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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Myškin und Christus ein fiktives Gespräch mit J. Ratzinger auf der Basis von F. M. Dostoevskijs Roman "Idiot"

Weinczyk, Raimund Johann January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Diss.

Benediktova kniha - Řehole západu / Benedict's Book - Monastic Rule of Western

Valová, Terezie January 2016 (has links)
Summary: The thesis focuses on a piece of work in the form of a monastic rule which considerably influenced the whole Christian world, significantly contributed to the formation of spirituality of monastic communities, shaped the European culture and has much to say even today. The rule derives its name from its author, St. Benedict of Nursia. Given the considerable impact of his work on shaping the subsequent history of monasticism, St. Benedict is rightly called the Father of Western Monasticism. The first part introduces the Rule of Saint Benedict (Regula Benedicti). It refers to the period of its creation when certain common foundations of monastic life existed but lacked any solid anchoring. Despite the existence of other monastic rules, the Rule of Saint Benedict became the leading one thanks to its clarity and brevity. The second part deals with the Rule of the Master (Regula Magistri), an anonymous collection of monastic precepts which played a significant role as a source material for the Rule of Saint Benedict. St. Benedict took a large number of rules from it while he edited some of the original rules and intentionally omitted others. He moderated the strict text of the Rule of the Master since he was aware of human weakness. He infused the precepts with love. The third part, the longest in its...

Ježíš Kristus je jedinou normou křesťanské morálky: Sacramentum et exemplum a jejich mravní význam v díle Benedikta XVI. / Jesus Christ is the only Norm of Christian Moral: Sacramentum et Exemplum and it 's Moral Meaning in the Work of Benedict XVI.

Válka, David January 2014 (has links)
Jesus Christ is the only one Norm of Christian Moral: Sacramentum et Exemplum and it 's Moral Meaning in the Work of Benedict XVI. Jesus Christ commands the love to his apprentices in The Farewell Speech (John 13,34 and 15,12) but he commands de facto himself, because he is incorporated love. He is the sacrament - Sacramentum, we take him at communion where our being is converted, we are disposed to love. He is also the example - Exemplum, which is teaching us to live in love and to do deeds of love. These aspects are the topic of this work. The first task is to analyze moral meanings both of the aspects in the work of Benedict XVI. The triptych Jesus of Nazareth (Jesus-Buch in Germ. abbreviation) is considered as a key work. Also all the pope's encyclicals are in indirect dialog with Jesus-Buch, mainly the Deus caritas est. The Spirit of the Liturgy is important in the topic as well. The analytic part of the work, according to the it's size, is focused only to such depth, to be the basic thesis: 'Jesus Christ is the only one norm of christian moral' theological legitimate. The main aim is to prove, if our thesis is taken as a fact, that Jesus's commandment of love is unique, universal rule, of which moral influence is realized through the Eucharist and is concretized in living activity of Christ...


BACK, JOHN E., JR. 14 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.


HORN, HEATH M. 28 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Aplikace sociální nauky církve na problematiku osamělosti seniorů / The Use of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church on the Issue of Solitude of Seniors

VRÁBLOVÁ, Eva January 2015 (has links)
The Master's Thesis deals with the issue of solitude of seniors. It examines the solitude from theological, psychological and sociological point of view and seeks inspiration in the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church. It tries to understand the position of Benedict XVI. who says that the most painful kind of poverty is solitude. The acquired knowledge is then viewed through the optic of social work and possible solutions of the problem of solitude of seniors are suggested.

Poselství a mediání ohlas na návštěvy dvou papežů v Československé federativní republice a v České republice ve světle jejich veřejných projevů: Jan Pavel II. - 1990,1995,1997 a Benedikt XVI - 2009 / Message and media reflection of visits of two Popes in Czechoslovak Federal Republic and Czech Republic in the light of their public speeches: John Pavel II. - 1990,1995,1997 a Benedikt XVI - 2009

Krupa, Adam January 2021 (has links)
The Pope's visits are important social, political, and media events. The pope always comes to the host country with a predetermined agenda, not unlike the one for state visits by politicians. The Pope's speeches are at the center of the public part of the agenda. This thesis aims to analyze the messages that the two popes presented to the nation and the world during their visits to Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. And also how the media captured, interpreted, and brought these messages to their audiences. The results show that the popes emphasized several topics, from spiritual renewal, return to tradition, reorganization of the Church to the commemoration of Christianity as the basis of European culture. However, the media largely ignored these frames, because even the use of frames does not guarantee preferred decoding. The analysis of selected newspapers showed that the papal messages were spread the best in Lidové noviny, a paper focused on strong opinion texts. This is all the more surprising because Lidové noviny was built on the traditional anti-Catholic tradition. The narrowly focused Catholic weekly did not spread the message to such an extent. In the case of the mainstream Mladá fronta Dnes, the form of the visit prevailed over the content, and the main role was played by the...

