Spelling suggestions: "subject:"beginning"" "subject:"eginning""
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Um estudo dos conceitos numéricos iniciais em crianças inseridas no ambiente escolar da educação infantilSenna, Maria Teresa Telles Ribeiro January 2010 (has links)
L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è stato quello di riconoscere la dinamica del processo di sviluppo di concetti numerici di base, nell'interazione tra adulti e bambini dai 2 ai 5 anni d'età, in due ambienti scolastici distinti. Il fondamento teorico ha presentato, come punto di riferimento, il modello PPCT (Processo- Persona- Contesto-Tempo) di Urie Bronfenbrenner, che ha permesso di visualizzare la rilevanza della complessità delle pratiche sociali, storiche e culturali nello sviluppo umano. Per l'esecuzione della ricerca sono state selezionate due istituzioni di Educazione Infantile: il Núcleo de desenvolvimento Infantil (NDI), appartenente al sistema pubblico federale scolastico dell'Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, nel Comune di Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasile, e la Scuola Comunale XXV Aprile, appartenente al sistema pubblico comunale scolastico, nella città di Reggio Emilia, Italia. Trattandosi di un'indagine etnografica, i procedimenti per la raccolta di informazioni sono stati realizzati tramite osservazioni e interviste effettuate nel periodo di gennaio 2006- dicembre 2007, presso la scuola brasiliana, che ha avuto come partecipanti un gruppo composto da settantasei bambini e ventisei persone coinvolte direttamente o indirettamente nella ricerca. Nella scuola italiana, i procedimenti per la raccolta di informazioni sono stati effettuati nel periodo di marzo 2009- giugno 2009, e vi hanno partecipato ventitré bambini e dieci persone coinvolte direttamente o indirettamente. Per le osservazioni, tutti i momenti pedagogici sono stati considerati importanti. Abbiamo realizzato interviste con i bambini, con la famiglia di uno dei bambini dell'istituzione brasiliana, con i professori in carica e con alcuni tecnici specifici. L'analisi delle situazioni incontrate ha cercato di descrivere: i momenti nei quali appare l'espressione delle prime quantificazioni nei gruppi dei bambini osservati; le interviste realizzate con i bambini e con gli adulti oggetto della ricerca e gli obiettivi dei Progetti Pedagogici dei due luoghi. Nell'analisi abbiamo dato priorità a due elementi contestuali indispensabili: il microsistema associato al macrosistema. I risultati incontrati hanno mostrato che i contesti scolastici si sono costituiti; da un lato, come fondamenti per le situazioni di interazione, in funzione di alcune specificità proprie di ogni ambiente analizzato; dall'altro lato, queste interazioni non hanno permesso nessun avanzo nel processo di sviluppo dell'area della matematica per i bambini. Gli educatori delle due scuole oggetto della ricerca, non hanno condotto il processo emergente delle situazioni matematiche. Abbiamo considerato la fragilità dei professori nell'affrontare la matematica, come uno dei motivi del problema. È pertanto necessaria una discussione sulla preparazione professionale diretta all'Educazione Infantile. La conoscenza teorica del modello fa sì che i professionali dell'educazione visualizzino coscientemente la condivisione dei saperi, che vivano la reciprocità delle loro azioni soprattutto nell'area della matematica di base, che rispettino inoltre la soggettività dei bambini per risolvere i problemi, permettendo così l'apertura necessaria per approfondire le conoscenze di tutti. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo reconhecer a dinâmica do processo de desenvolvimento de conceitos numéricos iniciais, na interação entre adultos e crianças de 2 a 5 anos de idade, em dois ambientes escolares distintos. A fundamentação teórica apresentou o modelo PPCT (Processo – Pessoa - Contexto - Tempo) de Urie Bronfenbrenner, como norte da investigação, o que permitiu visualizar a relevância da complexidade das práticas sociais, históricas e culturais para o desenvolvimento humano. Foram selecionadas duas instituições de Educação Infantil para a execução da pesquisa: o Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Infantil (NDI), pertencente ao sistema público federal de ensino da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, no município de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil e a Scuola Comunale XXV Aprile, pertencente ao sistema público municipal de ensino, na cidade de Reggio Emilia, Itália. Sendo uma investigação etnográfica, os procedimentos para coleta de informações foram realizados em observações e entrevistas, no período de março/2006 a dezembro/2007 na escola brasileira que teve, como participantes, um grupo composto por setenta e seis crianças, além de vinte e seis pessoas envolvidas direta ou indiretamente na pesquisa. Na escola italiana, os procedimentos para coleta