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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kreditbedömning ur kreditgivarens synvinkel : - Den hårda och mjuka informationens betydelse vid kreditbedömning av små och medelstora företag i Sverige

Larsson, Stina, Högdahl, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Tidigare studier har identifierat två olika typer av information som kreditgivarna tar del av för att avgöra om kredittagaren är kapabel att betala sina skulder och fullfölja sina förpliktelser, transaktionsorienterad och relationsorienterad information (Rad et al., 2013; Gray et al., 2006). Dessa två huvudgrupper av information delas upp i olika bedömningsgrunder somSvensson (2003) presenterar i en analysmodell som används som grund för denna studies föreställningsram. Kreditbedömningen baseras till stor del på den finansiella informationen som ingår i den transaktionsorienterade informationen och som finns att tillgå i årsredovisningen. Årsredovisningen är dock en statisk presentation av företaget (Svensson, 2003) och bör därför kompletteras med ytterligare information.Kreditvärdighetsbedömningen sker utifrån företagets fortlevnad, företagets säkerheter och dess framtida värde, där säkerheter är tillgångar ställda som garantier under kredittiden. Dessa ställda säkerheter får ett säkrare värde om företaget har revisor. Med lagändringen som trädde i kraft i november 2010, som resulterade i en avreglering för revisionsplikten för mindre bolag i Sverige, har drygt 40 % av dagens ca 400 000 aktiebolag ingen revisor (Spängs, 2014).Syftet med uppsatsen var att utvärdera och beskriva vilken betydelse hård och mjuk information har för institutionella kreditgivare vid kreditbedömning av små och medelstora företag i Sverige. Vidare var syftet att utvärdera av vilken vikt det är att den transaktionsorienterade informationen är kvalitetssäkrad genom revision. För att uppfylla syftet med studien har en kvantitativ metod med deduktiv ansats använts, där primärdatainsamlats med hjälp av en webbaserad enkät riktad till företagsrådgivare inom bankväsendet som ligger till grund för empirin i denna studie. Det empiriska materialet har sedan analyserats mot sekundärdata som insamlats från vetenskapliga artiklar, litteratur och svenska lagar.Resultatet visar att kreditbedömningen av små och medelstora företag utifrån studiens urval styrker tidigare studier inom området och resultatet tyder på att revision för att kvalitetssäkra den finansiella informationen inte har avgörande roll för kreditbedömningen. Relationsorienterad information används vid kreditbedömning, men nyttjas inte i samma utsträckning som den transaktionsorienterade. (Rad et al., 2013; Gómez-Guillamón, 2003) / Previous studies have identified two different types of information that lenders uses to decide if the borrower is able to pay its debts and fulfil their obligations, transaction-oriented and relationship-oriented information (Rad et al., 2013; Gray et al., 2006). These two main groups of information is divided into different assessment bases, Svensson (2003) presents ananalysis model that is used as the base for this study. Credit assessment is based on the financial information included in the transactional information that is available in the annual report. The annual report is, according to Svensson (2003), a static presentation of the company and should therefore be supplemented with additional information.Creditworthiness is based on the chance of going concern, the company's assets and its future value, where the collateral assets are pledged as guarantees during the credit period. These collateral assets get a more curtain value by the company's auditor. With the amendment which came into force in November 2010, which resulted in a settlement of audit requirementfor smaller companies in Sweden, has just over 40% of today's 400 000 incorporated companies no auditor (Spängs, 2014).The purpose of this paper was to evaluate and describe the significance that accountant information and relations has for institutional lenders in credit rating of SME’s in Sweden. A further purpose was to evaluate the importance of the assurance that the auditing of the transactional information provides. To fulfil the purpose of the study a quantitative method of deductive approach was used, where primary data collected through a web-based surveyaimed at business advisers within the banking system as the basis for empirical data in this study. The empirical data were then analyzed against secondary data collected from scientific articles, literature and Swedish laws.The result shows that the credit assessment of SME’s based on the study sample, evidence of previous studies in the subject and the results indicate that the auditing in ensuring the quality of the financial information not is crucial in the credit assessment. Relationship-oriented information is also used in the credit rating, but is not utilized to the extent as the transactionoriented information. (Rad et al., 2013; Gómez-Guillamón, 2003)

Revisionsberättelser under en pandemi : En kvantitativ studie om finansiella faktorers samband med orena revisionsberättelser / Audit reports during a pandemic : A quantitative study on the relationship of financial factors with qualified audit reports

