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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Budgetlös styrning : Har Wallanders budgetlösa styrning stått sig oförändrad i närmare 40 år ochhar den varit ett vinnande koncept till framgång? / Beyond budgeting : Has Wallander’s beyond budgeting control not changed incloser to 40 years and has it been a winning concept for success?

Jotorp, Sanne, Strandh, Emelie, Wilhelmsson, Katrin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Datum: 2010-06-03</p><p>Nivå: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp</p><p>Författare: Sanne Jotorp, Emelie Strandh och Katrin Wilhelmsson</p><p>Handledare: Esbjörn Segelod</p><p>Titel: Budgetlös styrning - Har Wallanders budgetlösa styrning stått sig oförändrad inärmare 40 år och har den varit ett vinnande koncept till framgång?</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida Handelsbankens budgetlösa styrning utvecklats sedan införandet för nästan 40 år sedan samt att studera om bankens framgång grundar sig på den budgetlösa styrningen.</p><p>Metod: Undersökningen har formen av en fallstudie med en kvalitativ undersökningsmetodik har använts. Den teoretiska referensramen bygger på en litteraturstudie och empirin grundar sig på semistrukturerade intervjuer med två utvalda respondenter.</p><p>Slutsats: Handelsbanken har sedan Wallanders tid varit den mest lönsamma banken i Sverige och varje år haft en högre räntabilitet än genomsnittet för konkurrenterna. Denna framgång har sin grund i en kombination av en decentraliserad organisationsstruktur och den flexibilitet, frihet och anpassningsförmåga som den budgetlösa styrningen innebär. Decentraliseringen har inneburit att beslutsfattandet flyttats nedåt iorganisationen, vilket medför snabbare beslut och bättre kundkännedom. Decentraliseringen medför även en känsla av frihet och ett engagemang hos de anställda och det leder till kostnadsmedvetenhet. Styrningen skapar en miljö av frihet där innovativa strategier kan växa fram. Den budgetlösa styrningens flexibilitet har resulterat i att banken kunnat anpassa sig snabbare än konkurrenterna och därför kunnat återhämta sig fortare under år av kris och förändring. Decentralisering och budgetlös styrning är beroende av varandra för att vara så effektivt som möjligt. Decentralisering är en förutsättning för den budgetlösa styrningen och utan den radikala decentralisering som Wallander genomförde hade troligtvis den budgetlösa styrningen aldrig blivit lyckad. Likväl hade en decentralisering inte fått samma effekt om den traditionella budgetstyrningen vidhållits.</p> / <p>Date: 2010-06-03</p><p>Level: Master thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits</p><p>Authors: Sanne Jotorp, Emelie Strandh and Katrin Wilhelmsson</p><p>Tutor: Esbjörn Segelod</p><p>Title: Beyond budgeting – Has Wallander’s beyond budgeting control not changed incloser to 40 years and has it been a winning concept for success?</p><p>Background: In the beginning of the 1970’s Handelsbankens new CEO Jan Wallander removed the budgeting control of Handelsbanken. He decentralized the organization and implemented the beyond budgeting control.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to examine whether Handelsbankens beyond budgeting control has developed since the phase out of budgetary control and study if the banks success is based on the beyond budgeting control.</p><p>Method: The essay has the form of a case study and a qualitative study method has been used. The theoretical reference frame is established on a scholarly literature study and the empirical material is based on semi structured interviews with two respondents.</p><p>Conclusion: Handelsbanken has since the time of Wallander been the most profitable bank in Sweden and has presented a higher return on equity than the average of its rivals each year. The success is a combination of a decentralized organization and the flexibility, freedom and adaptability that a beyond budgeting control means. The decentralization has meant that the decision making has moved downwards in the organization, which has lead to faster decisions and a better knowledge of the customer. The decentralization also brings out a feeling offreedom and a commitment in the employees and that leads to cost-awareness. The beyond budgeting control creates an environment of freedom where innovative strategies can develop. The flexibility in the beyond budgeting control has resulted in that the bank can adapt faster than the other banks and thereby come back faster from crisis and change. Decentralization and beyond budgeting control is dependent of each other to be as effective as possible. This comes of the fact that decentralization is a presumption for the beyond budgeting control to work and without de radical decentralization that Wallander implemented the beyond budgeting control never had been successful. However had the decentralization never given the same effect if the traditional budgeting control had been kept.</p>

Why the annual budget is not dead : Contingencies affecting the relevance of the budget critique

Berg, Anton, Karlsson, Fredric January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how companies within different industries that use budgets perceive the critique that has been raised against it. As such, this study explores whether the companies find the critique valid and if so, whether and how they have managed to cope with the problems that the budget has been argued to entail. Additionally, this study explores the potential impact that the external and internal context of the budget may have on these perceptions. Utilizing on a qualitative case study research design, our findings indicate that the relevance of the critique is contextually contingent with regards to both the external and the internal environment of a company. Consequently, the likelihood for the alleged problems of the budget to appear is greater when the alignment between a company’s external and internal environment and the employed budget purpose is poor, and/or when the budget’s cohesiveness with other management control systems within a certain management control system-package is deficient. Thus, in contrast to the critics, we argue that budgets should not be seen as a static and stand-alone practice as it evidently constitute a multifaceted and contingent practice.

