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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entdecke die Welt des Wolfes: Wusstest Du schon, dass ...?: Informationen für Kinder zum Wolf

04 December 2024 (has links)
In der reich illustrierten Kinderbroschüre wird der europäische Grauwolf mit Informationen zum Aussehen, Territorium, Lebensweise und Besonderheiten anschaulich vorgestellt. Ein in die Broschüre eingeheftetes Poster im DIN A3-Format zeigt zwei Wölfe. Auf der Rückseite wird der Inhalt der Broschüre in einem Quiz zusammengefasst. Das Poster kann auch separat heruntergeladen werden. Redaktionsschluss: 24.07.2024

Pflege von FFH-Grünland- Lebensraumtypen: F+E Analyse und Bewertung von Pflegemaßnahmen für ausgewählte FFH-Lebensraumtypen des Grünlandes: Literaturreview und Auswertung von Fachdaten: Abschlussbericht

Walczak, Claudia, Hänel, Sabine, Kretzschmar, Sarah, Hölzel, Mike 12 August 2024 (has links)
Aus der Fachliteratur wurden Empfehlungen zur Pflege von FFH-Lebensraumtypen des Grünlandes zusammengestellt. Außerdem ergab die Auswertung umfangreicher Fachdaten, dass die gegenwärtige Naturschutzförderung einer weiteren Zustandsverschlechterung zumindest teilweise entgegenwirken konnte. Dennoch sind zum dauerhaften Erhalt der artenreichen Grünländer noch stärkere Anstrengungen nötig. Das Heft wird in der Landwirtschaft, Landschaftspflege und Behörden Tätigen zum Lesen empfohlen. Redaktionsschluss: 06.06.2024

Urbane Niederschlagsbeeinflussung / Genese und räumliche Differenzierung am Beispiel von Berlin

Pagenkopf, Anja 12 December 2011 (has links)
Klimatologisch signifikante räumliche Strukturen der Niederschlagsverteilung in der Stadt Berlin und des Umlandes in Brandenburg wurden für den Zeitraum 1951-2000 untersucht, die durch Wirkung des urbanen Raumes verursacht werden. Für die Analyse werden Primärdaten von 247 Niederschlagsmessstationen verwendet, woraus Gebietsmittelwerte für 636 administrative Teilflächen sowie für 12 Teilflächen eines zur mittleren Windrichtung des Niederschlagstages parallelen Analyse-Transekts für jeden der 11848 Niederschlagstage interpoliert werden. Für 17 ausgewählte Kombinationen von acht Atmosphärenparametern wurde der Niederschlagsdatensatz zu klassifizierten Teilmengen gruppiert und als eigenständige geostatistische Experimente ausgewertet. Die Spannweite der in den einzelnen Experimenten verglichenen Gebietsmittelwerte überschreitet in der Regel 10 Prozent der mittleren Niederschlagshöhen nicht. Der dominierende Faktor für die Herausbildung unterscheidbarer räumlicher Niederschlagsverteilungen im Untersuchungsgebiet ist die Windrichtung in der unteren Troposphäre. Während sich der Stadtkörper unter Bedingungen, die kleinräumige Niederschlagsentstehung begünstigen, im Mittel lokal verstärkend auswirkt, kommt es bei großräumig gesteuerter Niederschlagsentstehung über dem Stadtgebiet zu einer Verringerung der Tagessummen des fallenden Niederschlags. Die Experimente angewendet auf den Datensatz weisen darauf hin, dass die urbane Verstärkung durch intensivierte Niederschlagsbildung über der Stadt bedingt wird, während die urbane Verminderung aus der Veränderung des Niederschlagsgeschehens innerhalb der Stadtatmosphäre resultiert. / An analysis of the climatologically significant spatial structures resulting from urban modification of the precipitation distribution was carried out at the sample site Berlin and its surrounding areas in Brandenburg for a period from 1951 to 2000. For the 11848 precipitation days the daily sums of 247 measurement sites are interpolated into mean areal precipitation for 636 administrative sub regions as well as for 12 elements of transects placed parallel to the mean daily wind direction. 17 combinations of eight atmospheric parameters were used to group the precipitation data into classified subsets. These subsets are treated as data resulting from independent geostatistic experiment configurations. The mean range of interpolated precipitations does not exceed 10 percent of the respective mean precipitation height in the particular experiments. The dominant synoptic factor causing the evidence of distinguishable spatial precipitation structures appears to be the wind direction in the lower troposphere. At weather conditions inducing local precipitation genesis the urban body induces predominantly locally intensified precipitation heights. When precipitation is formed mainly by synoptic processes the daily precipitation is being reduced over the city region. The experiment layouts related to these observations indicate that urban precipitation amplification evolves from intensified generation processes while urban reduction results from modified conditions for precipitation falling through the urban atmosphere.

