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The Truncated Matricial Stieltjes Moment Problem and Corresponding Matrix BallsWall, Michaela 21 January 2022 (has links)
Die Fragestellung der Arbeit geht aus einem matriziellen Potenzmomentenproblem des folgenden Typs hervor: Für eine vorgegebene endliche Folge s0,...sm von q × q-Matrizen sind alle nicht-negativen Hermiteschen q × q-Maße σ auf Ω zu bestimmen, deren j-tes Moment für alle j=0,...,m-1 genau sj ist und deren m-tes Moment nichtnegativ hermitesch ist.
Hier behandeln wir den Stieltjes-Fall Ω = [α, ∞) dieser Problemstellung.
Die Lösungen dieses matriziellen Momentenproblems lassen sich in eindeutiger Weise mit gewissen holomorphen Matrixfunktionen, ihren sogenannten Stieltjes-Transformierten, identifizieren. Das Ziel der Betrachtungen dieser Arbeit ist, die Menge aller Werte zu charakterisieren, welche diese Stieltjes-Transformierten bei Auswertung in einem fixierten Punkt aus der oberen komplexen Halbebene annehmen können.
Da sich jede Lösung eines Stieltjes-Momentenproblems so fortsetzen lässt, dass sie ein entsprechendes Hamburger-Momentenproblem löst, ist erwartbar, dass die Menge der Werte aller Stieltjes-Transformierten der Lösungen des Stieltjes-Momentenproblems in einem festen Punkt eine Teilmenge der Menge der Werte aller Stieltjes-Transformierten der Lösungen des Hamburger-Momentenproblems ist.
An dieser Bemerkung anknüpfend besteht der Ansatz nun darin, das betrachtete Stieltjes-Momentenproblem auf zwei Momentenprobleme vom Hamburger-Typ zurückzuführen.
Das erste der beiden ergibt sich auf natürliche Weise wie oben beschrieben. Das zweite ist einer Modifikation der vorgeschriebenen Datenfolge zuzuordnen, welche die linke Intervalgrenze des Integrationsgebiets [α, ∞) berücksichtigt.
Die Menge der Werte, die von Stieltjes-Transformierten der Lösungen eines betrachteten Hamburger-Momentenproblems in einem festen Punkt angenommen werden können, stimmt mit einer Matrix-Kreisscheibe überein, deren Mittelpunkt, linker und rechter Halbradius explizit anhand der gegebenen Datenfolge ausgedrückt werden können.
Ordnet man nun jedem der beiden Hamburger-Momentenprobleme, auf die das Stieltjes-Problem zurückgeführt wurde, die entsprechende Matrix-Kreisscheibe zu, so erhält man, dass die Menge, die zu charakterisieren unser Ziel ist, wie zu erwarten im Schnitt dieser beiden Matrix-Kreisscheiben liegt.
Darüber hinaus zeigt sich, dass die Menge diesen Schnitt sogar ausfüllt. Der Beweis dieser Teilmengenbeziehung ist aufwendiger als die erste Richtung.
Eine zentrale Rolle im Beweis nehmen gewisse Polynomsysteme mit Orthogonaleigenschaften ein.
