Spelling suggestions: "subject:"injury:executive"" "subject:"chiefexecutive""
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Framgångsfaktorer för delaktiga medarbetare i förändringsarbete : En fallstudie om delaktighet, förändring och ledarskapStrömberg Carlsson, Anton January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om medarbetarnas delaktighet i en svensk myndighetsutövande verksamhet ökar acceptansen för förändring. Myndigheten Försäkringskassan är mitt i en pågående förändring och har använts som fall i en fallstudie. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts, där en av dem har beskrivit fallet vid ett förändringsarbete och i övriga sex intervjuer har respondenterna fått svara på frågor kring delaktighet, förändring och ledarskap vid förändringsarbete med hjälp av en intervjuguide. Resultatet visar att framgångsfaktorer för delaktighet är att skapa en Vi-känsla i gruppen, att känna sig lyssnad på och tillsammans komma fram till ett beslut samt möjligheten att välja i vilken omfattning man vill vara delaktig. Vid förändring är framgångsfaktorerna tydlighet och förståelse om varför en förändring behöver göras samt tidsutrymme för medarbetare att bearbeta förändringen. Till sist visar resultatet att framgångsfaktorer inom ledarskapet är att lyssna på sina medarbetare, ge dem befogenheten att fatta viktiga beslut, lita på att de gör sitt bästa och utöva ett ledarskap där allas olika förutsättningar för förändring accepteras. Det hinder som medarbetare upplever för delaktighet vid förändringsarbetet är att handlingsutrymmet i en myndighetsutövande verksamhet är litet. / The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate if participation in a Swedish authority increase the acceptance in change management. The national authority Försäkringskassan is in the middle of an ongoing change and was selected as the case in a case study. Seven semi-structured interviews have been conducted, one of them to present the case Försäkringskassan and in the other six interviews, the respondents have answered questions about participation, change and leadership in change management with help of an interview-guide. The results show that success factors for participation are to create a feeling of unity in the group, make employees feel listened to and make decisions together, as well as the opportunity to choose to what extend the employee wants to participate in the work of change. The success factors to make employees accept change is clarity and understanding of why a change needs to be done and make time for employees to process the change. Finally, the results show that success factors in leadership are listening to you employees, giving them the authority to make important decisions, put your trust in them to do their best and practice a leadership where everyone’s differences are accepted. The obstacle that employees experience for participation in changes is that the room for action in an authority-executive organization is small.
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The role of council committees in promoting financial accountability: A case study of Stellenbosch municipalityMiso, Fundiswa Thelma January 2011 (has links)
<p>Municipal councils are vested with the legal authority to promote financial accountability in their respective municipalities. To accomplish this responsibility, municipal council establishes committees to enable a structured and coordinated mechanism through which it can promote financial accountability effectively. However and despite the available legal and institutional mechanisms established to enable council committees to promote financial accountability, the lack of effective financial accountability in municipalities has persisted. This study focused on the role of council committees in ensuring financial accountability. It was guided by the following research questions: What are the major factors that contribute to financial accountability at local level, what is the role of council committees in promoting financial accountability and how can council committees be strengthened to play an effective role in Stellenbosch municipality&rsquo / s municipal financial accountability. Stellenbosch Local Municipality was used as a case study for this research. The data was collected from primary and secondary sources. Primary data was sourced from members of relevant council committees through structured and unstructured interviews. Secondary data was obtained from relevant municipal reports, internet sources, government department publications, journals and Auditor - General&rsquo / s reports which contributed to the reliability, validity and objectivity of the findings. The findings showed that political instability, a lack of a culture of accountability, lack of clearly defined authority for accountability, lack of relevant capacity and willingness are some of the major factors that have impacted negatively on council committees from promoting effective financial accountability. The study opens up the possibility of future research to include a wider number of municipalities.</p>
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The role of council committees in promoting financial accountability: A case study of Stellenbosch municipalityMiso, Fundiswa Thelma January 2011 (has links)
<p>Municipal councils are vested with the legal authority to promote financial accountability in their respective municipalities. To accomplish this responsibility, municipal council establishes committees to enable a structured and coordinated mechanism through which it can promote financial accountability effectively. However and despite the available legal and institutional mechanisms established to enable council committees to promote financial accountability, the lack of effective financial accountability in municipalities has persisted. This study focused on the role of council committees in ensuring financial accountability. It was guided by the following research questions: What are the major factors that contribute to financial accountability at local level, what is the role of council committees in promoting financial accountability and how can council committees be strengthened to play an effective role in Stellenbosch municipality&rsquo / s municipal financial accountability. Stellenbosch Local Municipality was used as a case study for this research. The data was collected from primary and secondary sources. Primary data was sourced from members of relevant council committees through structured and unstructured interviews. Secondary data was obtained from relevant municipal reports, internet sources, government department publications, journals and Auditor - General&rsquo / s reports which contributed to the reliability, validity and objectivity of the findings. The findings showed that political instability, a lack of a culture of accountability, lack of clearly defined authority for accountability, lack of relevant capacity and willingness are some of the major factors that have impacted negatively on council committees from promoting effective financial accountability. The study opens up the possibility of future research to include a wider number of municipalities.</p>
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