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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Centrin Homologue Is a Component of the Multilayered Structure in Bryophytes and Pteridophytes

Vaughn, K. C., Sherman, T. D., Renzaglia, Karen S. 01 March 1993 (has links)
The multilayered structure (MLS), a component of the locomotory complex of plant sperm, has been utilized extensively by taxonomists in establishing phylogenetic relationships between the lower plants and algae. Unfortunately, there has been almost no biochemical characterization of the MLS and, in those studies that did attempt a characterization, conflicting results were obtained. We utilized antisera to the calcium-binding protein centrin to probe thin sections of the mid-stage spermatids of the anthocerote Phaeoceros laevis, the hepatic Sphaerocarpos texanus, and the pteridophyte Ceratopteris richardii embedded in L. R. White resin. The lamellar strip (LS; layers S2-S4) of the MLS in each of these species is labelled strongly with anti-centrin, but the S1 layer, composed of microtubules, is not. In Ceratopteris, centrin is also detected in the amorphous electron opaque material that connects the basal bodies of the flagella. Both the MLS and the amorphous zones are putative microtubule organizing centers. Extracts from axenic cultures of Ceratopteris subjected for electrophoresis and Western blotting revealed a reactive band at 19.3 kDa, a protein similar in molecular mass to algal centrin. These data indicate that the MLS is composed at least partially of the protein centrin or a protein antigenically-related to centrin. This report is the first electron microscopic immunocytochemical demonstration that a centrin homologue is found in land plants and that it occurs at putative microtubule organizing centers.

Ultrastructural Studies of Spermatogenesis in Anthocerotophyta v. Nuclear Metamorphosis and the Posterior Mitochondrion of Notothylas Orbicularis and Phaeoceros laevis

Renzaglia, Karen S., Duckett, J. G. 01 June 1989 (has links)
Ultrastructural observations reveal that the spermatozoids of the hornworts Notothylas and Phaeoceros contain two mitochondria and not one as described previously. Mitochondrial ontogeny and nuclear metamorphosis during spermiogenesis in these plants differ from all other archegoniates. The discovery that the posterior region of the coiled nucleus (when viewed from the anterior aspect) lies to the left of the anterior, in striking contrast to the dextral coiling of the nucleus of spermatozoids of other embryophytes, underlines the isolated nature of the hornworts among land plants. As the blepharoplast develops, the numerous ovoid mitochondria initially present in the nascent spermatid fuse to form a single elongated organelle which is positioned subjacent to the MLS and extends down between the nucleus and plastid. At the onset of nuclear metamorphosis, the solitary mitochondrion has separated into a larger anterior mitochondrion (AM) associated with the MLS and a much smaller posterior mitochondrion (PM) adjacent to the plastid. The PM retains its association with the plastid and both organelles migrate around the periphery of the cell as the spline MTs elongate. By contrast, in moss spermatids, where mitochondria undergo similar fusion and division, the AM is approximately the same size as the PM and the latter is never associated with the spline. As in other archegoniates, except mosses, spline elongation precedes nuclear metamorphosis in hornworts. Irregular strands of condensed chromatin compact basipetally to produce an elongated cylindrical nucleus which is narrower in its mid-region. During this process excess nucleoplasm moves rearward. It eventually overarches the inner surface of the plastid and entirely covers the PM.

Bryophyte Influence on terrestrial and Epiphytic Fern Gametophytes

McCarthy, Mirabai Rachel 25 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

The ecological significance of sexual reproduction in peat mosses (Sphagnum)

