Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coverage abnormal returns"" "subject:"coverage abnormal eturns""
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An event study : the market reactions to share repurchase announcements on the JSEPunwasi, Kiran 24 February 2013 (has links)
This study examines the market reactions to share repurchase announcements made by companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange from 2003 to 2012. We use an event study methodology and the Capital Asset Pricing Model to determine if there is an announcement effect when a share repurchase announcement is made. Our analysis show that consistent with signalling theory and the announcement effect, share repurchase announcements are associated with positive abnormal returns. The average abnormal return and cumulative average abnormal return noted was 0.46% and 3.81% respectively for the event period (t -20, t +20). There was an observable trend of declining share prices before the share repurchase announcement however the decline in the shares prices was not significant. We found some evidence of market timing ability in 2005 and 2010 however as a collective, we found no significant difference in timing a share repurchase announcement. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted
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Enhancing a value portfolio with price acceleration momentumSchoeman, Cornelius Etienne 24 February 2013 (has links)
Value shares are notorious for remaining stagnant for extended periods of time, forcing value investors to remain locked in their investments often for excessive periods. This research study applied the price acceleration momentum indicator of Bird and Casavecchia (2007) on a value portfolio with the objective of improving the timing of value share acquisitions.A time series study was conducted, taking into account the top 160 JSE shares over the period 1 January 1985 to 31 August 2012. A price acceleration momentum indicator was applied to enhance a value portfolio formed on the basis of book-tomarket ratio, dividend yield and EBITDA/EV. Cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR) were used to compare portfolio results statistically.A substantial contribution is made to the literature by proving that a value-only portfolio can be significantly enhanced by the combination of price acceleration momentum. Results indicated an increase in CAAR from 199.83% to 321.29%. Risk-adjusted returns (Sharpe ratio) were also improved without the detriment of increased share price volatility (standard deviation). This research study further contributes to the literature by proving that a price acceleration momentum indicator adds no additional value over a value portfolio combined with ordinary price momentum. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted
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Do the Goal Sanctify the Mean? : An event study of how the Swedish market reacts to ESG newsNilsson, Lillen, Sehgal, Kabir January 2022 (has links)
The primary objective of profit-maximizing companies has long been seen as satisfying its shareholders. However, this orthodox view of corporate governance has been modernized as corporate social responsibility have become more relevant. In essence, corporate sustainability performance has evolved and is now divided into environmental, social and corporate governance, also known as ESG, closely scrutinized by all stakeholders. The main purpose of this study is to investigate how ESG disclosures about Swedish-listed companies affect their market value. By analyzing these results, using both conventional and complementary theories in behavioral finance, the researchers in this study also aspires to add new perspectives to the research field on why and how the market reacts as it does. This aim was then fulfilled by quantifying the impact of 195 ESG news on market capitalization using three-event studies. The results are sufficiently reliable to confirm both hypotheses of the study. The findings support both theories and previous research in the sense that deviations from the social contract between firms and stakeholders damage firms' legitimacy. Furthermore, the study’s results show that market reactions are asymmetric. Firstly, with the implication that the negative impact of negative news exceeds the corresponding positive impact of positive news. Secondly, with the meaning that positive news results in a negative impact on market value. This can be attributed to market psychological factors and other factors, such as Swedish investors' valuation of sustainability work. In addition, the opposite market reaction to positive news is consistent with studies suggesting that certain ESG news are perceived as greenwashing. Against this background, the study concludes that companies' sustainability work and ESG compliance are not profitable to the extent previously advocated. However, the indirect cost of not acting in a socially responsible manner is greater than the opposite. / Det primära målet för vinstmaximerande bolag har länge ansetts vara att tillfredsställa aktieägarna. Denna ortodoxa syn på bolagsstyrning har dock moderniserats i takt med att hållbarhet och samhällsansvar blivit mer aktuellt. I huvudsak har bolagens hållbarhetsarbete utvecklats och delas numera upp i miljöfrågor, sociala frågor och bolagsstyrning, även kallat ESG, något som noga granskas av intressenter. Det primära syftet med denna studie är att undersöka ESG nyheters inverkan på svensknoterade bolags börsvärden. Genom att analysera dessa resultat, med såväl konventionella som kompletterande teorier inom beteendeekonomi, ämnar författarna även att kunna bidra med nya perspektiv till forskningen om hur, men även varför, marknaden reagerar som den gör. Detta syfte har sedan uppfyllts genom att kvantifiera 195 ESG nyheters inverkan på börsvärde med hjälp av tre eventstudier. Resultaten är tillräckligt tillförlitliga för att bekräfta studiens båda hypoteser. Fynden stödjer såväl teorier som tidigare forskning, i den mening att avvikelser från det sociala kontraktet mellan företag och intressenter skadar företagens legitimitet. Vidare visar studiens resultat att marknadsreaktionerna är asymmetriska. I första hand i det avseendet att den negativa inverkan från negativa nyheter överstiger den positiva inverkan från positiva nyheter. I andra hand i den bemärkelsen att positiva nyheter leder till en negativ inverkan på marknadsvärde. Detta kan hänföras till marknadspsykologiska faktorer och andra faktorer, som exempelvis svenska investerares värdering av hållbarhetsarbete. Vidare är den motsatta marknadsreaktionen till positiva nyheter i linje med studier som antyder att vissa ESG nyheter kan tolkas som grönmålning. Mot denna bakgrund konkluderar studien att bolagens hållbarhetsarbete och efterlevnad av ESG inte är lönsamt i den utsträckning som tidigare förespråkats. Dock är den indirekta kostnaden för att ej agera socialt ansvarsfullt större än motsatsen.
