Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bandpass"" "subject:"landmass""
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Integrated realizations of reconfigurable low pass and band pass filters for wide band multi-mode receiversCsipkes, Gabor-Laszlo 16 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
With the explosive development of wireless communication systems the specifications of the supporting hardware platforms have become more and more demanding. According to the long term goals of the industry, future communications systems should integrate a wide variety of standards. This leads to the idea of software defined radio, implemented on fully reconfigurable hardware.Among other reconfigurable hardware blocks, suitable for the software radio concept, an outstanding importance belongs to the reconfigurable filters that are responsible for the selectivity of the system. The problematic of filtering is strictly connected to the architecture chosen for a multi-mode receiver realization. According to the chosen architecture, the filters can exhibit low pass or band pass frequency responses.The idea of reconfigurable frequency parameters has been introduced since the beginning of modern filtering applications due to the required precision of the frequency response. However, the reconfiguration of the parameters was usually done in a limited range around ideal values. The purpose of the presented research is to transform the classical filter structures with simple self-correction into fully reconfigurable filters over a wide range of frequencies. The ideal variation of the frequency parameters is continuous and consequently difficult to implement in real circuits. Therefore, it is usually sufficient to use a discrete programming template with reasonably small steps.There are several methods to implement variable frequency parameters. The most often used programming templates employ resistor and capacitor arrays, switched according to a given code. The low pass filter implementation proposed in this work uses a special switching template, optimized for a quasi-linear frequency variation over logarithmic axes. The template also includes the possibility to compensate errors caused by component tolerances and temperature. Another important topic concerns the implementation of programmable band pass filters, suitable for IF sampling receivers. The discussion is centered on the feasibility and the flexibility of different band pass filter architectures. Due to the high frequency requirements, the emphasis lays on filters that employ transconductance amplifiers and capacitors. / Die rasch fortschreitende Entwicklung drahtloser Kommunikationssysteme führt zu immer anspruchsvolleren Spezifikationen der diese Systeme unterstützenden Hardwareplattformen. Zukünftige Kommunikationssysteme sollen übereinstimmend mit den längerfristigen Zielen der Industrie verschiedene Standards integrieren. Dies führt zu der Idee von vollständig rekonfigurierbarer Hardware, welche mittels Software gesteuert wird.Inmitten anderer rekonfigurierbarer Hardwareblöcke, die für das Software Radio Konzept geeignet sind, besitzen die steuerbaren Filter, welche wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Selektivität des Systems haben, eine enorme Bedeutung. Die Filterproblematik ist eng mit der gewählten Architektur der standardübergreifenden Empfängerrealisierung verknüpft. Die Filter können entsprechend der ausgesuchten Architektur Tiefpass- oder Bandpasscharakter annehmen.Die Idee rekonfigurierbarer Frequenzparameter wurde bereits mit Beginn moderner Filteranwendungen auf Grund geforderter Frequenzganggenauigkeit umgesetzt. Jedoch wurde die Parameterrekonfiguration üblicherweise nur in einem begrenzten Bereich um die Idealwerte herum vorgenommen. Das Ziel der vorgestellten Forschungsarbeit ist es, diese klassischen Filterstrukturen mit einfacher Selbstkorrektur in über große Frequenzbereiche voll rekonfigurierbare Filter zu transformieren. Idealerweise werden die Frequenzparameter kontinuierlich variiert weswegen sich die Implementierung in reellen Schaltkreisen als schwierig erweist. Deshalb ist es üblicherweise ausreichend, ein diskretes Steuerschema mit kleinen Schrittweiten zu verwenden.Es gibt verschiedene Methoden, variable Frequenzparameter zu implementieren. Die meisten Schemata verwenden Widerstands- und Kondensatorfelder, die entsprechend eines Kodes geschaltet werden. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Implementierung eines Tiefpassfilters nutzt ein spezielles Umschaltschema, welches für die quasi-lineare Frequenzvariation bei Darstellung über logarithmischen Axen optimiert wurde. Es beinhaltet weiterhin die Möglichkeit, Fehler zu kompensieren, die durch Bauelementtoleranzen und Temperaturschwankungen hervorgerufen werden.Ein weiteres interessantes Thema betrifft die Implementierung steuerbarer Bandpassfilter, die für Empfänger mit Zwischenfrequenzabtastung geeignet sind. Die Betrachtung beschränkt sich hierbei auf die Durchführbarkeit und Flexibilität verschiedener Bandpassfilterarchitekturen. Auf Grund hoher Frequenzanforderungen liegt der Schwerpunkt auf Filtern, die auf Transkonduktanzverstärkern und Kondensatoren basieren.
