Spelling suggestions: "subject:"areal"" "subject:"preal""
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Towards Topography Characterization of Additive Manufacturing SurfacesVedantha Krishna, Amogh January 2020 (has links)
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is on the verge of causing a downfall to conventional manufacturing with its huge potential in part manufacture. With an increase in demand for customized product, on-demand production and sustainable manufacturing, AM is gaining a great deal of attention from different industries in recent years. AM is redefining product design by revolutionizing how products are made. AM is extensively utilized in automotive, aerospace, medical and dental applications for its ability to produce intricate and lightweight structures. Despite their popularity, AM has not fully replaced traditional methods with one of the many reasons being inferior surface quality. Surface texture plays a crucial role in the functionality of a component and can cause serious problems to the manufactured parts if left untreated. Therefore, it is necessary to fully understand the surface behavior concerning the factors affecting it to establish control over the surface quality. The challenge with AM is that it generates surfaces that are different compared to conventional manufacturing techniques and varies with respect to different materials, geometries and process parameters. Therefore, AM surfaces often require novel characterization approaches to fully explain the manufacturing process. Most of the previously published work has been broadly based on two-dimensional parametric measurements. Some researchers have already addressed the AM surfaces with areal surface texture parameters but mostly used average parameters for characterization which is still distant from a full surface and functional interpretation. There has been a continual effort in improving the characterization of AM surfaces using different methods and one such effort is presented in this thesis. The primary focus of this thesis is to get a better understanding of AM surfaces to facilitate process control and optimization. For this purpose, the surface texture of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion of Metals (PBF-LB/M) have been characterized using various tools such as Power Spectral Density (PSD), Scale-sensitive fractal analysis based on area-scale relations, feature-based characterization and quantitative characterization by both profile and areal surface texture parameters. A methodology was developed using a Linear multiple regression and a combination of the above-mentioned characterization techniques to identify the most significant parameters for discriminating different surfaces and also to understand the manufacturing process. The results suggest that the developed approaches can be used as a guideline for AM users who are looking to optimize the process for gaining better surface quality and component functionality, as it works effectively in finding the significant parameters representing the unique signatures of the manufacturing process. Future work involves improving the accuracy of the results by implementing improved statistical models and testing other characterization methods to enhance the quality and function of the parts produced by the AM process.
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Architektonická studie cyklistického stadionu /dráhy/ Favorit Brno /na volné ploše v Brně Komárově/. / Architectural study of the cycling stadium / runway / Favorit Brno / on the open space in.Dvořáková, Šárka January 2018 (has links)
A specialized project of „Architectural study of modification of the bicycle stadium Favorit Brno in the BVV area and urban design of the Hněvkovský sports complex in Komárov“ preceded the diploma thesis. The aim of the project was preparation of the area for cycling stadium with all the necessary facilities and functional connections. The diploma thesis develops a previous project and elaborates the compound of the cycling stadium in a form of a study. The building should recpect to the current demands of this sport, such as a closed roof of the building, siberian pine track material and a 250-meter track length. The building will be situated in the area adjacent to the current biker complex in Brno Komárov.
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Favorit Brno / cyklistický stadion - bikrosová dráha / - architektonická studie - design / Favorite Brno / cycling / track stadium bikrosová architectural study designHorčičková, Anastázie January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is the architectural design of the stadium for track cycling. It deals with a covered hall, which is located in the area of Komárov on the territory of the sports resort Hněvkovského. The urban design ofthe territory is elaborated simultaneously with the study of the hall. The resort offers a wide range of sport fields for recreational as well as top athletes, and the new velodrome hall should dominate the entire area. The buildingprovides background for the important cycling club TJ Favorit Brno. It also responds to the current requirements of track cycling and thus enables the organization of international races.
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Naturlehrpfad Graupa: Eine Zeitreise durch Botanik, Geologie und Kultur10 March 2022 (has links)
Willkommen! Der Naturlehrpfad Graupa führt die Besucher durch das Waldgebiet am Borsberg, der geologisch unterschiedlichste Ausbildungen aufweist. Auf 24 Tafeln wird die Vielfalt der Natur- und Kulturlandschaft vorgestellt:
naturnahe Waldgesellschaften, Feuchtbiotope, bemerkenswerte Pflanzenarten und kulturhistorische Besonderheiten.
