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Characterization of signalling pathways in cardiac hypertrophic responseKoivisto, E. (Elina) 07 June 2011 (has links)
Intracellular signalling cascades regulate cardiomyocyte hypertrophic response. Initially hypertrophy of individual myocytes occurs as an adaptive response to increased demands for cardiac work, e.g. during hypertension or after myocardial infarction, but a prolonged hypertrophic response, accompanied by accelerated fibrosis and apoptosis, predisposes the heart to impaired performance and the syndrome of heart failure. The goal of this work was to elucidate some of the main signalling pathways in experimental models of the cardiac hypertrophic response.
Mechanical stretching of cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes in vitro activates the B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) gene, a well-established marker of the hypertrophic response, through intracellular signalling cascades mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and protein kinase A (PKA) -pathway. Further, transcription factors transcriptional enhancer factor-1 (TEF-1) and activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) were induced during stretch, and TEF-1 activation was shown to be regulated by extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), while ATF3 activation was modulated by PKA. The BNP gene was also activated by the adenoviral overexpression of the p38 MAPK isoforms p38α and p38β in vitro. Importantly, p38α–induced activation was mediated through activator protein-1 (AP-1) while p38β mediated BNP transcription through GATA-4, which suggests distinct physiological roles for different p38 isoforms. This was further confirmed by quantitative PCR, which demonstrated pro-fibrotic role for the p38α isoform and a pro-hypertrophic role for the p38β isoform. Finally, adenoviral overexpression of ATF3 in vitro and in vivo resulted in activation of cardiac survival factors nuclear factor-κВ and Nkx-2.5, and attenuation of central pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic mediators. Together these data suggest a protective role for ATF3 in the heart.
Overall this study provides new insights into the role of several signalling molecules involved in cardiac hypertrophic process and suggests potential therapeutic strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure. / Tiivistelmä
Sydämen kammioiden seinämät paksuuntuvat kuormituksen lisääntyessä mm. verenpainetaudissa tai sydäninfarktin jälkeen. Lisääntynyt kuormitus aiheuttaa sydänlihassolujen koon kasvun (hypertrofioitumisen) ohella sidekudoksen kertymistä (fibroosia) ja solukuolemaa. Nämä solutason muutokset lopulta vioittavat sydämen rakennetta niin, että sen toiminta pettää, ja sydän ajautuu vajaatoimintaan. Tätä taudin etenemistä säätelevät molekyylitasolla lukuisat solunsisäiset signaalinvälitysjärjestelmät, joita tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin eri koemalleissa.
Sydämen täyttöpaineen nousun aiheuttama sydänlihassolujen mekaaninen venytys aktivoi natriureettisten peptidien (eteispeptidi, ANP ja B-tyypin natriureettinen peptidi, BNP) synteesiä ja vapautumista verenkiertoon. BNP geenin säätelyä mekaanisen venytyksen aikana tutkittiin rotan sydänlihassoluviljelmissä. Mitogeeni-aktivoituvat proteiinikinaasit (MAPK) sekä proteiinikinaasi A (PKA) säätelivät mekaanisen ärsykkeen aiheuttamaa BNP geenin ekspressiota. Venytys aktivoi myös transkriptiotekijöitä TEF-1 (transcriptional enhancer factor-1) ja ATF3 (activating transcription factor 3). TEF-1 sääteli venytyksen aiheuttamaa BNP:n aktivaatiota ERK:n (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) välityksellä BNP geenin säätelyalueella olevan sitoutumispaikkansa (M-CAT elementti) kautta. ATF3:n säätelyssä PKA:lla oli keskeinen merkitys. Tutkimus osoitti myös, että p38 MAPK:n alatyypeistä p38α lisäsi fibroosiin liittyvien geenien aktiivisuutta, kun taas p38β aiheutti solujen hypertrofioitumista lisäävien geenien ekspressiota. Molemmat alatyypit aktivoivat BNP geenin ekspressiota, mutta aktivaatio tapahtui eri transkriptiotekijöiden kautta. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös, että ATF3:n yliekspressio adenovirusvälitteisellä geeninsiirrolla lisäsi kahden sydäntä suojaavan transkriptiotekijän (nuclear factor-κВ ja Nkx-2.5) aktiivisuutta, sekä vähensi sydämen tulehdusvastetta ja fibroosia lisäävien tekijöiden (interleukiini-6 ja plasminogeeniaktivaattorin inhibiittori-1) ekspressiota.
