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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dropouts from community colleges: path analysis of a national sample

Williamson, David R. January 1986 (has links)
The nighttime losses from an integral collector storage (ICS) system were investigated. The significance of the sky temperature, wind speed, and ambient temperature on the losses were examined. Outdoor data was taken on several nights to characterize the thermal performance of an ICS system under various environmental conditions. Indoor tests were then performed under an artificial "nighttime sky" environment, with a simulated wind, in an attempt to duplicate the heat losses which occurred outdoors. The standard rating procedure which specifies the conditions for the heat loss tests for ICS systems was analyzed to see how well it characterizes the collector performance at night. Experimental results indicate a synergistic effect between the sky temperature and wind speed. The effects of wind on the losses from the ICS system overshadow the effects of small changes in sky temperature, but larger changes of sky temperature, with a constant wind speed, have a pronounced effect. It is recommended that both of these parameters be taken into account in heat loss tests in standard rating procedures. Indoor tests can duplicate outdoor heat loss results within 8 per cent. The minimum requirement for SRCC rating tests should be to monitor, record, and report the sky temperature. / Ed. D.

The Role Of Education System In Preparing Youth For Agricultural Career Decisions And Aspirations: Exploring Ways To Attract More Youth To Engage In Agriculture And Agricultural Entrepreneurship in Tanzania

Shayo, Asha Habibu 18 March 2020 (has links)
Youth intention to pursue a career in agriculture and entrepreneurship is influenced by the knowledge they acquire through formal, informal, and nonformal settings. Changing youth perception of agriculture is essential for agriculture and youth development. The purpose of the study was to examine current youth perceptions of agriculture, solicit Tanzanian leaders' views of agriculture, and youth entrepreneurship. Understand youth intention and aspirations to choose a career in agriculture and agricultural-related fields, and the influence of the education system in shaping youth career decisions and entrepreneurship in agriculture. This study utilized a multi-method approach to examine youth and leaders perception of agriculture and the role of education systems on youth decisions on a career. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the Social Cognitive Career Choice (SCCC) were used as the theories involve the human intention and motivation to create knowledge, which may result in changing behavior. Self-efficacy, environment, culture, and critical reflection are essential when constructing knowledge, contribute to youth decision making process and meaning-making. The Theory of Planned Behavior Constructs was used to develop a survey to understand youth intentions to choose a career in agriculture and career the influence of education pathways in youth development. Through the lens of the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Cognitive Career Choice, unstructured interviews were used to understand (i) the influence of previous background, and the need to teach agriculture to youth at a younger age for agriculture development and (ii) the community perception (leaders, teachers, youth, etc.), on youth career in agriculture and agricultural-related fields, teaching agriculture in schools, perception of agriculture and agricultural entrepreneurship. From the stepwise linear regression analysis, the model predicts 48% of the variance in student intention to choose an agricultural career. The results show that the three predictors' attitudes, perceived behavior control, and subjective norms have an influence on youth pursuing a career in agriculture. From the interviews, participants tabled their concerns about the existence of community negative perception of agriculture, very few have the idea of the agricultural curriculum in schools. Many believed that the education system does not prepare youth in decision making or facing the world challenges when they graduate. For the country's development, Tanzania needs more youth to engage in all kinds of agricultural practices for food security and poverty reduction, such as a career in agriculture and entrepreneurship. Youth can easily adopt new and improved agricultural knowledge due to their aggressiveness, eagerness, creativity, and ability to learn innovations. Motivation, creativity, critical thinking, and taking risks is essential in changing youth perception of agriculture. People they trust will influence their perception, intention, and attitude towards agriculture. Through youth programs, formal education, educators' knowledge, experience, effectiveness, preparation, encouragement, and interaction training youth on new or improved agriculture innovations can influence youth high level of achievement and success in agricultural practices. / Doctor of Philosophy / Very few primary and secondary schools teach agriculture subjects; therefore, many youths lack agricultural knowledge at a younger age. The formal education system in Tanzania allows students to choose Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) after the completion of their primary and secondary education. However, in most cases, students who are selected to attend TVET, especially agricultural training institutions, are those primary and ordinary level-secondary school students who did not get good grades to go for further studies. Such as advanced level- secondary school or university. Hence it makes agriculture viewed as the last option for students and works well for those who failed. Non Formal education has the potential to contribute to youth intention to career decisions and aspirations in agriculture. Youth programs and apprenticeship can provide skills needed for youth development and entrepreneurship in agriculture. It is essential for agriculture to be treated as a respectable profession and not for failures, retirees, or as a last result. It is my desire, in collaboration with others, to keep working with communities such as schools, youth programs, extension agents, and others in Tanzania to change people's perceptions about agriculture. The sustainability of social change requires leaders to involve diverse stakeholders that can contribute to the success of a common goal. Kuenkel (2016) Posit that "stakeholder collaboration is a form of co-creation" (p. 2). Engage youth in development programs to learn more about agriculture, youth engage in decision-making and participate in trade unions. Also, to attract more youth to become entrepreneurs and invest in agriculture. I desire to see more youth engage in agriculture and pursue a career in agriculture and agricultural-related fields. To see more youth are employed in the agricultural sector and well paid like other professionals. To see a change in policies and programs that will attract youth, especially girls, to study STEM at a younger age. To see leaders pioneer in building a positive perception of agriculture to the community, but also the education policy to change and give prestige agriculture profession by putting requirements like Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering professions.

