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Die probleem van kommunikasie in die godsdiensonderrig aan die hedendaagse kind / Andries Jacobus van den BergVan den Berg, Andries Jacobus January 1978 (has links)
The ability to communicate is a basic characteristic of man.
Communication therefore fills an important and central place
in Religious Instruction.
Today communication is a problem in all spheres of society and
particularly in Religious Instruction. The fundamental cause
of the problem of communication is the disturbed relationship
between man and God caused by the original sin. The result
thereof is a distortion of all human communication.
Through Jesus Christ man has obtained the opportunity to restore
his relationship with God and thus the possibility of better
human communication. This possibility only becomes reality
when the individual accepts Jesus Christ is the foundation for
true communication.
Before true communication can take place both the child and the
teacher must be in gear with God's Word. The most important
requirement for communication in Religious Instruction for both
teacher and child is that they must be Christians.
The number of non-Christian children in schools is increasing.
This brings a new facet in Religious Instruction which suggests
evangelization, and requires a new approach in respect of the
syllabi, textbooks, training of teachers and classroom teaching.
In order to communicate with the child one must know and understand him. The intellectual level, the environment and the
mental attitude of today's child is in many respects totally
different to that of the child of previous generations. In
order to adapt to the child of today a new approach in Religious Instruction is necessary. The present selection and arrangement of the subject matter in Religious Instruction is outdated and needs to be replanned. It must meet the actuality-requirements of the modern child and society.
Communication has a central place in every aspect of Religious Instruction and therefore the entire method of Religious Instruction must be based om communication. However, at present this is not always the case.
Thorough planning, training and presentation in Religious Instruction is essential, but our trust must not be therein. True communication is the work of God, and the true strength in Religious Instruction is the strength of God. What we actually seek and need in our work is God’s blessing. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO
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Die probleem van kommunikasie in die godsdiensonderrig aan die hedendaagse kind / Andries Jacobus van den BergVan den Berg, Andries Jacobus January 1978 (has links)
The ability to communicate is a basic characteristic of man.
Communication therefore fills an important and central place
in Religious Instruction.
Today communication is a problem in all spheres of society and
particularly in Religious Instruction. The fundamental cause
of the problem of communication is the disturbed relationship
between man and God caused by the original sin. The result
thereof is a distortion of all human communication.
Through Jesus Christ man has obtained the opportunity to restore
his relationship with God and thus the possibility of better
human communication. This possibility only becomes reality
when the individual accepts Jesus Christ is the foundation for
true communication.
Before true communication can take place both the child and the
teacher must be in gear with God's Word. The most important
requirement for communication in Religious Instruction for both
teacher and child is that they must be Christians.
The number of non-Christian children in schools is increasing.
This brings a new facet in Religious Instruction which suggests
evangelization, and requires a new approach in respect of the
syllabi, textbooks, training of teachers and classroom teaching.
In order to communicate with the child one must know and understand him. The intellectual level, the environment and the
mental attitude of today's child is in many respects totally
different to that of the child of previous generations. In
order to adapt to the child of today a new approach in Religious Instruction is necessary. The present selection and arrangement of the subject matter in Religious Instruction is outdated and needs to be replanned. It must meet the actuality-requirements of the modern child and society.
Communication has a central place in every aspect of Religious Instruction and therefore the entire method of Religious Instruction must be based om communication. However, at present this is not always the case.
Thorough planning, training and presentation in Religious Instruction is essential, but our trust must not be therein. True communication is the work of God, and the true strength in Religious Instruction is the strength of God. What we actually seek and need in our work is God’s blessing. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO
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n Pedagogiese analise van Alfredo Casella se 11 Pezzi infantileBrink, Lindie January 2016 (has links)
One of the most important phases of the piano student's development, is the intermediate phase. It is during this phase that the student must play suitable repertoire that will develop the necessary technical and aural skills and musical maturity in preparation for the advanced piano repertoire. This study was conducted in order to aid the teacher with selecting suitable repertoire for the intermediate piano student.
The 11 Pezzi Infantili, composed by the 20th century Italian composer Alfredo Casella, was selected as repertoire suitable for the intermediate piano student. The technical and musical aspects found in these pieces are set out for the teacher to determine whether these pieces are suitable for the student. These aspects will meet the student's level of development and also ensure technical and musical development. Supporting material such as teaching strategies, fingering suggestions, exercises and a background study of the pieces is also provided to assist the teacher during the teaching of these pieces and to ensure better quality teaching. / Die intermediêre fase is van die belangrikste fases in die klavierstudent se ontwikkeling. Die tegniese vaardighede, kritiese luistervermoëns en musikale volwassenheid, nodig vir die speel van gevorderde klavierrepertorium, moet tydens die intermediêre fase deur geskikte repertorium ontwikkel word. Hierdie studie is opgestel en het ten doel om as hulpmiddel vir die klavieronderwyser tydens repertorium-voorskryf vir die intermediêre klavierstudent te dien.
