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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les effets de l’environnement sur le développement et l’organisation d'architectures de traitement matériel auto-organisées. / The effect of the environment on the development and the organization of self-organized hardware processing architectures.

Fiack, Laurent 02 December 2015 (has links)
Les avancées technologiques récentes ont permis d'intégrer plusieurs milliards de transistors au sein d'une même puce, et ce chiffre ne cesse d'augmenter.Il n'est plus possible depuis quelques années, à cause de limitations physiques, d'augmenter la fréquence de fonctionnement des micro-processeurs.Pour adresser des applications toujours plus complexes, la tendance actuelle consiste à multiplier le nombre de cœurs de calcul.Au-delà d'une dizaine de processeurs, de nombreuses problématiques apparaissent, comme la gestion de la mémoire, les communications,la manière de représenter le calcul ou encore l'ordonnancement de tâches.Pour répondre à ces problématiques, nous avons conçu un calculateur capable d'auto-organiser son architecture interneen fonction de la nature et de la richesse des informations contenues dans l'environnement dans lequel il est placé.Ce contrôleur s'inscrit dans la boucle sensori-motrice d'un robot mobile, illustrant ainsi un large choix d'applications complexes, évoluant dans un environnement dynamique.Il est constitué d'une grille 2D d'éléments de calcul prenant la forme d'une surface reconfigurable, pouvant héberger un processeur ou un accélérateur matériel.L'auto-organisation de l'architecture se manifeste sous la forme d'émergence d'aires de traitement sur la surface de la puce, parmi les éléments de calcul.Le développement et l'évolution de ces aires sont pilotés par un réseau de neurones matériel intégré à la couche de calcul.L'originalité de ce réseau de neurones de type carte auto-organisatrice est d'être complètement distribué, et de disposer d'une connectivité limitée.Nous pensons en effet que ces conditions soient nécessaire pour qu'une architecture puisse passer à l'échelle.Cette couche neuronalle tire ses données d'entrée dans une couche de pré-traitement qui a pour but d'extraire l'information pertinente de l'environnement.Dans le cadre de ces travaux, elle est implémentée sous la forme d'un système de vision bio-inspiré, par ailleurs validé dans un contexte robotique. / Since a few years, due to physical limitations, it has not been possible to increase the micro-processors frequency anymore.To tackle more and more complex applications, the current trend is to increase the number of computation cores.However, beyond tens of cores, some issues emerge.Among them, we can cite memory management, communications, programming or task scheduling.To address these challenges, we have designed a computer which is able to self-organize its own internal architecture dependingon the nature and the richness of the informations sensed in the environment in which it is placed.This computer is part of a sensori-motor loop of a mobile robot, thus allowing a large panel of complex applications, running in a dynamic environment.It is made of a 2D mesh network of processing elements which are reconfigurable surfaces, that can host a processor or a hardware accelerator.The self-organization of the architecture takes the form of the emergence of computation areas on the chip surface, among the processing elements.The developpment and the evolution of these areas are driven by a hardware neural network, integrated in the programmable computation layer.The novelty of this self-organizing map neural network is that it is completely distributed, and that the neurons are sparsely connected.We think indeed that these conditions are necessary for the scalability of an architecture.This neuronal layer takes its inputs from a pre-processing sublayer which extracts the relevant information in the environment.In the context of this work, this layer is implemented as a bio-inspired vision system, also validated in a robotics context.

Formas de militância feminista em cenário de auto-organização e ciberativismo no Brasil contemporâneo : tendências atuais a partir do caso de Aracaju/SE

