Spelling suggestions: "subject:"autism"" "subject:"mutism""
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Specifika motorického vývoje dětí s poruchou autistického spektra / Specifics of motor development in children with autism spectrum disorderKudrnová, Terezie January 2015 (has links)
Title: Specifics of motor development in children with autism spectrum disorder Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to summarize the accessible literary sources about possibilities of early diagnostic of autism spectrum disorders, characteristic features of motor development and presence of movement and other abnormalities during early development in children who were later diagnosed with some disorder of autism spectrum. Methods: The study is divided into two main parts. In the first part, general information about autism spectrum disorders is presented. The ethiopatogenesis, characteristic features and different types of autism spectrum disorders are described. The second, descriptively analitical part, contains a brief description and resume of many studies, which deal with early identification of autism spectrum disorder, with examination of features of autism spectrum disorder in early development and motor abnormalities in individuals with autism spectrum disorder or high risk infants. Results: The results of this study indicate, that there are differences in social behaviour, motor development and specific autistic features already in the early development of children later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Among motor abnormalities in early development in this children there are... Read more
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Evaluation of Mismatch Negativity as a Biomarker for Autism Spectrum DisorderGreen, Heather Lee January 2016 (has links)
Finding an early and objective way to identify language impairment in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has the potential to lead to earlier speech and language intervention for affected children. Previous magnetoencephalography studies utilizing the mismatch field component (MMF) component have shown that increased MMF latency is a predictor of language impairment in children with ASD. We attempted to replicate these results using the mismatch negativity (MMN), the electroencephalography (EEG) equivalent of MMF. EEG was recorded in children ages 5 to 10 with ASD plus language impairment (ASD +LI), ASD minus language impairment (ASD –LI), and typically developing controls (TD) during a passive auditory oddball experiment presenting speech and nonspeech sounds. Contrary to previous MMF findings, individuals with ASD +LI demonstrated decreased MMN latency in the left hemisphere in response to novel vowel sounds compared to individuals with ASD –LI and TD controls. A positive correlation between left hemisphere MMN latency and language scores on the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals was found when combining both ASD groups. Our results lend support to the theory that some children with ASD +LI have increased connectivity in primary sensory cortices at the expense of computational connectivity between association areas of the brain. This may account for faster speech sound processing despite low language scores in these children. Further research needs to be done in order to determine if grouping children by hyper– versus hyposensitivity to auditory stimuli could explain conflicting results between studies and elucidate a neurophysiological biomarker of language impairment in subgroups of children with ASD. Read more
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Eye-tracking explorations of attention to faces for communicative cues in Autism Spectrum DisordersGillespie-Smith, Karri Y. January 2011 (has links)
Background Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have been reported to show socio-communicative impairments which are associated with impaired face perception and atypical gaze behaviour. Attending to faces and interpreting the important socio-communicative cues presented allows us to understand other’s cognitive states, emotions, wants and desires. This information enables successful social encounters and interactions to take place. Children with ASD not attending to these important social cues on the face may cause some of the socio-communicative impairments observed within this population. Examining how children with ASD attend to faces will enhance our understanding of their communicative impairments. Aim The present thesis therefore aimed to use eye-tracking methodology to examine attention allocation to faces for communicative cues in children with ASD. Method The first line of enquiry examined how children with ASD (n = 21; age = 13y7m) attended to faces presented within their picture communication systems compared to typically developing children matched on chronological age, verbal ability age and visuo-spatial ability age. The next investigation was conducted on the same group of children and examined how children with ASD attended to faces of different familiarity including, familiar, unfamiliar and the child’s own face. These faces were also presented with direct gaze or averted gaze to investigate how this would impact on the children’s allocation of attention. The final exploration highlighted how children with ASD (n = 20; age = 12y3m) attended to socially salient information (faces) and non-socially salient information (objects) presented within social scenes of varying complexity, compared to typically developing controls. Again groups were matched based on chronological age, verbal ability age, and visuo-spatial ability age. Results Children with ASD were shown to allocate attention to faces presented within their picture communication symbols similarly compared to their typically