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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of methylphenidate treatment as an intervention for children diagnosed with ASD showing ADHD symptoms : Systematic Review

Björgvinsdóttir, Erna January 2023 (has links)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), previously known as Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD) is a developmental disorder present from early childhood. Children diagnosed with ASD commonly exhibit symptoms of ADHD resulting in increased severity of symptoms and impairment of functioning. This group of children is frequently treated with methylphenidate which has been recommended by some but criticised by others. This systematic review aims to explore the effect of methylphenidate treatment on symptoms of ASD, functioning and adverse effects  Six articles were extracted from five different databases (Medline, Psych INFO, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) and chosen based on a pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results show that MPH treatment may be successful as an intervention for some children with ASD showing ADHD symptoms while other children are very susceptible to adverse effects with some being unable to tolerate the treatment. The chosen studies provided limited acknowledgement of the effect on functioning making it an important focus for future research. It is important that professionals are aware of the negative effects MPH might cause to ensure a positive outcome and well-being for children with this disorder. There is a need for further understanding of the connection between ASD and ADHD with additional exploration of possible moderators such as IQ, dose size and level of functioning.

Neurodevelopmental disorders and team sports : Conditions for including children and youths with neurodevelopmental disorders in team sports in Sweden / Neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar och lagidrott : Förutsättningar till att inkludera barn och unga med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar inom lagidrotten i Sverige

Breitkreuz Chauvet, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Background: Children and youths with neurodevelopmental disorders are less physically active and have inferior physical fitness levels than their typically developed peers. Organized activities, especially team sports, can be challenging to this group due to common socio-behavioral, linguistic, and personality characteristics and limitations in motor proficiency. Physical activity and team sports may benefit this group by improving cognition, attention, socio-emotional functioning, and motor skills. Aim: Explore the conditions for including children and youths with neurodevelopmental disorders in team sports in Sweden. Methods: A mixed-methods approach was applied. Semi-structured interviews investigated the structural and organizational practices surrounding barriers and enablers to inclusion and coach education. A nationwide web survey described the coaching population and assessed perceived knowledge and conditions for inclusion in team sports. Soccer, ice hockey, floorball, handball, and group gymnastics represented the team sports. A qualitative content analysis was applied to interview data, followed by descriptive and bivariate (chi-square and simple multinomial logistic regression) analyses and multiple multinomial logistic regressions. Results: This neurodiverse group was described as difficult to target due to its heterogeneity. Sports associations described going through an identity introspection and working on inclusion issues at large but had different ways of addressing neurodevelopmental disorders, and varying strategies to educate coaches. Most coaches reported receiving education outside of sports. 40% of coaches claimed to have knowledge of neurodevelopmental disorders, associated with personal experiences, female gender, and coaching older junior teams. 71.6% of coaches felt comfortable accommodating this group, also related to personal experience, coaching under 8 teams, knowing whom to turn to for support, and coaching older junior teams. Conclusion: While most coaches felt capable of accommodating children with neurodevelopmental disorders, coach knowledge was based on personal experiences and interests. Sports associations addressed the inclusion issue but need to develop their educational opportunities for coaches. Increased knowledge could make team sports more accessible to children with invisible disabilities. / Bakgrund: Barn och unga med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar är mindre fysiskt aktiva och har sämre fysisk kondition än sina neurotypiska jämlikar. Organiserade aktiviteter, särskilt lagidrott, kan utgöra en utmaning för denna grupp på grund av vanliga sociala, språkliga och personliga egenskaper och beteenden, samt motoriska begränsningar. Fysisk aktivitet och lagidrott kan gagna denna grupp genom att förbättra kognition, uppmärksamhet, socio-emotionella och motoriska färdigheter. Syfte: Att utforska förutsättningarna för att inkludera barn och unga med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar inom lagidrotten i Sverige. Metod: En blandad metod tillämpades. Semistrukturerade intervjuer användes för att undersöka strukturell och organisatorisk praxis kring hinder och möjliggörare för inkludering och ledarutbildningar. En nationell webb-baserad tvärsnittsundersökning beskrev gruppen med ledare och undersökte ledares självskattade kunskap och förutsättningar för inkludering inom lagidrotten. Fotboll, ishockey, innebandy, handboll och truppgymnastik representerade lagidrotten. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys applicerades på intervjumaterialet, följt av deskriptiva och bivariata (chi2 samt enkel multinomial logistisk regression) analyser samt multivariata logistiska regressioner. Resultat: Denna neurodiversa grupp beskrevs som en svår målgrupp på grund av sin heterogenitet. Idrottsförbunden beskrev hur de analyserar sig själva och arbetar med inkludering i bred bemärkelse men har olika sätt att adressera neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar, samt varierande strategier för att utbilda ledare. De flesta ledare rapporterade att de genomgått sin utbildning utanför idrotten. 40% av ledarna ansåg sig ha kunskap om neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar, vilket kunde associeras med personlig erfarenhet, kvinnligt kön och att träna äldre juniorer. 71,6% av ledare kände sig bekväma i att bemöta denna grupp, vilket också kunde associeras med personlig erfarenhet, att träna under 8-åringar, veta vem man kan vända sig till för hjälp, samt att träna äldre juniorer. Slutsats: Medan de flesta ledare kände sig kapabla att bemöta barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar, baserades ledares kunskap på personlig erfarenhet och intresse. Idrottsförbunden adresserade inkluderingsfrågan men behöver utveckla utbildningsmöjligheterna för ledare. Ökad kunskap skulle kunna göra lagidrott mer tillgänglig för barn med osynliga funktionsnedsättningar.

