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Real-time Benchmarking with a Business Intelligence System : A Case Study of Aravind Eye Care SystemBoman, John January 2015 (has links)
39 million people in the world are blind and approximately 15 million of them live in India. Aravind Eye Care System is the biggest provider of eye care in India and the world and it continues to expand and spread medical understanding and best practice to improve ophthalmological care. Aravind Hospitals measure data of performance indicators for management and identify best practice. Currently, each department handles data of these parameters in locally stored excel sheets which limiting benchmarking in real-time. The main objective of this project has been to develop a user-friendly web platform that enables real time benchmarking across all of Aravind’s hospitals. A prototype of a web based business intelligence system has been developed as a proof of concept. The aim of this prototype has been to enable benchmarking across Aravind’s hospitals. The impact has been studied to analyse the extents to which the organization can become more efficient through continuous benchmarking. Initially, a database was developed containing data from the glaucoma clinics in Coimbatore, Madurai, Pondicherry and Tirunelveli. Subsequent was a web platform developed which presents the data dynamically with Google Charts. Interviews and analyses support the implementation of a business intelligence system at Aravind’s Hospitals. Testing and analysis have proven that a business intelligence system can improve value, create innovation and spread best practice at Aravind’s Hospitals. / 39 miljoner personer i världen är blinda och uppskattningsvis 15 miljoner av dem bor i Indien. Aravind Eye Care System är de största leverantörerna av ögonsjukvård i Indien och i världen. De fortsätter att växa och sprida medicinsk kunskap och best practice för att förbättra ögonsjukvården. Aravinds sjukhus mäter data på nyckelparametrar av verksamheten för management och för att identifiera best practice. För närvarande så hanterar varje avdelning data av dessa parametrar i lokalt lagrade Excel dokument vilket begränsar benchmarking i realtid. Det huvudsakliga syftet med detta projekt har varit att utveckla en användarvänlig web plattform som möjliggör benchmarking mellan Aravinds sjukhus i realtid. En prototyp av ett web baserat business intelligence system har utvecklats i form av ett proof of concept. Syftet med denna prototyp har varit att möjliggöra benchmarking mellan Aravinds sjukhus. Dess påverkan har utvärderats och analyserats för att studera till vilken utsträckning organisationen kan bli mer effektiv genom kontinuerlig benchmarking. Till en början har en databas utvecklats för att hantera data från glaukom klinikerna i Coimbatore, Madurai, Pondicherry and Tirunelveli. Där efter har en web plattform utvecklats som presenterar dynamisk data med Google Charts. Intervjuer och analyser stödjer implementationen av ett business intelligence system på Aravinds sjukhus. Denna rapport har bevisat att det är genomförbart att utveckla en skalbar open-source webbplattform som möjliggör benchmarking i realtid. Tester och analyser har även visat att ett business intelligence kan vara värdeskapande, innovation skapande samt sprida kunskap på Aravinds sjukhus.
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Analytics inom spel : Hur data/analytics kan hjälpa spelare att utvecklas / Analytics in gaming : How data/analytics can help gamers to improveNayef, Badi January 2022 (has links)
En kombination av individuellt genererad data samt ett prediktivt analytiskt system som samlar spelares historiska data undersöks för att få mer kunskap om hur mätningar och mått kan hjälpa spelare att fatta mer datadrivna beslut. Detta i hopp om att göra dem till skickligare spelare i det befintliga spelet som systemet används inom. Grunder i game analytics lyfts fram, där fokuset främst ligger på game metrics och telemetry för att tydliggöra hur data inom spelbranschen analyseras samt fångas upp. En kvalitativ metod kommer att tillämpas där individer kommer att intervjuas om ett tilltänkt system. Här betonas kunskapen om hur spelarna skulle uppleva ett sådant system, samt vad de anser är viktigt om ett sådant system skulle implementeras i deras dagliga spelande och vilket behov det finns i nuläget.
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Modelling and Manufacturing of a Composite Bi-Stable Boom for Small SatellitesHerlem, Florian January 2014 (has links)
Thin cylindrical shell structures may provide an interesting breakthrough for deployable structures for small satellites. Its bi-stable behaviour allows two different stable configurations: coiled and deployed. Several projects worldwide are using tape springs for satellites and for the SEAM project, at KTH, 1 meter long tape springs will be used for booms. This thesis investigates the energy stored inside the tape spring according to its layup configuration and the different fiber orientations. With a thickness around 0.3 mm and a length of one meter, the booms will deploy sensors with a quite low deployment speed in order to minimize the shock load during the deployment phase. A Matlab code is written to compare the stored strain energy. Another aim is to find an adequate layup all along the tape spring, it means change the fiber orientation to decrease the energy released, but also generating main manufacturing issue.