Väitöskirjatutkimus antaa uutta tietoa solunsisäisistä signaalinvälitys-järjestelmistä, jotka säätelevät sydänlihaksen kuormitusvastetta sydän- ja verenkiertoelimistön sairauksissa. Näiden solutason mekanismien tunteminen osaltaan edesauttaa jatkossa uusien menetelmien kehittämistä sydämen vajaatoiminnan ehkäisyyn ja hoitoon.
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Měření impedancí s vyhodnocováním nejistot / Impedance measurement with uncertainty assessmentFiala, Radim January 2010 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with standard uncertainity determination for electrical quantities measurement. Next, there are proposals of uncertainity calculation procedures for impedance measurement. Impedance is measured by LCR meter Agilent 4263B. Using the proposed procedures, standard uncertainities are then calculated. Furthermore, there is proposal for an improved laboratory exercise for the MEMT subject, implementing the standard measurement uncertainities calculations.
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Evidence of random copolymer adsorption at fluctuating selective interfaces from Monte-Carlo simulation studiesGazuz, Igor, Sommer, Jens-Uwe 09 December 2019 (has links)
We perform Monte-Carlo simulations of a binary, strongly separated mixture of A- and B-type homopolymers with some amount of random AB copolymers added. The interface is analyzed and the interface tension is calculated using the model of capillary waves. We can clearly demonstrate that random copolymers are localized at real, fluctuating interfaces between incompatible polymer species and micellization is not favored over adsorption. Our study proves that random copolymers are potential candidates for compatibilization of polymer-polymer mixtures. By simulating random copolymers in a one-component bulk and comparing their free energy to the copolymers adsorbed at the two-phase interface we show that the adsorption is thermodynamically stable. We use scaling arguments developed for ideal and non-fluctuating interfaces to rationalize the simulation results and we calculate the reduction of interface tension with increasing amount of the adsorbed copolymers.
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The Opposing Effects of HDL Metabolism on Prostate CancerTraughber, Cynthia Alicia 07 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Receptor scavenger BI: efeito de polimorfismos e atorvastatina na expressão gênica em indivíduos hipercolesterolêmicos / Scavenger receptor class BI: polymorphisms and atorvastatin effects on gene expression in hypercholesterolemic individualsMaureira, Álvaro Danilo Cerda 20 May 2009 (has links)
O receptor scavenger classe B tipo I (SR-BI) media a captação seletiva do colesterol da lipoproteina de alta densidade (HDL) e participa no effluxo do colesterol livre para aceptores lipoprotéicos. A HDL tem um importante rol aterogênico associado com sua participação no transporte reverso do colesterol. Polimorfismos no gene que codifica para o SR-BI (SCARB1) foram relacionados com alterações do perfil lipídico sérico e outros fatores de risco associados com doença cardiovascular. As estatinas são inibidores da síntese do colesterol utilizados no tratamento da dislipidemia. Vários polimorfismos em genes envolvidos no metabolismo intermediario de lipideos foram relacionados com diferenças na resposta a hipolipemiantes. Com a finalidade de avaliar o efeito de polimorfismos do SCARB1 sobre o perfil lipídico sérico, expressão gênica e a resposta a estatinas, foram selecionados 185 indivíduos normolipidêmicos (NL) e 147 pacientes hipercolesterolêmicos (HC). Os pacientes HC foram tratados com atorvastatina (10 mg/dia/4 semanas). DNA e RNA foram extraídos de amostras de sangue periférico. Os polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNP) G4A, In5C>T e Ex8C>T foram detectados por PCR-RFLP. A expressão de RNAm do SCARB1 em células mononucleares de sangue periférico (CMSP) foi analisada por PCR em tempo real usando o gene da Ubiquitina c (UBC) como referência endógena. Nos indivíduos HC, as freqüências dos alelos raros G4A (12%), In5C>T (7%) e Ex8C>T (40%), no grupo HC, foram similares às encontradas no grupo NL (4A: 15%, In5T: 7%, e Ex8T: 35%, p>0,05). O alelo SCARB1 4A (genótipos GA + AA) foi associado com valores diminuídos de apoAI no grupo NL. O alelo In5T foi associado com maior concentração LDL-C sérico (p=0,029), em NL, e com apoB e razão apoB/apoAI elevadas (p>0,05) no grupo HC. O SNP SCARB1 Ex8C>T não foi relacionado com o perfil lipídico sérico basal, embora os portadores do genótipo Ex8CC foram associados com resposta reduzida ao tratamento com atorvastatina mostrando menor variação de colesterol total, LDL-C, apoB e razão apoB/apoAI. O SNP Ex8C>T foi associado com maior probabilidade (OR=3,1; 95% IC: 1,00-9,5; p=0,044) de ter uma resposta à atorvastatina diminuída. Os SNPs SCARB1 In5C>T e Ex8C>T estão em desequilíbrio de ligação. O haplótipo G1C5C8/G1T5C8 foi associado com concentrações basais elevadas de triglicérides e VLDL-C em NL e diminuídas de HDL-C e apoAI em HC. Os haplótipos G1C5C8/A1C5C8 e C5C8/C5C8 tiveram variação diminuída da apoB quando comparados com os outros haplótipos, G1C5C8/A1C5C8 e o diplótipo C5C8/C5C8 também apresentou uma variação reduzida da razão apoB/apoAI. Os SNPs G4A e In5C>T estão associados com diminuição da expressão gênica do SCARB1 em NL. O tratamento com atorvastatina não modifica a expressão de RNAm do SCARB1 em CMSP nos HC. Esses resultados são sugestivos de que os polimorfismos no SCARB1 estão associados com valores basais do perfil lipídico sérico e de expressão de RNAm do SCARB1, assim como de resposta à atorvastatina. / The scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) mediates the selective uptake of the high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and it participates in the free cholesterol efflux to lipoprotein acceptors. HDL has an important antiatherogenic role associated with important activity in the cholesterol reverse transport. Polymorphisms in the SR-BI gene (SCARB1) have been related to variations on plasma lipoprotein profile and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Statins are potent inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis prescribed for treatment of the dislipidemia. Several polymorphisms in genes involved in intermediary metabolism of lipids have been related to differences in response to lowering-cholesterol drugs. In order to evaluate the effect of SCARB1 polymorphisms on serum lipids, gene expression and lipid-lowering response to atorvastatin, 185 normolipidemic (NL) and 147 hypercholesterolemic (HC) individuals were selected. HC individuals were treated with atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4 weeks). DNA and RNA were extracted from peripheric blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). SCARB1 mRNA expression was analyzed by real time PCR using ubiquitin c gene (UBC) as endogenous reference. The frequencies of the rare alleles in HC group (G4A: 12%; In5C>T: 7%, and ExC>T: 39%) were similar to those found in NL individuals (4A: 15%, In5T: 7%, and Ex8T: 35%, p>0.05). The SCARB1 4A allele (GA+AA genotypes) was associated with lower apoAI concentration in NL. The In5T allele was associated with higher serum LDL-C (p=0,029) in NL individuals, and with higher apoB and apoB/apoAI ratio (p>0,05) in HC group. SCARB1 Ex8C>T SNP was not related to serum lipids profile, however Ex8CC genotype carriers had lower variation of total cholesterol, LDL-C, apoB and apoB/apoAI ratio in response to atorvastatin. SCARB1 Ex8C>T was associated with higher chance to have a lower atorvastatin response (OR=3.1, 95% CI: 1.00-9.5; p=0.044). SCARB1 In5C>T and ExC>T were in linkage disequilibrium. G1C5C8/G1T5C8 SCARB1 haplotype was associated with higher level of triglycerides and VLDL-C in NL and lower HDL-C and apoAI levels in HC individuals. G1C5C8/A1C5C8 haplotype and C5C8/C5C8 diplotype had lower variations on apoB than the other haplotypes, and G1C5C8/A1C5C8 had also lower variation on apoB/apoAI ratio. G4A and In5C>T SNPs are associated with lower SCARB1 mRNA expression in PBMC of NL individuals. Atorvastatin therapy did not modify the expression level of the SCARB1 transcript in HC. Our results suggest that SCARB1 polymorphisms are associated with basal serum lipids profile, mRNA SCARB1 expression and atorvastatin response.
