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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv MS v ragby a LOH na povědomí studentů FTVS o ragby / Influence of Rugby World cup and Summer Olympic Games on the awareness of FTVS students about rugby

Kadavá, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
Title: Influence of Rugby World Cup and Summer Olympic Games on the awarness of FTVS students about rugby Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is detection, if big sport rugby events had any influence on awareness of rugby for students of Faculty of physical education and sport. Concretely, if the knowledge about Rugby World Cup and rugby tournament at Summer Olympic Games increased. And then, if their knowledge about rugby rules, world rugby, Czech rugby and women's rugby increased. Methods: I used the methods of quantitative research in ma thesis. I created two electronic questionnaire through the web site Vyplnto.cz. One of the questionaire I distributed in 2015 (before the Rugby World Cup) and the second questionnaire I posted in 2016 after the Summer Olympic Games. Results: The results of research demonstrated the impact of the big rugby events. The awareness of students about rugby increased. Their basic knowledge about world rugby and rugby rules increased. The research also showed that researched events didn't have the impact for the knowledge about Czech rugby or women's rugby. Keywords: Rugby World Cup, Summer Olympic Games, rugby, awarness

Un modèle à composant pour la gestion de contextes pervasifs orientés service / A component model for pervasive service oriented context management

Aygalinc, Colin 18 December 2017 (has links)
L'informatique pervasive promeut une vision d'un cadre dans lequel un patchwork de ressources hétérogènes et volatiles est intégré dans les environnements du quotidien. Ces ressources, matérielles ou logicielles, coopèrent de manière transparente, souvent aux travers d'applications, pour fournir des services à haute valeur ajoutée adaptés à chaque utilisateur et son environnement, grâce à la notion de contexte. Ces applications sont déployées dans un large spectre d'environnements d'exécution, allant d'infrastructures distantes de Cloud Computing jusqu'au plus près de l'utilisateur dans des passerelles Fog Computing ou directement dans les capteurs du réseau. Dans ces travaux, nous nous intéressons spécifiquement au module de contexte d'une plateforme Fog Computing. Pour faciliter la conception et l'exécution des applications Fog Computing, une approche populaire est de les bâtir au dessus d'une plateforme adoptant l'architecture à service, ce qui permet de réduire leur complexité et simplifie la gestion du dynamisme. Dans nos travaux, nous proposons d'étendre cette approche en modélisant le contexte comme un ensemble de descriptions de services, disponible à la conception, et exposé dynamiquement par le module de contexte à l'exécution, selon les besoins des applications et l'état de l'environnement. Ce module est programmé à l'aide d'un modèle à composant spécifique. L'unité de base de notre modèle à composant est l'entité de contexte, qui est composé de modules hautement cohérents implémentant distinctement les spécifications des services proposées par l'entité de contexte. Ces modules peuvent décrire de manière simple leur logique de synchronisation avec les sources de contexte distantes grâce à un langage dédié à ce domaine. A l'exécution, les instances d'entitées de contexte sont rendues introspectables et reconfigurables dynamiquement, ce qui permet, grâce à un manager autonomique externe, de veiller à la satisfaction des besoins des applications. Nous avons développé une implémentation de référence de ce modèle à composant, nommée CReAM, qui a pu être utilisée dans la passerelle domotique iCASA, développée en partenariat avec Orange Labs. / Pervasive computing promotes environments where a patchwork of heterogeneous and volatile resources are integrated in places of daily life. These hardware and software resources cooperate in a transparent way, through applications, in order to provide high valueadded services. These services are adapted to each user and its environment, via the notion of context. Pervasive applications are now widely distributed, from distant cloud facilities down to Fog Computing gateway or even in sensors, near the user. Depending on the localization, various forms of context are needed by the applications. In this thesis, we focus on the context module at Fog Level. In order to simplify the design and execution, Fog applications are built on top of a service-oriented platform, freeing the developer of technical complexity and providing a support to handle the dynamism. We propose to extend this approach by providing the context as a set of service descriptions, available at design to the application developer. At runtime, depending on the context sources availability and on application current needs, context services are published or withdrawn inside the platform by the context module. We tailor a specific component model to program this context module. The base unit of our component model is called context entity. It is composed of highly coherent modules, implementing distinctly each service description proposed by the underlying context entity. These modules can simply describe their synchronization logic with context sources thanks to a domain specific language. At runtime, context entity instances can be introspected and reconfigured. An external autonomic manager uses these properties to match dynamically the context services exposed by the context module to the application needs. We have developed a reference implementation of our work, called CReAM, which can be used in a smart home gateway called iCASA, developed in a partnership with Orange Labs.

