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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cortisol sanguineo e salivar como indicadores de estresse / Serum and salivary cortisol as stress marker

Garcia, Marcia Carvalho 14 August 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Regina Celia Spadari / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T21:14:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Garcia_MarciaCarvalho_D.pdf: 2444623 bytes, checksum: 19d8fc9818febb47b3d43f0f80c847d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Hans Selye definiu stress como a " resposta não específica do organismo frente a agentes ameaçadores de sua integridade". O avanço de técnicas e métodos tanto de coleta de material biológico, quanto de análises destes tornaram esta definição polêmica. Apresentamos neste trabalho a evolução do conceito de estresse e os termos a ele associados, levando em conta que a resposta de estresse tem caráter adaptativo e visa proteger o organismo e garantir a sua sobrevivência, quando se refere a experiências de tempo limitado que o indivíduo pode superar. Por outro lado, o estresse torna-se perigoso para a saúde quando o senso de controle e o domínio são perdidos. O sistema de resposta de estresse envolve regiões cerebrais que se conectam entre si e desencadeiam estímulos por meio de dois eixos: um neural e outro hormonal aos sistemas periféricos. Os glicocorticóides participam em todas as etapas da resposta de estresse, e são, por isso, considerados como marcadores biológicos desta resposta. A determinação da concentração salivar de cortisol é, atualmente, a técnica de eleição para este fim. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a determinação da concentração salivar de cortisol pode ser utilizada como indicador biológico de estresse relacionado a diversas atividades humanas. Determinamos a concentração sérica de cortisol em jogadores de futebol durante duas temporadas esportivas, e a concentração salivar de cortisol em atletas de basquetebol também durante duas temporadas esportivas, em estudantes durante o ano de preparo para o vestibular, além de utilizar esta técnica para investigar o índice de estresse associado ao baixo status socioeconômico. Nossos resultados mostraram que a concentração salivar de cortisol apresenta vantagens sobre a determinação da concentração sanguínea deste hormônio por ser não invasiva, ser indolor e de fácil manejo. Além disso, os dados permitiram avaliar o índice de estresse associado à prática esportiva, em duas modalidades diferentes, a uma atividade intelectual, representada pelo esforço realizado para entrar na universidade, e à condição socioeconômica adversa. Por outro lado, verificamos que cuidados devem ser tomados para garantir a adesão dos voluntários aos protocolos de coleta, uma vez que esta tende a ser baixa neste tipo de abordagem. Além disso, esta técnica é adequada para avaliar a concentração de cortisol como indicadora do índice de estresse relacionado à prática esportiva, à atividade intelectual, e o estresse associado ao baixo status socioeconômico. Nós também concluímos que no início da temporada esportiva os atletas ficam expostos a concentrações mais altas de cortisol, embora o ritmo circadiano do hormônio seja mantido. Nos jogos matinais, mas não nos vespertinos ou noturnos foi possível estabelecer correlação positiva entre concentração de cortisol e vitória. Concluímos que, estudantes brasileiros candidatos a ingressar na Universidade apresentaram stress, depressão e ansiedade. A concentração de cortisol salivar oscilou durante o ano, com altas concentrações nos meses que os estudantes tiveram que decidir sobre a carreira a seguir e a universidade. No mês novembro, concentrações moderadas de cortisol salivar foram significativamente correlacionadas com sucesso no exame. Em pessoas de baixo status socioeconômico verificamos que os altos índices de estresse percebido e da concentração salivar de cortisol impactam negativamente em sua saúde e se correlacionam com o estresse experimentado diariamente. Considerando que esta corresponde a 30% da população brasileira, isto pode representar um grande impacto nas políticas públicas de saúde. / Abstract: Hans Selye defined stress as 3the organism non specific response to any threat to its integrity3. During most of the past century, Selye's theory has been challenged by a number of scientists who discussed many of its aspects based on new data. In this work we present the evolution of stress theory and associated terms, considering that the stress response is adaptive and that it has been conserved to protect and to guarantee survival. This happens when the stressor is present for a short period, and when the subject can overcomes it. On the other hand, the stress response turns into harmful when the subject looses control over the situation. The stress system includes cerebral regions that are connected and that trigger stimuli through a neural and a hormonal axis towards the periphery, preparing the organism to the fight-or flight reaction or adaptation. Because glucocorticoids play a role in every phase of the stress response these hormones have been recognized as biological markers of the stress reaction. The aim of this work was to evaluate the salivary cortisol levels (SCL) related to several human activities and conditions. We determined the seric cortisol levels in soccer players and the salivary cortisol levels in basketball athletes during two competitive seasons, in Brazilian students during the year they prepare to enter the University, and in a group of people with low socioeconomic status. Results have shown that using salivary cortisol is better than blood levels because it is easier, painless and can be done by the subject anywhere. Moreover, this technique was suitable to evaluate the cortisol level as an indicator of the stress index related to sports practice, to intellectual activity, represented by the students fight to conquer a vacancy in the public university, and associated to low socioeconomic status (LSES). On the other hand, we also concluded that the volunteers' adhesion to the protocol of sample collection is poor and may represent a challenge to the researcher. By using this technique we concluded that in the beginning of the competitive season athletes are exposed to higher levels of cortisol. However, the cortisol circadian rhythm has been preserved during all the season. In the morning games the increase of cortisol levels are related to the game result, with higher increases correlated with victory. This does not happen for the afternoon and evening games. The Brazilian students, preparing for university entrance exams, were pronounced stressed, and have shown high levels of depression and anxiety. The salivary cortisol levels oscillate during the year, with higher values in the months when the students are choosing their courses and university. Although the levels of salivary cortisol diminished in November, SCL were not correlated with success in the exam. We have concluded that the LSES is associated with high index stress perceived (PSI) and salivary cortisol levels which could impact negatively in health and it is related to the daily life stress experienced by LSES group. Because the LSES corresponds to about 30% of the total Brazilian population, it might have a great impact on public health policies and costs. / Doutorado / Fisiologia / Doutor em Biologia Funcional e Molecular

