creativeness and project function. Significant positive statistical correlations between the variables were observed. In summary, the quality of sketches and visual thinking during the design process had a measurable positive effect on the final designed solution. / Master of Science

Architektur- und Ingenieurzeichnungen der deutschen Renaissance

Rohrmüller, Marc 24 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Am 1. April 2009 fiel der Startschuss für das von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft für 18 Monate geförderte Projekt „Architektur- und Ingenieurzeichnungen der deutschen Renaissance. Digitalisierung und wissenschaftliche Erschließung des Zeichnungsbestandes von 1500 – 1650“. Beantragt wurde es von der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) in Kooperation mit dem Kunsthistorischen Institut der Universität zu Köln und dem Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Berlin.

Projektová dokumentace při návrhu datových sítí / Project documentation for the design of data networks

Gajdošík, Ivo January 2011 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with project of blueprints for installation of data cabling in specific building following regulations. Theoretical part describes basic overview of used regulations and principles of data networks with focus on Ethernet and Wi-Fi standards. Separated chapters cover passive layer of data networks and computer-aided-design. Practical part contains implementational and architectural drawing of data network project in multipurpose building. According to these plans the project could be realized.

Architektur- und Ingenieurzeichnungen der deutschen Renaissance: Ein neues Drittmittelprojekt und eine internationale Tagung

Rohrmüller, Marc 24 September 2009 (has links)
Am 1. April 2009 fiel der Startschuss für das von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft für 18 Monate geförderte Projekt „Architektur- und Ingenieurzeichnungen der deutschen Renaissance. Digitalisierung und wissenschaftliche Erschließung des Zeichnungsbestandes von 1500 – 1650“. Beantragt wurde es von der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) in Kooperation mit dem Kunsthistorischen Institut der Universität zu Köln und dem Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Berlin.

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