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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electronically-Scanned Wideband Digital Aperture Antenna Arrays using Multi-Dimensional Space-Time Circuit-Network Resonance

Pulipati, Sravan Kumar January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Filter Design for Interference Cancellation for Wide and Narrow Band RF Systems

Zargarzadeh, MohammadReza 19 June 2016 (has links)
In radio frequency (RF), filtering is an essential part of RF transceivers. They are employed for different purposes of band selection, channel selection, interference cancellation, image rejection, etc. These are all translated in selecting the wanted signal while mitigating the rest. This can be performed by either selecting the desired frequency range by a band pass filter or rejecting the unwanted part by a band stop filter. Although there has been tremendous effort to design RF tunable filters, there is still lack of designs with frequency and bandwidth software-tuning capability at frequencies above 4 GHz. This prevents the implementation of Software Defined Radios (SDR) where software tuning is a critical part in supporting multiple standards and frequency bands. Designing a tunable integrated filter will not only assist in realization of SDR, but it also causes an enormous shrinkage in the size of the circuit by replacing the current bulky off-chip filters. The main purpose of this research is to design integrated band pass and band stop filters aimed to perform interference cancellation. In order to do so, two systems are proposed for this thesis. The first system is a band pass filter capable of frequency and band with tuning for C band frequency range (4-8 GHz) and is implemented in 0.13 µm BiCMOS technology. Frequency tunability is accomplished by using a variable capacitor (varactor) and bandwidth tuning is carried out by employing a negative transconductance cell to compensate for the loss of the elements. Additional circuitry is added to the band pass filter to enhance the selectivity of the filter. The second system is a band stop filter (notch) with the same capability as the band pass filter in terms of tuning. This system is implemented in C band, similar to its band stop counterpart and is capable of tuning its depth by using a negative transconductance in an LC tank. A negative feedback is added to the circuit to improve the bandwidth. While implemented in the same process as the band pass filter, it only employs CMOS transistors since it is generally more attractive due to its lower cost and scalability. Both of the systems mentioned use a varactor for changing the center frequency which is a nonlinear element. Therefore, the nonlinearity of it is modelled using two different methods of nonlinear feedback and Volterra series in order to gain further understanding of the nonlinear process taking place in the LC tank. After the validation of the models proposed using Cadence Virtuoso simulator, two methods of design and tuning are suggested to improve the linearity of the system. After post layout-extraction, the band pass filter is capable of Q tuning in the range of 3 to 270 and higher. With the noise figure of 10 to 14 dB and input 1-dB compression point as high as 2 dBm, the system shows a reasonably good performance along its operating frequency of 4 to 8 GHz. The band stop filter which is designed in the same frequency band can achieve better than 55 dB of rejection with the noise figure of 6.7 to 8.8 dB and 1-dB compression point of -4 dBm. With the power consumption of 39 to 70 mW, the band stop filter can be used in a low power receiver to suppress unwanted signals. The technique used in the band stop filter can be applied to higher frequency ranges if the circuit is implemented in a more advanced silicon technology. Implementing the mentioned filters in a receiver along with other elements of low noise amplifiers, mixers, etc. would be a major step toward full implementation of SDR systems. Studying the linearity theory of varactors would help future designers identify the sources of nonlinearity and suggest more efficient tuning techniques to improve the linearity of RF electronic systems. / Master of Science

Syntéza moderních struktur kmitočtových filtrů / Synthesis of Modern Structures of Frequency Filters

