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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What needs a Leader? : Communication and Emotional Intelligence as the prospective Abilities of the True Leadership Philosophy.

Ganster, Birgit, Unterberger, Stefan January 2012 (has links)
Perception of today’s business is characterized through movements on globalization, transnational companies and global networks across the whole world. The perspective of a leader in the field of acting has moved from a national to a multinational level. Also the abilities and skills which are needed to develop further in order to succeed in this global transformation have changed. This thesis project, entitled ‘What needs a leader?, will touch upon these prospective abilities and skills. In the growing global economy the abilities as a prospective leader must continually develop. It seems to us that leading and not managing people is the first approach in direction of efficient leadership. Lead- ership and Management cannot be compared; one is about people, and the other one is about facts. Thus, in our thesis we take this as a challenge to develop the component of leadership further and want to explore which specific skills are needed. Communication and emotional intelligence are two fields of knowledge, which have received a great deal of focus in this research field high. Thus, only a few researches have concentrated their research on both fields of knowledge as a powerful leadership tool. Our thesis discusses the relevance of communication aligned with emotional intelligence as an efficient leadership tool in today's global networked society.

Mysiga Gamla Linköping : Det konstruerade kulturarvets historieanspråk och dess autenticitet / Cosy Old Linköping : The constructed cultural heritage historical claims and its authenticity

Nyman, Mikaela January 2012 (has links)
Denna studie diskuterar hur kulturarv, i detta fall Friluftsmuseet Gamla Linköping, är uppbyggt och hur dess utformning gör att anspråk på historisk representation och autenticitet. De tre män som deltog som informanter i denna studie vet att Gamla Linköping är konstruerad genom omlokalisering av gamla byggnader till platsen, vilket skapar bilden av en liten stad i början av 1900-talet. Under intervjuerna med informanterna, frågade jag om de upplever Gamla Linköping som antingen ett museum eller en stadsdel - och svaret var komplex. I huvudsak ansåg informanterna att Gamla Linköping är ett levande samhälle som illustrerar det förflutna. Jag har genomfört denna studie genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och deltagande observationer på Adventsmarknaden i Gamla Linköping. Genom de deltagande observationerna på Adventsmarknaden blev det möjligt för informanterna att fortsätta reflektionen över vad och hur de uppfattar vara representativ och autentiskt i förhållande till Gamla Linköping miljön. Studien är indelad i fyra delar; Museum eller stadsdel?, Dåtiden i nutiden, Adventsmarknaden, Kulturarv - för vem?. I denna studie har jag diskuterat det faktum att alla kulturarv produceras av olika samtida maktcentra. Det innebär att kulturarv inte är något naturgivet objekt som i sig själv har ett värde – utan genom samtidens normer tillägnas vissa historiska kulturella uttryck värden och konstruerar subjektiva kulturarv. / This study has discussed how cultural heritage, in this case the museum Old Linköping, is constructed and how its design makes claim to historical representation and authenticity. The three men who participated as informants in this study know that Old Linköping is constructed through the relocation of old buildings to the site, thus creating the image of a small town in the early 1900's. During the interviews with informants, I asked the question if they experience Old Linköping as either a museum or a district - and the answer was complex. In essence, the informants generally held view that Old Linköping will be a living community that illustrates the past. I have conducted this study through semi-structured interviews and participant observations on the Advent market in Old Linköping. Through participant observation in the Advent market, it became possible for the informants to continue to reflect on what and how they perceive to be representative and authentic in relation to the Old Linköping environment. The study is divided into four parts; Museum or district?, Past in the present, Advent Market, Heritage - for whom?. In this study, I have discussed the fact that all cultural heritages are produced by various contemporary centers of power. This means that cultural heritage is not something given by nature but by current standards are directed toward certain historical cultural expressions of values and constructs a subjective cultural heritage.

Do Individual Differences in Authenticity Influence the Magnitude and Affective Consequences of Self-Discrepancies?

Franzese, Alexis T. January 2011 (has links)
<p>Theories of self-regulation address the continuous process in which individuals compare their behavior to salient goals or standards. Two well-known theories of self-regulation, self-discrepancy theory (SDT) and regulatory focus theory (RFT), each make distinctions regarding the types of standards and goals in reference to which individuals self-regulate. Authenticity--the idea of being one's true self--has the potential to influence the kinds of goals or standards that individuals come to possess and may have implications for understanding the outcomes of self-regulatory processes. This research links the construct of authenticity with SDT and RFT, emphasizing how individual differences in authenticity could influence the motivational and affective consequences of self-regulation predicted within each theory. Individual differences in authenticity were expected to influence the nature of the goals and standards that individuals hold, as well as the acute and chronic affective consequences of discrepancies between the actual self and the ideal and ought self-guides respectively. Specifically, individual differences in authenticity were expected to predict magnitude of actual:ideal and actual:ought self-discrepancy as well as the intensity of distress that individuals report (acutely as well as chronically) in association with self-discrepancies. More importantly, self-discrepancies were expected to be less prevalent among individuals high in authenticity, but more distressing among high-authenticity individuals than among individuals with lower levels of authenticity. The results of this research suggest that individual differences in authentic behavior do have a direct influence on both acute and chronic affect. Authenticity was found to interact with self-discrepancies in predicting chronic affect. Authenticity has a unique role in the process of self-regulation, distinct from the contributions of SDT and RFT.</p> / Dissertation