Bei der im Zentrum der Arbeit stehenden Untersuchung wurde ein Wert aus der oberen komplexen Halbebene fixiert, in welchem dann die Stieltjes-Transformierten der Lösungen eines Stieltjes-Problems ausgewertet wurden. Die analoge Fragestellung für die Wahl eines Punktes in (−∞, α) wurde zuvor mit unterschiedlichen Voraussetzungen in verschiedener Literatur behandelt. Der Fall, dass der Punkt in der unteren komplexen Halbebene liegen soll, lässt
sich über ein Spiegelungsprinzip auf den Fall der oberen komplexen Halbebene zurückführen, womit dann alle Möglichkeiten, den Punkt zu fixieren, abgedeckt sind.:1. Introduction
2. Preliminaries and Notation
3. Special Classes of Matrix-Valued Functions
3.1. The Class Rq(Π+) of Matrix-Valued Herglotz-Nevanlinna Functions
3.2. Particular Subclasses of Rq(Π+)
3.3. Matrix-Valued Stieltjes Functions
4. Parameterization of Block Hankel Matrices and Related Sequences
of Complex Matrices
4.1. The Sequence of H-parameters
4.2. The α-Stieltjes Parameterization
4.3. The α-Schur Transform
5. Some Considerations on Particular Matrix Polynomials
6. Special Rational Matrix-Valued Functions
7. Description of the Values of the Solutions of the Truncated Matricial
Hamburger Moment Problem and Corresponding Matrix Balls
8. Pairs of Meromorphic Matrix-Valued Functions
8.1. Nevanlinna Pairs in Π+
8.2. Nevanlinna Pairs in C \ R
8.3. Stieltjes Pairs in C \ [α, ∞)
9. A Special Quadruple of Matrix Polynomials
10. Further Identities for Matrix Polynomials
11. The [α, ∞)-Quadruple of Matrix Polynomials
12. Description of the Values of the Solutions of the Truncated Matricial
Stieltjes Moment Problem and Corresponding Matrix Balls
12.1. First Discussion of the Corresponding Matrix Balls
12.2. Representation in the Case of an Odd Number of Prescribed Matricial
12.2.1. Representation in the Case (sj )0j=0 of a Single Prescribed Matricial
12.2.2. Explicit Connections
12.2.3. Representation as Intersection of two Matrix Balls
12.3. Representation in the Case of an Even Number of Prescribed Matricial
13. Summary and Prospects
A. Some Facts on Matrix Theory
B. Some Facts on Orthogonal Projection Matrices
C. Some Facts on the Integration Theory of Non-negative Hermitian
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Повышение служебных свойств и совершенствование испытания мелющих шаров 5 группы твердости : магистерская диссертация / Improving service properties and improving the testing of grinding balls of the 5th hardness groupЛановенко, И. Э., Lanovenko, I. E. January 2023 (has links)
Целью работы является изучение повышение служебных свойств и совершенствование испытания мелющих шаров 5 группы твердости. В качестве решения проблемы предложена оптимизированная технология производства, которая характеризуется получением шаров диаметром 120 мм группы твердости 5 по ГОСТ 7524-2015 с улучшенными качественными и служебными характеристиками. / The purpose of the work is to study the increase in service properties and improve the testing of grinding balls of the 5th hardness group. As a solution to the problem, an optimized production technology is proposed, which is characterized by the production of balls with a diameter of 120 mm, hardness group 5 according to GOST 7524-2015 with improved quality and service characteristics.
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Možnosti přípravy pro volejbal u mládeže ve věku 6-10 let / The possibilities for Volleyball Training of Children aged 6-10Choutková, Magdaléna January 2012 (has links)
1 RESUME The title of the thesis: The possibilities for Volleyball Training of Children aged 6-10 Place: Charles University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Department of Sport Games Author: Magdaléna Choutková Branch of Study: Physical Education and Sports Thesis Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Buchtel, CSc. Year of Thesis Defence: 2012 Abstract: The master's thesis deals with the issue of the preparation of young volleyball players who are not able to master either basic ways of playing or individual game activities in volleyball. The children are between six and ten years old which corresponds with the lower primary education. Volleyball is a kind of sport where the basic individual game activities are considered very difficult. For playing volleyball well, children must firstly reach a certain degree of physical abilities. If we start too early, then we achieve an early specialization, which has mostly a negative impact on young sportsmen. The aim of the thesis is to choose and evaluate some ways of preparation of young volleyball players between six and ten. At the same time I am going to focus on the approaches, which are specific for the real volleyball game. I do not intend to list activities, which only generally help to develop the kinesthetic abilities, but I want to deal with activities,...
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Využití speciálních pomůcek v tréninku mládeže LH / Use of special tools in youth training in ice hockeySýkora, Adam January 2012 (has links)
VYUŽITÍ SPECIÁLNÍCH POMŮCEK V TRÉNINKU HOKEJOVÉ MLÁDEŽE V PŘÍPRAVNÉM OBDOBÍ Objectives: A usage of special equipment in practice in ice-hockey during off-ice practice and its further analysis and evaluation. Methods: To get the aim of comparing a common practice and a special practice I will use special exercises for a speed of learning of new skills. The new methods will be used in a modern practice. I will observe reactions of children about the other kind of practice and effectiveness of modern practice as well. Results: Results of modern practice show that children like learning new activities and methods. More various practices were better for their motivation and interest. A practice was much more intensive when I used suitable game-like methods. Effectiveness of learning raised when I used modern practice. Keywords: Balance exercises, bosu training, carts, stick handling, wooden or golf balls, stickhandling board, power skating, core.