Association entre le risque génétique et l’agression physique à l’âge scolaire : le rôle médiateur des comportements externalisés et des expériences adverses précoces

Bouliane, Mélanie 05 1900 (has links)
Il y a consensus qu’approximativement la moitié des différences individuelles liées à l’agression physique sont héritées. Cependant, les premières manifestations comportementales et sociales de cette propension génétique demeurent inconnues. Cette étude vise à tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle, les scores polygéniques liés à l’agression (SPGAG) et au trouble du déficit de l’attention/hyperactivité (TDAH; SPGTDAH), tous deux ayant précédemment été associés à l’agression physique à l’âge scolaire, se manifesteraient d’abord par des comportements externalisés et des expériences adverses à la petite enfance. Les données génétiques de 718 participants (44,6 % garçons) de l’Étude longitudinale du développement des enfants du Québec (ELDEQ) ont été utilisées pour estimer les SPGs. L’agression physique à l’âge scolaire a été rapportée à six reprises entre 6 et 13 ans par des enseignants indépendants. Les mères ont rapporté les comportements externalisés (agression physique, hyperactivité, opposition) et les expériences adverses (difficultés avec les pairs, pratiques parentales hostiles et coercitives) à trois occasions entre l’âge de 3½ et 5 ans. Les résultats indiquent que ces deux SPGs prédisent l’agression physique à l’âge scolaire. Néanmoins, seules les difficultés avec les pairs expliquent l’association entre le SPGAG et l’agression physique. L’hyperactivité, l’opposition et les pratiques parentales hostiles et coercitives sous-tendent toutes, de façon séparée, l’association entre le SPGTDAH et l’agression physique à l’âge scolaire, bien que seule l’hyperactivité ait une contribution unique lorsque ces construits sont examinés simultanément. Ces résultats contribuent à décrire comment l’étiologie génétique liée à l’agression physique se manifeste à la petite enfance, identifiant ainsi des cibles précoces d’intervention. / There is now a consensus in the literature suggesting that approximately half of the individual differences related to physical aggression (PA) are inherited. However, the behavioral and social early manifestations of this genetic propensity remain unknown. This study aims to test the hypothesis that polygenic scores related to aggression (PGSAGG) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; PGSADHD), both of which were previously shown to be associated with PA during school-age, would be first phenotypically expressed as externalized behaviors and adverse experiences in early childhood. The genetic data of 718 participants (44,6% boys) from the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD) were used to estimate the SPGs. PA in school age was reported up to six times between 6 and 13 years old by independent teachers. Externalized behaviors (PA, hyperactivity, opposition) and adverse experiences (difficulties with peers, harsh and coercive parenting practices) were reported by mothers on three occasions between the ages of 3½ and 5 years old. Results indicate that both SPGs predicted PA in school age. However, only difficulties with peers explain the association between PGSAGG and PA. Hyperactivity, opposition, and harsh and coercive parenting practices in early childhood all separately partially mediated the association between PGSADHD and PA in school age, although only hyperactivity has a unique contribution when these constructs are examined simultaneously. These findings contribute to describing how PA measured genetic etiology ascertained by the PGS come to be first phenotypically expressed in early childhood, identifying early intervention targets for interventions.

