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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adolescent ADHD and family environment—an epidemiological and clinical study of ADHD in the Northern Finland 1986 Birth Cohort

Hurtig, T. (Tuula) 08 May 2007 (has links)
Abstract The primary aim of this study was to survey attention and behavioural problems among Finnish adolescents living in different family environments. The second aim was to study the psychosocial well-being of these adolescents. The third aim was to study the psychiatric comorbidity of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in association with the family environment. The fourth aim was to study the persistence of ADHD from childhood to adolescence. In the first phase, 15-year-old adolescents and their parents from the Northern Finland 1986 Birth Cohort (N = 9432) completed questionnaires on attention and behavioural problems, family characteristics and the life situation of the adolescents. In the second phase, 457 adolescents aged from 16 to 18 years were drawn from the cohort. After assessment with a clinical semi-structured interview, logistic regression models were used to study ADHD and the persistence of the diagnosis and comorbid psychopathology in association with family characteristics. Girls reported more commonly than boys attention and behavioural problems, while their parents reported more attention problems in their sons than daughters. Living in other than intact families was related to attention and behavioural problems in both genders. Adolescents with ADHD symptoms considered their physical health and psychosocial well-being poor more often than their controls. Psychosocial problems accumulated for those with many ADHD symptoms. Adolescents with ADHD had more commonly than others comorbid behavioural disorder, alcohol abuse and depression. Those with ADHD and comorbidity lived more commonly than others in non-intact families, in low-income families, with mothers who were dissatisfied with life and with parents who showed little interest in their adolescent's activities. Persistence of ADHD into adolescence occurred in about two thirds of cases. Those who persisted with the diagnosis compared to those who remitted it had more dreamy-like inattentive symptoms, and had more often early-onset comorbid depression or oppositional defiant disorder and had more often fathers with attention problems. These results indicate that attention and behavioural problems are common among adolescents in Finland, especially among those living in disrupted families. Being a persistent disorder, ADHD warrants more concern in primary health care and the educational system in order to prevent the concurrent development of other psychiatric and psychosocial problems. In primary health care, family intervention is essential. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli ensiksi selvittää suomalaisten nuorten tarkkaavuuden ja käyttäytymisen ongelmia suhteessa nuoren perherakenteeseen. Toiseksi tutkittiin näiden nuorten psykososiaalista hyvinvointia. Kolmanneksi tavoitteena oli tutkia ADHD:n (tarkkaavuushäiriö) psykiatrisia liitännäissairauksia suhteessa perheympäristöön. Neljäntenä tavoitteena oli tutkia ADHD:n pysyvyyttä lapsuudesta nuoruuteen. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa Pohjois-Suomen vuoden 1986 syntymäkohorttiin kuuluvat 15-vuotiaat nuoret (N = 9 432), ja heidän vanhempansa täyttivät kyselylomakkeet. Kysymykset koskivat nuoren tarkkaavuuden ja käyttäytymisen ongelmia, perheympäristöä ja nuoren elämäntilannetta. Toisessa vaiheessa tutkittiin 457 16–18-vuotiasta kohorttiin kuuluvaa nuorta. Nuoret arvioitiin käyttäen puolistrukturoitua kliinistä haastattelua. Logistisia regressiomalleja käytettiin kuvaamaan ADHD-diagnoosia ja sen pysyvyyttä sekä psykiatrisia liitännäissairauksia suhteessa perheympäristöön. Tytöt raportoivat poikia useammin tarkkaavuuden ja käyttäytymisen ongelmista, kun taas vanhemmat raportoivat tarkkaavuuden ongelmia olevan useammin pojilla kuin tytöillä. Perhetaustaltaan muu kuin ydinperhe oli yhteydessä tarkkaavuuden ja käyttäytymisen ongelmiin sekä tytöillä että pojilla. Nuoret, joilla oli ADHD-oireita, pitivät terveyttään ja psykososiaalista hyvinvointiaan huonona useammin kuin nuoret, joilla näitä oireita ei ollut. Psykososiaaliset ongelmat kasaantuivat niillä nuorilla, joilla oli paljon ADHD-oireita. Myös käyttäytymishäiriöistä, alkoholin väärinkäytöstä ja masennuksesta kärsivät muita useammin nuoret, joilla havaittiin ADHD. Nuoret, joilla oli ADHD ja edellä mainittu liitännäissairaus, asuivat muita useammin muussa kuin ydinperheessä, alemman tulotason perheessä, äidin kanssa, joka oli tyytymätön elämäänsä tai vanhempien kanssa, jotka eivät olleet kiinnostuneet nuorensa asioista. ADHD-diagnoosi pysyi nuoruuteen noin kahdella kolmasosalla niistä, joilla se oli lapsuudessa. Niillä nuorilla, joilla diagnoosi pysyi, oli muita useammin unelmoivasta hajamielisyydestä kertovia tarkkaamattomuusoireita, varhain alkanut masennus- tai käyttäytymishäiriö tai isä, jolla oli itsellään ADHD-oireita. Nämä tulokset osoittavat, että tarkkaavuuden ja käyttäytymisen ongelmat ovat yleisiä suomalaisilla nuorilla, ja erityisesti niillä, jotka asuvat muussa kuin ydinperheessä. Koska ADHD on pysyvä häiriö, se tulee ottaa paremmin huomioon perusterveydenhuollossa ja koulumaailmassa, jotta voitaisiin ehkäistä muita psykiatrisia ja psykososiaalisia ongelmia. Perusterveydenhuollossa erityisesti perheinterventiot ovat tärkeitä.

