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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Antimicrobial packaging system for minimally processed fruit

Lara Lledó, Marta Inés 14 January 2018 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] In the present Doctoral Thesis, antimicrobial active packaging materials, at lab and at semi-industrial scale, have been developed with the aim to reduce the natural flora of peeled and cut fruit and extend its shelf life. Packaging prototypes have been developed for their further application. Prior to developing the active materials, the most suitable active agents were selected. To that end, the antimicrobial properties of the volatile active agents citral, hexanal and linalool and mixtures thereof were evaluated against typical microorganisms related to fruit spoilage, molds and yeast, concluding that the effectiveness of the mixture is higher than the sum of the effectiveness of the individual agents. Likewise, non-volatile antimicrobial agents such as potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate were selected, which are widely used in the food industry due to their antifungal properties. With the selected active agents, monolayer polypropylene (PP) films with different concentration of the active mixture citral, hexanal and linalool, at lab scale by means of extrusion, and bilayer films at semi-industrial scale with different active layer thickness by means of coextrusion were prepared. Besides, active packaging trays were developed at semi-industrial scale by thermoforming active sheets obtained by coextrusion of PP and ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA) compounds containing potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate as active agents. Mechanical, barrier and thermal properties of the developed active packaging materials, as well as their sealability and transparency were evaluated. In general, the materials' properties were not affected in a significant manner. However, active trays decreased in transparency due to the incorporation of non-volatile active agents. The release kinetics of the volatile and non-volatile active agents were studied at different temperatures, defining their diffusion coefficients by the adjustment to mathematic models based on Second's Law Fick. Among the volatile active agents, hexanal showed a higher diffusion coefficient, followed by citral and linalool. On the other hand, very small differences were observed between potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate diffusion coefficients, being of the same order of magnitude. In vitro tests were also performed at different temperatures to evaluate the antimicrobial properties of the developed materials. In general, the active packaging materials showed high antimicrobial properties which were enhanced with the increment of temperature. Once the properties of the developed materials were evaluated, in vivo tests with peeled and cut orange and pineapple were performed by packing these fruits with the active film, active tray and their combination (active packaging system). In general, the active packaging system improved the microbiological preservation of the fruit for longer times, between 2 and 7 days for orange and pineapple, respectively, and maintained quality parameters of the fruit at stable levels for longer times. Lastly, the safety of the active packaging materials was evaluated according to the European food contact materials and food legislation, and it was concluded that these materials were not of any safety concern for the consumers. / [ES] En la presente Tesis Doctoral se han desarrollado materiales de envase activo antimicrobiano, a escala laboratorio y a escala semi-industrial, con el objetivo de reducir la proliferación de la flora natural de la fruta pelada y cortada y extender su vida útil. Se han desarrollo distintos prototipos para su posterior aplicación industrial Previo al desarrollo de los materiales de envase, se ha realizado una selección de agentes activos más idóneos. Para ello se han estudiado mediante ensayos in vitro las propiedades antimicrobianas de agentes activos volátiles, citral, hexanal y linalool y diferentes mezclas de los mismos, frente a distintos microorganismos típicos del deterioro de las frutas, mohos y levaduras, concluyendo que la efectividad de la mezcla de los tres es superior a la suma de la efectividad de los activos de forma individual. Así mismo, también se han seleccionado antimicrobianos no volátiles como el sorbato potásico y benzoato sódico, los cuáles son ampliamente empleados en la industria alimentaria debido principalmente a sus propiedades