Spelling suggestions: "subject:"burising"" "subject:"decrising""
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IL PROBLEMA DELLA METAFISICA NELLA CRITICA DELLA RAGION PURA DI KANT / Kant's Problem of Metaphysics in the Critique of Pure ReasonCOLOMBO, CHIARA 13 March 2012 (has links)
La tesi si propone di dare un contributo alla dibattuta valutazione del ruolo della metafisica nella Critica della ragion pura di Kant. L’argomento che sorregge la proposta consiste nell’affermazione della possibilità di rintracciare nella prima Critica una determinazione positiva del sapere metafisico. La tesi tenta una lettura delle competenze positive della ragione – considerata nel suo interesse speculativo – in ambito metafisico, tenendo conto del percorso che Kant intraprende in tal senso fin dagli scritti precritici. Tre sono le linee argomentative della ricerca: dal punto di vista metodologico, ci si propone di coniugare le due istanze presenti negli studi kantiani, quella storica e quella teoretica, riunendole in un unico criterio esegetico che ricerca nei testi i luoghi in cui le fonti storiche vengono accolte come il punto di inizio di una transizione culturale più che il legame con la tradizione. In secondo luogo, si ricostruisce il modo in cui Kant ha fatto della metafisica l’oggetto primario di questa problematizzazione. In terzo luogo, si discute l’evoluzione che la prova metafisica compie nel pensiero kantiano fino alla prima Critica. Qui, la metafisica, con un unico movimento, riesce nell’esibizione congiunta del suo sapere e della sua fondazione come scienza. / This work introduces a way of understanding Kant’s problem of metaphysics in the first Critique, by suggesting that speculative reason can state a positive metaphysical knowledge. The suggested solution focuses on three issues: the first is methodological, the second is exegetical, the third is argumentative. From the methodological point of view, this dissertation proposes a new method in interpreting Kant’s tought, that is the problem-arising method. From the exegetical point of view, it shows metaphysics as the primary object of such a method, and explains in which sense it is possible to state a ‘problem of metaphysics’ in kantian works. From the argumentative point of view, this work gives particular attention to the transcendental argument. In conclusion this dissertation demonstrates that the Transcendental Deduction of the first Critique coincides with a synthesis between the object and the foundation of metaphyisics, and for this synthesis is made by the metaphysics its-self, it is a positive knowledge.
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O \"dever de mitigar danos\" na responsabilidade contratual: a perspectiva do direito brasileiro / The duty to mitigate the loss in contract damages: the perspective of the Brazilian lawBeatriz Veiga Carvalho 09 April 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estudo da teoria da avoidability ou duty to mitigate the loss à luz do Direito Brasileiro. Sua escolha decorreu do fato de o ordenamento pátrio, diferente de outros tantos, não prever a existência expressa de um dever ou mais propriamente de um ônus de o contratante inadimplido adotar as medidas razoáveis ao seu alcance para reduzir as perdas e danos causados pelo inadimplemento do outro contratante. Do estudo do direito estrangeiro, procurou-se compreender as principais características do instituto, bem como as críticas feitas a ele, para que sua estrutura e suas possíveis objeções pudessem também ser examinadas sob a perspectiva do direito nacional. Demonstrado que o problema da redução dos prejuízos pelo próprio credor da indenização não poderia ser satisfatoriamente resolvido ao menos não integralmente sob a perspectiva da causalidade concorrente, e que não haveria nenhum óbice intransponível à adoção da regra, passou-se a avaliar se ela já seria uma leitura possível do princípio da boa-fé objetiva. A conclusão alcançada com base na doutrina, e posteriormente confirmada com o posicionamento jurisprudencial, mostrou-se positiva. Demonstrou-se, portanto, que a mitigação de danos pelo credor é um ônus decorrente da cláusula geral que impõe aos contratantes o dever de agir com probidade e boa-fé, dever esse que não é afetado sequer pelo inadimplemento da prestação principal pela contraparte, sob pena de o exercício do direito de indenização tornar-se abusivo. A ausência de uma regra expressa que imponha ao contratante inadimplido o ônus de mitigar seu próprio prejuízo não impede, pois, o reconhecimento da regra no Direito Brasileiro, de modo que sua positivação expressa, embora disponível, traria como única vantagem a maior clareza sobre as regras de responsabilidade contratual, com a facilitação apenas relativa do processo decisório nesses casos. / The purpose of this work was to study the theory of avoidability or the duty to mitigate the loss in light of the Brazilian law. Its choice arose from the fact that the domestic legal system, different from many others, does not set forth the express existence of a duty or more properly of a burden of the breached against party to adopt the reasonable measures available to him/her in order to reduce the losses and damages caused by the breach by the other contracting party. The study of the foreign law was sought to allow the understanding of the main characteristics of the rule, as well as the criticisms raised against it, so that its structure and its main objections could similarly be assessed under the perspective of the national law. Once demonstrated that the problem of the reduction of losses by the creditor himself/herself could not be satisfactorily resolved at least not totally based on the joint causation and that there was no unbridgeable obstacle to the adoption of the rule, it was then evaluated whether it was already a possible construction of the principle of good faith. The conclusion reached based on the literature and afterwards confirmed by the case law was positive. It was evidenced, therefore, that the mitigation of damages by the creditor is a burden arising from the general clause that poses on the contracting parties the duty to act with correctness and good faith, duty which not affected even by the breach of the main obligation by the counterpart, under the consequence of the right to damages being exercised abusively. The lack of a express rule that poses a burden on the breached against party to mitigate his/her own losses does not prevent, thus, the recognition of such a rule in the Brazilian legal system, meaning that its formal adoption, although unessential, would only bring the advantage of more clarity on the rules of damages arising from the breach of contract, with a mere relative facilitation of the decision process on these cases.