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Analysis of Multi-Conductor Coupled Microstrip Lines with an Aperture in the Ground Plane for Compact Broadband Microwave ComponentsPackiaraj, D January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In recent years, the wireless industry has witnessed tremendous development for the defense and commercial segments. The explosive growth in the modern radio frequency and microwave systems leads to an increased interest in the research of miniaturized microwave circuits with superior performance. Broadband components, in particular band pass filters (BPFs) and couplers are some of the widely used components in the modern communication systems, software defined radios, cognitive radios, imaging systems and positioning radars. In order to meet these requirements, the use of innovative geometries, a thorough understanding of their behavior by appropriate analytical techniques and the use of appropriate fabrication approaches are essential. This thesis is an effort in this direction.
In this thesis work, an aperture in the ground plane is used to achieve the tight coupling in the edge and broadside-coupled coupled lines which may be otherwise difficult due to the fabrication limitations. Since microstrip lines with an aperture in the ground plane are found to be very useful in various MIC and MMIC components, closed form analytical expressions developed here will be useful for their initial synthesis. The performances of components using these are enhanced using open/short circuited resonators, spurlines and stubs.
A quasi-static approach has been investigated to obtain simple closed form expressions for a microstrip line with a rectangular aperture in the ground plane. The effect of a rectangular aperture in the ground plane has been incorporated in the commonly used expressions of a regular microstrip line by introducing the concept of an equivalent effective height. The expressions for the effective height microstrip geometries with defected ground are obtained and this has been further extended to various possibilities of two-conductor and three-conductor coupled lines.
Analysis of the filters and the couplers are mainly based on the even and odd mode propagation characteristics of coupled lines. This approach is extended in this thesis for three conductor coupled lines. Novel broadband BPFs and couplers and dual band pass filters employing various coupled line configurations and defected ground have been developed in this research work. Most of these components have been implemented on a regular microwave laminate or LTCC medium (planar or multi-layer) and tested for the required RF performances. The experimental results were compared against the analytically computed results based on the circuit models and the full wave simulations using electromagnetic (EM) simulations for the validation. The results are in good agreement.
With practical requirements of the organization in mind, additional design elements such as open circuit stubs have been incorporated in some of these designs to achieve the desired performance. It is expected that the wideband filter (3.0GHz to 3.8GHz) and the broadband coupler (4GHz to 6GHz) developed in this thesis work would be deployed in systems developed at the Central Research Laboratory, Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore, India.
In summary, the present doctoral work strives to (i) establish a simplified analysis method for the microstrip lines and coupled microstrip lines with a rectangular aperture in the ground plane, (ii) extend the even and odd mode analysis of the coupled lines for several new coupled line configurations, (iii) design novel broadband microwave filters, dual band filter and couplers using both these, (iv) fabricate these devices using the planar technologies including LTCC, and (v) validate the analysis and design with important practical applications.
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Měření seismické činnosti pomocí optických vláknových senzorů / Seismic activity measurement using fiber optic sensorsVaněk, Stanislav January 2018 (has links)
The aim of master's thesis is to get familiarized with the problems of measurement and analysis of seismic waves. Theoretical part deals with the description of seismic waves, especially their types, sources and properties. Attention was afterwards focused on the measurement systems of these waves, emphasis was placed on their principles and advantages. The practical part discusses methods of noise reduction and highlighting of significant events in measured data. At the end, individual methods are implemented into user-friendly graphical interface.
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Návrh nových aktivních filtrů pomocí grafů signálových toků / Design of new active filters, using signal flow graphsJašek, František January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis describes the design of the frequency filters by the help of the graph of the signal flows. There are defined by modern components like GVC (Generalized Voltage Conveyor), GCC (Generalized Current Conveyor), CF (Current Follower), DO-CF (Dual-Output Current Follower), OTA (Operational Transconductance Amplifier), BOTA (Ballanced Operational Transconductance Amplifier) and CFTA (Current Follower Transconductance Amplifier), the graphs of the signal flows, which describe their activity in the thesis. In the other part of the thesis is illustrated the procedure of the design of the frequency filters by the help of the graphs of the signal flows. For the concrete design was selected in the first case as the active component double output current follower and in the second case the CFTA. There are noted all designed circuits of the frequency filters also their characteristic equations in this thesis. The activity of the selected circuits was remitted to the analysis in the simulation program called PSpice. Because the active components, with which was engaged in the design of the filter which doesn’t exist in the real form, that is why the UCC, which is sufficing for attestation of the function of the circuit, was used for the simulation. The simulation was implemented in the frequency range 10 Hz to 10 MHz.
