Spelling suggestions: "subject:"avian"" "subject:"evian""
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Seasonal Distribution of Sage-Grouse in Hamlin Valley, Utah and the Effect of Fences on Grouse and Avian PredatorsMcPherron, Heather Hedden 01 December 2017 (has links)
Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter sage-grouse) numbers have declined throughout the western US and are considered a species of concern in most of the eleven states that are within their range. Sage-grouse habitats have been reduced by approximately 44% since European settlement of the Western United States began (Miller et al. 2011). Loss of habitat has contributed to an average decline of sage-grouse populations by 33% across the range (Connelly and Braun 1997). To expand our knowledge of this species, I monitored 16 radio-collared sage-grouse captured from four leks in Hamlin Valley, Utah, USA in 2011 and 2012 to determine habitat use. The Hamlin Valley population was primarily one-stage migratory but non-migratory behaviors were also observed. Birds from at least one of the leks used seasonal habitats in neighboring Nevada.
Sage-grouse evolved in habitats where infrastructure (e.g. vertical structures) was not common. Introduction of infrastructure, such as fences in their habitat, can cause direct mortality via collision but may also indirectly influence productivity by increasing artificial perches for avian predators (e.g. golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) , red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), and common ravens (Corvus corax). This research focused on collision rates and increased potential for avian predation on two small populations on the southern portion of the range of current occupied sage-grouse habitat in southwestern vi Utah. During 2011-2012, over 450 km of fences were surveyed for signs of collision and use by avian predators during all seasons (breeding, fall migration, and winter). No sage-grouse collisions were observed suggesting that management for sage-grouse in small populations may be better focused on improving habitat and reducing other causes of mortality which may be more prevalent. Fence post width (i.e. the perching surface) was the best predictor of use as perch by avian predators. Additionally, areas farther from other natural perches, with a low density of surrounding vegetation, and fences constructed along defined habitat edges were used by avian predators more frequently. Results of this study suggest that managers should construct fences with small widths to deter avian predators and care should be taken to maintain contiguous vegetation on either side of the posts while maintaining low shrub density.
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Artificial Pothole and Level Ditch Development as a Means of Increasing Waterfowl ProdcutionLacy, Charles H. 01 May 1959 (has links)
The glaciated prairie pothole country of the Midwest forms a vital segment of the most important waterfowl breeding habitat in North America. Here are hatched three-quarters of all the ducks raised in the United States. During a recent seven-year period the three-state area of Minnesota and the Dakotas produced an average of 4 to 5 million ducks annually (Janzon, 1947). This wetland region which once comprised 115,000 square miles in five states had shrunk to about 56,000 square miles by 19.56 (Lynch, 1956). To maintain the pre,;ent rate of waterfowl production in the face of continued destruction of habitat through drainage and other land use practices detrimental to breeding ducks will require that remaining wet lands, particularly those in public ownership, be developed as much .as possible toward their maximum potential for waterfowl production.
In recent years the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service has excavated several hundred experimental artificial potholes and level ditches on its refuges in the Dakotas and Minnesota. It was believed that these water areas would increase the number of ducks breeding on the refuge marshes by providing additional territorial sites. Before more funds are invested to expand this work it is important to determine the success of the existing development in meeting this objective.
This study, to evaluate the artificial pothole and level ditch development, was initiated. in 1957 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Lower Souris National Wildlife Refuge in North Dakota. The project was carried out in collaboration with the Utah Cooperative wildlife Research Unit and the Department of Wildlife Management, Utah State University.
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The Florida Burrowing Owl in a Rural Environment: Breeding Habitat, Dispersal, PostBreeding Habitat, Behavior, and Diet.Mrykalo, Robert 23 February 2005 (has links)
The first observations of Florida burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia floridana) occurred in the 19th century on historical dry prairie habitat in south central Florida. These early observations documented the ecology of burrowing owls in rural environments. Since then the vast majority of research on this subspecies has been undertaken in suburban and urban environments during the breeding period. The research undertaken on burrowing owls in suburban and urban environments includes determining natal dispersal distance, assessing female fecundity, mate fidelity, territory fidelity, date of juvenile and adult dispersal from breeding habitat, date of clutch initiation, nesting success, density of breeding pairs, causes of mortality, prey preference, and minimum annual survival of fledglings, juveniles, and adults. Very little research has been undertaken on burrowing owls in rural environments.
The purpose of this thesis was to elucidate the behavior and ecology of burrowing owls in a rural environment. The topics researched in this thesis include home range in breeding habitat, dispersal distance to post-breeding habitat, location of post-breeding habitat, behavior during the breeding period, diet of rural versus urban owls, and the evaluation of three methods to trap burrowing owls.
