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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Decus Arnaldi. Estudis entorn dels escrits de medicina pràctica, l'ocultisme i la pervivència del corpus atribuït a Arnau de Vilanova

Giralt Soler, Sebastià 05 July 2002 (has links)
Sota el títol de Decus Arnaldi es reuneix un conjunt de treballs que tenen el denominador comú de versar sobre el corpus mèdic i filosoficonatural atribuït a Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240-1311). Tres d'aquests treballs estan centrats en un seguit d'escrits breus sobre medicina pràctica i ocultisme, mentre que l'últim aborda la pervivència del corpus arnaldià. Serveix d'introducció un estat de la qüestió sobre la vida i l'obra d'Arnau i la "qüestió arnaldiana". La primera part estudia quatre consilia, tal com s'anomenaven en l'edat mitjana els textos mèdics que contenien tractaments per a malalts determinats. Són els titulats Regimen podagre, Regimen quartane, Cura febris ethice i Epistola ad Bremundum Montisferrarii. De tots ells se n'estudien l'estructura, la funció sociomèdica, així com la possible autoria arnaldiana sobretot a partir del fonament de la tradició textual i dels continguts paral·lels d'altres obres ja autentificades. D'un dels opuscles, el Regimen quartane, se'n dóna l'edició crítica i la traducció. Finalment s'intenta arribar a certes conclusions al voltant del gènere del consilium en el marc de la literatura mèdica baixmedieval i de la medicina pràctica d'Arnau i del galenisme coetani.La segona part aborda quatre tractats atribuïts a Arnau que versen sobre malalties específiques: el Tractatus contra calculum, el Regimen contra catarrum, el De tremore cordis i el De epilentia. Es demostra que els quatre pertanyen a una tradició textual comuna i es remunten al mateix origen: en realitat són obra del metge genovès Galvano da Levanto.La tercera part té com a punt de partida el De reprobacione nigromantice ficcionis, un opuscle escrit sens dubte per Arnau, del qual es dóna l'edició crítica i la traducció. Es tracta d'una quaestio contra la nigromància, en la qual s'usa el mètode escolàstic per negar la possibilitat que ningú domini el demoni. A partir del seu contingut s'intenten descobrir les fonts màgiques emprades per l'autor i s'estudien les concepcions sobre la nigromància i la màgia natural, en especial en la teologia i la filosofia natural del segle XIII, la discussió sobre els límits entre ambdues i les mesures basades en l'astrologia i en les propietates ocultes aplicades per Arnau en les seves intervencions terapèutiques. També se n'intenta destriar l'autèntica figura i obra del mite de l'Arnau mag que les va embolcallar.A mode d'epíleg, la quarta part tracta de la pervivència de conjunt del corpus arnaldià en l'era moderna. / Under the title of Decus Arnaldi I have gathered several works dealing with the medical and natural-philosophical corpus attributed to Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240-1311). Three of these works study a number of writings on practical medicine and occultism, while the last one approach the survival of the Arnaldian corpus. The introduction is a state of question about Arnau's life and work and the "Arnaldian question". The first part is concerned with four consilia, i. e. medieval medical texts that expounded treatments for specific patients. They are entitled Regimen podagre, Regimen quartane, Cura febris ethice and Epistola ad Bremundum Montisferrarii. The structure and sociomedical function of all of them are studied, as well as their possible authenticity especially on the basis of their textual tradition and the contents that they share with other genuine works by Arnau. Critical edition and translation of one of these writings, the Regimen quartane, are also included. Finally I have tried to give some conclusions about the consilium genre within the framework of medical literature of late Middle Ages and the practical medicine executed by Arnau and the contemporaneous Galenism.The second part studies four tracts attributed to Arnau dealing with specific illnesses: Tractatus contra calculum, Regimen contra catarrum, De tremore cordis and De epilentia. As it is demonstrated here, four of them belong to a common textual tradition and have the same origin: in fact they are works by Genovese physician Galvano da Levanto.The third part starts from the De reprobacione nigromantice ficcionis, here critically edited and translated. It is a quaestio against nigromancy, written without doubt by Arnau. It uses the scholastic method in order to deny the possibility that anybody dominate the devil. From its contents I try to find out the magical sources used by the author I study the ideas about nigromancy and natural magic, especially in the theology and the natural philosophy of the thirteenth century, the discussion about borderlines between both kinds of magic and the measures based on astrology and occult properties applied by Arnau in his therapeutical interventions. In addition I have tried to clear up his authentic figure and work from the myth of magus that involved them.As an epilogue, the fourth part deals with the survival of the whole Arnaldian corpus in the Modern Ages.