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Cloud BI : Utmaningar vid implementation av Cloud BI / Cloud BI : Challenges when implementing Cloud BISprangers, William January 2021 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) möjliggör för bättre och effektivare beslutsfattande genom att förse beslutsfattare med rätt data vid rätt tid. Ny teknik kommer ständigt inom BI området och att tillämpa Cloud Computing (CC) tillsammans med BI ger många fördelar och ett flertal nya utvecklingsområden. Kombinationen av BI och CC skapar Cloud BI och denna teknologi har fortfarande en relativt låg mognadsnivå men den är under konstant utveckling och i denna rapport diskuteras vilka tekniska och organisatoriska utmaningar som kan tillkomma vid införandet av Cloud BI i en organisation. Det har genomförts intervjuer för att samla in kvalitativ data som kan beskriva detta fenomen och ge en djupare insikt i hur dessa utmaningar påverkar organisationer som vill implementera Cloud BI. Genom att utföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med rum för diskussion så har frågeställningen besvarats. Totalt deltog fem respondenter som arbetar med BI och har kunskap om Cloud BI. Resultatet visar att de tekniska utmaningarna som organisationer stöter på när dom implementerar Cloud BI är (1) tillgång, (2) säkerhet och (3) arkitektur och transport av data. Organisatoriska utmaningar som kan uppkomma är (4) resistans, (5) lagar och regler samt (6) arbetssätt och metod.
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Affärssystem som stöd för lönsamt hållbarhetsarbete inom tillverkningsindustrin : En kvalitativ studie om hur affärssystem kan användas för att stödja organisationer att arbeta med hållbar utvecklingOlsson, Ida, Ekberg, Ellen January 2021 (has links)
Det ställs ett samhällsansvar på organisationer att arbeta med hållbarhetsfrågor, då tillverkningsindustrin står globalt sett för 36 procent av koldioxidutsläppen. Organisationer behöver anpassa sina processer gällande produktion, distribution samt leveranser av varor och tjänster. Idag finns det begränsad kunskap om hur organisationer tillämpar och använder affärssystem för att stödja sin hållbarhetsstrategi. Studiens syfte har varit att bidra med rekommendationer för hur affärssystem stödjer organisationer inom tillverkningsindustrin att arbeta med hållbar utveckling. Det har utförts en kvalitativ studie och en tematisk analys med fokus på ekologisk hållbarhet. Studien undersökte hur användning av affärs- och BI-system kan stödja organisationer att arbeta med hållbar utveckling. Studien presenterar rekommendationer som stödjer arbetet med hållbar utveckling vid användning av affärs- och BI-system. Resultatet visar att affärs- och BI-system kan generera kvalitetssäkrad data i jämförelse med stödsystem som kräver manuell hantering.
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Design of a system for visualizing trends and behaviors based on customer data / Design av ett system för visualisering av trender och beteenden baserat på kunddata.Andersson, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
Big amounts of data are produced every day in companies. By analyzing and visualizing the data a lot of insights can be gained. The company Solution Xperts wanted to create a system that could import and visualize Big Data. In this work a system was created and evaluated. The report shows that it can be difficult to visualize Big Data, but when a system is created it can easily be adapted to data coming from different companies and provide a lot of value to companies and organizations.
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PMS: Bi-Phasic Differences in Personality and Marital Relations Among a Clinical SampleRogers, Donna R. 01 May 1987 (has links)
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a controversial and widely misunderstood syndrome which encompasses mood, behavior, and physical symptoms that occur cyclically and are associated with the menstrual cycle. Many women report suffering from recurring PMS symptoms severe enough to create a temporary physical or mental incapacitation which may affect the marital relationship. A study was initiated to document bi-phasic personality and marital changes related to PMS.
This sample consisted of 119 adult females and their husbands, ranging in age between 18 and 60, who sought diagnosis and treatment at the Utah PMS Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. Within this clinical sample, comparisons were made between those who appeared to have the most positive indicators of PMS, as identified by the Dalton Diagnostic Pointer, the monthly symptom calendar, and the dOCtor's diagnostic impression, and those who did not, according to the same criteria. The marital relationship was assessed by both husband and wife during the follicular (approximately day 6 to day 14) and luteal (approximately day 14 to first day of menses) phases of the menstrual cycle using the Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Scale. Personality changes were measured by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPO, which was administered to the wife only during both phases.
Repeated measures analysis of variance was used to determine if I) for the entire sample, there are differences in women's mental health, and marital adjustment (as reported by both husband and wife) between the two cyclic phases, and 2) whether or not mental health and marital adjustment changes are similar between those women with positive indicators of PMS, versus those without. Final results of this study show that, overall, the entire sample is reporting significantly less healthy personality adjustment for the wife, as well as lower marital adjustment for both husband and wife during the symptomatic phase. There are some indications that, although these changes are present in both groups (those with PMS and those without), the changes are less dramatic for those women and couples with less likelihood of PMS.
These findings have important implications for counselors and marriage therapists in that PMS has been shown to be related to psychological dysfunction and marital stress. Diagnosticians who test women during the symptomatic phase and obtain test results which are not representative of the client"s overall health and well-being would also benefit from the results of this study.