Evaluating Multi-Uav System with Text to Spech for Sitational Awarness and Workload

Lindgren, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
With improvements to miniaturization technologies, the ratio between operators required per UAV has become increasingly smaller at the cost of increased workload. Workload is an important factor to consider when designing the multi-UAV systems of tomorrow as too much workload may decrease an operator's performance. This study proposes the use of text to speech combined with an emphasis on a single screen design as a way of improving situational awareness and perceived workload. A controlled experiment consisting of 18 participants was conducted inside a simulator. Their situational awareness and perceived workload was measured using SAGAT and NASA-TLX respectively. The results show that the use of text to speech lead to a decrease in situational awareness for all elements inside the graphical user interface that were not directly handled by a text to speech event. All of the NASA-TLX measurements showed an improvement in perceived workload except for physical demand. Overall an improvement of perceived workload was observed when text to speech was in use.

敘事表演論-以「台灣核廢料案」為例 / Constructing Narrative Performance: With reference to "the case of Taiwan Nuclear waste News"

徐敬官, Seo, Kyong-Kwan Unknown Date (has links)
本文設定出三個研究目的 1.觀點建構:為了重新評估新聞敘事的生產與接受過程,我們基於社會真實建構論與James Carey所說的「溝通之儀式觀點」,進而提出敘事表演論,即敘事正是儀式表演。這裡,本文基於「社會空間一劇場空間-文本空間」的類比,進而主張敘事表演的背後程式和社會結構的運作邏輯密切有關。 2.理論建構:為了有系統性的探討整場敘事表演所展現的意義,同時提高閱聽眾的「批判的語言警覺性」,本文按照四個表演構成因素之間的關係網,區分了三種意義場域:「人際意義」(言者一聽者)、「理念意義」(故事主角)、「文本意義」 (舞臺場景工程)。據此,本文分別建構具體的理論工具箱,以期不但識別出文本上的微觀物理線索,即語法證據一如「語態」、「詞彙語域」、「社會行動詞」、「言說標誌詞」等;且進而尋繹出敘事所努力完成的意義網路和意象建構,即語用途徑-如「直示中心轉換模式」、「敘事轉換模式」、「引語文體」等。 3.實際應用:使用該語言工具箱來實際分析新聞範例- 「97年台電核廢料案」,探討台/韓新聞媒體針對同一個社會事件,運用怎樣的象徵資源,如何再現言者對該議題的觀點位置,如何設定故事主角的形象與理念,又如何實現其報導內容的連貫性與事實性。對此,本文再細分成底下主要問題:(1)言者的觀點立場透過怎樣的語言用法和策略裝置展現在敘事新聞中?;(2)針對同一個故事,台/韓兩方的新聞版本所再現的理念圖像有什麼異同?;(3)針對同一個故事,台/韓雙方的新聞版本如何重說以塑造出敘事流程的一致方向? / Is the press news a mirror of reality or constructed reality? In this debating epistemological approaches, we are based on latter as well as on the perspectives of “narrative as ritual performance” ,which is in the contextual mood of textual-oriented critical discourse analysis. From the view of media function of ‘reality-definition’, and also with socio-cultural anthropological perspectives, we are assumes that news is not reality itself and not information transfer too, but socially constructed multiple realities through social interaction on a ‘stage’ by various social actors as performers, either they are on ‘frontstage’ or ‘backstage’. In other words, in this study we attempt to reintroduce performative model into the discourse-textual analysis in media studies, and therefore propose that news is a mediated collective ritual performance in which we are both a performer and a participant, who have function of the “double subjectivity” in the context of news making and its reading. This study essentially also have a basic concern with the cultivation of what Fairclough called ‘critical language awareness’, in other to reflectively reconsider the problems of ethnocentrism and the webs of power-knowledge which can be inscribed in the form and content of ritual performance. And now, what is “narrative performance”? Based on Victor Turner‘s notion of performance, i.e. the processual sense of ‘bringing to completion’ or ‘accomplishing’, this study further defines narrative performance as those two connotations: generally speaking, it means “ritual performance of telling-stories in everyday life” and then specifically speaking, it means “all written text or printed text displaying dramatic formats ” which not only represents our interpretation of what is social reality, but also continually performing and reconstructing our collective consensus and affective memories of the historical culture including the context of “here-and-now”. What we want to do in this paper is to articulate and demonstrate the