An analysis of the influence of informtion on the educational aspirations of black high school seniors

Jamison, Calvin D. January 1988 (has links)
The influence of systematic information interventions on black high school students in Virginia was examined in this study. The State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV) sponsored a series of information intervention activities since 1982 to influence black high school student aspirations for college. This study was designed to examine influences on college aspirations attributable to the SCHEV activities. A survey originally designed by SCHEV and the Department of Education was modified to collect data from 1151 black graduating seniors from representative high school districts in Virginia. The data were analyzed by cross-tabulation and chi square procedures. Results of the analyses suggested that one information intervention—Better Information Workshops—had more influence on college aspirations than other interventions, including published brochures, videotapes/cassettes, and public service announcements. Respondents indicated that their aspirations were influenced significantly by parents, other adults, guidance counselors, peers, and teachers. Almost 70% of the respondents would be first generation college students. In addition, fewer males than females were found to aspire to college attendance. / Ed. D.

Financial aid and the college enrollment decision: a causal model

Singh, Kusum January 1988 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to construct and test a model of the factors affecting high school students' first time entry into different types of postsecondary institutions. To test the model, a sample (N = 5395) of high school students was drawn from the sophomore cohort of High School and Beyond data. These students were enrolled in different types of postsecondary institutions: four year colleges and universities, two year junior colleges, community colleges, and vocational technical colleges. The path model is a set of structural equations that considers the college enrollment decision of the students to be a function of four exogenous variables and six endogenous variables. The exogenous variables were: socioeconomic status of the student's family, student's academic ability, academic performance, and educational aspiration. The endogenous variables in the model were: high school program, encouragement for college attendance, cost of the postsecondary institution, size of the postsecondary institution, and student aid both in the form of grant and loan. These variables were arranged in a fully-identified block recursive model. Because of possible interactions caused by different parameters between blacks and whites, the model was analyzed separately for black students and white students. The model also was estimated separately for male and female students. The computer program, GEMINI, was used to estimate the model. Results indicated that tuition cost, academic ability, and educational aspiration were the most important influences on students' enrollment choice between four year colleges and other postsecondary institutions. Financial aid variables, both grants and loans, exerted significant positive effect on the college enrollment decision as well. The effects of these variables were found to be similar for blacks and whites, and for males and females. Recommendations for future research include further work on college going behavior with different populations. The studies of non-traditional patterns of attendance and the impact of current financial aid policy on these patterns would contribute to better understanding of college attendance behavior. / Ph. D.

Factors affecting student choices: a higher education marketing study

Crosby, Richard D., Jr. January 1985 (has links)
Traditional higher education institutions are being admonished by federal commissions as well as scholars for being unresponsive to student and societal needs. Several studies have pointed out the growth of proprietary and corporate postsecondary education programs at the expense of market share formerly enjoyed by traditional higher educational institutions. There is considerable conflict among scholars, businessmen, and commissions on what higher education institutions should do to be more responsive. The major objectives of the market research study were to determine the following: (1) What potential students' long-term goals were and (2) What expectations that had for educational institutions contributing to realization of those goals. The theoretical foundation for this study was Vroom's expectancy theory in which he hypothesized that motivation was a function of valence or value of individual goals and the expectancy of realizing those goals through individual effort and the instrumentality of an organization. A random sample of potential students was asked to put in order or priority five major goals and expectations for achieving those goals through various means, ranging from educational effort through luck. The results and conclusions of this study were: (a) In general all socio-economic groups were in agreement on goals--making money and good health among others. Most agreed that luck, rather than any effort on their part, would be the main instrumentality for achieving good health; (b) Education and hard work were perceived as the most likely means for obtaining money; (c) Those with previous higher education experiences valued it more as a means to obtain goals/values than did those with little higher education. / Ed. D.