The results of this thesis indicate that, during the daytime, juvenile burrowing owls utilized habitat very close to the main and satellite burrows during the breeding period. At night juvenile owls foraged in an extensive saw palmetto patch surrounding the breeding habitat. The predominant prey of both rural and urban burrowing owls during the breeding period was insects. Dispersal of juvenile burrowing owls from breeding habitat coincided with the flooding of the breeding habitat during the rainy season.
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Evaluation Of The Current State Of Florida West Nile Surveillance Program As A Predictor For Control And Prevention Of Human West Nile DiseasesButler, Angela E 19 November 2004 (has links)
West Nile is an important novel virus in the United States, having spread rapidly since it was first detected in New York in 1999. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as many State Health Departments, have mandated programs for surveillance of West Nile Virus activity. These programs incorporate many different aspects including existing arboserology programs with additional testing for West Nile Virus and new plans that incorporate active and passive surveillance methods.
The objective of this study was to examine all aspects of the Florida West Nile surveillance program to determine if there was transmission in the animal systems prior to human cases. The predictive analyses were done using regional data graphs, spatial information, correlations and regression models.
Data for sentinel chickens, bird necropsy and mosquito pool surveillance from participating counties in Florida were obtained from the State of Florida surveillance database. The human data was obtained from the State of Florida reportable disease database for each county whether participating in the state surveillance programs or not. Clinical cases were examined by demographics (gender and age) and an incidence rate was calculated to demonstrate the effects of disease. Specific statistical methods used included Pearson's coefficient correlation, Poisson distribution regression modeling to show if any of the surveillance systems were predictors for human disease.
The incidence rate analysis for clinical cases showed clustering of cases in adjacent counties within a region where Florida's panhandle and adjacent counties northeast had the highest incidence. Florida's central and southern regions had moderate human incidence. This provides useful information in transmission geography for prevention and control measures. Demographic analysis showed that there were twice as many males than females diagnosed with West Nile in Florida, this was true across the groups as well. The highest number of cases was seen within the age group over 55 years of age for West Nile Neuroinvasive Disease and for West Nile Fever the highest number of cases was within the 36-54 age range.
The temporal distribution was determined using graphical representations of all of the surveillance types and clinical cases. In order to include all relevant data, the temporality was set from week 20 to week 52. This study found that all of the surveillance types (dead birds, mosquitoes and sentinels) offered a specialized strength for predicting clinical cases. However, mosquitoes proved to be the least efficient out of the three surveillance systems. The regional and spatial analysis showed that positive dead birds and sentinels provided the coverage for the surveillance systems in the state. However, Pearson's correlation coefficient was low for sentinel surveillance; this may be due to higher participation showing West Nile Virus activity in areas (especially rural) that have no reported human cases. This analysis did show that West Nile is detected in mosquito pool samples before it is detected in the dead bird or sentinel surveillance systems which provides an earlier warning for human cases. The Poisson distribution regression model was only useful for the pooled years and 2003. These showed that mosquitoes, positive dead birds and sentinels were good predictors for clinical cases for the combined years and dead birds and sentinels were significant for 2003 as well. The recommendations based on the results from this study would be to continue all the current surveillance efforts but with the following enhancements: 1. Increase the coverage and consistency of submissions for all surveillance types. 2. Set standard levels of participation for all counties based on the regional analyses and populations at risk. 3. Create standardized approaches for sampling, shipping and submitting samples (especially for mosquito pool submissions) and require that participating counties adhere to these standards. 4. Only submit specific birds known to be especially susceptible to West Nile Virus (e.g. corvids). 5. Targeted prevention and education strategies for higher risk groups based on their potential levels of exposure.
