Spelling suggestions: "subject:"baumart"" "subject:"tumart""
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Silvicultural contributions to the reforestation with native species in the tropical mountain rainforest region of South EcuadorAguirre Mendoza, Nikolay. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
München, Techn. University, Diss., 2007.
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Herkunftsgebiete und Herkunftsempfehlungen für forstliches Vermehrungsgut im Freistaat Sachsen (Herkunftsempfehlungen)21 March 2022 (has links)
Die Verwendung geeigneter Herkünfte forstlichen Vermehrungsgutes bei der Bestandesbegründung entscheidet wesentlich über die künftige Gesundheit, Stabilität und Leistungsfähigkeit der Wälder. Zur optimalen Erfüllung der Nutz-, Schutz- und Erholungsfunktionen des Waldes und zur Stärkung seiner Widerstandskraft gegen abiotische und biotische Schäden ist neben der standortsgerechten Baumartenwahl die Verwendung örtlich geeigneter und bewährter Herkünfte mit hoher Anpassungsfähigkeit von größter Bedeutung.
5. Ergänzung, Stand 31.01.2020
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Farm forestry decision-making strategies of the Guraghe Households, Southern-Central Highlands of EthiopiaNegussie, Achalu D. 02 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, farm forestry decision criteria were elicited by adopting a behavioral decision-making study approach from households in ten Peasant Associations of the study district. Major decision objectives, available alternatives, constraints, and the likelihood of the chance events were elicited through a questionnaire survey, participatory observation, detailed discussion, and review of archival information. It was found that farmers generally, plant various tree and shrub species for meeting various household needs and for generating cash incomes. The goal of cash generation is for sustenance of livelihoods through fulfillment of various basic obligations and overcoming unforeseen contingencies. The three most economically important tree/shrub species were eucalypts, coffee, and t?chat. Eucalypt wood covers nearly all the construction needs and constitutes a substantial part of the fuelwood consumptions. Coffee and t?chat are vital sources of cash income and makeup an important part of daily diets. Growing of eucalypts for cash income is mainly constrained by lack of access road, low farm gate prices, high competition with food crops for soil nutrients and moisture, and shortage of land and labor. The household uses and cash values of coffee are generally, undermined by high incidence of berry disease and lack of manure. Financial benefits of t?chat are weakened by high local tax rates. The logistic regression analysis confirms that agro-ecological zone, sex of household head, number of eucalypt trees owned, and age of household head represent important explanatory variables that explain farmers readiness to expand eucalypt woodlots. The model so constructed correctly predicted 84.1 % of the households that established additional eucalypt woodlots mainly for cash generation. The total number of eucalypt trees owned by households is significantly related to the attitude of the household head towards eucalypts, wealth status, and landholding size of the household. Financial viability of eucalypt woodlots was assessed through both methods of conventional economic calculations and Chayanovian calculations. Both methods confirmed the highly lucrative markets of eucalypt poles as compared to agricultural crop production. This is mainly because of lack of access to more profitable production techniques and low productivity of agricultural crops per unit area. Otherwise, farm gate prices of eucalypt poles are far from being attractive and outperforming that of agricultural crops.
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Arboretum „An der Braunleithe“: Forstbezirk Adorf24 February 2022 (has links)
Kommen Sie mit auf eine Weltreise! Das Arboretum beherbergt rund 300 Bäume und Sträucher aller Kontinente. Der angrenzende Waldlehrpfad lädt zu weiteren Erkundungen ein.
