Spelling suggestions: "subject:"autor"" "subject:"tutor""
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Petrologia do Complexo Morro Redondo, Província Graciosa, e implicações para o magmatismo pós-colisional do tipo-A ao final do Ciclo Brasiliano - Pan-Africano no sul-sudeste do BrasilVilalva, Frederico Castro Jobim 03 August 2012 (has links)
O Complexo Morro Redondo é uma das ocorrências mais importantes e interessantes de granitos de tipo-A e rochas vulcânicas bimodais contemporâneas na Província Graciosa de granitos e sienitos de tipo-A, na região sul do Brasil. As rochas graníticas que compõem o complexo afloram como dois plútons distintos, denominados Papanduva e Quiriri. O Plúton Papanduva inclui álcali-feldspato granitos peralcalinos agrupados em fácies petrográficas distintas, que incluem variedades maciças, micrograníticas e com texturas deformacionais tardi- a pós-magmáticas protomiloníticas e cataclásticas. Anfibólios e clinopiroxênios são os máficos principais. Incluem ferrorichterita, arfvedsonita e egirina tardi-magmáticas e egirina-augita e riebeckita pós-magmáticas. Suas principais variações composicionais estão relacionadas com aumento de Na e \'Fe POT.3+\' concomitante à diminuição de Ca, \'Fe POT.2+\' e Ti do núcleo para as bordas dos cristais, enquanto as abundâncias de elementos-traços sofrem forte influência da composição dos líquidos residuais em equilíbrio, tipicamente enriquecidos em álcalis, elementos HFS, ETR e F, com a circulação sendo favorecida por eventos deformacionais tardios, que também contribuem para a elevação das razões \'\'delta\'POT.18\' O em diversos minerais. Esses líquidos e fluidos evoluem para condições progressivamente mais oxidantes, até temperaturas tão baixas quanto 426 °C nos estágios pós-magmáticos. Essa evolução é acompanhada pela precipitação concomitante de uma diversos minerais acessórios de ocorrência rara, tipicamente ricos em elementos HFS e ETR, tais como nacareniobsita, britholita e turkestanita. Por sua vez, o Plúton Quiriri é formado principalmente por biotita sieno- e monzogranitos maciços, de composição levemente peraluminosa. A biotita mostra razões \'Fe POT.t\'/\'(Fe POT.t\'+Mg) entre 0,56 e 0,70 com correlações positivas entre F e Fe. Em ambos os plútons, os granitos são caracterizados por composições ricas em Fe (granitos ferroan), álcalis e elementos HFS. Os tipos mais evoluídos, tipicamente do Plúton Papanduva, são granitos HHP, com produção de calor radiogênico deaté 5,7 \'mü\'\'Wm POT.-3\'. Datações U-Pb em zircão por LA-ICP-MS revelam que os plútons se colocaram entre 580 Ma e 584 Ma, durante estágios pós-colisionais subsequentes à amalgamação do Supercontinente Gondwana, ao final do Ciclo Brasiliano/Pan-Africano. Estimativas geotermobarométricas apontam para colocação magmática sob baixas P (\'APROXIMADAMENTE IGUAL A\' 1 kbar), em temperaturas de até 850 - 800 °C e condições relativamente reduzidas (QFM) e oxidantes (+1 < \'delta\"IND.QFM\' < +3) para os Plútons Papanduva e Quiriri, respectivamente. A geração dos magmas graníticos do Complexo Morro Redondo parece envolver áreas-fontes de composição isotopicamente evoluída, possivelmente no manto, como apontam as assinaturas tipicamente mantélicas de \'delata\"POT.18O\'/\"ANTPOT.16O\' em zircão (ca. 4,8 - 6,0 %o). Os valores de \'épisilon\'Nd(t) (ca. -16 a -27) e \'épisilon\'Hf(t) (t = 580Ma) (-15 a -35) são fortemente negativos e contrastantes, com o Plúton Quiriri se mostrando menos radiogênico. As idades TDM são equivalentes, variando principalmente entre 2,5 e 3,0 Ga, sugerindo que a colocação e cristalização foi acompanhada decontaminação em graus variáveis por rochas crustais Paleoproterozoicas do embasamento da Microplaca Luiz Alves. / The Morro Redondo Complex is one of the most important and interesting occurrences of A-type granites and associated bimodal volcanic rocks from the Graciosa A-type Province, in south Brazil. Granitic rocks that build up the complex crop out as two distinct plutons, namely Papanduva and Quiriri. The Papanduva Pluton includes peralkaline alkali-feldspar granites grouped into contrasting petrographic facies that include massive, microgranitic and deformed (protomylonitic