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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Čištění bioplynu na kvalitu zemního plynu / Biogas cleaning to substitute natural gas quality

Němec, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This work deals with methods of biogas cleaning to natural gas quality for further use. The introduction is focused on technologies for biogas treatment and biogas management for current situation in the Czech Republic. In the main chapter there is a water scrubber technology design and calculation of the absorption column for the conditions given. A simulation model and preliminary economic balance were then developed on the obtained data.

Optimierung N-Management

Heinitz, Franziska, Albert, Erhard, Reinicke, Frank, Wagner, Bernhard 10 March 2011 (has links)
In 16 sächsischen Landwirtschaftsbetrieben wurde das Stickstoff-Management umfassend analysiert. Das Projekt hatte zum Ziel, die N-Bilanzüberschüsse zu reduzieren und betriebsbezogene Maßnahmen zur optimalen N-Nutzung abzuleiten. Es geht konform mit der Vorgabe der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, die Nährstoffeinträge in Gewässer und Grundwasser wirksam zu verringern. Bilanziert wurde mit dem in Sachsen entwickelten Programm BEFU und dem Umwelt- und Betriebsmanagementsystem REPRO. Die untersuchten Betriebe wiesen aufgrund der Standortbedingungen eine hohe Auswaschungsgefahr für N-Überschüsse auf. In den Szenariorechnungen mit REPRO zeigte sich, dass durch den Anbau von Zwischenfrüchten und einem reduzierten N-Einsatz die N-Salden und die potenzielle Nitratauswaschung deutlich reduziert werden können. Der Bericht enthält zahlreiche Vorschläge zur Optimierung des N-Managements im Betrieb und beweist das erhebliche Potenzial zur Minderung der Nitratverluste und Nitratbelastung.

Grundvattenbalans i Kustnära Områden

Hildingsson, Hugo January 2018 (has links)
Vatten är en livsviktig resurs för allt liv. I Sverige kommer hälften av allt dricksvatten från grundvatten. I kustnära områden begränsas grundvattentillgången av omgivningens lagringsförmåga och begränsad tillrinningsyta och det leder till att tillgången på vatten ett växande problem. Det är därför viktigt att förstå alla parametrar som påverkar grundvattnet, både för nutida och framtida brukare. Förändringen av grundvatten i geologiskt blandad miljö är svårt att kartlägga på grund av lagerföljder, materialens heterogenitet, låg kinematisk porositet och okunskap om strömningen mellan olika lager. Grundvattennivåerna skiftar dessutom med klimatet, både över året och över längre tid. Även människans påverkan är av stor betydelse. Rapportens syfte är att se hur dessa parametrar påverkar grundvattenytan i förhållande till varandra. För att undersöka dessa parametrar har tre olika geografiska, kustnära områden jämförts: Stor, Blidö, och Insjön, Rådmansö, i Norrtälje kommun samt Klintemåla i Oskarshamns kommun. För att sätta vattenanvändningen i ett sammanhang har uppgifterna relaterats till vattenexploateringsindexet (WEI). Uppgifter har hämtats från SGU, SMHI och Lantmäteriets arkiv. I två fall har kompletterande fältundersökningar genomförts. Informationen har bearbetats i Excel och programmet GWBal. I dessa områden råder lokal akut eller total vattenbrist under vissa sommarmånader. Förekomsten av vatten är en fråga om lokal tillgång och en generellt god situation i Sverige döljer stora regionala och lokala obalanser. Vad fritidsboende gör spelar större roll än permanentboende då det är under sommarsäsongen problemen är störst. Mindre reservoarer är känsligare när parametrar för klimat, vattenförbrukning och kemisk sammansättning förändras. De klimattendenser som nu uppvisas leder till konklusionen att grundvattentillgången i områdena under den kritiska perioden kommer att minska. / Water is a vital resource for all human life. Half of all drinking water in Sweden comes from groundwater and in some coastal areas, the access to water is a growing problem. It is therefore crucial to properly understand all parameters that affect the access to water, both for present and future users. The change in groundwater level in geologically varied environments is hard to get a complete picture of. Stratification, heterogeneity of soil and rock, low kinematic porosity and flow between the layers are partially unknown parameters and therefore highly uncertain. Groundwater levels also change with the climate, both over the year and over longer period of time. The impact of humans is of great importance. The objective is to see how these parameters effects groundwater level in relation to each other. To analyze these factors, three different geographic areas in Sweden will be compared: Stor, Blidö, and Insjön, Rådmansö, in Norrtälje kommun and Klintemåla in Oskarshamns kommun. To put the water use and potential stress in context, the results will be related to the Water Exploitation Index (WEI). Data was obtained from the archives of SGU, SMHI and Lantmäteriet. In two cases, the information was supplemented with field investigation. The information was processed in Excel and the program GWBal. Overall, the local shortage of water in these areas is urgent during some summer months. The water supply is a local resource and the generally good situation in Sweden conceals major regional and local imbalances. The part time residents have a much greater impact since the problem is at its peak during summer. Changes in the climate, withdrawal of water and chemical composition have greater impact on small reservoirs then on big ones. With today’s trend in climate, the conclusion is that the availability of groundwater in the areas will decrease.