Sundberg, Sebastian January 2000 (has links)
<p>Peat mosses (<i>Sphagnum</i>) are widely distributed and are a major component of mire vegetation and peat throughout the boreal and temperate regions. Most boreal <i>Sphagnum</i> species regularly produce sporophytes, but the ecological role of the spore has been questioned. This study shows that the spores can form a spore bank and have the ability to germinate and contribute to moss establishment whenever suitable conditions occur. The results suggest that spore production is important for explaining the wide distribution and omnipresence of <i>Sphagnum</i> in nutrient-poor wetlands. The results further imply that initial recruitment from spores predominates in <i>Sphagnum</i> after disturbance or formation of suitable habitats.</p><p> A series of experiments showed that addition of phosphorus-containing substrates, such as fresh plant litter or moose dung, resulted in spore establishment on bare, moist peat. A field experiment indicated establishment rates of about 1% of sown, germinable spores on peat with added substrates. Plant litter on moist soil, without a closed cover of bryophytes, is an important safe site for the establishment of <i>Sphagnum</i> spores. The results fit the observed pattern of colonisation by <i>Sphagnum</i> beneath <i>Eriophorum vaginatum</i> tussocks in mires severely disturbed by peat extraction. Successful long-distance dispersal was indicated by the occurrence of several regionally new or rare <i>Sphagnum</i> species in disturbed mires.</p><p>Spore number per sporophyte ranged among <i>Sphagnum</i> species from 18 500 to 240 000, with a trade-off between spore number and spore size. Annual spore production was estimated at 15 million spores per square metre on two investigated mires. Sporophyte production showed a large interannual variation. Sporophyte production was positively related to the amount of precipitation the preceding summer. This was probably because a high water level promoted gametangium formation. Spore dispersal occurred in July and August. The earlier timing of spore dispersal in the more drought-sensitive, hollow-inhabiting sphagna should reduce the risk of sporophytes drying out prematurely during summer droughts.</p><p>Spores kept refrigerated up to 13 years retained high germinability. A field experiment showed that <i>Sphagnum</i> can form a persistent spore bank, with a potential longevity of several decades.</p>

The ecological significance of sexual reproduction in peat mosses (Sphagnum)

Sundberg, Sebastian January 2000 (has links)
Peat mosses (Sphagnum) are widely distributed and are a major component of mire vegetation and peat throughout the boreal and temperate regions. Most boreal Sphagnum species regularly produce sporophytes, but the ecological role of the spore has been questioned. This study shows that the spores can form a spore bank and have the ability to germinate and contribute to moss establishment whenever suitable conditions occur. The results suggest that spore production is important for explaining the wide distribution and omnipresence of Sphagnum in nutrient-poor wetlands. The results further imply that initial recruitment from spores predominates in Sphagnum after disturbance or formation of suitable habitats. A series of experiments showed that addition of phosphorus-containing substrates, such as fresh plant litter or moose dung, resulted in spore establishment on bare, moist peat. A field experiment indicated establishment rates of about 1% of sown, germinable spores on peat with added substrates. Plant litter on moist soil, without a closed cover of bryophytes, is an important safe site for the establishment of Sphagnum spores. The results fit the observed pattern of colonisation by Sphagnum beneath Eriophorum vaginatum tussocks in mires severely disturbed by peat extraction. Successful long-distance dispersal was indicated by the occurrence of several regionally new or rare Sphagnum species in disturbed mires. Spore number per sporophyte ranged among Sphagnum species from 18 500 to 240 000, with a trade-off between spore number and spore size. Annual spore production was estimated at 15 million spores per square metre on two investigated mires. Sporophyte production showed a large interannual variation. Sporophyte production was positively related to the amount of precipitation the preceding summer. This was probably because a high water level promoted gametangium formation. Spore dispersal occurred in July and August. The earlier timing of spore dispersal in the more drought-sensitive, hollow-inhabiting sphagna should reduce the risk of sporophytes drying out prematurely during summer droughts. Spores kept refrigerated up to 13 years retained high germinability. A field experiment showed that Sphagnum can form a persistent spore bank, with a potential longevity of several decades.