and cataclastic) varieties. Na-Ca- and Na-amphiboles and clinopyroxenes are the main mafic minerals. They include late-magmatic ferririchterite, arfvedsonite and aegirine, and post-magmatic aegirine-augite and riebeckite. The main compositional trends are related to increasing Na and \'Fe POT.3+\' and decreasing Ca, \'Fe POT.2+\' and Ti contents from core to crystal rims, while the trace-element abundances are strongly influenced by the composition of liquids in equilibrium, typicallyalkali-, HFSE-, REE- and F-rich, with the circulation being favored by late deformational events that also have contributed to the \'DELTA\'\'POT. 18O\' elevation in many minerals. These liquids and fluids evolved through progressively more oxidizing conditions, at temperatures as low as 426 °C during post-magmatic stages. Liquid evolution is followed by concomitant precipitation of rare, HFSE- and REE-bearing accessory minerals, such as nacareniobsite, britholite and turkestanite. The Quiriri Pluton, on the other hand, is made mainly of massive, slightly peraluminous biotite sieno- and monzogranites. Biotite registers \'Fe POT.t\'/(\'Fe POT.t\'+Mg) ratios between 0.56 and 0.70 with positive correlations between F and Fe. In both plutons, granites are characterized by Fe- (ferroan), alkali- and HFSE-rich compositions. The most evolved types, typically from the Papanduva Pluton, are HHP granites, with radiogenic heat production up to 5.7 \'\'mü\'Wm POT.-3\'. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating on zircon reveal that these plutons were mplaced between 580 and 584 Ma, during post-collisional stages that followed the amalgamation of the Gondwana Supercontinent, at the end of the Brasiliano/Pan-African Cycle. Geothermobarometric estimates point to magmatic emplacement under low P (\'APROXIMADAMENTE IGUAL A\' 1 kbar) at temperatures up to 850 - 800 °C and relatively reduced (QFM) and oxidized (+1 < \'delta\'\'IND.QFM\' < +3) conditions for the Papanduva and Quiriri Plutons, respectively. The generation of the granitic magmas of the Morro Redondo Complex seems to involve isotopically evolved source-areas, probably in the mantle, as indicate by the \'delta\'\'POT.18O\'/\'ANTPOT.16O\' zircon mantelic signatures (ca. 4,8 - 6,0 %o). The \'épsilon\'Nd(t) (ca. -15 to -27) and \'épsilon\'Hf(t) (t = 580Ma) (ca. -15 to -35) values are strongly negative and contrasting, with the Quiriri Pluton always as the less radiogenic. \'T IND.DM\' ages are equivalent for both plutons, ranging mainly between 2.5 and 3.0 Ga, suggesting that the emplacement and crystallization was followed by contamination in various degrees with Paleoproterzoic crustal components from the basement of the Luiz Alves Microplate.
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Metodologia de teste para sistemas com DRMFaria, Nuno Miguel Fernandes Dantas de January 2008 (has links)
Estágio realizado no INESC Porto-Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação do Porto e orientado pelo Eng.º Jorge Mamede e Eng.ª Maria Teresa Andrade / Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2008
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Spannung zwischen Realität und Fiktion: Die Rolle des Autors in Cornelia Funkes Roman TintenherzHasenzahl, Kerstin January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the tension between fiction and reality in Cornelia Funke’s novel Tintenherz (Inkheart), and the importance of the figure and the function of the author as an influential character of the perception of both. I argue that Tintenherz challenges traditional distinctions between reality and fiction, which are aimed at affecting the reader’s understanding of his/her reality. While this blurring of boundaries is evident in a number of instances throughout the text, it can best be seen in the figure of the intradiegetic author who has also written a novel called “Tintenherz.” This fictional author can interact with his literary figures and influence both the hypodiegetic and his own (intradiegetic) world by adding to the text even after it has been published, thereby challenging the distinction between both reality and fiction, the narrated world and the book itself.
