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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Open education : a definition and an exploratory survey of some ACT teachers and parents attitudes

Coates, Jim, n/a January 1980 (has links)
PART I Open education is defined operationally in terms of the Roland Earths (1971) open education scale plus Bob Young's curriculum scale based upon Basil Bernstein's classification of educational knowledge (collected versus integrated codes). Young's scale on the organization of curriculum knowledge is considered to make explicit ideas partially implicit in the Barth Scale as well as adding a new dimension. This definition of open education has three unifying closely related principles: (i) respect for students as persons (ii) a view of knowledge being in part a personal construct (iii) the extent by which the contents of the curriculum stand in open relation to each other. The limitations of the study and its relevance to ACT schools are stated. The literature on open education is reviewed and criticism is examined. The most important writers on open education influencing the development of the authors ideas were - Roland Barth, Tinsley Beck, Basil Bernstein, Hugh Petrie, Herbert Walberg and Susan Christie Thomas, and Bob Young. PART II A short personal history of the study is given. This outlines the development of the author's ideas and explains how the survey was conducted (plus its problems). An extensive analysis of the survey data was undertaken in terms of ten research questions posed. These related to:- (i) characteristics of respondents (ii) representativeness of the samples (iii) reliability of the instruments (Barth, Young) (iv) unity of the total Barth-Young scale (v) differences between primary teachers, secondary teachers and parents' responses (vi) factorial composition of the scales (vii) a comparison of the logical and factorial dimensions of the scales (viii) comments of respondents (ix) implications of the research (x) further research required. In general the survey data was consistent with the theory in Part I, though it also indicated there was a need for further development of the Barth-Young Scale.

Understanding the organization of volunteers at visitor attractions

Edwards, Deborah, University of Western Sydney, College of Law and Business, School of Management January 2005 (has links)
This thesis investigates how volunteers are organized at visitor attractions. It focuses on museums and art museums; non-profit institutions that manage large volunteer programs. The study addresses five important issues : 1/ in what context do museums and art museums operate; 2/ why people are motivated to volunteer for these institutions; 3/ what is the extent to which the institution interacts with its external environment and how this affects organizing routines of volunteers; 4/ what is the relationship between volunteer motivation, interest dissatisfaction and value commitments; and 5/ how this understanding can result in the better management of volunteers. Two attractions in New South Wales and one in the Australian Capital Territory were investigated. The author collected data on field activities of volunteer managers and coordinators, and administered a questionnaire to the total population of volunteers in these three attractions. The thesis contributes to a more holistic understanding of volunteers that offers a critical theoretical extension to tourism, institutional and neo-institutional literature. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

House museums as sites of memory

Webber, Susan, n/a January 2005 (has links)
Houses and the objects within them stand as tangible symbols of human memory. Some memories are created unconsciously in day-to-day living; others are consciously attached to objects that are cherished as symbols of other places, relatives and friends. Memories may seem to be lost until they are rediscovered in moment of involuntary recall, triggered by an object, a smell or taste. The purpose of this research project is to investigate the memory experiences of visitors to a house museum; what they do with those experiences and how important they are to them. Forty adult visitors to Calthorpes' House in the ACT were interviewed using the focused interview technique with a framework of questions that allowed for a conversational style and additional questions. The interviews were recorded and later transcribed. The results showed that all visitors reported experiencing memories during their visit to Calthorpes' House. Many people found those experiences enjoyable and wanted to share them with others. These findings are important because they can inform the set-up, interpretation and publicity of house museums in ways which will attract new visitors and help to engage with visitors' interests when they visit house museums.


McKenzie, Anna, n/a January 2008 (has links)
ACT Year 9 Exhibitions Program aligns curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in the design and implementation of rich learning tasks, which are focussed on transdisciplinary, problem-based, community-centred issues. It provides an authentic assessment model through a panel assessment process of demonstrated student achievement. This case study research examines the uptake of an Exhibitions approach in three ACT high schools. It discovers, through their own telling, what inspires commitment by participants to the program and the ways that they measure success. The study draws on a rich data set of narrative inquiry and semi-structured interviews with teachers and students from the case study schools. Analysis of the 'lived experiences' of the participants indicates that how individuals profit by the program is determined by five critical factors which are realized differently for them. Further, for the Year 9 Student Exhibitions Program to succeed in meeting its goals of providing for teacher renewal and improved student learning outcomes, and of promoting high school reform, certain conditions must prevail. These conditions converge around the support afforded teachers to build their capacity for curriculum and pedagogical change, and the opportunities for engagement and agency of both teachers and students in the design of the Exhibition task and its implementation. This study investigates the realities of implementing change in schools and its findings augment what theorists would predict for school change. It indicates that the extent to which Exhibitions can drive a wedge into the 'business-as-usual' approach of the ACT's more traditional high schools, and provide an alternative view of what it means to educate for the 21st century, depends ultimately upon the human and structural conditions created in the school, and the authenticity of the approach to uptake. This study contains important recommendations for government and education systems alike as they pursue school change.