developing counterparts. All children were shown to fixate significantly longer on the face images compared to the object images. The children with ASD fixated for similar amounts of time to the eye and mouth regions regardless of familiarity and gaze direction compared to their controlled matches. All groups looked significantly longer at the eye areas compared to the mouth areas of the faces across all familiarity types. The children also fixated longer on the eye and mouth regions of direct gazing faces compared to the regions presented on the averted gazing faces. The children with ASD fixated on the faces and objects presented within social scenes similar to their typically developing counterparts across all complexity conditions. The children were shown to fixate significantly longer on the objects compared to the faces. Conclusions Children with ASD showed typical allocation of attention to faces. This suggests that faces are not aversive to them and they are able to attend to the relevant areas such as eye and mouth regions. This may have been influenced by the inclusion of high functioning children with ASD. However these results may also suggest that attention allocation and gaze behaviour are not the only factors which contribute to the socio-communicative impairments observed in ASD. Read more
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Exploring transition to adulthood from the perspectives of young people with high functioning autism and their families : a research portfolioWright, Alice Elisabeth January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: Young people with high functioning autism spectrum disorders (HFASD) are particularly vulnerable to developing comorbid depression. It has been suggested that young people with HFASD and comorbid mental health difficulties are likely to experience difficulties during the transition to adulthood. This transition involves significant changes in both services and daily routine, something which people with HFASD often find difficult. Aims: This thesis includes two distinct pieces of work. A systematic review aiming to understand the prevalence of depression in children and young people with HFASD. A qualitative study aiming to explore transition to adulthood from the perspectives of young people with HFASD, who currently attend child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS), and their families. Methods: For the systematic review, literature reporting the prevalence of depression in children and young people with HFASD was systematically searched and reviewed. For the qualitative study, data collection and analysis followed the principles of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Four dyads of a young person with HFASD and a parent were interviewed. Results: The systematic review identified 18 studies which described results from 17 independent samples. The prevalence reported varied from 0% to 83%. This variation is most likely explained by methodological differences between studies. In the qualitative study, transition to adulthood was described as a process during which the young person is developing independence, while parents continue to have a role in providing support. Current and future support needs were perceived differently by the young people with HFASD than their parents, with the young people reporting less need for support. Conclusions: Further research is needed to better understand how to assess depression in this population, as well as the impact of age, gender, setting, medication use and other comorbidities. Transition is a time of uncertainty and change for young people, during which they become more independent of their families. Services need to consider the impact of these processes and young people’s perceptions about what it means to receive support. Read more
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Expectations and the Post Transition of Young Adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder to Post-Secondary EducationJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: Over the past two decades, substantial research has documented the increase of students with disabilities enrolling in post-secondary education. The purpose of the study was to examine factors identified as significant in preparing individuals who fall on the autism spectrum for post-secondary experiences. The study was exploratory in nature and designed to identify perceived critical program elements needed to design successful post-secondary transition programs for students with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The study used archival research and grounded theory to look at expectations of parents with young adults with an ASD and young adults with an ASD on post-secondary transition and to discern whether expectations impact the successful post transition of young adults. More than likely, due to an overall increase in the prevalence of ASDs, many more students with an ASD will be attending a post-secondary educational setting in the near future. Understanding expectations and particular challenges faced by students with an ASD will be necessary for colleges to meet the unique needs of this population. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 2011 Read more
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A trial application of the TEACCH program with Turkish children with autismMutlu, Bihter 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects on the Use of Technology-Based Self-Monitoring for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Meta-AnalysisRobertson, Ryan S 05 1900 (has links)