Lindahl, Rebecca, Johansson, Emma January 2022 (has links)
I mars 2020 informerade Folkhälsomyndigheten om en global pandemi. Arbetsgivare tvingades uppmana sina medarbetare att arbeta hemifrån vilket bland annat påverkade revisorernas arbetssätt. Revisorernas främsta uppgift är att kontrollera och granska företags redovisning för att sedan uttala sig i en revisionsberättelse, vilket försvårats under pandemin i och med distansarbete. Tidigare forskning påvisar att försämrade nyckeltal har ett samband med orena revisionsberättelser. Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning följande faktorer har en påverkan på förekomsten av orena revisionsberättelser innan och under en pandemi; soliditet, räntabilitet på totalt kapital, rörelsemarginal, kassalikviditet och förlust föregående år. Genom en kvantitativ undersökning har data hämtats från 477 svenska noterade mikro, små, medel och stora företags årsredovisningar. Genom t-test och multipel regression har fem variabler undersökts för att finna sambandet med orena revisionsberättelser. Hypoteser har ställts upp för respektive variabel och dess samband med orena revisionsberättelser. Regressionsanalysen visar att ju lägre räntabilitet på totalt kapital, desto större är sannolikheten att erhålla en oren revisionsberättelse. Går företag med förlust tidigare år är sannolikheten större att erhålla en oren revisionsberättelser än de företag som inte gått med förlust. Studien visar inte på något signifikant samband mellan lägre soliditet, rörelsemarginal samt kassalikviditet och en högre sannolikhet att erhålla en oren revisionsberättelse. / In March 2020, the Public Health Agency of Sweden announced a global pandemic. Managers were forced to encourage their employees to work from home, which, among other things, affected the auditors' way of working. The auditors' main task is to check and review companies' accounting and then make a statement in an audit report, which has been made more difficult during the pandemic due to teleworking. Previous research shows that deteriorating key ratios are associated with qualified audit reports. The purpose of the study is to investigate the extent to which the following factors have an impact on the occurrence of qualified audit reports, before and during a pandemic; equity ratio, return on total capital, operating margin, cash liquidity and loss in the previous year. Through a quantitative survey, data has been obtained from the annual reports of 477 Swedish listed micro, small, medium and large companies. Through independent sample t-test and multiple regression, five variables have been examined to find the relationship with qualified audit reports. Hypotheses have been set up for each variable and its relationship with qualified audit reports. The regression analysis shows that the lower the return on total capital, the greater the probability of obtaining a qualified audit report. If the company makes a loss in previous years, the company is more likely to receive a qualified audit report than the companies that did not make a loss. The study does not show any significant relationship between lower equity ratio, operating margin or cash liquidity and a higher probability of obtaining any qualified audit reports. This paper is written in Swedish.

Systém procesních auditů v oblasti zdravotnického průmyslu / The System of Process Audits for Medical Industry

Pokorná, Klára January 2010 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the area of conducting process audits in a large multinational corporation focused on manufacturing and distribution of medical devices, which has a subsidiary in the Czech Republic. The thesis discusses the analysis of the current set up of the internal audits‘ system in the corporation and there are changes of the quality system being proposed on the basis of the analysis, whose aim is to achieve a full compliance with the requirements of the US administration FDA, the standard ISO 13485 as well as the recent requirements on performing process audits. The emphasis is also put on the setting of the system such that it provides the highest possible added value for its users, can be easily implemented in practice and is flexible as well.

Fostering a framework to embed the records management function into the auditing process in the South Africa public sector

Ngoepe, Mpho Solomon 11 1900 (has links)
Proper records management plays a significant role in the auditing process, risk management and wider corporate governance. Despite this role, in South Africa, many governmental bodies are issued with disclaimer reports every year by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) due to a lack of supporting documentation. This problem is exacerbated by the exclusion of records management from the criteria for a sound financial management infrastructure in many governmental bodies. The other dilemma is that some records such as financial records, personnel records and electronic records usually fall outside the jurisdiction of the organisation’s records manager. Utilising the King Report III as a framework, this study sought to develop a framework to embed records management practices into the auditing process in the public sector of South Africa, with a view to entrench a culture of clean audits. The study relied on mixed methods research (MMR), with the quantitative study conducted first through informetrics analysis of audit reports, while the qualitative paradigm was used to substantiate numerical data. Data collection adopted a multi-approach with four key sources of data: a questionnaire, interviews, literature review and publicly available data from the consolidated general reports of AGSA. The study revealed that most governmental bodies have established internal audit units, audit committees and records management units, which did not work in unison. In most governmental bodies records management did not form part of the audit scope and records management professionals were not part of the audit committees. As a result, most governmental bodies continued to receive negative audit opinions from AGSA. The study recommends that records management community should utilise auditing and risk management as a springboard to propel records management to the new heights. A further empirical study on the role of auditing and risk management in records management that embraces both the private and public sectors is recommended. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

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