Search for Pair-Produced Supersymmetric Top Quark Partners with the ATLAS Experiment

Abulaiti, Yiming January 2016 (has links)
Searches for the supersymmetric partner of the top quark (stop) are motivated by natural supersymmetry, where the stop has to be light to cancel the large radiative corrections to the Higgs boson mass. This thesis presents three different searches for the stop at √s = 8 TeV and √s = 13 TeV using data from the ATLAS experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. The thesis also includes a study of the primary vertex reconstruction performance in data and simulation at √s = 7 TeV using tt and Z events. All stop searches presented are carried out in final states with a single lepton, four or more jets and large missing transverse energy. A search for direct stop pair production is conducted with 20.3 fb−1 of data at a center-of-mass energy of √s = 8 TeV. Several stop decay scenarios are considered, including those to a top quark and the lightest neutralino and to a bottom quark and the lightest chargino. The sensitivity of the analysis is also studied in the context of various phenomenological MSSM models in which more complex decay scenarios can be present. Two different analyses are carried out at √s = 13 TeV. The first one is a search for both gluino-mediated and direct stop pair production with 3.2 fb−1 of data while the second one is a search for direct stop pair production with 13.2 fb−1 of data in the decay scenario to a bottom quark and the lightest chargino. The results of the analyses show no significant excess over the Standard Model predictions in the observed data. Consequently, exclusion limits are set at 95% CL on the masses of the stop and the lightest neutralino.

Complementarity of searches for dark matter

Kahlhoefer, Felix Karl David January 2014 (has links)
The striking evidence for the existence of dark matter in the Universe implies that there is new physics to be discovered beyond the Standard Model. To identify the nature of this dark matter is a key task for modern astroparticle physics, and a large number of experiments pursuing a range of different search strategies have been developed to solve it. The topic of this thesis is the complementarity of these different experiments and the issue of how to combine the information from different searches independently of experimental and theoretical uncertainties. The first part focuses on the direct detection of dark matter scattering in nuclear recoil detectors, with a special emphasis on the impact of the assumed velocity distribution of Galactic dark matter particles. By converting experimental data to variables that make the astrophysical unknowns explicit, different experiments can be compared without implicit assumptions concerning the dark matter halo. We extend this framework to include annual modulation signals and apply it to recent experimental hints for dark matter, showing that the tension between these results and constraints from other experiments is independent of astrophysical uncertainties. We explore possible ways of ameliorating this tension by changing our assumptions on the properties of dark matter interactions. In this context, we propose a new approach for inferring the properties of the dark matter particle, which does not require any assumptions about the structure of the dark matter halo. A particularly interesting option is to study dark matter particles that couple differently to protons and neutrons (so-called isospin-violating dark matter). Such isospin-violation arises naturally in models where the vector mediator is the gauge boson of a new U(1) that mixes with the Standard Model gauge bosons. In the second part, we first discuss the case where both the Z' and the dark matter particle have a mass of a few GeV and then turn to the case where the Z' is significantly heavier. While the former case is most strongly constrained by precision measurements from LEP and B-factories, the latter scenario can be probed with great sensitivity at the LHC using monojet and monophoton searches, as well as searches for resonances in dijet, dilepton and diboson final states. Finally, we study models of dark matter where loop contributions are important for a comparison of LHC searches and direct detection experiments. This is the case for dark matter interactions with Yukawa-like couplings to quarks and for interactions that lead to spin-dependent or momentum suppressed scattering cross sections at tree level. We find that including the contribution from heavy-quark loops can significantly alter the conclusions obtained from a tree-level analysis.