Validation du signal δ18O dans la cellulose de bryophytes de tourbières comme indicateur paléoclimatique et son application dans la reconstitution paléoenvironnementale d'une tourbière à palses, Kuujjuarapik, Québec

Hayes, Marilou 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
La composition isotopique de l'oxygène dans la cellulose des sphaignes est étudiée depuis quelques années dans les sédiments tourbeux pour son potentiel paléoclimatique. Si le lien entre la composition isotopique de l'eau de source utilisée par la plante et celle de la cellulose est bien établi, la provenance de l'eau utilisée et l'effet de la microtopographie le sont moins. De plus, la relation entre la composition isotopique de l'oxygène de l'eau dans les tourbières et le climat est toujours incertaine. Le but de la présente recherche est de déterminer la provenance de l'eau utilisée par les bryophytes de différents biotopes de tourbières ombrotrophes et minérotrophes du Québec et de tenter de comprendre l'effet du climat (température et précipitation) sur la composition isotopique de l'oxygène de ces bryophytes. A celle fin, des échantillons d'eau et de mousses de surface ont été récoltés dans 16 tourbières du Québec méridional et boréal et analysés pour la composition en δ18O. Un volet paléoclimatique a aussi été réalisé afin d'étudier la variabilité de cet indicateur dans le temps et parallèlement à d'autres indicateurs. Deux carottes ont été récoltées dans une tourbière à palses de la région de Kuujjuarapik, dans le Nord du Québec, sur lesquelles des analyses polliniques, isotopiques (18O), de la densité sèche et du contenu en carbone ont été effectuées. Les résultats des échantillons de surface ont permis de constater que la provenance de l'eau alimentant les bryophytes n'est pas la même selon le biotope (butte vs dépression). Les mousses de buttes sont alimentées en eau par les précipitations récentes lors de la saison de croissance, alors que les mousses de dépressions sont alimentées par l'eau de la nappe phréatique qui représente une valeur moyenne annuelle. Il s'ensuit une différence moyenne significative entre le δ18O de la cellulose des mousses croissant sur les bulles et celles dans les dépressions (2,61 %0). Les relations établies avec les paramètres climatiques suggèrent également une différence de la composition du δ18O selon le biotope, alors que les mousses de buttes semblent influencées par la quantité de précipitations de la saison de croissance et les mousses de dépressions, par la température moyenne annuelle et la quantité de précipitations moyenne annuelle. Les résultats des analyses paléoclimatiques (pollen et stratigraphie) démontrent aussi que la composition isotopique de l'oxygène de la cellulose des bryophytes correspond principalement à des changements d'ordre topographique dans la tourbière. L'étroite relation du δ18O avec la position de la nappe phréatique inférée de même qu'avec l'évènement de sécheresse identifié vers 4,2 ka BP suggère également une influence importante de la nappe phréatique sur la composition isotopique de l'eau en surface. Le δ18O des bryophytes dans les tourbières est donc un indicateur qui peut s'avérer utile dans les études paléoclimatiques, mais qui doit être interprété avec prudence. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : isotope, tourbière, Holocène, paléoclimatologie, pollen, cellulose, bryophyte

Effets de l'ouverture de la canopée sur la diversité des bryophytes associées aux débris ligneux grossiers dans la pessière à mousse