Intergenerational Transmission of Child Maltreatment: Testing Pathways Between Specific Forms of Maltreatment and Identifying Possible Moderators

Velasco, Valerie E. 05 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Intérêt de la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque et des symptômes autodéclarés dans la prise en charge multidimensionnelle des commotions cérébrales

Ziadia, Hatem 11 1900 (has links)
Lors du dernier consensus international sur les commotions cérébrales (CC) dans le sport tenu à Berlin en 2016, les lignes directrices proposées insistent sur le besoin de biomarqueurs de diagnostic et de suivi des CC, donnant à la prise en charge clinique un caractère plus objectif que celui de l’évaluation traditionnelle des symptômes. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de dresser un inventaire de paramètres d’évaluation clinique pouvant servir de référence et d’outil au clinicien lors la prise en charge des CC, particulièrement chez les athlètes de sports de contact. Pour l’élaboration de ces outils, en plus de tenir compte des spécificités anthropométriques et démographiques des athlètes, une attention particulière a été portée à ceux présentant un trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDAH) et ceux ayant des antécédents de CC. Le premier objectif de la thèse était de produire des scores normatifs de référence pour l’échelle des symptômes postcommotionnels (PCSS), en plus d’examiner si et comment les antécédents de CC affectent ces scores (étude 1). Le deuxième objectif était de produire des valeurs normatives de la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque (VFC) à court terme, chez des athlètes de sports de contact, tout en tenant compte des principaux déterminants qui pouvaient l’influencer (étude 2). Le troisième objectif était d’évaluer les scores de base du PCSS et la VFC à court terme, chez des athlètes de sports de contact avec TDAH et de les comparer à ceux d’athlètes sains appariés (étude 3). Les résultats de l’étude 1 ont montré que les scores normatifs des symptômes très élevés et susceptibles de signaler une CC variaient de 1 à 4 et plus, sur une échelle de 6, selon les symptômes concernés (n = 22). La comparaison des proportions des symptômes entre les groupes d’athlètes sans CC et ceux ayant des antécédents de CC a confirmé la présence de symptômes anormalement élevés chez les athlètes à CC répétées. Les résultats de l’étude 2 ont montré que la fréquence cardiaque (FC) était le principal déterminant des paramètres de la VFC standard. Par conséquent, les paramètres de la VFC ont été standardisés et leurs limites normatives développées en fonction de la FC moyenne. L’étude 3 a montré que les athlètes avec TDAH ont produit des scores de symptômes significativement plus élevés comparativement à ceux des athlètes sains appariés. L'évaluation de la VFC a révélé une réduction de plusieurs paramètres chez le groupe avec TDAH. En conclusion, les normes de référence proposées dans cette thèse pourraient être utilisées lors de l’évaluation et du suivi des CC chez les athlètes de sports de contact de sexe masculin. Les outils d’évaluation qui accompagnent nos travaux font directement voir si un score donné se situe dans les limites normales. L’accès facile à ces outils et leur simplicité d’utilisation et d’interprétation sont particulièrement intéressants lorsque l’intervention clinique est combinée à d’autres interventions dans un contexte multidisciplinaire. Il reste que, avec les athlètes souffrant d’un TDAH ou ayant des antécédents de CC, l’interprétation des scores devrait être faite avec prudence. / At the last international consensus on concussion in sports held in Berlin in 2016, the guidelines that were proposed emphasized the need for diagnostic and monitoring biomarkers for concussion, giving clinical management a more objective basis than that of traditional symptom assessment. The main objective of this thesis was to develop an inventory of clinical assessment parameters that may serve as reference and toolbox for the clinician in the management of concussion, particularly in contact sport athletes. For the development of these tools, in addition to taking into account the anthropometric and demographic specificities of the athletes, special attention has been paid to those with ADHD and those with a history of concussions. The first objective of the thesis was to produce a normative baseline scores post concussion symptom scale (PCSS), in addition to examining whether and how concussion history affects these scores (Study 1). The second objective was to produce normative values of short-term heart rate variability (HRV) in contact sport athletes, while accounting for the major determinants that could influence it (Study 2). The third objective was to evaluate baseline PCSS scores and short-term HRV in contact sports athletes with ADHD and to compare them with healthy matched athletes (Study 3). Study 1 showed that the higher normative scores of symptoms likely to signal concussion ranged from 1 to 4 and above on a scale of 6, according to the symptoms (n = 22). A comparison of symptom proportions between groups of athletes without concussions and those with a history of concussions confirmed the prevalence of abnormally high symptoms in athletes with a history of concussions. The results of study 2 showed that heart rate (HR) was the primary determinant of standard HRV parameters. Therefore, the HRV parameters were standardized and their normative limits developed in relation to the mean HR. Study 3 showed that athletes with ADHD produced significantly higher symptom scores compared to matched healthy athletes. Assessment of HRV revealed a lowering in several parameters in the ADHD group. In conclusion, the reference standards proposed in this thesis may be used in the assessment and monitoring of concussion in male contact sports athletes. The assessment tools available in our work directly indicate whether a given score is within the normal range. The easy access to these tools and the simplicity of their use and interpretation are of particular relevance when a clinical intervention is combined with other interventions in a multidisciplinary context. However, for athletes with ADHD or a history of concussions, interpretation of scores should be made with caution.