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Receptor scavenger BI: efeito de polimorfismos e atorvastatina na expressão gênica em indivíduos hipercolesterolêmicos / Scavenger receptor class BI: polymorphisms and atorvastatin effects on gene expression in hypercholesterolemic individualsÁlvaro Danilo Cerda Maureira 20 May 2009 (has links)
O receptor scavenger classe B tipo I (SR-BI) media a captação seletiva do colesterol da lipoproteina de alta densidade (HDL) e participa no effluxo do colesterol livre para aceptores lipoprotéicos. A HDL tem um importante rol aterogênico associado com sua participação no transporte reverso do colesterol. Polimorfismos no gene que codifica para o SR-BI (SCARB1) foram relacionados com alterações do perfil lipídico sérico e outros fatores de risco associados com doença cardiovascular. As estatinas são inibidores da síntese do colesterol utilizados no tratamento da dislipidemia. Vários polimorfismos em genes envolvidos no metabolismo intermediario de lipideos foram relacionados com diferenças na resposta a hipolipemiantes. Com a finalidade de avaliar o efeito de polimorfismos do SCARB1 sobre o perfil lipídico sérico, expressão gênica e a resposta a estatinas, foram selecionados 185 indivíduos normolipidêmicos (NL) e 147 pacientes hipercolesterolêmicos (HC). Os pacientes HC foram tratados com atorvastatina (10 mg/dia/4 semanas). DNA e RNA foram extraídos de amostras de sangue periférico. Os polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNP) G4A, In5C>T e Ex8C>T foram detectados por PCR-RFLP. A expressão de RNAm do SCARB1 em células mononucleares de sangue periférico (CMSP) foi analisada por PCR em tempo real usando o gene da Ubiquitina c (UBC) como referência endógena. Nos indivíduos HC, as freqüências dos alelos raros G4A (12%), In5C>T (7%) e Ex8C>T (40%), no grupo HC, foram similares às encontradas no grupo NL (4A: 15%, In5T: 7%, e Ex8T: 35%, p>0,05). O alelo SCARB1 4A (genótipos GA + AA) foi associado com valores diminuídos de apoAI no grupo NL. O alelo In5T foi associado com maior concentração LDL-C sérico (p=0,029), em NL, e com apoB e razão apoB/apoAI elevadas (p>0,05) no grupo HC. O SNP SCARB1 Ex8C>T não foi relacionado com o perfil lipídico sérico basal, embora os portadores do genótipo Ex8CC foram associados com resposta reduzida ao tratamento com atorvastatina mostrando menor variação de colesterol total, LDL-C, apoB e razão apoB/apoAI. O SNP Ex8C>T foi associado com maior probabilidade (OR=3,1; 95% IC: 1,00-9,5; p=0,044) de ter uma resposta à atorvastatina diminuída. Os SNPs SCARB1 In5C>T e Ex8C>T estão em desequilíbrio de ligação. O haplótipo G1C5C8/G1T5C8 foi associado com concentrações basais elevadas de triglicérides e VLDL-C em NL e diminuídas de HDL-C e apoAI em HC. Os haplótipos G1C5C8/A1C5C8 e C5C8/C5C8 tiveram variação diminuída da apoB quando comparados com os outros haplótipos, G1C5C8/A1C5C8 e o diplótipo C5C8/C5C8 também apresentou uma variação reduzida da razão apoB/apoAI. Os SNPs G4A e In5C>T estão associados com diminuição da expressão gênica do SCARB1 em NL. O tratamento com atorvastatina não modifica a expressão de RNAm do SCARB1 em CMSP nos HC. Esses resultados são sugestivos de que os polimorfismos no SCARB1 estão associados com valores basais do perfil lipídico sérico e de expressão de RNAm do SCARB1, assim como de resposta à atorvastatina. / The scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) mediates the selective uptake of the high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and it participates in the free cholesterol efflux to lipoprotein acceptors. HDL