de informações ocorreram no período de março/2009 a junho/2009 e participaram vinte e três crianças, além de dez pessoas envolvidas direta ou indiretamente. Para as observações, todos os momentos pedagógicos foram considerados importantes. Realizamos entrevistas com as crianças, a família de uma das crianças da instituição brasileira, os professores regentes e alguns técnicos específicos. A análise das situações encontradas buscou descrever: os momentos nos quais aparece a expressão das primeiras quantificações nos grupos de crianças observadas; as entrevistas realizadas com as crianças e com os adultos pesquisados e os objetivos dos Projetos Pedagógicos dos dois locais. Priorizamos, na análise, dois elementos contextuais indispensáveis: o microssistema associado ao macrossistema. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que os contextos escolares constituíram-se, por um lado, como alicerces para as situações de interação, em função de algumas especificidades próprias a cada ambiente de ocorrência; por outro lado, essas interações não permitiram alguns avanços no processo desenvolvimental da área da matemática, pelas crianças. Os educadores das duas escolas pesquisadas não conduziram o processo emergente das situações matemáticas. Consideramos a fragilidade dos professores para lidar com a matemática como um dos motivos para o problema. Torna-se necessária uma discussão referente à capacitação profissional, dirigida à Educação Infantil. O conhecimento teórico do modelo em pauta permite que os profissionais da educação visualizem conscientemente o compartilhamento dos saberes, vivenciem a reciprocidade nas ações e, especificamente na área da matemática inicial, respeitem as subjetividades das crianças para a resolução de problemas, permitindo, assim, a abertura para complexificar o conhecimento de todos. / The objective of this work was to recognize the dynamic of the developmental process of initial numerical concepts in the interaction between adults and 2 to 5 years-old children in two distinct educational environments. The theory used as a guide in the investigation was the PPCT model (Process – Person – Context – Time) of Urie Bronfenbrenner, which permitted visualize the relevance and the complexity of social, historical and cultural practices at human development. Two children‟s educational institutions were selected for the research: The Center for Child Development (NDI), belonging to the federal public education system of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil and the April XXV Community School, belonging to the municipal public education system of the city of Reggio Emilia, Italy. As an ethnographic research, the procedures for gathering information were carried out by observations and interviews during the period of March 2006 to December 2007 in the Brazilian school that had, as participants, a group composed of seventy-six children and twenty-six people that directly or indirectly were involved in the research. In the Italian school, the procedures for collecting information took place during the period of March 2009 to June 2009, with the participation of twenty-three children and ten people directly or indirectly involved in the research. For the observations, all the pedagogical moments were considered important. Interviews were carried out with the children, the family of one of the children of the Brazilian institution, the relevant teachers and some other specific technicians. The analysis of the situations sought to describe: the moments in which the expression of the first quantifications in the groups of children observed turned up; the interviews carried out with the children investigated and adults and the objectives of the Pedagogical Projects of the two locations. The analysis emphasized two indispensible contextual elements: the micro-system associated with the macro-system. The results showed that the scholarly contexts constituted, on one hand, foundations for situations of interactions as a function of the singularities of each environment; on the other hand, these interactions did not permit some advances by the children in the developmental process in the mathematics area. The educators of the two investigated schools did not conduct the process that emerged from the mathematical situations. We consider the fragility of the teachers on dealing with mathematics as one of the motives for the problem. A discussion concerning professional training in the area of young children‟s education is necessary. The theoretical knowledge of the model under discussion permits that the professionals of education conscientiously visualize the sharing of knowledge, that experience with reciprocity in their actions and, that specifically in the area of the introduction of mathematics, they respect the subjectivity of the children for the resolution of problems, permitting, thus, the opening for expanding the knowledge of all.