Soil hydraulic properties and water balance under various soil management regimes on the Loess Plateau, China /

Zhang, Shulan, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning). Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.


Gomes, Tiago Luis 30 May 2005 (has links)
The subject of greater concern related to environmental degradation in a disposal system of urban solid wastes is the leachate generation. The high pollutant power of leachate is due to the presence of organic and inorganic composts formed during the decomposition of wastes. The inadequate leachate management can pollute environmental sites, particularly the soil, surface waters and groundwater basin. Through the verification of a system of treatment conducted by stabilization ponds it is possible to evaluate the efficiency of the process responsible for the removal of pollutants and to esteem the impact generated by the outflow in a receptor. This evaluation aimed to study the environmental impact generated in Caturrita's Landfill, located in Santa Maria RS, which has a total area of 374435.72 m2 and is part of the hidrographic Sub basin of Arroio Ferreira, receiving approximately 150 ton/day of urban solid wastes. Through Swiss, Rational and Balance Water Methods, leachate flows were estimated and checked by real measurements which took place on the site, thus determining the methodology employed in the quantitative evaluation of the leachate which was generated. The qualitative evaluation consisted of a monitoring system that was conducted from August 2003 to March 2005. It presented characteristics of the leachate generated during the disposal of solid wastes, as well as characteristics of the quality of water in the outflow receptor of the system of treatment of leachate. This evaluation enabled the determination of the effectiveness concerning the system of ponds used for stabilization, together with the determination of the outflow impact and the present degradation status of the landfill. The quantitative results were obtained through the use of error graphs evaluation for long series (data gathered from 34 years of precipitation and 29 years of evapotranspiration) and short series (between May 2004 and April 2005 for precipitation and evapotranspiration) and presented for the Balance Water, Rational and Swiss Methods, 31%, 13% and 34% of error rate, considering long historic series of data; and 48%, 21% and 76%, considering short historic series of data. Regarding the qualitative aspects of leachate, more precisely its degradation status (solid waste degradation), showing a confidence level of 95%, the mean ratio found between BOD/COD was 0.46± 0.08 and concerning the PH it was 7.9 ± 0.14. The mean effectiveness of the system of treatment was 69±11% when BOD was removed and 58±10% when COD was removed. In 92 % of the cases, the outflow presented BOD values above the maximum limit of 200 mg/L. A similar situation is observed regarding the COD parameter, presenting a maximum limit of 450 mg/L. The Balance Water Method proved to be apt to be used in dimensioning processes of systems of treatment of outflows, showing a mean error of 34% above the real flow and was susceptible to the real montly tendencies. The degradation processes of leachate in Caturrita's Landfill were found in the end of the final acidogenic phase, due to the values found for the ratio BOD/COD and the PH, enphasizing how much organic matter is still possible to be degraded. The mean effectiveness of the system of ponds of treatment was showed to be insufficient, considering that the mean concentration on the site is 390± 91mg/L (outflow site) for the first and 1403±209 