The starting point of my analysis is Roland Barthes’ claim of the “Death of the Author” (1968), which conceives of the author as a “writerly” function that is only present in the creation of the text, rendering the author redundant for the analysis of the text. As Michel Foucault argues, however, the author has to be considered in the interpretation because he/she functions as the authority that forms the discourses contained in the text. Fotis Jannidis goes even further by asserting that there are several functions that can be fulfilled by the author, by the text itself or by the reader. Tintenherz presents another concept of the character of the author (Fenoglio), which I examine in this thesis, based on both how other characters and Fenoglio view the author’s role in the novel.
In the first part of my thesis I explain the “book-within-a-book”-motif that is the foundation of the Tintenwelt (the world that is created in “Tintenherz”) as well as of the blurring between reality and fiction. The borders between the two narrated worlds can be crossed by characters from both worlds under certain circumstances. Since the characters experience both worlds as “real,” the status of both is uncertain.
Fenoglio, the author of “Tintenherz,” is influential in that he can change both the storyline and the narrated world itself. This author, however, is dependent on a reader, who can bring the literary characters and objects to life so that they appear in his/her world. I still argue that the character of the author is the main authority on changing narrated worlds. Contrary to Barthes’ concept of an author who is only present in his/her own text, Funke’s fictional character Fenoglio is influential and wields a large amount of power over the world in which he lives, as well as over the world he created. The presence of the author as a character in the text has an effect on the perception of reality and fiction because he must interact with characters that emerge from his own fictional work.
The empirical author Funke also contributes to this reexamination of the status of reality. Funke set up a homepage through which she can interact with her readers, turning passive readers into a community of active writers and respondents. She claims that it is in her interest to encourage her readers to reflect on their own world. Using quotations from other literary texts, she also establishes a tension between several fictional works or worlds.
My thesis shows the different ways in which the status of fiction and reality are questioned and challenged. I conclude that the author contributes to this questioning: Funke foregrounds the image of the author in the book which makes the readers aware of its function and the functions Jannidis describes. She also presents herself as an influential author, implicitly refuting Barthes’ claim of the “Death of the Author.”
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Spannung zwischen Realität und Fiktion: Die Rolle des Autors in Cornelia Funkes Roman TintenherzHasenzahl, Kerstin January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the tension between fiction and reality in Cornelia Funke’s novel Tintenherz (Inkheart), and the importance of the figure and the function of the author as an influential character of the perception of both. I argue that Tintenherz challenges traditional distinctions between reality and fiction, which are aimed at affecting the reader’s understanding of his/her reality. While this blurring of boundaries is evident in a number of instances throughout the text, it can best be seen in the figure of the intradiegetic author who has also written a novel called “Tintenherz.” This fictional author can interact with his literary figures and influence both the hypodiegetic and his own (intradiegetic) world by adding to the text even after it has been published, thereby challenging the distinction between both reality and fiction, the narrated world and the book itself.
The starting point of my analysis is Roland Barthes’ claim of the “Death of the Author” (1968), which conceives of the author as a “writerly” function that is only present in the creation of the text, rendering the author redundant for the analysis of the text. As Michel Foucault argues, however, the author has to be considered in the interpretation because he/she functions as the authority that forms the discourses contained in the text. Fotis Jannidis goes even further by asserting that there are several functions that can be fulfilled by the author, by the text itself or by the reader. Tintenherz presents another concept of the character of the author (Fenoglio), which I examine in this thesis, based on both how other characters and Fenoglio view the author’s role in the novel.
In the first part of my thesis I explain the “book-within-a-book”-motif that is the foundation of the Tintenwelt (the world that is created in “Tintenherz”) as well as of the blurring between reality and fiction. The borders between the two narrated worlds can be crossed by characters from both worlds under certain circumstances. Since the characters experience both worlds as “real,” the status of both is uncertain.