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Modélisation du risque Influenza Aviaire dans l'écosystème de la Dombes, France / Modeling the Avian Influenza risk in the Dombes area, FranceMacacu, Alina 22 May 2014 (has links)
Influenza aviaire est une maladie infectieuse contagieuse, due à des virus de la famille des Orthomyxoviridae, les virus Influenza A, touchant les oiseaux et susceptible d'entraîner une mortalité extrêmement élevée, notamment chez les volailles. Les souches hautement pathogènes des virus influenza aviaire provoquent une maladie sévère et mortelle chez les volailles et constituent un risque pour la santé publique. En février 2006, la France a été touchée par une épizootie d'influenza aviaire H5N1 hautement pathogène, qui s'est répandu dans l'avifaune sauvage de la zone humide la Dombes. La Dombes est une zone humide, mosaïque de plus de mille étangs, et une zone d'importance ornithologique internationale, abritant des milliers d'oiseaux d'eau. C'est une zone à risque pour la propagation de l'influenza aviaire de part à la fois la présence des populations d'oiseaux sauvages sur les étangs et de la proximité de ces populations aux élevages de volailles qui parsèment la région. L'objectif principal de ce travail est la modélisation du risque influenza aviaire dans la région de la Dombes. Ce travail est axé sur l'avifaune sauvage et sur le risque d'infection et de transmission de l'infection par les oiseaux sauvages. Nous avons, dans un premier temps, identifié les caractéristiques particulières à la Dombes, pouvant influer sur l'épidémiologie de l'influenza aviaire dans la région. Les trois acteurs principaux de l'écosystème de la Dombes sont les étangs, les populations d'oiseaux sauvages et les élevages de volailles. Ensuite, le risque influenza aviaire dans la Dombes a été décliné à deux niveaux : 1) dans l'écosystème d'un seul étang ; et 2) au sein d'un réseau d'étangs comme caractérisés en 1), où la propagation de l'infection peut se faire d'étang à étang. Au niveau étang, le risque influenza aviaire est modélisé, d'une part, par le temps de persistance des virus influenza aviaire dans l'eau de l'étang, et d'autre part, par la dynamique de l'infection au sein des populations d'oiseaux sauvages par transmission directe entre oiseaux et indirecte via l'eau de l'étang. Au niveau réseau d'étangs, l'analyse du risque permet d'identifier des groupements spatiaux d'étangs à risque élevé d'infection aux virus influenza aviaire. Quant au risque d'exposition des élevages aux virus influenza aviaire d'origine de l'avifaune sauvage, il est calculé en tenant compte à la fois de la proximité des élevages aux étangs susceptibles d'être infectés et de la probabilité de ces étangs à être infectés en cas d'épizootie. / Avian influenza is a contagious infectious disease caused by viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae, influenza A viruses, affecting birds and known to cause extremely high mortality, especially in poultry. Highly pathogenic strains of avian influenza viruses cause severe and fatal disease in poultry and pose a risk to public health. In February 2006, France was hit by a highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza outbreak, affecting aquatic wildfowl in Dombes wetland. The Dombes is a wetland mosaic of more than a thousand ponds and an area of international ornithological importance, home to thousands of waterfowl. This is an area at risk for the spread of avian influenza viruses due to both the presence of wild birds on the ponds and the proximity of these populations to poultry farms that are present in the area. The main objective of this work is the modeling of the avian influenza risk in the Dombes region. This work is focused on the wildfowl and the risk of infection and transmission of infection by wild birds. As a first step, we have identified the specific characteristics of the Dombes area, which may affect the epidemiology of avian influenza in the region. The three main players in the Dombes ecosystem are the ponds, the wildfowl populations and the poultry farms. Secondly, the avian influenza risk in the Dombes was declined at two levels: 1) in the ecosystem of a single pond; and 2) within a network of ponds as characterized by 1), where the infection is spread from pond to pond. At the pond level, the avian influenza risk is modeled, on the one hand, by the persistence time of avian influenza viruses in the water of the pond, and, on the other hand, by the infection dynamics within wild bird populations by direct transmission between birds and indirectly through the water of the pond. At the ponds network, the risk analysis identifies spatial clusters of ponds at high risk of infection with avian influenza viruses. Concerning the risk of exposure of poultry farms to avian influenza viruses of wildfowl origin, it is calculated taking into account both the proximity of the farms to ponds likely to be infected and the probability of these ponds to become infected during an outbreak.
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Testing the Feasibility of Bioacoustic Localization in Urban EnvironmentsO'neal, Blaire 17 March 2014 (has links)
Bioacoustics is a relatively new field of research focused on studying the acoustic signals of vocal animal species. The field has been a topic of interest for many years due its passive approach and avoidance of species-level limitations, such as tracking rare or nocturnal species. It has been used to locate birds in terrestrial environments; however, localization in urban environments remains unstudied. This research aims to fill the gap by attempting to estimate the location of 30 discrete calls in eight unique, urban environments. Sites represented two distinct traffic scenarios: moderate traffic and high traffic. Three system arrays of three different sizes utilizing the Song Meter SM2+ units were tested at each site to determine the effect of array size on call visibility and location estimation. An American robin (Turdus migratorius) distress call was played through a loudspeaker at the thirty locations for each array. The spectrogram of each of these calls was examined to determine the number of channels with a visible call signature. If the file contained at least one visible call per song meter (36% of our sound files), cross correlation was used to determine the differences in the time of arrival of calls at all the microphones in the array, called lag values, which were used to calculate the origin location of the call. However, resulting lag values in this study were too large to produce reliable location estimates. This was likely due to imprecise synchronization in the field or poorly defined calls within the spectrograms. Our overall low visibility is likely a result of the high signal to noise ratio common in urban environments. Further research is necessary to continue to test the viability of acoustic localization in urban environments.