antifúngicas. Con los agentes activos seleccionados, se han desarrollado películas monocapa de polipropileno (PP) con distintas concentraciones de la mezcla activa, citral, hexanal y linalool, a escala laboratorio, mediante técnicas de extrusión, y películas bicapa a escala semi-industrial con distintos espesores de capa activa mediante coextrusión. Por otra parte, se desarrollaron bandejas activas a escala semi-industrial mediante termoconformado de láminas obtenidas por coextrusión de compuestos de PP y etilvinilaceteto (EVA) con sorbato potásico o benzoato sódico como agentes antimicrobianos. Se han evaluado las propiedades mecánicas, barrera y térmicas de los materiales activos desarrollados, así como su sellabilidad y transparencia. En general, las propiedades de los polímeros no se vieron afectadas de manera relevante. Sin embargo, las bandejas activas perdieron su carácter transparente debido a la incorporación de los agentes activos no volátiles. Se ha estudiado la cinética de liberación de los compuestos activos volátiles y no volátiles a distintas temperaturas, determinando los coeficientes de difusión de los agentes activos mediante el ajuste a modelos matemáticos de difusión basados en la Segunda Ley de Fick. Entre los agentes volátiles, el hexanal mostró un mayor coeficiente de difusión seguido de citral y linalool. Por otra parte, no hubo apenas diferencia en los coeficientes de difusión del sorbato potásico y benzoato sódico, siendo éstos del mismo orden de magnitud. Igualmente, se han realizado diferentes experimentos in vitro a distintas temperaturas para determinar las propiedades antimicrobianas de los materiales desarrollados. En general, los materiales activos presentan una elevada capacidad antimicrobiana que se ve potenciada al aumentar la temperatura de exposición. Una vez evaluadas las características de los materiales desarrollados, se han efectuado ensayos de envasado de naranja y piña pelada y cortada con las películas y las bandejas activas y con la combinación del sistema de envase bandeja activa termosellada con la película activa. En general, el sistema de envase activo mejoró la conservación de la fruta por un mayor tiempo, entre 2 y 7 días para la naranja y piña, respectivamente, presentando una gran capacidad antimicrobiana y manteniendo los parámetros de calidad de la fruta en niveles estables por un mayor tiempo. Por último, se ha estudiado la seguridad de estos materiales de acuerdo a la legislación de materiales en contacto con alimentos y la legislación alimentaria europea, concluyendo que los materiales activos desarrollados no presentan preocupación para la seguridad de los consumidores. / [CA] En la present Tesi Doctoral s'han desenvolupat materials d'envasament actiu antimicrobià, a escala de laboratori i a escala semi-industrial amb l'objectiu de reduir la proliferació de la flora natural de la fruita pelada i tallada i estendre la seua vida útil. S'han desenvolupament diferents prototips per a la seua posterior aplicació industrial. Previ al desenvolupament dels materials actius, s'han seleccionat els agents actius mes idonis estudiant mitjançant assajos in vitro les propietats antimicrobianes d'agents actius volàtils, citral, hexanal i linalool i diferents mescles dels mateixos, enfront de diferents microorganismes típics de la deterioració de les fruites -floridures i llevats- concloent que l'efectivitat de la mescla dels tres és superior a la suma de l'efectivitat dels actius de forma individual. Així mateix, s'han seleccionat antimicrobians no volàtils, sorbat potàssic i benzoat sòdic, els quals son àmpliament empleats a l'industria alimentaria per les seues propietats antifúngiques. Amb els agents actius seleccionats, s'han desenvolupat pel·lícules monocapa de polipropilè (PP) amb diferents concentracions de la mescla activa, citral, hexanal i linalool, a escala laboratori, mitjançant tècniques d'extrusió, i pel·lícules bicapa a escala semi-industrial amb diferents espessors de capa activa mitjançant coextrusió. D'altra banda, s'han desenvolupat safates actives a escala semi-industrial mitjançant termoconformació de làmines obtingudes per coextrusió de compostos de PP i etil vinil acetat (EVA) amb sorbat potàssic o benzoat sòdic com a agents antimicrobians. S'han avaluat les propietats mecàniques, barrera i tèrmiques dels materials actius desenvolupats, així com la seua sellabilidad i transparència. En general, les propietats dels polímers no es van veure afectades de manera rellevant. No obstant això, les safates actives van perdre el seu caràcter transparent a causa de la incorporació dels agents actius no volàtils. S'ha estudiat la cinètica d'alliberament