Friedl, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Within modern frequency structures, the filter frequency region of up to 10 MHz constitutes a promising research topic that currently attracts intensive attention of specialists interested in the problem. The main reason of this fact consists in that the rapid development of modern technology allows the production of innovated structures of the analog frequency filters required in the defined band. In this context, however, it is also necessary to refine the methods applied in the synthesis and optimization of these structures; such improvement should be carried out with respect to fundamental properties and usability of today's active elements (operational amplifiers with voltage feedback whose Gain Bandwidth Product ranges within units of GHz, operational amplifiers with current feedback, conveyors, transimpedance operational amplifiers). In this thesis, active blocks of synthesis inductors (SIs) and frequency dependent negative resistors (FDNRs) are examined in detail, and the author provides novel formulas to define the basic parameters of the dual circuits. Due emphasis was placed on optimizing the basic building blocks of the second order and defining the variation of their properties caused by the addition of modern active elements. The blocks were analyzed and modified in view of their possible use in higher-order circuits. For active filters of a higher order, simulations were performed to indicate the actual sensitivity of the cascade and non-cascade ARC structures. The following phase of the research comprised mainly the designing of several filters, and this activity was further completed with the verification of the methodology for the synthesis and optimization of higher-order loss ladder filters with modern active blocks. Special attention was paid also to the methods enabling the optimization of such filters, which are invariably based on RLC prototypes. In order to verify the theoretical conclusions, the author materialized a large number of sample optimized filters and measured their parameters. The closing section of the thesis describes the use of the filters in specific applications.

New Wide-Band Capacitive Filter Structures in Rectangular Waveguide Technology With Enhanced Out-of-Band Response

Valencia Sullca, Joaquín Francisco 17 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo fundamental desarrollar nuevas estructuras capacitivas de filtrado en guía de ondas rectangular que sean capaces de proporcionar mayores ancho de banda en la banda de paso y, al mismo tiempo, mejorar la respuesta fuera de banda. Estas nuevas estructuras guiadas han sido pensadas para ofrecer nuevas soluciones tecnológicas para los filtros de microondas de alta frecuencia, con una variedad de diferentes funciones de transferencia, abordando específicamente las necesidades de los futuros sistemas de telecomunicaciones para aplicaciones terrestres y espaciales. En este contexto, por lo tanto, discutimos en este documento el estudio, diseño y fabricación de varios tipos de filtros de microondas en guía de ondas rectangular que muestran una mejora significativa con respecto al estado del arte. Las soluciones que discutimos se obtienen introduciendo modificaciones simples en la estructura de los filtros de microondas clásicos. Varias técnicas que emplean iris híbridos, resonadores con salto de impedancia, configuración en escalera y uniones T en plano E con conexiones en cortocircuito o manifold, se utilizan con éxito para cumplir con las exigentes especificaciones de los futuros sistemas para aplicaciones terrestres y espaciales. Además, un desafío actual adicional al que se enfrentan todos los diseñadores de equipos y componentes de microondas es la necesidad de reducir tanto su tamaño físico como su masa (o peso). Para abordar este problema, discutimos en este documento el uso de aperturas resonantes en guías de ondas rectangulares, presentando una nueva familia de filtros que se pueden usar para implementar funciones complejas de transferencia de banda única y banda doble con una reducción significativa de tamaño y masa. En los siguientes capítulos de esta tesis doctoral, cada tema se analiza en detalle, incluyendo las formulaciones teóricas básicas, los procedimientos de diseño, los resultados de las simulaciones electromagnéticas de onda completa, las consideraciones de fabricación y el rendimiento medido de una serie de prototipos. En todos los casos se ha encontrado una excelente concordancia entre las mediciones y las simulaciones realizadas, validando así completamente tanto las estructuras novedosas propuestas como sus procedimientos de diseño. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral té com a objectiu fonamental el desenvolupament de noves estructures capacitives de filtrat en guia d'ones rectangular que siguen capaços de proporcionar major ample de banda en la banda de pas i millorar, al mateix temps, la resposta fora de banda. Aquestes noves estructures guiades han sigut pensades per a oferir noves solucions tecnològiques per a filtres de microones d'alta freqüència, amb una varietat de diferents funcions de transferència, abordant específicament les necessitats dels futurs sistemes de telecomunicacions per a aplicacions terrestres i espacials. En aquest context, per tant, discutim en aquest document l'estudi, disseny i fabricació de diversos tipus de filtres de microones en guia d'ones rectangular que mostren una millora significativa respecte a l'estat de l'art. Les solucions que discutim s'obtenen introduint modificacions simples en l'estructura dels filtres de microones clàssics. Diverses tècniques que fan ús d'iris híbrids, ressonadors amb salt d'impedància, configuració en escala i unions T en plànol E amb connexions en curtcircuit o col·lector, s'utilitzen amb èxit per a complir amb les exigents especificacions dels sistemes futurs per a aplicacions terrestres i espacials. A més, un desafiament actual addicional al qual s'enfronten tots els dissenyadors d'equips i components de microones és la necessitat de reduir tant la seua grandària física com la seua massa (o pes). Per a abordar aquest problema, discutim en aquest document l'ús d'obertures ressonants en guies d'ones rectangulars, presentant una nova família de filtres que es poden usar per a implementar funcions complexes de transferència de banda única i doble banda amb una reducció significativa de grandària i massa. En els següents capítols d'aquesta tesi doctoral, cada tema s'analitza detalladament, incloent les formulacions teòriques bàsiques, els procediments de disseny, els resultats de les simulacions electromagnètiques d'ona completa, les consideracions de fabricació i el rendiment mesurat d'una sèrie de prototips. En tots els casos s'ha trobat una excel·lent concordança entre el mesurament i les simulacions realitzades, validant així completament tant les estructures noves propostes com els seus procediments de disseny. / [EN] The main objective of this doctoral thesis is the development of new capacitive filtering structures in rectangular waveguide that are able to provide wide bandwidths in the pass-band and improve, at the same time, the out-of-band response. These new guided structures have been developed in order to offer new technological solutions for high-frequency microwave filters, with a variety of different transfer functions, addressing specifically the needs of future telecommunication systems for both ground and space applications. In this context, therefore, we discuss in this document the study, design and manufacture of several types of microwave filter in rectangular waveguide that show a significant improvement with respect to the state-of-the-art. The new solutions that we propose are obtained by introducing simple modifications in the structure of classic microwave filters. Several techniques based on hybrid irises, stepped impedance resonators, staircase configuration and E-plane T-junctions with shorted stubs or manifold connections, are successfully used in order to meet the very demanding specifications of future systems for both ground and space applications. Furthermore, an additional current challenge faced by all designers of microwave components is the need to reduce both their physical size and mass (or weight). To address this issue, we discuss in this document the use of resonant apertures in rectangular waveguide, introducing a new family of filters which can be used to implement complex single and dual-band transfer functions with significant size and mass reduction. In the following chapters of this doctoral thesis, each subject is discussed in detail including the basic theoretical formulations, design procedures, the results of full-wave electromagnetic simulations, manufacturing considerations, and the measured performance of a number of prototypes. Excellent agreement is found in all cases between measurement and simulations, thereby fully validating both the novel structures discussed and their design procedures. / Valencia Sullca, JF. (2021). New Wide-Band Capacitive Filter Structures in Rectangular Waveguide Technology With Enhanced Out-of-Band Response [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180198