has an important antiatherogenic role associated with important activity in the cholesterol reverse transport. Polymorphisms in the SR-BI gene (SCARB1) have been related to variations on plasma lipoprotein profile and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Statins are potent inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis prescribed for treatment of the dislipidemia. Several polymorphisms in genes involved in intermediary metabolism of lipids have been related to differences in response to lowering-cholesterol drugs. In order to evaluate the effect of SCARB1 polymorphisms on serum lipids, gene expression and lipid-lowering response to atorvastatin, 185 normolipidemic (NL) and 147 hypercholesterolemic (HC) individuals were selected. HC individuals were treated with atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4 weeks). DNA and RNA were extracted from peripheric blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). SCARB1 mRNA expression was analyzed by real time PCR using ubiquitin c gene (UBC) as endogenous reference. The frequencies of the rare alleles in HC group (G4A: 12%; In5C>T: 7%, and ExC>T: 39%) were similar to those found in NL individuals (4A: 15%, In5T: 7%, and Ex8T: 35%, p>0.05). The SCARB1 4A allele (GA+AA genotypes) was associated with lower apoAI concentration in NL. The In5T allele was associated with higher serum LDL-C (p=0,029) in NL individuals, and with higher apoB and apoB/apoAI ratio (p>0,05) in HC group. SCARB1 Ex8C>T SNP was not related to serum lipids profile, however Ex8CC genotype carriers had lower variation of total cholesterol, LDL-C, apoB and apoB/apoAI ratio in response to atorvastatin. SCARB1 Ex8C>T was associated with higher chance to have a lower atorvastatin response (OR=3.1, 95% CI: 1.00-9.5; p=0.044). SCARB1 In5C>T and ExC>T were in linkage disequilibrium. G1C5C8/G1T5C8 SCARB1 haplotype was associated with higher level of triglycerides and VLDL-C in NL and lower HDL-C and apoAI levels in HC individuals. G1C5C8/A1C5C8 haplotype and C5C8/C5C8 diplotype had lower variations on apoB than the other haplotypes, and G1C5C8/A1C5C8 had also lower variation on apoB/apoAI ratio. G4A and In5C>T SNPs are associated with lower SCARB1 mRNA expression in PBMC of NL individuals. Atorvastatin therapy did not modify the expression level of the SCARB1 transcript in HC. Our results suggest that SCARB1 polymorphisms are associated with basal serum lipids profile, mRNA SCARB1 expression and atorvastatin response.
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p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and transcription factor GATA-4 in the regulation of cardiomyocyte functionKaikkonen, L. (Leena) 12 August 2014 (has links)
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death in the developed countries and their incidence is not expected to decrease in the future. There is a lifetime risk of one in five of developing heart failure, which still has poor prognosis and current treatments only cover part of the pathophysiology behind this syndrome. Pathological processes contributing to heart failure include cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling, which involves neurohumoral activation, reactivation of fetal genes, impaired Ca2+ cycling, increased apoptosis, and increased fibrosis. Intracellular signalling pathways and transcription factors mediating the response to various extracellular stresses have a key role in the regulation of myocardial remodeling and they are investigated in order to develop new approaches for the treatment of heart failure.