Redaktionsschluss: 30.09.2021
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Aplikace spektrální analýzy v 3D hodnocení povrchů / Application of Spectral Analysis in 3D Evaluation of SurfacesBrillová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
Thesis deals with the spectral analysis of 3D surface topography. The surface is described by a random function. Theoretical starting points necessary for right introduction and understanding of basic notions used within the framework of the surface topography spectral analysis are exactly formulated. They lie in the theory of random functions, the theory of the Fourier transform and the theory of signal processing. The notions mentioned are: the areal power spectral density (APSD) of a surface, the radial power spectral density (RPSD) of a surface and the angular power spectrum density (AnPSD) of a surface. These notions are introduced in their discrete form and generalized for the two-dimensional case. The thorough discussion of possible mistakes and inaccuracies which can be done during the application of spectral analysis techniques in a surface topography evaluation is performed. The procedure of APSD estimation by means of the periodogram method combined with the Welch´s method is discussed. The principle and capabilities of the optical profilometer MicroProf?FRT used for the surface topography measurement are described. Our original computer program computing APSD, RPSD and AnPSD is described too. The 3D spectral analyses is applied to surfaces generated by AWJ cutting, plane grinding and casting. We have focused our attention to AWJ cut surfaces, 3D spectral analyses of which brings new still unpublished opportunities of the surfaces topography evaluation. The influence of technological parameters on these AWJ cut surfaces topography is studied. The conclusion of the study is that results of the spectral analyses of these surfaces topography strongly depend on the technological conditions of the surfaces generation. An original procedure of the ASPD shape evaluation within individual regions of its frequency domain is mentioned. This procedure brings new substantial knowledge concerning the topography of surfaces. Results obtained from surfaces generated by plane grinding and casting are presented like examples of results from non-isotropic and isotropic surfaces.
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Favorit Brno / cyklistický stadion - bikrosová dráha / - architektonická studie - design / Favorite Brno / cycling / track stadium bikrosová architectural study designHorčičková, Anastázie January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is the architectural design of the stadium for track cycling. It deals with a covered hall, which is located in the area of Komárov on the territory of the sports resort Hněvkovského. The urban design ofthe territory is elaborated simultaneously with the study of the hall. The resort offers a wide range of sport fields for recreational as well as top athletes, and the new velodrome hall should dominate the entire area. The buildingprovides background for the important cycling club TJ Favorit Brno. It also responds to the current requirements of track cycling and thus enables the organization of international races.
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DRONAR: Obstacle echolocation using ego-noise / DRONAR: Egenljudsekolokalisering av hinderNilsson, Henrik January 2023 (has links)
You do not want your drone to crash. Therefore, safety systems should be put in place to prevent such an event, and obstacle avoidance is a major part of this. Today, the most successful techniques use cameras or light detection and ranging (LIDAR) to find and avoid obstacles; but to improve resiliency, multiple systems should be used. This thesis proposes to use microphones, listening to the drone’s own noise, to estimate the distance to surrounding obstacles. An obstacle echolocation solution for multi-rotor aerial vehicles (MAVs) using ego-noise is developed. The MAV’s noise is captured and auto-correlated to detect echoes at different time delays. This signal is whitened to remove structured measurement noise resulting from the narrow-band components of the MAV’s noise. By recording the MAV’s noise using multiple microphones, a time of arrival (TOA) estimate of the obstacle position is achieved. A beamforming-based solution is used to calculate this estimate. A series of simplified proof-of-concept experiments show that ego-noise echolocation is possible and that the developed solution works in a controlled environment. A prototype implementation of a realistic system is also created. Four signal fusion alternatives are compared, though no best alternative is found for all situations. More work is needed to apply the findings of this work in a robust way, but the principle is shown to work.