mg/L (outflow site) for the second. In order to meet the values indicated by law (Portaria 05/89 SSMA RS), it would be necessary a concentration inferior to 200 mg/L for BOD and 450 mg/L for COD. / A questão de maior preocupação quanto à degradação ambiental em um sistema de disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos é a geração de percolado (lixiviado ou chorume). A elevada carga poluidora presente no percolado é devido à presença de compostos de origem orgânica e inorgânica formados durante a decomposição dos resíduos. O gerenciamento inadequado deste percolado pode levar à poluição dos compartimentos ambientais, em particular, o solo, águas superficiais e águas subterrâneas. Através do monitoramento do sistema de tratamento por lagoas de estabilização é possível avaliar a eficiência do processo de remoção de poluentes e estimar o impacto gerado no lançamento dos efluentes em um corpo receptor. Neste trabalho, estudou-se o impacto ambiental gerado no Aterro Controlado da Caturrita, localizado no município de Santa Maria RS, inserido na Sub-Bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Ferreira, com área total de 374.435,72 m2, recebendo aproximadamente 150 ton/dia de resíduos sólidos urbanos. Pelos Métodos Suíço, Racional e Balanço Hídrico, fez-se estimativas de vazões de percolado aferidas por medições reais no local, determinando a metodologia empregada na avaliação quantitativa do percolado gerado. Quanto à avaliação qualitativa, a mesma consistiu no monitoramento compreendido entre Agosto de 2003 e Março de 2005, apresentado características do percolado gerado durante a disposição dos resíduos sólidos e na qualidade da água no corpo receptor do efluente do sistema de tratamento de percolado, possibilitando determinar a eficiência do sistema das lagoas de estabilização, o impacto do lançamento de efluentes e o estado de degradação atual do aterro. Nos resultados quantitativos, utilizando gráficos de avaliação de erros para séries longas (dados de 34 anos para precipitação e 29 para evapotranspiração) e curtas (entre Maio de 2004 e Abril de 2005 para a precipitação e evapotranspiração), obteve-se para os Métodos do Balanço Hídrico, Racional e Suíço, respectivamente, 31%, 13% e 34% de erros, considerando séries históricas longas de dados, e 48%, 21% e 76%, considerando séries históricas curtas de dados. Para os aspectos qualitativos do percolado, quanto ao estado de degradação dos resíduos, com nível de confiança de 95% a razão média encontrada entre DBO/DQO foi de 0,46±0,08 e para o pH igual a 7,9±0,14. A eficiência média do sistema de tratamento foi de 69±11% na remoção da DBO e 58±10% para a DQO. Em 92% das ocorrências o efluente apresentou valores de DBO acima do limite máximo de 200 mg/L. Situação semelhante é observada para o parâmetro DQO, que apresenta um limite máximo de 450 mg/L. O Método do Balanço Hídrico mostrou-se apto para utilização em dimensionamentos de sistemas de tratamento de efluentes com erro médio calculado de 34% acima da vazão real e se mostrando suscetível às tendências mensais reais. Os processos de degradação do percolado no aterro da Caturrita encontram-se no fim da fase acidogênica final, em virtude dos valores encontrados para razão DBO/DQO e pH, evidenciando o quanto ainda é possível degradar de matéria orgânica. A eficiência média do sistema de lagoas de tratamento, apresentou-se insuficiente, uma vez que a média de concentração do local é de 390±91 mg/L (ponto efluente) para a primeira e 1403±209 mg/L (ponto efluente) para a segunda, sendo que para atender a Portaria 05/89 SSMA-RS seria necessário uma concentração inferior a 200 mg/L para DBO e 450 mg/L para a DQO.