Design of Harmonic Filters for Renewable Energy Applications

Kumar, Bhunesh January 2011 (has links)
Harmonics are created by non-linear devices connected to the power system. Power system harmonics are multiples of the fundamental power system frequency and these harmonic frequencies can create distorted voltages and currents. Distortion of voltages and currents can affect the power system adversely causing power quality problems. Therefore, estimation of harmonics is of high importance for efficiency of the power system network. The problem of harmonic loss evaluation is of growing importance for renewable power system industry by impacting the operating costs and the useful life of the system components. Non-linear devices such as power electronics converters can inject harmonics alternating currents (AC) in the electrical power system. The number of sensitive loads that require ideal sinusoidal supply voltage for their proper operation has been increasing. To maintain the quality limits proposed by standards to protect the sensitive loads, it is necessary to include some form of filtering device to the power system. Harmonics also increases overall reactive power demanded by equivalent load. Filters have been devised to achieve an optimal control strategy for harmonic alleviation problems. To achieve an acceptable distortion, increase the power quality and to reduce the harmonics hence several three phase filter banks are used and connected in parallel. In this thesis, high order harmonics cases have been suppressed by employing variants of Butterworth, Chebyshev and Cauer filters. MATLAB/SIMULINK wind farm model was used to generate and analyze the different harmonics magnitude and frequency. High voltage direct current (HVDC) lines for an electrical grid that is more than50km far away wind farm generation plant was investigated for harmonics. These HVDC lines are also used in offshore wind farm plant. Investigated three-phase harmonics filters are shunt elements that are used in power systems for decreasing voltage distortion and for correcting the power factor. Renewable energy sources are not the stable source of energy generation like wind, solar and tidal e.t.c. Though they are secondary sources of generation and hard to connect with electrical grid. In near future the technique is to use the wave digital filter (WDF) or circulator-tree wave digital filter (CTWDF) for the renewable energy application can be employed to mitigate the harmonics. These WDF and CTWDF can b eused in HVDC lines and smart grid applications. A preliminary analysis is conducted for such a study.

