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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reakcia českých audítorov a regulátorov auditu na finančnú krízu / Response by Czech Auditors and Audit Regulators to the Financial Crisis

Chudá, Tatiana January 2016 (has links)
Auditors play an important role in the reliability of financial statements. Many investors and other financial information users rely on their opinion. During the financial crisis, auditors were critised since they did not warn the markets about financially distressed companies. In our thesis, we examine whether auditors change their behaviour during a financial crisis. Using our collected data for joint stock companies in the Czech Republic, we focus on frequency of modified and going concern opinions, amount of audit and non-audit fees charged by auditors, and audit reporting lag. Our audit fees model showed that there were significantly lower audit fees after the crisis than during the crisis years. The results also suggest that both Big 4 and non-Big 4 auditors increased their frequency of issuing modified opinions (most of which were going concern opinions) during the crisis period. In our logit going concern models for the individual years we observed change of the auditors' behaviour during the crisis years 2008-2010. We have also found out that Big 4 auditors increased their audit reporting lag in 2008 but our overall results suggest that the audit reporting lag was shorter during the crisis.

Caractéristiques du comité d'audit, étendue du reporting sur le contrôle interne et honoraires d'audit / Audit committee characteristics, the extent of internal control reporting and audit fees

Maraghni, Inès 22 February 2017 (has links)
La thèse explore la question de l’efficacité des comités d’audit en France : les comités d’audit jouent-ils effectivement leur rôle ? La problématique de l’efficacité de ces comités dans le processus d’évaluation du gouvernement d’entreprise demeure importante dans le contexte français, où les textes (notamment les recommandations de la 8ème directive) restent très imprécis. Une première partie expose les critères d’efficacité et le fonctionnement général des comités d’audit à partir d’un état de la littérature et d’une étude empirique sur des données secondaires. Nous examinons de façon approfondie les principaux déterminants de la diligence d’un comité d’audit. Ce problème est examiné dans le cadre d’une relation d’agence et d’asymétrie d’information. Ainsi, notre étude dépasse le cadre de la simple existence d’un comité d’audit (purement formel), pour s’intéresser de plus près à la capacité de ces comités à protéger effectivement les intérêts des parties prenantes et ceci en renfonçant la qualité du contrôle interne et celle du processus de l’audit externe. / Corporate governance in France has developed considerably in recent years. The strengthening of governance procedures is illustrated by the creation of audit committees, which today exist in virtually all listed companies. However, the issue of the audit committee’s effectiveness in the corporate governance evaluation process remains significant in the French context, where the texts (particularly the recommendations of the 8th European Directive) continue to lack clarity. This thesis aims to contribute to our understanding of the “black box” of governance procedures by studying the way that the audit committee’s characteristics affect the extent of reporting on internal control and risk management procedures and on audit fees. It emphasizes that the mere existence of an audit committee is not sufficient; it also needs to be effective. To be effective it must have the necessary means (composition, diligence, and resources). This study therefore looks beyond the simple existence of the audit committee (purely formal) and focuses on attributes related to its composition, its diligence, and the diversity of its members in order to more closely examine the audit committee’s ability to protect stakeholder interests. To do this, we analyze 176 non-financial French listed companies during a period when establishing an audit committee was voluntary. The results obtained support previous works advocating that audit committees comply with best practice rules for expertise,independence, and diligence and be comprised of experienced and diverse members. Our results raise several questions on the scope of the transposition into French law of the 8th European Directive.