Saber médico e poder: as relações entre Arnaldo de Vilanova e a Coroa Aragonesa (séculos XIII-XIV) / Medical knowledge and power: the relations among Arnau de Vilanova and the Aragonese Crown (13th to 14th century)

Fagundes, Maria Dailza da Conceição 11 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Luanna Matias (lua_matias@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-05-19T13:32:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Maria Dailza da Conceição Fagundes - 2014.pdf: 2823974 bytes, checksum: 6bff7878e220ce489ede3f90794deab9 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luanna Matias (lua_matias@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-05-19T14:26:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Maria Dailza da Conceição Fagundes - 2014.pdf: 2823974 bytes, checksum: 6bff7878e220ce489ede3f90794deab9 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-19T14:26:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Maria Dailza da Conceição Fagundes - 2014.pdf: 2823974 bytes, checksum: 6bff7878e220ce489ede3f90794deab9 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-11 / This thesis proposes an analysis of the relations among medical knowledge and power via Arnau de Vilanova (1240 – 1311) path and his medical performance taking care of king James II of Aragon's (1291 – 1327) health and of his family's as well as his role as an aragonese court Ambassador. He was an example of physician, master and intellectual of the period. Therefore, he was a character that did not only follow closely the transformations by which society was passing trough, but influenced his time by his medical and religious writings. It was brought together a diversified documentary corpus composed by: medical works written by Arnau de Vilanova, the official Aragon Crown correspondence, his testament (1305), the inventory (1312) of books and goods from his personal library and a contemporary culinary book. It is debated the process of construction of his authority as an intellectual, in the years dedicated to teaching at the Medicine Faculty in Montpelier, which granted him the professional appreciation and privileges, that allowed him to circulate around the Royal and Pontifical Court while exercising medicine. Besides offering a collection of a physician and a master, the inventory of his library allow us to identify the ancient and Arabian matrices of the Arnau de Vilanova dietetics: Hippocrates, Galen, Rhazes and Avicenna. Thus, Arnau de Vilanova composed the Regimen to the conservation of the king's health, seeking to adapt these auctoritates' knowledge with the individuality of his patient. On this writing the preventive and therapeutic precepts destined to heal the monarch's chronic diseases center itself on a diet, with orientations not only concerning the food that he could consume, but also how to prepare them. His other dietetic writing, the Regimen Castra Sequentium, connected with military preventive medicine, it's destined to the kings' and its army health, which, on 1309's summer, besieged the Muslim city of Almeria on the Aragonese crusade opposite to nazari kingdom of Granada. / Esta tese tem como proposta analisar as relações entre o saber médico e o poder, por intermédio da trajetória de Arnaldo de Vilanova (1240 – 1311) e de sua atuação médica nos cuidados com a saúde do rei Jaime II de Aragão (1291 – 1327) e com a de sua família e como embaixador da corte aragonesa. Ele foi exemplo de físico, mestre e intelectual do período. Trata-se, portanto, de personagem que não somente acompanhou de perto as transformações pelas quais passava a sociedade, como também influenciou sua época por meio de escritos médicos e religiosos. Reuniu-se um corpus documental variado, composto por: obras médicas arnaldianas, a correspondência oficial da Coroa de Aragão, seu testamento (1305), o inventário (1312) de livros e de bens de sua biblioteca pessoal e um livro de culinária coevo. Discute-se o processo de construção de sua autoridade como intelectual, nos anos dedicados ao ensino na Faculdade de Medicina, em Montpellier, os quais lhe concederam a valorização profissional e privilégios, o que permitiu que ele circulasse pelas cortes régias e pontifícias no exercício da Medicina. Além de fornecer o acervo de um físico e mestre, o inventário de sua biblioteca permite-nos identificar as matrizes antigas e árabes da dietética arnaldiana: Hipócrates, Galeno, Razis e Avicena. Destarte, Arnaldo de Vilanova compôs o Regimen para a conservação da saúde do rei, buscando adequar os saberes dessas auctoritates com a individualidade de seu paciente. Nesse escrito, os preceitos preventivos e terapêuticos destinados aos cuidados com a enfermidade crônica do monarca centram-se na dieta alimentar, com orientações não somente acerca dos alimentos que ele poderia consumir, mas também do modo de prepará-los. Seu outro escrito dietético, o Regimen Castra Sequentium, ligado à Medicina preventiva militar, é destinado à saúde do rei e de seu exército que, no verão de 1309, sitiou a cidade muçulmana de Almeria, na cruzada aragonesa contra o reino nazari de Granada.

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