Mariánská spiritualita Benedikta XVI. / Marian spirituality of Benedict XVI.

Benda, Václav January 2017 (has links)
Working in its first part introduces the basic points of Marian spirituality. It shows her sources in the Old and New Testaments. The following are presented and analyzed its theological basis and are also compared various doctrinal truth doctrine of the Virgin Mary looking chosen saints of important theological figures with attitudes Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI. In the second half of the work is shown in the way he lived and understood Marian spirituality during his pontificate. The final section is intended to Benedict's thoughts, which are developed by individual elements of Marian devotion.

Proces uniformizace klášterních pravidel za vlády Ludvíka I. Pobožného / The process of uniformization of monastic rules under the rule of Louis the Pious

Bridová, Mária January 2021 (has links)
The work deals with the process of Carolingian monastic reform culminating in synods from the beginning of the ninth century. Using a diachronic approach, it examines the ways in which the Rule of Benedicti was spread in the Frankish Empire during the reign of Charlemagne and its legal anchoring during the reign of his son Louis I. the Pious. The work further analyzes the hagiographic biography of Benedict of Aniane with a view to examining its significance in the uniformization efforts of the ruling dynasty. The monastic provisions of the imperial synods from 816 and 817 are compared with the original wording of the Benedictine Rule and in relation to this, the work points to new monastic tendencies which deviate from the original Benedictine tradition. The first chapter presents an initial insight into the topic of the monastic reform of the Karlovac dynasty and points out the methods and causes of the gradual penetration of the Rule of Benedict of Nursia into the Frankish monasteries. The next chapter uses a biographical method to approach the person of Abbot Benedict of Aniane and his role in the reform of monasticism. The final part of the work analyzes the synodial chapters dealing with the issue of the implementation of the Benedictine rule in the monasteries of the Frankish Empire. It analyzes the...

Die westlichen Kirchen im Bild der zeitgenössischen ägyptischen und arabischen Religionsgelehrten / ein Beitrag zum Dialog im Offenen Brief an Papst Benedikt XVI

El-Scheikh, Safaa M. Afifi 09 November 2012 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit begibt sich die Autorin auf eine einzigartige Tauchreise in das islamische Denken. Sie betrachtet die größeren Fragen des interreligiösen und kulturellen Dialogs zwischen Christentum und Islam, sowie die Grundlagen, auf denen dieser Dialog nach Vorstellungen muslimischer Religionsexperten geführt werden sollte. Der Reiseführer ist Prof. Dr. Peter Heine, deutscher Islamwissenschaftler. Um die Wende des interreligiösen und kulturellen Dialogs einzuleiten, legen die berühmtesten Gelehrten der islamischen Welt, darunter Großscheich von Al-Azhar Prof. Dr. Tantawi, der ägyptische Gelehrte und Politiker Dr. Zakzouk, Großmufti von Ägypten Dr. Ali Gomaa, Großmufti von Mauretanien Dr. Ibn Bayyah, sowie Großmufti von Syrien Dr. Hassoun, zum ersten Mal die Grundzüge eines wahrhaften, ernsten und erfolgreichen Dialogs zwischen der westlichen und islamischen Welt nieder. Die „Regensburger Rede“ des Papst Benedikt XVI im Jahr 2006, der darauffolgende offene Brief von 38 muslimischen Gelehrten an den Papst, sowie der Text der Botschaft aus Amman sind die Grundsteine zur Herstellung einer friedlichen, solidarischen Welt, in der ein offener geistiger Austausch gefördert und gegenseitiges Verständnis gefordert wird. / An unique trip into the Islamic thought. Using the ship of humanity the present work dives into the largest issues of the inter-religious and cultural dialogue between Christianity and Islam, as well as the basics on which this dialog should be conducted according to the ideas of famous Muslim religious experts. The guide is Dr. Peter Heine, the famous German Islamic scholar. For the first time, the most famous scholars of the Islamic world, including Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Grand Mufti of Egypt Dr. Ali Gomaa, Dr. Zazouk, minister of higher religious organization, Grand Mufti of Mauritania Dr. Ibn Bayyah, Grand Mufti of Syria Dr. Hassoun and others draw the basic principles of a successful and honest dialogue between the Western and Islamic world in order to live in a solidaric and peaceful world to restore the turn of interreligious and intercultural dialog.

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