Self-monitoring involves teaching students to be aware of their own behavior, and be able to record whether the behavior happened or not. The present study uses meta-analysis of single case design (SCD) studies to evaluate the effectiveness of self-monitoring interventions that use electronic devices during implementation for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Eligible studies were accessed to determine design quality, and examine the use of self-monitoring for individuals diagnosed with ASD. Studies were evaluated against inclusion-exclusion criteria. The studies that met inclusion criteria (n = 15) were assessed with the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) standards for methodological rigor. The WWC standards were applied to baseline and intervention phases. There were a total of 12 studies with 32 students diagnosed with ASD that met SCD standards without, and with reservations. The 12 studies were evaluated using the Tau-U effect size metric to quantify the percentage of change that was attributed to the self-monitoring intervention. Overall, omnibus Tau-U was 0.96 (95% confidence interval [CI] = [0.89, 1.0]). Limitations and directions for future research are discussed. Read more
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Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att använda bedömningsinstrument i arbetet tillsammans med barn med autismspektrumtillstånd / Occupational therapists’ experience of using assessment tools in the work together with children with autism spectrum disordersElsert, Petra, Englund, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenhet av att använda bedömningsinstrument i arbetet tillsammans med barn med autismspektrumtillstånd i åldrarna 6–12 år. Metod: En kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod användes där åtta yrkesverksamma arbetsterapeuter intervjuades. En semistrukturerad intervjuguide valdes för att undersöka arbetsterapeuternas erfarenheter. Urvalet av deltagare skedde genom ett strategiskt urval. Dataanalys genomfördes därefter med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i ett övergripande tema; Familjen som klient samt tre kategorier; Förberedelser inför användning av bedömningsinstrument, Bedömningsinstrument i och efter mötet tillsammans med barnet samt Den erfarenhetsbaserade kunskapen. Det framkommer tydligt att erfarenheten av att arbeta tillsammans med barn som har autismspektrumtillstånd påverkar hur arbetsterapeuter väljer att arbeta med bedömningsinstrument. Av resultatet framgår att arbetsterapeuter idag ej använder bedömningsinstrument i den utsträckning som önskas. Resurser samt tidsaspekten påverkar användningens frekvens. Slutsats: Studien har bidragit till en ökad förståelse kring arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att använda bedömningsinstrument i arbetet tillsammans med barn med autismspektrumtillstånd. Tidsbrist är någonting som många gånger påverkar möjligheterna att arbeta mer frekvent med bedömningsinstrument vilket i sin tur påverkar habilitering för diagnosgruppen. Det är av stor vikt att fortsatt forskning inom området sker för att kunna ta fram ett instrument som är mer anpassat till diagnosgruppen. / Abstract Aim: The aim of the study was to describe occupational therapists' experience of using assessment tools in the work together with children with autism spectrum disorders between the ages 6-12. Method: A qualitative data collection method was used where eight professional occupational therapists were interviewed. A semi-structured interview guide was chosen to examine the occupational therapists' experiences. The participants were recruited through a strategic selection. Data analysis was then conducted with a qualitative content analysis. Result: The result is presented in an overall theme; The family as a client with three categories; Preparations for the use of assessment tools, Assessment tools during and after the meeting together with the child and The experience-based knowledge. It is clear that the experience of working with children with Autism spectrum disorder affects how occupational therapists choose to work with assessment tools. The results show that occupational therapists today do not use assessment tools to the extent desired. Resources and the time aspect affect the frequency of use. Conclusion: The study has contributed to an increased understanding of occupational therapists' experiences of using assessment tools in their work with children with Autism spectrum disorder. Lack of time is something that often affects the opportunities to work more frequently with assessment tools, which in turn affects habilitation for the diagnostic group. It is of great importance that further research in this area is done to be able to develop an instrument that is more adapted to the diagnostic group. Read more
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"Det man ska lära i skolan är svårt, så det ska vara lätt att vara i skolan" : En studie om hur grundlärare i årskurs f-3 kan anpassa både undervisning och lärmiljö för att bidra till ökad läsförståelseförmåga hos elever med autism.Annas, Micaela, Järlstam, Carolina January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to contribute with increased knowledge about how teaching and learning environment can be designed to increase the conditions for children with autism to achieve the knowledge requirements for reading comprehension in Swedish grade 3, by examining how some elementary teachers describe that they adapt method and environment for students with autism. Theoretical framework consists of Rogoff's socio-cultural theory that all learning can be analyzed through three different lenses: the cultural, the interpersonal and the individual, which together provide a holistic view of learning. Additional key concepts are scaffolding, mediation, the proximal development zone and appropriation. The study is based on a qualitative approach and the basis for data collection is written