Relationships Between Courage, Self-construals And Other Associated Variables

Yalcindag, Bilge 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
As an age old virtue, courage has been linked to several characteristics / however, the number of empirical studies discussing these linkages is few. Also, the literature lacks a proper self report measure of courage. With these voids in mind, the aims of the present research are threefold: a) to develop a new scale to measure courage which has been mostly understood in terms of being able to present oneself in a genuine way, perseverance under difficult circumstances, and pursuit of morally right behavior / b) to investigate self related differences in courage within the context of Balanced Integration and Differentiation (BID) Model of self (imamoglu, 2003) and c) to explore the relationship between courage and other proposed related constructs. A set of questionnaires including the Courage Scale, BID Scale (imamoglu, 1998), Battery of Interpersonal Capabilities (Paulhus, &amp / Martin 1988), Moral Courage Scale (Bronstein et al, 2007), Short Form of Authenticity Scale (imamoglu et al, 2009), Hope Scale (Snyder et al, 1991), and Voice Scale (Van Dyne, &amp / LePine, 1998) have been administered to 313 university students (182 female, 127 males and 4 not specified). Results suggested that the newly developed Courage Scale had acceptable levels of internal consistency. Also, it showed converging patterns with Moral Courage Scale which is a more specific measure of the concept throughout different analyses. In congruence with the literature, courage was positively correlated with voice behavior and certain personality characteristics such as self-confidence, assertiveness or honesty. Based on the results, it was concluded that people who have balanced and separated-individuated selves (i.e. who had satisfied both individuational and relational needs and who had satisfied only individuational need, respectively) had higher scores of courage than other self types indicating the importance of intrapersonal developmental orientation for courage. However, both individuation and relatedness were powerful predictors of courage in regression analyses. Results involving a proposed model of courage as a latent variable (predicted by the Courage and Moral Courage Scales) indicated that relatedness, individuation and hope predicted courage indirectly through the mediation of authenticity while the latter two variables also predicted it directly. The study contributed to the literature by exploring the role of self on courage for the first time, by specifying various empirical relationships among concepts that are regarded close to courage and by suggesting a model of courage. The results were discussed in terms of limitations and suggestions as well.

The Analysis Of Alienation [entfremdung] In Being And Time From A Marxist Perspective

Keskin, Eda 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the problem of human being&rsquo / s alienation from its own Self, society, species-being, objects (products) and labour, which occurs in capitalist modernity through the formation of mass cultures, is analyzed in the conceptual context of Being and Time. In this respect, it is discussed that Heideggerian philosophy is not at odds with Marxism in contrast to Theodor W. Adorno&rsquo / s arguments in The Jargon of Authenticity. Additionally, the claim of this study is that Heidegger&rsquo / s ontologico-existential philosophy can be effective in the analysis and solution of the problem with regard to some socio-psychological causes and effects of alienation in which the method of political economy can remain inadequate. In particular, Dasein&rsquo / s free and authentic self-understanding which gets rid of the suppressive authority of publicness and the ontological Being-with Others in society in harmony with nature can introduce a revolutionary perspective into the problem of alienation. In this context, the similarities in the approaches of Marx and Heidegger on the modes of alienation are stated and the concept of alienation [Entfremdung] in Being and Time is discussed in relation to Marxist conceptions and the relevant concepts in Being and Time.

Jag och mitt fanskap : vad musik kan betyda för människor

Kjellander, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation aims to find further understanding of how people with special interest in a certain artist utilise music and the fact that they are fans in their everyday lives. I have opted to study two fans included in each group selected for this study: Kiss, Status Quo and Lasse Stefanz, one male and one female fan belonging to each respective group. I have worked according to grounded theory as a method, and through an analysis of their musical life stories, I have attempted to identify why they became fans and how them being fans has affected them in their lives. Four categories, fandom as: a marker of identity, socialisation, a form of self therapy and a pseudo religion and the core category authenticity usage show the results of the study. The categories show that to a large extent it all comes down to the musical identity of these people, i.e. the identity of being a fan, and their experiences of being fans. They have been socialised into a specific genre, which has meant increased interest in a specific artist. Family, media and friends have all played a part in this socialisation. The informants have developed cultural competence as concerns their idols, although they have also gained the subcultural capital resources required in order to come across as credible fans. Various kinds of experiences offer meaning and nourish the fans. Security and stability in everyday lives are also contributing factors to them being fans and the music offers them something that they are unable to acquire from elsewhere. They have established different strategies in order to be able to be fans, one of these being legitimacy. A vital part of this legitimacy consists in them viewing the bands as authentic, i.e. important. / <p>Eva Kjellander är också affilierad med Linné-universitetet</p>