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Analyse de l’activité d’enseignants stagiaires du second degré en situation de vidéoformation autonome : contribution à un programme de recherche technologique en formation / Analysis of the activity of secondary school trainee teachers in autonomous videoforming situationFlandin, Simon 19 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse rend compte d’une recherche inscrite dans le programme empirique et technologique du « cours d’action », un programme d’anthropologie cognitive poursuivant conjointement (i) un but épistémique par la production de concepts sur l’activité humaine et (ii) un but transformatif par la conception d’aides favorisant des transformations majorantes de cette activité. La thèse s’inscrit plus particulièrement dans un volet consacré à la vidéoformation des enseignants. La recherche dont elle rend compte poursuit des travaux antérieurs décrivant, analysant et modélisant l’activité des enseignants débutants afin de mieux comprendre les difficultés qu’ils rencontrent et les aider à mieux y faire face. Elle fait plus particulièrement suite à ceux qui ont abouti à la conception de NéoPass@ction (neo.ens-lyon.fr), un dispositif de vidéoformation en ligne basé sur la modélisation de l’évolution de l’activité typique des débutants du second degré dans une situation identifiée comme critique : l’entrée en classe et la mise au travail des élèves.L’objectif principal de la thèse est l’étude systématique de l’activité d’enseignants stagiaires du second degré en situation d’utilisation autonome de NéoPass@ction. Son objectif secondaire est l’étude exploratoire de l’influence de cette vidéoformation autonome sur l’activité enseignante en classe. La thèse vise ainsi à (i) investir la modalité d’autonomie en vidéoformation, originale sur le plan empirique ; (ii) contribuer à la connaissance de l’activité et des modalités d’apprentissage des enseignants en situation de vidéoformation, essentiellement étudiées à partir d’objets intermédiaires et rarement à grains fins et de façon holistique ; (iii) alimenter un processus de conception continuée de NéoPass@ction ; et (iv) proposer des pistes technologiques pour la conception et la mise en oeuvre de dispositifs de vidéoformation. Six enseignants stagiaires ont participé à l’étude par deux utilisations autonomes deNéoPass@ction, de quarante-cinq minutes chacune, et en accueillant le chercheur trois fois dans leur classe. Quatre types de données ont été recueillies : des données d’observation (i) de l’activité de vidéoformation (capture dynamique d’écran) et (ii) de l’activité en classe(enregistrements vidéo), et des données d’entretien (iii) de remise en situation à l’aide des traces numériques de l’activité de vidéoformation et (iv) d’autoconfrontation aux enregistrements en classe.Les résultats (i) montrent des structures typiques de différents niveaux dans l’organisation de l’activité en situation d’utilisation de NéoPass@ction ; (ii) montrent des concordances entre activité attendue par les concepteurs et activité réelle des enseignants, mais aussi des décalages motivant des aménagements ; (iii) modélisent un processus typique d’apprentissage (iv) articulant des séquences d’exploration (orientées-dispositif) et d’enquête (orientées-travail), (v) impliquant différents niveaux d’immersion mimétique correspondant à différents types d’enquête, (vi)ouvrant des séquences d’enquête consistant en l’identification et l’évaluation conjointes et spontanées de couplages significatifs [enjeu/action], (vii) aboutissant à la typification des couplages perçus et évalués comme viables et enviables, et (viii) pouvant participer d’une trajectoire de développement et s’accompagner d’échos significatifs en situation de classe. Un premier niveau de discussion globale des résultats mobilise des concepts essentiellement sémiotiques et narratologiques et présente des aménagements effectués et possibles pourNéoPass@ction ; un second niveau repositionne les résultats dans l’état de l’art empirique et technologique et propose des pistes de conception en vidéoformation. / This thesis reports on a research included in the empirical and technological program of "course-of-action", a program of cognitive anthropology jointly endorsing (i) an epistemic aim by producing concepts on human activity and (ii ) a transformative aim by designing aids enhancing the improvement of that activity. The thesis is part of a particular strand to video-enhanced teacher development. The research which it reports builds on previous work describing, analyzing and modeling the activity of beginning teachers in order to better understand the challenges they face and help them cope better. It especially follows on those that led to the design of NéoPass@ction (neo.ens-lyon.fr), an online video-enhanced device based on the modeling of the evolution of the typical activity of secondary school beginners in a situation identified as critical : entrying into the classroom and getting students to work. The main aim of the thesis is the systematic study of the activity of trainee teachers of secondary school in a situation of autonomous use of NéoPass@ction. Its secondary aim is the exploratory study of the influence