questionnaires combined with a focus group. The focus group discussion was recorded and transcribed. Transcription and questionnaire responses were analyzed using a thematic analysis model. The results show that it is required that the teacher has knowledge of autism, and that there are organizational conditions, for students with autism to be able to receive support and adaptations that correspond to the student's needs. Adaptations regarding the learning environment that are highlighted in the results are screens in the classroom, ear protectors, image support, schedules on the bench and at the board, support for time perception, active work with energy regulation, and digital aids. Teaching methods for increased reading comprehension ability that are lifted are to stop when reading and discuss, to think aloud, use image support, create pre-understanding in the student, and to give the student reading comprehension tools. In addition to adaptations in the learning environment and teaching, a need for support in social contexts for students with autism is also raised, and the importance of all adjustments being made in a way that does not have stigmatizing effects. / Denna studie syftar till att bidra med ökad kunskap kring hur undervisning och lärandemiljö kan utformas för att öka förutsättningarna för barn med autism att uppnå kunskapskraven för läsförståelse i svenska årskurs 3, genom att undersöka hur några grundlärare beskriver att de anpassar metod och miljö för elever med autism. Teoretiskt ramverk utgörs av Rogoffs sociokulturella teori om att allt lärande går att analysera genom tre olika linser: den kulturella, den mellanmänskliga och den individuella, som tillsammans ger en helhetssyn på lärande. Ytterligare centrala begrepp är scaffolding, mediering, den proximala utvecklingszonen och appropriering. Studien bygger på kvalitativ ansats och som grund för datainsamling ligger skriftliga enkäter tillsammans med en fokusgrupp. Fokusgruppens diskussion spelades in och transkriberades. Transkribering och enkätsvar analyserades genom en tematisk analysmodell. Resultatet visar att det krävs att läraren har kunskap om autism och att det finns organisatoriska förutsättningar för att elever med autism ska kunna få stöttning och anpassningar som motsvarar elevens behov. Anpassningar gällande lärmiljön som lyfts i resultatet är skärmar i klassrummet, hörselkåpor, bildstöd, scheman på bänken och vid tavlan, stöd för tidsuppfattning, aktivt arbete med energireglering, samt digitala hjälpmedel. Undervisningsmetoder för ökad läsförståelseförmåga som lyfts är att stanna upp vid läsning och diskutera, att tänka högt, använda bildstöd, skapa förförståelse hos eleven, samt att ge eleven läsförståelseverktyg. Utöver anpassningar i lärmiljö och undervisning lyfts även ett stödbehov i sociala sammanhang för elever med autism, samt vikten av att alla anpassningar görs på ett sätt som inte får stigmatiserande effekter. Read more
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Autism och kommunikation : Ett professionellt perspektiv på kommunikation i samband med autism / Autism and communication : A professional perspective on communication connected to autismMontan Rydell, Jenine January 2016 (has links)
I tidigare forskning finns studier gjorda om autism och även om kommunikation. Det finns även forskning som visar sambandet mellan dessa, däremot är perspektivet om socialt arbete något bristfällig. Det har legat till stor grund för denna studie och har därav i syfte att undersöka hur kommunikation med personer med diagnosen autism upplevs av personal på gruppboenden. Det är en kvalitativ studie där empirin samlats in genom intervjuer med personal på ett gruppboende som arbetar med personer med autism. Kommunikation i samband med autism har ett flertal påverkande faktorer som både kan hjälpa och stjälpa kommunikationen. Resultatet av denna studie visar att förtroende och förebyggande arbete är viktigt för att arbeta mot bättre kommunikation och undvika missförstånd. När utvecklingsnivån hos en person med autism är låg är det viktigt att se till alla olika faktorer som kan ligga till grund för exempelvis problemskapande beteende. För att kommunikationen mellan personal och brukare skall bli så ömsesidigt förstådd som möjligt behövs det förebyggande arbete. Att sänka samhällets krav på kommunikation samt att veta vad som påverkar en persons beteende underlättar kommunikationen och gör bandet mellan personal och brukare starkare. / In previous research studies have been done about autism and also about communication. There is also research that shows the relationship between the two, however, is the perspective of social work in connection to autism and communication somewhat inadequate. It has been a great basis for this study and has thereof the purpose to examine how communication with individuals with autism experienced by staff in group homes. It is a qualitative study of empirical data collected through interviews with staff at a group home working with people with autism. Communication in connection with autism have a number of influencing factors which can both help and hinder communication. The results of this study show that trust and preventive work is important to work towards better communication and avoid misunderstandings. When the level of development of a person with autism is low it is important to make sure all the different factors that can be the basis for example problem-creating behavior. For communication between staff and patients to be as mutually understood as possible we need to work preventatively. To reduce society's demands on communication and to know what affects a person's behavior facilitates communication and makes the bond between caregivers and patients stronger. Read more
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