dels compostos actius volàtils i no volàtils a diferents temperatures, determinant els coeficients de difusió dels agents actius mitjançant l'ajust a models matemàtics de difusió basats en la Segona Llei de Fick. Entre els agents volàtils, l' hexanal va mostrar un major coeficient de difusió seguit de citral i linalool. D'altra banda, no va haver-hi a penes diferències en els coeficients de difusió del sorbat potàssic i benzoat sòdic, sent aquests del mateix ordre de magnitud. Igualment, s'han realitzat diferents experiments in vitro a diferents temperatures per determinar les propietats antimicrobianes dels materials desenvolupats. En general, els materials actius presenten una elevada capacitat antimicrobiana que es veu potenciada en augmentar la temperatura d'exposició. Una vegada avaluades les característiques dels materials desenvolupats s'han efectuat assajos d'envasament de taronja i pinya pelada i tallada amb la safata, la pel·lícula activa i la seva combinació (sistema d'envàs actiu). En general, el sistema d'envàs actiu va millorar la conservació de la fruita per un major temps, entre 2 i 7 dies per a la taronja i pinya respectivament, presentant una gran capacitat antimicrobiana i mantenint els paràmetres de qualitat de la fruita en nivells estables per un major temps. Finalment, s'ha estudiat la seguretat d'aquests materials d'acord a la legislació de materials en contacte amb aliments i la legislació alimentària europea, concloent que els materials actius desenvolupats no presenten preocupació per a la seguretat dels consumidors. / Lara Lledó, MI. (2016). Antimicrobial packaging system for minimally processed fruit [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61388 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales / Compendio

Coordination Chemistry of Monocarboxylate and Aminocarboxylate Complexes at the Water/Goethite Interface

Norén, Katarina January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is a summary of five papers with focus on adsorption processes of various monocarboxylates and aminocarboxylates at the water/goethite interface. Interaction of organic acids at the water/mineral interfaces are of importance in biogeochemical processes, since such processes have potential to alter mobility and bioavailability of the acids and metal ions. In order to determine the coordination chemistry of acetate, benzoate, cyclohexanecarboxylate, sarcosine, MIDA (methyliminediacetic acid), EDDA (ethylenediamine-N,N’-diacetic acid) and EDTA (ethylenediamine-N,N’-tetraacetic acid) upon adsorption to the goethite (alpha-FeOOH) surface, a combination of quantitative measurements with attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) was utilized. Over the pH range studied here (pH 3- 9) all ligands, except for sarcosine, have been found to form surface complexes with goethite. In general, theses were characterized as outer sphere surface complexes i.e. with no direct interaction with surface Fe(III) metal ions. Furthermore, two types of different outer-sphere complexes were identified, the solvent-surface hydration-separated ion pair, and hydration-shared ion pair. For the monocarboxylate surface complexes distinction between these two could be made. At high pH values the solvent-surface hydration-separated ion pair was the predominating complex, while at low pH the surface complex is stabilized through the formation of strong hydrogen bonds with the goethite surface. However, it was not possible to clearly separate between the two outer-sphere complexes for coordination of the aminocarboxylates with the surface of goethite. Additionally, EDDA also formed an inner-sphere surface complex at high pH values. The EDDA molecule was suggested to coordinate to the surface by forming a five membered ring with an iron at the goethite surface, through the amine and carboxylate groups. Contrary to the other ligands studied, EDTA significantly induced dissolution of goethite. Some of the dissolved iron, in the form of the highly stable FeEDTA- solution complex, was indicated to re-adsorb to the mineral surface as a ternary complex. Similar ternary surface complexes were also found in the Ga(III)EDTA/goethite system, and quantitative and spectroscopic studies on adsorption of Ga(III) in presence and absence of EDTA showed that EDTA considerably effects speciation of gallium at goethite surface. The collective results in this thesis show that the affinity of these ligands for the surface of goethite is primarily governed by their chemical composition and structure, and especially important are the types, numbers and relative position of functional groups within the molecular structure.

