Spelling suggestions: "subject:"benthic"" "subject:"enthic""
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Micropaleontology and Isotope Stratigraphy of the Upper Aptian to Lower Cenomanian (~114-98 Ma) In ODP Site 763, Exmouth Plateau, NW AustraliaAlibrahim, Ali 13 July 2016 (has links)
The biostratigraphy and isotope stratigraphy of the upper Aptian to lower Cenomanian interval including oceanic anoxic events OAE1b, 1c and 1d are investigated in ODP Site 763, drilled on the Exmouth Plateau offshore northwest Australia. Benthic foraminifera suggest that Site 763 was situated in outer neritic to upper bathyal water depths (~150-600 m). OAEs of the Atlantic basin and Tethys are typically associated with organic carbon-rich black shales and δ13C excursions. However, OAEs at this high latitude site correlate with ocean acidification and/or pyrite formation under anoxic conditions rather than black shales. Ocean acidification maybe responsible for sporadic low abundances of planktic foraminifera compared to radiolarians and benthic foraminifera associated with increased volcanogenic CO2 production during the formation of the Southern and Central Kerguelen Plateaus. Sea surface temperature may have cooled to 11°C in the late Aptian but increased gradually during the Albian. The Aptian/Albian boundary is placed at a negative carbon isotope excursion associated with the lowest occurrence of Microhedbergella renilaevis, typically found within the Niveau Kilian black shale of OAE1b. Third-order sea level cycles, particularly in the middle Albian, produced cyclic changes in the abundance of inoceramid prisms that increased during inferred times of falling sea level. The late Albian OAE1c and OAE1d coincide with horizons of intense pyritization and the absence of all biocomponents suggesting the development of euxinia. Warm Tethyan waters reached the Exmouth Plateau during the latest Albian based on the presence of thermocline dwelling keeled planktic foraminifera including Planomalina buxtorfi.
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Diversity and Function of Algal Biofilms in the Laurentian Great LakesKatona, Leon R. 08 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Dynamique d'habitats benthiques sous contraintes anthropiques : le cas du site de dépôt de dragage d'Octeville / Benthic habitat dynamics under anthropogenic pressures : example of Octeville dredging siteBaux, Noemie 26 November 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est d'évaluer l'impact de l'immersion des sédiments de dragage du Grand Port Maritime du Havre (GPMH) sur l'environnement faunistique et sédimentaire à proximité du site de clapage d'Octeville (baie de Seine Orientale), en proposant une démarche scientifique originale, apportant une vision intégrée par (1) l'utilisation de marqueurs géochimiques couplés à une étude sédimentaire (2) l'étude de la dynamique spatiale et temporelle de la macrofaune benthique en lien avec une expérimentation in situ (3) la mise en place d'un nouvel indicateur multicritères spécifique de la pression de clapage (4) l'étude de l'ensemble du réseau trophique via le développement d'un modèleECOPATH. D'une part, les résultats ont mis en évidence l'existence d'une zone à l'équilibre sédimentaire au nord-ouest, avec deux gradients opposés de COT, contrôlés par les courants de marée et de houle. De plus, il est possible d'identifier les sédiments portuaires grâce à leur composition chimique différente. La zone impactée par les clapages est relativement restreinte. D'autre part, la macrofaune benthique apparaît peu impactée par les clapages. La communauté est particulièrement bien inféodée à l'environnement bio-hydro-sédimentaire de la zone d'étude. Des variations d'abondances et de dominances ont été observées depuis 2003. De plus, le nouvel indicateur proposé permet de classer l'impact engendré par les dépôts de sédiments en mer. Le réseau trophique est actuellement stable sur la zone impactée comme sur celle non-impactée par le clapage. / The aim of this thesis is to assess the impact of dumping by Le Havre harbour on the faunistic and sedimentary environment near the Octeville dumping site (Eastern part of the bay of Seine). This thesis propose an original scientific approach, including an integrated view (1) by the use of geochemical markers coupled with a sedimentary study (2) a study of the spatial and temporal benthic macrofauna dynamics with an experimentation in situ (3) the creation of a new multicriteria specific indicator of the dumping pressure and (4) a study of the food web with the development of an ECOPATH model. On the one hand, the results showed the existence of a sedimentary equilibrium area in the north-west, with two opposite TOC gradients, controlled by tidal and swell. Harbour sediments can be identified by their different chemical compositions. The area impacted by the dumping is limited. On the other hand, the benthic macrofauna appears less impacted by the dumping. The community is adapted in the bio-hydro-sedimentary environment of the study area. Variations in abundance and dominance have been observed since 2003.In addition, a new indicator allows the classification of dumping impact. The food web is currently stable in both impacted and not impacted areas.