Isolated Ficus trees and conservation in human-modified landscapes

Cottee-Jones, Henry Eden W. January 2014 (has links)
The destruction of tropical forests is the most concerning current threat to biodiversity. Although protected areas have long been used as the primary tool for biodiversity conservation, there is an increasing need to find suitable conservation strategies for the growing area of human-modified land. This thesis addresses three themes that have been identified as the most pressing areas for research in human-modified landscapes: biodiversity conservation beyond protected areas, forest restoration, and the human–environment relationship. By studying the interactions between birds, plants, and people with isolated Ficus (Moraceae) trees in Assam, India, this thesis reports several important findings: 1) isolated Ficus trees are extraordinarily important to frugivorous bird communities that inhabit human-modified landscapes; 2) the frugivores visiting these isolated trees still sustained the majority of ecological function found in trees close to the forest edge; 3) isolated Ficus trees are also exceptionally important feeding sites for insectivorous birds in human-modified landscapes, compared to other trees; 4) Ficus trees are better restoration nuclei than other isolated trees; 5) although the sacred status of Ficus trees in Assam has a major influence on their abundance and distribution, faith-based values are insufficient in ensuring their conservation. In conclusion, this thesis finds that isolated Ficus trees are critically important micro-sites for conservation in human-modified landscapes, the loss of which may lead to avifaunal collapse and a reduction in restoration potential. However, by stressing their ecological and cultural properties, it may be possible to build a strong case for the conservation of isolated Ficus trees in Assam and elsewhere.

Black-Litterman Model: Practical Asset Allocation Model Beyond Traditional Mean-Variance

Abdumuminov, Shuhrat, Esteky, David Emanuel January 2016 (has links)
This paper consolidates and compares the applicability and practicality of Black-Litterman model versus traditional Markowitz Mean-Variance model. Although well-known model such as Mean-Variance is academically sound and popular, it is rarely used among asset managers due to its deficiencies. To put the discussion into context we shed light on the improvement made by Fisher Black and Robert Litterman by putting the performance and practicality of both Black- Litterman and Markowitz Mean-Variance models into test. We will illustrate detailed mathematical derivations of how the models are constructed and bring clarity and profound understanding of the intuition behind the models. We generate two different portfolios, composing data from 10-Swedish equities over the course of 10-year period and respectively select 30-days Swedish Treasury Bill as a risk-free rate. The resulting portfolios orientate our discussion towards the better comparison of the performance and applicability of these two models and we will theoretically and geometrically illustrate the differences. Finally, based on extracted results of the performance of both models we demonstrate the superiority and practicality of Black-Litterman model, which in our particular case outperform traditional Mean- Variance model.

Phenomenology of new physics beyond the Standard Model : signals of supersymmetry with displaced vertices and an extended Higgs sector at colliders

Cottin Buracchio, Giovanna Francesca January 2017 (has links)
Our current understanding of matter and its interactions is summarised in the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. Many experiments have tested the predictions of the SM with great success, but others have brought our ignorance into focus by showing us there are new phenomena that we can not describe within the framework of the SM. These include the experimental observations of neutrino masses and dark matter, which confirms there must be new physics. What this new physics may look like at colliders motivates the original work in this thesis, which comprises three studies: the prospects of future electron-positron colliders in testing a model with an extended Higgs sector with a scalar triplet, doublet and singlet; the discovery potential at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of a non-minimal Supersymmetric model via conventional sparticle searches and via searches for displaced vertices; and the experimental search for long-lived massive particles via a displaced vertex signature using data of proton-proton collisions collected at a collider center of mass energy of 8 TeV in 2012 by the ATLAS detector operating at the LHC.

Softwarová architektura / Software Architecture

Horčic, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Thesis is dealing with software architecture documentation. At the beginning it defines software architecture and its attributes, and then it defines software architecture documentation. Then it describes three methods of documentation. Views and Beyond method is described more thoroughly as in the last part there is a description of implementation of the method to the tool based on CMS Drupal.

Sinais de produção de novos bósons vetoriais no LHC / Signals of production of new vector bosons at the LHC

Gonçalves Netto, Dorival 25 September 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho realizamos uma abordagem fenomenológica da observação de novos bósons de spin-1 associados ao setor de Quebra de Simetria Eletrofraca. Como motivação a essa análise estudamos primeiramente o caso especial de modelos baseados no mecanismo de Quebra espontânea de Simetria por Condições de Contorno, os quais também apresentam uma torre de bósons vetoriais de Kaluza-Klein assegurando a unitariedade no espalhamento entre bósons gauge. Na análise fenomenológica efetuamos uma abordagem independente de modelo analisando o potencial do Large Hadron Collider (LHC) na detecção de novos bósons vetoriais associados ao setor de quebra de simetria. / In this work we performed a phenomenological observation of new spin-1 bosons associated with the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking sector. As motivation for this analysis we previously studied the special case of models based on the mechanism of Eletroweak Symmetry Breaking via Boundary Conditions, which also have a tower vector of Kaluza-Klein bosons ensuring unitarity in scattering between gauge bosons. In the phenomenological analysis we performed a model independent approach to analyzing the potential of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the detection of new vector bosons associated with the symmetry breaking sector.

Beyond-Use Date Determination for Buprenorphine Buccal Veterinary Solution Using Validated High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method

Kirk, Loren, Brown, Stacy D. 14 October 2013 (has links)
Abstract available in the Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy.

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