of this autonomous video-enhanced training on teaching activity in the classroom. The thesis thus aims to (i) investigate the modality of autonomous videoenhanced training, an empirically original object; (ii) contribute to the knowledge of activity and of learning conditions for teachers in video-enhanced situations, that are mainly studied from intermediate objects and rarely in a fine-grained and holistic way; (iii) feeding a design-in-use process of NéoPass@ction; and (iv) make technological propositions for the design and implementation of video-enhanced devices and training sessions. Six trainee teachers participated in the study by two autonomous uses of NéoPass@ction, forty-five minutes each, and by hosting the researcher three times in their classroom. Four types of data were collected: observation data (i) of video-enhanced training activity (dynamic screen captures) and (ii) of teaching activity (video recordings); and interview data (iii) of re-situation using digital traces of the video-enhanced training activity and (iv) self-confrontation to classroom recordings. The results (i) identify typical structures of different levels in the organization of the activity in the situations of NéoPass@ction use; (ii) show matches between activity expected by the designers and actual activity performed by the teachers, but also offsets motivating design developments; (iii) model a typical learning process (iv) articulating exploration sequences (device-oriented) and inquiry sequences (work-oriented), (v) involving various levels of mimetic immersion corresponding to various types of inquiry, (vi) opening inquiry sequences consisting in the joint and spontaneous identification and evaluation of significant couplings [issue / action], (vii) resulting in the typification of the couplings perceived and evaluated as viable and “enviable”, and (viii) that can foster vocational growth and generate significant echoes in teaching situations. A first level of overall discussion of the results mobilizes primarily semiotic and narratological concepts and presents completed and possible design arrangements of NéoPass@ction; a second level repositions the results in the state of empirical and technological art and makes propositions for video-enhanced design.
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Pirandello \"novellaro\": da forma à dissolução / Pirandello novellaro: from form to dissolutionDegani, Francisco José Saraiva 08 December 2008 (has links)
Estudar a obra novelística de Luigi Pirandello é um modo de entender não apenas as razões que o levaram a ser um dos mais importantes escritores italianos do século XX, mas também o papel de cada um de nós no mundo e na vida. As novelas, baseadas em pequenos acontecimentos cotidianos, formam um grande mosaico da existência humana: uma nota no jornal, um amor acabado ou ainda nem começado, um simples gesto ou o apito de um trem, são situações que despertam a imaginação do autor e nas quais muitas vezes nos reconhecemos. Dramaturgo e romancista de sucesso, Pirandello nunca deixou de escrever novelas: foram 251 ao longo de sua carreira. Para ele, a novela era o espaço íntimo, insubstituível, reservado para a discussão existencial empreendida pelos seus personagens em uma época tão inquieta como o início do século XX. As novelas, reunidas no projeto Novelle per un anno, são de vital importância para se compreender a evolução das preocupações do autor e representam a base de seu pensamento. As últimas novelas, principalmente, trazem novas chaves de interpretação ao conjunto da obra e mostram um escritor novo e muito mais inquietante, que muitas vezes a crítica não soube reconhecer. Traçar a trajetória do Pirandello novelista, ou novellaro, como ele se definia, relacionando-a com os outros aspectos de sua carreira literária, de seu pensamento e da época que ele tão bem retratou, é o objetivo deste trabalho. / To study Pirandellos short story is a means not only of understanding the reason why he became one of the most important Italian writers of the twentieth century but also the role we play in the world and life. His short stories, based on ordinary events, make the great mosaic of our lives a piece of news, a love that has broken up or not even started, a gesture, a train whistle; situations that drive his thoughts, where many times we recognize ourselves. Successful play writer and novelist, Pirandello never stopped writing short stories: 251 along all his work life. According to Pirandello, a short story was the intimate, unique place, intended for the existential debates of his characters in the hard times of the beginning of the twentieth century. The short stories, brought together in the project Novelle per un anno, are of great importance to understand the evolution of the authors worries and represent the basis of his thought. The last short stories mainly bring new tools for interpretation to Pirandellos work and show a new, much more disturbing writer, many times not acknowledged by critics. To follow the course of the short-story writer Pirandello or novellaro, as he used to call himself connected with other aspects of his literary life, thought, and the time he described so well, is the focus of this work.