Orientalisk dans i Stockholm : Femininiteter, möjligheter och begränsningar / Middle Eastern Dance in Stockholm : Femininities, possibilities and limitations

Högström, Karin January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to describe and analyze the practice and meaning of Middle Eastern dance through the study of a number of performers in Stockholm. In particular, this study emphasises the ways in which the performers seek, create and defend values such as femininity, authenticity, empowerment and respectability in and through their dancing. Data for this study consists of field notes from participant observation in dance classes, festivals and gatherings; in-depth interviews and written material, such as leaflets and Internet material. Field notes from a trip to Lebanon with a group of Swedish dancers are also included. The performance of Middle Eastern dance in Stockholm may be seen as a way for Swedish women to find new femininities. They strive to combine a glamorous hyper-femininity with strength and respectability. This is a difficult task. The dancers constantly have to maintain a balance. While enjoying the hyper-femininity of oriental dance they must avoid being too sexy and thereby running the risk of being reduced to the position of sexual objects. To avoid losing control of the situation performing in public the dancers use different tactics. Many try to make the performance a clearly bounded event and make distinctions between themselves as individuals and the personas they embody on stage. This gives the performers a chance to playfully embody hyper-femininity. Other dancers have changed the dance itself, removing all movements and costumes that could be perceived as sexually inviting or aiming to please.

Bilden av Sápmi : Hur framställning av kultur inom turism kan påverka en ursprungsbefolknings identitet och autenticitet. / The representation of Sápmi : How the representation of culture in tourism can affect the identity and authenticity of an indigenous people

Hellsten, Rebecka, Cylvén, Maria January 2015 (has links)
I denna uppsats ville vi undersöka hur den samiska kulturen representeras inom turism I Sverige. Vi utgick från fyra relevanta teman; dessa var autenticitet, identitet, makt och turism. Frågeställningarna var: Hur framställs den samiska kulturen i turismsammanhang i Sápmi? Hur påverkas den samiska identiteten av hur kulturen framställs inom turismnäringen? Hur mycket får samerna själva vara med och bestämma när det kommer till hur kulturen framställs inom turismnäringen?   Vi började med att se över den samiska befolkningens historia. Det är viktigt att förstå hur de har behandlats förr för att kunna förstå varför saker och ting är som de är idag. Teorierna som användes i denna studie hanterar frågor om kulturell representation inom turism, vad det gör med människors identitet samt vad som verkligen menad med autentisk representation. En del teorier är också knutna till maktrelationer, vilket uttrycks i ämnen som handlar om ”Vi” kontra ”Dem”. Dessa teorier utgör en lins som ger en djupare och bredare förståelse av de problem som lyfts och kontextualiseras i den empiriska delen av uppsatsen.   Vi samlade in vårt empiriska data genom intervjuer med människor involverade i turismindustrin. Vi gjorde även en kompletterande strukturerad observation genom att besöka några samiska utställningar och museum.   En viktig slutsats som vi kom fram till är att den samiska befolkningen vill och måste bli mer involverade i hur de representeras av turismindustrin. Samisk turism kan bli en stor inkomstkälla för samerna men de behöver mer statlig finansiering. Förståelsen för kulturen är idag relativt liten, delvis på grund av att industrier som turism ofta använder en stereotypisk bild när de framhäver samer. Mycket kan därför fortfarande göras när det kommer till kulturell representation.

No, we don't have any t-shirts: Identity in a self-consciously consumerist punk subculture

Force, William 01 June 2005 (has links)
This thesis is an ethnographic examination of a local punk subculture. Its focus is the processes of meaning construction and subcultural identity formation and maintenance. Through in-depth interviews and on-site observations, the meanings of punk emerge in acts of social co-construction. An empirical analysis of the ways by which individuals define and explore what is involved and valued in a punk identity provides insight into this subculture. The concept of punk as a social practice is investigated discursively through interviews and documented discussions. My goal is to uncover thematic ideas, beliefs, and values in these interactions that form a matrix of interlocking cultural expressions, collectively creating a shared subcultural identity. As with any subculture, punk appears to be governed by a set of cultural codes and norms. The research reported here indicates that these themes are dominated primarily by knowledge displays and symbolic boundary maintenance.

Live Versus Recorded: Exploring Television Sales Presentations

Novak, Christopher Craig 01 January 2012 (has links)
Abstract This is an exploratory study that poses the questions and discussion regarding live and recorded sales presentations via television. With its rich history, it appears that live television has more types of appeal that will get the shopper buying products. However, the recorded and edited presentation played back on television has had its share to grab the shopper's attention. Research questions are presented to determine which broadcasting method is stronger by examining factors related to home shopping such as credibility, authenticity, involvement, urgency, informativeness, entertaining value, sense of real time, spontaneity and interactivity. Additional questions will look at the overall presentation, the product itself, and what the potential future of home shopping may be based upon this study. The main findings show there is a significant difference in all factors between live and recorded; however, some factors are stronger than others between live and recorded. These factors could indicate where home shopping may want to concentrate its efforts to remain a viable entity in electronic retail.

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