Usefulness of Macroinvertebrates for In Situ Testing of Water Quality

Oswald, Louisa Jane, n/a January 2008 (has links)
For various reasons, existing methods for the assessment of aquatic pollution do not always adequately address the way in which contaminants affect receiving environments and their component ecosystems. The main advantage of biological assessment over the measurements of physical and chemical aspects of water quality is that biota provide an integrated response to all prevailing influences in their environment. Biological assessment protocols have been developed for a range of test organisms, from bacteria to mammals using measurement from molecular biomarkers to indicators at the population or community level of organisation. Macroinvertebrates in particular have been popular for ecological assessment of habitat and water quality because they are small and straight forward to sample and identify using relatively simple and inexpensive equipment and readily available taxonomic keys. However, various biological assessment techniques also have their limitations. Field-based assessment of biological communities does not provide direct evidence to determine underlying causal relationships, while laboratory or mesocosm toxicity tests are criticised for their limited ability to extrapolate to natural field conditions. To help bridge the gap, this thesis aims to investigate the efficacy of using caged macroinvertebrates in situ to assess the ecological condition of aquatic environments, and whether a causal relationship can be established when macroinvertebrates are deployed in situ at sites known to have impaired water quality. Endpoints employed in this thesis include survival, measurements of morphology (as a surrogate for growth) and condition and, for trials assessing sites that receive mine drainage, the tissue concentration of certain trace metals. Development of an in situ approach to water quality monitoring and assessment will potentially provide methods for use by resource managers, community groups and aquatic researchers that are less expensive and faster to run than existing methods and will complement other approaches employed in the assessment of water quality. In situ testing of water quality using macroinvertebrates requires the collection, handling, caging, deployment and retrieval of test organisms at sites of suspected pollutant impact. As such procedural factors may affect test organisms and potentially confound their responses, it is important to consider and understand as many of these factors as possible. Aquatic macroinvertebrates held in finer mesh cages had larger heads than in coarser mesh cages. This was likely due to increased substrate available for growth of epilithon and periphyton on which the caged organisms could graze. Caging density had no effect on amphipod mortality over the trial period, however, individuals held at higher densities increased in size (as indicated by longer dorsal lengths) more than those held at lower or intermediate densities. Temporary storage of test organisms in laboratory aquaria may facilitate the collection of abundances required for in situ trials, however, tanked individuals were smaller and had lower biomasses than individuals collected and deployed immediately. While this is likely to result from differences in feeding during the storage period, it is also possible that tank storage and the ?double handling? deleteriously affected them, or reduced their tolerance. The effects of transplanting macroinvertebrates between sites varied considerably depending on the characteristics of "source" and "transplant" sites. Certain taxa suffered marked mortality within 24 hours even at their source site, indicating an adverse effect of the caging itself, or perhaps via the change in food, shelter or microclimate which could potentially render them unsuitable as test organisms in caging studies. Other taxa did not differ in survival or body size when relocated between sites, with some evidence of increased growth at sites dissimilar from their source site. In general, organisms relocated to sites that are "similar" to their source environment performed less well at the transplant site. However, organisms transplanted to "dissimilar" sites were found to be bigger than those caged and deployed back to the source site. When employed to assess known pollution scenarios in and around Canberra, macroinvertebrate responses were, in some instances, able to be linked to specific environmental parameters or combinations thereof. In Case Study 1, findings varied in relation to the response endpoint being examined, and between test species, although concentrations of metals were significantly higher in tissue of macroinvertebrates deployed at the impact site downstream of the abandoned Captains Flat mine and increased with time exposed. In Case Study 2, freshwater shrimp suffered significant mortality within 24 hours of deployment at the impact sites, with larger individuals more susceptible at sites receiving urban stormwater runoff. While various biological effects were most closely correlated with ammonia concentrations at the site, different body size endpoints were affected in opposite ways. In Case Study 3, body size endpoints for one test organism varied consistently with respect to site and time factors, but none of the changes could be linked to any of the environmental data collected. Response variables for a different test species also indicated significant effects arising from both deployment site and time, however, each endpoint responded in a different way to the treatment factors, and aligned with different combinations of environmental data. In general, linking of macroinvertebrate responses with environmental data was difficult because of the high variability in the environmental data. However, it was further complicated by the mismatch in the level of replication between the two datasets. As a consequence of this, the macroinvertebrate data had to be collapsed to a lower level for comparison with the environmental data, resulting in a loss of natural variability and analytical power. Since only the strongest treatment effects, which could be detected above the background "noise", were detected and modelled against the environmental data, it is possible that other "cause" and "effect" relationships may have been overlooked. From these results, it is clear that many macroinvertebrate taxa are suitable for use as bioindicators in in situ trials, but that criteria used for selection of test species should definitely include more than just impact-sensitivity and abundance. However, there are several aspects associated with the experimental set up of field-based protocols involving caged macroinvertebrates that may limit their usefulness as a rapid and reliable bioassessment tool, and need to be considered when designing and undertaking these kinds of trials. It is also apparent that choice of endpoint can greatly influence conclusions, with detection of treatment effects reported in this thesis varying greatly depending on which morphological endpoint was examined. This study clearly demonstrated that there may be significant difficulties in establishing causal relationships between environmental data and biotic responses of macroinvertebrates deployed under field conditions. However, it has also shown that deployment of caged macroinvertebrates in situ may assist in the determination of biological effects arising from impaired water quality, which can then serve as the basis for more focussed laboratory or mesocosm studies in which environmental conditions can be more readily controlled or monitored.