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Effect of double interspiking on fertility, behavior, and blood parameters in broiler breeder males reared under heat stress conditionsChung, Karianne Mei-Ying 01 August 2010 (has links)
Broiler breeders experience a natural decline in fertility levels as a flock ages. A male management practice such as double interspiking could be applied to counteract this decline. Our objective was to investigate the effects of double interspiking on flock fertility, testosterone concentrations, stress responses, and behavioral responses of broiler breeders in heat stressed environments. Two hundred and eighty-eight broiler breeder pullets and thirty-six broiler breeder roosters (Ross 708) were assigned to three groups at 21 weeks of age (WOA). All three groups were housed in slatted floor pens in which room temperature cycled from 23.8 to 30 C to mimic heat stressed environments. Double interspiking was carried out between two pens at 42 and 52 WOA. Beginning at 32 WOA, eggs were set every two weeks, candled at day 12, and percent fertility calculated. Concentrations of the hormones testosterone and corticosterone (CS) were measured by radioimmunoassays at specific time points in the experiment. Lymphocytes and heterophils were counted in order to calculate heterophil:lymphocyte (H:L) ratios. Behavior was monitored with Panasonic video cameras which recorded video footage using the Noldus MPEG Recorder from 1900 hr to 2100 hr at specific time points. Recordings were analyzed, and frequency of specific behavioral responses of individual (preening, feather ruffling, wing flapping), male-to-male (fighting, pecking, retreating), and male-to-female (attempted and completed mating) behaviors were assessed. The introduction of unfamiliar roosters resulted in a fertility increase (P<0.01) between control and spiked birds after the first interspike and a sustainment of fertility levels after the second interspike. Testosterone concentrations declined (P<0.0001) from 1.95ng/mL to 0.11ng/mL as the birds aged. Corticosterone concentrations differed among bird groups and was elevated (P=.0333) for both groups that were interspiked. H:L ratios were also different among bird groups with all birds housed in the interspiked rooms showing higher ratios. Double interspiking increased the occurrence of male-to-male interactions, but there were no significant differences in male-to-female or individual behaviors. Regardless of treatment, there was a decrease in male-to-female behaviors as the birds aged. Double interspiking does show promise as a tool to increase fertility levels in a broiler breeder flock.
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Habitat Loss and Avian Range Dynamics through Space and TimeDesrochers, Rachelle 09 November 2011 (has links)
The species–area relationship (SAR) has been applied to predict species richness declines as area is converted to human-dominated land covers.In many areas of the world, however, many species persist in human-dominated areas, including threatened species. Because SARs are decelerating nonlinear, small extents of natural habitat can be converted to human use with little expected loss of associated species, but with the addition of more species that are associated with human land uses. Decelerating SARs suggest that, as area is converted to human-dominated forms, more species will be added to the rare habitat than are lost from the common one. This should lead to a peaked relationship between richness and natural area. I found that the effect of natural area on avian richness across Ontario was consistent with the sum of SARs for natural habitat species and human-dominated habitat species, suggesting that almost half the natural area can be converted to human-dominated forms before richness declines. However, I found that this spatial relationship did not remain consistent through time: bird richness increased when natural cover was removed (up to 4%), irrespective of its original extent.
The inclusion of metapopulation processes in predictive models of species presence improves predictions of diversity change through time dramatically. Variability in site occupancy was common among bird species evaluated in this study, likely resulting from local extinction-colonization dynamics. Likelihood of species presence declined when few neighbouring sites were previously occupied by the species. Site occupancy was also less likely when little suitable habitat was present. Consistent with expectations that larger habitats are easier targets for colonists, habitat area was more important for more isolated sites. Accounting for the effect of metapopulation dynamics on site occupancy predicted change in richness better than land cover change and increased the strength of the regional richness–natural area relationship to levels observed for continental richness–environment relationships suggesting that these metapopulation processes “scale up” to modify regional species richness patterns making them more difficult to predict. It is the existence of absences in otherwise suitable habitat within species’ ranges that appears to weaken regional richness–environment relationships.