correspondence between social space and textual space which is based upon the analogies of “life-as-theatre” and “symbolic interaction-as-drama performing”. News narrative result of journalist’s convention, their sociocultural context, and the routinalized reporting practice. Through this study, we believe, it would provide a sort of alternative perspective and a set of useful metaphor for searching out new methodological directions in the fields of communication and mass media studies. The main object of this case study is to analyze the narrative structure of the press news on “the issue of Taiwan nuclear waste”, in other to identify the function of reality construction of a ritualized press performance as well as to show the process of image construction which is represented in the textual context of time-space. More specifically four research questions are raised. First, How we should rethink and reevaluate the process and significance of news-making? Second, How does teller‘s position represent in the news narrative by the use of what sorts of language-uses and tactic device? Three sub-questions as follows: a. How dose teller highlight “we-oriented” view points in the news reporting? b. How dose teller dissimulate “they-oriented” view points in the news reporting? c. How dose teller purposefully persuade the audience to be oriented and attached to the story-teller owns attitudinal position? Third, In relation to the given same social events, what is the distinctive differences of ideational pictures re-presented between Taiwan and Korean version of news story? Forth, In relation to a original newspaper article, how Taiwan and Korean press distinctively retelling or re-performing the story to be construct the thematic coherence of narrative flows ? In other to give answers to these practical questions, this study collected articles of Korean newspaper ‘Joongang Ilbo’ and Taiwan’s ‘United Daily’ and ‘China Times’, each dealing with the case of ‘nuclear waste’ which have drawn a firestorm from South Korea after Taiwan and North Korea had made the Jan. 11, 1997 deal of nuclear waste. To analysis these news articles, this study systemically build a set of analysis methods and several types of research-tools focusing on three categories of meaning-field, that is, fields of interpersonal meaning, ideational meaning, and textual meaning. Interpersonal meaning field including two types of tool or cues, that is “modality” and “deixis” by which to explore the process of image constructing of teller-audience nexus on backstage;in the filed of ideational meaning, there are three tools, that is “registers of lexical categorization”, “social-action-verbs”, and “modes of narrative transposition ” by which to investigate the process of image construction of social actors staged-on;and the textual meaning field mainly based on “discourse marker” and “speech genre(as quotation)” by which to demonstrate the thematic coherence in the semantic and pragmatic levels embodied by the operations of symbolic selection and composition of narrative devices. The above methodological approaches can be illustrated as follows: ┌───────┬──────┬───────┬──────────┬─────────┐ │Meaning-Field │Focus │Relation-Web │Image-Construction │Language-use-Cues │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├───────┼──────┼───────┼──────────┼─────────┤ │Interpersonal │enonciative │enonciative │teller and listener │modalities deixis │ │ │event │context │ │ │ ├───────┼──────┼───────┼──────────┼─────────┤ │Ideational │episodic │representation│story actor’s │lexical registers │ │ │event │of 'people- │social action │social-action- │ │ │ │world' │ │verbs modes of │ │ │ │relations │ │narrative │ │ │ │ │ │transposition │ ├───────┼──────┼───────┼──────────┼─────────┤ │Textual │symbolic │thematic │selection and │discourse markers │ │ │textualizing│coherence │composition of │speech genres │ │ │ │ │narrative devices │ │ └───────┴──────┴───────┴──────────┴─────────┘ Major conclusion of the study: For the research question 2, we found that