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Of food & fauna: investigating the relationship between global agricultural land use & biodiversityKehoe, Laura 11 October 2017 (has links)
Die landwirtschaftliche Landnutzung dominiert ein Drittel der Erdoberfläche und ist der größte Einflussfaktor des Biodiversitätsverlustes. Zudem wird prognostiziert, dass sich mit wachsender Erdbevölkerung und zunehmendem Bedarf an Ressourcen der Einfluss der landwirtschaftlichen Landnutzung auf die Biodiversität massiv ausweiten wird. Das Hauptziel dieser Dissertation war es, ein tieferes Verständnis über die Beziehung zwischen landwirtschaftlicher Landnutzung und Biodiversität auf globaler Skala zu entwickeln. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen möchte diese Dissertation eine Brücke über drei Forschungslücken schlagen. Erstens, während sich bereits viele Studien mit der Auswirkung der landwirtschaftlichen Expansion auf die Biodiversität beschäftigt haben, untersuchten relativ wenige Arbeiten die Beziehung zwischen den vielen Facetten der landwirtschaftlichen Intensivierung und der Biodiversität. Zweitens, die meisten Studien hinsichtlich Landnutzung und Biodiversität haben die Auswirkungen auf lokaler bis regionaler Skala analysiert, wohingegen nur wenige diese Beziehung auf globaler Skala untersucht haben. Diese Lücke ist besonders kritisch in Bezug auf die Vorhersage des Artenreichtums – wobei traditionellerweise eher Umweltfaktoren als durch den Menschen bedingte Faktoren als wichtig für das Bedingen und Vorhersagen von großflächigen Mustern der Biodiversität angesehen werden. Drittens, angesichts des zunehmenden zukünftigen Bedarfes an Ressourcen ist ein besseres Verständnis bezüglich der Auswirkung der zukünftigen landwirtschaftlichen Landnutzung auf die Biodiversität nötig. Diese Dissertation erzielte Fortschritte darin Brücken über diese Forschungslücken zu schlagen durch (i) das Kartieren von Mustern vielfacher Metriken der Landnutzungsintensität und Biodiversität, (ii) das Verbessern der Arten-Areal-Beziehung durch die Einbindung von Landbedeckung und Landnutzungsintensitätsmetriken sowie (iii) das Identifizieren von Gebieten mit großer biologischer Vielfalt, die gefährdet sind hinsichtlich der Trajektorien potentieller zukünftiger Landnutzungsexpansion und –intensivierung. Die Muster der Landnutzungs-intensitätsmetriken waren heterogen verteilt in Gebieten mit hoher Biodiversität, was darauf hinweist, dass die Umweltschutzforschung vielfache Intensitätsmetriken einbeziehen sollte um zu verhindern, dass die Bedrohung für die Biodiversität unterschätzt wird. Weitere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in der Vorhersage des globalen Artenreichtums die Landnutzungsintensität den Biomen in nichts nachsteht, wodurch eines der fundamentalsten Gesetze in der Ökologie erweitert wird und ein verbessertes Verständnis der großflächigen Muster im Artenreichtum erzielt wird. Die am stärksten gefährdeten Gebiete bezüglich des potentiellen zukünftigen landwirtschaftlichen Wandels wurden schließlich weitverbreitet in Lateinamerika und im subsaharischen Afrika gefunden. Dieses Ergebnis bot wichtige Erkenntnisse zur proaktiven Entschärfung von zukünftigen potentiellen Konflikten in der Beziehung zwischen Biodiversität und Landnutzung. In Anbetracht der großen Bedrohung, die die Landwirtschaft für die Biodiversität darstellt, hob diese Dissertation insgesamt die Komplexität und Bedeutung der Landnutzungsintensität in ihrer Beziehung zur Biodiversität hervor und identifizierte Gebiete mit hoher Biodiversität, welche bedroht sind von landwirtschaftlicher Landnutzung, sowohl in der Gegenwart als auch zukünftig. / Agricultural land use dominates one third of the Earth’s land surface and is the single biggest driver of biodiversity loss. Moreover, with a growing human population and a rising demand for resources, the impact of agricultural land use on biodiversity is projected to escalate. The main goal of this thesis was to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between agricultural land use and biodiversity on a global scale. In approaching this goal, this thesis aims to bridge three main research gaps. First, while much research has addressed the effect of agricultural expansion on biodiversity, relatively little work has investigated the relationship between the many facets of agricultural intensification and biodiversity. Second, most studies on land use and biodiversity have assessed local to regional scale impacts, whereas few have assessed this relationship on a global scale. This gap is particularly critical in terms of predicting species richness – where environmental factors rather than human driven factors have traditionally been thought to be important in driving and predicting broad-scale patterns of biodiversity. Third, in light of growing future demand for resources, a better understanding is needed regarding the impact of future agricultural land use on biodiversity. This thesis made progress in bridging these research gaps by (i) mapping patterns of multiple metrics of land-use intensity and biodiversity, (ii) improving species-area relationships with the inclusion of land cover and land-use intensity metrics, and (iii) identifying highly biodiverse areas at risk under trajectories of potential future agricultural expansion and intensification. Patterns of land-use intensity metrics were heterogeneously distributed in areas of high biodiversity, suggesting that conservation research should include multiple intensity metrics in order to avoid underestimating biodiversity threat. Further results show land-use intensity was found to rival biomes in predicting global species richness, thus upgrading one of the most fundamental laws in ecology, and providing an improved understanding of broad-scale species richness patterns. Finally, areas most at-risk under potential future agricultural change were found to be widespread across Latin America and Sub-Saharan America. This delivered crucial insights in proactively mitigating future potential conflicts in the nexus of biodiversity and land use. Overall, considering the great threat agriculture poses to biodiversity, this thesis highlighted the complexity and importance of land-use intensity in its relationship with biodiversity and uncovered highly biodiverse areas threatened by agricultural land use, both currently and in the future.