La famille camerounaise entre tradition et modernité : aspirations et représentations familiales de l’enfant handicapé / Pas de titre en anglais

Ntsama, Rosine 09 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde l’évolution de la famille dans le contexte africain en général et en République du Cameroun en particulier à travers le handicap. La famille ne peut plus gérer le handicap dans la sphère privée. Le changement structurel constaté au travers des aspirations et des représentations sociales des acteurs sur la gestion du handicap suscite des réformes institutionnelles. Ainsi, le handicap de par ses aspirations crée une dynamique sociale permettant alors la cohabitation et la coexistence des deux systèmes de prise en charge à savoir : « tradition et modernité ». L’on voit la famille transférer la problématique du handicap de la sphère privée à la sphère publique qu’est l’État. L’analyse situationnelle réalisée dans les dix régions du Cameroun a permis de comprendre la mise en œuvre des pratiques sociales pour l’autonomie et l’épanouissement des personnes handicapées. Ainsi, la gestion de la prise en charge des personnes handicapées introduit un processus de modernisation. Des contradictions et des ambivalences observées traduisent par ailleurs la complexité qui engendre un type de contemporanéité. La construction sociale de l’État laisse à croire que celui-ci ne peut pas gérer le handicap sans la collaboration des familles. La famille devient donc un partenaire de l’État dans le traitement social de la personne handicapée. Cette recherche mène à comprendre comment la famille en tant qu’institution de socialisation et vecteur de cohésion sociale traduit la complexité de sa réalité sociale pour susciter des transformations sociales au travers de la prise en charge des personnes handicapées. / This thesis in general approaches the evolution of the family in the African context and in Republic of Cameroun in particular through the handicap. The family cannot manage the handicap in the private sphere any more. The structural change noted through the aspirations and of the social representations of the actors on the management of the handicap causes institutional reforms. Thus, the handicap from its aspirations creates a social dynamics then allowing the cohabitation and the coexistence of the two systems of assumption of responsibility knowing: “tradition and modernity”. One sees the family transferring the problems from the handicap of the sphere deprived to the public sphere which is the State. The situational analysis carried out in the ten regional areas of Cameroun made it possible to understand the implementation of the social practices for the autonomy and the blooming of the handicapped people. Thus, the management of the assumption of responsibility of the handicapped people introduces a process of modernization. Contradictions and ambivalences observed in addition translate the complexity which generates a type of contemporaneity. The social construction of the State leaves believe that this one cannot manage the handicap without the collaboration of the families. The family thus becomes a partner of the State in the social treatment of the handicapped person. This research undertakes to understand how the family as an institution of socialization and vector of social cohesion translates the complexity of her social reality to cause social transformations through the assumption of responsibility of the handicapped people.

Les effets de la maternité sur les trajectoires de carrière des femmes diplômées au Québec : le rôle des aspirations de carrière