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An investigation of ecosystem regime shifts caused by regulated water release into Phongolo River from the Pongolapoort Dam, Kwazulu-Natal, South AfricaChavalala, Tiyisani Lincon 12 February 2016 (has links)
MSc (Zoology)) / Department of Zoology
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Effects of Single and Combined Pesticide Exposure on the Grazer–Aufwuchs–Interaction –: Micro- and Mesocosm ExperimentsRybicki, Marcus 11 December 2014 (has links)
Die Eutrophierung von Fließgewässern führt besonders im Frühjahr zur Zunahme der Biomasse des benthischen Aufwuchses. Dies kann zur reduzierter Infiltration von Wasser in die Gewässersohle führen und wichtige Funktionen von Fließgewässerökosystems stören. Verschiedene Studien konnten zeigen, dass invertebrate Weidegänger (Grazer) in der Lage sind die Biomasse des Aufwuchses in Fließgewässern effektiv zu reduzieren. Diese wichtige ökologische Funktion, das benthische Grazing, kann dazu beitragen negative Effekte der Eutrophierung in Fließgewässern zu kompensieren. Relevante invertebrate Grazer sind unter anderem die Larven der Eintagsfliege Rhithrogena semicolorata, die hohe Biomassen in Fließgewässern erreichen und eine hohe Spezialisierung auf Aufwuchs zeigen. Die Larven von R. semicolorata sind während ihres einjährigen Lebenszykluses Pestiziden ausgesetzt, welche ihre Entwicklung beeinträchtigen können. Um die Effekte von Pestiziden auf die Entwicklung dieser wichtigen Grazer zu untersuchen wurden drei Expositionsszenarien in Anlehnung an reale Bedingungen im Freiland untersucht.
Das erste Szenario untersucht die Effekten einer Exposition mit dem Herbizid Terbutryn auf die Grazer-Aufwuchs-Interaktion, wie sie im Herbst und zeitigen Frühjahr anzutreffen ist. Terbutryn verursachte ab 6 µg/L eine deutliche Reduktion der Aufwuchsquantität, was indirekt das Wachstum und die Fettreserven der Grazer verringerte. Die Grazer zeigten ab 0,6 µg/L eine deutliche erhöhte Drift. Da bei dieser Konzentration noch keine Effekte auf die Aufwuchsbiomasse detektiert wurde, ist dies ein Indiz für verringerte Qualität des Aufwuchses.
Insektzide werden verstärkt im Frühjahr ausgebracht und beeinflussen die Entwicklung der Grazer direkt. Das zweite Szenario untersuchte die Effekte des Insektizids lambda-Cyhalotrhin (LCH) auf die Grazer-Aufwuchs-Interaktion. LCH ist stark lipophil und adsorbiert schnell an organisches Material und Aufwüchse in Gewässer, weshalb es besonders für aufwuchsfressende Organismen bioverfügbar ist. Neben den erwarteten letalen Effekten wurden in Bereichen um 1 µg/g OC bereits subletale Effekte auf das Driftverhalten sowie das Wachstum der Grazer gefunden. Die Fettreserven waren ab ca. 0,01 µg/g OC reduziert, was auf verringerte Fraßaktivität in diesen niedrigen Konzentrationsbereichen schließen lässt. Die Analyse des Aufwuchses zeigte einen indirekt Effekt von LCH auf die Aufwuchsentwicklung, der einerseits auf die erhöhte Mortalität der Grazer aber auch auf LCH-induzierte Verhaltensänderungen zurückgeführt werden konnte.
