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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gouverner la circulation urbaine : des villes françaises face à l’automobile (années 1910 - années 1960) / Governing Urban Traffic : french Cities and the Automobile (1910-1960)

Gardon, Sébastien 17 June 2009 (has links)
Notre thèse porte sur l’analyse du gouvernement de la circulation urbaine pour la période allant des années 1910 aux années 1960. Elle s’appuie sur un travail de terrain constitué principalement d’une monographie du cas lyonnais que nous avons enrichie à partir d’autres exemples urbains (Marseille, Lille, Bordeaux, Nice, Saint-Étienne, Villeurbanne). Nos sources sont principalement constituées de fonds d’archives municipaux, mais également nationaux (des ministères concernés), internationaux (SdN, ONU) et d’autres documents de première main (archives privées et consulaires, périodiques). Notre travail se structure autour de deux grandes questions concernant l’analyse de l’action publique urbaine : la construction et l’identification d’un problème public ; la régulation d’un secteur d’intervention publique. Ces deux niveaux d’analyse sont appréhendés au niveau des scènes locales, nationales ou transnationales, de discussion des problèmes automobiles. En questionnant la structuration des pouvoirs urbains, on peut mettre en évidence l’existence d’un gouvernement par commissions, rassemblant des institutions et des acteurs divers et éclatés, et concourant à une co-production de l’expertise et de l’action publique en matière de circulation urbaine. Cette étude sur un temps long permet de montrer que, dans ce secteur, des formes de « gouvernance » articulant intérêts privés et enjeux publics ont émergé progressivement et se sont structurés au moment même où l’automobile devenait un enjeu urbain et un problème public central pour les villes du XX° siècle. Le gouvernement de la circulation urbaine constitue un excellent observatoire de la dynamique de constitution des pouvoirs urbains autour de dispositifs d’action publique pluralistes et largement participatifs qui renvoient au final à des débats situés au cœur même de la science politique contemporaine (pluralisme, gouvernance, réseaux, interfaces public/privé, démocratie participative...). / Our thesis investigates the expansion of urban traffic from the early 1910s to the late 1960s. Initially built around the case of Lyon, one of the major French cities nowadays, the study also refers to the situation of others places -namely Marseille, Lille, Bordeaux, Nice, Saint-Etienne and Villeurbanne- in order to further underline the specificities -or lack of- of the city of Lyon. Not only does it rely on municipal archives, but also on national and international archives and periodicals issued by either public authorities or private bodies. Two main themes of interest structure the dissertation: the social construction of a public problem and the related regulation of public intervention. We investigate them through the study of local, as well as national and international, debates over the place of the car in the city. By focusing more precisely on urban governance, we shed light on a « government by commissions » that creates spaces for the co-production of expertise and public intervention by various public and private actors otherwise isolated. Most interestingly, we found that both the topic –how to accommodate the car in the city- and its means of governance –which implication should follow from private as well as public actors- structured progressively through the twentieth century. The study of transportation thus works as a great lens to observe and analyze the reshaping of urban government around the themes of empowerment and governance, at the very heart of political science and public policy analysis.

"Mototown Detroit" - Hospodářská a sociální proměna města od konce 19. století do roku 1941 / "Mototown Detroit" - Economic and social developement of the town from the end of 19. century to 1941

Vosáhlo, Radka January 2016 (has links)
Résumé Dissertation analysis raising of phenomenon of automobilism in the american city of Detroit in first half of 20. century. Analysis is focus primarily on the "Big Three" of car producers: Ford Motor Company, General Motors a Chrysler LLC. Analysis is temporalily delimitated with two moments, closely conected with developing of automobilism: Increase of popularity of cars at the begin of 20. century and Great depression. Important moments in delimitated time period were especially: founding of Ford Motor Company in 1903, founding of General Motors in 1908, implementation of assembly line by Henry Ford in 1913, founding of Chrysler LLC in 1925 and of course the Great Depresion from 1929. Special priority is focus on the personality od Henry Ford and his style of organization of work, company development and inovations, that were introduced mostly by his company, followed by others. Henry Ford has absolutely special position, mostly because of his complex care of his employes.Objective of this work is not only to analyze unprecedent increase and development of the city of Detroit, but also to describe demographical change of society, due by the development of automobile industry in the state of Michigan. Major question is: How the city of Detroit was changed in connection with industrial development,...