Redaktionsschluss: 08.01.2021
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Farm forestry decision-making strategies of the Guraghe Households, Southern-Central Highlands of EthiopiaNegussie, Achalu D. 27 November 2003 (has links)
In this study, farm forestry decision criteria were elicited by adopting a behavioral decision-making study approach from households in ten Peasant Associations of the study district. Major decision objectives, available alternatives, constraints, and the likelihood of the chance events were elicited through a questionnaire survey, participatory observation, detailed discussion, and review of archival information. It was found that farmers generally, plant various tree and shrub species for meeting various household needs and for generating cash incomes. The goal of cash generation is for sustenance of livelihoods through fulfillment of various basic obligations and overcoming unforeseen contingencies. The three most economically important tree/shrub species were eucalypts, coffee, and t?chat. Eucalypt wood covers nearly all the construction needs and constitutes a substantial part of the fuelwood consumptions. Coffee and t?chat are vital sources of cash income and makeup an important part of daily diets. Growing of eucalypts for cash income is mainly constrained by lack of access road, low farm gate prices, high competition with food crops for soil nutrients and moisture, and shortage of land and labor. The household uses and cash values of coffee are generally, undermined by high incidence of berry disease and lack of manure. Financial benefits of t?chat are weakened by high local tax rates. The logistic regression analysis confirms that agro-ecological zone, sex of household head, number of eucalypt trees owned, and age of household head represent important explanatory variables that explain farmers readiness to expand eucalypt woodlots. The model so constructed correctly predicted 84.1 % of the households that established additional eucalypt woodlots mainly for cash generation. The total number of eucalypt trees owned by households is significantly related to the attitude of the household head towards eucalypts, wealth status, and landholding size of the household. Financial viability of eucalypt woodlots was assessed through both methods of conventional economic calculations and Chayanovian calculations. Both methods confirmed the highly lucrative markets of eucalypt poles as compared to agricultural crop production. This is mainly because of lack of access to more profitable production techniques and low productivity of agricultural crops per unit area. Otherwise, farm gate prices of eucalypt poles are far from being attractive and outperforming that of agricultural crops.
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Forstliches Vermehrungsgut: Bedeutung und Gewinnung - Hinweise für Waldbesitzer14 February 2022 (has links)
Das Faltblatt informiert über Baumartenwahl und Herkunft, Rechtliche Grundlagen, Zulassung und Pflege von Erntebeständen, Ernte des forstlichen Vermehrungsgutes.
Redaktionsschluss: 31.10.2016
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Straßenbäume im ländlichen Raum: Pflanzempfehlungen für straßenbegleitende Baumreihen und AlleenBraunsdorf, Georg, Heilmann, Dana, Bangert, Hans-Ulrich, Richter, Frank, Portsch, Anja, Seidel, Holger, Hering, Bodo, Lehmann, Eva 03 January 2024 (has links)
Diese Broschüre dient zur Information für Kommunen, Planer, Baumfreunde und Interessierte. Sie gibt Anregungen, wie wieder mehr Bäume an Straßen im ländlichen Raum gepflanzt werden können und was es dabei zu berücksichtigen gilt. Im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Anforderungen werden hierzu die aktuell gültigen Regelwerke sowie die unterschiedlichen fachlichen Sichtweisen und Herausforderungen dargestellt und beispielhafte Lösungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt.
Redaktionsschluss: 31.08.2020
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Straßenbäume im ländlichen Raum: Aktuelle Hinweise zu Pflanzabständen und FörderprogrammenBraunsdorf, Georg 03 January 2024 (has links)
Mit der Förderrichtlinie Natürliches Erbe (FRL NE/2023) kann eine Förderung für die Pflanzung von Bäumen an Kreis- und Gemeindestraßen sowie sonstigen öffentlichen Straßen, z. B. Feld- und Radwegen beantragt werden. Im Flyer finden Sie aktuelle Hinweise zu Pflanzabständen und Förderprogrammen von Bäumen an Straßen.
Redaktionsschluss: 06.11.2023
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Waldumbau mit einfachen Mitteln: Hinweise für Waldbesitzer und forstliche PraktikerSchmieder, Bert 06 December 2023 (has links)
Für einen kleinflächigen und schrittweisen Waldumbau gibt es viele Ansatzpunkte. Auch kleinere Maßnahmen bringen Vielfalt in den Wald und erhöhen dadurch schrittweise die Stabilität. In der Broschüre möchten wir dazu einige Möglichkeiten skizzieren und das Interesse für einen stetigen Waldumbau wecken.
Redaktionsschluss: 20.02.2023
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