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Analogový vstupní díl pro softwarový přijímač / Front end for software receiverSlezák, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with a theoretical analysis of the basic parameters of receivers, input circuit architecture and signal digitization. According to the specified assignment it is outlined block scheme of front end for software receiver with specified components and the total bilance is calculated. Individual parts of the system are designed and realized. This is a set of four input filters for bandwidths: short waves up to 30 MHz, 87,5-108 MHz, 144-148 MHz and 174-230 MHz. The main point of design is a circuit containing a low-noise amplifiers, switches, and two amplifiers with adjustable amplification. Mainly are used integrated circuits from Analog Devices corporation. To control the various switches and adjustable amplifiers was designed a separate panel, which is connected to the main circuit via a cable. In the last phase was the whole system and its components subjected to measurements. Thanks to a number of mounted SMA connectors it is possible to measure different parts of the system and we are able to modify it partially.
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Studium vlivů frekvenčních nestabilit oscilátorů v družicových komunikačních systémech / Studies of Influences of Oscillators Frequency Instabilities in Satellite Communication SystemsBaran, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with a study of an influence of a simultaneous incidence of an additive thermal noise and a multiplicative phase noise on the useful signal transmission in narrowband satellite communication systems. While the additive thermal noise affects the useful signal only on the receiver side of the communication system, the multiplicative phase noise is produced in all system oscillators. One investigates how the receiver filter bandwidth reduction takes effect on the influence of individual noise types. The thesis is divided into four units. The first one (chapters 4 and 5) solves the ways of modeling of both noise types. In the second part (chapter 6), on the simple example, the primary analysis of the phase noise influence is made. Basic modulation schemes used in the satellite communication are also discussed (chapter 7). Third part (chapter 8) is devoted to the modeling of a general digital system with a M PSK modulation made directly on the main carrier wave. The last part (chapter 9) describes the modeling of a digital system with a BPSK modulation on the auxiliary subcarrier wave followed by an SSB modulation on the main carrier wave. General conclusions are deduced from obtained simulation results.
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Numerická syntéza filtrujících antén / Numerical synthesis of filtering antennasKufa, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Dizertační práce je zaměřena na kompletní metodiku návrhu tří a čtyř prvkových flíčkových anténních řad, které neobsahují žádné filtrující části a přesto se chovají jako filtrující antény (filtény). Návrhová metodika kombinuje přístup pro návrh filtrů s přístupem pro anténní řady a zahrnuje tvarování frekvenčních odezev činitele odrazu a normovaného realizovaného zisku. Směr hlavního laloku přes pracovní pásmo je kontrolován také. S cílem kontrolovat tvary uvedených charakteristik, nové gi koeficienty jsou představeny pro návrh filtrujících anténních řad. Návrhová metodika byla ověřena na tří a čtyř prvkové filtrující anténní řadě přes frekvenční pásmo od 4,8 GHz do 6,8 GHz, pro šířku pásma celé struktury od 7 % do 14 % a pro požadovanou úroveň činitele odrazu od –10 dB do –20 dB. Celá metodika byla podpořena výrobou a měřením šesti testovacích vzorků filtrujících anténních řad s rozdílnými konfiguracemi. Ve všech případech se simulované a naměřené výsledky dobře shodují.
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Diferenční a pseudodiferenční kmitočtové filtry / Differential and pseudo-differential frequency filtersSládok, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with fully differential and pseudo-differential frequency filters. Significant emphasis is placed on the characteristics of common-mode signal. Further, the text deals with the design issue of fully-differential structure and transformation of non-differential to pseudo-differential structures. In the thesis one non-differential structure, one fully-differential and three pseudo-differential structures are proposed, one of them working in current mode. The thesis also describes the analysis from the perspective of non-ideal properties of the active element of two circuit solutions, which is trying to find the optimal solution. In each case, functionality of new solutions is verified by simulations and in several cases also by experimental measurement.