L’économie de la vitesse : l’automobilisme et ses enjeux dans le département du Rhône et la région de Québec (1919-1961) / The Economy of Speed : Automobilism and its Stakes in the Rhône region and the Quebec Area (1919-1961)

Faugier, Etienne 22 March 2013 (has links)
Notre thèse prend le parti d’analyser l’automobilisme dans l’Occident rural durant le XXe siècle. Elle s’appuie sur une étude croisant le département du Rhône en France et la région de Québec au Canada. La documentation est constituée, outre une abondante bibliographie bilingue, de sources gouvernementales issues de fonds d’archives départementaux pour le département Rhône, et, pour la région de Québec, de sources nationales. Celles-ci sont complétées par des périodiques, des revues spécialisées, des sources statistiques et de l’iconographie. La démonstration tente d'éclairer les enjeux, présents dans l'historiographie mais jusqu'ici implicites, de l’adoption de la vitesse automobile et de ses conséquences dans l’espace rural. En croisant les territoires, il s’agit de mettre en évidence comment un objet industriel produit en ville – l’automobile et ses déclinaisons – modifie le paysage rural et l’exploitation agricole, les mentalités et les pratiques de mobilité.Ce travail montre que les mutations imposées par l’automobilisme sont, quoique moins visibles parfois, bien plus nombreuses et complexes au sein du monde rural qu'elles peuvent l'être dans l’espace urbain. Il présente également la rapidité avec laquelle les populations rurales ont adopté ce mode de transport : la question de l’antiautomobilisme rural est largement repensée et une attention est portée aux impacts socioculturels de la mécanisation agricole. Enfin, les développements étayent la représentation admise que la vitesse automobile s’inscrit dans un système logique et cohérent qui révolutionne à la fois les modes de déplacement, l’appréhension du territoire, les pratiques sociétales et, enfin, les mentalités. / Our thesis analyzes automobilism in the rural West during the twentieth century. It is based on a study crossing the Rhône region in France and Quebec area in Canada. Our documentation relies on archives for the Rhône region and national sources for Quebec area. These are supplemented by periodicals, reviews, statistical sources and iconography. Our demonstration wishes to answer to the question of the adoption of speed and its consequences in rural areas. By crossing territories, it highlights how an object produced by industrial city – the automobile and its variations – changes the rural andagricultural landscape, attitudes and practices of mobility. This work show that mutations about automobilism are much more numerous and complex in the rural than in urban areas. It also highlights the relative speed with which rural people have adopted this mode of transport: rural anti-automobilism is reevaluated and sociocultural impacts of mechanization are underlined. Finally, it posits the idea that the car speed is part of a logical and coherent system that is revolutionizing the mode of travel, but also and especially the space occupied and attitudes.

Kolem nekolem: Cykloaktivismus optikou teorie sítí-aktérů / To bike or not to bike: Cycloactivism in a perspective of actor-network theory

Fendrychová, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
In this diploma thesis I focus on the formation of urban cycling including heterogeneous participating actors - people, discourses, technologies, infrastructures and other materialities. I examine cyclists' relationships with their environment and describe asymmetries connected with the dominant status of automobilism in urban environment, and strategies for contesting this situation. I also focus on cyclo-activist discourse which plays an important role in the empowerment of cyclists in urban traffic. Mobilizing arguments of critical theory and the "right for the city" concept cyclo-advoacy strives to include as many citizens as possible in debate about public space and in this way support pro-cycling developments. From the perspective of actor-network theory (ANT) this strategy has limits due to its operation with stabilized social science categories and I argue that ANT could contribute a more nuanced arguments to cyclo-advocacy with detailed description of connections between cyclists and urban environment, focus on embodiment and emotions and highlighting the role of materialities. It could thereby provide a stronger argument for furthering the pro-cycling development. Key words: urban cycling, automobilism, actor-network theory (ANT), cycloadvocacy, critical theory, materiality

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