Die 20ste eeuse Italiaanse komponis Alfredo Casella se 11 Pezzi Infantili word as geskikte intermediêre repertorium voorgestel. Die tegniese en musikale aspekte van die 11 Pezzi Infantili word uiteengesit, sodat die onderwyser kan assesseer of hierdie stukke vir sy intermediêre student geskik is. Hierdie aspekte is in lieu met die student se vlak van ontwikkeling en sal ook tegniese en musikale ontwikkeling verseker. Onderrigsondersteuning, in die vorm van onderrigstrategieë, vingersettings, begeleidende oefeninge en 'n agtergrondstudie tot die album, word ook voorsien wat die onderwyser as hulpmiddel tydens die onderrig van die stukke kan gebruik om beter gehalte-onderrig te verseker. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Music / MMus / Unrestricted
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Sicherheitstechnische Aspekte schneller Pedelecs: Unfallforschung kompaktGesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e. V. 23 April 2021 (has links)
Elektrisch unterstütze Fahrräder (Pedelecs) liegen in Deutschland im Trend. Nach Angaben des Zweirad-Industrie-Verbandes (ZIV) wurden im Jahr 2009 rund 150.000 dieser Fahrräder verkauft [1]. Im Jahr 2010 waren es bereits 200.000 und für das Jahr 2011 rechnet der Verband mit einem Absatz von 300.000 solcher Räder. Dabei ist der Anteil der schnellen Pedelecs im oberen einstelligen Prozentbereich. Auch der Markt für Umrüstsätze wächst laut ZIV. So wurden 2010 bereits 10.000 solcher Umrüstsets verkauft. Dabei entfielen in etwa 10 % auf die schnellen Pedelecs. Doch diese Entwicklung birgt auch Gefahren. Um diese neuen Fahrzeuge besser einschätzen zu können und ein mögliches bestehendes Sicherheitsrisiko zu identifizieren, hat die Unfallforschung der Versicherer (UDV) die DEKRA beauftragt, umfangreiche Untersuchungen durchzuführen. Diese beinhalteten die Analyse der Bauvorschriften, der Betriebssicherheit genauso wie Fahr- und Crashversuche. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen standen die schnellen Pedelecs, deren Tretkraftunterstützung erst bei 45 km/h endet.
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Fahrradtourismus als Wegbereiter für den Alltagsverkehr: Synergien erfolgreich nutzen: Schwerpunktthema Internetportal zum Nationalen Radverkehrsplan - FahrradportalKlein, Tobias 11 November 2022 (has links)
Erfolgreicher Radtourismus weckt die Zustimmung für den Radverkehr in der Bevölkerung, Wirtschaft und Politik. Daher kann Radtourismus der Türöffner für den Alltagsradverkehr sein.
Wenn es gelingt, wichtige Stakeholder und Einflusspersonen von den positiven wirtschaftlichen Effekten des Radtourismus zu überzeugen, kann es einfacher sein, Mehrheiten für notwendige
Investitionen in allgemeine Radverkehrsmaßnahmen zu erreichen. Insbesondere in ländlichen Regionen kann dies zu einer starken Förderung des Radverkehrs. Durch die zunehmende
Verbreitung von Pedelecs werden in Zukunft auch hügelige Mittelgebirgsregionen profitieren, in denen der Radtourismus bislang eine marginale Rolle spielt.
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Die dekonstruksie van tradisionele probleem-realiteite in 'n plattelandse gemeenskap : 'n narratief-pastorale perspektief (Afrikaans)De Jager, Jakobus Johannes 05 December 2005 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Thesis (PhD (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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Grondbeginsels vir die ontwerp van opvoedkundige rekenaarspeletjies vir die klaskamer (Afrikaans)De Villiers, Jan Adriaan 21 July 2008 (has links)
Computer games have not only invaded the lives of children, but the lives of adults as well. Increasingly, computer games have become a part of popular culture. Initially computer games were considered to be a waste of time, time that could have been better spent doing more worthwhile activities such as studying and physical exercise. Recently, however, attitudes towards computer games have changed; teachers, parents and researchers have started to regard computer games as a possible educational resource. During this new information age it is possible that the children who are part of the Net generation have started to think and process information differently, and that they may have different educational needs. Some researchers think that computer games may serve as an educational tool to support their learning. This literature survey provides an overview of current literature on computer games and education. The review examines the aspects of computer games that support learning, such as motivational factors, social interaction and learning through doing. Further, the review studies the negative aspects that prevent games from being accepted as an educational tool such as the violence portrayed, game addiction, negative stereotyping and asocial behaviour. The Net generation is also examined. The review looks at their characteristics, thinking patterns, skills and their expectations of education. The review then serves as a basis to provide some guidelines for the selection and usage of computer games in the classroom. / Dissertation (MEd (Computer-Integrated Education))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / unrestricted
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Soil degradation: Its aspects and modelling / a case study of Northeast Nuba Mountain South Kordofan State, SudanElgubshawi, Abdelmoneim A. I. 20 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The study was carried out at Abujubeha area (10? 52 48.17 ‐11? 23 08.79 N and 30? 00 05.99 ‐ 31? 28 04.91’ E) in Northeast Nuba Mountain, South Kordofan region, Sudan. In order to investigate the soil degradation aspects in the study area, its causal, rate per time and mapping; the remote sensing and GIS technologies were used beside the routine soil survey and laboratory analyses. Quantitative information on soils degradation and vegetation cover changes was acquired. Using multi‐spectral satellite imagery the most dynamic land cover types have been able to be mapped with 64% accuracy (Dense Forest, Moderate Forest, Light Forest, Fallow and Bare soils). The result showed that 38% of the forested areas were lost in the last two decades at annual rate of 1.8%. Forest clearance in the last 5 (199‐2005) years equal two times the clearance happened in the previous 15 years (1986‐1999). The geostatistical characterization of soil variability showed that soil properties are highly spatially dependent, with significant sensitivity to soil‐forming factors. Soils dynamic are affected by land use system as well as with soil physiographic position. The Red soils (Gardud) are more dynamic than the Dark clayey soils. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) was used; the result revealed that the study area is potentially susceptible to be eroded by water. The Erosion rate was measured in term of erosion Risk Assessment. The model indicated that the overall average of soil loss is 1.32 t/ha /y.