會計師產業專精、客戶產業特性與審計公費 / Auditor Specialization, Client Industry Characteristics and Audit Fee

鄭景文 Unknown Date (has links)
在市場競爭不斷加劇之環境下,會計師事務所究竟要如何因應?削價競爭固然為一種經營策略,但並非長久之計。過去文獻指出,會計師事務所可藉由發展產業專業化以因應市場競爭,且會計師產業專精對審計公費有正向之影響。然而,過去文獻亦指出客戶產業特性對審計公費訂價有一定之影響力,故本研究目的乃在探討會計師產業專精對審計公費影響力之大小,及是否會計師產業專精對審計公費之影響力會大於客戶產業特性對審計公費之效果。實證結果顯示會計師產業專精與客戶產業特性兩者對審計公費皆有相當之影響力,但客戶產業特性對審計公費訂價之影響較大。另外,在將樣本區分為高科技產業與傳統產業後可發現,會計師在高科技產業之專長對客戶而言較具有價值,產業專精會計師在高科技產業對審計公費訂價之影響力較大、能夠收取較高之審計公費。 / How can accounting firms build up competitive advantages when they face increased competition? One way is to cut costs and decrease prices, but this may not be the best strategy in the long run. Casterella et al.(2004) suggest that product differentiation based on industry expertise may be a more sustainable solution because auditor specialization shows a significantly positive association with audit fees. Prior researches also indicate that client industry characteristics influence audit fees. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to examine whether auditor specialization and client industry characteristics influence audit fees and which one has greater effect. We find evidence that auditor specialization and client industry characteristics both have an influence on audit fees, while client industry characteristics exhibit even greater impacts. Furthermore relative to conventional industries, auditor specialization in high technology industries demonstrates greater value, and contributes to higher audit fees.

Revision i tider av social distansering : En kvantitativ studie av revisionsbranschen under Coronapandemin / Audit in times of social distancing : A quantitative study of the auditing industry during the Corona pandemic

Nordmark, Annie, Willstein, Angelica, Otteborn, Klara January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Revision i tider av social distansering Inledning: En kris är något som påverkar det normala och bidrar till en avvikelse i en organisation. Coronapandemin har bland annat satt krav på implementering av hemarbete och dess strategier. En revisors roll i företaget är att ge en rättvisande bild av företagets finansiella information. Som revisor behöver man säkerställa att man bibehåller den revisionskvalitet som krävs, även i tider av social distansering. Syfte och frågeställning: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om, och hur, den sociala distanseringen, till följd av Coronapandemin, har påverkat kvaliteten på revisorns arbete. Hur har revisionskvaliteten påverkats av de krav som ställts på den sociala distanseringen till följd av Coronapandemin?Hur har följande fem punkter påverkats av Coronapandemin? Revisorsarvode Revisorns lön Fortlevnadsprincipen Revisionsförfarande HumankapitalSkiljer sig resultatet åt ifall man arbetar på “Big Four” eller inte?Teori: Studien bygger på den teoretiska studien gjord av Albitar, Gerged, Kikhia och Hussainey (2020), för att nå ytterligare bredd har även annan forskning bidragit till den teoretiska referensramen. Detta för att undersöka Coronapandemins påverkan på de fem ovan nämnda nyckelaspekter i ett senare stadie av Coronapandemin än den tidigare forskningen av Albitar med flera (2020).Metod: Studien antar ett deduktivt synsätt med inslag av induktion för att få en djupare förståelse kring ämnet. Genomförandet är av kvantitativ karaktär och genomförs genom enkäter med respondenter från revisionsbyråer Sverige över.Slutsats: Studiens resultat påvisar en viss påverkan på branschen till följd av Coronapandemin. Bland annat så har bedömningen om fortlevnad försvåras då framtiden är oviss för många av klienterna. Denna studie påvisar även att revisorsarvoden inte har sänkts till följd av Coronapandemin, inte heller revisorers löneutveckling. Vidare har de krav på digitalisering effektiviserat revisorers arbete som fått implementera andra arbetssätt för att samla in de ekonomiska underlag som krävs för revisionen. Det kan inte, i nuläget, påvisas att revisionskvaliteten påverkats av Coronapandemin. Det framforskade resultatet visar att de som arbetar inom "Big Four" är mer motiverade av lön när det handlar om utfört arbete jämfört med de som inte arbetar inom "Big Four". Resterande punkter skiljer sig inte parterna sig mellan.