D-amino acid oxidase, D-serine and the dopamine system : their interactions and implications for schizophrenia

Betts, Jill Frances January 2012 (has links)
D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) is a flavin-dependent enzyme that is expressed in the mammalian brain. It is the metabolising enzyme of several D-amino acids, including D serine, which is an endogenous agonist at the glycine co-agonist site of the glutamatergic NMDA receptor. As such, regulation of D serine levels in the brain by DAO may indirectly modulate the activity of NMDA receptors. The expression and activity of DAO have been reported to be increased in schizophrenia. It has been identified as a putative susceptibility gene for the disorder, and as a potential therapeutic target. This thesis explored three aspects of the interface between DAO and the DA system. First, the expression of DA was investigated in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), the source of the dopaminergic mesocortical pathway. Traditionally, DAO was considered to be an enzyme confined to the hindbrain and to glia, but more recent studies have reported its expression in additional brain regions, and also in neurons. DAO mRNA and protein was found to be expressed in the VTA, and was present in both neurons and glia in this region, whereas in the cerebellum, DAO expression appeared solely glial. DA output from the VTA is regulated by NMDA receptors, and hence expression of DAO in the VTA suggests that it may serve a role in modulating cortical DA via regulation of D serine levels and NMDA receptor function. The second part of this thesis investigated the effects of DAO inhibition and D serine administration on DA levels in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) using in vivo microdialysis. Systemic DAO inhibition and D serine administration resulted in increases in extracellular levels of DA metabolites in the PFC, despite no detectable change in DA. Similarly, DA metabolites in the PFC increased after local application of D serine to the VTA, but no change was detected in DA. However, local DAO inhibition in the VTA resulted in increased levels of both DA and its metabolites, and DAO inhibition combined with D serine administration also produced increases in DA. This suggested that DAO and its regulation of D-serine levels may serve to indirectly modulate mesocortical DA function, and this may be mediated via the VTA. This notion was supported in the final section of this thesis, in which the expression of three DA genes was measured in the PFC of a novel line of DAO knockout mice. In this pilot study, there was evidence for an increase in Comt and Drd2 mRNAs in the knockout mice. As such, constitutive abolition of DAO activity may also alter mesocortical DA function. These studies provide new insights into the presence and role of DAO beyond the hindbrain, and point to a potentially important physiological function in modulating the activity of the mesocortical DA system via the VTA. This could be therapeutically relevant in the context of elevating cortical DA in the treatment of schizophrenia, and may provide supporting evidence for the clinical use of DAO inhibitors.

The potential role of ABC transporters as factors influencing drug susceptibility in the salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kroyer, 1837)

Heumann, Jan H. January 2014 (has links)
Efficient control of sea lice is a major challenge for the sustainable production of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar (Linnaeus, 1758)). These marine ectoparasites feed on mucus, skin and blood of their hosts, thereby reducing the salmon’s growth rate and overall health. In the northern hemisphere, the most prevalent species is Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837). In 2006, global costs of sea lice infections are estimated to have exceeded €300 million, with the majority spent on a limited number of chemical delousing agents. Emamectin benzoate (EMB; SLICE®), an avermectin, has been widely used since its introduction in 2000, due to its convenient administration as an in-feed medication and its high efficacy against all parasitic stages of L. salmonis. However, over-reliance on a single or limited range of medicines favours the emergence of drug resistance and, as a result, the efficacy of this compound in treating L. salmonis has decreased in recent years, as reported from e.g. Chile, Norway, Scotland and Canada. Declining efficacy underlines the need for an improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying EMB drug resistance in L. salmonis. Elucidation of these mechanisms would allow for improved monitoring tools, earlier detection of developing resistance, extended usability of current delousing agents and development of new parasiticides. The work described in this thesis sets out to examine the molecular mechanisms underlying EMB resistance in L. salmonis. In earlier studies, research in nematodes and arthropods has linked drug efflux transporters belonging to the family of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters to ivermectin (IVM) resistance, a parasiticide with high chemical