An investigation into the factors contributing to success in university undergraduate computing courses

Baskett, J L, Jo.Baskett@canberra.edu.au January 1994 (has links)
This study investigated whether a predictive tool developed by authors in the United States (Konvalina, Stephens and Wileman) could be used with University students in Australia (in particular the Australian Capital Territory) to predict their success in first year University computing courses. It also investigated the effect of demographic and past academic factors in conjunction with, and instead of the predictive test. The study examined differences in performance between male/female students, English as a Second Language (ESL)/non-ESL students and full-time/part-time students. It also examined the effect of all the above factors on the continuing success of students in the course. While significant differences in first-time performance were found between ESL and non- ESL students, no differences were found between the other pairings. No differences were found between any of the groups in the continuing success in the course. The KSW Test, while being an indicator of first year success, was not a strong enough model to be able to be used as a predictive tool. The demographic and previous academic data from students recently at High School, in particular, the Tertiary Entrance Score, level of mathematics studied, and previous computing study, were found to be more useful as an indicator of success in fust year, explaining 53% of the variation in h a 1 unit score. In addition, 67% of the variation in continuing success in their course was also explained by the Tertiary Entrance Score, ASAT verbal and ASAT quantitative scores.

Organisational communication in a large Canberra club: a case study of the Canberra Southern Cross Club

Poroch, Nerelle, n/a January 1996 (has links)
This study is primarily concerned with organisational communication in a large Canberra Licensed Club. Through a case study approach, it explores how effectively the Canberra Southern Cross Club communicates with its staff and its membership within the framework of its own unique culture. At the same time the Club is exposed to social, economic and technological changes which all have an impact on the Club's culture. Using historical research and interview and survey data, the author shows how the Club's unique sense of place and definition has set it apart from other Licensed Clubs in the significant emphasis it places on community assistance and involvement, and the strong commitment to female and family membership. The nature of the organisational culture is such that the staff have responded to the needs of the Club culture in attaining high performance standards. The membership is the highest of any Licensed Club in Canberra. Members interviewed in the study expressed a sense of belonging to the Southern Cross Club, so important in an environment where there is evidence of break down of social cohesiveness at the local community level. This is due to the social interaction of the Club's social and sports groups which act as informal communications networks for the Club members. The Club has also developed the characteristic of remaining close to the members in learning what they want and of catering to them with the result that it has enjoyed productivity, profitability and stability over a long period of time. The culture of the Club has been influenced by various changes, particularly since the late 1970s. Flow-on benefits have occurred for members in the way the Club has managed these changes which has resulted in the adoption of a more commercial and innovative approach. This has enabled the Southern Cross Club to keep pace with other large Licensed Clubs in the industry. However, it has not compromised the Club's attitude towards the family and the dignity of the individual. Its strong commitment to providing opportunities for social interaction is a facet of club life not always appreciated by the wider community.