Vybrané otázky týkající se statusu profesionálního sportovce / Selected issues of status of a professional athlete

Mareš, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
Thesis title: Selected issues of status of a professional athlete This paper deals with a status of a professional athlete in relation with sports organisation in which he realises sporting activities. After analysing today's praxis and the whole complex of relations of professional athlete related to his sporting activities author supports an idea that the relation of a professional athlete and the club is similar to the one of an employee and an employer of that intesity that incorporation of status of a professional athlete to the status of an employee in Czech republic is only a matter of time. That is why in latter part of the paper there are analysed some of the main enactments of the czech code of labour which would be in case of the incorporation mentioned above de facto incompatible. Before uncovering lots of problems which would be caused by adoption of status of an employee by a professional athlete in team sports the work heads to the international area, where it elaborately examines some of the most significant cases dealt with by the European Court of Justice. Above all there can again be seen undisputable tendency of taking a professional athlete similar to an employee. Furthermore the significant role of European law in affecting intrastate law and the posibility of pressure on...

Community College Student-Athletes' Perspectives on the Transfer Process to a Four-Year Institution

Libadisos, Jodie Kim Heinicka 07 June 2016 (has links)
There is a population of student-athletes who are in need of deeper understanding and additional support. Community college transfer student-athletes face different challenges than their non-athlete and non-transfer peers. Given these differences, this qualitative study was focused on understanding the experiences and perceptions of community college transfer student-athletes. More specifically, this study aimed to describe the preparation to transfer, the transfer process, and the recommendations for successful transfer as each relates to academics, athletics, and personal factors. For this qualitative study, data were collected through individual interviews, a focus group, as well as observation and reflection. Fourteen themes emerged through coding and analysis. These themes answered the three research questions as well as increased the literature on an under-researched population. Key implications for future research surrounding community college transfer student-athletes emerged including a focus on a need for academic clarity, earlier recruitment, strong relationships, and excellent time management skills.