Nízkošumový zesilovač pro pásmo S / Low Noise Amplifier for the S Band

Benites Ayala, Ivan Alejandro January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis presents the design and the realization of a low noise amplifier (LNA) for the S band of radio frequency spectrum from 2.3 GHz to 2.4 GHz. This thesis is mainly focused on stability and impedance matching networks study. Ansoft Designer and ANSYS HFSS programs are used for this design to simulate the LNA. Different low noise devices are simulated in order to find the best results for the final design. Moreover, a coaxial cavity resonator is designed in the input of the LNA and works as a band pass filter. Finally, the LNA is fabricated and its properties compared with the simulation results.

Pseudo-diferenční kmitočtové filtry vyššího řádu / Pseudo-differential higher-order frequency filters

Jeleček, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with pseudo-differential frequency higher order filters working in voltage mode. The thesis deals with the description of frequency filters, their types and applications. Follows an analysis of differential and pseudo-differential transmissions. Next part contains a description of used active elements (conveyors) at thesis (CCII, DVCC, DDCC, UCC). In the last part the thesis is devoted to the own design of the pseudo-differential filter. Design functionality is verified by experimental simulation.

Ultrazvukový měřič rychlosti toku krve / Ultrasonic blood flow meter

Pavlík, Dušan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with ultrasound blood flow meter design with emphasis on practical implementation of such device. This medical device is used in ultrasound diagnostic, especially for measuring direction and velocity of blood flow in superficial vessels. This thesis contains consecutive design including description of individual function blocks. Documents for making double-sided printed circuit are included as well.