Fenoglio, the author of “Tintenherz,” is influential in that he can change both the storyline and the narrated world itself. This author, however, is dependent on a reader, who can bring the literary characters and objects to life so that they appear in his/her world. I still argue that the character of the author is the main authority on changing narrated worlds. Contrary to Barthes’ concept of an author who is only present in his/her own text, Funke’s fictional character Fenoglio is influential and wields a large amount of power over the world in which he lives, as well as over the world he created. The presence of the author as a character in the text has an effect on the perception of reality and fiction because he must interact with characters that emerge from his own fictional work.
The empirical author Funke also contributes to this reexamination of the status of reality. Funke set up a homepage through which she can interact with her readers, turning passive readers into a community of active writers and respondents. She claims that it is in her interest to encourage her readers to reflect on their own world. Using quotations from other literary texts, she also establishes a tension between several fictional works or worlds.
My thesis shows the different ways in which the status of fiction and reality are questioned and challenged. I conclude that the author contributes to this questioning: Funke foregrounds the image of the author in the book which makes the readers aware of its function and the functions Jannidis describes. She also presents herself as an influential author, implicitly refuting Barthes’ claim of the “Death of the Author.”
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Eine historisch-systematische Analyse des Autorenbegriffes und seine Rekonstruktion oder Auflösung im Kontext neuer Präsentations- und KommunikationsformenWerner, Stephan. January 2001 (has links)
Konstanz, Univ., Diplomarb., 1999. / Kurzfassung: Der Autor im digitalem Medium - ein notwendiges Konstrukt? in Knorz, G. u. Kuhlen, R. (Hg.) Informationskompetenz - Basiskompetenz in der Inforamtionsgesellschaft, Konstanz 2000.
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Pilger und Prophet heilige Autorschaft bei Rainer Maria RilkeKing, Martina January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Göttingen, Univ., Diss., 2008
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Dargestellte Autorschaft Autorkonzept und Autorsubjekt in wissenschaftlichen TextenSteiner, Felix January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Zürich, Univ., Diss., 2007
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A literatura infantil no Espírito Santo no séc. XXI e o desvelar do autor-distribuidorOliveira, Ivana Esteves Passos de 31 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-29T14:11:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
tese_9184_TESE CONCLUÍDA - Ivana Esteves Passos.pdf: 57919386 bytes, checksum: ba806829e92a2b616212cc1656c310fa (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-08-31 / A cadeia produtiva da literatura infantil no Espírito Santo cuja gênese localizamos na década de 1980, expandindo-se na década de 1990, sobretudo com o advento de leis de incentivo cultural chega ao século XXI em expansão, mas com pelo menos dois obstáculos à sua consolidação: a divulgação e a distribuição dos livros destinados a crianças produzidos em terras capixabas. A publicação independente é a práxis mais recorrente: percebe-se um autor que escreve, produz, publica e divulga seus livros, sem o suporte de um sistema editorial-literário organizado. Para compreender essa dinâmica artesanal da literatura destinada às crianças no Espírito Santo, buscou-se inspiração na metodologia de pesquisa etnográfica, com consubstanciação dos estudos de crítica genética, no afã de nos apropriarmos de discursos e práticas de cinco autores representativos da literatura infantil produzida no estado do Espírito Santo (a saber, Ilvan Filho, Elizabeth Martins, Silvana Pinheiro, Neuza Jorden e Francisco Aurélio Ribeiro), que nos dessem a ver, a partir de entrevistas transcritas e documentos primários, vestígios da cadeia produtiva do livro infantil no espaço-tempo em pauta. Desse modo, são estudados procedimentos e processos em que o autor é impelido a se transmutar em funções alheias à criação estética, como parte do processo de compreensão do sistema literário como mais amplo que uma suposta relação triádica e direta entre autor-texto-leitor. As articulações e o modus operandi dos escritores de literatura infantil no Espírito Santo foram buscados, como mecanismo para se desvelar a cadeia produtiva da literatura infantil no contexto focalizado, em articulação com estudos nacionais e internacionais. Dentre os teóricos que nos embasam, têm destaque Hunt, Lajolo, Zilberman e Coelho (literatura infantil no mundo e no Brasil), Fonseca Reis (cadeia produtiva em cultura), Philippe Willemart (crítica genética) e diferentes autores que trabalham com metodologias de inspiração etnográfica.