Arseneault, Julie 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
La modification des attributs forestiers et des composantes structurales tel les débris ligneux grossiers lors des activités de récolte forestière peut entraîner la disparition des espèces qui leur sont associées. En effet, une part importante de la biodiversité des écosystèmes boréaux est associée aux débris ligneux grossiers (arthropodes, champignons, bactéries, micro-mammifères et végétaux). De par leur grande sensibilité aux modifications environnementales (ensoleillement, température de l'air, nombre de débris ligneux grossiers), les bryophytes sont de bons indicateurs de ces changements. On désigne épixylique une bryophyte dont le substrat de prédilection est le bois en décomposition. Celles-ci peuvent donc être utilisées pour évaluer la disponibilité et la qualité des débris ligneux grossiers. Trois niveaux de perturbation (reflétant un gradient d'impact des activités forestières) sont utilisés pour observer la réponse des épixyliques : un témoin non perturbé, une coupe adaptée avec maintien du couvert (CAMC) et une coupe totale. L'objectif de cette étude est de voir si la coupe avec maintien du couvert pourrait maintenir une riche communauté d'épixyliques. Cette technique de récolte pourrait atténuer les changements environnementaux, notamment la destruction des débris ligneux grossiers. Les hypothèses sont : 1) les caractéristiques des débris ligneux grossiers sont corrélées avec le gradient de sévérité des traitements; 2) l'ouverture de la canopée et la température ambiante au niveau du débris ligneux grossiers sont plus élevées après la récolte et corrélées avec le gradient; 3) ces changements entrainent des différences dans la communauté des bryophytes le long du gradient. Au total, 225 débris ligneux grossiers distribués dans 45 parcelles permanentes (appartenant au dispositif du RECPA) ont été sondés pour évaluer leurs caractéristiques ainsi que pour procéder à l'inventaire des bryophytes. Les résultats de la sélection de modèles montrent que le traitement n'affecte pas directement la richesse des épixyliques, mais plutôt agit sur trois facteurs qui en retour affectent la richesse des épixyliques : l'ouverture de la canopée, le diamètre moyen et la classe de décomposition. Les habitats peu ouverts présentant de gros débris ligneux grossiers bien décomposés ont ainsi montré une richesse spécifique supérieure. Le fait que la majorité des épixyliques furent retrouvées plus communément au sol que sur les débris ligneux grossiers était inattendu. Les conclusions de cette étude démontrent que la coupe adaptée avec maintien du couvert offre le microclimat et une disponibilité de débris ligneux grossiers de qualité plus propice à la colonisation par les épixyliques. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Bryophytes épixyliques, débris ligneux grossiers, épinette noire, paludification, aménagement écosystémique

Rock Climbing or Lichen Climbing? How Rock Climbing Impacts Bryophyte and Lichen Communities Within the Red River Gorge

Reding, Jordan Michael 23 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Bryophyte and macrolichen diversity of the Purdiaea nutans forest in southern Ecuador and its relationship to soil, climate and vegetation structure / Bryophyte and macrolichen diversity of the Purdiaea nutans forest in southern Ecuador and its relationship to soil, climate and vegetation structure

Mandl, Nicole 31 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Establishment, Growth and Population Dynamics in two Mosses of Old-growth Forests

Wiklund, Karin January 2004 (has links)
<p>Biodiversity in forests depends on long canopy continuity and existence of different elements which function as substrates for varying organisms. Bryophytes often occupy specific substrates with a patchy distribution. The aim of this thesis was to increase the ecological knowledge about two threatened moss species; <i>Buxbaumia viridis</i>, inhabiting decaying wood, and <i>Neckera pennata</i>, inhabiting bark of base-rich deciduous trees. </p><p>Establishment from spores was investigated in <i>Buxbaumia viridis</i> and <i>Neckera pennata</i> and models were created to predict germination of spores as a function of pH and water potential. The effects of pH, phosphorus and nitrogen concentration were studied in <i>Buxbaumia viridis</i>, both on spore germination and on sporophyte occurrences in the field. Colony growth in relation to precipitation and microhabitat variables was studied in <i>Neckera pennata</i>, and a model was used to predict growth of colonies over time. Metapopulation dynamics of <i>Buxbaumia viridis</i> were analyzed as an effect of precipitation, habitat quality and patch quantity. A spatial explicit patch occupancy model was constructed to simulate metapopulation sizes and extinction risk over 100 years.</p><p>The quality of the substrate was very important for spore establishment. Germination success increased with increasing pH in both species. <i>Buxbaumia viridis</i> was less sensitive to low pH than <i>Neckera pennata</i> when water was freely available. However, there was a strong interaction between pH and water potential in prediction of the final cumulative germination: the spores reacted positively to one factor only when the other factor was in a favourable range.</p><p>Precipitation, moisture holding capacity and interference competition were the main factors affecting colony growth of <i>Neckera pennata</i>. <i>Buxbaumia viridis</i> showed large fluctuations in number of occupied patches among years. Both colonizations and extinctions were highly related to precipitation. Spore germination and sporophyte occurrences in the field were positively related to phosphorus concentration and pH of the substrate.</p>

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