Limites des adaptations cardiovasculaires des sportifs endurants / Limits of cardiovascular adaptations in endurance athletes

Matelot, David 14 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse visait à explorer trois limites des adaptations cardiovasculaires des sportifs endurants. Les athlètes endurants bradycardes ont-ils un risque augmenté de présenter des syncopes réflexes et des particularités électrocardiographiques par rapport à leurs homologues non bradycardes ? Commencer un entraînement après 40 ans est-il trop tard pour espérer améliorer sa santé cardiovasculaire ? La fatigue cardiaque retrouvée à l’issue d’efforts longs et intenses chez les coureurs à pied est-elle également induite par des efforts pratiqués essentiellement avec les bras comme le canoë-kayak ou par les efforts pratiqués par les militaires durant leurs stages intensifs ? Tout d’abord, l’étude BRADY suggère que chez des athlètes endurants de même niveau qui diffèrent uniquement par leur FC de repos (44 vs 61 batt.min-1) les bradycardes ne sont pas plus à risque de syncopes réflexes ni de particularités électrocardiographiques que les non bradycardes. L’hypertrophie cardiaque, plus importante chez les bradycardes, pourrait jouer un rôle central dans le développement de la bradycardie du sportif. Deuxièmement, l’étude COSS suggère que commencer un entraînement en endurance après 40 ans n’est pas trop tard pour être en meilleure santé cardiovasculaire à 60 ans. En effet le VO2max, la FC de repos ainsi que la balance sympathovagal ne diffèrent pas chez des seniors de 60 ans ayant commencé à s’entraîner avant 30 ans de chez ceux ayant commencé après 40 ans. Ces indices de la santé cardiovasculaire étaient meilleurs dans ces deux groupes par rapport aux personnes n’ayant jamais suivi un entraînement en endurance. Seul un entraînement initié avant 30 ans semble cependant apporter certains bénéfices vasculaires à l’effort, non retrouvés chez les seniors ayant commencé après 40 ans. Enfin, l’étude FACEFI visait à évaluer les conséquences cardiaques de 3 types d’efforts : 3 semaines d’entraînements intenses en canoë-kayak au pôle France de Cesson-Sévigné, 24h d’un stage d’aguerrissement chez des élèves des Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan, et 4 jours d’un stage chez les Commandos de Marine. Seule une partie des résultats obtenus chez les Commandos de Marine a été analysée. Ils indiquent que 3 jours et 3 nuits d’un stage commando, finalisés par une marche forcée de 20 km en portant une charge de 20 kg, ne semblent pas altérer ni les dimensions ni les fonctions cardiaques. La durée relativement faible de l’effort (< 2h45), le très bon niveau d’entraînement des sujets, ainsi que la composante en résistance importante des efforts réalisés, peuvent expliquer ce résultat. / This PhD Thesis aimed to answer three limits related to cardiovascular adaptations in endurance athletes. Are bradycardic endurance athletes more at risk of reflex syncope and of ECG abnormalities than their non-bradycardic counterparts? Is 40 years old too late to start endurance training in order to improve cardiovascular health in later life? Cardiac fatigue has been shown after long-term intense running events, but do canoeing or military training induce the same alteration? First, BRADY study showed that endurance-trained bradycardic athletes are not more prone to reflex syncope or ECG abnormalities than their non-bradycardic peers. Our results suggest that cardiac hypertrophy may be, at least in part, responsible for the developement of training-induced bradycardia. Second, COSS study showed that commencing structured endurance training after 40 years of age is powerful enough to induce beneficial alterations in VO2max, resting HR, and autonomic status that match those observed in individuals who commenced training prior to 30 years of age. However, only endurance training commenced before 30 years old provides enhancement of certain vascular adaptations during exercise. Last, preliminary results of FACEFI study showed that a 4-day military selection camp does not lead to cardiac fatigue. The relative short duration of the last exercise (< 2h45), the high level of training of the subjects, and the important strenght- related part of the exercices may explain the lack of cardiac fatigue. Data from 4 weeks of canoeing training and 24h of military training in other groups of athletes are in process.

Impacts of Consumer Behavior Theory on a Start-up Business / Impacts of Consumer Behavior Theory on a Start-up Business

Grešo, Juraj January 2011 (has links)
The thesis presents a general examination of Engel, Blackwell and Miniard's model of consumer behavior, elements of consumer behavior, consumers' attitudes towards health and nutrition issues, and practical application of those findings in development of marketing strategy and tactics for new restaurant concept located in Bratislava, the capital city of Slovak Republic and focused on professional and recreational athletes. This thesis shows main characteristics and specifications of consumer behavior. It describes relations and psychological motives that exist between human sensory systems and consumers' purchasing process. Thesis is based on comparison between theory and reality in consumer behavior. The main aim of this work is to build a basis for development of comprehensive marketing strategy for FitHouse RestaurantsTM, a newly established restaurant concept aimed to provide proper nutrition for professional and recreational athletes. Partial aims of first - theoretical part are to examine consumer behavior and specify consumer's purchasing process in several steps. Second -- research part aims to identify elements that influence consumer decision-making process and attempts to put them in perspective of a consumer opting for healthy lifestyle. It further aims to understand consumer through author's own online survey on sport, nutrition and attributes of an ideal restaurant for healthy lifestyle. Third - practical part presents framework for development of real marketing strategy for FitHouse Restaurants based on results and findings acquired in first and second part of the thesis. It presents ideas and tactics that will help FitHouse Restaurants attract enough customers and succeed on market.