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Genomic Context, Sequence Evolution, and Evolutionary Ecology of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Genes in the Red-billed Gull (Larus scopulinus)Cloutier, Alison J. 26 March 2012 (has links)
Genomic organization of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) can profoundly influence gene function and multigene family evolution. Situated at the interface of individual genetic variation and the adaptive immune response, MHC class I and II loci are intensively studied for disease associations and used as markers of adaptive genetic variation in evolutionary ecology research.
Genomic sequence of MHC-containing cosmid clones from the red-billed gull (Larus scopulinus, Charadriiformes: shorebirds, gulls, and allies) was obtained for comparative analysis of avian MHC evolution. MHCI polymorphism was further investigated using cDNA library screening and locus-specific genotyping protocols. This first information regarding MHC organization and MHCI variation in charadriiforms suggests a complex evolutionary history to MHC architecture in birds. Duplication of MHCIIα loci in tandem MHCIIα/β pairs and their proximity to MHC-region gene COL11A2 are similar to arrangements in nonavian vertebrates, and contrast with the “minimal essential” MHC of the chicken (Gallus gallus, Galliformes: gamebirds). MHCI–TAP2 organization is shared with Galloanserae (gamebirds + waterfowl), as is a proposed major classical function for this MHCI gene. In contrast, the placement of
MHCI genes adjacent to sequence from chromosomes 3, 5, and 22 of the chicken and zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata, Passeriformes: perching birds) indicates interchromosomal rearrangements in birds and the possible genomic dispersal of nonclassical MHCI genes in the red-billed gull.
Screening for avian malaria, genetic parentage tests, and field data from red-billed gulls at Kaikoura Peninsula, New Zealand were combined with MHCI genotypes to investigate relationships with disease and reproduction. Plasmodium infection was confirmed in red-billed gulls, and breeding condition was negatively associated with malarial infection and positively related to variation at the putative major MHCI locus. A low rate of extrapair paternity was identified across thirteen breeding seasons. Partners without extrapair young (EPY) had greater MHCI dissimilarity than was expected by chance, whereas lower individual MHCI variation and elevated hatching failure existed for pairs with EPY. In addition to contributing to studies of MHC evolution, sexual selection, and disease dynamics in the New Zealand avifauna, this research will facilitate studies of MHC genes in related charadriiforms, many of which are of conservation concern.
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Nest site selection by common eiders : relationships with habitat features, microclimate and incubation successFast, Peter 28 November 2006
Habitat selection theory presumes that organisms are not distributed randomly in their environments because of habitat-specific differences in reproductive success and survival; unfortunately, many previous studies were either unable or failed to look for evidence of processes shaping nest site selection patterns. Furthermore, little is known about adaptive nest site selection in northern environments where habitats often have little vegetation and time and climatic constraints may be pronounced. Therefore, I investigated patterns of nest site selection by common eider ducks (<i>Somateria mollissima</i>) at an island colony in Canadas Eastern Arctic, and looked for evidence of selective processes underlying these patterns by employing experimental and observational techniques.<p>I characterized physical features of (a) non-nest sites (b) active nest sites and (c) unoccupied nest sites that had been used in previous years. Habitat features that distinguished non-nest sites from unoccupied nest sites were also important in distinguishing between active and unoccupied nest sites during the breeding season. Active nest sites were closer to herring gull (<i>Larus argentatus</i>) nests, farther from the ocean and had organic substrates. In general, habitat features associated with nest use were not strongly associated with success after the onset of incubation. Nests near fresh water ponds were more successful in one study year, but in the other two study years successful nests were initiated earlier and more synchronously than were unsuccessful nests. Common eiders settled to nest first near the geographic centre of the colony, whereas sites near the largest fresh water pond were occupied later; distance to ocean had no observable effect on timing of nesting. Nest density was greater farther from the ocean, but timing of nest establishment did not differ between high and low density plots. <p>I tested whether moss or duck down placed in nest bowls could increase nest establishment, or advance laying date. I placed this extraneous material in bowls before nesting and found no difference in likelihood of nest establishment; however, bowls containing duck down were initiated earlier (or had higher survival) than those containing no nesting material. To investigate the role of nest shelter and microclimate in nest site choices and female body condition, I placed plywood nest shelters over established nests. Temperature probes indicated that artificially-sheltered females experienced more moderate thermal environments and maintained higher body weight during late incubation than did unsheltered females. However, few eiders nested at naturally-sheltered sites, possibly because nest concealment increases susceptibility to mammalian predators. My results suggest that eider nest choices likely reflect trade-offs among selective pressures that involve the local predator community, egg concealment, nest microclimate and energy use.
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