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Indícios de Autoria em Narrativas de Estudantes de Ensino MédioMONTEIRO, I. M. C. 23 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-29T15:08:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
tese_3453_Dissertação Isaura.pdf: 5466647 bytes, checksum: 3ba2d1907095c75615c3a55f8e015296 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-03-23 / Esta dissertação analisa cinco narrativas produzidas por estudantes e Ensino Médio, mobilizando conceitos para uma análise discursiva cujo tema aborda aspectos sobre o problema do autor e da autoria. A escolha do corpus reflete o interesse pela escrita autoral, aquela que apresenta traços singulares. A escrita dos alunos-autores, apesar de terem sido produzidas através de uma instituição escola,revela características de um texto literário. Partindo de uma proposta geral, faz-se uma discussão sobre alteridade, refletindo com Amorim (2004), Bakhtin (1976),Benveniste (1995) e Authier-Revuz (2004). A seguir, discute-se o problema do autor no presente e no passado -, como também as idéias de Barthes (1984), Foucault (1997, 2001, 2006) e Bakhtin (1976, 1981, 1995, 1998, 2003) sobre a questão, que se mostra sob múltiplos aspectos. Na ampla reflexão sobre autoria, destaca-se Bakhtin como o encaminhador teórico do estudo. A análise bakhtiniana das narrativas faz-se através da metodologia indiciária (GINZBURG, 1989), procedimento qualitativo, que se considera adequado para a proposta de análise. Discute-se também os modos de organização do discurso com Charaudeau (2008), assim como a composição dos enunciados como forma arquitetônica (BAKHTIN,1998). Através dos conceitos bakhtinianos de autoria, gêneros e estilo, analisa-se nos textos primeiramente a composição do tema, sua valoração e significação no contexto narrativo (BAKHTIN, 1976, 1995, 1998), para depois discutir a questão do autor e da alteridade na arquitetônica da criação (BAKHTIN, 1981, 1993, 1998,2003). Pergunta-se, então, se traços de autoria puderam ser detectados nas narrativas dos alunos. Pelas análises realizadas, fundamentadas nos conceitos bakhtinianos de criação estética, permite-se afirmar que o trabalho de autoria se fez presente na produção dos alunos.
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Tectônica proterozóica no alto e médio Vale do Ribeira, estados de São Paulo e ParanáGinaldo Ademar da Cruz Campanha 10 March 1992 (has links)
Foi estudada uma área-chave no Vale do Ribeira para a compreensão da estratigrafia e tectônica das seqüências de rochas supracrustais de idade proterozóica aflorantes na região, e também para a correlação entre as unidades estratigráficas definidas nos estados de São Paulo e Paraná. Procurou-se integrar dados estruturais, estratigráficos, metamórficos, petroquímicos e geocronológicos dentro de modelos de evolução tectônica para a região. A área escolhida corta as principais estruturas geológicas regionais, abrangendo as cidades de Apiaí , Iporanga e Barra do Turvo. Além de compilação e integração geológicas regionais, desenvolveu-se integração e complementação de mapeamentos geológicos em semidetalhe já existentes, e estudos de detalhe em sub-áreas selecionadas. Foram realizados estudos específicos de análise estrutural de rochas metamórficas polideformadas, análise de orientação, análise de deformação, petrografia, recomposição da macroestrutura e da estratigrafia original, petrografia, petroquímica de rochas básicas, e análises geocronológicas pelo método isocrônico Rb/Sr. / A Key area in the Vale do Ribeira region has been studied with the purpose of understanding the stratigraphy and tectonics printed on its Proterozoic supracrustal rock units, and to correlated them to the stratigraphic units previously defined in the neighboring regions of São Paulo and Paraná. Structural, stratigraphic, petrochemical, metamorphic and geochronological data were integrated within the accepted models of tectonic evolution for the region. The choose area crosscut the main regional structures, comprehending Apiaí, Iporanga and Barra do Turvo towns. Besides compilation and integration of regional geological data, completion and integration of existing semidetail geological maps and detail studies has been made. Specific studies include structural analysis of multideformed rocks (morphologic, orientation and strain analysis), restoration of the macroscopic structure and original stratigraphy, petrography, petrochemical analysis of basic rocks, and Rb/Sr geochronological analysis.
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