Psycho-educational intervention to improve the behaviour of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Clark, Mavis 11 1900 (has links)
Much has been said and written over recent years about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. There is a certain amount of confusion as to what exactly the condition constitutes and controversy continues to rage regarding treatment. A significant number of children appear to be affected. Previously, parents and teachers ·were blamed for failing to discipline effectively. Often, the difficulties remained undiagnosed and untreated. Thanks to the wisdom of so many experts who have generously shared their knowledge and considerable expertise, there is an increased awareness of ADHD. Although there is no cure, there are ways to manage the difficulties. However, early diagnosis and intervention is critical. Since many different symptoms are associated with the disorder, a multi-modal treatment plan has been found to lead to a better outcome. For the purpose of this study, a multi-modal programme was planned to address the needs of a small group of children with ADHD and their parents. The intention was to empower the parents, within a supportive group environment, by providing them with knowledge about the disorder and guidelines for managing the difficult behaviour. In addition, an attempt was made to change the negative behaviour patterns of the children through the medium of story-telling. It was hoped that by reducing the levels of parental stress, parents would be more competent to cope with their educational demands, so that their children could be guided more positively towards adulthood. The results of the programme were positive. Teachers and parents reported better behaviour by the children. The parents' stress levels were reduced. The parents expressed greater understanding about the disorder and a hopefulness that they could better manage their children. They felt they had benefitted from the advice given by other parents who were facing similar challenges. However, they felt that a short-term programme was insufficient to address all their needs and they expressed a need for ongoing support. In view of the chronicity of the disorder and the constantly changing needs of the child on his journey towards adulthood, cognisance was taken of the fact that longterm intervention is essential. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

A taxonomy of antisocial behaviors: the subtypes and their associated features. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2011 (has links)
Background. Adolescent antisocial behaviors are versatile in terms of their onset, severity, pervasiveness, continuity, and developmental outcomes. A substantial body of literature on developmental pathway of antisocial behaviors indicates that meaningful subtypes exist within these heterogeneous antisocial behaviors, rendering important implications to their etiology, causal mechanism and intervention. This study tests a taxonomy of antisocial behavior by examining whether different offending groups can be distinguished by their different group features including background risks and external correlates. First, two broad offending groups, i.e., the early-onset group and the adolescent-onset group were identified in a clinical sample of 118 adjudicated male adolescents based on age of onset of symptoms of Conduct Disorder. Further, two distinct subtypes, i.e. antisocial behavior associated with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and antisocial behavior associated with callous-unemotional traits ii (CD traits), a defining feature of psychopathy, were hypothesized to coexist within the broad early-onset offending group, based on two lines of recent studies indicating ADHD and CD traits as important correlates of antisocial behaviors. These two subgroups were identified within the sample in this current study. / Conclusion. Different offending groups could be discerned by their distinctive associated group risks and deficits, giving evidence to different developmental pathways to antisocial behaviors. Implications to understanding and intervention of antisocial behaviors were discussed. / Method. Data were collected from 118 adjudicated male adolescents from a centralized probation facility in Hong Kong and 63 non-delinquent male control subjects from mainstream secondary schools, all aged between 12 and 17. Group comparisons and multinominal logistic regression were performed to test whether these offending groups could be distinguished by different background risks and deficits including variables pertaining to cognitive processes, family, parenting, and deviant peers, etc. / Results. The early-onset offending group could be differentiated from the adolescent-onset offending group by their association with adolescent adjustment iii difficulties, more background risks, ADHD diagnosis, and callous unemotional traits. The two early-onset subgroups, early-onset ADHD and early-onset CU traits group, shared similarities of having severer delinquency and poorer adolescent adjustment, but demonstrated differences in terms of disinhibitory processes. / Law, Yuen Wah Sonya. / Adviser: Patrick Wing-leung Leung. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-04, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 265-289). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese; appendix in Chinese.