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Genotipagem de poliplóides: um modelo de urnas e bolas / Polyploid genotyping: an urn modelFaria Junior, Silvio Rodrigues de 30 May 2012 (has links)
Desde os primórdios da agricultura e pecuária, o homem seleciona indivíduos com características desejáveis para reprodução e aumento da proporção de novos indivíduos com tais qualidades. Com o conhecimento da estrutura de DNA e o advento da engenharia genética, a identificação e caracterização de espécies e indivíduos conta com novas tecnologias para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de novas variedades de plantas e animais para diversos fins. Tais tecnologias envolvem procedimentos bioquímicos e físicos cada vez mais apurados que produzem medidas cada vez mais precisas, um exemplo disso são as técnicas que empregam a espectometria de massa para comparar polimorfismos de base única (SNPs). Nas plantas é comum a ocorrência de poliploidia, que consiste na presença de mais de dois cromossomos num mesmo grupo de homologia. A determinação do nível de ploidia é fundamental para a correta genotipagem e por consequência maior eficiência no estudo e aprimoramento genético de plantas. Neste trabalho caracterizamos o fenômeno da poliploidia com modelos probabilísticos de urnas e bolas, propondo um método eficiente e adequado de simulação, assim como uma técnica simples para inferir níveis de ploidia e classificar amostras bialélicas aproveitando características geométricas do problema. Análises de dados simulados e reais provenientes de um experimento de cana-de-açúcar foram realizadas com diferentes medidas de separação entre agrupamentos e diferentes condições experimentais. Para os dados reais, métodos gráficos descritivos evidenciam a corretude e coerência do método proposto, que pode ser generalizado para a genotipagem de locos multialélicos poliplóides. Encerramos o trabalho comparando nossos resultados com a abordagem SuperMASSA [Serang2012] que trouxe excelentes resultados ao problema. Todo código desenvolvido em linguagem R está disponibilizado com o texto. / Since the beginnings of agriculture and livestock, the man selects individuals with desirable characteristics to breed and increase the proportion of new individuals with such qualities. With knowledge of the DNA structure and the advent of genetic engineering, the identification and characterization of individual species can make use of new technologies to help develop new varieties of plants and animals for many purposes. These technologies involve complex biochemical and physical procedures that produce even more accurated measures, like techniques that employ mass spectrometry to compare single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In plants it is common the occurrence of polyploidy, which is the presence of more than two chromosomes in the same group of homology. The determination of polyploidy level is essential for correct SNPs genotype calling and therefore greater efficiency in the study and genetic improvement of plants. In this work we characterize the phenomenon of poliploidy with probabilistic urns and balls models, proposing an efficient and appropriate method of simulation, as well as a simple technique to infer ploydy levels and classify biallelic samples accurately taking advantage of geometrical characteristics of the problem. Analysis of simulated and real data from an experiment of sugarcane were conducted with different measures of separation between groups and different experimental conditions. For the actual data, descriptive graphical methods show the correctness and consistency of the proposed method, which can be generalized to multi-allelic loci genotyping polyploid. We end our work comparing our results with the SuperMASSA [Serang2012] approach that brought excellent results to the problem. All code developed in language R were provided with the text.
