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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Method and Tool for Finding Concurrency Bugs Involving Multiple Variables with Application to Modern Distributed Systems

Sun, Zhuo 05 November 2018 (has links)
Concurrency bugs are extremely hard to detect due to huge interleaving space. They are happening in the real world more often because of the prevalence of multi-threaded programs taking advantage of multi-core hardware, and microservice based distributed systems moving more and more applications to the cloud. As the most common non-deadlock concurrency bugs, atomicity violations are studied in many recent works, however, those methods are applicable only to single-variable atomicity violation, and don't consider the specific challenge in distributed systems that have both pessimistic and optimistic concurrency control. This dissertation presents a tool using model checking to predict atomicity violation concurrency bugs involving two shared variables or shared resources. We developed a unique method inferring correlation between shared variables in multi-threaded programs and shared resources in microservice based distributed systems, that is based on dynamic analysis and is able to detect the correlation that would be missed by static analysis. For multi-threaded programs, we use a binary instrumentation tool to capture runtime information about shared variables and synchronization events, and for microservice based distributed systems, we use a web proxy to capture HTTP based traffic about API calls and the shared resources they access including distributed locks. Based on the detected correlation and runtime trace, the tool is powerful and can explore a vast interleaving space of a multi-threaded program or a microservice based distributed system given a small set of captured test runs. It is applicable to large real-world systems and can predict atomicity violations missed by other related works for multi-threaded programs and a couple of previous unknown atomicity violation in real world open source microservice based systems. A limitation is that redundant model checking may be performed if two recorded interleaved traces yield the same partial order model.

Some Effects of The Atomicity of a Metal On Its Dielectric Response and Its Superconducting State

Ingleby, Michael 05 1900 (has links)
<p> Although the electronic pairing hypothesis of Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer is verified by experiment, the lattice polarisation mechanism for over-screening the repulsion between mates in a pair need not be the sole mechanism. </p> <p> Alternatives to the lattice polarisation mechanism are discussed and a new approach to electronic polarisation is developed. Propagator formalism is reworked using a charge density propagator to avoid the Dyson equation for the screened potential. The fermi liquid approach to electrons in a metal is avoided, too, because it misses the correlations which give a solid its atomicity. An atomic picture is contrived instead and used to predict what observable features of a superconductor are influenced by atomic correlations. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Practical Support for Strong, Serializability-Based Memory Consistency

Biswas, Swarnendu 30 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Pokročilá statická analýza atomičnosti v paralelních programech v prostředí Facebook Infer / Advanced Static Analysis of Atomicity in Concurrent Programs through Facebook Infer

Harmim, Dominik January 2021 (has links)
Nástroj Atomer je statický analyzátor založený na myšlence, že pokud jsou některé sekvence funkcí vícevláknového programu prováděny v některých bězích pod zámky, je pravděpodobně zamýšleno, že mají být vždy provedeny atomicky. Analyzátor Atomer se tudíž snaží takové sekvence hledat a poté zjišťovat, pro které z nich může být v některých jiných bězích programu porušena atomicita. Autor této diplomové práce ve své bakalářské práci navrhl a implementoval první verzi nástroje Atomer jako zásuvný modul aplikačního rámce Facebook Infer. V této diplomové práci je navržena nová a výrazně vylepšená verze analyzátoru Atomer. Cílem vylepšení je zvýšení jak škálovatelnosti, tak přesnosti. Kromě toho byla přidána podpora pro několik původně nepodporovaných programovacích vlastností (včetně např. možnosti analyzovat programy napsané v jazycích C++ a Java nebo podpory pro reentrantní zámky nebo stráže zámků, tzv. "lock guards"). Prostřednictvím řady experimentů (včetně experimentů s reálnými programy a reálnými chybami) se ukázalo, že nová verze nástroje Atomer je skutečně mnohem obecnější, přesnější a lépe škáluje.