Firing-rate resonances in small neuronal networks

Rau, Florian 07 January 2015 (has links)
In vielen Kommunikationssytemen wird Information durch die zeitliche Struktur von Signalen kodiert. Ein neuronales System, welches rhythmische Signale verarbeitet, sollte davon profitieren, seine inhärenten Filtereigenschaften den Frequenzcharakteristika dieser Signale anzupassen. Die Grille Gryllus bimaculatus stellt ein einfaches biologisches System dar, für welches nur wenige, spezifische Modulationsfrequenzen verhaltensrelevant sind. Ich habe einzelne Neuronen im peripheren und höheren auditorischen System der Grille hinsichtlich einer möglichen Anpassung auf diese Frequenzen untersucht. Hierfür habe ich extrazelluläre Elektrophysiologie mit verschiedenen Stimulationsparadigmen kombiniert, welche auf amplitudenmodulierten Tönen basierten. Die Analyse der experimentellen Daten ergab, dass bereits in der auditorischen Peripherie einige der untersuchten Neurone Bandpasseigenschaften aufwiesen, da sie verhaltensrelevante Modulationsfrequenzen mit den höchsten Feuerraten beantworteten. Anhand einfacher mathematischer Modelle demonstriere ich, wie weitverbreitete, zellintrinsische und netzwerkbasierte Mechanismen die beobachteten Feuerratenresonanzen erklären könnten. Diese Mechanismen umfassen unterschwellige Resonanz von Membranströmen, aktivitätsabhängige Adaptation, sowie das Zusammenwirken von Exzitation und Inhibition. Ich zeige, wie eine serielle Kombination solcher elementarer Filter die deutliche Selektivität im Verhalten der Grille erklären könnte, ohne dabei auf ein dediziertes Filterelement zurückzugreifen. Allgegenwärtige neuronale Mechanismen könnten demnach eine dezentralisierte Filterkaskade in einem hochspezialisierten und größenbeschränkten neuronalen System begründen. / In many communication systems, information is encoded in the temporal pattern of signals. For rhythmic signals that carry information in specific frequency bands, a neuronal system may profit from tuning its inherent filtering properties towards a peak sensitivity in the respective frequency range. The cricket Gryllus bimaculatus is a simple biological system for which only a narrow range of modulation frequencies is behaviorally relevant. I examined individual neurons in the peripheral and higher auditory system for tuning towards specific temporal parameters and modulation frequencies. To this end, I combined extracellular electrophysiology with different stimulation paradigms involving amplitude-modulated sounds. Analysis of the experimental data revealed that—even in the auditory periphery—some of the examined neurons acted as tuned band-pass filters, yielding highest firing-rates for behaviorally relevant modulation frequencies. Using simple computational models, I demonstrate how common, cell-intrinsic or network-based mechanisms could account for the experimentally observed firing-rate resonances. These mechanisms include subthreshold resonances, spike-triggered adaptation, as well as the interplay of excitation and inhibition. I present how a serial combination of such elementary filters could explain the strong selectivity evident in the cricket’s behavior—without the need for a dedicated filter element. Pervasive neuronal mechanisms could therefore constitute an efficient, distributed frequency filter in a highly specialized, size-constrained neuronal system.

