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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gendered Media Engagings as User Agency Mediations with Sociocultural and Media Structures: A Sense-Making Methodology Study of the Situationality of Gender Divergences and Convergences.

Reinhard, CarrieLynn D. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Les auditeurs de France Inter : développement d’une pratique radiophonique

Bertin, Juliette 12 1900 (has links)
France Inter est la radio la plus écoutée en France avec un peu moins de 7 millions d’auditeurs quotidiens. Selon l’imaginaire populaire, l’auditeur type de la station serait un individu de classe moyenne ou supérieure, d’une cinquantaine d’années, Parisien, bobo donc par définition de gauche (Gustave & Péronnet, 2013). Ce mémoire s’interroge sur la nature de la relation entre les auditeurs de France Inter et leur station et comment est-ce que la représentation que l’on se fait d’eux influence leur pratique radiophonique ? Les renseignements sur ces auditeurs sont presque inexistants. Les théories de la réception de Stuart Hall expliquent qu’il n’y a pas « un type » d’auditeur et pas une seule manière de s’approprier le contenu médiatique (Hall, 1980). Ensuite, Pierre Bourdieu nous permet de déconstruire l’idée reçue selon laquelle les goûts seraient le fruit d’un choix délibéré, pris sans influence extérieure (Bourdieu, 1979). Le sociologue en vient à la conclusion que nos goûts sont traversés par des mécanismes sociaux de distinction. Ses recherches le mènent à établir une théorie sur les classes sociales, car nos goûts et nos pratiques culturelles peuvent aider à nous situer socialement. L’auditeur de France Inter est mis au centre avec des entrevues semi-dirigées permettant de répondre aux deux questions de recherche : comment est-ce que les auditeurs de France Inter développent et entretiennent l’écoute de cette station ? Et comment est-ce que la représentation que l’on se fait d’eux a influencé le développement de cette écoute ? Quatre influences sur l’écoute sont identifiées : sociale, familiale, sociétale, politique et de l’âge. Face à la représentation de l’auditeur, nos participants ne sont pas d’accord, car ils se basent sur leur propre réalité. Plusieurs se rejoignent néanmoins sur un point : sa curiosité intellectuelle et son besoin de s’éduquer. Toutefois, il est certain que cette représentation n’a pas d’impact notable sur leur écoute. S’ils reçoivent des remarques négatives, cela va seulement les pousser à, d’autant plus, écouter. Pour tous, cette station a eu et a encore une influence monumentale. Elle sert d’horloge, de repère et de compagnon quotidien. Elle affecte les humeurs tout au long de la journée, provoque des réflexions et informe sur le monde d’hier, d’aujourd’hui et de demain. / France Inter is the most listened to radio station in France with almost 7 million daily listeners. According to popular opinions, the typical listener would be a middle or upper class individual, in his fifties, Parisian, a “bobo” therefore by definition from the left-wing (Gustave & Péronnet, 2013). This Master’s thesis questions the nature of the relationship between France Inter listeners and their station, and how does the representation we have of them influence their radio practice? Information on these listeners is almost non-existent. Stuart Hall's theories of reception explain that there is not just one type of listener and not one way to appropriate media content (Hall, 1980). Then, Pierre Bourdieu allows us to deconstruct the received idea that tastes are the fruit of a deliberate choice, taken without external influence (Bourdieu, 1979). The sociologist came to the conclusion that our tastes are shaped by social mechanisms of distinction. Bourdieu’s research led him to establish a theory on social class ; our tastes and cultural practices can help situate us socially. France Inter listeners are put at the center with semi-structured interviews allowing to answer the two research questions: how do France Inter listeners start and keep listening to this station? And how did the representation we have of them influence the development of this listening? Four influences on listening are identified: social, family, societal, political and age. Faced with the representation, our participants disagree because they are basing themselves on their own reality. However, many agree on one point: the intellectual curiosity and the need for education. It is certain that this representation does not have a noticeable impact on their listening. If they receive negative remarks, it will only make them listen even more. For all, this station had and still has a monumental influence. It serves as a clock, a landmark and a daily companion. It affects moods throughout the day, provokes reflections and informs on the world of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

博物館行銷策略研究—以生活型態論推薦博物館之因素 / Study on museum marketing strategies -Life style as a factor of museum recommendation

游冉琪, Yu, Jan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
在強調差異性、多元消費性的現代社會中,如何以豐富多樣的體驗資源,透過生活型態的觀眾研究調查,開拓「一個博物館,多種生活型態」的生活型態行銷策略,是博物館人要面對的時代考驗。為培養博物館目標觀眾並開發潛在觀眾,博物往往透過多種行銷手法與管道,以吸引觀眾的注意與興趣,在相關研究中顯示,口碑建立往往是最有效的行銷方式。因此,透過「口碑行銷」切入分析具影響力的博物館觀眾族群,可做為博物館開發觀眾之重要方式。 本研究以臺北縣立鶯歌陶瓷博物館為研究對象,研究目的旨在瞭解博物館觀眾的生活消費特性,藉此推測博物館可以開發的潛在觀眾屬性,並探究博物館生活型態及對博物館推薦意願強度之關係,以作為博物館訂定行銷策略之方向與設計博物館各項功能的內容。 依據本研究發現,經由因素分析萃取出5個生活型態因素,依其屬性命名為藝文參與、品牌消費、工作成就、文化教育以及家庭流行;再依據5個因素得分透過集群分析,區隔出5個不同生活型態集群,分別命名為「工作熱衷群」、「流行休閒群」、「就學學生群」、「藝文消費群」以及「家庭導向群」。本研究分析結果亦顯示,博物館觀眾可以依據不同的生活型態分成不同的族群,而不同的生活型態族群亦有不同的參觀模式,並對於博物館服務與設施的推薦意願的亦有所差異。 最後根據研究發現,分別依據不同族群生活型態之屬性與博物館推薦意願之差異,提出不同的博物館行銷策略與方案,以提供博物館開發觀眾之參考。 / In this contemporary society where emphasis is placed on differentiation and diversified consumption, it is a test for contemporary museums to conduct audience lifestyle studies with multi-faceted resources, and to explore a lifestyle marketing strategy for ‘one museum, multi lifestyles’. Most museums usually have to conduct various marketing promotions and through different channels to cultivate target audiences and attract potential audiences. Various related studies indicates that word-of-mouth is usually the most effective marketing strategy. Therefore, through ‘word-of-mouth’ to analyze influential audiences could be an important way to explore potential audiences. This study takes Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, to understand the consumption behavior of museum audience, in order to assume the characteristics of potential museum audiences, and to explore the relationship between museum typology and audiences’ willingness to recommend. This will also serve as the basis for future marketing strategy, and to design various museum functions and contents. Based on the findings, five typology elements were extracted through element analysis, namely artistic participation, brand consumption, work achievement, cultural education and family popularity; then through group analysis these five elements were segregated into different lifestyle typologies, namely ‘workaholics’, ‘popular leisure’, ‘students’, ‘cultural activity consumers’, and ‘family-oriented consumers’. The analysis will indicate that museum audiences can be grouped based on lifestyle. Audiences with different lifestyle backgrounds encompass different visiting patterns, and may differ in willingness to recommend museum services and facilities. Finally, based on the findings of this study, we intend to propose different museum marketing strategies based on audience lifestyle, and their willingness to recommend the museum, to serve as future reference as museums targets potential audiences.

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