similarity to EMB. ABC transporters such as permeability glycoprotein (P-gp), transport a wide range of substrates, including drugs, and have been suggested to provide a potential molecular mechanism through which EMB resistance might be mediated in sea lice. As an example of such mechanisms, increased expression of P-gp is one of the causative factors for drug resistance in human cancer cells and avermectin resistance in nematode parasites such as Caenorhabditis elegans or Haemonchus contortus. Initial research involved screening for novel salmon lice P-gps that might contribute to EMB resistance. A novel P-gp, SL-PGY1, was discovered using a combined bioinformatic and molecular biological approach. The expression was compared in two well-characterised L. salmonis strains differing in their susceptibility to EMB (S = susceptible, R = resistant). Prior to EMB exposure, mRNA levels did not differ from each other, while, after 24 h exposure, a 2.9-fold increase in SL-PGY1 mRNA expression was observed in the R strain. SL-PGY1 appears not to be a major factor contributing to reduced EMB susceptibility, although it could play a role, as expression levels increased upon exposure to EMB. A further four additional drug transporters (ABC C subfamily) were also discovered showing high homology to multidrug-resistance proteins (MRP). The relative expression levels of each MRP was compared in the strains S and R, before and after exposure to EMB. No significant changes were found in their expression patterns. If ABC drug transporters mediate the efflux of EMB and thereby reduce the intracellular concentrations of the drug in exposed animals, the inhibition of those ABC drug transporters was expected to lead to higher intracellular levels of EMB. This could result in an enhanced toxic effect when EMB is co-administered with an inhibitor. Two known inhibitors of human P-gps and MRPs, cyclosporin A (CSA) and verapamil (VER), were co-administered with EMB. CSA increased the toxic effect of EMB in both tested strains, implying that the targets of CSA are expressed at comparable levels and that they may be part of the mechanism conferring EMB resistance. VER increased the toxic effect of EMB in the R strain, but had no significant effects on the S strain. This implies that the expression of factors inhibited by VER differs between the two L. salmonis strains. It is hypothesised that a number of ABC transporters with distinct, yet overlapping patterns of inhibitor specificity are affected by those inhibitors. The search for drug-resistance conferring genes was complemented with a systematic, genome-wide survey of ABC transporters in L. salmonis to find additional members of this important gene family. Next-generation high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was employed to assemble a reference transcriptome from pooled total RNA of salmon lice at different development stages. The transcriptome was assembled against the L. salmonis genome and annotated. Thirty-nine putative ABC transporters were found. Of further interest were transcripts of the subfamily B, C and G, as they contain drug-transporting ABC proteins. For the ABC B subfamily, one full (SL-PGY1) and three half transporter transcripts were found. Only full transporters are known to transport drugs and SL-PGY1 is apparently not a major factor contributing to EMB resistance. Fourteen ABCC sequences were found – 11 MRPs and 3 homologues to sulfonylurea receptors. Of interest are MRPs, as they contribute to drug detoxification in humans and invertebrates. Four MRPs had been identified previously and their expression ratios did not differ between S and R strain parasites. Seven sequences belonging to ABCG subfamily were found. However, none of the L. salmonis ABCG transcripts identified showed sufficient homology to known drug transporters in other species. With the currently limited understanding of the mechanisms conferring EMB resistance, monitoring the susceptibility of L. salmonis subpopulations is essential. Dose-response bioassays are currently widely used. Tests with pre-adult II or adult parasites requires relatively large numbers of parasites (~150) to conduct this type of bioassay, which may not always be available. Addressing this issue, we tested the feasibility of a single-dose bioassay (requiring fewer test animals than dose-response bioassays) to discriminate between L. salmonis strains with differing EMB susceptibility. This alternative approach uses time-course toxicity analysis, where the toxic effect of EMB is monitored over time. After clearly defining the effect criteria, we found that it is possible to discriminate between those L. salmonis strains. However, while requiring fewer test animals, time course toxicity analysis is more labour-intensive, but the alternative design can be suitable under certain circumstances. The work reported here has provided new knowledge concerning the mechanisms of EMB resistance in sea lice. Several novel putative drug transporters have been identified, an important first step toward unravelling the complex interactions of genes involved in EMB resistance in this commercially important parasite.