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A Revista da Faculdade Livre de Direito da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro: uma proposta para a identidade jurídica nacional brasileira / The Free Law School of the city of Rio de Janeiros review: a proposal for the brazilian national legal identityChaves, André Aparecido Bezerra 03 October 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo procura contribuir para a compreensão das ideias jurídico políticas da elite carioca entre 1899 e 1919, momento da História do Brasil no qual se reconstruía o espaço público através da organização das instituições republicanas. Optou-se por analisar os artigos editados na Revista da Faculdade Livre de Direito da cidade do Rio de Janeiro porque foi a primeira instituição acadêmica a oferecer o curso de Direito no Rio de Janeiro e possuía, desde sua fundação em 1891, um corpo docente composto por juristas de renome nacional como Augusto Olympio Viveiros de Castro, Francisco de Paula Lacerda de Almeida, Abelardo Saraiva da Cunha Lobo, Esmeraldino Olympio de Torres Bandeira, Carlos da Costa Ferreira Porto Carreiro, Benedicto Carneiro de Campos Valladares, entre outros. Esta escolha abriu a possibilidade de observar os motivos sociais que levaram à ampliação da demanda pelo ensino jurídico no Brasil e a legislação que indicou as diretrizes para a criação de instituições que oferecessem cursos jurídicos, acabando com a exclusividade das faculdades de São Paulo e Recife, e as obrigou a confeccionar revistas científicas voltadas para a divulgação da produção científica e debates teóricos da ciência do Direito. Pôde-se fazer um levantamento quantitativo dos temas dos artigos publicados e os organizamos por ramo do Direito, o que nos permitiu observar os temas debatidos e as principais referências teóricas que tinham os juristas que os escreveram (quase todos docentes): os livros A Evolução do Direito e O Espírito do Direito Romano nas Diversas Fases de seu Desenvolvimento, do jurista alemão Rudolf Von Ihering. Ao longo desta pesquisa poderá ser observado que as principais ideias que os juristas brasileiros assimilaram do jurista alemão foram: o direito público (representado pela autoridade e preponderância do Estado sobre a população) tem como finalidade defender o direito privado (especialmente a vida e a propriedade privada); a fonte do conhecimento do Direito e a criação de regras jurídicas (leis) não deveriam estar restritas à Filosofia do Direito e ao Direito Comparado, mas deveriam levar em conta as regras morais da sociedade, a fim de que a população sentisse justiça nas ações do Estado, contribuição essencial do Direito para a formação do Estado Nação. De um modo geral, percebeu-se que os juristas que representavam a elite carioca reunidos na Faculdade de Direito da cidade do Rio de Janeiro entendiam que o Direito não representava o espaço no qual se pensava apenas o conflito entre os indivíduos da sociedade, mas também a solução. Os conflitos sociais que ocorreram durante a República Velha (1889 1930) deveriam ser consequência de regras jurídicas ou leis concebidas de maneira errada, portanto creditavam na primazia do Estado sobre os indivíduos e imaginavam que reformas jurídicas (e não econômicas) poderiam levar à paz social. / The present study seeks to contribute to the understanding of juridical and political ideas of Rio de Janeiros élites between 1899 and 1919, moment in the history of Brazil when the State was reorganized through the articulation of the republican institutions. The choice of analyzing articles published in The Free Law School of the city of Rio de Janeiros review was made based on the fact that the school was the first academic institution to offer a law course in Rio de Janeiro and, since its founding in 1891, its faculty was composed of prominent jurists as Augusto Olympio Viveiros de Castro, Francisco de Paula Lacerda de Almeida, Abelardo Saraiva da Cunha Lobo, Esmeraldino Olympio de Torres Bandeira, Carlos da Costa Ferreira Porto Carreiro, Benedicto Carneiro de Campos Valladares, among others. These circumstances made possible the observation of the social reasons that led to the expansion of the demand for legal education in Brazil, culminating in the end of São Paulo and Recifes law school exclusiveness. The legislation related to the creation of the new law schools determined the foundation of scientific journals focused on the dissemination of scientific literature and theoretical debates of the science of law. A quantitative survey of the published articles subjects organized by area allowed to observe the main debates and theoretical references who wrote (almost all teachers): the books \"Law as a Means to an End\" and \"The Spirit of Roman Law in Different Stages of its Development\", written by the german jurist Rudolf Von Ihering. Through this research may be observed that the brazilian jurists main ideas were assimilated from Ihering: the public law (represented by