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Maloplošné lesní celky a jejich využití pro příměstskou rekreaci / Small-scale forest units and their usage for town side recreationZIEGLER, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with town side recreation. Natural environment, with forest as a dominating factor, is very important in this issue. Forests attract their visitors thanks to specific atmosphere and mostly they don{\crq}t need any additional equipment to fulfill their purpose within the frame of tourism. This doesn{\crq}t apply on smaller forest stands, so-called small-scale forest units, that attract just minimal attention by themselves. Small-scale forest units are offering relax potential, but this potential need to be developed. Through the use of convenient ground shaping, equipping and promotion of these small-scale forest units is possible to gain new recreation localities. This thesis is dealing with development of small-scale forest units nearby city Tábor.
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La relativisation dans une perspective aréale : l'aire Caucase - Anatolie de l'Est - Iran de l'Ouest / Relative clauses in an areal perspective : The Caucasus - Eastern Anatolia - Western Iran area / Kafkas – Doğu Anadolu – Batı İran bölgesinde konuşulan dillerde sıfat işlevli yan tümceler : Bölgesel bir yaklaşımGandon, Ophélie 12 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur les relatives dans les langues de l’aire Caucase – Anatolie de l’Est – Iran de l’Ouest dans une perspective aréale. Cette aire est connue pour concentrer une importante diversité génétique et typologique, avec une cinquantaine de langues appartenant à six familles distinctes : caucasique du Nord-Est, caucasique du Nord-Ouest, caucasique du Sud, turcique, indo-européenne et sémitique. Un grand nombre de ces langues sont en situation de contact et peuvent potentiellement s’influencer les unes les autres. Les relatives constituent une caractéristique intéressante à étudier dans une telle perspective car les constructions ayant fonction de relative peuvent varier selon nombreux paramètres d’une langue à l’autre ou au sein d’une même langue (position de la relative, finitude du verbe, etc.) ; chaque valeur possible pour un paramètre donné étant un trait pouvant potentiellement se diffuser. La première partie de cette thèse consiste en une description détaillée des stratégies de relativisation des langues de l’aire. Diverses stratégies sont identifiées, dont certaines couramment mentionnées dans la littérature, mais d’autres également plus atypiques du point de vue typologique. La deuxième partie consiste en une analyse des données décrites dans la première partie : après avoir identifié de manière précise les paramètres de variation et leurs différentes valeurs possibles parmi les stratégies disponibles de l’aire (environ 40 paramètres, 80 sous-paramètres et plus de 200 valeurs possibles), plusieurs zones géographiques sont mises en évidence où une même stratégie ou une même valeur pour un paramètre donné sont partagées par des langues non nécessairement apparentées génétiquement. Pour plusieurs de ces zones, il semble s’agir d’un phénomène de convergence, étant donné que les langues concernées divergent de leurs familles génétiques respectives et/ou le trait ou la stratégie partagé(e) est atypique. Pour finir, plusieurs facteurs pouvant intervenir dans la diffusion ou non d’une stratégie ou d’un trait linguistique sont suggérés. / This work deals with relative clauses in an areal perspective, focusing on languages of Caucasus – Eastern Anatolia – Western Iran area. This area is known to display an important linguistic diversity (genetic as well as typological) with about fifty languages belonging to six distinct families: North-East Caucasian, North-West Caucasian, South-Caucasian, Turkic, Indo-European