Zum Einfluss von Witterung und Klima auf den Landschaftszustand und die Landschaftsentwicklung im Uvs-Nuur-Becken (NW-Mongolei)

Barsch, Andreas January 2003 (has links)
Im Landschaftszustand und in der Landschaftsentwicklung kommen funktionale Beziehungen zwischen dem naturbedingten Energie-, Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt einerseits und den Auswirkungen der Landnutzung andererseits zum Ausdruck. Gegenwärtig verändert der globale Anstieg der bodennahen Temperaturen vielerorts den landschaftlichen Energie-, Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt, wobei besonders in Trockengebieten zu erwarten ist, dass dieser Trend in Verbindung mit einer unangepassten Landnutzung das Regenerationsvermögen der Vegetation einschränkt und zur Zerstörung der Bodendecke führt.<br /> <br /> Für die Mongolei und für benachbarte Gebiete Asiens sind in Szenarien zur globalen Erwärmung hohe Werte des Temperaturanstiegs prognostiziert worden. Eine globale Einschätzung der anthropogen induzierten Bodendegradation hat diese Region als stark oder extrem stark betroffen eingestuft. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde im Uvs-Nuur-Becken, das im Nordwesten der Mongolei und damit in einer der trockensten Regionen des Landes gelegen ist, untersucht, wie sich der globale Temperaturanstieg auf der lokalen und regionalen Ebene widerspiegelt und wie der Landschaftshaushalt dabei verändert wird.<br /> <br /> Die Auswirkungen des sommerlichen Witterungsverlaufes auf den Landschaftszustand sind 1997 bis 1999 an einem Transsekt erfasst worden, das sich zwischen dem Kharkhiraa-Gebirge am Westrand des Beckens und dem See Uvs Nuur im Beckeninneren von den Polsterfluren und Matten der alpinen Stufe über die Gebirgswaldsteppe, die Trockensteppe bis zur Halbwüste erstreckt. An neun Messpunkten wurden witterungsklimatische Daten in Verbindung mit Merkmalen der Vegetation, des Bodens und der Bodenfeuchte aufgenommen. Die im Sommer 1998 gewonnenen Messwerte wurden mit Hilfe einer Clusteranalyse gebündelt und verdichtet. Auf dieser Grundlage konnten landschaftliche Zustandsformen inhaltlich gekennzeichnet, zeitlich eingeordnet und durch Zeit-Verhaltens-Modelle (Stacks) abgebildet werden. Aus den Zeit-Verhaltens-Modellen wird ersichtlich, dass man Zustandsformen, in denen die Hitze und die Trockenheit des Sommers 1998 besonders stark zum Ausdruck kommen, an allen Messpunkten beobachten kann, nimmt man die Station auf dem fast 3.000 m hohen Gipfel des Khukh Uul sowie die grundwasserbeeinflusste Station in unmittelbarer Seenähe aus. In ihrer extremen Form sind Trockenperioden jedoch nur im Beckeninneren und am Fuß der Randgebirge, also in der Halbwüste, in der Trockensteppe und in der Wiesensteppe aufgetreten. Im Bergwald sowie im Bereich der alpinen Matten und Polsterfluren fehlen sie.<br /> <br /> Am stärksten sind die grundwasserfreien Bereiche der Halbwüste von der Hitze und Niederschlagsarmut des Sommers 1998 betroffen. An vier Fünfteln der Tage des Beobachtungszeitraumes herrscht an diesem Messpunkt extreme Trockenheit. Es fällt entweder gar kein Niederschlag oder nur so wenig, dass der seit dem Frühjahr erschöpfte Bodenwasservorrat nicht aufgefüllt wird. Das Verhältnis zwischen Niederschlag und potenzieller Verdunstung liegt hier bei 1:12.<br /> <br /> In der Halbwüste zeichnet sich eine fortschreitende Desertifikation ab, zumal hier eine nichtangepasste Weidenutzung dominiert, in der Ziegen eine immer größere Rolle spielen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Bereiche in Siedlungsnähe. Örtlich ist auch der Bestand der Trockensteppe gefährdet, die sich an die Halbwüste zum Beckenrand hin anschließt. Hier ist nicht nur die Viehdichte am höchsten, sondern hier werden auch die meisten unbefestigten Fahrwege wild angelegt und die Bodendecke damit zerstört. Dies kann im Endeffekt zu einem Übergreifen von Prozessen der Desertifikation führen.<br /> <br /> Aus methodischer Sicht zeigt sich, dass die Kennzeichnung landschaftlicher Zustandsformen durch Zeit-Verhaltens-Modelle die Ermittlung der Auswirkungen von Witterung und Klima auf den Landschaftszustand erleichtert, da sie deren Aussage konzentriert. Zur Interpretation der Ergebnisse ist jedoch ein Rückgriff auf die beschreibende Darstellung der Messwerte notwendig. Die im westlichen Uvs-Nuur-Becken und seinen Randgebirgen angewandte Verfahrensweise ermöglicht es, globale Aussagen zur globalen Erwärmung der Kontinente regional oder lokal zu überprüfen und zu untersetzen." / Landscape condition and landscape development express the functional relations between energy balance, water balance and material balance on the one hand and on the other hand they reflect the effects of land use. At present the global increase of near-surface air temperature changes the energy balance, water balance and material balance in many places. Especially in arid regions this trend and an inappropriate land use restrict the regeneration ability of vegetation and lead to the degradation of soil cover.