The aim of this thesis was to elucidate roles of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and transcription factor GATA-4 in the regulation of cardiomyocyte function in cell cultures, and in hearts ex vivo and in vivo. The main findings were that (i) Inhibition of p38α MAPK enhanced function of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ -ATPase and thus cardiac contractility by increasing phosphorylation of protein phosphatase inhibitor-1 and phospholamban, (ii) p38 MAPK isoforms p38α and p38β regulated promoter activity of B-type natriuretic peptide via distinct pathways, (iii) p38α and p38β MAPKs also had different effects on gene expressions related to fibrosis and hypertrophy, and (iv) p38 and ERK1/2 MAPKs mediated stretch-induced activation of GATA-4 by phosphorylation at Ser 105. GATA-4 also seems to be regulated by ubiquitination.
This study provides novel data of p38 MAPK and GATA-4 in the regulation of cardiomyocyte function. Inhibition of p38α MAPK could be beneficial in the treatment of heart failure. Also GATA-4 is a potential target for treatment of cardiovascular diseases. / Tiivistelmä
Sydän- ja verisuonisairaudet ovat yleisin kuolinsyy länsimaissa, eikä niiden ilmaantuvuus tule vähenemään lähitulevaisuudessa. Elinikäinen riski sairastua sydämen vajaatoimintaan on 20 %, ja sydämen vajaatoiminnan ennuste on edelleen huono. Nykyisillä hoitomuodoilla voidaan puuttua vain osittain sydämen vajaatoiminnan patofysiologisiin mekanismeihin. Sydämen vajaatoiminnan kehittymiseen liittyvät sydänlihaksen liikakasvu ja uudelleenmuovautumisprosessi, johon liittyy neurohumoraalinen aktivaatio, sikiöaikaisten geenien uudelleenilmentyminen, häiriöt solunsisäisessä Ca2+-viestinnässä sekä lisääntynyt ohjelmoitu solukuolema ja sidekudoksen muodostuminen sydämeen. Solunsisäisillä viestinvälitysketjuilla sekä transkriptiotekijöillä, jotka vastaavat solunulkoisten ärsykkeiden välittämisestä solun sisällä, on keskeinen rooli edellämainittujen prosessien säätelyssä. Uusien lähestymistapojen kehittäminen sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoitoon edellyttää myös solunsisäisen viestinvälityksen ja geenien säätelyn mekanismien selvittämistä.
Tämän väitöstyön tavoite oli selvittää p38 mitogeeniaktivoituvan proteiinikinaasin (p38 MAPK) ja transkriptiotekijä GATA-4:n merkitystä sydämen vajaatoiminnan patogeneesissä soluviljelymalleissa. Päälöydöksiä olivat: (i) p38α MAPK -isoformin estäminen paransi kalsiumia solulimakalvostoon pumppaavan SERCA2a:n toimintaa ja sydänlihassolun supistumiskykyä lisäämällä fosfolambaanin ja proteiinifosfataasi-inhibiittori-1:n fosforylaatiota. (ii) p38 MAPK isoformit p38α ja p38β säätelivät B-tyypin natriureettisen peptidin geenin promoottorialuetta erillisten reittien kautta. (iii) p38α ja p38β isoformit vaikuttivat myös eri tavoin sydämen sidekudoksen muodostumiseen ja hypertrofiaan liittyvien geenien ilmentymiseen. (iv) p38 ja ERK1/2 välittävät venytyksen aiheuttaman GATA-4:n aktivaation fosforyloimalla seriini-105 fosforylaatiopaikan. Lisäksi GATA-4:n toimintaa säädellään ubiquitinaation avulla.
Tämä tutkimus tuo uutta tietoa p38 MAPK:n ja GATA-4:n rooleista sydämen vajaatoiminnan kehittymisessä. p38α-isoformin toiminnan estäminen voisi olla hyödyllinen hoitomuoto sydämen vajaatoiminnassa. Myös GATA-4 on potentiaalinen lääkehoidon kohde sydänsairauksien hoidossa.