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Design of a grating lobe mitigated antenna array architecture integrated with low loss PCB filtering structures / Design av en sidloblindrande gruppantenn integrerad med låg förlust PCBfilterstrukturerSalvador Lopez, Eduardo January 2023 (has links)
Massive multiple input multiple output - MIMO systems are a reality and modern communication systems rely upon this technology to cope with the increasing need for capacity and network usage. Antenna arrays are at the heart of the of the massive-MIMO system and are the enabling technology. The defining cost of such a system is the number of transmit receive ports TRx as they dictate the number of control points and the associated digital control computational capacity. Typically users are spread along the azimuth and there is limited angular user spread along elevation. This enables us to group the elements in elevation which of course limits the elevation scanning performance. The element grouping result in grating lobes when we do elevation scanning. In the newly introduced frequency range 3 - FR3 in the envisioned 6G communication systems that is from 6-20 GHz it will not be allowed to transmit power above the horizon and the resulting grating lobes from the standard grouping should be mitigated. This project is structured into two parts. In the first part a grating lobe mitigation technique based on irregular subarray grouping utilizing the wellknown Penrose irregular tessellation is developed. This tessellation is based into two geometrical shapes where when put together they can fully tile the space aperiodically. Introducing this apperiodicity the grating or quantization lobes of the array are mitigated. In addition, in the first part a beam forming algorithm is developed based on particle swarm optimization that is able to produce the optimal weights for the array steering as well as optimize some of the embedded patterns of the irregular grouping. The last optimization step of the irregular subarray patterns is utilized only when the grouping results in a narrow pattern in azimuth and as a result we have static single port beamforming networks. This of course is a trade off between the broadside gain and the azimuth steerability of the array. In the second part of this thesis two low loss band pass filters have been developed with a PCB integrated suspended stripline techology. The filters were optimised for the frequencies within FR3. The resulted filtering structures can further be integrated at the input port of the proposed feeding network with the same technology. The two parts of this thesis target to introduce on one hand a antenna array architecture with subarray groupings that produce no grating lobes and on the other hand the proposed filtering structures have small enough dimensions to fit within the subarray footprint. / Dagens moderna kommunikationssystem använder sig av Massive multiple input multiple output (m-MIMO) för att kunna möta det allt större kraven på kapacitet och nätverksanvändning. Gruppantenner är den mest fundamentala delen av massive-MIMO system och möjliggör dess funktion. För ett sådant system (m-MIMO-system), så kommer den största kostnaden från antalet sändare/mottagare (TRx) -portar som används. Antalet portar i ett massiveMIMO system bestämmer vilken kapacitet systemet har till hands när det gäller lobformning. Vanligtvis är användare utspridda i det horisontella planet, samtidigt som de är begränsade i sin spridning i höjdled. Detta möjliggör användandet av en gruppantenn som grupperar sina antennelement i höjdled, vilket såklart begränsar gruppantennens lobformning i höjdled. Grupperandet av antennelement skapar sidlober när gruppantennen lobformar i höjdled. I det nya frekvensbandet, 3 - FR3 i det föreställda 6G kommunikationssystemet som opererar mellan 6-20 GHz, så kommer det inte att vara tillåtet att sända ut effekt över horisonten, samtidigt som de sidlober som kommer från standardgruppering måste begränsas. Detta projekt är strukturerat i två delar. I första delen så presenteras ett sätt att lindra sidlober, som baseras på irreguljära gruppantenner via Penrose tessellation. Denna tessellation är indelad i två geometriska former sådan att när vi sätter ihop dem så kan de framgångsrikt täcka vår geometri icke-periodvist. Genom att introducera denna icke-periodicitet så kan sidloberna från gruppanetnnen lindras. Utöver detta så är också så är en lobformningsalgoritm skapad som baseras på particle swarm optimization (PSO), som kan skapa de optimala vikterna för lobformning och lobstyrning. Det sista optimiseringssteget av de irreguljära gruppantennmönstret används bara när gruppering av antennelement resulterar i ett snävt mönster i azimut-riktning. Därför använder vi ett statiskt enportsmatningsnätverk. Detta är såklart en vägning mellan bredsideförstärkning och förmågan att kunna lobforma i det horisontella planet. I den andra delen så har två låg förlust bandpassfilter utvecklats med en PCB-integrerad suspended sripline teknik. Filtrerna optimerades för frekvenser inom FR3. De resulterande filterstrukturerna kan integreras längs input-porten av det föreslagna matningsnätverket som använder sig av den samma teknik. De två delarna i denna uppsats presenterar dels en gruppantenn med irreguljär antennelementsindelning som lindrar sidlober, samt dels filterstrukturer som kan användas tillsammans med gruppantennen.