Context-aware and secure workflow systems

Alotaibi, Hind January 2012 (has links)
Businesses do evolve. Their evolution necessitates the re-engineering of their existing "business processes”, with the objectives of reducing costs, delivering services on time, and enhancing their profitability in a competitive market. This is generally true and particularly in domains such as manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and education). The central objective of workflow technologies is to separate business policies (which normally are encoded in business logics) from the underlying business applications. Such a separation is desirable as it improves the evolution of business processes and, more often than not, facilitates the re-engineering at the organisation level without the need to detail knowledge or analyses of the application themselves. Workflow systems are currently used by many organisations with a wide range of interests and specialisations in many domains. These include, but not limited to, office automation, finance and banking sector, health-care, art, telecommunications, manufacturing and education. We take the view that a workflow is a set of "activities”, each performs a piece of functionality within a given "context” and may be constrained by some security requirements. These activities are coordinated to collectively achieve a required business objective. The specification of such coordination is presented as a set of "execution constraints” which include parallelisation (concurrency/distribution), serialisation, restriction, alternation, compensation and so on. Activities within workflows could be carried out by humans, various software based application programs, or processing entities according to the organisational rules, such as meeting deadlines or performance improvement. Workflow execution can involve a large number of different participants, services and devices which may cross the boundaries of various organisations and accessing variety of data. This raises the importance of _ context variations and context-awareness and _ security (e.g. access control and privacy). The specification of precise rules, which prevent unauthorised participants from executing sensitive tasks and also to prevent tasks from accessing unauthorised services or (commercially) sensitive information, are crucially important. For example, medical scenarios will require that: _ only authorised doctors are permitted to perform certain tasks, _ a patient medical records are not allowed to be accessed by anyone without the patient consent and _ that only specific machines are used to perform given tasks at a given time. If a workflow execution cannot guarantee these requirements, then the flow will be rejected. Furthermore, features/characteristics of security requirement are both temporal- and/or event-related. However, most of the existing models are of a static nature – for example, it is hard, if not impossible, to express security requirements which are: _ time-dependent (e.g. A customer is allowed to be overdrawn by 100 pounds only up-to the first week of every month. _ event-dependent (e.g. A bank account can only be manipulated by its owner unless there is a change in the law or after six months of his/her death). Currently, there is no commonly accepted model for secure and context-aware workflows or even a common agreement on which features a workflow security model should support. We have developed a novel approach to design, analyse and validate workflows. The approach has the following components: = A modelling/design language (known as CS-Flow). The language has the following features: – support concurrency; – context and context awareness are first-class citizens; – supports mobility as activities can move from one context to another; – has the ability to express timing constrains: delay, deadlines, priority and schedulability; – allows the expressibility of security policies (e.g. access control and privacy) without the need for extra linguistic complexities; and – enjoy sound formal semantics that allows us to animate designs and compare various designs. = An approach known as communication-closed layer is developed, that allows us to serialise a highly distributed workflow to produce a semantically equivalent quasi-sequential flow which is easier to understand and analyse. Such re-structuring, gives us a mechanism to design fault-tolerant workflows as layers are atomic activities and various existing forward and backward error recovery techniques can be deployed. = Provide a reduction semantics to CS-Flow that allows us to build a tool support to animate a specifications and designs. This has been evaluated on a Health care scenario, namely the Context Aware Ward (CAW) system. Health care provides huge amounts of business workflows, which will benefit from workflow adaptation and support through pervasive computing systems. The evaluation takes two complementary strands: – provide CS-Flow’s models and specifications and – formal verification of time-critical component of a workflow.

A comparative study of transaction management services in multidatabase heterogeneous systems

Renaud, Karen Vera 04 1900 (has links)
Multidatabases are being actively researched as a relatively new area in which many aspects are not yet fully understood. This area of transaction management in multidatabase systems still has many unresolved problems. The problem areas which this dissertation addresses are classification of multidatabase systems, global concurrency control, correctness criterion in a multidatabase environment, global deadlock detection, atomic commitment and crash recovery. A core group of research addressing these problems was identified and studied. The dissertation contributes to the multidatabase transaction management topic by introducing an alternative classification method for such multiple database systems; assessing existing research into transaction management schemes and based on this assessment, proposes a transaction processing model founded on the optimal properties of transaction management identified during the course of this research. / Computing / M. Sc. (Computer Science)

Um serviço de transações atômicas para Web services / An Atomic Transaction Service for Web Services