Michaudville, Marie-Ève 12 1900 (has links)
Malgré les nombreux progrès effectués par les femmes sur le marché du travail, plusieurs difficultés persistent au niveau de leur représentation au sein de postes stratégiques et d'influence dans les organisations québécoises et ce, bien qu'elles soient aujourd'hui plus scolarisées que les hommes. Notre étude s'intéresse aux barrières contribuant à cette situation, plus particulièrement aux effets de la maternité sur les aspirations de carrière, et par le fait même sur les trajectoires de carrière des femmes diplômées universitaires. Cette étude qualitative a été réalisée à l'aide de données primaires colligées auprès de onze femmes membres de l'Ordre des conseillers en gestion des ressources humaines agrées (CRHA) et conseillers en relations industrielles agrées (CRIA) du Québec. À travers nos résultats, nous montrons qu'une diversité de facteurs au niveau sociétal, organisationnel, individuel et familial concourt à rendre difficile l'accès aux postes stratégiques et d'influence des organisations. Parmi ces facteurs, la maternité a pour effet d'influencer négativement les trajectoires de carrière des femmes en diminuant l'investissement temporel dans le travail et la mobilité géographique et internationale. Nos résultats soutiennent aussi que l'arrivée des enfants a pour effet de modifier les aspirations de carrière des femmes vers plus d'équilibre. De cette manière, les femmes auraient tendance à ce moment de leur vie à faire des choix favorisant une meilleure conciliation travail-famille. Ainsi, cette aspiration de carrière a pour effet d'influencer les trajectoires de carrière des mères vers des emplois où une flexibilité d'horaire est possible, comme c'est le cas en optant pour le travail autonome ou pour un emploi ne requérant pas de déplacements à l'extérieur, par exemple. En somme, cette étude contribue à la littérature sur les facteurs influençant les trajectoires de carrière féminines, puisque les effets médiateurs des aspirations de carrière entre la maternité et les trajectoires de carrière ont été peu étudiés à ce jour. Elle permet en ce sens d'observer les mécanismes des choix de carrière à ce moment précis de la vie des femmes. / Although much progress experienced by women in the labour market, several challenges remain in terms of representation of women in strategic positions in Québec organizations, despite that they are more educated than men. Our study focuses on barriers contributing to this situation, particularly the effects of motherhood on career aspirations, and by extension on the career paths of female university graduates. This qualitative study was conducted using primary data collected from female members of the Ordre des conseillers en gestion des ressources humaines agrées (CRHA) et conseillers en relations industrielles agrées (CRIA) du Québec. By our results, we have shown that a variety of factors - societal, organizational, individual and family - makes unreachable strategic positions in organizations by women. Among these factors, motherhood has the effect of negatively influencing the career trajectories by reducing the time investment in the work and the geographical and international mobility of women. Our results also argue that having children has the effect of directing career aspirations of women towards more balance. In this way, women would make choices promoting better work-family balance in their life. Thus, this career aspiration has the effect of influencing the career trajectories of mothers into jobs where flexible schedule is possible, as is the case of opting for self-employment or a job applicant does not travel outside, for example. Finally, this study contributes to the literature on factors influencing women's career trajectories. In fact, the mediating effects of career aspirations between motherhood and career trajectories have been not very studied up to now. This study observes the mechanisms of career choice at this time of women's lives.

The Positive Factors of Working as an English Teacher

Aknouche, Amina January 2013 (has links)
Fewer students apply for and finish the teacher programs in Sweden, and manyteachers leave their job. Swedish schools are in need of more teachers, but theteaching profession is today portrayed as unattractive. This research aims toinvestigate what factors that motivate some students to become teachers and whatfactors that motivate some teachers, ESL teachers in first hand, to work as teachers,mainly in secondary schools in Malmoe. Three secondary teachers who teach ESL inMalmoe were interviewed and expressed their thoughts about the positive aspects ofthe teaching job, why they wanted to become and why they work as ESL teachers, andwhat goals they have in relation to their profession. The research showed that the ESLteachers teach because they feel passionate about the subject they teach and becausethey enjoy working with children and teenagers. They find the job fun and rewarding,and think that it is challenging, especially when working in a city like Malmoe. Itseems as teachers often put the pupils first and do not focus on external rewards, suchas salary. Teacher motivation has an impact on student motivation and it is thereforeimportant that teachers remain motivated within their profession.

Le processus de construction identitaire chez les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux

Leclerc, Anick 01 1900 (has links)
Des études récentes ont démontré l’importance du travail dans la construction de l’identité. Pour les personnes atteintes d’un trouble psychiatrique qui se retrouvent la plupart du temps exclues du marché du travail, l’absence d’un emploi suppose une construction identitaire problématique. Dans cette perspective, ce mémoire vise à mieux comprendre ce processus. Le cadre conceptuel utilisé dans cette recherche se base sur les principes de l’approche théorique de Dubar. Il permet d’étudier la reconstruction identitaire à partir de l’interaction entre l’identité revendiquée par les personnes atteintes d’une maladie mentale et l’identité attribuée par des personnes de leur entourage. En conséquence, cette recherche analyse le discours de 28 personnes atteintes d’un trouble mental ainsi que de celui de 6 intervenants sociaux. Nos résultats démontrent la reconstruction de formes identitaires problématiques. La première forme touche la majorité des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux. Ces dernières aspirent à réintégrer le marché du travail et vivre une vie normale. Toutefois, les intervenants sociaux les perçoivent comme des malades qui ne peuvent fonctionner normalement. La deuxième forme identitaire est reconstruite dans un rapport de concordance entre les perceptions des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux et celles des intervenants. Les répondants se perçoivent comme étant des malades. Cette identité est validée par les intervenants. La dernière forme identitaire s’inscrit dans un rapport conflictuel qui touche seulement une personne. Cette dernière se perçoit comme une personne malade, mais cette identité est refusée par l’intervenant qui la perçoit comme une personne fonctionnelle et apte à retourner sur le marché du travail. / Recent research has identified the important role of work in a person’s identity. Given that most people who suffer from mental health disorders find themselves unemployed, the lack of exposure to the work environment has a significant effect on the process of their identity construction. This thesis explores the process of identity reconstruction and resulting identity of people having suffering life altering mental health problems who are then prevented from returning to work. Using Dubar as a starting point, we built an analytical model applicable to our research and then applied that model to 28 subject and 6 counsellor interviews. The interviews, qualitative data issued previously from research conducted from 1995 to 1997, were analyzed using NVIVO and then classified according to the requirements of the model. The model consists of four quadrants resulting from the interaction of the identities developed from self perception and from the perception of others. Our results show the reconstruction of identity of people with mental health difficulties is problematic. The first and largest category consists of people who aspire to lead a normal life including regular work. Their counsellors find them unable to work. Our second group, find themselves in agreement with their counsellors. They feel unable to contribute normally to society because they are mentally sick. Our third category has one participant. This is a person who does not have aspirations for a normal life but their counsellor felt they were capable of working and interacting normally with society.

中國大陸高中生海外留學高等教育的專業選擇及影響因素研究. / Study on Mainland Chinese high school students' choice of major in overseas higher education and their affecting factors / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhongguo da lu gao zhong sheng hai wai liu xue gao deng jiao yu de zhuan ye xuan ze ji ying xiang yin su yan jiu.

January 2008 (has links)
Based on the findings, this study posits some implications for China's overseas education policy and suggests future study directions, as well as identifies its own limitations. / Findings of this study show that mainland Chinese senior secondary students' choice of major for overseas higher education can be explained better by human capital theory. Students are more inclined to choose the major that has higher expected rate of return to overseas higher education. The choice of major is in fact a behavior looking for higher investment return, or for better overseas employment prospects which would increase the probability of capturing the expected rate of return to overseas higher education. / Over the last 50 years, overseas higher education in the world has developed rapidly. Existing literature shows that overseas higher education can promote the economic development of developing countries, and overseas higher education graduates of different majors may have different roles in economic development. / The study employs multinomial logistic regression in the statistical analysis of the data. Major findings of the study are as follows: (1) Two economic factors---senior secondary students' expected rate of return to overseas higher education, and perceived overseas employment prospects---significantly affect students' choice of major for overseas higher education; while other two factors---students' perceived domestic employment prospects, and consumption preferences---have no significant effect on students' choice of major. (2) The choice between each pair of majors are either significantly affected by students' expected rate of return to overseas higher education or perceived overseas employment prospects to overseas higher education, except for the pair of Engineering vs. Business Administration. (3) The interaction effect between students' expected rate of return to overseas higher education and family location, and the interaction effect between students' academic ability and family income, significantly affect students' choice of major for overseas higher education. (4) Some information factors also significantly affect students' choice of major. (5) Students' gender, academic ability, family income, parents' education, and family location also significantly affect their choices of major. / The study is based on the data set of a research project entitled "Seeking Higher Education Abroad: Student Choices and Reasons in China", funded by the Research Grants Council in Hong Kong and conducted by Professor Hung Fan-sing of The Chinese University of Hong Kong as the Principal Investigator. The data consists of the results of a questionnaire survey successfully conducted in early 2007 to 12,961 senior secondary students in seven cities in mainland China. / This study employs human capital theory to analyze mainland Chinese senior secondary students' choice of major for studying higher education abroad, and the main factors affecting their choices. / 劉揚. / Advisers: Fan-sing Hung; Yue-ping Chung. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-06, Section: A, page: 1865. / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 147-157). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / School code: 1307. / Liu Yang.

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