the authority and prominence of the State population) aims to defend private law (especially the life and private property); the of the knowledge of law and the creation of legal rules (laws) should not be restricted to the Philosophy of Law or Comparative Law, but should accept the society moral rules, so that people feel justice in the States action, essential contribution to the science of law for the formation of the State Nation. In general, it was stated that the jurists, part of Rio de Janeiros elites joined at the Free Law School of the city of Rio de Janeiro, understood that law not only represented the conflict zone between the individuals in a society, but it could offer proper solutions. Consequently, the social conflicts that occurred during the República Velha (1889-1930) should be a consequence of rules or laws badly designed. Therefore this way of thinking was based on the primacy of the State over individuals, so that these jurists imagined that legal reforms (and non-economic reforms) could lead to social peace.
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O professor iniciante de língua inglesa e a influência do mentor na construção de seus conhecimentos profissionais / The Beginning Teacher and the Mentor¿s Influence in the construction of Professional KnowledgeNieves, Maria Rosario Garcia 22 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2017-08-22T14:24:33Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-06-22 / This research, of exploratory matter in its essence, takes part of the discussion of professional development of beginning English teachers and the construction of professional knowledge, connected to teaching. Based on studies by Carlos Marcelo-Garcia, Maria da Graça Mizukami and Lee Shulman, among others, the main objective was to analyze the mentor¿s influence on the professional development and of the construction of knowledge essential to teaching. In order to achieve it, the main objective was broken down into the following specific ones: a) to identify a profile of the beginning English teacher as well as their first professional destination; b) to identify and analyze the different kinds of knowledge found in the practice of beginning English teachers and c) to investigate possible influences of mentoring their teaching practice. First steps of research included bibliographic and literature research and empirical data were collected through exploratory questionnaires, released on social media groups related to English Language Teaching. Quantitative data were analyzed by their results in numbers and data originated from open questions were analyzed following aspects of the Discourse of the Collective Subject theory, which were applied to key-questions related to the specific objects. Results provided profiles of Beginning English Teachers, the influence of undergraduate teacher training programs in their practice and the positive impacts of Mentoring, either by mentors or more experienced peers, such as empowerement in the classroom, on the construction and development of Professional Knowledge related to Teaching English, such as the fusion of Specific Content Knowledge with Pedagocical Knowledge, creating Pedagogical Knowledge of English Language Teaching. / Esta pesquisa, de caráter exploratório, insere-se na temática da iniciação profissional do professor iniciante de Língua Inglesa e na construção de seus conhecimentos relacionados à profissão docente. Com teóricos como Carlos Marcelo-Garcia, Maria da Graça Mizukami e Lee Shulman, o trabalho teve como objetivo geral analisar a influência do mentor no desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos inerentes à profissão docente de Língua Inglesa, desmembrando-o nos seguintes objetivos específicos: a) identificar um perfil do Professor Iniciante de Língua Inglesa e sua destinação profissional inicial; b) identificar e analisar os diferentes conhecimentos presentes na prática docente de professores iniciantes de Língua Inglesa e c) investigar possíveis influências da mentoria em suas práticas pedagógicas. Os passos iniciais da pesquisa incluíram pesquisa bibliográfica e de literatura, e a coleta de dados empíricos se deu por conta de questionários exploratórios divulgados em grupos em redes sociais relacionados à disciplina. Dados coletados em questões de cunho quantitativo foram tratados numericamente, e questões abertas, com aspectos do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, aplicados a questões-chave relacionadas aos objetivos específicos. Resultados obtidos apresentaram perfis do professor iniciante de Língua Inglesa, influência da formação docente em sua prática e as influências positivas do acompanhamento de mentores ou colegas mais experientes, como aumento na confiança em em sala de aula e na construção de conhecimentos profissionais, como a fusão do conhecimento específico de Língua com o conhecimento Pedagógico, gerando o Conhecimento Pedagógico do Ensino de Língua Inglesa.