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Přechod práv a povinností v pracovněprávních vztazích / Transfer of rights and obligations arising from employment relationsKošnar, Michael January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the transfer of rights and obligations arising from employment relations. This legal institute is primarily aimed at the protection of employees during the transfer of undertakings, which can negatively affect their employment relations. The matter is regulated under the Transfers of Undertaking Directive 2001/23/EC. In addition, it is regulated under Czech law, mostly by articles 338-342 of the Czech Labour Code No. 262/2006 Coll. The thesis involves critical assessment of the EU and Czech regulation of the issue including relevant case law of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and the Court of Justice of the European Union(CJEU). Furthermore, it aspires to identify the possible problems arising from the current regulation and aims to find their possible solutions. The most essential questions are; when the transfer of rights and obligations occurs according to legislation currently in force and when it should occur in the case the legislation is to be amended. The thesis consists of three chapters. The first introductory chapter provides the reader with a necessary theoretical background. The second chapter contemplates the Directive 2001/23/EC and predominantly focuses on the material scope of the Directive in the light of the relevant case law of the CJEU. Finally,...
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Ochrana zaměstnance při převodu zaměstnavatele / Protection of employees in the event of transfer of employerKoubková, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
Protection of employees in the event of transfer of employer The master's theses deals with the topic of the transfer of rights and obligations from employment relationships and related institutes of protection of the employees affected by the transfer. The topic is regulated at the European Union tier by Council Directive 2001/23/EC of 12 March 2001 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses, which has been transposed into national law as Section XV of Part Thirteen of Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code. The thesis introduces both tiers of legislation, the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and evaluates the implementation of the Directive 2001/23/EC into the national system. The first part of the work is an explanatory one as it describes the meaning of some of the fundamental labour law terms and contexts for the purposes of the following text. The second part introduces the transfer of an undertaking, business or part thereof under the Directive 2001/23/EC and formation of the rules by the Court of Justice of the European Union, in particular the development of the...
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Práva z vadného plnění / Rights arising from defective performanceJonáš, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
1 Rights arising from defective performance Abstract This diploma thesis examines the institute of rights arising from defective performance. It contains not only a theoretical description of the effective legislation but also practical examples on which the theoretical background and knowledge are demonstrated. In addition to institutes of default and liability for damage, the institute of rights arising from defective performance is a key institute of ensuring the proper and timely fulfilment of the obligation. Considering how often practically one of the parties to the obligation performs defectively, it is difficult to imagine a private right of obligation without the institute of rights arising from defective performance. The factual position of the parties to the obligation is often unequal, which is the reason why the legislator strives to protect the weaker party both through general protective institutes and through special legal regulation of rights arising from defective performance. Due to the existence of several special legal regulations, and in some cases unclear relations between them, the Czech legal regulation of rights arising from defective performance is often criticized as confusing and complicated. The thesis is systematically divided into four parts. The first part provides...
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The bridging of pluralistic visions of science and ethics for bioethics - Tibetan medicine as compared with the Western research on longevity and human genetic enhancementHoude, Sylvie 10 1900 (has links)
La thèse examine les liens entre la vision pluraliste de la science et l’éthique de la médecine tibétaine et les nouvelles pratiques en médecine occidentale, soit la longévité et la recherche sur la génétique amélioratrice. Elle cherche à cerner l’apport que la médecine tibétaine peut apporter aux recherches occidentales sur la longévité et la génétique humaine amélioratrice. Elle traite donc d’un enjeu social clé et du débat qui s’y rattache. La découverte et la description sont centrales à la méthodologie et informent l’analyse.