These findings have important implications for counselors and marriage therapists in that PMS has been shown to be related to psychological dysfunction and marital stress. Diagnosticians who test women during the symptomatic phase and obtain test results which are not representative of the client"s overall health and well-being would also benefit from the results of this study.
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Modélisation de l’endommagement des guidages d’un pendule centrifuge / Modeling the wear of a centrifugal pendulumCullaz, Etienne 25 January 2017 (has links)
Le développement de nouvelles motorisations plus économes en carburant, entraine une augmentation du niveau de vibration. Afin de répondre à cela, Valeo développe un nouveau système : le pendule centrifuge. C’est dans cette phase de développement que s’inscrit ce travail de thèse. L’objectif est de réaliser un outil de pré-dimensionnement permettant de modéliser l’endommagement des guidages d’un pendule centrifuge. Une première étude expérimentale présente la faisabilité du suivi du système mécanique par l’utilisation de l’imagerie dynamique. Des essais de caractérisation matériaux des différents constituants du système viennent ensuite compléter l’étude. Ce travail expérimental réalisé à l’aide d’un tribomètre bi-disque permet d’obtenir les lois de frottements en fonction du taux de glissement ainsi que leur sensibilité à l’état de surface, au traitement thermique et au chargement. Un modèle théorique de détermination des valeurs du glissement est ensuite proposé, permettant de prendre en compte les différentes géométries de pendules. Enfin, les perspectives d’industrialisation sont envisagées en proposant une étude paramétrique sur le système réel en vue de son dimensionnement ainsi qu’une étude d’endurance pour modéliser l’usure du système. / The development of more fuel efficient engines results in an increase in the vibration levels. To solve this, Valeo is developing a new system: the centrifugal pendulum. This PhD research thesis registered as a contribution to the system development phase. The objective is to realize a predimensioning tool in order to model the wear of a centrifugal pendulum. A first experimental study shows the feasibility of monitoring the mechanical system through the use of dynamic imaging. Materials characterization tests of the various system components complete the study. The experimental work carried out using a twin-disc tribometer provides the friction laws versus sliding rate and their sensitivity to surface condition, processing and loading. A theoretical model for determining sliding values is then proposed to take into account the different pendulum geometries. Finally, the perpectives of industrialization are considered with a parametric study on the real system for a sizing purpose and an endurance study to model the wear of the system.
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AFM Bi-material Cantilever Based Near-field Radiation Heat Transfer MeasurementJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: Near-field thermal radiation occurs when the distance between two surfaces at different temperatures is less than the characteristic wavelength of thermal radiation. While theoretical studies predict that the near-field radiative heat transfer could exceed Planck’s blackbody limit in the far-field by orders of magnitudes depending on the materials and gap distance, experimental measurement of super-Planckian near-field radiative heat flux is extremely challenging in particular at sub-100-nm vacuum gaps and few has been demonstrated. The objective of this thesis is to develop a novel thermal metrology based on AFM bi-material cantilever and experimentally measure near-field thermal radiation.
The experiment setup is completed and validated by measuring the near-field radiative heat transfer between a silica microsphere and a silica substrate and comparing with theoretical calculations. The bi-material AFM cantilever made of SiNi and Au bends with temperature changes, whose deflection is monitored by the position-sensitive diode. After careful calibration, the bi-material cantilever works as a thermal sensor, from which the near-field radiative conductance and tip temperature can be deduced when the silica substrate approaches the silica sphere attached to the cantilever by a piezo stage with a resolution of 1 nm from a few micrometers away till physical contact. The developed novel near-field thermal metrology will be used to measure the near-field radiative heat transfer between the silica microsphere and planar SiC surface as well as nanostructured SiC metasurface. This research aims to enhance the fundamental understandings of radiative heat transfer in the near-field which could lead to advances in microelectronics, optical data storage and thermal systems for energy conversion and thermal management. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Mechanical Engineering 2019
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DC-DC power converters with multiple outputsSabbarapu, Bharath Kumar 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This study presents a novel converter configuration that is related to the area DC-DC power converters. To begin with, a brief introduction is given by stating the importance of power electronics. Different types of converters, their operating principles and several new topologies that are being proposed over the years, to suit a particular application with specific advantages are listed in detail. In addition, pro- cedure for performing small signal analysis, which is one among the several averaging techniques is summarized in the first chapter. In the second chapter, small signal modeling is carried out on the single input dual output DC-DC buck converter. This analysis is performed to get a clear un- derstanding on the dynamics of this novel configuration. Routh stability criterion is also applied on this converter topology to determine the limiting conditions for operating the converter in its stability. Third chapter proposes the single input multiple output DC-DC synchronous buck converter. It’s operation, implementation and design are studied in detail. In further, small signal analysis is performed on this topology to determine the transfer function. In the following chapter, results obtained on comparison of a losses between the conventional and traditional topologies are presented in detail. In addition, results achieved during the analysis performed in the previous chapter are displayed. In the end, advantages and its highlights of this novel configuration proposed in this study is summarized. Future course of actions to be done, in bringing this configuration in to practice are discussed as well.
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