Teachers and the use of computers in four ACT non-government primary schools

Williamson, Janet, n/a January 1994 (has links)
The case studies carried out in four non-government primary schools in the ACT aimed to look at the way teachers were using computers in classrooms in order to shed light on the factors which may determine how teachers chose to use computers to enhance learning. The case study method allowed the researcher to use triangulation to provide in-depth information about the processes involved in the delivery of a lesson using a computer. The findings were positive in that more than half of the teachers were found to be using computers at a high level of adoption, predominantly running simulation programs. In most schools, this was in spite of either hardware or software constraints, inadequate professional development opportunities or administrative obstacles. Whether the teachers taught in a laboratory or had one computer in the classroom did not seem to retard their enthusiasm for finding the best strategies to effectively integrate computer use. Cooperative learning strategies had been adopted by most of the teachers so their transition to computer use was made easier since their students had already been 'routinised'.The data also pointed to formal Computer Education as a possible determinant of a high level computer user. However, research on a wider scale would be needed to validate the result. Differences in the way classes were managed in a onecomputer classroom and a laboratory were evident. Teachers spent most time with those students working away from the computer in the one-computer classroom and most time with those working at the computer in the laboratory setting. Methods of evaluation were shown to be necessarily different depending on whether work was carried out in a laboratory or a one-computer classroom. Finally, the study pointed to the need for non-government schools and system managers to begin long-term planning for hardware and software purchase and resource management in order to provide teachers with the tools needed to integrate computer use effectively. Such planning would need to include provision for professional development.

Understanding teachers' responses to educational change in ACT high schools: developing professional voice and identity

Overton, Deidre, n/a January 2004 (has links)
This research identifies those practices and/or conditions that facilitate (or hinder) school and/or system based innovation in ACT high schools. It examines teachers� ways of making meaning of change in their working lives. It draws on narrative inquiry and teacher in-depth interviews. The work story is used to engage teachers� individual agency as a way to conceptualise the requirements of innovation. The data is represented as teachers� narrative categorized as the Red Hots and Unfreezables. The primary themes or motifs emerging in the teachers� talk�teacher agency, resistance and leadership�provide collective insight into teachers� working lives and the capacity of schools to cope with change. Analyses of the �lived experiences� of teachers suggest that innovative practice is linked to teacher agency and the presence of professional learning communities, and that those leading change must focus on the realities of the teachers implementing change. This study also explores the culture of teacher resistance, supporting the research that school cultures are characteristically and strongly resistant to change from within the organization. As a result of this study, we have an improved understanding of the conditions that contribute to effective school change, and the importance for teachers to conduct their own research. This study contains important recommendations for governments and education systems implementing change initiatives.

Research into the quality of the teaching environment for adult learners

Freeman, Maureen, n/a January 1993 (has links)
In this decade, the drive to improve the quality of learning environments at all levels has gathered pace, and accountability of providers has become a byword, particularly in secondary and tertiary educational institutions. In this process of meeting societal needs, the teacher's role is crucial to the provision of optimal conditions for learning. Teachers' adaptation to the changing clientele and technologies of the 1990's, also demands their flexibility and preparedness to contemplate anew their role in the learning transaction. Gage (1963) posed three topical questions about teaching: how do teachers behave, why do they behave as they do and what are the effects of their behaviour? The information gained by examining three types of variables, is required to answer these questions, the most central to research on teaching, is teaching behaviour, or the process of teaching. Secondly, there are the causes or determinants of those behaviours or processes and finally, there are the effects or consequences of the teaching behaviours or processes (Dunkin,1986). This research into teaching behaviours, conducted in three institutes of Technical and Further Education in the A.C.T., seeks to determine the quality of teaching for adult learners and the nature of the learning environment in TAFE. The design of the study incorporates comprehensive multi-variate instruments and a triangulating approach to data collection. In particular, a factor analysis of student questionnaires evaluates the main factors operant in the classrooms of the selected tertiary environments. The nature of the teaching behaviours and the contingent learning climate, enabled further conclusions to be drawn about the implications of these behaviours for adult learners eg. teacher expectancies, not found hitherto evaluated in a tertiary context.

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