Silva Neto, Ivan Bittencourt de Araujo e 21 September 2007 (has links)
Sistemas computacionais são constituídos por componentes de hardware e software que podem eventualmente falhar. Por esse motivo, o mecanismo de transação sempre foi imprescindível para a construção de sistemas robustos. O suporte transacional para a tecnologia Web services foi definido em agosto de 2005, num conjunto de três especificações denominadas WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction e WS-BusinessActivity. Juntas, essas especificações definem um alicerce sobre o qual aplicações robustas baseadas em Web services podem ser construídas. Nesta dissertação realizamos um estudo sobre transações atômicas em ambientes Web services. Em particular, estendemos o gerenciador de transações presente no servidor de aplicações JBoss, de modo que ele passasse a comportar transações distribuídas envolvendo Web services. Além disso, avaliamos o desempenho desse gerenciador de transações quando ele emprega cada um dos seguintes mecanismos de chamada remota: Web services/SOAP, CORBA/IIOP e JBoss Remoting. Finalmente, realizamos experimentos de escalabilidade e interoperabilidade. / Computing systems consist of a multitude of hardware and software components that may fail. For this reason, the transaction mechanism has always been essential for the development of robust systems. Transactional support for the Web services technology was defined in August 2005, in a set of three specifications, namely WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction, and WS-BusinessActivity. Together, such specifications enable the development of robust Web services applications. In this dissertation we studied atomic transactions in the Web services realm. Particularly, we added Web services atomic transaction support to the existing JBoss application server transaction manager. Furthermore, we evaluated the performance of this transaction manager when it employs each of the following remote method invocation mechanisms: Web services/SOAP, CORBA/IIOP and JBoss Remoting. Finally, we performed scalability and interoperability experiments.

Sections atomiques emboîtées avec échappement de processus légers : sémantiques et compilation / Nested atomic sections with thread escape : semantics and compilation

Pinsard, Thomas 15 December 2014 (has links)
La mémoire transactionnelle est un mécanisme de plus en plus populaire pour la programmation parallèle et concurrente. Dans la plupart des implantations, l’emboîtement de transactions n’est pas possible ce qui pénalise la modularité. Plutôt que les transactions, qui sont un choix possible d’implantation, nous considérons directement la notion de section atomique. Dans un objectif d’améliorer la modularité et l’expressivité, nous considérons un langage impératif simple étendu avec des instructions de parallélisme avec lancement et attente de processus légers et une instruction de section atomique à portée syntaxique, depuis laquelle des processus légers peuvent s’échapper. Dans ce contexte notre première contribution est la définition précise de l’atomicité et de la bonne synchronisation. Nous prouvons que pour des traces bien formées, la dernière implique la forme forte de la première. Ceci est fait sur des traces d’exécution abstraites dans le sens où nous ne définissons par précisément la syntaxe et la sémantique opérationnelle d’un langage de programmation. Cette première partie de notre travail peut être considérée comme une spécification pour un tel langage. Nous avons utilisé l’assistant de preuve Coq pour modéliser et prouver nos résultats. Notre deuxième contribution est la définition formelle du langage Atomic Fork Join (AFJ). Nous montrons que les traces de sa sémantique opérationnelle vérifient effectivement les conditions de bonne formation définies précédemment. La troisième contribution est la compilation de programmes AFJ en programmes Lock Unlock Fork Join (LUFJ) un langage avec processus léger et verrous mais sans sections atomiques. Nous étudions la correction de la compilation de AFJ vers LUFJ. / Transactions are becoming a popular mechanism for parallel and concurrent programming. In most implementations the nesting of transactions is not supported which hinders modularity. Rather than transactions, which are an implementation choice, we consider directly the notion of atomic section. For the sake of modularity with we consider a simple imperative language with fork/join parallelism and lexically scoped nested atomic sections from which threads can escape. In this context, our first contribution is the precise definition of atomicity, well-synchronisation and the proof that the latter implies the strong form of the former. This is done on execution traces without being specific to a language syntax and operational semantics. This first part of our work could be considered as a specification for the design and implementation of such a parallel language. A formalisation of our results in the Coq proof assistant is also available. Our second contribution is a formal definition of the Atomic Fork Join (AFJ) language and its operational semantics. We show that it indeed satisfies the conditions previously defined. The third contribution of our work is a compilation procedure of AFJ programs to programs another language with threads and locks but without atomic sections, named Lock Unlock Fork Join (LUFJ). We study the correctness of the compilation from AFJ to LUFJ.