Das finale Szenario befasste sich mit den Effekten der kombinierten Exposition von Herbizid und Insektizid, wie sie im Lebenszyklus von R. semicolorata auftreten. Dabei zeigte sich entgegen der Erwartung keine erhöhte Mortalität durch die kombinierte Exposition. Die Ergebnisse weisen jedoch daraufhin, dass die Reduzierung der physiologischen Kondition der Grazer, durch die indirekten Effekte von Terbutryn, in subletalen Konzentrationsbereichen von LCH die Dauer bis zur Wiedererholung verlängert. Außerdem zeigte sich am Ende eine erhöhte Aufwuchsbiomasse, was eine reduzierte Leistung des Grazings durch die kombinierte Exposition indiziert. / The eutrophication of running water ecosystems leads especially in spring to an increase of benthic biofilms or aufwuchs, which reduces the infiltration of water into the river bed and, hence, disturb important ecological functions. Different studies already showed that invertebrate grazers of running water ecosystems are able to reduce the aufwuchs biomass effectively. This important ecological function, the benthic grazing, can therefore contribute to compensate the negative effects of eutrophication in lotic ecosystems. Relevant grazers are for instance the larvae of the mayfly Rhithrogena semicolorata, which reach high biomasses in streams and show a high feeding specialisation on aufwuchs. During their on year lasting life cycle the larvae of R. semicolorata are exposed to different pesticides, which can disturb their development. To evaluate the effects of pesticides on the development of this important grazer three exposition scenarios were performed following real exposure patterns from the environment.
In the first scenarios the effects of a solely exposure with the herbicide Terbutryn on the grazer-aufwuchs-interaction was investigated, as it occurs preferably during autumn and spring. Terbutryn induced a clear reduction of aufwuchs quantity at 6 µg/L, which indirectly affected the growth and the energy storages of the grazers. Furthermore, the grazers showed an increased drift activity at 0.6 µg/L. Considering that the aufwuchs biomass was not affected at this low concentrations, the increased drift was interpreted as an indirect effect of reduced aufwuchs quantity.
Inseciticides are preferably applied during spring and are able to disturb the development of grazers directly. The second scenario investigated therefore the effects of the insecticide lambda-Cyhalothrin (LCH) on the grazer-aufwuchs-interaction. LCH has a high lipophilicity and thus rapidly binds to organic matter or aufwuchs after entering aquatic ecosystems. This behaviour leads to a increased bioavailability of this substance to aufwuchs feeding organisms. Apart from the expected lethal effects, sublethal effects in form of increased drift and reduced grazer growth were found in a range of 1 µg/g OC LCH. Moreover, the energy storages of grazers were reduced at 0,01 µg/g OC, which is an indication of disturbed feeding behaviour at this low concentration. The analysis of the aufwuchs revealed additionally an indirect effect of LCH on the aufwuchs development, which was caused by increased grazer mortality and behavioural changes of the grazers induced by sublethal LCH concentrations.
The final scenario aimed on the effects of a combined exposure of herbicide and insecticide, as it occurs during the life cycle of R. semicolorata. A increased mortality of grazers, due to the combinded exporsure, was not found. However, the results indicate that the reduction of the physiological condition by the indirect effect of Terbutryn extends the time until grazers recover from sublethal LCH exposure. Finally, also an increased aufwuchs biomass was found in treatments with combined exposure, indicating a reduced performance of grazers exposed to both substances.
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The Interrelationship of Macro- and Microbenthos to Substrate Characteristics in Lake Ray Roberts TexasYeager, Phillip E. 05 1900 (has links)
The objective of this research was to determine if physical and microbial sediment characterizations could be used to explain benthic macroinvertebrate distribution in two branches of Lake Ray Roberts, Texas.
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Vliv městského odvodnění na obsah těžkých kovů ve vodních ekosystémech / Impact of urban drainage on heavy metal concentration in aquatic ecosystemsDarmovzalová, Marie January 2011 (has links)
Urban streams are influenced by number of human activities. Diploma thesis discusses the impact of urban drainage (specifically storm water drains) on toxic metal concentrations, of, in one of Prague's minor creeks - Zátišský Creek. Zátišský Creek flows from the right side to the Vltava River. The creek is 3080 m long with a natural flow 1.9 m3 /s. The creek is affected by seven storm water drains and three rain settling tanks. The creek was monitored from April 2009 to June 2010 during this period six sampling campaign was conducted. The samples were collected from seven remote sampling points, located both upstream and downstream from the storm water drains and rain settling tanks. The impact of storm water drains was assessed based on monitoring of toxic metals content in different parts of the aquatic environments, samples of water, sediment and aquatic biota (benthic organisms and attached algae) were collected and analyzed. The sediment samples and organisms were dried by lyophilisation (freeze dry), and digested in a microwave oven using a solution of nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide. Metal concentrations were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry utilizing instrument Solaar S. Overall nine metals were identified: cadmium, lead, nickel, chromium, copper, zinc, aluminum, manganese...
