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SOLCELLSPANELER PÅ FASADER : En utredning av lagkrav och infästningssystem / Façade-mounted solar panelsThellsén, Amanda, Tibell, Katarina January 2016 (has links)
I Sverige finns ett långsiktigt mål som innebär att all energi som används i landet ska komma från förnybara källor. För att uppfylla detta behöver solens energi tas tillvara. Det är vad företaget Solibro Research AB arbetar med genom sin forskning och tillverkning av tunnfilmssolceller. Att solcellspaneler lämpar sig för takinstallation är välkänt i Sverige, men få känner till att de även passar bra som fasadmaterial. Solibro har en önskan om att anpassa sina moduler till fasader, vilket hindrats av okunskapen om vilka lagar och regler som finns och hur modulerna monteras på väggen. Syftet med rapporten har därför varit att jämföra de system som finns för infästning av solcellsmoduler på fasader och att utreda vilka svenska lagkrav som måste tas hänsyn till vid dimensionering av anläggningen. Målet har varit att ge Solibro en rekommendation för lämpliga montagesystem och information kring gällande svenska regler för fasadmontage av solcellspaneler. Arbetet har byggt på intervjuer, studier av referensobjekt och en litteraturstudie över svenska standarder och byggregler. En utredning har även gjorts över vilka certifieringar som finns. Resultatet visar att kraven är på väg att bli tydligare och mer omfattande. I den nationella standard som fastställts i maj 2016 har de tidigare skilda kraven på solcellspaneler och byggnader kombinerats. Svenska certifieringar har ännu inte upprättats och därför rekommenderas den tyska TÜV-certifieringen. Vid jämförelse av infästningar har fönsterprofiler visat sig vara de enda vädertäta. Allmänt rekommenderas kassettsystem och för Solibro har specifik rekommendation getts beroende på modultyp. / A long term goal in Sweden is to achieve a 100 percent use of energy from renewable sources. Energy from the sun is a valuable source to obtain this, which is what the thin-film solar cell science company Solibro Research AB is aiming for. The benefits of rooftop photovoltaic installations are well known. However the advantages of integrating photovoltaic modules in façades are not as widely spread. Depending on requested function and expression, photovoltaics can be performed as building integrated or applied systems. Solibro’s desires to customize their modules for façade solutions have been held up by complicated rules and regulations. The purpose of this report has therefore been to describe regulatory Swedish standards. The aim has been to gain enough knowledge to present a recommendation to Solibro regarding appropriate façade mounting, approved by Swedish law. This thesis has been built on interviews, studies of reference objects, investigation of related regulations and available certifications. The newly released standard, SS-EN 50583 have combined regulations for buildings and photovoltaic modules. Among studied systems the window mounting system proves to be the only one suitable when weather protection is required. Otherwise the cassette system is recommended.
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Solcellsfasader - En jämförelse av celltyper och infästningssystemKhalaf, Bahuz January 2019 (has links)
In line with the expansion of the building industry, future projects like buildings and infrastructure require high demands on energy issues. EU directives and major global goals constantly set guidelines for what should be done and not. Construction and architecture companies in Sweden can influence what future cities will look like. This requires knowledge in these issues, not least about solar cell facades. Solar panels are mostly applied to roofs and big fields directed upwards towards the sun, but could one imagine solar cells integrated or applied to the facade of a building? This is what this thesis is about, and how the market looks today for these technologies in 2019. Therefore, the purpose is to compare solar cell technologies and attachment possibilities on facades of buildings. The goal is to give architects insight into how they are and can be used for future facade solutions. Most of the work has consisted of literature studies from books, reports research and the internet. The results turned out to be that the techniques are under a maturing phase after intensive research has been made in the field of solar cells, as well as increased use, lower prices and more efficient techniques. Today, it is possible to utilize solar cell facades in Sweden and other countries around the world. The sun is a renewable energy source that can cover the majority of the world's energy and electricity needs.
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Photovoltaics in positive energy buildingsBlondel, Paul January 2016 (has links)
This paper deals with the usage of photovoltaics in positive energy buildings. The European Union published in 2010 a directive about the energy performance of buildings in which article 9 states that all member States shall ensure that by the end of 2020 all new buildings should be “nearly zero-energy” buildings (by the end of 2018 for public buildings). This kind of nearly zero-energy buildings is starting to develop in France under the name “BEPOS” (which stands for POSitive Energy Building, in French), and this is the name that will be used in this document. 288 projects have been certified “BEPOS” as of 2012, according to the ADEME which published a map of all the BEPOS buildings in France (the ADEME is a French agency for the environment and the energy utilization, which is a major actor in the French energy policy, often deciding where to allocate funds). To be a BEPOS, these buildings need to produce electricity on site and photovoltaics are often considered as one of the most mature and competitive technology to do so, also the most used. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that photovoltaics are an economically viable means to reach the BEPOS quality label, and to provide data to quantify the cost and performance of a photovoltaic system. To achieve that, the technological and market conditions of photovoltaics in France are reviewed, and techno-economic calculations are made using data provided by solar and construction companies.
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