A comparative study of transaction management services in multidatabase heterogeneous systems

Renaud, Karen Vera 04 1900 (has links)
Multidatabases are being actively researched as a relatively new area in which many aspects are not yet fully understood. This area of transaction management in multidatabase systems still has many unresolved problems. The problem areas which this dissertation addresses are classification of multidatabase systems, global concurrency control, correctness criterion in a multidatabase environment, global deadlock detection, atomic commitment and crash recovery. A core group of research addressing these problems was identified and studied. The dissertation contributes to the multidatabase transaction management topic by introducing an alternative classification method for such multiple database systems; assessing existing research into transaction management schemes and based on this assessment, proposes a transaction processing model founded on the optimal properties of transaction management identified during the course of this research. / Computing / M. Sc. (Computer Science)

Targeted Client Synthesis for Detecting Concurrency Bugs

Samak, Malavika January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Detecting concurrency bugs can be challenging due to the intricacies associated with their manifestation. These intricacies correspond to identifying the methods that need to be invoked concurrently, the inputs passed to these methods and the interleaving of the threads that cause the erroneous behavior. Neither fuzzing-based testing techniques nor over-approximate static analyses are well positioned to detect subtle concurrency defects while retaining high accuracy alongside satisfactory coverage. While dynamic analysis techniques have been proposed to overcome some of the challenges in detecting concurrency bugs, we observe that their success is critically dependent on the availability of effective multithreaded clients. Without a priori knowledge of the defects, manually constructing defect-revealing multithreaded clients is non-trivial. In this thesis, we design an approach to address the problem of automatically generate clients for detecting concurrency bugs in multithreaded libraries. The key insight underlying our design is that a subset of the properties observed when the defects manifest in a concur-rent execution can also be observed in a sequential execution. The input to our approach is a library implementation and a sequential testsuite, and the output is a set of multithreaded clients that can be used to reveal defects in the input library implementation. Dynamic defect detectors can execute the clients and analyze the resulting traces to report various kinds of defects including deadlocks, data races and atomicity violations. Furthermore, the clients can also be used by testing frameworks to report assertion violations. We propose two variants of our design – (a) path-agnostic client generation, and (b) path-aware client generation. The path-agnostic client generation process helps in detection of potential bugs present in the paths executed by the input sequential testsuite. It does not attempt to explore newer paths by satisfying path conditions either by modifying the input or by scheduling the threads appropriately. The generated clients are used to expose deadlocks, data races and atomicity violations. Our analysis analyzes the execution traces obtained from executing the input sequential clients and produces a concurrent client program that drives shared objects via library methods calls to states conducive for triggering deadlocks, data races or atomicity violations. For path-aware client generation, our approach explores newer paths that are not covered by the input sequential testsuite to generate clients. For this purpose, we design a directed, iterative and scalable engine that combines the strengths of static and dynamic analysis to help synthesize both multithreaded clients and schedules that violate complex correctness conditions expressed by the developer. Apart from the library implementation and the sequential testsuite as input, this engine also accepts a specification of correctness as input. Then, it iteratively refines each client from the input sequential testsuite to generate an ex-ecution that can break the input specification. Each step of the iterative process includes statically identifying sub-goals towards the goal of failing the specification, generating a plan toward meeting these goals, and merging of the paths traversed dynamically with the plan computed statically via constraint solving to generate a new client. The engine reports full reproduction scenarios, guaranteed to be true, for the bugs it finds. We have implemented prototypes that incorporate the aforementioned ideas and validated them by applying them on 29 well-tested concurrent classes from popular Java libraries, including the latest version of JDK. We are able to automatically generate clients that helped expose more than 300 concurrency bugs including deadlocks, data races, atomicity violations and assertion violations. We reported many previously unknown bugs to the developers of these libraries resulting in either fixes to the code or changes to the documentation pertaining to the thread-safe behavior of the relevant classes. On average, the time taken to analyze a class and generate clients for it is less than two minutes. We believe that the demonstrated effectiveness of our prototypes in helping expose deep bugs in popular Java libraries makes the design, proposed in this thesis, a vital cog in the future development and deployment of dynamic concurrency bug detectors.

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