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Millennial-scale variations of the intermediate water circulation in the Indian Ocean since the last glacial period inferred from assemblages and geochemistry of benthic foraminifera. / Variations à l’échelle millénaire de la circulation intermédiaire dans l’océan Indien depuis la dernière période glaciaire reconstruites d’après les assemblages et la géochimie des foraminifères benthiques.Ma, Ruifang 10 July 2019 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse était de reconstituer l'évolution de la circulation intermédiaire depuis la dernière période glaciaire à partir de carottes de sédiments marins prélevées dans le golfe du Bengale GB, la Mer d’Arabie MA et l’océan Indien équatorial oriental OIEO. La stratégie scientifique mise en œuvre inclut l’étude des assemblages et de la géochimie des foraminifères benthiques, afin de reconstruire les changements de source et de ventilation des masses d’eau. Les résultats obtenus dans le GB ont permis de restituer les changements hydrologiques à profondeur intermédiaire à haute résolution temporelle au cours des derniers 40 ka. Les enregistrements témoignent de changements dans la source des masses d’eau, entre l’Océan austral avec les eaux antarctiques intermédiaires AAIW et les eaux Nord Atlantique NADW, à l’échelle glaciaire-interglaciaire mais aussi lors des événements millénaires. Ce travail a aussi permis de fournir les premiers enregistrements à haute résolution temporelle des rapports élémentaires des foraminifères benthiques (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, U/Ca et Li/Ca) dans le GB et en MA. Ces résultats permettent notamment de mieux contraindre la pénétration des AAIW vers le nord depuis la dernière période glaciaire. La reconstruction de la concentration en ion carbonate permet également de discuter des relations entre les variations de la circulation intermédiaire et les changements profonds du cycle du Carbone à l’échelle globale, notamment via les échanges se produisant dans l’Océan Austral. Nous avons également fourni dans ce travail les premiers enregistrements de Cd/Ca et de Ba/Ca continus et à haute résolution dans le nord de l’océan Indien, pour reconstituer les modifications passées de la teneur en éléments nutritifs. Les enregistrements géochimiques dans l’OIEO témoignent de profonds changements des propriétés des masses d'eau intermédiaires, associées aux changements de circulation. / The main objective of this study was to reconstruct the evolution of the intermediate water circulation since the last glacial period by the investigation of marine cores collected from the Bay of Bengal (BoB), Arabian Sea (AS) and Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean (EEIO). The scientific strategy involves benthic foraminiferal assemblages and geochemical proxies to better constrain past changes in the source and ventilation of water masses. Records from the BoB allowed reconstructing hydrological changes at intermediate depth over the last 40 cal kyr. The records highlight changes in the source of water masses, with a balance between the contribution of southern Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) versus North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) at glacial-interglacial timescale as well as during millennial events. This work also provided the first high-resolution benthic foraminifera elemental ratio records (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, U/Ca and Li/Ca) from the BoB and the AS. These records especially help to better constrain the northward penetration of AAIW over the last glacial period. The reconstruction of the carbonate ion concentration allowed to discuss the relationships between the intermediate water circulation and deep changes in the global Carbon cycle, with a special interest for the Southern Ocean. This work also provides the first continuous and high-resolution benthic Cd/Ca and Ba/Ca records in the northern Indian Ocean, could reconstruct past changes in the nutrient content. Geochemical records from the EEIO exhibit strong changes in the chemical properties of the intermediate water masses, related to global circulation changes in the area.