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Genotipagem de poliplóides: um modelo de urnas e bolas / Polyploid genotyping: an urn modelSilvio Rodrigues de Faria Junior 30 May 2012 (has links)
Desde os primórdios da agricultura e pecuária, o homem seleciona indivíduos com características desejáveis para reprodução e aumento da proporção de novos indivíduos com tais qualidades. Com o conhecimento da estrutura de DNA e o advento da engenharia genética, a identificação e caracterização de espécies e indivíduos conta com novas tecnologias para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de novas variedades de plantas e animais para diversos fins. Tais tecnologias envolvem procedimentos bioquímicos e físicos cada vez mais apurados que produzem medidas cada vez mais precisas, um exemplo disso são as técnicas que empregam a espectometria de massa para comparar polimorfismos de base única (SNPs). Nas plantas é comum a ocorrência de poliploidia, que consiste na presença de mais de dois cromossomos num mesmo grupo de homologia. A determinação do nível de ploidia é fundamental para a correta genotipagem e por consequência maior eficiência no estudo e aprimoramento genético de plantas. Neste trabalho caracterizamos o fenômeno da poliploidia com modelos probabilísticos de urnas e bolas, propondo um método eficiente e adequado de simulação, assim como uma técnica simples para inferir níveis de ploidia e classificar amostras bialélicas aproveitando características geométricas do problema. Análises de dados simulados e reais provenientes de um experimento de cana-de-açúcar foram realizadas com diferentes medidas de separação entre agrupamentos e diferentes condições experimentais. Para os dados reais, métodos gráficos descritivos evidenciam a corretude e coerência do método proposto, que pode ser generalizado para a genotipagem de locos multialélicos poliplóides. Encerramos o trabalho comparando nossos resultados com a abordagem SuperMASSA [Serang2012] que trouxe excelentes resultados ao problema. Todo código desenvolvido em linguagem R está disponibilizado com o texto. / Since the beginnings of agriculture and livestock, the man selects individuals with desirable characteristics to breed and increase the proportion of new individuals with such qualities. With knowledge of the DNA structure and the advent of genetic engineering, the identification and characterization of individual species can make use of new technologies to help develop new varieties of plants and animals for many purposes. These technologies involve complex biochemical and physical procedures that produce even more accurated measures, like techniques that employ mass spectrometry to compare single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In plants it is common the occurrence of polyploidy, which is the presence of more than two chromosomes in the same group of homology. The determination of polyploidy level is essential for correct SNPs genotype calling and therefore greater efficiency in the study and genetic improvement of plants. In this work we characterize the phenomenon of poliploidy with probabilistic urns and balls models, proposing an efficient and appropriate method of simulation, as well as a simple technique to infer ploydy levels and classify biallelic samples accurately taking advantage of geometrical characteristics of the problem. Analysis of simulated and real data from an experiment of sugarcane were conducted with different measures of separation between groups and different experimental conditions. For the actual data, descriptive graphical methods show the correctness and consistency of the proposed method, which can be generalized to multi-allelic loci genotyping polyploid. We end our work comparing our results with the SuperMASSA [Serang2012] approach that brought excellent results to the problem. All code developed in language R were provided with the text.
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Gavarni and the Opéra Masked BallBronfman, Beverly January 1999 (has links)
The theme of the parisian Carnival masked balls at the Opéra became synonymous with the nineteenth-century French graphic artist Guillaume Sulpice Chevalier, known as Gavarni (1804-1866). Between 1830 and 1853, he produced more than two hundred lithographs of the subject, which usually appeared in the contemporary popular press. These depictions and their telling captions--snippets of actual conversations--evoke the essential esprit of the occasion. A compelling visual chronicle emerges from Gavarni's imagery of the Opéra masked halls, which uniquely captures the contemporary manners and mores of Parisian society. This dissertation is a close visual analysis of Gavarni's treatment of the phenomenon, which draws upon contemporary literary accounts to substantiate and elucidate the meanings of his prints. / Le thème des bals masqués de l'Opéra est intimement lié au peintre et graveur français du XIXe siècle Guillaume Sulpice Chevalier, dit Gavarni (1804-1866). Entre 1830 et 1853, celui-ci a produit plus de deux cents lithographies sur ce sujet, dont la majorité ont été publiées dans la presse populaire de l'époque. Ces scènes et les légendes qui les accompagnent--bribes de conversations réelles-évoquent l'esprit des bals. Chronique visuelle irrésistible, ces gravures dépeignent les moeurs et les manières de la société parisienne de l'époque. La présente thèse propose une analyse visuelle rigoureux du traitement de ce phénomène par Gavarni qui s'appuyer sur des témoignages littéraires contemporains pour élucider le sens de ses gravures. fr
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Gavarni and the Opéra masked ballBronfman, Beverly. January 1999 (has links)