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Effekterna Av Räntehöjningar På Svenska Aktier Och Banksektorns Reaktioner : En kvantitativ eventstudie hur räntehöjningar påverkar företag på Large-Cap-listan / The Effects of Increased Interest Rates on the Swedish Stock Market and Bank Sector Reactions : A Quantitative Event Study Investigating the Impact of Interest Rate Hikes on Large-Cap Listed CompaniesBeronius, Elin, Burvall, Elsa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Med ökade styrräntor och stigande inflation har det blivit viktigt att förstå hur dessa förändringar påverkar ekonomin, företag och aktiemarknaden. Forskning visar att räntebesked kan påverka både aktiemarknaden och banksektorn med effekter på avkastning och volatilitet. Bankerna har som bekant en särskild funktion i den svenska ekonomin genom att svara för finansiering och betalningstjänster till näringsliv och offentlig sektor. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka de effekter som uppstår vid förändringar i Riksbankens styrränta på den svenska aktiemarknaden och inom banksektorn. Metod: En kvantitativ eventstudie med en deduktiv forskningsansats har genomförts. Undersökningen består av sju olika observationer på ränteförändringar av aktier på den svenska OMX Large Cap-listan. De olika observationerna är räntehöjningar rapporterade av Riksbanken mellan åren 2019-2023. Teori: Studien utgår från den effektiva marknadshypotesen vilket kompletterats med tidigare forskning om ränteförändringar och bankers påverkan av räntehöjningar. Slutsatser: Studien finner inte bevis för statistiskt signifikant samband mellan Riksbankens räntehöjningar och den svenska aktiemarknaden. Inom banksektorn fanns inte heller tillräckliga bevis för att visa på en abnormal avkastning vid tillkännagivandet av ett räntebeslut. Resultatet stöds av den effektiva marknadshypotesen. De få resultat som visade på abnormal avkastning bör därför studeras vidare. Externa faktorer borde inkluderas för att förklara skillnaderna i reaktionerna på den svenska aktiemarknaden. / Background: With increasing policy rates and rising inflation, understanding how these changes impact the economy, businesses, and the stock market has become crucial. Research has shown that interest rate announcements can affect both the stock market and banks, influencing returns and volatility. Banks play a central role in the Swedish economy by offering financing and payment services. Purpose: This study aims to examine the effects of changes in the Swedish central bank's policy rate on the Swedish stock market and banking sector. Methodology: A quantitative event study with a deductive research approach was conducted. The study consists of seven different observations on interest rate changes affecting stocks listed on the Swedish OMX Large Cap List. These observations cover interest rate hikes reported between 2019 and 2023. Theory: The study is based on the efficient market hypothesis, complemented by previous research on interest rate changes and the impact of rate hikes on banks. Conclusions: The study shows no significant relationship between Swedish central bank's interest rate hikes and the overall stock market. Similar findings were observed within the banking sector. This can be explained by the efficient market hypothesis, which suggests that all relevant information is already reflected in stock prices. The efficient market hypothesis also supports the lack of market reactions, thus future research should consider external factors that could explain differences in reactions within the Swedish stock market.
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新財務會計準則第十號公報對企業之影響廖翊帆 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果指出,在新十號公報修訂期間,市場對該公報的反應較為負面;在政府政策反覆期間,市場反應則有正有負。各產業部份,電子業於該公報修訂初期受影響較大,推論原因為電子業固定成本高、毛利較低之緣故;而在該公報政府實施決策階段則受影響較小,推論原因為大部分電子業公司均做好因應措施。公司特性部分,大公司對該公報愈持正面態度;老公司則較排斥該公報;前三年度虧損的公司,受該公報影響較小;而成長機會較多之公司,在該公報制定初期受影響較大,但於政府實施決策階段反而受影響較小。 / To pursue globalization, it has been a trend for firms to gradually adopt the International Accounting Standards; that would help reduce the costs related to cross-border restatement of financial reports. To converge with the International Accounting Standards, the Financial Accounting Standards of Taiwan has been revised in recent years. One of the revised standards is the new SFAS No. 10. That revision took place amid the financial crisis. Before the new standard became effective, the government in Taiwan swung on the timing issue of formal adoption. As a result, firms, practitioners, and the media all paid close attention to the new SFAS No. 10.
This study aims to examine the revision and adoption decision effects of the new SFAS No. 10 on the stock market, industries, and firms. Firm characteristics that could be factors of the reaction were also examined. This research is an event study using seemingly unrelated regression to analyze the accumulated average abnormal returns of stocks of listed companies in Taiwan.
The empirical results are as follows. First, the whole market mostly reacted negatively in the standard revision period and in either way during the standard adoption decision period. Next, in the standard revision period, the electronic industry also reacted negatively, as it would be more affected because of its higher fixed cost and lower gross profit. Yet, in the adoption decision period, the electronic industry was less affected likely because most electronics firms were ready for adoption. Thirdly, as to firm characteristics, bigger firms were willing to adopt the new standard, but older firms were not so. In addition, firms that had losses in the previous three years were less affected by the new standard. Finally, firms that had greater growth opportunities were more affected in the early period of standard revision but became less affected in the adoption decision period.
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