Mercy A Okezue (12436116) 20 April 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>A multidisciplinary study that evaluated Quality Control (QC) laboratory (lab) accreditation, and a salt screen for bedaquiline. Medicines testing facilities always seek to ensure the accuracy of data from their QC labs by attaining accreditation. This research proposed that an understanding of the cross-linkages in the requirements for implementing the 2 most widely used lab standards will facilitate testing efficiencies, and reduce the risks of accreditation failures. For the salt project, the study proposed that new salts of bedaquiline will be formed from acid-base reactions following the pKa rule. Characterizing the salts will provide specifications for the new molecular entities, and form a selection-criteria for a lead candidate.</p> <p>The research reviewed 2 lab standards: the ISO/IEC17025:2017 and the WHO Good Practices for Pharmaceutical QC labs, and identified the areas of overlap in their requirements. It then developed and tested affordable models that mitigate the 3 identified areas of high risks to lab accreditation. Additionally, it mixed<em> equimolar amounts of bedaquiline base with select counterions that have ≥ 2 pKa units in organic solvents, to yield salts</em>. ICHQ6 guidance was used to characterize the new salts.</p> <p>The highest risks to laboratory accreditation were linked to 3 quality system metrics, namely: ‘Proficiency Testing’, ‘Validation’, and ‘Measurement Traceability’. Using the identified areas of overlap in the 2 laboratory standards, this research provided tutorial videos, a competency matrix, and some instrument validation data, to optimize the requirements for lab accreditation. For the salt screen, five new candidates were synthesized as alternatives to the existing fumarate salt of bedaquiline. The results of their physicochemical properties were used for selecting a lead moiety.</p> <p>The research provided evidence that the multipronged models developed will improve efficiencies in QC labs, and increase their chances of attaining international accreditations. It also discovered the best modes for synthesizing the new salts of bedaquiline, and provided critical data to help Pharma make an informed choice for a lead candidate.</p>


Cordeiro, Adriana Rute 30 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-24T19:38:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adriana Rute Cordeiro.pdf: 1697344 bytes, checksum: c49bee8f561162a88549115390df463d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to develop methods for obtaining extracts for the isolation and chemical analysis of propolis using two samples from the region known as “Campos Gerais do Paraná”. One of the studied propolis samples was produced in the district of Ipiranga and another in the municipality of Ponta Grossa. The utilized general fractionation method allowed obtaining from the same sample the essential oils and then the aqueous extracts and various organic fractions containing chemical components of several polarities. The analyses of the essential oils showed that both samples of propolis contain several components found in Baccharis dracunculifolia, known as vassoura or alecrim do campo, indicating that these are similar to those of green propolis produced in southeastern Brazil. The analyses also demonstrated the presence of phenol compounds such as flavonoids and caffeoylquinic acids, pointing once again that the botanical origin of both propolis includes the alecrim do campo. The analyses of essential oils originating from Ipiranga propolis sample indicated spathulenol and (E)-nerolidol as the main components, while the one acquired in Ponta Grossa showed high proportions of two substances containing aromatic rings in their structures, 2,6-di-t-butyl-p-cresol and benzyl benzoate. The two sesquiterpene alcohols spathulenol and (E)-nerolidol are commonly found in essential oils from B. dracunculifolia and appear in propolis from Ponta Grossa in low percentages, while the two mentioned aromatic compounds are not commonly found in the genus Baccharis. The various analyses of extracts and isolates showed that two aromatic acids may be considered as marker substances for both samples of propolis. The para-hydroxycinnamic acid seemed to be characteristic of propolis from Ipiranga, while the benzoic acid could be considered typical of the sample from Ponta Grossa. Atomic absorption spectrometry analyses that were conducted with both