Case Studies: Insights for Long-Term Athlete Monitoring

Bazyler, Caleb D. 01 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Comparison of Static and Countermovement Jump Variables in Relation to Estimated Training Load and Subjective Measures of Fatigue

Sams, Matthew L 01 August 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare changes in static and countermovement jump variables across a competitive season of collegiate soccer to estimated training load and subjective measures of fatigue. Monitoring data from 21 male collegiate soccer players were retrospectively examined. Nine vertical jump sessions occurred across the season in addition to daily training load assessment and daily mood-state assessment. Group average changes from the first testing session were calculated and compared to the group average training load for the 7 days preceding each vertical jump testing session for static and countermovement jump height and allometrically scaled peak power. Statistical analysis demonstrated strong relationships between changes in vertical jump height for both conditions, allometrically scaled peak power for static jumps, and estimated training load. The results indicate changes in static jump height and allometrically scaled peak power may be more useful athlete fatigue monitoring tools than countermovement jump variables.

Comparing Different Scaling Methods for Monitoring Weightlifting Performance

Slaton, Jake 01 December 2021 (has links)
Physiological performance has been commonly scaled for body size using various methods to scale anthropometrics, but a paucity of data exists on scaling muscle size. The aim of this thesis was to elucidate the optimal method to scale height (HT), body mass (BM), lean body mass (LBM), and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) when scaling weightlifting performance for body size. 26 weightlifters (13 male, 13 female) participated in this study. The measurements collected were the snatch (SN), clean and jerk (CJ), isometric peak force (IPF), and countermovement jump height (CMJH). HT, LBM, BM, and vastus lateralis CSA were scaled using the ratio standard and allometry. Competition performance scaled for allometrically scaled CSA possessed greater relationships to CMJH (r = 0.60 – 0.78) than the ratio standard (r = 0.56 – 0.58). These findings suggest that allometrically scaling CSA may be superior when scaling weightlifting performance for CSA.

Podnikatelský záměr pro založení agentury SPORT and UNIVERSITY / Bsiness plan for creating of the agency SPORT and UNIVERSITY

Mertová, Monika January 2008 (has links)
The subject of the presented thesis is a business plan of agency, which the owner founded in February 2005 after having successfully passed university in United States of America as a student-athlete receiving full athletic scholarship. This is recruiting type of agency working with student-athletes in Czech Republic and US coaches at universities. The agency is trying to find athletic- scholarships for athletes as well as great education and sport opportunities for them. I can divide this business plan into three basic parts; part one focus on introducing the agency, her objectives, mission, and present situation. Another part concentrates in determination of the present position of the agency (position on the market, clients, skills, characteristics) and it consists of a detailed strategic analysis of external factors (STEP, Porter, Market Research) and internal factors. The conclusion of the analytic part is closed by a SWOT analysis. Finally, an essay represents the last part of the thesis where the specific business plan of the agency’s future for next five years is formulated. For further expansion of the agency, specific proposals in the key areas have been made. Lastly I have focused on risk evaluation, recommendation and conclusion.

Monitoring and Managing Fatigue in Baseball Players

Suchomel, Timothy J., Bailey, Christopher A. 01 January 2014 (has links)
Chronic fatigue affects athletes' abilities to maintain force and power capabilities over the course of a season. The ability for sport scientists and coaches to monitor and manage fatigue is beneficial for all sports, especially those with lengthy seasons. Although methods of monitoring and managing fatigue have been suggested for various sports, there is currently limited research examining methods of monitoring fatigue in baseball over the course of a season. To effectively maintain peak performance, potential methods for monitoring and managing fatigue in baseball players need to be discussed.

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