Modelatge multimodal de transicions i asimetries en línies three-line-microstrip

Rodríguez Cepeda, Juan Pablo 07 April 2010 (has links)
Una línia de transmissió three-line-microstrip consisteix en tres pistes paral·leles practicades sobre la cara d'un dielèctric amb un pla de massa inferior. La propagació en aquesta línia es pot descriure en termes de tres modes fonamentals anomenats ee, oo i oe. Tot i que aquests modes són ortogonals interaccionen entre sí a qualsevol transició, discontinuïtat o asimetria. En el pla d'una transició o asimetria es genera un intercanvi d'energia o conversió modal en el que prenen part tots els modes.En aquest treball s'analitza la conversió modal que s'origina en un conjunt de transicions i asimetries construïdes sobre línies three-line-microstrip. L'estudi es realitza aplicant la tècnica de l'anàlisi multimodal. L'ús d'aquesta tècnica permet la deducció d'una sèrie de models multimodals (un per a cada transició) que proporcionen una anàlisi simple, rigorosa i quantitativa d'aquest fenomen.La validesa d'aquest estudi es verifica de manera experimental. Els bons resultats obtinguts demostren que els models multimodals proposats prediuen de manera precisa el comportament de les transicions. Aquest fet permet el seu ús per analitzar circuits o estructures constituïts per trams de tres pistes acoblades. En el cas d'aquesta tesi, han estat aplicats als camps de l'EMC i de les microones. Pel que fa a l'EMC, s'ha realitzat un estudi de l'acoblament i la integritat del senyal en configuracions de PCB amb trams de tres pistes acoblades. Aquest estudi ha permès identificar les transicions i asimetries en aquests circuits com a possibles fonts d'interferència i de degradació dels senyals ja que la conversió modal es pot interpretar com a un procés d'interferència que involucra tots els senyals presents. Pel que fa a les microones, s'ha realitzat una anàlisi multimodal de filtres spurline. Aquesta anàlisi ha permès desenvolupar dues noves estructures, la principal característica de les quals és la seva compacitat que, a diferència d'altres estructures similars, s'aconsegueix permetent la presència d'un nou mode en el procés de ressonància. L'ús dels models multimodals per a l'anàlisi d'aquestes estructures ha permès una interpretació clara i senzilla del seu funcionament així com el desenvolupament d'una sèrie de regles de disseny que permeten un ajust fàcil i ràpid de certs paràmetres dels filtres com ara la freqüència central i l'ample de banda. / Una línea de transmisión three-line-microstrip consiste en tres pistas paralelas practicadas sobre la cara de un dieléctrico con un plano de masa inferior. La propagación en esta línea se puede describir en términos de tres modos fundamentales llamados ee, oo i oe. Aunque estos modos son ortogonales interaccionan entre se en cualquier transición, discontinuidad o asimetría. En el plano de una transición o asimetría se genera un intercambio de energía o conversión modal en el que toman parte todos los modos.En este trabajo se analiza la conversión modal que se origina en un conjunto de transiciones i asimetrías construidas sobre líneas three-line-microstrip. El estudio se realiza aplicando la técnica del análisis multimodal. El uso de esta técnica permite la deducción de una serie de modelos multimodales (un per a cada transición) que proporcionan un análisis simple, riguroso i cuantitativo de este fenómeno.La validez de este estudio se verifica de manera experimental. Los buenos resultados obtenidos demuestran que los modelos multimodales propuestos predicen de manera precisa el comportamiento de las transiciones. Este hecho permite su uso para analizar circuitos o estructuras constituidos por tramos de tres pistas acopladas. En esta tesis doctoral, han sido aplicados a los campos de la EMC i de las microondas. En el primero de ellos, se ha realizado un estudio del acoplamiento y la integridad de la señal en configuraciones de PCB con tramos de tres pistas acopladas. Este estudio ha permitido identificar las transiciones y asimetrías en estos circuitos como posibles fuentes de interferencia y de degradación de las señales ya que la conversión modal se puede interpretar como a un proceso de interferencia que involucra todas las señales presentes. En el campo de las microondas, se ha realizado un análisis multimodal de filtros spurline. Este análisis ha permitido desarrollar dos nuevas estructuras, cuya principal característica es su compacidad que, a diferencia de otras estructuras similares, se consigue permitiendo la presencia de un nuevo modo en el proceso de resonancia. El uso de los modelos multimodales para el análisis de estas estructuras ha permitido una interpretación clara i sencilla del su funcionamiento así como el desarrollo de una serie de reglas de diseño que permiten un ajuste fácil i rápido de ciertos parámetros de los filtros como por ejemplo la frecuencia central y el ancho de banda. / A three-line-microstrip transmission line consists of three parallel coupled strips printed on a grounded dielectric substrate. The propagation in this line can be described in terms of three fundamental modes, namely the ee, oo and oe modes. These modes are orthogonal and propagate independently unless a transition or asymmetry is present in the line. Any transition or asymmetry will generate an energy exchange or modal interaction among all the propagating modes. In this work, the modal interaction of a set of transitions and asymmetries in three-line-microstrip transmission lines is analyzed. The study is carried out by using the multimodal analysis. By means of this technique a set of multimodal circuit models (one for each transition) is derived. These models provide a simple and a quantitative interpretation of the modal interaction.The proposed multimodal analysis is experimentally validated. The obtained results show that the derived multimodal models accurately predict the behavior of the transitions. Due to this fact, they can be used for the analysis of circuits and structures composed of three-coupled-strip sections. In this work, the models have been applied to both the EMC and microwave fields. In the former, they have been employed to study the cross-talk and signal-integrity problems in PCB configurations involving tree-coupled-trace sections. The performed analysis has shown that transitions and asymmetries in these circuits must be considered as a source of interference and signal degradation since the modal interaction can be interpreted as an interference process that involves all the present signals. In the latter, a multimodal analysis of spurline filters has been performed. This study has allowed the derivation of two new filter structures whose main feature is their compactness, which, in contrast to other analogous filters, is achieved by allowing the presence of an additional mode in the resonance process. The use of the multimodal models for the analysis of these structures has permitted both a simple interpretation of the filter operation and the derivation of a set of design rules which allows a rapid fine tuning of some filter parameters such as the center frequency and the bandwidth.

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