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Soil degradation: Its aspects and modelling: a case study of Northeast Nuba Mountain South Kordofan State, SudanElgubshawi, Abdelmoneim A. I. 17 December 2008 (has links)
The study was carried out at Abujubeha area (10? 52 48.17 ‐11? 23 08.79 N and 30? 00 05.99 ‐ 31? 28 04.91’ E) in Northeast Nuba Mountain, South Kordofan region, Sudan. In order to investigate the soil degradation aspects in the study area, its causal, rate per time and mapping; the remote sensing and GIS technologies were used beside the routine soil survey and laboratory analyses. Quantitative information on soils degradation and vegetation cover changes was acquired. Using multi‐spectral satellite imagery the most dynamic land cover types have been able to be mapped with 64% accuracy (Dense Forest, Moderate Forest, Light Forest, Fallow and Bare soils). The result showed that 38% of the forested areas were lost in the last two decades at annual rate of 1.8%. Forest clearance in the last 5 (199‐2005) years equal two times the clearance happened in the previous 15 years (1986‐1999). The geostatistical characterization of soil variability showed that soil properties are highly spatially dependent, with significant sensitivity to soil‐forming factors. Soils dynamic are affected by land use system as well as with soil physiographic position. The Red soils (Gardud) are more dynamic than the Dark clayey soils. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) was used; the result revealed that the study area is potentially susceptible to be eroded by water. The Erosion rate was measured in term of erosion Risk Assessment. The model indicated that the overall average of soil loss is 1.32 t/ha /y.
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Technische Aspekte des automatisierten Fahrens und Verkehrssicherheit: Unfallforschung kompaktGesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e. V. 26 April 2021 (has links)
Automatisiertes Fahren wird als Zukunft der Mobilität gesehen. Es wird erwartet, dass dadurch die Leistungsfähigkeit des Verkehrs gesteigert und die Zahl der Straßenverkehrsopfer reduziert sowie Emissionen und Staus zurückgehen werden. Dies wird mehr ein schrittweiser Übergangsprozess als ein schneller Wandel sein. Die neue Technologie wird dabei sowohl im Pkw als auch im Nutzfahrzeug Einzug halten. Nach jetzigem Stand der Technik würde es sich bei den Fahrzeugen um teil- [Level 2] oder hochautomatisierte [Level 3] Fahrzeuge nach SAE J 3016-Definition handeln, deren automatisierte Fahrfunktion typischerweise nur auf Autobahnen aktiv ist. Mit der Weiterentwicklung der Technologie werden Fahrzeuge mit Fahrfunktionen höherer Automatisierungsstufen schrittweise marktreif. In naher Zukunft ist mit den Entwicklungsstufen des teilund hochautomatisierten Fahrens eine Kontrolle durch den Fahrer und sein jederzeitiges Eingreifen in Problemsituationen vorgesehen. Diese Kontrolle soll er schaffen, obwohl zumindest die Gefahr besteht, dass ihm die Grenzen der Funktionalität nicht bekannt sind und diese sich auch von Fahrzeug zu Fahrzeug unterscheiden. Die Fahrer werden klar verstehen müssen, was ihre Fahrzeuge leisten können und wo ihre Verantwortung liegt. Hier muss der Hersteller durch geeignete technische Maßnahmen sicherstellen, dass der Fahrer die Grenzen der Funktionalität verstehen und einhalten kann. Gemäß heutiger Kenntnis und Prognose wird der Verkehr in absehbarer Zukunft durch das Nebeneinander von Fahrzeugen unterschiedlicher Automatisierungsgrade und manuell gesteuerter Fahrzeuge geprägt sein. Diese Entwicklung betrifft sowohl Pkw als auch Nutzfahrzeuge. Es ist noch ungeklärt, ob dieses Nebeneinander zusätzliche Risiken für die Verkehrssicherheit bedeutet. Zusätzliche Forschung ist dazu erforderlich.
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