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Mentor Perspectives on Effective Mentoring for Beginning Elementary School TeachersGross, Betsy Holley 01 January 2016 (has links)
The attrition of beginning teachers is an ongoing problem for public schools as it impacts campus moral, results in economic losses, and maintains the number of newly-hired teachers. Although induction programs for beginning teachers have been found effective in reducing novice teacher attrition, funding for many induction programs have been eliminated due to budget constraints, leaving local school systems with limited support of the mentors and no consistency as to expectations or outcomes. Compounding this problem is that little research has examined what is most successful and supportive for mentors to be able to function most effectively. Guided by Knowles' theory of andragogy, this qualitative study examined the perceptions of experienced mentors about training and ongoing support. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample of 10 experienced mentor teachers from 4 elementary schools who were of various ages, subject areas, and years of experience. The interview data were coded for key words, repetitive phrases, and analyzed for common themes. Findings revealed that the mentors at the study site valued professional development, respect among participants, and ongoing collaboration. The resulting project was a mentor teacher training program for the study district that incorporated the study findings by focusing on how to best support novice teachers through respectful collaboration. Positive social change implications include providing the study district with a research-based training for teacher mentors which might create a stronger new teacher mentor program and ultimately reduce the attrition of beginning teachers.
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Beginning primary teachers' induction and mentoring practices in Papua New GuineaDeruage, Joseph Kua January 2007 (has links)
Professional development of beginning teachers through induction and mentoring has been commonly viewed as important for teachers' success and continuation in the teaching profession. Induction and specifically mentoring programs focus attention on transitions from one stage of teacher development to another. The three phases of teacher development are initial teacher education, known as pre-service, the induction phase and the ongoing teacher in-service education. The move from student to teacher is the most demanding change in learning to teach. The beginning teacher in this change must adjust from thinking and acting as a student, absorbed with his or her own learning and performance, to thinking and acting as a teacher, accepting responsibility for the learning and performance of others. Beginning teachers are fully engaged in this essential development, and mentoring programs are purposely intended to support them through this period of change. This study has established that beginning teachers in Papua New Guinea (PNG) do experience challenges in the first few months of teaching but these issues lapse over time with the support and assistance of mentors/supervisors. Mentoring has great potential for group effort and transformational teacher learning within schools as professional learning communities. In order for mentors to perform their tasks well and draw benefits from mentoring, appropriate support and training for mentors is recommended. As well as support and training, other incentives for mentors such as salary increments and reduced teaching loads would be a welcome step to enhancing induction and mentoring programs in PNG primary schools.
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Trainee and beginning teacher attitude and value conflict in the socialisation processMorey, Bruce E, n/a January 1977 (has links)
The study is concerned with the process of socialisation
of teachers in the teaching profession. Drawing on
socialisation theory the study sees the process of
secondary socialisation in teacher preparation as
building skills and enabling personal development. It was
predicted that in the transition from the training
institution to the first years of teaching, the degree of
job satisfaction and commitment to teaching would be
related to the degree of conflict experienced and that
job satisfaction and commitment would be less for
beginning teachers compared with that anticipated by
trainees. Conflict was seen as appropriately measured
by the difference between personal professional attitudes
and occupational values one the one hand and the
professional attitudes and occupational values perceived
to be held by senior teachers on the other.