The theme of the Parisian Carnival masked balls at the Opera became synonymous with the nineteenth-century French graphic artist Guillaume Sulpice Chevalier, known as Gavarni (1804--1866). Between 1830 and 1853, he produced more than two hundred lithographs of the subject, which usually appeared in the contemporary popular press. These depictions and their telling captions---snippets of actual conversations---evoke the essential esprit of the occasion. A compelling visual chronicle emerges from Gavarni's imagery of the Opera masked balls, which uniquely captures the contemporary manners and mores of Parisian society. This dissertation is a close visual analysis of Gavarni's treatment of the phenomenon, which draws upon contemporary literary accounts to substantiate and elucidate the meanings of his prints. / The Opera masked balls were a veritable institution of Parisian life, held virtually without interruption for two hundred years, from their inception in the Regence until the First World War. Once the exclusive realm of the aristocracy, they became popular annual divertissements for all classes of society during the 1840s. At this time, the period of Gavarni's artistic maturity, the masked balls reached the popularity of a cult. / The study begins with a historical summary of the evolution of the masked balls from 1715 to the period of the July Monarchy (1830--1848), when Gavarni became their quintessential observer. Comparative treatment of the subject by other artists, such as Eugene Lami, Henri Valentin, Cham, and Edouard Manet, is also included. / Gavarni's work is distinctive in its disclosure of the dynamics of the social relationships, the ambience, and the demeanour of the festivities. They are explicitly defined in the personal encounters and private moments. The candour and inherent elegance of his vision, the refinement of his draftsmanship, and the impartiality of his moral stance are among the virtuoso qualities of his compositions. Moreover, the costumes Gavarni created expressly for the masked balls were a critical influence on the Carnival celebrations. Executed with a rare sensitivity and penetrating insight, Gavarni's pictorial legacy is a profound evocation of the tenor of the times, and a distinguished contribution to French art and culture.
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Rigidez de métricas críticas para funcionais riemannianos. / Rigidity of critical metrics for functional riemanniansSilva, Adam Oliveira da 15 September 2017 (has links)
SILVA, Adam Oliveira da. Rigidez de métricas críticas para funcionais riemannianos. 2017. 78 f. Tese (Doutorado em Matemática) – Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2017. / Submitted by Andrea Dantas (pgmat@mat.ufc.br) on 2017-09-19T19:08:04Z
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2017_tese_aosilva.pdf: 481005 bytes, checksum: 2bdfc6ab68b042a5cfd4f67caf1e21e4 (MD5) / Rejected by Rocilda Sales (rocilda@ufc.br), reason: Bom dia,
Estou devolvendo a Tese de ADAM OLIVEIRA DA SILVA, para que o arquivo seja substituído, pois o aluno já veio na BCM e orientei quais eram as correções a serem feitas.
Atenciosamente, on 2017-09-20T14:03:26Z (GMT) / Submitted by Andrea Dantas (pgmat@mat.ufc.br) on 2017-09-20T16:47:21Z
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2017_tese_aosilva.pdf: 480774 bytes, checksum: a1267dd82f8a82a19f79902004e1afb5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rocilda Sales (rocilda@ufc.br) on 2017-09-21T12:26:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
2017_tese_aosilva.pdf: 480774 bytes, checksum: a1267dd82f8a82a19f79902004e1afb5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-21T12:26:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-09-15 / The aim of this work is to study metrics that are critical points for some Riemannian functionals. In the first part, we investigate critical metrics for functionals which are quadratic in the curvature on closed Riemannian manifolds. It is known that space form metrics are critical points for these functionals, denoted by F t,s (g). Moreover, when s = 0, always Einstein metrics are critical to F t (g). We proved that under some conditions the converse is true. For instance, among others results, we prove that if n ≥ 5 and g is a Bach-flat critical metric to F −n/4(n−1) , with second elementary symmetric function of the Schouten tensor σ 2 (A) > 0, then g should be Einstein. Furthermore, we show that a locally conformally flat critical metric with some additional conditions are space form metrics. In the second part, we study the critical metrics to volume functional on compact Riemannian manifolds with connected smooth boundary. We call such critical points of Miao-Tam
critical metrics due to the variational study making by Miao and Tam (2009). In this work, we show that the geodesics balls in space forms Rn , Sn and Hn have the maximum possible boundary volume among Miao-Tam critical metrics with connected boundary provided that the boundary be an Einstein manifold. In the same spirit, we also extend a rigidity theorem due to Boucher et al. (1984) and Shen (1997) to n-dimensional static
metrics with positive constant scalar curvature, which give us another way to get a partial answer to the Cosmic no-hair conjecture already obtained by Chrusciel (2003). / Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo estudar métricas que são pontos críticos de alguns funcionais Riemannianos. Na primeira parte, investigaremos métricas críticas de funcionais que são quadráticos na curvatura sobre variedades Riemannianas fechadas. É de conhecimento que métricas tipo formas espaciais são pontos críticos para tais funcionais, denotados aqui por F t,s (g). Além disso, no caso s = 0, métricas de Einstein são sempre críticas para F t (g). Provamos que sob algumas condições, a recíproca destes fatos
são verdadeiras. Por exemplo, dentre outros resultados, provamos que se n ≥ 5 e g é uma métrica Bach-flat crìtica para F−n/4(n−1) com segunda função simétrica elementar do tensor de Schouten σ 2 (A) > 0, então g tem que ser métrica de Einstein. Ademais, mostramos que uma métrica crítica localmente conformemente plana, com algumas hipóteses adicionais, tem que ser tipo forma espacial. Na segunda parte, estudamos as métricas críticas do funcional volume sobre variedades Riemannianas compactas com bordo suave conexo.