Psycho-educational intervention to improve the behaviour of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Clark, Mavis 11 1900 (has links)
Much has been said and written over recent years about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. There is a certain amount of confusion as to what exactly the condition constitutes and controversy continues to rage regarding treatment. A significant number of children appear to be affected. Previously, parents and teachers ·were blamed for failing to discipline effectively. Often, the difficulties remained undiagnosed and untreated. Thanks to the wisdom of so many experts who have generously shared their knowledge and considerable expertise, there is an increased awareness of ADHD. Although there is no cure, there are ways to manage the difficulties. However, early diagnosis and intervention is critical. Since many different symptoms are associated with the disorder, a multi-modal treatment plan has been found to lead to a better outcome. For the purpose of this study, a multi-modal programme was planned to address the needs of a small group of children with ADHD and their parents. The intention was to empower the parents, within a supportive group environment, by providing them with knowledge about the disorder and guidelines for managing the difficult behaviour. In addition, an attempt was made to change the negative behaviour patterns of the children through the medium of story-telling. It was hoped that by reducing the levels of parental stress, parents would be more competent to cope with their educational demands, so that their children could be guided more positively towards adulthood. The results of the programme were positive. Teachers and parents reported better behaviour by the children. The parents' stress levels were reduced. The parents expressed greater understanding about the disorder and a hopefulness that they could better manage their children. They felt they had benefitted from the advice given by other parents who were facing similar challenges. However, they felt that a short-term programme was insufficient to address all their needs and they expressed a need for ongoing support. In view of the chronicity of the disorder and the constantly changing needs of the child on his journey towards adulthood, cognisance was taken of the fact that longterm intervention is essential. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Lien bidirectionnel entre des caractéristiques personnelles des parents et leurs pratiques parentales dans un contexte d’intervention

Simard, Myriam 04 1900 (has links)
Les parents d’enfants aux prises avec un trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDA/H) sont à risque de dépression. Ces parents rapportent aussi des relations familiales plus problématiques, des expériences plus stressantes, un sentiment d’auto-efficacité plus faible à l’égard de leur rôle parental et des pratiques parentales plus coercitives ou inadéquates en comparaison aux parents d’enfants sans ce diagnostic. Plusieurs recherches ont relevé que les parents d’enfants ayant un TDA/H qui ont participé à un programme d’entraînement aux habiletés parentales (PEHP) rapportent une amélioration générale des difficultés énumérées précédemment. Le changement d’attitude et de pratiques parentales est souvent relié à une diminution des symptômes du TDA/H chez les enfants. L’intervention peut donc contribuer à améliorer la condition du parent et par le fait même celle de son enfant. Toutefois, le TDA/H est un trouble chronique qui peut affecter certaines caractéristiques personnelles du parent pouvant interférer avec la capacité de ce dernier à bénéficier d’une intervention. Peu d’études s’attardent aux caractéristiques du parent pouvant affecter l’efficacité de l’intervention. Le but de la présente étude est d’étudier le lien bidirectionnel entre certaines caractéristiques personnelles (dépression, stress, sentiment d’auto-efficacité) et les pratiques parentales dans un contexte d’intervention qui s’adresse aux parents d’enfants ayant un TDA/H. Les résultats démontrent que le sentiment d’auto-efficacité initial du parent est prédicteur d’une discipline inconstante, et ce, indépendamment de la condition expérimentale. De plus, les pratiques positives initiales sont prédicteurs d’un sentiment d’auto-efficacité élevé au post-test et ce, indépendamment de la condition expérimentale. / When compared to parents of non-diagnosed children, parents of children with ADHD face a higher risk of experiencing parenting stress, depression, and family functioning problems. They also report lower levels of parental self-efficacy, and use more coercive or inadequate parental practices. Some evidence suggests that parental abilities training programs can help offset some of the risks associated with raising a child with ADHD. Changes in attitudes and parental practices are also associated with reductions in child ADHD symptoms. Parent training interventions therefore represent promising strategies for improving both parent and child outcomes. Nevertheless, the personal characteristics of parents can intervene with their ability to benefit from parental training. Few studies have examined how parental characteristics can influence program efficacy. The objective of the present study is to examine the bidirectional link between parental characteristics (depression, stress, self-efficacy) and parental practices within the context of a parent training program. Baseline parent self-efficacy predicted use of inconsistent discipline regardless of whether parents had followed the training program. Furthermore, baseline positive parental practices predicted parent self-efficacy, regardless of experimental condition.

Žák s SPU na 1. stupni ZŠ / Pupil with disorder of learning in primary school

Šustrová, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with specific learning disabilities on the first level of primary education. The theoretical part is devoted to the definition of the basic concepts, to the etiology of the occurrence of specific learning disabilities and to the classification of their manifestation. It draws up the possibilities of the diagnostics and of the follow-up re-education. It describes the possibilities of educating students with disabilities at basic schools or individually. The practical part of this thesis focuses on exploring the issue of specific learning disabilities on the first level of primary education, namely, in the third and fourth grade. Three case reports whose results most visibly pointed to a problem are also present here.

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