A Multidisciplinary Approach for Determining the Extents of the Beds of Complex Natural Lakes in Louisiana

Willis, Frank Levins 06 August 2009 (has links)
In Louisiana, the beds of natural lakes are owned by the state. The locations of property boundary lines separating state property from private lands have usually been set by determining the levels of natural monuments known as ordinary high water marks. The term is confusing and subjective, leading to controversy in reference to its determination. Catahoula Lake in central Louisiana was chosen as a study site because of its large size, its 20-foot variation in water levels, and its low-relief perimeter. Geology, geomorphology, hydrology, archaeology, vegetation, dendrochronology and dendrohydrology of the ancient cypress fringe, nineteenth century land survey records, historical records, and time-series statistics were applied to determine the elevation range of ordinary high water. Research suggests that the level of the ordinary high water natural monument used universally in Louisiana to define lake boundaries is not the correct natural monument. This research suggests that, for example, the natural monument that defines the Catahoula Lake boundary is not a vertical monument, but rather an areal monument that was originally recognized by nineteenth century U.S. government surveyors and embedded in the evidence extracted from their original field notes. The solution coincides with the boundaries of regional land patents and offers a consistent solution to determining the boundaries of thousands of acres of disputed lands. The procedure is applicable to other lake and swamp boundaries in Louisiana and other states.

Performance evaluation of pilot-scale constructed wetlands for the treatment of domestic wastewater in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Belachew, Mengesha Dagne 06 1900 (has links)
An experimental study was carried out to evaluate the performance of pilot scale constructed wetlands for the treatment of domestic wastewater in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Three parallel sets of constructed wetlands; consisting of one Horizontal Flow (HF), one Vertical Flow (VF) and one hybrid of HF and VFconstructed in series were built in Addis Ababa. The wetland systems had identical wetland fill media and macrophytes but with different wastewater flow types. The total surface area of the wetland systems was 72 m2 /24 m2 for each/ and designed to treat 3.15 m3 of domestic wastewater per day. Triplicate grab samples were taken from the influent and effluents every 15 days for one year and analyzed within 24 hours. Temperature, pH, DO and EC were measured onsite and the nutrient content of macrophytes was determined twice during the monitoring period. During the first 12 months monitoring period, the average removal efficiencies of the HFCW, VFCW and hybrid CW were: BOD (89.1%, 92.2% and 93.4%), COD (80.6%, 82.1% and 84.0%), TSS (89.1, 83.8% and 84.7%), NH4 + (58.6%, 66.2% and 65.4%), NO3 - (64.0%, 71.5% and 73.5%), TN (49.1%, 54.9% and 58.7%), PO4 3- (45.4%, 50.3% and 48.4%), TP (58.0%, 51.7% and 54.4%) and FC (98.6%, 96.6% and 96.5%), respectively. The hybrid system showed relatively higher removal efficiencies for most pollutants. Again, the wetland systems showed relatively higher percent reduction during the dry seasons /from Dec - May/. The areal removal rate constants of BOD5, TN, PO4 3- and TP were higher than the literature values while the values of COD and TSS were lower compared to the literature values. Concerning the nutrient content of the wetland plant, the average TN contents of the below-ground and above-ground plant part were 1.56% and 2.27% for the HFCW, 1.75% and 2.74% for the VFCW and 1.80% and 2.63% for the hybrid system, respectively. Meanwhile, the average TP contents of the belowground and above-ground plant part were 0.139% and 0.064% for the HFCW, 0.167% and 0.067% for the VFCW and 0.115% and 0.065% for the hybrid systems, respectively. In general, the results showed that properly designed constructed wetland systems could be used as effective wastewater treatment method in Ethiopia. / Environmental Sciences / Ph. D. (Environmental Sciences)