studied propolis did not indicate neither high levels of essential minerals nor the presence of heavy metals, and this fact represents a guarantee that producers have been working in clean environments. / Este estudo buscou desenvolver métodos para a obtenção de extratos destinados ao isolamento e análises químicas de própolis utilizando duas amostras provenientes da Região dos Campos Gerais do Paraná. Uma das amostras de própolis estudadas foi produzida no município de Ipiranga e a outra no município de Ponta Grossa. O método geral de fracionamento utilizado permitiu obter, de uma mesma amostra, os óleos essenciais e em seguida o extrato aquoso e diversos extratos orgânicos contendo substâncias de várias polaridades. As análises dos óleos essenciais demonstraram que ambas as amostras de própolis contém vários componentes também presentes na espécie vegetal Baccharis dracunculifolia, conhecida como vassoura ou alecrim do campo, indicando tratar-se da chamada própolis verde, similares às produzidas na região sudeste do Brasil. As análises também demonstraram a presença de substâncias fenólicas, tanto flavonoides como ácidos cafeoilquínicos, reforçando que a origem botânica das própolis analisadas inclui o alecrim dos campos. As análises de óleos essenciais da amostra de Ipiranga indicaram como componentes principais o espatulenol e o (E)-nerolidol, enquanto que as de Ponta Grossa apresentaram altas proporções de duas substâncias contendo anéis aromáticos em suas estruturas, o 2,6-di-t-butil-p-cresol e o benzilbenzoato. Os dois álcoois sesquiterpênicos espatulenol e (E)-nerolidol são encontrados comumente em óleos essenciais de B. dracunculifolia e aparecem na própolis de Ponta Grossa em baixas porcentagens, enquanto que os dois mencionados compostos aromáticos não são tão comuns em espécies do gênero Baccharis. As diversas análises de extratos e isolamentos demonstraram que dois ácidos aromáticos podem ser considerados como substâncias marcadoras das duas amostras de própolis analisadas. O ácido para-hidroxicinâmico mostrou-se característico da própolis de Ipiranga, enquanto que o ácido benzóico pode ser considerado típico da amostra de Ponta Grossa. As análises por espectrometria de absorção atômica que foram conduzidas com ambas as própolis estudadas não indicaram níveis elevados de metais e nem a presença de metais pesados inconvenientes, sendo mais uma garantia de que os produtores estão trabalhando em ambientes limpos quanto a este aspecto.

Vliv vybraných činidel na krystalizační schopnost polylaktidu / Influence of selected agents on crystallization power of polylactide

Kurakin, Yuriy January 2020 (has links)
The influence of seven additives on the crystallization ability of polylactide (PLA), melt flow index (MVR) and mechanical tensile properties was studied. Pressed plates with a thickness of 0.8 mm were tested. Selected additives added in amounts of 0.5 and 1.0% were as follows: talc, sodium benzoate, mixtures of organic salts with amorphous SiO2 and zinc stearate, metal salt, phosphate salt, and potassium salt of 5-dimethylsulfoisophthalate (LAK-301 - nucleating agent developed for PLA). Non-isothermal crystallization measurements were performed at different cooling rates (0.3; 0.5; 0.7; 1.0 and 1.5 ° C). All nucleation agents increased the MVR of PLA except talc; the largest increase (9-fold and 24-fold) was the addition of metal salt. The additives did not fundamentally change the mechanical properties. All samples were rather brittle (the most brittle with LAK-301), the modulus of elasticity was around 1.2 GPa for all samples, the strength of PLA was increased the most by the addition of 1% talc (by 12%) and the elongation at break was increased by organic salt with SiO2. All samples with nucleating agents content of 1% were amorphous (crystalline content did not exceed 2%). Thus, the addition of reagents did not support the crystallization process during rapid cooling, even in the case of LAK-301. However, LAK-301 was acting as an excellent nucleating agent at slow cooling rates (1.5 °C / min and below). The nucleation activity of the additives decreased in the following order: LAK-301, organic salt with zinc stearate, talc, organic salt modified with amorphous SiO2 and phosphate salt. Samples with sodium benzoate and metal salt were crystallizing on cooling in several steps and it was not possible to use the method of Dobrev and Gutzow to evaluate the nucleation activity.

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