Prevalence of emotional and behavioural problems : pitfalls and practices among secondary school learners in Ethiopia

Dereje Adefris Woldetsadik 06 1900 (has links)
The prevalence of emotional and behavioural problems in secondary school adolescents is regarded as widely spread globally. Their effects/pitfalls are also a concern that cannot be ignored. Thus, this study dealt with this issue among adolescents, as well as with pitfalls and practices of secondary schools in Ethiopia, with particular focus on East Showa Administrative Zone of Oromiya National Regional state. Consequently, the study intended to: -examine what social competence problems (activity problems, social activities problems and academic performance problems) are experienced by secondary school adolescents of Ethiopia. -determine the relationship between sex groups and social competence problems by secondary school adolescents of Ethiopia. -examine the trends of emotional/internalising and behavioural/externalising problems among secondary school adolescents of Ethiopia. -determine the relationship displayed between sex groups and emotional/internalising and behavioural/externalising problems by secondary school adolescents of Ethiopia. -examine the relationship display between age groups and emotional/internalising and behavioural/externalising problems by secondary school adolescents of Ethiopia. -comprehend the relationship among social competence problems and syndrome problems by secondary school adolescents of Ethiopia. To address the objectives of the study, a descriptive survey and correlational study were employed. To achieve this target, the Amharic and the Afan-Oromo versions of Achenbach’s (2001) youth self-report (YSR) were used to collect data from 714 research participants of secondary school adolescents out of 27,643 in the East Showa Administrative Zone of Oromiya Regional State-Ethiopia, from 8 secondary schools. In analysing the data, basic descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentages, percentiles and T-scores as well as ANOVA were employed. In general, the results of the study demonstrated that the prevalence of emotional and behavioural problems of Ethiopian secondary school adolescents was relatively lower (about 9%) in comparison to many other countries. Moreover, girls showed more internalising problems (11.58%) than boys (9.63%) and vice versa in externalising problems. Consequently, girls accounted for 8.6% who fell into a clinical category whereas amongst boys, 14.83% were classified into such as category. In contrary to the other findings males were scored higher than females in withdrawal/depressed subscales (4.23% and 2.74% respectively). Furthermore, statistically significant relationships between academic competences with activities, social activities, somatic complaints, social problems and externalising problems were discovered. Fulfilling and rendering appropriate guidance and counselling services in the schools comprised the first dimension of the recommendations of this work. Furthermore, establishing school based mental health services to alleviate the problems is another key point of the recommendation to assist adolescents with emotional and behavioural problems in secondary schools of Ethiopia. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)

Absence epilepsy as a barrier for effective teaching and learning in underprivileged communities

Mabele, Pretty Zakhi 01 1900 (has links)
After the dispensation of the White Paper 6 in schools, there were no detailed guidelines to accommodate the learners with invisible impairments like absence epilepsy, especially those who live in underprivileged communities. Affected learners are still struggling and not receiving proper instruction in ordinary schools because of the nature of absence epilepsy. It seems like it is unknown that they are suffering, because the symptoms are absent. These learners are performing poorly; they are having learning and behavioural problems. At home parents are ignorant of their plight, teachers are oblivious of their problems and at schools they are being discriminated against by other children. As a result, they repeat grades and some end up leaving school to join the unemployed. They have a low self-esteem and remain unsociable. This is because they suffer from absence epilepsy which is a medical problem. Absence epilepsy is unknown to both parents and teachers in these communities. Cultural beliefs and ignorance prevent parents from taking these children to clinics for identification, which results in them not being supported in schools. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Problematika poruch chování žáků ve školním prostředí, zvláště agresivita a šikana, možnosti jejich prevence / Problems of behavioral disorders the pupils (students) in school environment, especially the aggressiveness and vexation, the posibilities of their prevention

VONEŠOVÁ, Pavla January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with behavioural problems of pupils in a school setting, particularly with aggression and bullying, as well as the possibility of their prevention. It consists of a theoretical part, a practical part, and appendices. The theoretical part treats behavioural problems in pupils, presenting the separate disorders in all their possible forms, accounting for both internal and external factors triggering them, explaining their causes and the conditions under which they occur, and, finally, surveys the possibility of their prevention and treatment. The practical part uses a questionnaire designed by the author of the thesis and discussions conducted in schools to identify the most common types of behavioural disorders. The results of the research are presented in charts and graphs and are complemented by data obtained in the discussions. This part is concluded with a thorough analysis of the data. The appendices contain real-life examples of behavioural problems encountered by teachers, the minimum prevention programme implemented by the basic school in Jistebnice and its evaluation for the school year of 2008/2009, the crisis management scheme of the same school, and additional materials relating to the topic.

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