<br /> <br /> Different scenarios for global warming prognosticate high values of increasing air temperature in Mongolia and its adjacent regions in Asia. A global estimation of anthropogenicly induced soil degradation classifies this region as strongly or extremely strong affected. Against this background a research was carried out in the Uvs Nuur Basin, placed in the northwest of Mongolia and therefore in one of the most arid regions of this country. The object of investigation was the reflection of the global increase of air temperature on a local and regional level and the resulting changes of landscape balance.<br /> <br /> From 1997 to 1999 the effects of changes in summer weather on the landscape condition were measured on a transect from the Kharkhiraa mountains at the western margin of the basin up to the lake Uvs at the centre of the basin. The transect included alpine mat, mountain steppe, dry steppe and semi desert. Climatic data was collected at 9 transect stations, in addition with characteristics of vegetation, soil and soil moisture. The data of summer 1998 was bundled and consolidated with a cluster analysis. On this basis forms of landscape condition could be evaluated in content, arranged chronologically and characterised by time performance models (stacks).<br /> <br /> The time performance models prove that forms of landscape condition marking the heat and the drought of summer 1998 can be found at every station of the transect except of the one on the summit of Khukh Uul at almost 3.000 m above sea level and another groundwater-influenced station at the bank of lake Uvs. However, extremely dry periods occur only from the centre of the basin up to the foothills, thus in the semi desert, the dry steppe and the short grass steppe. They do not occur in the mountain forest and in the alpine mat.<br /> <br /> Areas in the semi desert are most affected by drought and lack of precipitation during the summer 1998. Four fifths of the days in the measurement period are extremely droughty days. Either there is no precipitation at all or it is insufficient to fill up the soil water storage exhausted since spring-time. The relation of precipitation and potential evaporation averages out here at 1:12.<br /> <br /> A progressive desertification becomes apparent in the semi desert, particularly determined by an inappropriate land use in conjunction with an increasing goat-rearing in the area around the settlements. Partially this trend even affects the dry steppe in adjacency to the semi desert toward the margin of the basin. These areas are characterised not only by the highest stocking rate but also by the largest number of unofficial dirt roads thus leading to the denudation of the soil cover and finally to the spreading of desertification processes.<br /> <br /> From the methodical point of view it is obvious that the characterisation by time performance models facilitates the determination of weather and climate influence on landscape condition by summarising their information. However, the interpretation of the results has to be accomplished by a describing analysis of the measured data. The procedure applied in the western Uvs Nuur Basin and its adjacent mountains provides the opportunity to examine and substantiate the reports on global warming at regional or local level.

Strategien zur Verbesserung der Stickstoffeffizienz

Schliephake, Wilfried, Müller, Peter 06 May 2015 (has links)
In dem Bericht werden Maßnahmen vorgestellt, von denen erwartet wird, dass sie den Ertrag stabilisieren und gleichzeitig auch N-Bilanzüberschüsse und -verluste mindern. Die Maßnahmen wurden in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben Sachsens getestet. Als vorteilhaft erwiesen sich insbesondere die biomasseabhängige Rapsdüngung, die Streifenbearbeitung, die Injektionsdüngung und die bestandesabhängige N-Düngung zu Weizen.

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