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Spatial and temporal trends in the Xestospongia muta (giant barrel sponge) population on the Southeast Florida Reef TractWaldman, Alanna D 25 July 2019 (has links)
Xestospongia muta, the giant barrel sponge, is a key component of coral reef benthic communities in Southeast Florida and the Caribbean. Xestospongia muta increases habitat complexity and stability, and filters large volumes of water, enhancing water quality and facilitating nutrient cycling. Therefore, it is important to investigate trends in the X. muta population on Southeast Florida reefs in response to anthropogenic stressors, changing environmental conditions and acute disturbances and how these events affect its ecological role in the benthic community. This study identified trends in X. muta population density, volume, and size class distribution over time and across reef habitats on the Southeast Florida Reef Tract (SEFRT). Density and volume changes were also investigated following acute physical disturbance caused by Hurricane Irma in September of 2017. Images and demographic data collected at 41 permanent sites from two long-term monitoring projects, The Southeast Florida Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (SECREMP) and the Broward County Biological Monitoring Project (BC BIO), were used to evaluate the X. muta population trends. My analysis of the data from 2003 to 2018 shows that Xestospongia muta densities and volume increased over time regionally on the SEFRT and increased on the nearshore, middle, and outer reefs of the SEFRT. Xestospongia muta was found to be more abundant on the SEFRT compared to other locations including the Bahamas, the Florida Keys, Colombia, Belize and Saba. Highest mean density on the SEFRT was 0.35 individuals m-2 ±0.04 SEM, which was higher than the mean densities between 0.21 and 0.29 individuals m-2 at the Caribbean sites previously mentioned. Xestospongia muta individuals were categorized into size classes by volume to investigate density distribution of size classes on the SEFRT. Greater abundances in the smallest of five size classes (≤143.13 cm3) drove the increasing density trends. Despite the increasing trends from 2003 to 2017 with a peak in density and volume in 2017, Hurricane Irma caused a region-wide decline in population density and volume as well as a loss of individuals within the largest size class by volume (>17383.97 cm3). These results indicate that the X. muta population is exhibiting increasing long-term trends on the SEFRT, but also demonstrate that acute physical disturbances have a significant impact on the demographics of the population. Because of this sponge’s multiple roles in the reef communities, these trends have implications for structural complexity, nutrient cycling, water filtration, as well as carbon sequestration on the SEFRT.
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Processes and factors governing benthic community dynamics—environmental change in the Baltic SeaSommer, Christian January 2019 (has links)
As drivers of biogeochemical cycles and nutrient recycling, such as carbon turnover, the microbial community is essential in sustaining functioning ecosystems. Together with the metazoan community, the microbial community constitute the majority of all life in the benthos. Environmental change in biotic and abiotic factors may influence the dynamics of these communities, for example through a sorting or driving effect on the community structure through assembly processes. Environmental change, e.g. change in dissolved oxygen concentration, salinity and temperature, can directly or indirectly affect community composition. How, in what way, and to what extent, benthic bacterial and meiofaunal community composition in the eutrophied, brackish benthic environments, in the Baltic Sea sub-basin the Baltic Proper, respond to environmental change is understudied, both at local and seascape scale. This thesis aimed to study and understand the effects of environmental variation on the diversity and biogeographic patterns of Baltic Sea sediment bacterial and meiofaunal communities. A further aim was to understand the links between the different community levels by studying the interaction between meiofaunal- and macrofaunal communities in relation to environmental variation. Community diversity was analysed along a latitudinal transect of national environmental monitoring stations in the Baltic Proper using a framework of metapopulation and metacommunity theory. The analyses were based on environmental genomics, with high-throughput sequencing, bioinformatics and statistics. The total community genome was analysed using phylogenetic marker gene fragments as a proxy for taxonomic diversity, to investigate diversity, community structure and dynamics. Salinity and oxygen were found to be the main abiotic environmental drivers of benthic community composition and alpha- and beta-diversity patterns. Furthermore, macrofauna-meiofauna interactions were significantly more complex in higher salinity environments. Results also showed that both enhanced environmental gradients and dispersal following a major inflow of saline and oxygenated water from the Atlantic Ocean, influenced the composition of sediment bacterial communities at the seascape scale of the Baltic Sea, as shown by a reduced beta-diversity and increased alpha-diversity, and the development of a significant distance-decay of community similarity. This study also identified strong metapopulation dynamics of the benthic sediment bacterial communities with many satellite and a few core taxa. The outcomes from this study contribute to the understanding of how environmental variation and environmental change relate to changes in Baltic Sea benthic community diversity and composition, and important factors and processes governing community dynamics.
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