Auditor-provided non-audit services in listed and private family firms

Dobler, Michael 11 July 2023 (has links)
Purpose – The aim of this paper is to provide evidence on the extent and the consequences of the provision of non-audit services (NAS) by statutory auditors to German family firms. Design/methodology/approach – The study analyzes hand collected fee data of 368 listed and private family firms in Germany. It employs univariate tests, ordinary least squares and two-stage least squares regressions to investigate potential threats to perceived auditor independence and knowledge spillovers between jointly provided NAS and audit services. Findings – Incumbent auditors are shown to be a significant source of various types of NAS to family firms. There is weak evidence on threats to perceived auditor independence and support for reciprocal knowledge spillovers between the services. While listed and private family firms do not differ in regard to the proportion of NAS fees, comparative findings suggest that key threats and benefits of jointly provided services are more prevalent among private than among listed family firms. Research limitations/implications – The study suffers from limited data availability and is restricted to the initial year of mandatory audit fee disclosure of private firms in Germany. Particularities of family firms and the German setting, as well as differential results for listed and private family firms, suggest fruitful avenues for future research. Practical implications – The study addresses the current issues in audit regulation. Regulatory bodies should consider that key threats and benefits of auditor-provided NAS decrease with stronger exogenous restrictions. Attempts to restrict jointly provided services in the EU suggest family firms to reconsider their reliance on auditors as a trusted source of NAS. Originality/value – This study is the first to provide evidence on the extent and consequences of auditor-provided NAS in family firms based on fee disclosure. It is also among the few studies that investigate private firms in a code law country and complements prior evidence from Germany that is restricted to listed firms. More generally, it contributes to limited evidence at the intersection of audit and family business research.

Revisorernas kostnad av att utge en going concern- varning

Gogani, Roya, Nyrén, Jonathan January 2013 (has links)
De uppgifter som revisorn presenterar i sin revisionsberättelse bör intressenter och företag ha förtroende för. Revisorn ska vara en oberoende länk mellan intressenter och företag. Läsaren förväntar sig finna eventuella ekonomiska problem i årsredovisningen. Detta är dock inte alltid fallet. Det är viktigt att revisorerna kan göra en pålitlig bedömning över företagets möjligheter till fortsatt drift. Beslut om going concern-varning måste grunda sig på oberoende och god kunskap om företagets situation. En felaktig going concern-varning kan orsaka problem och intäktsbortfall för både företaget och revisionsbyrån. Intressenterna kan förlora förtroendet för företaget och företaget kan i sin tur byta revisor. Studien fokuserar på huruvida revisorerna kan vara sparsamma med att utge going concern-varning för att inte riskera att förlora företaget som klient och därmed förlora revisionsintäkter. Därför undersöker studien om det finns ett samband mellan förlorade revisionsarvoden och utfärdandet av en första going concern-varning bland svenska företag. Studien vill också visa ifall en going concern- varning ökar sannolikheten för konkurs den s.k. självuppfyllande profetian. Ett bidrag till tidigare forskning är att studien beaktar revisionsuppdragets längd i förhållande till going concern-varning. Från databasen Affärsdata har 432 företag selekterats ut från bokslutsåret 2009. Av dessa hade 216 erhållit en going concern- varning. Denna testgrupp har sedan jämförts med en kontrollgrupp med samma antal som varit finansiellt stressade men inte erhållit någon varning. Studien har använt SPSS som statistiskt program för att kunna göra önskade beräkningar. Studiens resultat visar at det finns ett samband mellan en första going concern-varning och revisorbyte. Studien visar också att längden på revisionsuppdraget påverkar benägenheten att ge en going concern-varning. Däremot finner undersökningen inte något belägg för den s.k. självuppfyllande profetian. / The information that the auditor provides in their audit report should be valid in the eyes of the stakeholders of the company. The auditor should be the independent link between the company and its stakeholders. When reading the audit report, one expects to find all the possible economic problems identified in it, however this is not always the case. It is crucial that the audit of a company’s going concern is reliable. Decisions regarding going concern-modified opinions should be independent and be based on valid information regarding the company’s economic situation. One faulty going concern-modified opinion can set off a whole range of issues and revenue loss for both the company and the audit firm. Consequently stakeholders can lose their trust in the company resulting in a change of audit firm. This thesis is focused on whether or not auditors might be reluctant to hand out going concern-modified opinions in fear of losing a client and the revenue associated with it. Therefore, the thesis investigates whether or not there is a relationship between lost revenue and the first instance of issuing a going concern-modified opinion for Swedish companies. This thesis is also investigating whether the issuance of a going concern-modified opinion will increase the possibility of the company going bankrupt, the so-called self-fulfilling prophecy. A contribution to the previous research regarding the going concern issue is the consideration of audit tenure. We have used 432 companies with fiscal year 2009 extracted from the database Affärsdata. Out of this selection, 216 had been issued a going concern-modified opinion. This test group is then compared to the control group with the same number of companies that were identified as financially distressed but without receiving a going concern- modified opinion. The thesis has used the statistical program SPSS to complete the calculations needed to complete the analysis. The result shows a positive relationship between the first going concern-modified opinion and the change of audit firms. The period of time the auditing requires also effects the predisposition to issue a going concern-modified opinion. However the study was unable to find any statistical evidence for the so-called self-fulfilling prophecy.