Chamamos tais pontos críticos de métricas críticas de Miao-Tam, devido ao estudo variacional feito por Miao e Tam (2009). Neste trabalho provamos que as bolas geodésicas das formas espaciais Rn , S n e H n possuem o valor máximo para o volume do bordo dentre todas as métricas críticas de Miao-Tam com bordo conexo, desde que o bordo seja uma variedade de Einstein. No mesmo sentido, também estendemos um teorema de rigidez devido à Boucher et al. (1984) e Shen (1997) para métricas estáticas de dimensão n e com curvatura escalar constante positiva, o qual nos fornece outra maneira para obter uma resposta parcial para a Cosmic no-hair conjecture já obtida por Chrusciel (2003).
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Croissance du volume des boules dans les revêtements universels des graphes et des surfaces / Growth of balls in the universal cover of graphs and surfacesKaram, Steve 04 December 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la géométrie riemannienne globale sans hypothèse de courbure en lien avec la topologie, nous nous intéressons au volume maximal des boules de rayon fixé dans les revêtements universels des graphes et des surfaces. Dans la première partie, nous prouvons que si l’aire d’une surface riemannienne fermée M de genre g ≥ 2 est suffisamment petite par rapport à son aire hyperbolique, alors pour chaque rayon R ≥ 0, le revêtement universel de M contient une R-boule d’aire au moins l’aire d’une cR-boule dans le plan hyperbolique, où c ∈ (0; 1) est une constante universelle. En particulier (quitte à prendre l’aire de la surface encore plus petite), nous démontrons que pour chaque rayon R ≥ 1, le revêtement universel de M contient une R-boule d’aire au moins l’aire d’une R-boule dans le plan hyperbolique. Ce résultat répond positivement pour les surfaces, à une question de L. Guth. Nous démontrons également que si Γ est un graphe connexe de premier nombre de Betti b ≥ 2 et de longueur suffisamment petite par rapport à la longueur d’un graphe trivalent Γb de premier nombre de Betti b dont la longueur de chaque arête est 1, alors pour chaque rayon R ≥ 0, le revêtement universel de Γ contient une R-boule d’aire au moins c fois l’aire d’une R-boule dans le revêtement universel de Γb, où c ∈ ( ½ ; 1). / This thesis deals with global Riemannian geometry without curvature assumptions and its link to topology, we focus on the maximal volume of balls of fixed radius in the universal covers of graphs and surfaces. In the first part, we prove that if the area of a closed Riemannian surface M of genus at least two is sufficiently small with respect to its hyperbolic area, then for every radius R ≥ 0 the universal cover of M contains an R-ball with area at least the area of a cR-ball in the hyperbolic plane, where c ∈ (0; 1) is a universal positive constant. In particular (taking the area of M smaller if needed), we prove that for every radius R ≥ 1, the universal cover of M contains an R-ball with area at least the area of a ball with the same radius in the hyperbolic plane. This result answers positively a question of L. Guth for surfaces. We also prove an analog result for graphs. Specifically, we prove that if Γ is a connected metric graph of first Betti number b ≥ 2 and of length sufficiently small with respect to the length of a connected trivalent graph Γb of the same Betti number where the length of each edge is 1, then for every radius R ≥ 0 the universal cover of Γ contains an R-ball with length at least c times the length of an R-ball in the universal cover of Γb, where c ∈ ( ½ ; 1) is a universal constant.
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