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Techniques to assess volume status and haemodynamic stability in patients on haemodialysisMathavakkannan, Suresh January 2010 (has links)
Volume overload is a common feature in patients on haemodialysis (HD). This contributes significantly to the cardiovascular disease burden seen in these patients. Clinical assessments of the volume state are often inaccurate. Techniques such as interdialytic blood pressure, relative blood volume monitoring, bioimpedance are available to improve clinical effectives. However all these techniques exhibit significant shortcomings in their accuracy, reliability and applicability at the bed side. We evaluated the usefulness of a dual compartment monitoring technique using Continuous Segmental Bioimpedance Spectroscopy (CSBIS) and Relative Blood Volume (RBV) as a tool to assess hydration status and determine dry weight. We also sought to evaluate the role of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) and B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) as a volume marker in dialysis patients. The Retrospective analysis of a historical cohort (n = 376, 55 Diabetic) showed a significant reduction in post-dialysis weights in the first three months of dialysis (72.5 to 70kg, p<0.027) with a non-significant increase in weight between months 6-12. The use of anti-hypertensive agents reduced insignificantly in the first 3 months, increased marginally between months 3-6 and significantly increased over the subsequent 6 months. The residual urea clearance (KRU) fell and dialysis times increased. The cohort was very different to that dialysing at Tassin and showed a dissociation between weight reduction and BP control. This may relate to occult volume overload. CSBIS-RBV monitoring in 9 patients with pulse ultrafiltration (pulse UF) showed distinct reproducible patterns relating to extra cellular fluid (ECF) and RBV rebound. An empirical Refill Ratio was then used to define the patterns of change and this was related to the state of their hydration. A value closer to unity was consistent with the attainment of best achievable target weight. The refill ratio fell significantly between the first (earlier) and third (last) rebound phase (1.97 ± 0.92 vs 1.32 ± 0.2). CSBIS monitoring was then carried out in 31 subjects, whilst varying dialysate composition, temperature and patient posture to analyse the effects of these changes on the ECF trace and to ascertain whether any of these interventions can trigger a change in the slope of the ECF trace distinct to that caused by UF. Only, isovolemic HD caused a change in both RBV and ECF in some patients that was explained by volume re-distribution due to gravitational shifts, poor vascular reactivity, sodium gradient between plasma and dialysate and the use of vasodilating antihypertensive agents. This has not been described previously. These will need to be explored further. The study did demonstrate a significant lack of comparability of absolute values of RECF between dialysis sessions even in the same patient. This too has not been described previously. This is likely to be due to subtle changes in fluid distribution between compartments. Therefore a relative changes must be studied. This sensitivity to subtle changes may increase the usefulness of the technique for ECF tracking through dialysis. The potential of dual compartment monitoring to track volume changes in real time was further explored in 29 patients of whom 21 achieved weight reductions and were able to be restudied. The Refill Ratio decreased significantly in the 21 patients who had their dry weights reduced by 0.95 ± 1.13 kg (1.41 ± 0.25 vs 1.25 ± 0.31). Blood pressure changes did not reach statistical significance. The technique was then used to examine differences in vascular refill between a 36oC and isothermic dialysis session in 20 stable prevalent patients. Pulse UF was carried out in both these sessions. There were no significant differences in Refill Ratios, energy removed and blood pressure response between the two sessions. The core temperature (CT) of these patients was close to 36oC and administering isothermic HD did not confer any additional benefit. Mean BNP levels in 12 patients during isovolemic HD and HD with UF did not relate to volume changes. ANP concentrations fell during a dialysis session in 11 patients from a mean 249 ± 143 pg/ml (mean ± SD) at the start of dialysis to 77 ± 65 pg/ml at the end of the session (p<0.001). During isolated UF levels did not change but fell in the ensuing sham phase indicating a time lag between volume loss and decreased generation. (136±99 pg/ml to 101±77.2 pg/ml; p<0.02) In a subsequent study ANP concentrations were measured throughout dialysis and in the post-HD period for 2 hours. A rebound in ANP concentration was observed occurring at around 90 min post-HD. The degree of this rebound may reflect the prevailing fluid state and merit further study. We have shown the utility of dual compartment monitoring with CSBIS-RBV technique and its potential in assessing volume changes in real time in haemodialysis patients. We have also shown the potential of ANP as an independent marker of volume status in the same setting. Both these techniques merit further study.
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