Seventy-three final year trainee teachers at the Canberra
College of Advanced Education and 47 beginning teachers
in their first two years of teaching in Canberra primary
and secondary schools, were selected as the sample.
Previously validated instruments were used in a questionnaire.
The findings clearly showed the existence of conflict
between personal professional attitudes and occupational
values and the perceived professional attitudes and
occupational values of senior teachers. The difference
in conflict between trainees and beginning teachers was
small and tended to decrease. However, there was a marked
increase in variance of conflict scores for women conpared
to men. For women also, conflict was highly related to
job satisfaction.
Thc findings suggested that men tend to be more
homogeneous in their adaptation to teaching and
are more inclined to be satisfied and committed despite
holding professional attitudes and occupational
values which conflict with those of senior teachers.
The study discusses some of the imlications of
the findings for the training institution and
the importance, particularly for women teachers,
of coping with conflict in the teaching situation.
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Beginning and Intermediate Piano Students' Experiences Participating in Evaluative PerformancesMitchell, Nancy Eleanor Christel 18 December 2012 (has links)
Evaluative performances, such as festivals and conservatory examinations, frequently play a large role in formal piano study. Many teachers and parents assume that requiring students to participate in these evaluations will result in several benefits, including increased discipline and motivation, exposure to a balanced and rigorous music curriculum, and access to helpful feedback from expert adjudicators and examiners. However, not all students experience positive outcomes as a result of their participation in evaluative performances. Using a multi-method approach that incorporates grounded theory and narrative inquiry, this research provides insight into how beginning and intermediate piano students experience participating in festivals and examinations and what factors contribute to the quality of students’ experiences.
Positive experiences with evaluative performances are characterized by positive emotional outcomes, meaningful music learning, and the development of a strong musical identity. The theoretical model developed through this research presents several important contributors to students’ positive experiences with evaluative performances, including students’ understandings, values, and goals related to music learning, and their abilities and inclinations as performers. The entire learning process must take place within a supportive relational context. When students have positive experiences with evaluative performances, their self-efficacy is heightened. They also experience self-determination regarding their music studies and their involvement in evaluative performances. The self-efficacy and self-determination that follow students’ success and positive experiences motivate further involvement in music study.
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The Growing Desert: Nihilism And Metaphysics In Martin Heidegger' / s ThoughtDuman, Musa 01 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Duman, Musa
Ph. D., Department of Philosophy
Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Ahmet inam
March 2009, 209 pages
In this study, we explore Heidegger&rsquo / s understanding of nihilism as the essential dimension of metaphysics, of metaphysical experience of Being, and in the following, we address his responses to it. Heidegger takes nihilism as rooted in the metaphysical way of thinking, hence metaphysics and nihilism standing in a primordial identity. Such metaphysical way of thinking as a framework in which Being is experinced and articulated, explicitly or implicitly in all areas of Western culture, from art to science, gives us the deep history or movement of Western tradition. Heidegger considers such movement to be presenting an ever growing threat, indeed as something to be consummated in the eeriest possibility of world history, that is, total destruction of human essence as an openness for the disclosure of Being. He points out to this underlying phenomenon with various designations:
forgetfullnesss of Being, abandonment of Being, darkening of the world, Gestell and devestation are some of them. In this tradition, Being, from Plato and Aristotle onwards, becomes nothing at all, that is, excluded from any thoughtful consideration, reduced to a mere abstraction. Anything nihilistic, if fully delved into, would prove to conceal at its heart an alienation to the true sense of Being. Therefore, we need to develop a way of thinking outside the dominion of metaphysics, which should not only discover No-thing as the
concealment dimension of Being, thus be deeply open to our finitude, but also learn to respond thoughtfully and thankfully to the gift of Being in, through and towards which we ex-sist as human beings. Vis-a-vis the futural potentials of nihilism in this long end of Western history, the futural character of Heidegger&rsquo / s thinking, his search for a new way of thinking that would incipate the other beginning, harbours a strange Tension that is characteristic of his whole philosophy.
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