以部分法修正地理加權迴歸 / A conditional modification to geographically weighted regression

梁穎誼, Leong , Yin Yee Unknown Date (has links)
在二十世紀九十年代,學者提出地理加權迴歸(Geographically Weighted Regression;簡稱GWR)。GWR是一個企圖解決空間非穩定性的方法。此方法最大的特性,是模型中的迴歸係數可以依空間的不同而改變,這也意味著不同的地理位置可以有不同的迴歸係數。在係數的估計上,每個觀察值都擁有一個固定環寬,而估計值可以由環寬範圍內的觀察值取得。然而,若變數之間的特性不同,固定環寬的設定可能會產生不可靠的估計值。 為了解決這個問題,本文章提出CGWR(Conditional-based GWR)的方法嘗試修正估計值,允許各迴歸變數有不同的環寬。在估計的程序中,CGWR運用疊代法與交叉驗證法得出最終的估計值。本文驗證了CGWR的收斂性,也同時透過電腦模擬比較GWR, CGWR與local linear法(Wang and Mei, 2008)的表現。研究發現,當迴歸係數之間存有正相關時,CGWR比其他兩個方法來的優異。最後,本文使用CGWR分析台灣高齡老人失能資料,驗證CGWR的效果。 / Geographically weighted regression (GWR), first proposed in the 1990s, is a modelling technique used to deal with spatial non-stationarity. The main characteristic of GWR is that it allows regression coefficients to vary across space, and so the values of the parameters can vary depending on locations. The parameters for each location can be estimated by observations within a fixed range (or bandwidth). However, if the parameters differ considerably, the fixed bandwidth may produce unreliable or even unstable estimates. To deal with the estimation of greatly varying parameter values, we propose Conditional-based GWR (CGWR), where a different bandwidth is selected for each independent variable. The bandwidths for the independent variables are derived via an iteration algorithm using cross-validation. In addition to showing the convergence of the algorithm, we also use computer simulation to compare the proposed method with the basic GWR and a local linear method (Wang and Mei, 2008). We found that the CGWR outperforms the other two methods if the parameters are positively correlated. In addition, we use elderly disability data from Taiwan to demonstrate the proposed method.

Hydrologic Factors Affecting Groundwater Management for the City of Tucson, Arizona

Johnson, R. B. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / Assessment of the basic hydrologic and geologic parameters controlling the occurrence and availability of local groundwater is one of the first steps in formulating any comprehensive water management plan. Each of several parameters must be carefully evaluated both individually and in relation to the other factors which together describe the occurrence and movement of the subsurface water resources. These evaluations are fundamental to the legal and political decision- making framework within which the Water Utility must operate for both short and long-range water management planning. Recent changes in several hydrologic parameters have been observed throughout much of the groundwater reservoir tapped by numerous users in the Tucson Basin. Accelerated water level decline rates, decreasing production capacities of existing wells, increased hydrologic interference and increased demand for water are all having an impact on our water resource. These conditions must be evaluated before basin -wide groundwater management alternatives can be implemented.

Phytodiversity in Short Rotation Coppice plantations / Phytodiversität in Kurzumtriebsplantagen

Baum, Sarah 08 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Realisation of Prominence in Three Varieties of Standard Spoken Finnish