Contribution à l'étude de la qualité de l'audit légal : évaluation de la pertinence des spécificités réglementaires françaises / Contribution to the study of audit quality : evaluation of the suitability of french regulatory features

Chihi, Hamida 03 March 2014 (has links)
La promulgation de la loi de la sécurité financière (LSF) en 2003 a modifié l’architecture institutionnelle et la pratique d’audit en France. Au travers l’adjonction de nouvelles règles imposées par cette loi aux spécificités persistantes depuis 1966 comme le co-commissariat aux comptes et la durée du mandat de six ans, le marché d’audit se montre unique. Cette recherche examine l’impact de cette fusion réglementaire sur la qualité et le coût de l’audit en France. En se basant sur un échantillon composé par 888 observations du SBF 250 sur la période 2005-2010, nous avons révélé l’apport de la rotation des équipes signataires dans la restriction de la discrétion managériale. Outre son avantage dans la promotion de la qualité de l’audit, ce dispositif favorise la négociation à la baisse des honoraires d’audit. Nous avons aussi souligné l’évolution sous forme parabolique de la composante discrétionnaire sur la durée de mandat. En effet, la qualité de l’audit est inférieure pendant la première et la dernière phase de l’engagement. Ce postulat renvoie au renforcement de la compétence dans le temps et l’érosion de l’esprit critique à la fin du mandat. Le décalage, issu de la fusion réglementaire, favorise le maintien du niveau de la qualité élevé sur le marché français. L’association des deux équipes avec des durées auditeur-audité différentes est une contrainte à la discrétion managériale. Toutefois, ce décalage ne doit pas être excessif pour limiter la domination du plus ancien. Cet inconvénient du régime du co-commissariat aux comptes s’est trouvé limité sur le marché français. Nos résultats confirment son efficacité, essentiellement dans le cas d’un collège composé par deux Big 4. / In 2003, the promulgation of the financial security act (LSF) has changed the institutional architecture and audit practice in France. Through the addition of new rules imposed by this act to the persistent specificities since 1966 as the joint audit and tenure of six years, the audit market shows unique. This research examines the impact of this regulatory merger on the quality and the cost of the audit in France. Based on a sample composed by 888 observations of the SBF 250 over the 2005-2010, we found the contribution of rotation audit partners in restricting managerial discretion. Besides its advantage in promoting audit quality, this device supports the negotiation of lower audit fees. We also emphasized the evolution in the parabolic form of the discretionary accruals over tenure. Indeed, the audit quality is lower during the first and last phase of the engagement. This assumption refers to strengthening the skills over time and erosion of critical appraisal at the end of audit tenure. The shift from regulatory fusion helps to maintain the level of high quality on the French market. The combination of the two teams with different listener-audited tenures is a constraint to managerial discretion. However, this shift should not be excessive to limit the oldest’ domination. This drawback of the system of joint audits is limited in the French market. Our results confirm its effectiveness, mainly in the case of two Big 4.

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