Nous avons examiné dans un premier temps, les travaux de recherche sur la longévité reliée à la génétique amélioratrice (mémoire et muscles). Nous nous sommes penchés également sur les fondements de la médecine tibétaine en tant que système intégré. Pour ce faire, nous avons traité des notions telles que la santé, l’identité, la perfection et l’immortalité. Notre cadre conceptuel repose sur la théorie bouddhiste de l’interdépendance qui se caractérise par la formulation de catégories qui ensuite sont synthétisées dans l’essence; les deux niveaux d’interprétation de la théorie sont décrits en détail avant de passer à une comparaison avec la notion de complexité occidentale.
La médecine tibétaine de fait présente un système où l’éthique et la science sont intégrées et se prête bien à une comparaison avec la vision pluraliste de la science à partir d’une perspective éthique/bioéthique. Les commentaires recueillis auprès des experts nous ont permis de cerner comment la science, l’éthique et l’amélioration de la longévité sont définies au sein des deux paradigmes de l’Est et de l’Ouest.
Nos résultats montrent six points qui se dégagent au terme de cette recherche permettent de jeter un pont sur la vision pluraliste de ces paradigmes. Ceux-ci transcendent les points de vue doctrinaux individuels de religions ainsi que du monde scientifique occidental. Plus que tout, ils laissent entrevoir un cadre de références novatrices qui contribuera à la prise de décision à l’égard de questionnements bioéthiques. / This thesis identified and examined the links between the pluralist vision of Western science and the ethical studies of Tibetan medicine, and sought to determine how the bridging of pluralistic visions with Tibetan medicine might contribute to Western research on longevity and human genetic enhancement. The investigation focused on the current debate in these latter two fields. Discovery and description were central to the methodology and informed the analysis.
Initially, we examined the research on longevity related to human genetic enhancement (memory and muscle), which addresses the limitation of the physical body, and explored its ramifications through such concepts as healthism, identity, perfection and immortality. Then examining the foundation of Tibetan medicine as an integrated system, we contrasted contemporary longevity research with the Eastern model, in which individual existence and experience escape limitations. We further addressed brain science research and the Tibetan medicine continuum, the unique quality of the latter being that the mind is used as a tool and is philosophically linked with Buddhism. Finally, utilizing the Buddhist conceptual framework of the interdependent theory, which is characterized by formulating categories of phenomena that are then synthesized into their essence, the theory’s two levels of the interpretation of phenomenal reality were described in detail before moving to a comparison with notions of Western complexity.
Tibetan medicine employs an integrated system in which ethics and science are interwoven, providing the base for a comparison with the pluralist vision of science from an ethics/bioethics perspective. The insights gathered from interviews with experts in various fields highlighted how science, ethics and longevity enhancement can be addressed within these two paradigms.
The research findings led to six points that bridge both the Eastern and Western paradigms by transcending the doctrinal standpoints of individual religions, ethical systems and sciences, and laying the basis for an innovative framework by providing concrete reference elements for decision-making in regard to bioethical questionings.
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Přechod pracovněprávních závazků při smluvním převodu a fúzi společnosti / Transfer of the Employment Obligations under Legal Transfer and MergerSmělík, Václav January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issue of transfer of undertaking as recognized by the Acquired Rights Directive 2001/23/EC under the EU and Czech law. The first chapter "general introduction" offers an overview of the basic relationships that arise in the course of employment, and the basics of European law. The second chapter considers the rules of the transfer of undertaking under the Acquired Rights Directive and in light of ECJ case law. It defines the terms legal transfer and merger, economic entity which retains its identity, employee, transferor and transferee. Further, it considers the transferred rights of employees and the corresponding duties of employers, encompassing the right for information and consultation, protection against dismissal on the grounds of the transfer and the right for the same work conditions after the transfer. It covers a special case of transfer of undertaking in the case of transferor's insolvency. The third chapter deals with the regulation of transfer of undertaking under Czech law. Firstly, the chapter introduces the development of the provisions covering the transfer in the Labour Code. It focuses on the contemporary provisions of the Labour Code. It describes the grounds for the transfer covered by the Labour Code and particular statutes such as the Civil Code,...
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The bridging of pluralistic visions of science and ethics for bioethics - Tibetan medicine as compared with the Western research on longevity and human genetic enhancementHoude, Sylvie 10 1900 (has links)
La thèse examine les liens entre la vision pluraliste de la science et l’éthique de la médecine tibétaine et les nouvelles pratiques en médecine occidentale, soit la longévité et la recherche sur la génétique amélioratrice. Elle cherche à cerner l’apport que la médecine tibétaine peut apporter aux recherches occidentales sur la longévité et la génétique humaine amélioratrice. Elle traite donc d’un enjeu social clé et du débat qui s’y rattache. La découverte et la description sont centrales à la méthodologie et informent l’analyse.