Ylitalo, R. (Riikka) 26 May 2009 (has links)
Abstract The central goal of this study was to study how contrastive accent is realised phonetically in three regional varieties of Standard Spoken Finnish. Speakers from the Oulu, Turku and Tampere regions produced unaccented and contrastively accented versions of the target words. Fundamental frequencies and segment durations were measured in all the target words, and in the contrastively accented versions also the temporal distance of the F0 peak from word onset. In the unaccented words, F0 fluctuations were very small, indicating once more that in Finnish, too, mere word stress is not realised tonally. In the words with CV.CV(X) structure, the lengthening of segment durations due to stress was restricted to the initial syllable in Tampere, whereas in Oulu and Turku the lengthening extended to the second syllable. The width of the fall-rise F0 pattern realising contrastive accent was in all word structures widest in the Oulu variety, and the narrowest in the Tampere variety. In the Turku variety CV.CV(X) words, the F0 peak occurred further away from word onset than in any other words investigated. The differences in segment durations among the varieties were similar in the unaccented words and in the contrastively accented ones, with one exception: the duration of V1 in the unaccented CV.CV(X) words was the same across the varieties, but in the contrastively accented CV.CV(X) words the duration of V1 was shorter in the Turku variety than in the other varieties. The durational ratio of V1 and V2 in the Turku variety – as in the Oulu variety – was different from the durational ratio in the Tampere variety: in Turku and Oulu V2 had a longer duration than V1, whereas in Tampere V1 had a longer duration than V2. This confirms earlier observations that Turku and Oulu belong to regions in which the V2 of CV.CV(X) words is half-long (longer than V1), but Tampere does not. However, the present study shows that the relative half-long duration of the V2 of CV.CV(X) words is achieved differently in Turku and Oulu: in Turku through the short duration of V1, but in Oulu through the long duration of V2. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen keskeisin tavoite oli selvittää, miten kontrastiivinen aksentti toteutuu foneettisesti kolmelta eri suomen murrealueelta kotoisin olevien yleiskielisessä puheessa. Oulun, Turun ja Tampereen seuduilta kotoisin olevat koehenkilöt tuottivat tutkimuksen jokaisesta kohdesanasta sekä aksentoimattoman että kontrastiivisesti aksentoidun esiintymän. Tuotetuista kohdesanoista mitattiin perustaajuuksia, äännesegmenttien kestot sekä kontrastiivisesti aksentoituiduista sanoista F0:n huipun etäisyys sanan alusta. Aksentoimattomissa sanoissa F0:n muutokset olivat kaikissa tutkituissa suomen varieteeteissa erittäin vähäisiä, mikä taas kerran todisti, ettei suomessakaan pelkkä sanapaino toteudu tonaalisesti. Sanapainon toteutumisessa kestojen avulla oli varieteettien välisiä eroja CV.CV(X)-rakenteisissa sanoissa: Tampereen varieteetissa sanapainon toteutumisala rajoittui ensimmäiseen tavuun, mutta Turun ja Oulun varieteeteissa se ulottui myös toiseen tavuun. Kontrastiivista aksenttia toteuttavan F0:n nousu–lasku-kuvion laajuus oli kaiken rakenteisissa kohdesanoissa suurin Oulun varieteetissa, pienempi Turun varieteetissa ja kaikkein pienin Tampereen varieteetissa. Muutoin kontrastiivisen aksentin toteutumisessa F0:n avulla oli huomattavia varieteettien välisiä eroja vain CV.CV(X)-rakenteisissa sanoissa: Turun varieteetin CV.CV(X)-sanoissa F0:n huippukohta sijaitsi kauempana sanan alusta kuin kaikissa muissa tutkituissa sanoissa, eli kauempana kuin muun rakenteisissa Turun varieteetin sanoissa ja kaiken rakenteisissa Oulun ja Tampereen varieteettien sanoissa. Varieteettien väliset segmenttien kestoerot olivat samat aksentoimattomissa ja kontrastiivisesti aksentoiduissa sanoissa, lukuun ottamatta sitä, että CV.CV(X)-rakenteisten sanojen V1:n kestossa ei aksentoimattomissa sanoissa ollut varieteettien välisiä eroja, mutta kontrastiivisesti aksentoiduissa sanoissa kyseisen segmentin kesto oli lyhempi Turun varieteetissa kuin muissa varieteeteissa. Tällä tavoin Turun varieteetin kontrastiivisesti aksentoiduissa CV.CV(X)-sanoissa toteutui V1:n ja V2:n kestosuhde, joka – samoin kuin Oulun varieteetin vastaava kestosuhde – poikkeaa Tampereen varieteetin vastaavasta kestosuhteesta: Turussa ja Oulussa V2 on V1:tä pitempikestoinen, Tampereella päinvastoin V1:n kesto on V2:n kestoa suurempi. Tämä vahvistaa ne aiempien tutkimusten tulokset, että Turku ja Oulu ovat ns. puolipidennysmurteiden aluetta, mutta Tampere ei. Kuitenkin tämä tutkimus osoitti, että kontrastiivisesti aksentoitujen sanojen puolipidennys saadaan Turun varieteetissa aikaan pikemminkin lyhytkestoisen V1:n kuin pitkäkestoisen V2:n avulla, kun taas Oulun varieteetissa puolipidennys syntyy nimenomaan pitkäkestoisen V2:n avulla. Kaiken kaikkiaan suurin osa tutkimuksessa todetuista varieteettien välisistä selvistä perustaajuus- ja kestoeroista koski CV.CV(X)-rakenteisia sanoja, jotka ovatkin erikoinen suomen sanatyyppi yksimoraisen ensi tavunsa vuoksi.

Enhanced 3-Dimensional Carbon Nanotube Based Anodes for Li-ion Battery Applications

Kang, Chi Won 28 June 2013 (has links)
A prototype 3-dimensional (3D) anode, based on multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), for Li-ion batteries (LIBs), with potential use in Electric Vehicles (EVs) was investigated. The unique 3D design of the anode allowed much higher areal mass density of MWCNTs as active materials, resulting in more amount of Li+ ion intake, compared to that of a conventional 2D counterpart. Furthermore, 3D amorphous Si/MWCNTs hybrid structure offered enhancement in electrochemical response (specific capacity 549 mAhg-1). Also, an anode stack was fabricated to further increase the areal or volumetric mass density of MWCNTs. An areal mass density of the anode stack 34.9 mg/cm2 was attained, which is 1,342% higher than the value for a single layer 2.6 mg/cm2. Furthermore, the binder-assisted and hot-pressed anode stack yielded the average reversible, stable gravimetric and volumetric specific capacities of 213 mAhg-1 and 265 mAh/cm3, respectively (at 0.5C). Moreover, a large-scale patterned novel flexible 3D MWCNTs-graphene-polyethylene terephthalate (PET) anode structure was prepared. It generated a reversible specific capacity of 153 mAhg-1 at 0.17C and cycling stability of 130 mAhg-1 up to 50 cycles at 1.7C.

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