Souza, Maria Erica Santana de 25 July 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation’s main purpose is to discuss forms of militancy in a scenario characterized by the increase in the use of the social networking websites for militant purposes and by the auto-organization as general tendencies since the June 2013 protests, focusing on the feminist struggle in Aracaju. As a more specific issue, it aimed to apprehend the rules and principles, framings, organizational forms and profiles of feminist militancy constituted in this scenario, as well as means and tools used to include their demands in the public arenas of confrontation. From the analytical point of view, the study was based on the assumption that, in order to give intelligibility to the feminist militancy, it was necessary to resort to the gender relations analyses (and its intersections with race, class and sexuality) and to feminist theories, in addition to the general concepts of the sociology of social movements used in this work, given that the women depiction in the public range and the roles historically attributed to them are conceived here as important factors that help us understand the political participation and the organizational forms and tools mobilized in this type of militancy. Assuming a critical perspective that aims to comprehend the logic of formal and informal exclusions of the subordinate groups like women in the public scope demands, conversely, an approach on the points of view of the agents studied about the public, the political participation and the organizational forms presented as an alternative to those institutionalized, as a way of resisting. Therefore, this dissertation’s epistemic-methodological background relied on some tenets of the Latournian sociology in what concerns group formation and also on a feminist epistemology, especially Donna Haraway’s approach, in order to apprehend the feminist movements’ and engagements’ own logics and dynamics from the fieldwork. The research evinced, in general, that the depictions related to the women generated by the gender subordination are expressed in a number of ways as constraints to the feminists’ political participation, however, from another perspective, the emotions that are incongruent with the standard depictions about “being woman” (which varies according to race, class, sexuality, gender identity, among others), converted into moral emotions and a sense of injustice, have played a crucial role to understand the motivations to the individual engagement, the constitution of new collective identities of the movement, and the creation of their own organizational forms. In other words, women’s auto-organization and their autonomous means of publicizing their demands, through the Marchs, the social networking websites, and art in general, are alternatives developed through a feminist vocabulary, constituted from the verification of women’s subordination in the gender relations and the misery experienced in an everyday basis, so that their demands, regarded as merely “private” issues or “secondary” questions, are included in the public arenas and widely debated by society. / Esta tese tem como questão central discutir formas de militância em um cenário caracterizado pela ampliação do uso das redes sociais da internet para fins militantes e pela auto-organização como tendências gerais desde as manifestações de junho de 2013, com foco na luta feminista em Aracaju. Como questão mais específica, buscou-se apreender as gramáticas, enquadramentos, formas organizacionais e perfis de militância feminista constituídas neste cenário, bem como os meios e ferramentas utilizados para inserir suas demandas nas arenas públicas de confrontos. Do ponto de vista analítico, o estudo partiu do pressuposto de que, para dar inteligibilidade à militância feminista, era necessário recuperar as análises das relações de gênero (e suas intersecções com raça, classe e sexualidade) e de teorias feministas, para além dos conceitos gerais da sociologia dos movimentos sociais utilizados neste trabalho, uma vez que as representações sobre as mulheres no âmbito público e os papéis atribuídos historicamente a elas são concebidos aqui como fatores importantes para compreendermos a participação política e as formas organizacionais e ferramentas mobilizadas neste tipo de militância. Partir de uma perspectiva crítica que busca compreender as lógicas de exclusões formais e informais no âmbito público dos grupos subordinados como os das mulheres, exige, em contrapartida, uma abordagem sobre os pontos de vista das atrizes pesquisadas acerca do público, da participação política e das formas organizativas alternativas àquelas institucionalizadas, como modo de resistência. Portando, a tese teve como pano de fundo epistêmico-metodológico alguns pressupostos da sociologia latourniana de formação de grupos e de uma epistemologia feminista, com destaque para a abordagem de Donna Haraway, com o intuito de apreender as dinâmicas e lógicas próprias dos movimentos e engajamentos feministas a partir do trabalho de campo. A pesquisa evidenciou, de modo geral, que as representações relacionadas às mulheres geradas pela subordinação de gênero apresentam-se de diversas maneiras como constrangimentos para a participação política das feministas, mas, sob outro ângulo, as emoções incongruentes com as representações padrões sobre “ser mulher” (que varia de acordo com a raça, classe, sexualidade, identidade de gênero, entre outros), convertidas em emoções morais e em sentimento de injustiça, têm exercido papel fundamental para a compreensão das motivações para o engajamento individual, da constituição de novas identidades coletivas do movimento e a criação de formas organizacionais próprias. Em outras palavras, a auto-organização de mulheres e os meios autônomos de publicização das suas reivindicações, através das Marchas, das redes sociais e da arte em geral, são alternativas pensadas através de um vocabulário feminista, constituído a partir da constatação da subordinação da mulher nas relações de gênero e dos sofrimentos vivenciados cotidianamente, para que suas demandas, tidas como questões meramente “privadas” ou como pautas “secundarizadas”, sejam inseridas nas arenas públicas e debatidas amplamente pela sociedade. / São Cristóvão, SE

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