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Integrated realizations of reconfigurable low pass and band pass filters for wide band multi-mode receiversCsipkes, Gabor-Laszlo 26 October 2005 (has links)
With the explosive development of wireless communication systems the specifications of the supporting hardware platforms have become more and more demanding. According to the long term goals of the industry, future communications systems should integrate a wide variety of standards. This leads to the idea of software defined radio, implemented on fully reconfigurable hardware.Among other reconfigurable hardware blocks, suitable for the software radio concept, an outstanding importance belongs to the reconfigurable filters that are responsible for the selectivity of the system. The problematic of filtering is strictly connected to the architecture chosen for a multi-mode receiver realization. According to the chosen architecture, the filters can exhibit low pass or band pass frequency responses.The idea of reconfigurable frequency parameters has been introduced since the beginning of modern filtering applications due to the required precision of the frequency response. However, the reconfiguration of the parameters was usually done in a limited range around ideal values. The purpose of the presented research is to transform the classical filter structures with simple self-correction into fully reconfigurable filters over a wide range of frequencies. The ideal variation of the frequency parameters is continuous and consequently difficult to implement in real circuits. Therefore, it is usually sufficient to use a discrete programming template with reasonably small steps.There are several methods to implement variable frequency parameters. The most often used programming templates employ resistor and capacitor arrays, switched according to a given code. The low pass filter implementation proposed in this work uses a special switching template, optimized for a quasi-linear frequency variation over logarithmic axes. The template also includes the possibility to compensate errors caused by component tolerances and temperature. Another important topic concerns the implementation of programmable band pass filters, suitable for IF sampling receivers. The discussion is centered on the feasibility and the flexibility of different band pass filter architectures. Due to the high frequency requirements, the emphasis lays on filters that employ transconductance amplifiers and capacitors. / Die rasch fortschreitende Entwicklung drahtloser Kommunikationssysteme führt zu immer anspruchsvolleren Spezifikationen der diese Systeme unterstützenden Hardwareplattformen. Zukünftige Kommunikationssysteme sollen übereinstimmend mit den längerfristigen Zielen der Industrie verschiedene Standards integrieren. Dies führt zu der Idee von vollständig rekonfigurierbarer Hardware, welche mittels Software gesteuert wird.Inmitten anderer rekonfigurierbarer Hardwareblöcke, die für das Software Radio Konzept geeignet sind, besitzen die steuerbaren Filter, welche wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Selektivität des Systems haben, eine enorme Bedeutung. Die Filterproblematik ist eng mit der gewählten Architektur der standardübergreifenden Empfängerrealisierung verknüpft. Die Filter können entsprechend der ausgesuchten Architektur Tiefpass- oder Bandpasscharakter annehmen.Die Idee rekonfigurierbarer Frequenzparameter wurde bereits mit Beginn moderner Filteranwendungen auf Grund geforderter Frequenzganggenauigkeit umgesetzt. Jedoch wurde die Parameterrekonfiguration üblicherweise nur in einem begrenzten Bereich um die Idealwerte herum vorgenommen. Das Ziel der vorgestellten Forschungsarbeit ist es, diese klassischen Filterstrukturen mit einfacher Selbstkorrektur in über große Frequenzbereiche voll rekonfigurierbare Filter zu transformieren. Idealerweise werden die Frequenzparameter kontinuierlich variiert weswegen sich die Implementierung in reellen Schaltkreisen als schwierig erweist. Deshalb ist es üblicherweise ausreichend, ein diskretes Steuerschema mit kleinen Schrittweiten zu verwenden.Es gibt verschiedene Methoden, variable Frequenzparameter zu implementieren. Die meisten Schemata verwenden Widerstands- und Kondensatorfelder, die entsprechend eines Kodes geschaltet werden. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Implementierung eines Tiefpassfilters nutzt ein spezielles Umschaltschema, welches für die quasi-lineare Frequenzvariation bei Darstellung über logarithmischen Axen optimiert wurde. Es beinhaltet weiterhin die Möglichkeit, Fehler zu kompensieren, die durch Bauelementtoleranzen und Temperaturschwankungen hervorgerufen werden.Ein weiteres interessantes Thema betrifft die Implementierung steuerbarer Bandpassfilter, die für Empfänger mit Zwischenfrequenzabtastung geeignet sind. Die Betrachtung beschränkt sich hierbei auf die Durchführbarkeit und Flexibilität verschiedener Bandpassfilterarchitekturen. Auf Grund hoher Frequenzanforderungen liegt der Schwerpunkt auf Filtern, die auf Transkonduktanzverstärkern und Kondensatoren basieren.
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