Nous avons examiné dans un premier temps, les travaux de recherche sur la longévité reliée à la génétique amélioratrice (mémoire et muscles). Nous nous sommes penchés également sur les fondements de la médecine tibétaine en tant que système intégré. Pour ce faire, nous avons traité des notions telles que la santé, l’identité, la perfection et l’immortalité. Notre cadre conceptuel repose sur la théorie bouddhiste de l’interdépendance qui se caractérise par la formulation de catégories qui ensuite sont synthétisées dans l’essence; les deux niveaux d’interprétation de la théorie sont décrits en détail avant de passer à une comparaison avec la notion de complexité occidentale.
La médecine tibétaine de fait présente un système où l’éthique et la science sont intégrées et se prête bien à une comparaison avec la vision pluraliste de la science à partir d’une perspective éthique/bioéthique. Les commentaires recueillis auprès des experts nous ont permis de cerner comment la science, l’éthique et l’amélioration de la longévité sont définies au sein des deux paradigmes de l’Est et de l’Ouest.
Nos résultats montrent six points qui se dégagent au terme de cette recherche permettent de jeter un pont sur la vision pluraliste de ces paradigmes. Ceux-ci transcendent les points de vue doctrinaux individuels de religions ainsi que du monde scientifique occidental. Plus que tout, ils laissent entrevoir un cadre de références novatrices qui contribuera à la prise de décision à l’égard de questionnements bioéthiques. / This thesis identified and examined the links between the pluralist vision of Western science and the ethical studies of Tibetan medicine, and sought to determine how the bridging of pluralistic visions with Tibetan medicine might contribute to Western research on longevity and human genetic enhancement. The investigation focused on the current debate in these latter two fields. Discovery and description were central to the methodology and informed the analysis.
Initially, we examined the research on longevity related to human genetic enhancement (memory and muscle), which addresses the limitation of the physical body, and explored its ramifications through such concepts as healthism, identity, perfection and immortality. Then examining the foundation of Tibetan medicine as an integrated system, we contrasted contemporary longevity research with the Eastern model, in which individual existence and experience escape limitations. We further addressed brain science research and the Tibetan medicine continuum, the unique quality of the latter being that the mind is used as a tool and is philosophically linked with Buddhism. Finally, utilizing the Buddhist conceptual framework of the interdependent theory, which is characterized by formulating categories of phenomena that are then synthesized into their essence, the theory’s two levels of the interpretation of phenomenal reality were described in detail before moving to a comparison with notions of Western complexity.
Tibetan medicine employs an integrated system in which ethics and science are interwoven, providing the base for a comparison with the pluralist vision of science from an ethics/bioethics perspective. The insights gathered from interviews with experts in various fields highlighted how science, ethics and longevity enhancement can be addressed within these two paradigms.
The research findings led to six points that bridge both the Eastern and Western paradigms by transcending the doctrinal standpoints of individual religions, ethical systems and sciences, and laying the basis for an innovative framework by providing concrete reference elements for decision-making in regard to bioethical questionings.
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Převod podniku/závodu v českém a evropském pracovním právu / The transfer of an undertaking/business in Czech and European Labour LawReichmann, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The transfer of an undertaking/business in Czech and European Labour Law The aim of my thesis is to thoroughly analyse the regulation of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses in the perspective of Czech and European Labour Law. The reasons for choosing this topic are my genuine interest in Labour Law and the fact that this area of Labour Law is relatively overlooked by most authors in the Czech Republic. Aside from the general introduction and conclusion, this master thesis will consist of three main parts, each of them dealing with different aspects of the topic concerned. The introductory part defines basic terminology used in the thesis and describes my motivation for choosing this topic. The first part gives a brief historical overview of the development in this area of Labour Law both in European Law and Czech Law. The second part deals with transfers of undertakings/businesses within European Law, so the Council Directive No. 2001/23/EC and the respective case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union are mostly discussed there. Therefore, this part focuses on various aspects of this topic such as legal transfer, merger or identity of economic entity. Then, several methods of the transfer of undertaking/business within the sense of the directive...
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Přechod práv a povinností z pracovněprávních vztahů / Transfer of rights and obligations arising from labour relationsBlaha, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the institute Transfer of rights and obligations arising from the labour relations under the Czech legal system in comparison with European legislation and namely in the light of the Czech and EU's judicial decisions. The text is divided into three main parts. In the first part there are generally determined the labour relations, their elements and possible change of them. The second part describes the institute, the impact on the concerned employees and all rights and obligations with the transfer related. The third part is about the situations, when the Transfer of undertaking occurs in accordance with special regulations. There are raised the questions in the text, which could occur in this context with the change of the employer, and the author attempts them more or less to answer with the assistance of the decisions of courts.
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