and Semitic. Most of these languages are in contact and may influence each other. Besides, relative clauses constitute an interesting field to investigate in an areal perspective, given that the constructions used as relative clauses may vary according to numerous parameters, crosslinguistically or within the same language (e.g., position of the relative clause, finiteness of the verbal form, etc.); each value for a given parameter is a feature that may possibly diffuse across languages.The first part of this work is a fine-grained description of the relativization strategies available in the area. Various strategies are identified. The area displays all strategies commonly mentioned in the literature, as well as some typologically less common strategies.The second part of the work is an analysis of the data. After identifying all variation parameters and their different values in the strategies available in the area (i.e., about 40 main variation parameters, 80 sub-parameters and more than 200 potential values), several geographical areas are highlighted where the same strategy or the same value for a given parameter is shared by languages that are not necessarily genetically related. For some of these areas, it seems that a convergence phenomena is involved given that languages may diverge with this respect from their respective genealogical families and/or the shared feature or strategy is typologically uncommon. Finally, some factors that could be involved in the occurrence or not of a language-contact induced change are suggested. / Bu tezde bölgesel bir açıdan Kafkas – Doğu Anadolu – Batı İran bölgesinde konuşulan dillerde sıfat işlevli yan tümceler inceleniyor. Hem genetik hem de tipolojik olarak dilsel zenginliği ile tanınan bu bölgede günümüzde altı farklı aileden (Kuzeydoğu Kafkas dilleri, Kuzeybatı Kafkas dilleri, Güney Kafkas dilleri, Türk dilleri, Hint-Avrupa dilleri, Sami dilleri) elliyi aşkın dil konuşulmaktadır. Bu dillerin çoğu birbirleri ile temas halindeler ve birbilerini etkileyebiliyorlar. Bu bakımdan, sıfat işlevli yan tümce olarak kullanılan yapıların diller arasında, hatta aynı dil içinde dahi birçok parametreye göre çeşitlilik gösterdiğini (örneğin yan tümcenin nitelediği ada göre konumu, yan tümcedeki fiil şekli (tam donanımlı ya da sıfat-fiil oluşu), vb.), ve bu parametrelerin alabileceği değerlerin bir dilden diğerine yayılabilen bir nitelikte olduğunu göz önüne alırsak, sıfat işlevli yan tümcelerin bölgesel ve karşılaştırmalı bir açıdan ele alınabilecek zengin bir çalışma konusu olduğu belirgin hale gelmektedir. Tezin ilk kısmında, adı geçen bölgede konuşulan dillerdeki sıfat işlevli yan tümce yapıları ayrıntılı bir şekilde belgeleniyor. Bu belgeleme literatürde sıkça bahsi geçen alışılmış yapıların yanı sıra çok bilinmeyen, atipik yapıları da gün yüzüne çıkarıyor.Tezin ikinci kısmında ise birinci kısımda belgelenen veriler çözümleniyor. Sıfat işlevli yan tümcelere ait tüm parametreleri ve bu parametrelerin alabileceği farklı değerleri (toplamda yaklaşık 40 ana parametre, 80 alt-parametre ve 200’den fazla olası değer) saptadıktan sonra, aynı yapıyı ya da belli bir parametreye ait aynı değeri kullanan fakat genetik açıdan birbiri ile ilişkisi olmayan dillerin oluşturduğu birtakım coğrafi alan tespit ediliyor. Bu alanların bazısında saptanan diller, kullandıkları sıfat işlevli yan tümce yapıları veya bu yapılardaki bazı parametrelerin aldığı değerler bakımından genetik olarak ilişkili oldukları dillerden farklılık gösterdiklerinden ve/veya kullandıkları yapıların tipolojik olarak alışılmış olmadıklarından dolayı, bu belirtilen alanlarda bir yöneşme (convergence) meydana gelme olasılığı yüksektir. Son olarak da bir yapının ya da belli bir parametre değerinin yayılıp yayılmamasına sebep olabilecek bir kaç etken öneriliyor.
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