teller’s view position was demonstrated in those ‘deictic centers’ as like ‘WHO’, ‘WHEN-WHERE’, and ‘WHAT’ , which served as a sort of mechanism making a tragic spectacle, in other to set up the sympathetic involvement toward “Mr. Yan” as a hero as well as the resentment toward “Taiwan authority” as an antagonist, which is assume to be generated from the imagined domain of Korean audiences. More importantly, we further found that the three types of tactic devices of persuasiveness used by Korean teller which is this: a. to show concrete evidence including critical witness as a vivid symptoms on the could-be-impacts of pollution crisis;b. to evoke universal sense of moral justice;c. to support the technique of punishment. For research question 3, we found that Korean and Taiwan news articles not only shown the differences of representational orders on the ideational picture of the case of Taiwan nuclear waste, but also it supported the fact that, as Mary Douglas argued, ‘ritual of social hygiene’ would be performed when a social communities faced the pollution problems to solves, in order to manages the crisis through mobilizing a sorts of symbolic capitals available to use. we show first that the dominant value of Korean domains on the news issues are standard aggressive patterns of “the program of the witch-hunting” which is based on the ethical politics of environmental protection and the justice of human rights;and second that, compared with the Korean domain’s, Taiwan news narrative demonstrated the distinctive representational order, i.e. “the program of consolation” which is based on lawful and economic ways of thinking. For research question 4, we found that Korean and Taiwan news reporting did not have a distinctive characteristics in the ways of using ‘discourse markers’ to construct local coherence of narrative flow, because both of they are follow basic conventional norms of news writing just as . But, in the other hand, from the aspects of ‘speech genre’, we found that there are differences in the ways of quotation, Korean teller is favor to use ‘free direct speech’ with a discriminating reporting verbs by which highlight the negative aspects of the deal, While on the contrary, Taiwan teller is favored to use ‘indirect speech’ and with a neutral reporting verbs by whichrean teller is favor to use ‘free direct speech’ with a discriminating reporting verbs by which highlight the negative aspects of the deal, while on the contrary, Taiwan teller is favored to use 'indirect speech' and with a neutral reporting verbs by which selecting the good ones and dismilating the negative aspects of the deal.

Syrians of The Diaspora : Seeding and harvesting the design of a book and a manifesto

Fahd, Ahmad, Bsirini, George January 2021 (has links)
This project proposes and uses co-creation design methods, a design approach based on allowing users to play a design role; by creating a project. The design process comprises design specialists and participants from various specialties and ages, then finding common ground and interests to develop a future work plan. Collective creation designers can provide tools and workshops to support and develop a fledgling community initiative that works within design and change. After the Syrians were exposed to a movement towards world countries, forming a diaspora condition within their families and host societies. This project was implemented in January 2021, with two collaborating students of the Bachelor of Design + Change at Linnaeus International University in Sweden, titled ‘’Syrians of The Diaspora’’. The project deals with collective creation in addressing issues to which immigrants are exposed, several issues that cause feelings of despair, and loss of creative value, influenced by their neglected skills and life experiences. To create a ‘’vocational cultural knowledgeable club’’ in the host country that employs their skills and presents them to the host community, facilitating integration plans.

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